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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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"Its just since I have been aboard the Eucharis, we have lost a number of crew members. And Valencia-San was my first friend on the ship, and I know he liked you so I just wondered if he had written to you since he left." Sune replied.

Sune activated the mental backup for Takeyu, as it ran he looked around the Medbay. While it was a bit crowded, it was nice that all of the people present were healthy. A rare enough event on the Eucharis since Sune had come on board.

It did not take long for Takeyu's backup to take place since he like Sune kept his up to date. So when the unit signaled its completion, he entered the commands to have it secured in the soul pod.
"I don't have to be your friend if you do not want me to be, Endoh-Ittô Heisho," Kiko said calmly, managing to keep he face blank. Bizarrely, she thought she was being reassuring.
Kumiko waved her hand at Kiko dismissively. "Kiko-san, you know we're already friends. And I'd be glad to be your friend, Michael-san." She paused, a confused expression on her face. "Wait. Sune-sama, did you say he liked me?"
"You have to excuse Kiko, Kumiko. She has a habit of putting herself down when people show any kind of affection towards her." Michael grinned, his hand ruffling the stoic Neko's hair again.

"She's really just a great big softy at heart. Hell, knowing her, she'd actually like a hug from you right about now."
Kiko turned a shade pinker, but otherwise her face didn't change. "Do you make a habit of sharing all of your friends' private information, Michael-hei?" she asked quietly.

Sune looked at Kumiko, "Yes, Valencia-San expressed that he liked you, and hoped to get to spend some time with you off duty. Perhaps even on shore leave." Sune closed the cabinet and opened a drawer to start putting medical tools in. "Obviously his new assignment must have him very busy, that is the only reason I can think of that he has not contacted any of his friends." He said.

"Well, as all of your backups are complete I suggest you report to your action stations, or at least to the wardroom. So that any others who require their backups can come down."
"Huh. He never said anything to me, or I probably would have said something to him." Kumiko nodded her thanks to Sune, and made her way to the door. "I'll talk to you about the dinner plan later, Kiko-san. Me and Takeyu need to get back to work."
YSS Eucharis, Medbay

Michael was still grinning, though it was a fraction smaller now. Patting Kiko on the back, he nodded to Kumiko and Takayu. "We should get back to the armor bay as well, Kiko. It would probably be smarter to already be suited up if an emergency arises."

Takeyu sat up and shook his head; more so at Micheal giving out details that probably aren't a good idea, at least in his own mind anyway. He then slid off the bed and fixed his uniform a bit before heading over to the door. "Yea, we should, can't have us techs be idle after all," he winked.

He didn't say anything else from that point on; his mind wandering right back to the task at hand: making certain everything on the ship ran as it should.
Medical Lab

Hanako went down to the medical lab to get her mental backup done.

"Hello everyone," she smiled as she entered. "I figured I should want for this to finish before we depart. I was thinking...maybe when we get to Lor we should, with their permission, invite their leadership over. It would be a no-weapons affair for both sides. I think it would be good to meet them face to face and for you all to be able to meet some of their people too. I know the Lorath and Yamatai have a rocky past but some time has passed and a new threat has emerged...perhaps they will be willing to come to the table now. We might even be able to buy some of their exceptional medical supplies. What do you think?"
Kiko nodded to Michael and started to agree with him, but was interrupted by needing to bow low to Hanako when she entered. She listened to her idea intently, scenarios of assassination running through her mind. "I would like to volunteer as your bodyguard for that meeting, Taisa," she said formally.

Takeyu stepped aside and gave Hanako some distance, as he listened to the conversation, he decided to get involved. When he heard Kiko's offer, he couldn't help but partly smile, the girl was a soldier so it made sense for her to offer that.

She looked over at Kumiko, then had to ask. "Ma'am, any idea what state the Lorath are in considering how rampent the NMX appear to be?"
Helen was left abruptly alone upon the bridge as Hanako blatantly strolled off while the intelligence officer offered her services. A huff left her lips as she was apparently left in charge of the bridge, while everyone else had their medical bay get-together. She was glad at that point, that she had taken the time to make her most-recent-copy back in port. She was not about to leave her 'soul' copy in the custody of a ship's MEGAMI which had the high possibility of being shot down in a front-line encounter.

As Helen sat by, she listened in on the conversation which took place in the med bay, listening through the ship's MEGAMI, only to produce the will and action of placing her palm upon her face as a sign of disgust at the proposed notion of asking the Lorath royalty aboard. It was the single worst idea that Hanako could have ever had. Considering Yamatai's track record with Lorath guests, and the Matriarchy's distinctive dislike of the Taisa... it was just disaster waiting to happen. At that point, Helen was certain of one thing, she was going to end up in another shuttle in the near future, running from another Lorath pursuit ship, after another failed mission, and since she was the expert on the Matriarchy aboard the ship, the blame would likely fall on her, that was her pessimism talking of course.

Were Yaichiro aware of Hanako's suggestion, he would have been quick to advise his strong dislike of the idea. He didn't like the fact they were the ones being sent on this mission to begin with. The Eucharis was quite possibly the ship with the worst track record possible in dealing with the Lorath.

The Shosa, the criminal and likely spy they'd saved from the Lorath ship, was in their crew in a SAINT uniform...and that alone could condemn any discussions even if the Eucharis lacked a bad track record.

Unaware of Hanako's idea, but having a general discomfort with what they were assigned to do, Yaichiro simply kept an eye on things and optimized what replaced components he could from where he was.
Sune took a moment to let the others speak, then gave a louder voice to his concerns that he had spoken to Hanako privately on the bridge.

"With all due respect Taisa, I believe it is a terrible idea.

The axiom 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' is not true. 'The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.'

Our most recent encounter with the Lorath show that you are still one of the most villainous people to them. The fact that we just snatched a known spy from their grasp will not have gone unnoticed.

So the moment the Eucharis enters the space around their home system. We become a target of opportunity.

Any evidence we try to present about an NMX threat will be treated with scorn and contempt. They have no reason to trust us. I sincerely doubt that they would even consider the idea of meeting aboard our ship. The counter proposal of a delegation with you in it is in my opinion an unacceptable risk.

But if this is the command of the Empress, then as a loyal soldier I will obey."
Michael cleared his throat as Jalen finished, intending to offer his viewpoint. The Elysian was just infantry, sure, but he wasn't stupid, and he didn't have a death-wish either. He had enough knowledge of interstellar events and politics to know that the Lorath hated Hanako more than Elysians hate Yui.

And she wanted to appear in their home and invite their royalty over for tea.

"I apologize for my language and tone in advance, but che cosa la scopata è voi che pensate, Taisa? I've honestly heard some bad ideas before, but ciò è il dio più difettoso maledetto idea I've heard. Seriamente, che cosa state pensando?!" Michael was obviously angry now, having slipped from Yamataian back into his native Seraphim.

"Se volete ottenerti ucciso, quello è benissimo con me! Ma don' la t ottiene più gente uccisa con i vostri errori!" Michael turned, glaring at Kiko, angry and hurt at her disregard for her own life.

"E voi! So che la vostra lealtà all'impero è forte, ma ottenersi ucciso come questo sta andando soltanto fare l'impero assomigliare agli idioti scopanti!" The Elysian stomped towards the Neko, pointing a finger accusingly at her.

"Particolarmente quando avete così tanto vivere per! Che cosa, Kiko, avete dimenticato che Kumiko ed io stanno osservando in avanti a quella data? O voi pensano così il livello basso a non solo voi stessi, ma lei, me e tutta la gente che è i vostri amici su questa nave? "
Junko looked up at her console as a small chime indicated the completion of another diagnostic run.

“Still nothing, sir. Unless I'm looking in the wrong places, I've only cosmetic items to add for fabrication,” she said, glancing over at the Chusa. “I mean, there are some repair items we could stand to have a backstock of, but there are no priority items for the queue.”

She sat back again, glancing curiously toward the main hatch out to the zero-g passageway. I wonder what's taking them so long? she thought to herself. Hopefully nothing's gone wrong with the back-ups. What exactly could go wrong with a back-up was beyond her, but the very hypothetical made her shudder. Turning back to her work, she hoped her colleagues would return soon to allay her fears.

Though Takeyu couldn’t understand what Micheal was saying, he knew the soldier was basically yelling at the Taisa and that was something he just couldn’t stand, not only because he was yelling at a superior officer but also because he was yelling at a princess.”Kumiko?” he glanced at her briefly before taking several steps toward what he felt was an irate Nitô Hei.

"Stand down Nitô Hei!" Takeyu's voice boomed and full of authority, despite the Taisa and Shosa being here, he had to get involved, his rank compelling him to though he did know that his rank didn’t mean he had any authority over those below him, all he knew was that he had to step up. He stepped between Kiko and Micheal and his hand hovered dangerously close to his pistol, ready to use it in the event Micheal tried anything stupid. His own angered expression glaring straight at Micheal, he spoke with a venom laced tone, "I don't know what you just said, but you are speaking to a fellow crewmember with your voice raised AND in the presence of Ketsurui Hanako Taisa, you will treat her with respect, you hear me?" His eyes further narrowed dangerously at Micheal's.
Kumiko caught Takeyu's look and moved up with him, staying closer to Kiko though. Regardless of how stupid she thought this idea was, there were certain places you didn't go, and yelling at your commanding officer and a fellow soldier at once was one of them. Her hand wasn't quite as close to her pistol as Takeyu's, but she'd been through more then enough at this point to know better then to assume the best. She put her hand on Takeyu's shoulder to let him know she was there, though it may have looked like she was holding him back.
"Please escort Michael to his cabin where he can regain his senses, which he has clearly lost," Hanako ordered. She had already ran Michael's rant through Charisma's translators. "I can see now why you never rose in rank," she said to the disrespectful Elysian.
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