Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission 17: Reikoku


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
YSS Kaiyō II

"How in this universe!?" Hoshi shouted as she moved from her ready room onto the bridge, speaking to the only Nekovalkyrja there - Deio Asuka. She had been in her ready room with paperwork and then asleep for a few hours. The dinner the night before had followed a briefing about the Nekovalkyrja body that had been made in one of the ship's hemosynth tanks that was filled with false data to be ejected towards Kuvexian intelligence gatherers and allow for the Kaiyō's safe passage into important Kuvexian strongholds in the coming weeks through intentional deception. The crunch of the chicken katsu was softened by the ponzu sauce, marinated lettuce, and sticky rice below it.

Even now, two crew were using their time wisely by dressing in the frilly and over the top fashion of some Kyoto districts on Yamatai- though Gravity was not practicing her singing like Elenor was as either did so separately in their own rooms. High above the rest of the crew, Nora was up later than allowed, a habit not appreciated but not regulated by the ship's upper command staff. She was speaking kindly, with a soft and cooing voice, to the plants she had been bequeathed during Year End. Chlorate herself had just taken a bowl of previously frozen peas, carrots, and mustard out of the microwave in the galley. Finding the box of bolts exactly where she had left it on the galley's work table, the AI commenced finalization of her concoction by dumping a majority of the bolts into the bowl.

"Only the imaging array was able to pick them up, Captain!" Asuka shouted back, within the bridge, voice shrill as she prepared mentally for the intensity of combat.

Hoshi's Type 35 volumetrics hadn't yet fully formed over her pink skin before she sat down in the captain's seat and began reviewing data and sent out the first of several volleys from the anti-mech cannons at the approaching hive of objects. She punched out a heavy aether cone, able to spread its 30° of pinkish white damage and death to many of the ships in the area, large and small.

"Condition One, Boss!"

When Hoshi made the order, Boss alerted crew ship-wide that they were on the alert situation in which every crewmember was to report to their duty stations. Those that would normally be on the away team were meant to suit up in Mindy and deploy while those on the bridge should move towards the bridge. Blast shutters: closed.

"We have SMD, WARMS, what went wrong?" Hoshi asked Asuka as the sensor operator held her gaze at her console, even while speaking.

"We will have to ask that later, they're on us!"

Hoshi had noticed. Both the top and bottom of the hull had been pricked onto by shuttle-sized breach pods.

"Shields, Boss?" Hoshi snapped while still utilizing weapons.

The MEGAMI responded, "Hull and airlock were damaged beyond containment. I am only guessing, but some form of artificial gravity rerouted CFS."

Hoshi was about to ask to create compensation within the CFS but saw the data for herself. It was like the CFS had been opened temporarily for weapons fire along the two tears in the hull. The Chusa saw the first of the boarders enter through MEGAMI's internal sensors. A wild mix of gold Kuvexian armor and gangling Rixxikor with limited armor that allowed them to drip their bodily fluids throughout the first hallways they were entering from the long gone safety of the starboard airlock on Deck 2 and from their access point in the hallway outside of the power armor bay.

The captain checked the surrounding mess of enemy ships and breaching shuttles. She sent out a final blow with the main weapon array and a few shots to pick off the smaller shuttles while making the decision.

"We won't hold shields if they aren't working, divert CFS to propulsion, Boss." Hoshi said, "Destination unknown."

"Aye," the MEGAMI responded as she moved on to piloting the ship.

Hoshi quickly sent a message to those of her crew that could receive it telepathically as well as the same information over ship comms, "This is your captain speaking. Our ship has been breached significantly. Ensuing communications will be sent to your handheld communicators and telepathically." Ensuing communications came though in just such a way. "The breach occured in two locations: deck two and deck five. Crew on two and above, protect areas forward of the dojo as an organized unit immediately. Zero gravity passageways are shut off deck by deck and most doorways have been sealed with blast shutters that will open for authorized personnel." She allowed those crew compatible with the MEGAMI system to see into internal sensors.

"The power armor bay has been cut off by the boarders. Those below deck 2, maintain the integrity of the ship's central assets! Use of communicators and alternative means of communication are advised. I will limit my communication on these frequencies. Kaiyō actual out." By the time her statement had finished over comms, the ship was hurtling at some of its fastest speeds as Hoshi had already begun delving into figuring out the technology being used on the shielding of the CFS. She saw the changes in the boarders actions as they posted up around the cargo bay, and began working on the force field of the power armor bay doors with some kind of energy saw, leaving the blast shutters to the wardroom alone for the time being.

On the second deck, they had already posted Rixxikor and Kuvexian guards at the stairwell while working at the joining corner between the life support room and MEGAMI's own area, though MEGAMI's room was fortified with armored walls all around itself.
Wulf was in the vr room enjoying some light training. Thankfully being able to run another program as it seemed the room was occupied by some one else of the crew. Not wishing to interrupt he went through his normal training routine. As he trained in the evening the ship was rocked by several explosions, cursing out-loud "What the hell is going on?"Having originally hoping to enjoy the evening with some easy training he had suited up in his type 31 uniform with some protective gear. The relaxing night of training it looks like was going to be replaced by a grave misfortune As he began to move towards the exit of the vr room he donned his helmet, leaving the other occupuate alone while he investigated.

As he moved from the safety of the VR room he heard the ships captain speak over the comms. Speaking out loud but softly " Boarders eh?", his stance switched to being slightly hunched and his NSP 33 drawn he began to slowly sweep side to side the corridor. Stopping at the edge of the corner he listened to the his shrouding. Even with the thunder of the ships guns he could make out the distinct sound of what could only be power armor up ahead. Slight dread filled his head as he knew he was outgunned and outnumbered.

Knowing he might be the only one armed between him and the Monitoring room he quietly moved to hug the stern end of the wall. Moving slowly with purpose he got to the corner before taking a quick glance to try to spot the door to the life support room which he knew would be a main target.

As he looked around the corner he already spotted the hostiles. Quickly scanning the targets he he saw at least one power armored hostile with 3 light infantry. Seeing this might be his only chance to engage the power armor on equal footing he knelled before firing a 3 round burst into the center mass of the target. Not risking to confirm if the hostile was he down he quickly ducked behind the safety of the wall he spoke into his helmet comms "This is Wulf, I've engaged hostiles on deck 2 requesting backup".

As he heard the return fire coming back his way he quickly added "And please bring some ordnance"
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YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Unlikely unknown to the majority of the crew of the Kaiyo II, Mikael often liked to spend a portion of his sleep cycle within the power armor thinking. Not too long mind you, the man still needed to get his sleep. But he always felt he was still infantry first, SAINT when he needed to be, and Nepleslian at the core. So he felt at peace being surrounded by all the racked power armor.

He was just about to exit the location to get some sleep when he heard the familiar sound of the weapons discharging. He looked around bit confused before he tapped in mentally with what systems he had access too. Before he could put it all together, Hoshi's voice in his head gave him all the information that he needed.

"Boss, alert the captain of my current location. I am suiting up." Mikael said mentally as he started to back away from the blast doors hear, hearing the intruders trying to cut their way in. He turned and made his way to his Mindy as quietly as he could with speed.

He took no time to do anything extra than the minimums to get suited. There were guests that needed to be greeted soon.
YSS Kaiyo II
VIP Suite

William was asleep in his bed, resting after another day of training and working on his cybernetics. As his mind was off dreaming, the ship under him shook violently. He was thrown from his bed and onto the floor with a crash.

He jolted awake and quickly got to his feet as the ship shook again and he stumbled to his closet. He quickly threw on his jacket and holsters.

"Mom, what is happening?" He asked Rei through his mindware. As soon as he sent the message he received the transmisson from the captain. Instinctively katana blades slid from his forearms and locked into place. "Damn... ruin my sleep, threaten the ship..." his teeth were gritted in annoyance.

He activated his active camouflage and moved into the hall, ready to great whatever 'visitors' stumbbled upon his path.
YSS Kaiyo II
VIP Suite to Deck 2

Her ears picked up the slicing sound as her weapon, her handheld weapon of her Mindy sliced through another hologram. Its glowing blade hummed and whoooed as she swung it ending the life of another holographic opponent. She had taken her Aether blaster saber rifle with her because she was doing some maintenance that required her to test it and she decided to take I into the VR chamber with her to test it on a multitude of enemies, each with various levels. Once she was satisfied, she decided she wanted to have fun, so she left every opponent at level 1, and began her attack once more, using an overpowered weapon.

That’s when she heard Hoshi speaking, and the simulation deactivated, the armor she had been wearing merely holograms so that disappeared too, but not her weapon. “Whoever they are, they better not touch my Mindy” she muttered as she left the VR chamber, and encountering Wulf.

She lifted her weapon ready to attack and aid him when he took the shot at the Power armored opponent and moved I while the guy was distracted by the attack to take a swipe at him with her Saber setting of the Aether blaster saber rifle. “This is Kiyomori, affirmative on the extra ordinates” She sent through telepathy to her crew.
YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 2
Crew Cabins

Sutahira lay in his bed, the tablet illuminating his face. His fingers tapped away as he drafted a message back to Yamatai and once that was done he connected his headphones and began listening to music, beginning to nod off. Unfortunately the Captain’s voice sounded, which resulted in Sutahira opening his eyes and ripping off the headphones. He now heard the weapons discharge from down the hall. The medic’s feet hit the floor as he sprang from the bed, throwing on his uniform. Once on he clipped his holster which contained his NSP.

“Okay I’m armed, but I have no medical supplies. The medbay is a couple decks below us and if the Captain’s right, it’s cut off right now. Time to go old school.” He said quietly to himself, grabbing some fresh undershirts and a couple extra belts, along with clean socks and even some rags, shoving them into a duffel which he slung over his shoulder. He drew his NSP and switched off the safety, heading out of the cabin.

Once he exited the cabin he saw Wulf and Kiyomori engaging enemies down the hall. His footfalls could be heard as he approached the two, visually inspecting each of them for any injuries. No blood from either of them that he noticed at first glance. Good. “What’s the situation down here?” He asked, not daring to peak his head out for a quick look-see with the return fire slamming into the wall near them.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 4
Crew Cabin Six

Elenor still wasn't entirely sure how Saya had convinced her to wear the dress. It was something call 'Lolita' fashion according to the medic. Elenor supposed she could see why it would be fashionable, it certainly required a fair bit of work to make it work, but she still thought she looked silly wearing the outfit, even as she was moving slightly side to side while signing. "Elskandi týndist, fjölskylda rifin. Hátíðleg eldsvoða, alin upp til að vekja blundandi himinn. Eldur í augum þínum, eldur í hjörtum þínum, stálinn eins og þú hljómar í stríðshornum. Samt veit kostnaðinn, í gegnum hverjir munu syrgja. Þegar ljós er slökkt. Að annar gæti brennt bjartari. Látum ekki geisla réttlætisins blindast. Treystu á náðina og hún mun leiðbeina." Elenor was singing, eyes closed. She wasn't 100% sure on teh origin of the song, it'd been one that'd circulated around her homeworld for a long while. Not only that, while she wasn't fluent in the language it was sung in, she knew it well enough to sing the song. Some cited as a the origin of some of the words in the Yamatain language, but Elenor had little faith in that.

But, not matter her musing, the Condition One alert going out promptly made her drop what she was doing, running entirely on instinct, go to her locker, open it, pull out her NSP and the one battery charge she kept with it, loaded the weapon, and put on the belt and holster. The image was quite the amusing one, her in this large poofy, frilly dress with lots of ribbons and tassels hanging all over with a military simple belt and pistol holster on her hip. As the pistol gave a fully charge beep she flicked the weapon off safe and pressed against the wall next to the cabin door. 'BOSS, requesting camera feed access on fastest route from Crew Cabin Six to Armory. Need to know if there are any hostiles on the way there.' Elenor mentally sent, not even thinking about just how impractical her outfit was for combat, since she had a job and that was to get to her plate carrier and actual weapons.

(Lyrics, as I used google translate [English to Icelandic, being a close relative to Old Norse] for this, and I know it can get... iffy: "A lover lost, a family torn. A solemn pyre, raised to rouse the slumbering heaven. Fire in your eyes, fire in your hearts, Steeled as you sound the horns of war. Yet know the cost, through who shall mourn. When light is quenched. That another might burn brighter. Let not the rays of justice blind. E'er trust in grace and she shall guide." - Courtesy of Final Fantasy XIV's Stormblood Theme Song, Revolutions, by Square Enix.)
Kaiyo II
Deck 4
Cabin 6

Saya had just about nodded off to sleep, the VR headset over her face spread out in her bed in her pajamas which had consisted of cute little versions of her A&N characters dressed in their armor. She had been playing a game before bed and listening to Elenor sing which she had come to enjoy more and more lately even if she didn't know what she said, but as the alarms sounded out and Hoshi's words rung over the speakers and in her head, Saya was up in the bed and wide-eyed in fear. Her heart thumped in her chest as she ripped the headset off her face and looked around, only to spot Elenor dart out of the room. She quickly scooped up her NSP and held it in her hands as she followed her fellow crewmate out of the room quickly enough.

"I-I'm with you Elenor!" She said, the hesitation easy to hear in her voice. Her hands shook as she had painful flashbacks of the Mishhu and just what they could do, but did her best to calm herself.

"They can't phase... They can't phase... They can't phase...." It was a small mantra she kept on repeat as she followed Elenor and stayed a few steps behind her to give the woman to move if she needed to. Her eyes scanned everywhere to give her a full view of the corridor to stop anything from getting to close or getting the jump on them.

"Armory then Armor bay?" Saya asked the woman in front of her, the nervousness still apparent in her voice.
YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 4
Team Lolita

"Oh, son of a bitch!" Gravity hissed angrily to herself as she strapped on a pistol belt over a frilly dress that was identical to Elenor's, a secret the tiger girl would kill to protect. The pilot then took in a deep breath, and gave Vera a pat. The fighting knife hung from a necklace and rested on her breasts beneath her collar. It was a gift from her love, who through some bureaucratic fuck-up had been stolen away.

"Fucking Kuvexians! Fuck!"

Gravity racked her NSP and snarled. Someone was gonna die tonight, and it wouldn't be her!

"Starlight, let's go boy. Stay quiet and only burn people mama tells you to."


Dear god, this was so fucked. Was Kiyo okay? Chlo? Saya?

Was she the only one left?!

"Fucking shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Gravity crept from her cabin with her pistol at low ready, and a small robo dragon following at her heels, when she saw Saya and Elenor. Relief washed over her like a wave, and she continued forward.

'Friendly on your six. Nice dress, Elenor.' Hissed the pilot telepathically at both Saya and Elenor, completely forgetting that she hadn't taken off her own guilty little secret. Her striped tail began swishing with pent-up agression and anticipation.
YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 4
Crew Cabin Six

Klaus was enjoying one of his few true pleasures since joining the military, reading the latest fantasy book. In a stroke of luck, Elenor was practicing her singing at the same time, so he had a live soundtrack for his reading. She even sang in a language strikingly similar to the ancestral Ralt language, insuring that he could understand the lyrics. But the quiet evening became a nightmare.

Alarms rang out. Hoshi's voice called out ´Condition One´. Condition One was the most critical of alert conditions in a Star Army ship. But it held a special significance to infantry. Klaus remembered his days in training, of what one of his instructors had said.

'Your ship, your home has been invaded. Your fellow soldiers, your family his endangered. There's only one true response to this great sin. Armor up! Find the invading bastards, and KILL'EM DEAD!!!!!'

Through all this reminiscing of training days, Klaus didn't notice equipping himself after Elenor, putting on his belt with his NSP and katanas. Seeing Saya distraught over the situation, he tried to calm her nerves. "It's alright Saya. You're not alone here, we got you."

Telepathically letting Elenor know he'd hold the rear, Klaus followed behind making sure to cover his comrades. It was because of said, position that he was the first one to see Gravity... in a frilly lolita dress? Seeing the thrill seeking tomboyish woman dressed in that nearly made the Raltian lose his composure, but he steeled himself. He was glad. It was another comrade checked for. The Kuvexians hadn't gotten her.

"Gravity, good to see you." responded Klaus telepathically, lowering his NSP.
YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 4
Crew Cabin 5

Hildr was stretched out on her bed clad only in a tank top and her underwear, eyes quickly scanning over the pages of a book, the cover of which was wrapped in white paper for privacy. The lurid contents within could only be assumed based on the light flush that colored the red-haired neko's cheeks as she ravenously devoured the contents. "Oh, Mayumi..." she whispered after finishing a section, closing her eyes and squeezing the book to her chest lightly, rocking side-to-side with a barely concealed squeal. She was thankful that this crew cabin had been unoccupied when she claimed it; all the better to indulge in her love of romance novels in peace. She really needed to express her thanks to the captain sometime for this bounty.

The all-hands alarm and the captain's orders brought Hildr out of her reading repose in a nanosecond, the fur on her ears and tail standing on end as she bounded clear of the bed, frantically shoving herself into her work uniform and grabbing her NSP. A fierce snarl came over her face as she scooted to the door, keying it to manual opening and poking her pistol out to scan the hallway outside.

Seeing others fighting back against the boarders, Hildr pushed out into the hallway and crouched low, moving to back up Saya, Eleanor, and Klaus. She kept her pistol up and eyes wide, scanning the corridors for hostiles.
YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 4

Officer Cabin Two

Alastair jumped from his bed knocking two nekos to the floor. He was enjoying a short nap before his next shift when the call for condition one reached him. His eyes glared at down at the two now awake nekos who looked up at him. One with eyes soft as a puppy and the other one with eyes filled with desire. He raised his hand and was about to scold them for sneaking into his quarters. Just as the first word was about to escape his lips the reports started to come in from around the ship. His eyes narrowed as he looked to his wrist communicator. He got as far as the first mention of Kuvexian. "Those filthy bugs dare board my ship!! If anyone is doing any boarding it is going to be me!!" He could not help but smile slightly as the two nekos stood. They both had grins knowing damn well that was not what he meant. "I will punish you both later, for now we have work to do." He said as he walked over to his warchest.

With a strong kick the lid popped open. Inside lay a perfectly folded piece of cloth. He reached down and pulled it out of the chest. With a flick of the wrist it fluttered open revealing a purple cape with a large golden dragon on the back. The crest of the Belmonts was in full view. He quickly put it on and let it drape to the floor. He looked to the mirror beside him to admire the view. His chiseled bare upper body looked good in just the cape he thought to himself. His grin returned as he reached down into the chest and pulled out a very fancy Star Army Officer Sword, Type 40. This was in addition to his side arm and cuffs he saved from the mission before.

"Cover my six, I shall lead the charge to the armor bay." He said to his unexpected bunk mates. While he was displeased how they got there, it was good to have some extra support. He opened the exit to his quarters slowly and took a look out in the hallway for any bad guys. His first task would be to meet up with crew on deck 4 to rally a charge.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 2
Crew Cabin 3

Kikios Leka perked up when she heard the alert. With a quick glance around the cabin she realized she was without her Mindy or the weapons from its loadout. She had to use her NSP, she picked it up and quickly proceeded to the door. Before opening it she stood next to the wall, quickly checking to see if there were weapons shooting by the door, and then she rushed out. Seeing Kiyomori, Wulf, and Sutahira, she ran over and joined them. She tried firing a few shots from around the wall in the general direction of the light infantry before asking "What's the plan?"

Deck 5

The robot "chef"'s metal hands clinked on the bowl of rather inedible food as she picked it up only to hear the alert. "Oh no!" she cried fearfully, her hair turning yellow, realizing she was on the same deck as the boarders. She quickly put the bowl back down and looked around the kitchen, fortunately finding that they hadn't reached the galley yet. She was still afraid, she knew the danger was close and she hadn't been in any real close quarters combat herself (Maybe aside from when she was escaping from Komorebi, which didn't count anyway) since she was normally on the bridge. She was separated from her weapons operator station, and as she wasn't expecting boarders, she had no weapons on her. She had to think of something. Looking at the counter and the drawers, Chlorate realized there were knives in the kitchen. The metallic maiden rapidly rushed over to them, her loud clanky feet were unfortunately not doing her any good in hiding her location from the boarders on the deck. Chlorate grabbed all the knives she could find from the drawers and the countertop, depositing them in a bowl to make them easy to carry around. Still standing in the kitchen, in one robotic hand she carried the bowl, while leaving the other hand free so she could use her makeshift weapons.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 2

Wulf and Sutahira would be able to see that Kiyo had affixed her saber against the Kuvexian armor to deal a blow before the gilded armor turned to deal out a retaliatory assault against her. Before an assault could be carried out against Kiyomori, Eden had come up the stairs and garnered the attention of those powered armors and Rixxikor alike. Her whereabouts were made known not by sight, as she had projected the stairway around her onto her skin, but by the onslaught of fire suppression foam that flung itself from an extinguisher onto the power armors. The foam clung to and expanded on the scorching aether generators of the power armors while impairing decision making through sheer surprise, allowing Eden to project solid volumetrics into Rixxikor victims and to work at depleting the shields of the armors after the extinguisher was no longer a feasible surprise tactic.

The Chusa relayed orders to those behind the VR Room, "Some of you, check the storage areas in the area while others cover your comrades from your positions or locations closer to the stern!" Wyatt was close behind Eden as the Chusa made room for him to work in close quarters combat around her while also using her type 4o body to combat the armors and Rixxikor at the top of the stairwell. Her reinforced frame meant she could take hits, but she still moved with any blows instead of towards them. She deflected the first volley of shot fired at her, but wasn't willing to test her body's shielding much more than necessary and took cover behind the visitor storage just near the action while saying to Wyatt and Kiyomori her plans.

"We can fall back to our crewmen's secondary position and the cargo lift, if necessary, but keeping them too occupied to keep up the onslaught against the walls to ship systems is imperative!" She spoke to the whole deck 2 then, "What have you found in the storage areas?"

Deck 4
VIP Suite

Rei responded, "Wakaranai! We seem to have boarders. Accessing our deck will be difficult for you. What's more, right now we are safe here so please, protect the ship with the crew on your deck." To express her concern and hopes, she added, "Odaiji ni nasatte kudasai, Musuko."

Crew Cabin Hallways

To Elenor and the rest of Team Lolita, Boss said, "Belmont-chui is on the other side of engineering on this deck and I am directing him to your location as well as filling him in on what I am about to tell you. The armor bay's standard access routes are cut off by power armor enemies." The MEGAMI had told them this while giving them the visuals Elenor had requested of Deck 5. "Despite that, one route of access stands out to me as viable. The cargo lift is still operating and the cargo bay one deck below you is protected by blast shutters from the boarders, does not seem to be a target to them, and shares a wall with the power armor bay."

Boss went on within the succinct and instantaneous telepathic message. "Harris-heisho is within the power armor bay at this time and should be able to utilize weaponry and equipment to create an opening for your team to move in through. Note that the systems on Deck 2 are being targeted by enemies at this time and are integral to the functioning of this ship. Harris-heisho has been notified of what I have told you and I have sent his direct telepathic link to your team on deck 4. That is all."

Deck 5

Mikael and Chlorate would both be able to note two different things happening. For Mikael, of note, was that the aether saw stopped its grating and pitched humming and visuals showed him the Kuvexians were either resting the equipment momentarily or failing at opening the blast door, which he could see had more than half its integrity, still.

Chlorate would note that the Rixxikor were poking around the blast doors to the wardroom as well as the cargo bay, likely bored and with nothing to do but drip secretions from between their legs while waddling about, waiting.
YSS Kaiyo II
Deck 4 Halls
Team Lolita

Saya's head turned back to Gravity and let her eyes widen slightly at the dress Gravity was in, but she smiled happily.

"Gravity! That dress is so cute! It almost looks like Elenors!" She responded telepathically, glad for the harrowing events that were going on around them that she could at least calm herself slightly through the odd site of the two women ready to fight, dressed in the outfits that screamed more cosplay than combat. The hand on her NSP steadied a little more as she continued to smile and turned her eyes back forward, ready for combat. Though as she heard Boss' voice her ears twitched a little and she looked to the others.

"So are we going to meet with Belmont-Chui at the lift? Or go to him to make sure we all get there safely?" She asked the others with her to see what their plans were. She wasn't the leader for combat as she had the least experience and desire for the position. She was mostly there to make sure if the others got hurt, it wasn't to bad.
"Affirmative Chusa, i'm moving to secure supplies".

Taking a glance at the ensuring close combat he hopes that everyone was going to be ok while he moved to the storage locker. Before moving though he sees both Sutahira and Kikios with him. Speaking to both "Alright i'll get some supplies though" gesturing to the starboard side of the ship "Flank around to make sure no more hostiles are that way to secure both sides of the ship".

Moving towards his objective he took a few careful shots at the enemy before entering the main corridor. As he confirmed he was beyond the combat area he started into a sprint as he cursed him self for not thinking of them sooner. As he listened to the fire fight in the distance he hoped that he could find the supplies needed to finish off the fire fight quickly. Holstering his pistol as he entered the storage room he began to look frantically for anything of use.

"Let's see we got knifes, more knifes, fresh uniforms" putting one knife in his scabbard he quickly scanned more boxs. Finding finally something worth while he exclaimed " Ah here we go". As he put down a few boxes on the ground he quickly started attaching items to his webbing. "Alright we got 4 flash bangs, 4 smoke grendies" before smiling to him self as he opened the last box " Shaped charges thought these would be in the armory". Quickly settling the charges on the floor he goes to work setting them up.

Though not a demolitions expert by any means he was fortunate training covered the basic setup for these charges. Placing the 4 on the ground he confirms the yield of each explosive, making sure for his intended goal with them won't be too intense of a blast. Taking 4 delayed detonators he makes sure to set each one to 5 seconds, giving him enough time to attach and pull away before they go off. With each detonator set, he careful inserts the timers to make sure each one was set.

As he gathered up each charge he started to head back towards the fire fight. Speaking into the unit comms "This is Wulf I have secured some supplies and moving back to the fight". As he ran back towards the fight his idea full clicked on how he was going to fight the power Armour. Though improvised and risky he was slightly looking forward to seeing how a shaped charge would do against power armour.
YSS Kaiyō II
Deck 2

Sutahira and Kiki’s appearance was noted but wasn’t visibly acknowledged as her focus went to the Kuvy in the power armor. That being before her was going to hurt her friends, her family, she was not about to let that happen. After she charged him, she was surprised to see her Saber mode weapon make contact with his shields which meant he wasn’t damaged. But then Eden appears with the save! She saw the foam cover the guy, and then saw what Eden was doing next, she knew her chance would come to finally take this guy and when it had, she stabbed him, using the heat and the energy to cut into the power armor, and eventually the fleshy bit inside.

She eventually removed the blade part and fell back as she joined Eden in blocking the attacks with her blade. The Cargo lift, she remembered something important about that, but what, what was it? Oh, she remembered it shared a wall with the Power armor bay! She grinned silently, she knew what to do next. She’ll get through, get into her Mindy and greet these guys on an equal footing.

She stepped back further as she did so she saw Wulf with charges it appeared she realized she could use those against the Power armored opponents as well. brilliant idea she thought before she decided against speaking to Wulf so he didn’t get distracted.

Ragnar had been busy secluding himself as of recently focusing on his studies, feeling pretty good about the progress he was making. He was in the middle of a small workout break; listening to some messages from his mother and wrapping up a set of pullups when he heard the call for condition one and the warning that there were boarders. Fed up with the war, aggravated at a recent transfer of someone he felt was a friend, and ready to vent some frustration; Ragnar dropped to his feet with a thud. He tossed his undershirt over his chest, irritating his new tattoo in the process, while slinging the sidearm belt over his old response jumpsuit he preferred wearing in his down time.

He drew his weapon and grabbed a 30k weight with his free hand, sliding into the hallway and began a thunderous march towards the nearest sounds of fighting. "Any injuries to be noted so far? Do you have medical kit or do we need to make a stop somewhere?" he asked Saya telepathically, hoping he could reach her as this wasn't his favorite form of communication. "Boss; is medbay secure and are there any routes to be taken there?" he asked through the communicator. The medic wasn't about the have some wretches destroy the ship he got tattooed on his chest without a hell of a fight.
Deck 4

As William stepped into the hall, he replied to Rei's words. "I will. You and the Princess stay safe." As he walked, shrouded in his active camo, a scowl formed on his face. The Nepleslian guard had nothing but pure bloodlust on his mind as he walked along the hall. These filthy bugs think to threaten this ship? Well then, tonight he would paint the Kaiyo halls with their disgusting blood. With that final thought he activated his combat suite, which unlocked all limiters on his augmentations. They seemed to bulge slightly from the increased power output.

That was when he noticed that Belmont had stuck his head outside of his door. In a split second, the Camo dropped and there William stood in the middle of the hall. "Well hello there, Chui." William said as his blades slid back into his forearms, his crystal blue eyes meeting his. "I believe that there is some killing to be done, are you coming?" He said coldly. "Seems like the plan is to get to the armor bay, I can join you all or help with keeping the enemy off balance. I'll let you make the call." He offered. He didn't care either way. As long as his swords tasted blood he didn't care what he was ordered to do today. He would face them all by himself if presented with the opportunity.
YSS Kaiyo II
Powered Armor Bay

"All systems nominal." The soothing voice of his suit's AIES said to him once he snapped on his helmet and the his Mindy's start up process had completed. Mikael immediately switched the visual feed of the boarders to their own small windows within his HUD. He floated his way over towards the armory in order to limit the amount of noise that could be possibly generated with metal on metal contact. He did not quite understand the opfor's objective. Attacking vital systems on deck 2 was an obvious choice to disable a ship for capture or to prevent it from pursuing something.

But why were they trying to gain access to the power armor bay? They had already cut access by occupying the main passageways. Are the boarders on deck 2 a mere distraction to divert the crew away from this location. These questions continue to cycle throw one part of his mind while another process was going over tactics. The immediate threat to him were the 5 power armored Kuvexians. 1 to 5 was not a ratio he particularly liked. But he had two advantages that he might be able to leverage on them.

The first advantage was the five did not seem to realize a Mindy had activated, so he had the element of some surprise. The other was that a number of them would have to focus their attention using the aether saw, which gives him a few seconds of fewer potential guns pointed in his direction.

"Gravity, Harris-heisho here." He said using the telepathic means. "Opfor has cut their way into deck 5 and using an aether saw to cut blast door of power armor bay. Blast doors to cargo and wardroom are holding, though bug opfor seem to want to poke around. If you alternative lift is to be used to gain access, advise syncing time." Mikael then enters the armory and thinks about what he will need for the situation. They had set themselves in a kill zone and he intended to turn up the heat.