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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 14.3] Aftermath

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The next morning, the sun rose over the frozen terrain outside Kyoto where thousands of burnt-out tanks, fallen power armor, and lifeless Nekovalkyrja bodies lay covered in a sheet of ice from the cold, rainy night before. Chunks of derelict starships and orbital structures lay strewn about the surface in craters. It was quiet and calm, save for a few military trucks and shuttles making their way around to retrieve survivors.

On the vast flat concrete of the Kyoto spaceport sat the battered YSS Eucharis, which was already being stripped of its damaged parts by technicians in red jumpsuits and tall cranes. A pair of large turbo aether plasma engines sat nearby on flatbed trucks.

Onboard the ship, Shosho Hanako was fleshly bathed and at the bridge's center console with the phone in her hand. She dialed the intercom. "This is the captain speaking. A ceremony will take place today at 1100. The uniform is Service Dress Black Coats. In the meantime, I need all fallen personnel respawned and for everyone else to get a mental backup and physical from the ship's doctor. I also need a volunteer to cook breakfast for the crew. Helen Klein and Jalen Sune please report to the bridge. Shosho out."
Sune was checking out the Eucharis, making his way through the battered warship. His first stop had been his cabin, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the pressure seals had held and that his possessions were intact.

After surveying the damage he was checking the damage to the wardroom it was while he was there that he received Hanako's summon.

He made his way to the bridge. He opened the door and listened to the noises it made as it moved. Lots of work to be done, he thought.

He entered the bridge and walked over to Hanako. "Reporting as ordered, Shôshô." he said with a bow, his eyes briefly surveying the damage to the bridge.
Akemi attempted to wake earlier than the others and quickly went about preparing herself for the day. She had already finished bathing, combing her hair and dressing by the time the captain had made her announcement. She changed out of her bodysuit and into her 30A duty uniform. Then she briskly walked to the medical center. There she waited at the entrance until she caught Hakujou's attention and subsequently bowed and greeted her. "Good morning ma'am."
Rising from a comfortable sleep, Helen greeted the day with a yawn as she awoke in a bunk room in the Kyoto starport. Due to the damage which the Eucharis had sustained, there was no desire to sleep there. Though, she also knew, that was where she needed to be. A shower, a ration package, and trip to the quartermaster for a uniform later, Helen had made her way to the Eucharis. As she stepped onto the ship, she received Hanako's message, which prompted her to make her way to the bridge, shortly behind Sune.

Once on the bridge, Helen looked to the pair of officers, stepping to them before delivering her own bow. "Good morning Shosho." Helen said, as she wore a smile upon her lips, and even her eyes spoke of good spirits. She looked forward to the rest of the day, she expected there would be plenty of work for her to do in her official capacity as an intelligence officer. Work that went beyond being thrown into a situation fit for infantry.

Takeyu stood just within the bay, looking over the work that the KFY techs were doing, he wanted to get involved - it was after all the ship he served on.

He was monitoring the work closely, however, and hadn't gotten much of any sleep after he had returned to the Eucharis along with the rest of his fellow crewmen - all to worried about the state of the ship and how much damage she had received after they had splashed down.

Glancing over one techs work, he gave a weary smile before walking over to the reactor and letting out a sigh, then headed to where the capacitors were. He hadn't liked what he had seen after he had returned, most of the capacitors had been fried during the battle, some were cracked along their sides and wouldn't be able to hold a charge - while two were completely magnetized.

Though when he looked further in, he saw that the fusion reactors had also been replaced, he hadn't realized they needed it or perhaps KFY was just being thorough and replacing them as a safety precaution due to how damaged the Eucharis had gotten in the previous battle.

He was happy that the repair report showed that those would be replaced and already he saw that two had been, shiny new and never before used fresh from the factory he assumed. Giving a nod of approval, he left engineering for the portside engines, or rather what was left of the engines after what zombie Pineapple had done to them. When he arrived, he saw that some techs had already cleared the damage components and shattered hull pieces and were already in the process of repairing it. He saw the space where the engine would go and knelt down just beyond the opening to inspect it, the edges were smooth, and the area was perfectly rounded out - exactly what he expected from KFY. "Good good," he muttered to himself and glanced over at the power feed and connection lines that would run into the engine once it was put into place.

Taking a look outside and onto the hull, he saw that some of the ships turrets had also been replaced, though he also noticed that a few damaged ones still hadn't been tended to. They looked like a complete mess; one turret was completely sheered down the center, while another had both barrels blown open. He did notice a tech nearby, apparently getting ready to take care of the turret.

Next he checked on the CFS system, to see how that was coming along. He knew that the system had been almost destroyed in the battle, thanks in large part to the engines being destroyed in the process. He saw techs also working on those, and inspected their work with a curious and sensible eye. He stayed out of the way though, watching just from a distance, before heading back toward engineering.

"I really should consider drawing up plans for armoring up those engines, to prevent such a case as what the Zombie did to them. Honestly, a power armor really shouldn't have a straight shot into the engines from the armor bay," he spoke curiously as he walked. "Then again, trying to armor up those engines, or even place a sheet of armor between them and the bay, may actually hamper performance."

He stopped short of engineering and inspected a maintenance tunnel, and noticed a gaggle of power tables strewn about the floor - he could hear someone inside working, and decided not to disturb them and continued onward to engineering but as he approached he heard Hanako's call and gave a weary smile in return and diverted to his quarters.

Outside the Infirmary

When he arrived, he quickly wiped his hands and then changed into his dress blacks; he looked into a mirror - before leaving for the infirmary and arriving just after Akemi.
Ramiro was awoken by a chime from his comm. He groaned as he rolled over and looked at the message and then at the time. 0930. Damn. With a quick roll he landed butt-first on the ground where he laid for a few seconds before getting up and grabbing his shower supplies. After nice, long, hot shower he returned to his room.

0950...Son of a bitch. He quickly changed into his dress blacks before quickly stretching, making many cracking noises in the process, and then headed off to the medical center. As he walked he surveyed the damage done to the ship. Scars, scratches, and dents were visible left and right. He did, however, notice that a cleaning crew had come through and removed all of the garbage and debris littering the floor of the ship. He smiled as he patted one of the walls of the ship, At least you're still here.

When Ramiro arrived at the medical center he got into the already-formed line. Noticing those in front of him, he struck up some simple conversation.

"Hey Takeyu. How's the day going? I bet you're on edge with all the techs running around, eh?"

"Sune, we will have having a ceremony at 1100 in order to provide promotions to the crew. I have an idea of who will be getting promoted but I was also wondering what your recommendations are as First Officer and I would also like your recommendations on medals," Hanako told Jalen. "After our ceremony we may also be able to attend the ceremony for the Miharu crew. I believe Taisho Yui will be there."

Hanako's golden eyes looked to Helen. "Now that we have the YSS Miharu's complete records, we need to review them for useful intelligence on the Mishhuvurthyar, so if you are going to stay around, I will need you to start giving reports on that as you are able to review them. Specifically I need actionable intelligence on what we can use for future missions."
Akemi turned around to face Ramiro and Takeyu and bowed to them as she had to the medical officer. "Good morning sirs."
Outside Infirmary

"You're right about that," responded Takeyu to Ramiro's comment. "I'd rather to be helping them with repairs, but the best I can do right now is just oversee the work and make sure everything goes as planned," he sighed to himself before hearing what Akemi said.

He looked the soldier over curiously, recalling what he had seen her do during the last battle and smiled. "Morning Akemi-hei," he gave her a nod of the head afterwards, then turned toward Ramiro.

A mischivious grin appeared on his face. "So, how's your stomach doing anyway?" he asked, in relation to when Ramiro had vomited over the ship's side.

"Shosho, thank you for this task." Helen spoke, as her assumptions were confirmed, there was much work for her to do that day. "As for staying around, I'll likely remain so long as there is no where else where I am needed, or ordered to be. There is still the SAINT chain of command which must be accounted for in regard to their expectations and desires for my long-term assignment." Helen explained, after all, she could not speak for the director of SAINT, nor could Hanako even with her rank of Shosho she still did not quite measure up.

"About my task of reviewing the Miharu's mission, I would like to request that I would be allowed to interview an officer from their ship, to assist in obtaining a clearer picture of just what went on. Veterans like you or I both know that a mission log does not quite capture everything that is to be said of just what went on." Requested the SAINT officer, as she mulled over the task at hand, then a feeling of disappointment came about as she realized something, the Miharu review was going to deprive her of the opportunity to gather intelligence from the NMX POWs.
Medical Lab

"Much better now that I'm not plummeting uncontrollably into the Yamataian atmosphere," Ramiro responded with a smile. "And good morning to you Hei. I see the doc got you all fixed up. No more holes from your encounter with Pineapple? As terrible as it is, I must say that she did have impeccable aim."
Medical Lab

Akemi returned Takeyu's smile as he addressed her. When he turned back her face resumed a serious expression. She did not mind Ramiro praising the skill of her attacker and continued to speak in a formal tone. "Yes, I am much better now sir. It of course does not matter, but I would like to clarify that I was actually exclusively shot by a Mishhuvurthyar that was lying in wait and guarding her while she was getting into a power armor." Akemi paused for a moment. "Would either of you like to go ahead of me? Also, although you both might have other things you would much rather do, I was wondering if either of you would be volunteering to prepare breakfast. If so, I would gladly help. I would volunteer, but I have no culinary experience and I do not know what is preferred by the crew."
Medical Lab

The doors to the medical bay slid open to show Hakujou, wearing her dress blacks under a standard Lab coat, a stethoscope draped around her neck.

"Ok, who's on first?" She asked as she turned on her heel and walked back in. "Answer: No one. All three of you in."

"I will get to work on it immediately Shôshô. I should have my recommendations ready for you in time for you to review and consider." Sune said answering Hanako. He then went to one of the functioning terminals and started reviewing the crew roster and service records of each member.
Medical Lab

"Well that's much faster than I'm used to," came Ramiro's response. He quickly made his way into the room and stepped off to the side so that he wouldn't be blocking the doorway. "So where do you want us doc?"

Sune completed his review of the crew records, and took into account the performance of each soldier during the last two missions. He then added his recommendations to the file. Once he completed the last one, he sent the data packet to Hanako.

"Ma'am, I have completed my recommendations; I have sent them to you for review. I am going to head down to the medical bay per your orders and update my mental backup as well as have my medical packet updated." he said turning from his station.

He stood up and gave a slight bow towards Hanako, even though it was not required, it was just his way. He turned and walked off the bridge, and listened to the door groan close behind him.

After navigating through the corridors bypassing damaged areas and work teams, Sune found himself at the entrance to the medbay. As was expected there was a line. But he took satisfaction in the fact that the crew members present were mainly here for routine procedures. No copious amounts of blood were splashed across the floor or medical beds.

Need to make sure we submit a requisition for a full supply on the medical bay. he thought to himself.
Akemi stepped inside the lab and also moved away from the doorway. When she heard Sune approach she turned to greet him with a bow as she had the others. "Good morning sir."
"Good morning Koga-Hei." He said returning her bow with a much shallower one. "I trust you have recovered from yesterday. You accorded yourself very well for having been with us such a short amount of time, and the situation we found ourselves in."
"Thank you very much sir. I have indeed recovered. I am glad I have been able to meet your expectations so far." Akemi was quite pleased by Sune's praise.
Medical Lab

"I would help you, but I have no idea how to cook properly," Takeyu smiled sheepishly.

He stepped in and then aside, he was mauling over yesterdays actions when he saw Sune enter and gave the man a bow. "Good day Taii," he said respectfully, then raised his head and continued to think.

The last engagement they had very few modules to use, checking his logs, he found a note he had created awhile back to put in a request to have their modules restored fully for the next confrontation.

"She responded quickly to a changing situation, got to the Shosho's side before any of us did," he winked at her, but then he glanced over at the bulkhead.

He had sent in a request a few hours ago for a status on his sister, but hadn't gotten anything back. Assumingly, he felt it was due to the battle that had gone on, and the civilians were still in shelters and bunkers while the military combed the city for NMX stragglers. Then again, he also felt that perhaps she just hadn't yet responded, which was his hope.
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