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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Yaichiro entered the room shortly after Takeyu, telepathically adding requests for the limbs of the Power Armors that he and Takeyu had lost on the mission to the standard list of resupply items for when the ship next docked.

The Chusa was familiar with the loss of muscle memory in his new limbs -- he walked a bit slower than normally, regaining it as he went, but he'd be back to normal before too long. For the moment, he would try to enjoy the dinner and unwind...
Sune left the medical bay and stopped at one of the bathing facilities to wash his face and hands. He then made a quick trip to his cabin, changed into a clean Type 30 Uniform. While putting on the accoutrements and his gear he checked his appearance in the mirror. He took a brush and straightened his hair. Once satisfied with his appearance he went to the Wardroom.

He took a few steps into the room, paused to survey the room. He took note of who was present, not so much as taking attendance, just wanting to fix them in his memory in a pleasant environment. Sune then walked over to the main table and took note of Hanako as she was preparing to cook.

"My apologies for being delayed Taisa, Papadopoulos-Hei finally consented to medical treatment." He said with a brief nod of his head, and stood behind a seat at the far end of the table.

Seeing his two amputee patients, "Kage-Chusa, Nayacesen-Heisho I took the liberty of sending a series of exercises to help you re-establish muscle memory with your restored limbs." he said.

Upon arriving, Helen was sure to deliver the customary bow to Hanako, before she looked about, seeing the crew members which were present. She was not entirely sure what to say at the moment, so she simply took a seat at the table, as her synthetic stomach growled quietly in anticipation for what was to come.

Junko looked up in alarm at Sune’s mention of “restored limbs.” From the damage control she’d performed she knew the mission hadn’t gone off without a hitch - far from it - but she hadn’t heard anything about how the Away Team had fared.

“Are you… are you both alright?” she asked tentatively of Yaichiro and Takeyu. Her own experience with traumatic amputation stood out starkly in her memory.
Medical Lab

Mikael just complied in silence as blueberry treated him. He mulled over where his next assignment might possibly be. As much as he liked being on the YSS Eucharis, it was burning him out. He needed to be on the ground and on the front lines. And only an infantry line unit was coming to mind. Or maybe a lesser known ship. Mikael just slightly shrugged and moved his head to the left when that popped in his mind.

"Arigatou, Jalen-Chui. I'll be sure to use them...and I will be fine, Takeda-Heisho. This is my third set of limbs and my fourth right arm. Insufficient teleportation power for our mass rather than anything violent this time though."

Yaichiro took a seat at the table, looking over a datapad while he waited. He hoped that the Taisa seriously considered his recommendation of Takeyu for promotion. He felt the soldier was fine material, helpful, and really stood out. The Chusa then stopped thinking about work for the moment, remembering that this wasn't the place, and waited for the meal. Were those onions? Score!

“Ah. Right. Of course,” replied Junko. She knew, personally, that limb replacement was no great impediment; it had been quite some time since there had been anything noticeably different about her legs. Still, the Chusa's response had raised as many questions in her mind as it had answered. After all, he was an engineer and she had a hard time seeing how someone trained as such could have been the subject of a mass-power ratio accident with a teleporter... Unless it was intentional, she wondered to herself.

She glanced down at the table as she commanded herself to cease such thoughts. It was dinner, they were all hungry, and she could always request a copy of the after action report later if nobody was willing to talk about it. She looked up again and smiled.

"Well, hopefully there will be no cause for anyone to be hurt on this next mission."

"My thanks Jalen-Chui, I'll use them, as I'll need them," Takeyu said with a slight nod of the head before he turned his attention to Junko. "This is actually my first time losing limbs, so it's... a bit of an experience to be honest," a nervous smile crept on his face as he walked over and took a seat at the table.

He then folded his arms over his chest in thought. "Still, I honestly do have to wonder about this next mission...." his voice trailed off as he began to think about it.

Junko made her best attempt at putting on a conspiratorial air as she leaned over toward Takeyu. “I thought so too, at first, after Sbuhfaba. You stop noticing pretty quickly.”

She broke off as Takeyu went quiet, a little worried by his pensivity. It was more puzzlement than a deeper tactical or strategic concern; she wondered again to herself how everyone else seemed to know more than she did, or at least know enough to have worries about which she couldn't even speculate.

“Is there something concerning you in particular?” she asked quietly. She didn't want to bother the Taisa at the moment, on the assumption that there would be a proper and full briefing later, when the entire crew had assembled.
Takeyu had his eyes closed for a moment as he thought about a few things; then gradually opened them and glanced up toward Junko.

"First contact scenarios are always a concern, though in my family, it usually involved a business or corporate contact. In this case, it involves a new race," he said casually before looking across the table. Then again... I am worried that this being a plausible diplomatic mission, our ship being in it's current state wouldn't do much for first impressions.

As he stared, he had to wonder where everyone was. Would've expected our infantrymen to be here by now.

The meal started with Lime serving everyone a small salad with ginger sauce and a small bowl of miso soup.

"Thank you, Sune," Hanako told her XO. She turned to Takeyu. "I should be alright."

Hanako started off by clanging a large meat fork and the spatula to the tune of the ship's song. After, she asked "Who is ready to eat?"

Next, she poured some vegetable oil on the hot plate and spread it around with the spatula before dumping the bowls of steamed rice, peas and carrots onto it. She then juggled a few eggs for a moment before letting them before grabbing the spatula and letting them crack themselves on it, resulting in four cracked eggs hanging on it and their contents now next to the rice pile.

"Not bad for my first try, no?" she joked as she tossed the empty shells into the air and caught them in her chef hat.

Further clanging followed as she scrambled the eggs and musically banged on a salt shaker. Soy sauce came next, and the eggs were mixed in.

The fried rice was now complete. Hanako began passing it out onto the waiting plates.

Next, she put mung bean sprouts, onions, and zucchini down onto the hot plate, and asked, "What meats do you want?"
Sune took his seat as Hanako started her enthusiastic display of culinary skill and entertainment. He was surprised that the Taisa had this skill, then wondered if this was something she had learned prior to commanding a starship.

He inhaled the fragrance of the fried rice and thanked her as she placed his share on a plate. He considered her request, "If we have shrimp or scallops I would like those. Otherwise a white meat will be fine for me, Ma'am" he replied to her meat request.
Yaichiro politely took his share of food, particularly hungry. He hadn't had a "home cooked meal" in a great while, even during his stay on Yamatai. It wasn't like he was married or had family to do such things, and he was adequately pleased by standard rations. Lacking a sense of taste or smell save for the strongest flavors or scents left one far less likely to seek out foods for pleasure.

"I like anything that's strong tasting or has a notable texture, so I think I will have shrimp, Taisa."
"Shrimp? I don't know, that seems a bit mild in regard to scent and texture." Helen spoke, looking to Yaichiro and offering an opinion. "Though, I'll let you sample some of mine for comparison." She spoke with a soft smile as she looked from Yaichiro to Hanako. "Ma'am, I'll take steak, please, beef if we have some." she asked as she looked upon the salad and soup, curious if the crew would wait for their Taisa-turned-cook. For the sake of good manners, she waited for one of her superiors to begin to eat first, before she would take to consuming the food served, even if her starving body disliked the notion.
"I'll have steak here ma'am," responded Takeyu as he gave the kind of steak some thought, but he had no preference so he simply added. "Doesn't matter what kind though," before glancing over at Yaichiro and Helen, he gave a soft smile before glancing up over his chair and looking back at the door.
Sune looked around and realized that there was a bit of a conundrum. Typically such meals everyone waited for the Taisa to start eating. But she was preparing the food, and if they waited, well the meal would be ruined. Sune picked up his chop sticks and started eating the rice Hanako had prepared for them with a nod to the others to start.

"Taisa, you remain a woman of surprising talents. This rice is excellent." he said.
With the go-ahead given by Sune, Helen started to consume her meal. She kept a polite pace, though, she was quite eager to get to the main course as she nibbled away at her rice. As she ate, something came to Helen's attention, Sune was right, Hanako was an excellent cook and it was made clear by the flavor, and the Taisa's showmanship at her craft. "Taisa, if you were not so well versed in command and technology operations, I would say you would do well in yellow panels, your culinary capacity is impressive."
On board a shuttle en route to the YSS Eucharis

A figure sat in the corner of a small shuttle, mostly minding his own business, staring out the window at the red Plumeria-Class that the shuttle was approaching and about to dock with. The man had short brown hair, bright blue eyes, a stern look about his face, and was wearing the Type 30 uniform which had been outdated several years back as well as a pair of Uno Sunglasses that had been given to him by a good friend some years ago. Even though he hadn't spoken to them the entire ride, he knew that the other two people on the shuttle were both just starting, Santo-Hei's, by the names of Nathaniel and Reika. The man's anxiousness began to show once the pilot announced that they would begin docking. The man began flipping a knife through his fingers, while the other hand tapped against his leg to the beat of some song which the other two probably wouldn't even recognize as the Eucharis theme song. As the ship was about to land the man hopped up and grabbed his bags, against the advice of the crew who told him that he should sit. As the shuttle touched down in the Eucharis' docking bay the man was out the shuttle before the landing ramp even had time to fully deploy.
YSS Veronica-7 Shuttle,
Shuttle bay of the YSS Eucharis

Reika peered through the port-side window beside her seat, situated near the front of the Veronica-7's passenger compartment. Through the transparent material she caught a glimpse of a smaller Kuma shuttle docked nearby and the Eucharis' logistic officers awaiting the completion of shuttles engine power-down sequence so that they could safely perform their duties- removing supplies from the shuttle or prepping it for its journey back to its home base.

The year-old NH-29 Nekovalkyrja certainly had an unusual appearance for one of her kind. She stood quite tall for a neko, at 1.7 meters in height and had a athletic, muscular build that was distinctly noticeable in her form hugging, black-paneled Type 31 Star Army working uniform. Her silken, cyan colored hair hung down to the small of her back, whilst her bright pink-violet eyes shone with life and interest in her surroundings. Her facial features were exquisitely beautiful, youthful, and with a distinctly Asian cast to them.

Turning away from the view-port, Reika noted the rapid departure of one of her two fellow passengers. Mentally reviewing her memory of the crew roster she found she couldn't readily recall the stern-faced man's identity. His apparent anxiousness as they had approached the Eucharis, humming to himself and playing with his knife had managed to draw Reika's attention and awakened her curiosity. Perhaps the copy of the ship roster she had read was merely out-of-date; she would check again later.

The other remaining passenger- besides herself- she knew was named Nathaniel Kygra. The elysian was an angelic figure with powerfully-built wings. She guessed his age at somewhere in the mid-twenties, and the dark-haired, blue eyed man seemed fairly tall and athletic looking for an elysian of the caelisolan variety.

Reika's attention centered on her duffel bag which contained the majority of her gear; the larger and more bulky equipment like her and Kygra's assigned power armor and their weapons would doubtless be removed and stored in the adjacent bay by the ships logistics personnel. She picked up the bag, slipping the long strap over her shoulder as she stepped down the ramp and into the Eucharis' shuttle bay. Reika recalled from memory the general layout of the Plumeria-class; the shuttle bay was located aft within the ships third deck. First she would have to locate the commanding officer, Ketsurui Hanako-taisa, and then report for duty. Reika crossed the narrow confines of the shuttle bay and into the armor bay before querying the ships upgraded MEGAMI computer system.

"Excuse me... Charisma was it? Could you please tell me Ketsurui-taisa's location and status so I might properly report for duty." Reika spoke aloud, addressing the practically omnipresent computer system of the Eucharis. Charisma's reply was issued only moments later.

"Hanako-taisa is presently having dinner in the upper level of the wardroom, Tachihara-santô hei. Welcome aboard."

"Thank you." Reika sincerely replied. She headed deeper into the bowels of the ship until she reached the vertical Zero-G passageway that lead her up to deck one and the wardroom. Reika briefly recalled before entering that due to the small size of the Eucharis the wardroom was the shared dining area of both officers and enlisted crew. Reika entered the room and slowly made her way up to the upper level, carefully observing her surroundings and matching the faces of the crew members she saw against her memory of records that she had previously read before reaching the Eucharis.

Taisa Hanako thanked Sune and Helen and then stacked the rings of one of the onions into a cone shape, poured in alcohol, and lit it, causing a jet of fire to shoot up into the air from the onion volcano, followed by a plume of steam.

The new crew members arrived just in time to catch a glimpse of it. "Take a seat," Hanako told them. "Welcome back, Ramiro, and welcome aboard, Tachihara-Hei."

Once the volcano stopped steaming, Hanako sliced it up and mixed it and the other onions in with the bean sprouts and zucchini and served the hot vegetables, followed by the shrimps and scallops to everyone that had requested them. She had made more than enough for everyone.

The steak and chicken continued to sizzle on the griddle.
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