Star Army

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 16: Sosei Suru

Location 1

"Understood, Chui." said Klaus, falling into position. Kneeling down and raising his sub gun, while also deploying his shoulder mounted machine gun, the soldier was ready to suppress any hostile that could endanger the group.

As he concentrated on his work, he fell back to an old habit of his, from back when he was in basic training: repeating the mantra of his grandfather.

"I am steel, sharp and strong. I am steel, without thought or emotion. I am steel and I shall cut." he said softly, almost like a prayer. A prayer for strength.
Location 1

Elenor nodded, formed up on Alastair. Giving one final check on her weapon as she prepared to sweep in. As they moved forward, she kept her focus on her sector. Alastair would focus forward, she'd focus on the right flank. As they moved to the tank itself though, Elenor considered something. "Sir, we got any explosives on hand?" She asked, glancing to Alastair as she asked, thinking of setting up a trap to be sure that the tank would be disabled effectively. Sure, they could just cut the power, but she was thinking of adding an explosive surprise as well. Ensure that whatever happened, it'd take a lot of time to get it back up and running, or at the very least, make those assigned to the repair to be careful and slow about it. Was it honorable? No, but Elenor wasn't much concerned with honorable. She was focused on succeeded in the mission and making it harder for the enemy to restart this program of theirs.
Location 1

Wyatt stood back and provided overwatch while the others worked on the tank, somewhat embarrassed by his apparent misstep that came with something as simple as removing and replacing a faceplate but it did seem to be foreign technology so that gave the Minkan some leeway - though if it was some newer and more efficient kind of circuit then getting readouts on it before the tech was thrown at them would be invaluable, which is why he reached into his buttpack and procured Eden's drone from a little while back, commanding it to perform a few scans of the console and grab any info it could harvest from the shorted-out thing.

Intelligence gathering was part of his new duds after all.
Location 1

Saya had been quiet and careful for most of the operation so far. She had stayed close to the others, yet out of the way of the combatants towards the back. She could feel the moment Wyatt's gaze had passed over her, but they were out in the field and she had to pay attention. As they formed up near the first tank, Saya just kept her eyes and sensors on the area around them in an attempt at keeping an eye on their surroundings to make sure nothing snuck up on them. She was of no use here, nothing really to do for her as she was no tech expert. For the moment she was simply content with being a watching eye for the squad, ready to alert them to anything that might pop up.
Location 1

Alastair and the team moved into position down by the tank of goo. This seemed far too easy and expected there to be some guards or something moving around. Granted they were not on any kind of alert, at least not yet. In order to buy them time he was going to fashion a arcing trap on the end of the plug. Alastair had been reading up on new ways to set traps since the team had been going on more missions that make use of stealth.

He wasted no time when he got to the tank to locate the plug that connected power to it. He analyzed it for a moment before reaching into the Mindy's pack to pull out a flexible wire. "Alright team, when I pull the plug get moving. Head to Eden's location. If my gut is right when I pull the plug an alarm might sound to indicate something is wrong with the tank. Leave it to me to ensure plugging it back in does not go to plan.

Once the plug was pulled Alastair would wrap wire around the power connectors at the base. He would then partly insert the plug back into the socket. It would take them some time to figure out the plug is the cause for the tank. Once they chuckle and push it back in the results arc flash will ensure a strong explosion.
Location 1

Three pretty awkward looking aliens had hobbled slowly towards an area where they could watch the goings on near the tank, but the area wasn't very accessible to them given the raised platform the tank was on and its surrounding fixtures. The aliens were quiet and the only movement visible from them were from the long leafy protrusions on their eyebrow areas, that moved and quivered slightly as they watched the team work, then zoom away. Eden had trained her forearm on the aliens, but hadn't made any orders to shoot, nor was doing so herself. When the tank was unplugged, the aliens began waving their arms, which had draping and folds as if made of long cloth, but seemed to be a part of their bodies. No words came from them and Eden watched with a sharp concentration. The blueish green color of the liquid in the tank immediately turned dingy and drab while the bubbling ceased immediately.

A few seconds after Alastair and his group moved away from the tank, an alien much like those onlookers came out from behind a curtained section of the stage area the tank was on and bent towards the plug. The onlookers had begun waving their arms more frantically, but the other alien was steadfast in his work and only looked up to them after he had plugged in the socket, a millisecond before sparks began flying out of the plug, followed by a cloud of grey smoke, which was then immediately followed by a bright explosion that knocked the alien backwards. Black smoke emanated from the plug and Eden spoke quickly, noting no alarms had been sounded and that the alien was clutching their slightly burnt front parts, alone by the tank.

"Let's get a medic and a cornflower down there," she said as she lowered her forearm. She looked to the panel and Wyatt, then spoke to Hoshi quickly before reinstating speech to her team, "Not a clean sweep, but close. Move out to Location 2, there's more to be done." She switched comms as she backtracked along the bridges and catwalks and down the stairs with her team.

"Apparently old dogs can learn new tricks," Eden said to Alastair in private comms, "just remember the cost of some tricks next time, Chui. Your plan necessitated injury to a civilian. Avoid that."

She was soon out of the building and jogging to Location 1 in stealth. She noticed the fake sky above was showing a bright sunny day. A few clouds wafted lazily about as she popped up a visual of the medic and infantry member meant to protect them while they worked, as well as a few other team members, on her HUD. The second location was an odd, pillow-shaped building made of dark metal panels that was about 100 by 50 meters. Its entrance was a large series of steps up to a large circular opening. There were a great deal of figures entering or waiting to enter the cushiony construct of a building that looked like Lorr-folk to Eden's eyes. The blob-like architecture was topped with a few cylindrical, jutting extremities on its top that Eden could see from the ground a distance away. She hopped into the air and quickly flew to gain a vantage point.

"We'll get an advantage of height again by going through those openings. They seem to be like porthole skylights, so we'll have to stealth when we enter in case we become visible to those inside. Those closest to my location, form a breach team like we did for Location 1," Eden said, finishing just as she sidled next to the porthole window nearest her position and looked in the window quickly, "It's clear. Breach."

YSS Kaiyō II

"Chusa Taiyou to Away Team 2, immediate deployment is on the schedule for your team. You will be needing to cut into the hull near Location 1, due to your armors' sizes and Away Team 1 being unable to secure the timed opening of shuttle bay doors on the station. Safe journeys."
Sacre nodded, considering which of the medics would be the best to send. There was a part of her that wanted to do it herself. However, she had a team for a reason, she couldn't do everything herself. "Saya, you want to grab that?" Sacre asked on the medics channel as she kept to the rear of the formation as it moved to the next breach point.
"You requested infantry, ma'am, but I can accompany the medic if you need me to - be it Saya or any other," Wyatt made his stance on the situation known before catching the data-filled NSB and shoving it back into his buttpack, a pang of regret that his actions had such a nonsensical outcome but it was some unknown form of circuitry and at least they now knew to not dare touch anything beyond the faceplate for fear of shorting the system in some way that didn't quite make sense to the operative yet.

Though that was why he had grabbed scans of it, to pour over afterwards and possibly reverse engineer for their own usage depending on what came of it, surely such a volatile system had some upside besides being so sensitive that the smallest change could fry it, though maybe that was intended as some kind of anti-tamper system and there was a specific tool anybody performing maintenance on it on any kind of regular schedule might use to avoid this outcome.

His brain was going 50 miles an hour in three different directions but was brought back to the present with a shake of his head.

"Up to you, ma'am."
Location 2

As Eden waited for the breach team to gather and enter, Eden spoke, "Perfect, Alder-heisho, have Fujiwara-hei's back as she attends to the civilian. Fujuwara-hei, it would be best if you use your own face here, to provide the victim with emotional support, but you should still disguise your armor in some way. Be fluid and reactive to their needs, though, as you always are. The rest of you, let's get Location 2 underway!"
"I'm on it ma'am." Says said in reply to both Eden and Sacre at the same time. She went up and over the railing and used her gravity manipulation rather than her CFS to control her descent, and as she got to a spot where she could without being spotted before she dropped her stealth systems and adopted a disguise using the Mindy's photonics array.

She made herself look like she wore a simple AMES suit with the head opened so she could be seen. She gave the injured a small smile if they were awake and went to work.

"I'm here to help you ok? Just lay still and try to relax." Regardless of whether or not they understood her, Saya began to work. She grabbed her medical scanner and checked them over for anything internally serious or wrong before she pulled out a saline bag and ripped a hole in it to wash the burns before she applied the cream and liquid bandage to close them up. She would move on to the more serious injuries when her scanner told her if there were any.
Location 2

Elenor was soon readying herself to breach. They had made the climb with relative quiet thanks to most being able to the subtle gravity manipulation they had. Elenor was set up on the same 'porthole' as Eden, and as the order was given, Elenor pressed a hand against the surface of the porthole, letting the material rotate on hidden hinges in it's center. "Entering." She reported over the comms, and eased her way in, finding herself on a fairly narrow, but thick, beam of what looked like wood, thought it didn't have the same give. Keeping her eyes moving between the beam, the catwalk ahead of her, and the space below, which at this point was a mostly empty, but quickly filling, religious structure. This was definitely one of the few times she was glad to have her tail to help her with her balance as she eased her way forward.
Location 1

The few onlookers near the tank's raised stage were growing in small numbers until there were half a dozen watching the proceedings. The nanomachines in the medical scanner showed that the most serious injury that the victim received was a shock; they was going into cardiac arrest. What the nanomachines had found, as well, was that the patient had a baker's dozen hearts the size of Saya's pinky fingernail all working in conjunction, or they should be, as one had shut down while the nanomachines were there, while two others were already non-functioning.

Location 2

Eden cocked her head to the side to indicate that others follow Elenor's lead.
Location 2

Kiyo made one final look towards the tank and then the being Saya was looking over, since she wasn’t able to help with either of those two concerns, she turned herself around, and began moving out to follow Elenor, remaining entirely silent since she wasn’t sure she had anything to add to the conversation happening.

Location 2 she thought she wondered what she will find here, she found herself in the same situation as Elenor, and so she sent a caution to their teammates who were following them, she didn’t want them to fall. Kiyo carefully moved, using her tail to balance herself as she moved on forward following Elenor silently and not so deadly.
Location 1

Saya blinked at her readout from the medical scanner and shook it to see if there was malfunction. "Reh?" She said into her comms channel to Wyatt before she quickly went to work. A breathing mask was brought out and placed over the alien's face for a moment and left aside as she reached back into her medical kit. She produced the defibrillator after a second and with quick movements opened the top of the alien's clothing to expose the flesh underneath. Using the gel that came with it to smear on the contact points, Saya placed them on opposite sides of the body, one up by the right shoulder and the other on the lower left side of his ribs.

Worried for the size of the hearts, Saya turned the voltage down on the defibrillator to a lower setting before she activated the unit to try and shock the hearts back into working condition. She watched her medical scanner to see if there was any change in the hearts and quickly went to the breathing mask to try and force air into the lungs and get them working again by squeezing the bladder in a smooth rhythm.
Station interior - en-route to location 2

At the very back of the pack, Abart took on the vital job of covering the group's rear, to ward of curious onlookers and preserve their main escape route. With weaponry a tad too heavy for a spy mission and the snaketail's handy aility of turning 360 on the spot, he was in essence a bit walki-... slithering turret. Shield also helps. Another perk of holding the rear guard was not having to worry about hindering his comrades with the beefy tail, poking out several meters behind him. With the relatively tight corridors in these buildings, he needed all the space he could get, and it made the large empty area behind his disguise less obvious.

As his attention was more focused on the rear, he didn't get to see much of the goings on with the tank, untill the explosion that sent the exotic examiner flying caught his and everyone else's attention. At lightning speed his face and weapons snapped to where the blast was coming from, only to find the mess that Belmont had made indirectly... "The heck...."

He shrugged it off as the order to move on came through. "Hai!" Two of their numbers stayed behind to tend for the injured civvie. Under normal circumstances, having a single cornflower to guard one position would be quite inadequate, but given the low-profile nature of this mission, it was probably better to not stand out...

"Moving up."


YSS Kaiyo II - Bridge

"Wha...? Well, you know.... It'd be bad if people start shooting at us, right? ...would make it more difficult for the teams to do their business, as the whole station would be put on alert...." Right now Nerai was slightly blusing in embarassment as well,. Her attempt at encouraging Chlo-chan and acting more like a mom backfired with this little miscommunication. Parenthood was not going to be that simple it seems.... "Nevermind..... j-just keep a close eye on any possible baddies, okay?"

Slumping in her chair slightly, the little tip of her tail waggled erratically in flustered frustration, reddish face partially obscured by her olive green locks.
Location 1
Wyatt followed Saya's plan and likewise threw a volumetric projection of the type 28 environmental suit without its mostly blank helmet, it was an alien species he himself wasn't too familiar with but no doubt a face was universally more welcoming than the cold and unfeeling facade of polymers... maybe unless you were a freespacer.

Though she hadn't requested his help, so the Operative stayed out of her way and continued running security for the Medic, head on a swivel as sectors and angles were scanned - she was such a gentle soul, Wyatt didn't think he could forgive himself for being even the tiniest bit responsible for any injuries to her that came as a risk with their line of work, so you can be damn well certain he was being attentive to their surroundings.
Kaiyo II PA Bay

William monitored the first away team as they breached and searched the first location. He watched in a small window in the corner of his vision as he, Rei, and Princess Aiko awaited the order to deploy.

So when he recieved said orders he looked back to the two women. "I'll take point." He said, turning towards the doors. His Air 2's thrusters flared. "William, launching!" He reported as his armor shot out into the void, and towards the station.

His fusion lance was out and ready. He was gonna have to cut through the hull for the 3 of them to make it inside. "Enroute to target."
Location 1

The aliens seemed more distressed than ever when Wyatt's face passed over them for the first time, but stayed where they were and didn't make any signs of hostility or anger while their re-trained their eyes from Wyatt to Saya and her patient. Before the nanomachines could report success, the aliens watching the proceedings between Saya and the victim made muffled, gurgling sounds while their leafy brows wiggled and their arms raised and waved slightly. The joy emanating from them was palpable and a short moment after they had acted in this way, the nanomachines sent to scan the patient reported steady beats from all hearts within the patient and that they should be regaining consciousness soon. The excitement could be felt as the aliens turned to one another, acting in a way understandable by many as they hugged one another. The alien under Saya opened their eyes and looked at rest momentarily before blinking. Their leafy brows furrowed and waggled about as they saw Saya's face, then they began to push their head up as the bushy ends of their torso's appendages felt about and encountered their own exposed torso.

Location 2

Eden looked in on the crew member's visuals as she herself waiting for a time to enter. The location had several hundred long rows of seats. Those closest to the door were not being filled at all while those far from the door, near a raised staging area separated from the seats by a half circle of, what appeared to be on closer inspection, dirt inlaid into the border of the raised platform. Eden looked beyond the dirt to see that the controls were on the stage in this place of worship. They had panels a little bit like the last, but were set up on what could be likened to a musical organ.

"It looks like the panel we are looking for is at the back of the stage, but still in view of everyone seated and congregating. If only we had picked an off day to come. Regardless, stealth yourselves with the environment around your Mindy and let's go in. Those that are not inside of location 2, yet, take point above to protect the team going down to the panel.

YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi looked at the Separa'Shan and spoke ecstatically, "That's it, Nerai! It would be bad...!"

Power Armor Bay

Rei was suited and watched Wiliam go, staying silent herself, then looked to the princess' armor, waiting.

"Ikimasu," Rei said only.
Location 1

It was a tense few moments that Saya felt until she saw the readout from her scanner and the alien move. She let out a sigh of relief as the volumetric image of her face mimicked the look of her real face and she relaxed a little with a smile. As the alien tried to get up, she just shook her head and placed a gentle hand on his chest to keep him down before she mimed for him to rest. She put her hands together and leaned them against the side of her head like she was sleeping, then pointed to the alien before her. Afterward, she looked over to the other injured aliens to see if anyone needed help. She would make sure everyone was ok before she sent a message to Eden to update her on the situation.
Location 2

She heard the words of her leader through her helmet, then once she finished speaking, only a single word was spoken to her. “Understood” was her response as she moved forward towards her target. She began to disappear as she used her Personal Mindy’s stealth capability to hide her amongst the environment. Admittedly, she was worried and concerned about having to fight and possibly kill, worried that she’ll fail that Eden and Hoshi would be ashamed of her, even more, her sister would be ashamed of her until, nothing her emotions disappeared as she sort of allowed her battle mode to activate it kept her calm as she moved on forward towards her target, confident she can do her job without causing problems.