Star Army

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RP: NSS Alliance MISSION 2, PART 1: Dinner with the Enemy

(Mini-JP between Fian, Moonman)

"Hey!" Fian Vel Steyr shouted as he saw Rico Sanroma's back as they both wandered the corridors. There was something he needed to tell him before the Elysian mission. He paced up to a jog to catch up with the cyborg.

Rico had not left the medical bay for ten or so minutes before he ran into another familiar face. He turned and gave Fian a nod as he moved closer to meet him, taking notice to the new rank bars attached to Fian's jacket. "Hey baby, I see Wazu got you your new bars...likin' ‘em as much as I am?â€
After his meal, Matthew had gone up to the bridge in order to prepare the ship for departure. His link with the Alliance computer system stable and his eyes upon the screen, the young Cadet was on the bridge as the Destroyer left dock. "Ally, Ally, Ally," the cadet muttered as he slowly pushed the Alliance out of the dock before setting course for Elysia at a slow cruise. "You are definitely the best ship least when it comes to your computer systems," the young computer specialist chuckled as he pulled up multiple windows in front of him.

"Standard military firewalls and anti-virals don't suit you though," Matt continued to talk to himself, thinking no one was on the bridge at the time, though he realized Ally was listening in. "A little something special should be in order," he continued as he minimized all status windows but sensors and communications monitoring, placing Ally's navigation in her control. "Let's see....layered defenses would probably do. Firewalls layered one over the other with fake back doors here and there, aggressive anti-virals, counter-virals with a bit of umph to them, and maybe a few traps in the mainframe to counter all sorts of hackers," the young man mumbled as he glanced at the sensors window now and then.

"By the time I'm done with you, no enemy in the galaxy would want to hack into you." he muttered with a grin, something he rarely allowed himself to show.
Adrian sat on one of the bunks, his back against the wall, and began typing yet another report for Captain Miller, with a copy being sent to both Wazu and Willis.

P3C Istvan Yuttreburg was brought to the medbay after being forcibly sedated in response to a drug related mental breakdown. Upon examination by Private Chiaki, it was determined that Istvan had Super Silo'd on the stimulant agent known as "Big K," which he repeatedly asked for. P3C Yuttreburg has currently been put under until further evaluation can continue after the medical examinations of the rest of the crew. Until that time, myself and Private Chiaki both reccomend complete removal from active duty.

Adrian hit send and got up. He smiled at Kokuten.
"Fun job, eh mate?"


Suku found herself in the marine quarters in front of Istvan's locker. Inside, sure enough was a small pill bottle. She took it, popped it open to make sure there was stuff inside, and pocketed it.


Adrian looked up as his assistant walked in.
"Ah, hello. Find it?"
The Geshrin nodded and produced the bottle. She tossed it to Adrian, who also checked it's contents before setting them on one of the examination tables.
The Geshrin hopped onto the cot she had been sleeping on earlier an sighed. "Damn, those marines are annoying. I had to pistol whip one of the more persistant ones before the fuckers left me alone."
Adrian responded with nothing more than a subdued laugh and a large smile.
Benji heard a couple of marines grumbling about phsyical exams in the med bay. He thought long and hard and then remeberd he hadn't have one for a long time. He wanted to stay laying down, but the thought of seeing Suku again brought the sleepy marine to his feet. It was amazing what the thought of a decent girl could do to a lonely marine huh? Benji walked out of the room and then walked down the halls.

He arrived just in time to hear what Suku was saying about the marines. "Yeah, allthough eventually you'll have to point that pistol at them to get them to back off..." he said, obviously asleep on his feet. "Yes, I'm back...again...glad to see me?" He asked with a grin. Turning towards Adrian he yawned, his chest expanding untill it seemed like he'd esplode[spelled wrong on purpose] and then let out a breath. "I over head a few marines talking 'bout physical exams. So I figured since I hadn't had one for the last six months, better get one now eh?" he turned towards Suku, flashed her a bright smile and then proceeded to crack his neck and let out a satisifed sigh.
Adrian stood with his hands in his pockets. Let's see... we need mission essential personnel first... "Hey Suku, go grab Fian Vel Steyr. Tell him we need him for a physical." Suku left the room with a sigh, passing Benji on the way out. Adrian smiled at the man, "Hey Benji. We're getting through the higher-ups and what not. Take a seat and we'll get to you in a bit."

Fian had recently washed his face and straightend out his uniform with the new rank bars when he heard a knock on the washroom door. Checking the mirror one more time to see if there are any signs that may indicate his crying earlier, the Vel Steyr was satisfied but that forlorn look was still on his face. Shaking his head, he opened the door and was surprised to see a crewmember he has not seen before.

Suku smiled at Fian. "Hello Private Fian. I'm P3C Suku Matsobuki. I'm one of the new crew members working in the medbay. If you would please follow me, we need an up-to-date physical."

"Oh!" Fian said. At least none of that 'Hi and lets be friends thing.' She got straight down to business. "Well... Lead the way then." He did not want to think about anything anymore for a while.

Suku flashed a half smile and walked down the hall. "So, you're one of the hot shots now, right? Big promotion?"

The Vel Steyr looked to the side as he followed Suku down the hall, unconciously regulating the distance between them by spatial awareness. Although he could see her foot in the edges of his vision, he did not pursue further. "Yeah." He simply answered, indicating that he is not in the mood for socializing.

Suku took the hint and strode faster. She reached the medbay door and strode in. Adrian looked up at her and nodded and went back to messing with his bass. "Fian's here, ja?" The Geshrin nodded.

"Adrian." Fian muttered. He paused for a moment to figure out where their friendship stood now, considering that Decane had come clean about the previous incident, he thought that episode should just be forgotten. "Yo." The Vel Steyr said, waving a little and trying to act a little more cheery than what he was now. "Is it going to involve any needles?"

Adrian put the bass down beside him on the bunk and stood. "Only one, mate. Unless, of course, you'd rather start vomiting blood. We need a blood sample for a drug test. If you'll take a seat, we'll get started." Adrian stood and grabbed one of medical data pads and motioned to one of the examination tables.

Fian nodded to both Suku and Adrian. He walked over to the examination table and sat on it upright, as he did he noticed a familiar figured out cold in the opposite table. Taking a good look, he sighed as he realized who it was. I am going to have to ask some questions later. The Vel Steyr rolled up his sleeves.

"Alrighty, we'll get the blood test first." Adrian grabbed one of the needle attachments for the datapad and hooked it in. "This shouldn't hurt a whole lot." He stuck the needle into Fian's vein, and several moments later the scanner beeped, indicating no harmful substances. "Alright, you're all clean." Adrian pulled the needle out and disconnected it from the pad, turning the interface back to a medical form. He tapped the screen a bit, and then looked at Fian. "Have you had any major injuries within the last two years?"

Fian thought for a while, his past two years was in boot camp. "Lets see, some bruises, broken ribs, cuts and scratches. Well, thats about it."

"Alright, good. We've got one more question. Any major mental diseases or defects?" Adrian tapped another couple times on the screen, marking off the correct items.

"I like killing people at close range with knives." Fian said, rather bluntly.

Adrian smiled at him. "Know that feeling. Alright, you're all good." Adrian saved the file on his pad and and put it down.

"One question, doc." Fian said, standing up. "Is there any way I could have Istvan for the next mission? I trust in his abilites to lead, although I don't condone addictive drug (ab)use, I believe his presence in the next operation would result in fewer marines visiting your medbay when it is all over."

Adrian shook his head. "Sorry, Fian. He's got a hardcore Big K dependancy, and if he goes without it for more than about an hour, he runs through a mental breakdown. If I let him on-world, I'll be personably responsible for all injuries and casualties that he would cause. Also, he's in no condition to fight, let alone lead at the moment. See if you can work someone else in."

Fian looked at Istvan, then at Adrian. Gee, even a personal appeal cant save him now. Perhaps Adrian doesnt want Istvan to steal his thunder in the next mission? Unlikely. Besides, he'll be held accountable too. "Then I expect you to be on site, Adrian. I'm counting on you."

Adrian nodded. "I'll be there. Just tell me where to shoot and what to sew, and I'll be fine."

Fian raised the Datapad to look at the armor selection list, Adrian still had not picked an armor yet. Hell, everyone is running slow today. "So... Phalanx, as usual?"

"Actually, I think I'll switch things up this time, Fian. Throw me down for a Warhawk. Faster, hits harder, the works."

"Right then." Fian said, penning in the entry with his stylus. He realized after that that he penned it in the wrong row. His eyes must be tired or he was under a bit of stress. He exaggerated his predicament a little so that Adrian could get the idea. "Say, anything I could use?" He asked, lowering the pad.

Adrian cocked an eyebrow. "You mean chemical wise? Yeah, I got some stuff." He turned and picked up the datapad, pulling up an inventory. "We've got focus, long-night, that sort of stuff. What you want?"

"Clarity... would do." Fian said, hesitatingly. He was not an avid drug user but he just cant take any chances for this mission. "About a dose, in an ordinary container. I want to fit it into my Power Armor dispenser somehow."

"This is the NSS Alliance of the Nepleslian Empire. We are here on a peaceful mission to conduct diplomatic negotiations. Please respond.â€
Fian quickly forwarded a message to call all available Marines into the Power Armor bay immediately, he himself was running through the doorway shouting. "Get into your Power Armors immediately and get in formation!" A fair amount of marines who were messing around in the Rapid Launch Bays quickly clambered aboard their Power Armors.

A technician stopped Fian as he made his way to his AIR2. "We have just received a shipment of the new LBR-02as, shall I distribute them?"

"Do it." Fian snapped as he continued moving. His reserved AIR2 unit has been bleached bright white in preparation for repainting over the previous damage. Fian liked it as it is now though, it reminded him of a certain lost hair.

Climbing up his AIR2, he slotted both the Emyrs container and Elise into their respective places and then allowed himself to fall into the Pilot's cavity. As he did the straps around the insides tightened around his limbs and the armor closed up, lowering the visor and neuroscanner upon his head. Flexing his mechanical fingers, Fian was confident he can pilot the AIR2 well.

Bringing up his Power Armor from a kneeling position, Fian walked over to a weapon store nearby and pulled out two VBCS/Ses and fastened it to his waist. When he was done he moved up to the front of the bay and waited for the rest of the marines to assemble.
Soreta arrived on the bridge soon after she was called, a fairly neutral look on her face. She looked like the kind of person that could be depended on, right now...but whether that impression would stretch to the Elysians was another thing entirely.

"Treat the Elysians with respect...after all, we're their guests."
Captain Miller kept his gaze unbroken on the view screen in front of him, monitoring the ships status as he told Soreta, "We've sent out a greeting. The diplomatic services are your duty.â€
Gran had fallen asleep on his bunk after talking to Rico, he hadn't even woken up when the ship took off. His dreams were absent, his rest undisturbed. He woke slowly and stretched with a yawn. His mind snapped back to the present. He jumped up quickly pulling his shoes on.

"Ally, how long till we reach Elysia?"
"We are currently outside of the Elysia system and will move into high orbit pending approval of the Elysian government." Ally said.
Adrian came to an intersection of the corridors, rapidly growing impatient. He looked down one of the halls and saw Rico. Fuckin' finally... He walked down the hall a slight ways after him and stopped. "P2C Sanroma, I need your blood test, please." He took out the datapad with the medical needle attached. Adrian was attempting to stay as professional as possible.

Rico recognized the voice instantly, quickly adopting a straight emotionless face as he slowly turned around. Rico didn't move to meet him, however...he just stood there, arms crossed and body rigid, waiting for Adrian to move up to him.

Adrian walked forward until he was three feet or so from Rico. "Private Sanroma, please roll up your sleeve. This shouldn't hurt." Adrian took the needle in hand and waited.

Rico continued to stand in front of Adrian, not moving, not saying anything. His eyes had a look of determination in them as they watched Adrian's movements. He didn't respond when Adrian spoke, but rather he quickly and most obviously flitted his eyes down to his rank bars, then back to Adrian's eyes.

Adrian followed Rico's eyes down to his rank bars. He growled to himself. He looked back at Rico's face. "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not going to degrade myself in front of you to do something for your benefit." Adrian was shooting daggers from his eyes at this point, having dealt with far too much shit already that day.

As Adrian finally caught the hint, Rico's face gave an ever-so-slight hint of a smirk. "I don't think a simple salute is somethin' to get upset about," he said with a flash in his eyes.

Adrian felt his body tense up and his teeth grit. "Roll up your bloody sleeve now please, Sir, or I'll report you to the XO for having an incomplete physical and for refusing to complete one. I don't have the time or patience for this."

Rico's smirk grew into a smile as he watched Adrian squirm. As far as Rico was concerned, a salute would've appeased his mighty ego, but with the announcement of arrival to Elysia finally set in, Rico decided the numerous 'please' and 'sir's would be enough for now. He slowly unfolded him arms and presented his left arm, still fully sleeved, to the medic. "If you would, other arm is still drying from the synthetic skin."

This has got to be a joke... "You're a Private Second Class, not a General. I'm not your bitch. And if I wasn't on probation right now, I'd feed you this fucking needle. Now, do you still want to be an ass, or should I type up a message for Wazu right now?"

Rico, arm still outstretched, waited a moment or two with his stern face glaring. He then lowered his head slightly and let out an aggravated sigh, before bringing his head back up, a look of frustration on his face. "Fine, alright," Rico mumbled, reaching out with his right arm (which was completely dry) and pulling the sleeve of his jacket up to his shoulder. "...but as far as I'm concerned, I am permitted to be an ass to you, and as far as I'm concerned it is customary to salute a superior officer, no matter how superior," Rico finished, presenting his arm again.

Adrian jabbed the needle in Rico's arm quickly. He waited a few seconds and watched as the blood scan went through. Several seconds later, the datapad beeped, indicating the man was clean. "You're good to go." Adrian pulled out the needle roughly and stepped back. "And Rico, there's a cause for everything. Don't go around acting like you didn't deserve what was coming to you. Good bye." Adrian turned and walked away down the hall.

Rico smirked as he watched Adrian turn to leave. "Tch, same for you. Next time you're suicidal, call me in advance baby!" Rico said as he twirled around, replacing his sleeve and straightening his beret. "So I can get a better seat!"

Adrian stopped and clenched his fist. He opened his mouth, about to speak, and then shut it, and continued down the hall, seething. Fucker. See if I sew him up when he loses a bloody arm down on the damn planet.
Captain Miller tensed in his chair on the bridge.

"Why haven't they responded yet? Don't they see that we're waiting out here? Do our sensors detect any abnormalities? Lieutenant Wazu, what's the status of our marine teams? Are they prepared for launch?"

The questions flew out of his mouth as he was quickly preparing for a worst case scenario.
Wazu focused on his screen before replying, taking the time to send off a quick text message to Ally at the same time,

"Sensors do not see anything that should not be there. The marines who are on power armor duty for this operation are preparing right now. They are ready to launch and should be in the launch tubes momentarily."
When Fian put out the call Benji sighed and then snuck out of the med bay. He slid down the halls and paused in the room to get himself his meds and then went straight towards the PA Bay. Once inside he picked out a WATER 2 and then quickly and efficently striped himself right then and there. He climbed up the front of the PA, slotted the meds and then wriggled down inside.

Once he was situated and the PS was adjusted he got to his feet and took a look at his HUD. With a satisfied smirk he got himself a long sword, the Type 1 rifel and traded his old LBR for one of the newer ones. After letting the techies hook the LBR up he slung the longsword over his back and then adjusted the LBR for a better grip. When everything was in place he turned towards the launch bays.

He opened a com line with Fian "Here Fian and behind you all the way..." He said. He'd been eager to try out the FIRE 1 they'd brought on board, but since he had to knowedge of how it handeled he thought he'd stick with a WATER for now.
The Alliance was soon contacted by the Elysians, in form of a visual message showing a particularly dashing (although as usuall rather cold looking) Patrician sitting in a throne like object.

"NSS Alliance, this is Senator Laurael. You will forgive us our delay - we were calculating what to do with your unanoucned invasion of our space. You will be glad to hear that for the sake of diplomacy we will speak no more of it. You will soon notice an small escort approaching you. We would prefer it if you follow them at sub light levels to our planet.

The senate prays that this meeting will be fruitful."
After several moments of searching the ship further hoping to catch Soreta for her bloodtest, Adrian gave up and headed towards the armor bay. Disconnecting the needle from the datapad, he sent a message to the medical network, assuring that Kokuten would get it.

Kokuten, have Suku stay behind and set up the medical bay for an emergency. She can talk to Valo if need be. You, on the other hand, get down to the armor bay. The want us ready to roll.

As soon as he sent the message, his pad beeped and he looked at it again. It was from Wazu. Damnit, what does he want?
He opened it and read it before scoffing. He quickly wrote a new message.

Lieutenant Wazu,
Istvan Yuttreburg is currently in no condition for combat. Earlier today he broke his hand on an Airlock before running screaming through the halls. As I stated earlier, he easily suffers withdrawal from Big K, often needing the pills at least once every couple hours. A simple detox treatment will not help the psychological aspects of it.
If I were to release him for combat as is, I would be, as medical officer of this ship, be directly responsible for anything that happened as a result of his behavior. In a delicate combat situation such as this, that will likely mean death for other marines, which is not something I want to be linked to me.
Medical Officer P3C Adrian Decane

As Adrian finished his message, he arrived at the PA Bay.

Time to go.

Adrian stood in front of one of the NDI armor synthesizers and looked at all the beautiful choices for weaponry. He already had his armor picked out, a CPA-05 Warhawk, and had an F-18 Disruptor Rifle ready for his primary weapon.
He scrolled through his choices, and stopped at the P53 Light Plasma Cannon. He grinned widely and hit the keys to requisition it for his armor load-out. He hit the keys to assemble the armor, and stepped back.
A moment later, the marine stood in the fast, heavy armor, looking rather out of place surrounded by the far different NAM armors. Adrian hefted his large Disruptor rifle. It would work fine.
Stepping from the platform, he walked to the armory with the numerous weapons designed for the NAM armors and grabbed a chain sword. It would come in handy.


Several moments later, Adrian was in front of one of the lines of marines outside of the launch tubes, a large medpack attached to his hip, and his weapons primed and ready.
"Fian, this is Adrian. Ready to go."
John fell out of the supply closet with a thud, and got to his feet, shaking his head and rubbing his hair. "Geez, musta fallen asleepâ€
Kokuten was about to leave the Med Bay himself before he received a message from his MO on the Datapad. Cybernetic eyes shifted left and right down the pad as he red the short message. He then looked at Suku who was sitting on one of the tables. For some reason his brain went another direction, and his eyes clacked.

Suku, caugh the sound of Kokuten's eyes clacking.

"What?" She smirked as she thought he was staring at him. "You see something you like? Well, stop, not like you could get any of it." She finished bluntly. Kokuten shook his brain out of la la land.

"No... My mind drifted for a moment, anyway, the MO sent me a message for you." Kokuten waved his datapad.

"Oh?", Suku's reply.

"He says you need to chill, bitch." Kokuten grinned.

"W-... Wh... What?" stuttered the now red-faced Geshrin.

"Ha! No, he really gave you orders to set up the Med Bay for emergency, have tools and devices in steady and ready reach. However, the former quote was actually a P.S. to the message, you really didn't think I was lying do you?", the Cyborg grinned widely this time, of course, he was lying. Though, he only knew that Adrian probably would've said something like that. Suku only replied this time with a 'fuck you' stare, the cyborg's eyes only clacked in a retaliation. She seemed to only reinforce her gaze.





The two of them went at this little escapade for about a few minutes. Until Kokuten finally broke out into a little chuckle.

"You be careful around that medical equipment, I've got to go suit up." Kokuten suddenly said, leaving in this motion.

"Hey, wait." Suku said, getting off the bed.

"What?" Kokuten said looking back.

"I'll kick your asses if you come back with bullet holes in you, I'll need help with all these wounded." she grinned slyly. The Medic could only chuckle in response and strolled down to the Armor Bay. It took him a moment, but he found a WATER2 that almost looked like it had it's name on it for him. It was outfitted with the new LBR, the rest of the equipment was pretty standard. He stripped down, and suited up, quickly sliding into the armor.

"Nice and snug." Kokuten chuckled to himself. He then joined the rest of the Power Armor, his new 5-foot rifle in hand. The Medic looked down at the new weapon, it truly was different from what they had used in training. The weapon was already folded, and he observed how the stock was too far back to place on shoulder. He looked down at the attachment on the weapons hardpoint, it had an inscription on the side.

Positron Capacitor, if I'm not mistaken, that allows for a continuous fire.

It was an odd weapon to be sure, he couldn't wait to test it.