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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 18.3B] The City of Urtullan (HX-24)

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Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)


Sune accepted his card and secured it. Seeing that the injured had been tended to, he noted that their benefactor Sienna had vanished. He found this a bit troubling but not majorly. He did not think it likely she would bring Gravedigger here, but if he had seen her helping them, she could be in danger from him.

"What can you tell us about the Mishhu leading this settlement." He asked her.

While waiting for an answer Sune took a moment to send a message to the Eucharis.

He then sent a second message to the others,
"Did any of you happen to see where Sienna went? Make yourself ready to move, I do not think these people are going to want us to linger. I have sent a message to the Eucharis; waiting for a reply."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi nodded at the medical robot. "I know" She replied and floated back into the waiting room. She was glad to have the slug removed from her leg, but would have preferred to have had it taken care of in the Eucharis' medical bay.

She looked up as Sune's message rang in her head.

"Sienna went to see if she could find a replacement mask for Hightower-san. We will need to pay her for her trouble once she comes back"
Natsumi replied. She knew she still needed to tell him exactly what Sienna had requested in exchange for the mask, but she wanted to be away from the Mishhu first.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Conrad took the painkillers. No water, just medicine. As he got back into the waiting room, he checked his NSP for full functionality. They were going to have rough times again.

As he received the message from the Chusa, he'd reply negatively. He had heard her talk about a replacement for Conrad's helmet...and was suddenly gone. Probably when he was checked on by the Doc.

'Ready when you are sir.'
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)


If Sienna was able to procure the masks that would solve their problem of getting to the shuttle safely. But Sune could not help but wonder what she had been offered in the way of payment.

He looked at the windows of the clinic, "Hightower, Riko-Hei, position yourselves near the windows so you can observe the street without making yourself a target. We will give Sienna a little more time before we depart."
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"Aye Sir" Bors said before taking up his position next to the window, keeping his hand on his NSP for safety measures. "Just how long are we gonna wait? I don't want to have another shootout anytime soon over someone we just met."

As he watched the street Bors thought up a plan incase Sienna didn't pull through, though he doubted he would have to use it.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Hanako called Sune moments after he sent his message. When he answered his communicator, Hanako told him, "Chusa Sune this is Eucharis. Please consult with your team; if you are satisfied that this planet is not being used for military purposes you may return to the Eucharis and we will continue to the next star system. Otherwise, I will send reinforcements and supplies to aid in your investigation. Over."

Outside the window, Bors noticed that the guards from earlier seemed to be absent.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi decided it was best she help keep an eye on things with Bors and Conrad. She didn't have Anything to do at the moment anyways and wanted to keep an eye out for Sienna. She really hoped she came back with the mask for Conrad.

She floated next to Bors and looked out the window with him. "I'm glad you are doing better" she said and gave him a brief smile, which faded a little as she traced where his eye line was going. The guards that had been at the front of the building when they arrived were no longer there.

"Hey, where did the guards go?" She asked. Where they on a break, or switching? They wouldn't leave the clinic undefended would they? Or maybe it was something more sinister. "Do you think something's wrong?"
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

After passing the bottle of pills on to his friend Egil followed him back into the main room, thanking the Mishhu with a curt bow, and rejoined the team. Everyone looked patched up and ready to go and Egil was eager to do so. However, it seemed they were missing the newest addition to their group. Sienna had gone to find a new rebreather for Conrad. He hadn’t even noticed she had left and right now he wished she didn’t. She could’ve just pointed them in the right direction, or taken one of them with her, even if she needed payment, supplies or protections from the higher-ups.

When Natsumi informed them of the missing guards he chose to take a look at the back entrance, instead of covering the front with the rest of the crew. It would be a good practice to have a secondary exit ready should things turn sour again and it surely felt that way. He opened the door and took a good in both directions of the alleyway, trying to determine the best course of action.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

"What ever it is, I don't like it." Bors said to Natsumi while drawing his pistol and checking the charge on it.

"Hey sir, guards are gone I think we might have some company pretty soon guards are gone and its getting pretty quiet out on the streets." After addressing Sune Bors turned his attention to the head doctor, "You guys don't keep any weapons around here do ya? In case the guards leave unexpectedly for some reason?
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sune did not like what he was hearing, "If the clinic guards are gone from the front and the street is emptying, we need to find away out they will not expect. Worst case scenario we go out the back way. Search this place, find out if there is a basement, or a way to the roof. I doubt there are going to be storm drains under the roads, but there must be some way they route power and utilities to the buildings. Spread out and see what you can find, and make it quick."

"Eucharis this is Away Team. Situation uncertain, suspect another attack is imminent. Guards for the clinic have vanished as has traffic in front.

Searching for another way out of the clinic. Will advise. Jalen-Out." He sent to Hanako then secured his communicator and started looking around for anything useful.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Egil heard boots hitting the ground behind him as someone jumped down from above. At the same time he discovered he now had a metal wire digging into his neck. Gravedigger was back, and trying either to choke him or cut his head off. He and Egil tumbled into the dust in the alley as they struggled, with Gravedigger trying to keep Egil's gun pressed against the ground and inaccessible.

When Bors asked about weapons, the Mishhuvurthyar reached its tentacles on top of a cabinet and pulled down an NMX Impaler Rifle and showed it to Bors. Krenshaw had a shotgun, and the receptionist pulled out a Zen Arms Little Killer from her desk.

Sune noticed a set of steep stairs in the receptionist area that led up to a second floor where the staff probably lived.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Rooftops/Back Alley

Sienna bounded across the roofs of the buildings, cutting across the shortcut that avoided the meandering streets to get her back to the clinic. She kept looking over her shoulder, somehow suspecting that Olaf was somehow already aware of her desertion and following closely behind. Which, of course, was ridiculous, at least at this point in time.

When she neared the alleyway behind the clinic, sounds of choked gasps and scuffling boots met her ears, and not from the main streets. Her eyes widened a little and she slowed her pace to a crouched, catlike walk, approaching the two-story building's edge that bordered the opposite side of the alley. Carefully peering over the edge, she caught sight of one of the soldiers being garroted from behind by a far nastier looking man. He was clad it what looked like the undersuit for power armor, which he no longer was wearing. Her throat double-clutched; this must be the one who had it out for them.

The backpack suddenly felt ten times heavier. She'd crossed the point of no return, and now it appeared her ride offworld was in jeopardy. She stood still for a few seconds, paralyzed with indecision as she glanced up at the clinic's back door, which was still ajar, probably knocked open when they tumbled out into the alleyway.

Pursing her lips, she steeled her resolve. She couldn't believe she was about to do this. But then, she was already in major trouble if she didn't get on board their ship and hightail it out of here very soon, so how much worse could this make it?

Sienna, you are absolutely insane, she thought, and pulled the backpack from her shoulders, testing its weight in both of her hands. She moved silently along the ledge until she was as close to above the two struggling men as possible, waiting tensely for their attacker to roll to a point where most of his back and flank were exposed.

She hefted the backpack across the alley, flinging it at one of the refuse pails on the opposite wall, away from where she was, knocking it over with a loud clatter. Taking advantage of the brief distraction, just before it landed, she withdrew the knife from her boot, clenched it in both fists, and leaped down on the attacker from above and behind, aiming to plunge the blade straight down into his ribs.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)


Natsumi drew her NSP as everyone else armed up. She actually cracked a smile, for just a moment as she saw the Mishhu pull out his impaler rifle. The thought of going into combat along side one of the squid was something she had never thought would happen.

Quickly she thumbed her pistol to kill. This time if Gravedigger made a move on them she was not just going to hold her gun to him and give him a chance to stand down. He had shot up her friends and her and threatened to kill them.

Just then she heard a loud crashing sound coming from the back. "What was that?" she asked, her attention caught by the noise.

She quickly floated to the back door and paused. There was the sound of scuffling outside. Was it Gravedigger setting a trap for them? He was being rather loud if he was.

"Someone is out back" she said to Sune, then; "Where did Egil go?"
Suddenly she had a very bad feeling.

Taking a deep breath she shoved the back door to the alley open and pushed here way out to see what was happening, her pistol ready.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Suddenly there was a sound of boots hitting the ground behind him. A thin metal rope was cutting into his neck and snapped his head back only seconds later. A gurgle escaped his throat, a muted swear or call for help. It happened so fast he was stunned before realizing he was getting choked to death.

First defense against garrotes was getting your fingers between the rope and your neck, but it was too later for that. Second, aim for the solar plexus, which he did as hard as he could manage with his right elbow. The heavy armor plates on his adversary groaned under the impact, but were left unscarred. As the rope dug deeper into his neck he went for the more desperate attempts. A heel to the groin, backwards headbutt and kicking in the anti-gravity in his body to try and give his assailant an unmanageable angle to his neck. Overall he tried to make as much noise as he could and hope someone would come to his aid.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

As soon as Gravedigger heard the clatter, he released Egil (and the garotte wire) and pushed himself to the side. Unfortunately this caused Sienna to come crashing down on Egil. The assassin sprinted into a nearby doorway and grabbed his rifle but retreated into the other building instead of shooting, so that when Natsumi emerged she saw Sienna holding a knife and crouching over the heavily bleeding Egil.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi pushed past the back door to the clinic. She heard footsteps as someone ran away. Coming out she saw Evil on the ground, bleeding from the neck and Sienna on top of him with a knife.

"Egil!" She yelped as she saw him. "Get off him!" She yelled, pushing Sienna off of him. "Are you working with him?! How much did he pay you to turn on us too?" She demanded, her pistol aimed at Sienna. "I heard him running away, where did he go!?"

Natsumi checked Egil's injuries. It wasn't good.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

''Oh Shit..''

Conrad nodded to Bors and stormed out back. Natsumi was in front of him and saw the bloody scene moments earlier, confirming with her yelp what he thought. Conrad followed her, storming out of the door. First thing he did was get on his knees next to his comrade.

Whatever was going on, he needed to get his buddy to safety. Inside. now. Trying to see if it was safe to lift him, Conrad tried to get Egil inside so he can be treated for whatever it was that injured him...

When he tried to hoist Egil up carefully, he noticed Sienna was back. With a knife. Blazingly fast, Conrad had his NSP armed and ready to kill in one hand, and his comrade in the other.

''Typical. You better tell me you didn't do this to my mate or your last choice is going to be death by my gun or by my hands. Natsumi, keep a bead on her and get answers. If she runs, make her lose her legs. If she doesn't, she'll answer to whatever happened here. Chusa, get over here!''

Conrad turned round, keeping an eye on Sienna. How he'd hoped this was some weird misunderstanding, but even then...it was odd. First things's first, getting Egil back inside. And then getting the hell out of here. His mind was beginning to set more and more on righteous purge by fire and flame.

Those local royalty asshats only put a bounty on his and Bors' head. Why'd anyone attack Egil was weird, let alone if it was Sienna. It'd make no sense at all, but being on this planet assured him that sense was long gone. The captain would have to handle this one.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Sienna's eyes went wide as she realized she was coming down on the wrong target. She moved the knife at the last second, pointing it away from both herself and Egil, just before she crashed down on the Nepleslian soldier, knocking them both to the ground in a heap.

The way her knees and ankles screamed in protest made her instantly regret making a two-story jump like that. With a grimace she sprang back on her feet, looking for the assassin who'd assailed the soldier, but her eyes widened even further when she saw she was staring down the barrel of Natsumi's pistol. The giant Conrad was right behind her.

"Whoa, whoa!" she shouted, holding her hands aloft, but still clutching her knife. "Your trigger happy friend out there was just here, trying to pop your buddy's head off!" she protested, her words coming quickly, her expression incredulous. "I came across it from the rooftops and tried to stop him! He must've shoved this guy under me when he heard me coming, check his neck! He was being strangled, and you won't find a single damn knife wound on him!"

She looked around the alley quickly, then levelled her eyes back on Natsumi. "I told you I wanted to help, told ya what I wanted in return! Check my pack, over there by the wall," she continued, still speaking in a liquid rush as she indicated where she'd thrown her pack hoping to distract the assassin. "Two respirators, one for me, one for your giant walking murder machine there, just like I promised! And I should point out that your buddy is still around here somewhere!"
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

Natsumi eyed Sienna for a moment as Conrad took Egil inside. She quickly floated over to where the backpack was and grabbed it.

"Let's get inside. If you are right we shouldn't stay out here. I'll check for the resperator inside" Natsumi said

She really wanted to believe Sienna. It was very possible what she said was the truth. Gravedigger already showed how he liked to attack, then vanish.

Natsumi kept her NSP ready as she nodded for Sienna to go back into the clinic first. She looked around to see if anyone was out there as she herself went to go back inside.
Re: [Mission 18.3B] Filth Potpourri (HX-24)

The sweet release on his neck was accompanied by an impact on his back making him fall face first onto the ground. A long series of coughs and gasp for air followed as the wound on his neck colored the dirt a bright red. He quickly made sure that he wasn’t dying as best as he could, checking if he could still breathe normally and firmly holding a hand onto the large bleeding wound. By this time Conrad had pulled him off the ground and was making ready to get him inside.

Egil had missed a few things due to the shock of the entire event, but now that both Conrad and Natsumi held a gun on Sienna it was clear they were blaming her. While he hadn’t seen his assailant directly, the things that he did perceive didn’t point to her. When everyone started moving back into the clinic he spoke up in a faint voice.

“It wasn’t her.” He reassured Natsumi after letting out another cough. “She’s telling the truth. He was larger and wore armor.” Even if it didn’t relieve them, they could wait until he got his wound bandaged since this wound surely wouldn't heal without something to keep all this blood from seeping through.
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