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RP: UCS Zenpyou [Mission 2] Containment

By the time Roken and completed entering in the new command access code, Chikai had the requested systems online. "Communications systems are online, ready for your use. Atmospheric scrubbers are clearing the drug out of the air." he said to his fellow soldier.

He looked at the ship's systems monitor, hoping for some clue as to how this had happened, but the truth was, the shut down had lost whatever data they might have checked.
Alice looked and Ichiro. "RIght now, there is four of us plus you. Peacekeeper recruit Roken Techard is in command. Or was in command, until I woke you up. Getting PA will be easy there are still some Tenshis and few Mantus-armors in bay. Me and PR Tsukai will get you there."

With that she got onto communicator again. "Sir? Me and PR Tsukai are going to accompany Cadet Kobyashi Ichiro to get him into PA. I think you should brief him abotu the sitaution."

Systems in the ship started going online. Atmosphere scrubber were one of first. But even withl Zen's air clean, people won't woke on themselves after beign this dosed. Chikai knew that. Communcation was on latter system coming onilne. Roken got to it, but there was a limit to what he could do from engineering. Even with that it was obvious there was too much interference to catch anything. Even with limited skills ROken had he knew that the interference was similiar to one Peacekeeper used to stop Pirates and other enemies from maintaining contact.

He caught only few words cut to parts by interfence. "....are.......-ire.......-rywhere......sen-..-elp.................-nger." Voice was male in it even seemed that Roken heard somthing that could be weapon fire in background. Signal was weak, but it came from within station. It was clear that it was not taken yet.
Giving his head a few more seconds to clear, Ichiro got up off the table, stretching and shaking himself out. "Right. I take it the lights on means that Roken retook Engineering and got at least power up. Good. That'll alert any other hostiles on the ship that their plan is starting to backfire, how ever." He said, moving towards the door.
Alice went on forward. "Sir pleas be careful, you have no AP yet" she said. "We are waiting for Techards debrief. Until then we can proceed to PAs" She contiuned. "Adriand I wil take point," she said then and went forward. It took few minutes, until group got into PA bay.

(Techard's debrief went along the way)

"Here we are," said Alice. "Few PAs are missing, but you can take whatever you want sir." There were few Tenshis and three Mantus Power Armors ready to use.
"What channel are you using?" he asked as he mounted into a Mantus, stretching himself and quickly getting used to the unfamiliar armor. "I wish to speak to Roken immediately. Unless there is a higher ranked member, I wish to take provisional command of this effort until we can awake someone higher in the chain, or we otherwise get orders from Command." he said, testing the comn as soon as he received a channel number from them. "Recruit Roken, this is Cadet Kobayashi. Please respond immediately."
Chikai having completed the power ups that were prudent wanted to achieve one last goal. He accessed the ship's internal systems, specifically the internal communications array.

He then sent over the channel the team was using, "PO/3 Kenshi to all personnel, hold position for sixty seconds. Performing acoustic scan." He then stabbed the button on the console in front of him. All over the Zenpyou every intercom was switched on and the microphone gain maxed out. Chikai had the computer recording all the sound data coming in. After the requested sixty seconds, he switched off the system, and had the computer being analyzing the data. "Scan complete." he sent.

Now it would take a few minutes for the Miko to analyze the sound recordings and see if it picked up any unaccountable movement, or extra sound from other people, such as heart beats.
Roken blinked for a moment as he heard the words Recruit....and his name put together, I'm no recruit... Roken was determined to identify who exactly this person was, “This is peacekeeper second class Roken Techard your speaking to Cadet...whats your status?” He didn't feel like using that rank but he has had prior field experience during his service to the S.A.Y. And this wasn't a time for some cadet to try and pull rank while there in the middle of assessing the situation of the ship and the station.

He would have to wait, while Chikai did his scan of the ship, remaining as still as possible till it was complete and given the results of who else might be aboard....he would also have to ask him to try and boost the com. Signal to see if he could get a clear feed or at least someone in authority that has some control inside the station, and by the sounds of weapons fire from the last message things were not sounding all to well.
"Roken, if you don't bloody remember who this is, I'll beat you." Ichiro muttered to himself. "I am already in my PA. I will not pull rank on you, if you really have this situation covered, but you DO know that having the power back on is the single biggest sign to any other bad things in here that someone survived that shouldn't have, am I correct?" he said, walking towards engineering. "Meaning, instead of just sitting there trying to decide what to do, you should also be getting together with all of your current team and doing as complete sweep of the ship as you can. Now, I KNOW I am probably just repeating stuff you've heard over and over, but as a battlefield vet of the SAoY, you and I BOTH know that Mishhu are going to be swarming us any moment now that the lights are on."
Chikai was still waiting for the results of his sonic scan to accertain if there were other people on the ship.

While the more senior personnel deteremined who was going to be in charge, Chikai sent commands to prepare the ship's environmental system. Setting the Nodal system to sterilize the ship, with the talke of alien parasites purging the ship of any unfamliar life form type seemed prudent.
Sonic scan results came back. Chikai could clearly see Alice's group, himself and Roken in engineering. He could see dead body in infirmary. Ther were not many places that sonic scan couldn'T reach but those were places below the deck, or maintenance shafts. Only other place would be ship's walk-in fridge. Scans of Cargo bay also weren'T complete since it was full of boxes and corgo blocking sound waves. Aside from those the scan came clean.

Even with his limited medical knowledge, chikai suspected that killing parasite while with full blow would probably cause shock to the body it leeched of and could kill it. But any infected peacekeeper could be dangerous too.
"Gentlemen, while you two are resolving the matter of chain of command. The sonic scan has shown the majority of the ship is clear of intruders. There are a number of areas, such as the cargo bay, the walk-in refrigerator, and of course the crawlspaces that it could not scan. I have queued up the NODAL system to sterilize the ship, to get rid of any more parasites. I'm just waiting for approval to initiate it. If there are any unsuited people who have been infected, the sterilization will destroy the parasite, but I can not say for certain what the affect will be on the victim. Worst case they will die with the parasite, best cause they will be released from its control." Chikai chimed in.
Roken paused for a moment to consider what Chikai said, “we purge the ship we kill the parasites and the infected might also die with them...” He thought for a moment, he was not expecting things to go by smooth but with the station an issue Roken would have to take a risk unless they could find another way out, “Alright...make it happen, they knew the risks and we need this situation resolved immediately .” He did one final check of the ships security systems and his modifications before stepping away, “I need everyone to meet at the maintenance ladders before we head to bridge, I made a few changes to the ships security so I doubt our guest will be getting control of the ship.
Chikai sent the necessary command so that the NODAL system nano-machines would sterilize the ship. "Sterilization in process. Peacekeeper Techard." Chikai said.
Chikai looked at his console which said, "sterilization in process." That should clean whole ship of any more problems.

Alice's group was already on route to meeting point near maintenance ladders.
Ichiro moved with the group. "So what were you guys up to that kept you off ship during this sneak attack?" he asked, moving with practiced and almost natural precision. "Last thing I remember was us docking with the station to do repairs and such, and then nothing."
Alice looked at Ichiro. "We had a liberty call," she started explaining. "We were not on the ship when attack occured. We went to eat something other than food that they serve in ship cafeteria. Then suddenly alarm went off, something about fire in one of the hangars. Roken and me got nervous se we went back for Zen. And we found it in this state. I wonder where everybody is. They certainly are not in hangar."
Chikai made his way to the meeting point. He found a point to stand and listened so as to not interrupt the woman.

"With the anesthesia gas they would have been easy to capture, or worse they would have been helpless against the parasite you found in the one person. Comm systems are still pretty garbled, so we should probably try to find other survivors of the attack, or at least regroup with any one still able to fight." he offered after Alice finished.
Roken followed behind Chikai a little after he made his way down the ladder, “alright, we hunt for survivors....we still need to make our way back inside and link up anyone left inside the station so we can repel this attack...it might take us a while, we should consider any areas they would be held on the ship or any places surviving crew may have hidden.” Roken double checked his suit and weapons, pay extra attention to his shields.

“Check your suits weapons and shielding, set to non-lethal just in case.” Roken looked at the others pausing to give Ichiro's shoulder a friendly pat, “I'm glad you made it through this, and I know we will find other survivors before we move back to the station.”
Alice heard Chikai out and noded. "Let'S think about it? Where we weren't and where scanners didn't work? I think in those places will be the crew. They couldn't get off the ship in such short time."

Rokken then came and everybody listened what he had to say. "Yes sir," said Alice and set her weapons to stun. She then looked at Ichiro. "Do you need anymore information Cadet Sir?"
Ichiro had given Roken a friendly nod, checking his weapons. "I believe we have gone over all the available information. Now all we have to do is take our ship back, take the station back, and hope there's enough of us to do it. That, and that SOMEONE higher up the ranks then me is still awake or at least alive and not taken over." he said, following the rest up the ladder.

"I think one of my favorite lines refers to this situation: Hope for the best, expect the very, very worst."
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