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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Sune was in and out of the medical bay in record time. Grabbing a standard medical kit and a PMS-1 scanner. He made his way into the armor bay to await. He monitored the Away Team status on his Uno Sunglasses. "Damn, we have multiple personnel with multiple amputations." he sword to himself.

Once the armor team was aboard, Hanako set course back towards the Veronica System and then left Blackberry at the helm so she could do down to Engineering and thank the techs there.

Medical Lab

Blueberry grabbed her tools from the bare-looking new medical lab and reported to the armor bay.
Kiko turned her MCAS down as far as it would go and helped the men with amputations into the armor bay to remove their armors and her own. Once they were all out, she brought them to the medical bay as quickly as she could, supporting as much of their weight as she could handle.
Junko sat at her station, monitoring the general systems display but keeping a particular eye on the fabrication queue. She had entered a decent number of hull patches of a considerably more robust nature than the ones she had used for damage control into the system, intending to use them to replace her patches in the port pylon and in other locations, such as the Cargo Bay. Of course, when the computer indicated the course change to Veronica she knew there was no longer any pressing need to complete all of that work herself, but she left the queue alone. The extra patches might be useful for any repairs in yard, and at the least it could augment their stores.

She turned toward Kumiko, guessing from her continued silence that she must still be quite busy. “Need any help, Endoh-Heisho?” she asked quietly. “It looks like we’re leaving the combat zone, so the pressure’s off somewhat.”
YSS Eucharis

Michael was alive. Michael was completely unarmed, with all of his limbs intact. Besides a few scrapes and burns, he had come back in one piece, albeit missing a few feathers. The same could be said for Kiko and Mikael... but not for the rest of the team.

And it was all Michael's fault. In an attempt to earn more Kleos, to defeat the enemy in honorable combat, he had delayed the away team's escape from the station in a way that, in order to ensure the survival of the entire team, multiple people had to amputate their own limbs, including Yaichiro, who was left with only his torso and head.

Staying silent, Michael swallowed the ashes in his mouth, ignoring them and the temptation to slice off his own wings and penance. Shedding his armor, he picked up both Takeyu and Yaichiro, hefting them and carrying them towards the medical bay, his face an emotionless mask.

When taken aboard, Helen let out a huffing sigh as she went about shedding her armor, it was a quick shimmy of sorts really, before she went about following the others to the medical bay as a uniform appeared upon her naked body, concealing it behind volumetrics as she caught up to the group, and eyed the wounded personnel, and Michael as well. It took a great sum of self control to keep her from beating a lesson into the Elysian over the wounds which her team had sustained due to his folly.

As she moved with the group, they ended up meeting Blueberry half-way. "Chui, over here." Helen called out as she spotted the neko, finding that it was almost looking at some sort of color swapped mirror... of course, that thought was defeated by the ears which Helen chose not to have incorporated into her default design. "Teleport amputations, radiation exposure, some minor concussion injuries, and Xaser wounds." Helen explained, pointing to individuals in the group, respective to each injury mentioned. "Need any help treating them?" She offered, she was qualified to do the work, if needed.
Sune watched in disbelief as Helen made take the injured crew members out of the armor bay past him.

"Klein-Shosa, Blueberry and myself are capable of treating the injured crew members. Perhaps your talents would be best use by reporting to the Taisa what intelligence was gathered about the station, who was operating it." Sune called out to her.

He walked over to Yaichiro, using one of the armor separator tools. As soon as the armor started to open he applied a PMS-1 data patch and injected Yai with the PMS-1 injector. "Kage-Chusa, I am going to get you into one of the hemosynth tubes as soon as we get you safely extracted from what is left of your armor and stop your bleeding." he said.

Once he had Yaichiro out of the armor Sune immediately started applying tourniquets and clotting agent. What the hell caused this kind of malfunction. he thought. With Yaichiro safely out of his armor and ready for transfer he turned to Kiko, "Kindly assist me in getting the Chusa to medical so I can continue his treatment there."

Meanwhile Blueberry crossed over to Takeyu and since his armor was less damaged was able to initiate the armor open sequence so that she could extricate the wounded soldier. She also performed the necessary steps to start getting internal data via the PMS-1. Once that was done she applied a tourniquet to each of his legs and administered clotting agent. She looked at the Elysian who seemed relatively unharmed. "Papadopoulos-Hei, help me get Nayacesen-Heisho to the medbay and I will tend to your injuries after getting him taken care of."
Takeyu watched curiously from his vantage point, a tiny amount of pain firing through his nerves from the lose of his legs. "Chui? Please keep an eye out," he said as he watched Blueberry start up the seperation sequence. "I took quite a beating back there, so there's no telling if any of the pieces might not seperate," he gave a concerned shrug of his shoulders.

He was feeling much lighter now that the armor was off, but he wasn't feeling any better about himself. Now that the mission was over and there was no weapons fire, he was giving what had gone on a good thinking over.

"Shosa? My apologies for my amateurish actions during the mission, I let my emotions take over," he simply sent to Helen.
Kumiko looked up at Junko, shaking her head. "So long as the Taisa doesn't see fit to fly us into anymore gunfire, I think we're fine." She tapped a few more commands into her computer before pausing, thinking of something else. "Sorry I didn't answer earlier by the way. One of the containment areas failed, and I was trying to keep it from spreading. I was a bit distracted, but I should've responded anyway."
"Alright, I will report to the Taisa." Helen spoke, and included a bow of her head... Sune was still the first officer, even if her rank was above his own, she still gave enough respect to give a sign of it to him. With the armor team accounted for, and receiving treatment, it seemed that Helen's obligation was done for the most part... but at the same time, it was still her team, and it made her uneasy to leave them, even if there were portions of incompetence, though, Takeyu's message did take some of the edge off of her view of the group. "I'll be back to check in on them after you get them settled in, I'll be needing a hemosynth bath soon as well, I had a hefty sum of radiation exposure back there, and I want to purge the damaged materials." Helen spoke before checking on Hanako's location, and heading to meet her in engineering.
Junko shook her head, turning in her seat. “It's no great matter. We both had our separate responsibilities, and as both are done I'd say everything went quite well. And as you said, we're hardly flying into more danger at the moment.”

She paused a moment, looking down at her own suited arm. She rose from her station, stepping back to gain some room while she began to strip the AMES off. Her uniform underneath was more than a little wrinkled, but that seemed a far trade for all of the crawling around she had been doing. Settling back into her seat and laying the AMES aside, she glanced back at her monitors.

“Still,” she said idly, “It's a little worrisome that we took so much damage in just the opening salvo.”
"U...Understood..." Yaichiro managed. For the second time in a row, Yaichiro left the Eucharis in a combat operation to come back with some form of critical injury. He'd lose limbs before though, so he knew more or less what to expect, and the injection was already helping.

While he was still in pain, his head was a little clearer now...and started to focus on what kind of report he would make to the Taisa regarding the mission. Depending on if he would be put under to recover, he might be delayed in writing and sending his report, however. Already thinking of the paperwork in his condition? If Yaichiro weren't so injured, he might have allowed a small smile of amusement escape his face at the thought.
As Sune prepared to lift Yaichiro, "Kage-San, do you wish to be conscious during your recooperation, or would you rather be sedated. It will not affect your recovery at this point." he inquired.
"I want to be conscious...I can compose and file my report faster that way." Yaichiro responded. He then issued a telepathic command to his Power Armor as well, that the contents of the last mission not be edited nor deleted by anyone under his rank...just in case.
Power Armor Bay?

Takeyu was feeling more relieved now than before, he would be at medical shortly and be on the path to recovery. As he waited for his turn, he sent a command to the armors internal computers to have all of the data backed up to his private folder on the ship. He also tagged the message from Micheal, the one with the Elysians concerns, as high priority which would result in the message not being deleted along with his reply.

The data from his drones he would use to paint a better picture of the inside of the station for future reference in the event they had to go up against a similiar looking station.

Of course, now he was dreading the after action report, even though he wasn't an officer, he would be some day and knew that writing these reports now would serve him in the future. Though his mind was a bit to muddled to write, so he would wait until he started the recovery process.
Power Armor Bay

Mikael knocked out from the resulting teleportation and anxiety, he woke up from his slump state on the floor. He looked at his arms and noticed dents where he had clinched his hands onto when he clung to Helen. He slowly got up from his position, assuming the others must have dragged his useless self to the position to here he was.

He slowly limped over to where his armor was located before and proceeded to carefully disembark from the suit slowly. With the medical diagnostic software knocked out, who knew what surprises were waiting for him.
Sune with Kiko's assistance was able to get Yaichiro to the medical bay without further incident. They placed the injured soldier on the first medical bed. Sune only glanced as Blueberry brought Takeyu in and put him on another bed.

Sune pulled up Yaichiro's medical records and programmed his biometric data into the Hemosynth tube, and set it restoration. He then cut off what was left of Yaichiro's uniform leaving only what was necessary for the officer's modesty.

Blueberry meanwhile was doing the same to Takeyu, she administered a pain suppressor, anti-infection to him. There was no reason to setup an IV as he would get all he needed once in the tube.

He asked Blueberry to help him load Yai into the first tube. Once placed in the tube, Sune fitted him with a breather mask. "You've been through this enough times to know what to expect sir." he said as he closed the tube and cycled the sytem.

He then walked over and helped Blueberry put Takeyu into second tube. She handed Takeyu a breather mask so that he could stay awake while his legs were repaired. Since she had tended to Takeyu, Sune let her initiate the cycle.

"Okay, who wants to be next."
Takeyu took in several breaths through the mask, the fluid that was enveloping his body would allow his legs to regenerate, and he could already feel it slowly working.

As he floated there in the fluid, his mind was already hard at work filling out the after action report. He was being honest with the report, detailing even his own concern with the 'kill all' order that Helen gave out, but mentioning that he was wrong in the end to be concerned since there were no non-combatants or civilians onboard.

Along with this, he also mentioned Micheals actions in vivid details, including attaching the Elysians message to his report and his subsequent attempt to stop the Elysian from committing mutiny. His report would also detail the Elysians actions thereafter, with him ignoring two direct orders from superior officers and from his squad. Though he does add that perhaps the reason Micheal charged onward was due to the Elysians belief that his power armor would be more than sufficient in allowing him to take down four enemy power armors, though Takeyu states that it's just a thoery.

Takeyu briefly closed his eyes, and sighed as bubbles appeared along the side of the mask and floated upward. "With everything that went on, Yaichiro never commented on me talking the Elysian down and stopping him from almost screwing himself over, did my message not reach him? Or did I not send it to him like I had intended?" Takeyu had the concern of appearance, he didn't want to risk the officer thinking that maybe he had agreed with the Elysian. Just in case, he had his response to Micheal forward to Yaichiro with the message:

I had intended for this message to be sent to you as well as Micheal for safety purposes, but I'm not entirely certain if you received it or not, so I'm sending you a copy of my response to Micheals concern and his attempt at possible mutiny.

After sending the message he closed his eyes again and got back to writing the report, he wasn't going to send it via encrypted telepathy or by message unless asked. He instead was going to send it while the Taisa was present. Though he realized when he took a look at it that was going to be a 'very' long read, he was putting a lot of details into it, more than one should put in, but he always enjoyed being thorough.
Yaichiro was composing his own report when Takeyu contacted him…Yaichiro stopped for a moment to respond…given that he was sending it now, it might have meant Takeyu was either concerned that Yaichiro agreed with Micheal’s actions, or that he was simply wanting Yaichiro’s thoughts for his own report. Either way, the officer decided to respond clearly, though he misunderstood Takeyu’s reason for sending the message.

I received it at the time, there was just no need for me to elaborate on it further.  You pretty much summed the whole thing up perfectly then.  There was simply nothing more for me to add that I hadn’t already told him.  I’d already tried talking him down privately just before he sent that message out to the team, and we were attacked shortly after that.  That doesn’t mean I agree with the way the Shosa conducted herself…but my report will include my impressions on that amply.

With that, Yaichiro made sure his Power Armor’s records were untampered with, and made sure they were copied to Charisma for Hanako’s review at her leisure…and began his own report...

Ketsurui Hanako-Taisa
CO, YSS Eucharis

Jalen Sune-Chui
XO, YSS Eucharis


I must start with the fact that the Shosa ordered us all to use “close quarters combat ordinance, engineering kit, and demolitions ordinance”, as this is quite relevant at the very end of the report. We were never told the scope of the mission before suiting up and therefore only a few of us thought to equip Teleportation Units independently. Our unknown objective was to disable or completely destroy the station, and I can speculate on the problems we would have had to excess, but I will address how events actually unfolded at the end of the report and maintain a chronological order.

When I contacted the Taisa in surprise at the action of entering the jamming station’s perimeter, it was not merely an unprofessional outburst of disagreement. The fact that she surprised me completely with her actions indicated to me my complete failure as an Advisor. I should not be a position where I am so completely surprised by the orders of the Taisa, and would have tried to aid in coming up with an alternative had I known her intentions.

When we deployed, I was uninformed and uncertain as to the scope of the mission and details, and even just how much authority the Shosa had by extension. When the first shots were fired by Micheal at the turrets aiming for the Eucharis, I worried that the actions of the station were within the bounds of self defense and that if the NMX weren’t in control, that we were conducting an attack on a sovereign nation against which we were not at war. Regardless, we proceeded inside via the hole made by a blown apart turret, and soon encountered Black Coat infantry forces waiting to attack, but had time to plan because we detected them by drones we had deployed.

In case it is not known; Black Coats are those loyal to the Tange clan in the UOC, and as of my information, are the most paranoid and are most likely to shoot first and ask questions later. Their paranoia and intelligence gathering make them an analogue to SAINT in their nation, at least as of the time I left when the UOC attained independence. After telling this to Klein-Shosa, she ordered us to deploy NSD drones for stun-level Scalar Pulses and not to hesitate to kill, while I and Nayacesen-Heisho were instructed to stay in the middle of the formation as essential personnel.

It was at this point which we came to the most morally questionable part of the mission, and the act with which Klein-Shosa lost Micheal’s respect and notably shook the faith of others in the group. We came to a group of crew cabins, and Helen fired into each one with her forearm weapons, sending her NSDs to supplement her efforts. She also ordered Inoue-Hei and Harris-Hei to inspect the rooms and kill anyone who survived her attack. Fortunately for my conscience, they seem to have found nothing, but I couldn’t help but feel that her actions in that regard were excessive. When I recommended she use an alternative course of action if that situation came up again, I was flatly ignored.

After that, there was chatter amongst the team regarding Klein-Shosa’s conduct, especially from Papadopoulos-Hei, who found her actions and conduct wholly criminal and amoral in his mind. I admit to being quite displeased with her conduct, though I attempted to remind him that we were in no position to stop mid-mission in a hostile situation and argue on the matter and that if wrongdoing was done, it would have to be addressed later. Papadopoulos-Hei was not satisfied and declared his intention to the team to solidly disobey Klien-Shosa and attempt to clarify the situation with the UOC so as to prevent war; and though the word “mutiny” was not used in this message, it would have been considered such if he acted upon it. Nayacesen-Heisho promptly quoted the Laws of the Yamatai Star Empire, section six, subsection eleven and gave an impressive and sound reply, given the situation. Papadopoulos-Hei, if he were to reply or act on his decision anyway, did not get the chance to reply before we were attacked by Mantus Power Armors, and Helen was not privy to the chatter.

The Power Armor team was fitted for light combat, and was not equipped optimally for Power Armor combat, so he were forced to use our Forearm Projectors and LASRs to fight while they used Antimatter Missiles. We attempted to use drones to fire scalar pulses and generally cause a further distraction, but Mantus units are well shielded against scalar weaponry. Papadopoulos-Hei went in and started attacking with his blade at melee range, and was ordered to withdraw by Klein-Shosa, Nayacesen-Hei, as well as multiple times by me. He obstructed our attacks initially, though he tried to lie down and allow our attacks to go through eventually. His wings unavoidably took damage, and though he dealt damage, it left the reat of the team unable to fight back with SLAGs or explosives for fear of striking him. Klein-Shosa was eventually forced to tell us to disregard him and fire without restraint. This still was not fully followed, however, and we were fortunate enough to find an evacuation hatch near us.

While Nayacesen-Hei informed Klein-Shosa and she was telling him why we shouldn’t use it, I was firing my LASR with one hand and setting Type 31 Explosives in place above the frame of the door with the other. Once communications were restored and we were ordered to withdraw, she changed her mind and we traveled through the hatch to withdraw, and I planned to detonate the hatch once we were clear and past a bend in the tunnel below…but Papadopoulos-Hei continued to refuse to disengage and Klein-Shosa ordered us to leave him behind and escape.

When the station was in the process of being destroyed, we had too much mass to teleport everyone due to the aforementioned lack of Teleportation Units to manage our total mass. Papadopoulos-Hei’s insubordination did not truly reflect on this, as if he had been fully obedient, that would not have changed the amount of mass we had to leave behind. If anything, I returned the mass to its original level when I disobeyed Klein-Shosa’s order to leave him behind by seizing control of his Power Armor with my rank and dragging him to my location for teleport when he wished to continue fighting the Mantus armors.

I willfully lost my limbs in evacuating Inoue-Hei and Papadopoulos-Hei, preventing either from injury, while Nayacesen-Heisho also lost his legs in the teleportation, preventing injury to Harris-Hei.

Recommendations and Possible Consequences:

The fact that I had to contribute remotely on the earlier discussion in the medical bay and the fact I was so surprised by our actions on the jamming station indicate that my current station in Engineering is not suitable for my role as an advisor, in that I cannot hear conversations unless she actively sends them to me. Either the station in Engineering will have to be modified to listen in on her discussions, I will have to be removed as Advisor in possible favor of Klien-Shosa(who seems to have taken up the defacto role already), or I will have to relocate my regular duty station to the Engineering console on the bridge. The current arrangement has proven ineffective, and I feel a degree of guilt for the way things have unfolded because of my failure in this role as a result.

I do not hold Micheal accountable for my loss of limbs as limbs would have been lost regardless of if he was fully compliant or not. I could have chosen to remove his limbs in the teleport instead, but chose to lose my own. The purpose of this is because though he is not truly at fault specifically for the teleportation incident, his actions complicated the matter, and he seems the type to be more receptive to a comrade being harmed than himself. I felt that if limbs had to be lost, I could provide that in a controlled and managed way, and have him reflect on his insubordinate actions before someone else was more seriously harmed on a future mission. While I do not hold him accountable, I admit to manipulating the situation in a controlled way that will hopefully make him reevaluate his priorities and make him a better soldier; should his notable insubordination itself not be sufficient to end his service.

Helen’s conduct may or may not be deemed criminal or outside the bounds of the authority which you granted her, and I certainly do not know where I stand in regard to commanding her when she holds said authority. Regardless, her actions were enough to cause serious moral concerns among the team she commanded, myself included. She seems to have lost respect in varying degrees among the team, and her actions are ill-suited to politically sensitive operations. Assuming she is not held accountable, I recommend that this be carefully considered when she is considered for commanding an operation.

While I do not feel that I am guilty of Crime 12 in Star Army Regulations for willfully losing my limbs due to the fact that I was shielding others from an otherwise unavoidable harm, and while I feel that disobeying Klein-Shosa’s orders in this instance was not merely prudent but required since would have been guilty of Crimes 5, 6, and 9 in the Star Army Regulations had I not disobeyed her order, the final decision does not rest with me.

Nayacesen-Heisho’s conduct and actions, in my opinion, both contributed in maintaining the team’s cohesion through to the mission’s conclusion and selflessly protected a subordinate from harm. I have been consistently pleased with his actions and performance since coming aboard, and feel that his actions exceed those of a soldier and may justify consideration for promotion to one of the Warrant Officer ranks.


Kage Yaichiro-Chusa
Engineer/Advisor, YSS Eucharis, NG-X1-408
Michael stood back as Takeyu and Yaichiro were treated. The Elysian personally blamed himself for their injuries, and knew that he would have to make up for it, and possibly leave the ship out of shame.
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