Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: NSS Alliance MISSION 2, PART 1: Dinner with the Enemy

Adrian shook his head.
"You don't need to be a stunt pilot to run one of these. But these guys are ready to rock with their current load-outs," He motioned to the large group of Marines behind him.
"I'll let you choose between a Phalanx and a Warhawk, but one of the two. A group of WATER's would only serve to slow down the rest of us."
"Lieutenant, I am aware of the situation. Cadet Lionheart will be staying on board with me during this mission. Between his skills, Ally, and my own abilities, we should be prepared for any threat. With that being said, I'm turning on the communications link once more. Be ready."

Blip. The communication to Elysia was opened once more.

"My apologies for having you waiting, sir. It appears that some of our soldiers would like to accept your gracious invitation. We will begin preparations for transfer immediately."

After the Elysian's reply, the communication would turn off and the captain would immediately turn to his Lieutenant.

"Lieutenant, I need not tell you the extreme importance of our marines behaving themselves on this mission."

He quickly sent a message to P2C Fian Vel Steyr.

"Soldier, you are well aware of the implications of this mission. If any of those under your command should prove unfit for this mission by embarrasing themselves, and our nation, in front of the Elysians, I give you full permission to do what is necessary to amend any damaged feelings."

Istvan thought and selected a phalanx. He was surprised to find that it contains a Stim injector. His grin was almost demonic "Yes" He said "I think this will suit me fine." He started browsing the menu of what's avalible, so he can select quickly, in and out of combat...
John briefly went over familiarizing his weapons systems one more time, sighing and getting ready to go. He got in line behind the other marines, running his suit's hand over his plasma launcher impatiently. He then patched his commlink to Fian.
"Heh, when are we gonna get this party started, eh?"
A new Elysian communication patched through, this time from a small shuttlecraft approaching the NSS Alliance. A thin Plebeian woman came on-screen, strawberry blonde hair framing a softly angled face showing a good deal more kindness than the expressions of the esteemed Senator who had first given them permission.

"I greet you, honored guests. I am Ilalel, and our shuttle should be docking with Alliance momentarily. Please have your emissaries and guests ready." Her voice was slightly excited, beneath the composure - she was probably rather fresh to the cold world of Elysian etiquette and politics.

The small vessel glided past the Concordia escorts to meet with the Alliance. Inside, it was elegant, though not excessive, with slightly glossy white walls and floor, patterned with pale blue and soft red inscription and illustrations of classical scenes of religious importance. Ilalel waited by the airlock for the boarding Nepleslians, hands folded at her waist. She was dressed in white mesh, an Iyko and Iyaloh, the latter scarf-like garment bearing a wide golden stripe on its lower edge.
Matthew wouldn't allow himself to sigh in relief in front of Captain Miller. The young Cadet was glad he wasn't going down to the planet. From what he heard from his father and uncle, the angels were a bunch of religious zealots...but then again, they both were a bit fanatical in their 'angel-hating'. His uncle had actually lost his wife to the plague that was unleashed.

The young Lionheart mentally pushed those thoughts aside. He had never met Elysians before and he didn't really care if he ever did. This was just another matter what childish curiousities he had.

The young man could only frown at that thought. Curiousity, the phrase it that it killed the cat. Well, Matthew neither had ears nor boobs, and he sure as hell wasn't from Yamatai. He would let curiousity control him.

((OOC: Apologies if this is off, posted this when I've been up since 7:30 AM Friday.))
"About now."

Standing a few feet beyond the gentle Ilalel was a group of rough Nepleslians in Power Armor with weapons at the ready. About five pairs of Monoeyes were centered upon the Elysian, their concentrated light raising the temperature of her skin by at least a few degrees. One white colored AIR2 lowered its FMD and approached the angel. It stopped and bent at the waist, perhaps a gesture of respect, perhaps so that it may be easier for her to hear him.

"Excuse us." Fian said over loudspeakers, its volume turned down as not to blast Ilalel. "Standard procedures." He informed her of his next course of action. Straightening up back to his full height and towering over the Elysian, he raised his fist to eye level and then lowered it. At that the NAM armors either turned off or focused their Monoeyes elsewhere. At least it wont be that obvious with the monoeyes off. He thought. With two fingers directed towards the shuttle hold, the Vel Steyr, two WATER2s and a FIRE1 entered to perform a search while the remaining marines continued undressing her with their real eyes.

As soon as the four of them entered the shuttle, the red dots on their shoulders darted here and there, scanning the shuttle for any potential threats or traps. Fian could not help but notice the intricate paintings on the walls, it was only something he saw in textpads at class. The shuttle must be purpose fitted for very important guests. He resisted the temptation to touch it, he would not be able to feel it anyway. One armor turned to face him: "All Clear". The second and third one raised a thumbs up sign. Fians own sensors also indicated notthing. Satisfied, the group stepped off the shuttle.

"The diplomatic envoy will be boarding shortly." Fian said to Ilalel from where he stood directly opposite her in the coridoor. The other Power Armors also had their backs to the wall and were facing each other further down the line. He switched communications to Ally. "The shuttle is clean. Inform the appopriate parties."
Gran scratched his head slightly as he worked on the articles of Elysian culture he had managed to obtain. He didn't quite understand why, but he would do his best to commit it all to rote memory. He sighed slightly as he rounded a corner. He leaned against the wall for a moment to collect his thoughts. This is the future, what I do now affects every Nepleslian's life. I can do this. He assured himself as he pushed from the wall and continued to the elevator. He closed the text on his pad and switched to some music as the elevator rose. He fitted a small ear piece to his head and smiled as the metal poured into his head with controlled fury.

As the elevator opened on the top deck, Gran strode out mouthing words slightly, letting the singer puppeteer his lips. He walked slowly feet matching half the tempo. He rounded another curve and approached the entrance to the bridge. He smiled and pulled the piece out of his ear as he saw Rico. "When do we leave?" He swung out his hand to shake.
"Excuse us. Standard procedures."

The words rang sour in Ilalel's mind, but she gave no indication of offense, simply inclined her head in a graceful matter, complete with a subtle cascading shift of her wing feathers, giving a sound like pattering rain on a wooden roof. "Of course, honored guests. I understand that I am a terribly threatening individual, even without a Seraph escort."

She wasn't offended so much by his words, as by the notable change in temperature he caused on her skin. That, that was just plain rude. Still, she bit her tongue, allowing herself no pleasure beyond the single quip. Nepleslians were barbaric and uncivilized, they couldnt be expected to show the same courtesy or intellect of a true child of God. And so, even with the many marines laying constant gaze upon her, she simply maintained her passive position and awaited the boarding.

The diplomatic envoy will be arriving shortly. That, really, was what Ilalel had wished to hear.

"I anticipate his arrival greatly, honored guest. Thank you."

Another inclination of the head, a show of respect, at least as much respect as she could manage to dig out, for these... brutes.
Rico smirked as he watched Gran approach, attempting to mask his concern as he reached out a hand to meet Gran's in a firm handshake. Afterwards, Rico simply returned to leaning against the wall of the corridor, shooting a glance at the closed bulkhead door to the bridge.

"Well, right now we're just waitin' for them to finish the damn talk. When they come out, you an' me will escort Soreta to that transport they got parked in the airlocks. I just hope those Elysian pricks sent an envoy who can keep quiet."
Mike was one of the first to get onboard the shuttle, equipped with his WATER2 power armor and a few extra guns and grenades in a bag, just in case all hell broke loose down there. He also packed a little extra explosive insurance. While he waited for the others to board and for the shuttle to depart, he askeed the ship's computer for a summarized version of Elysian background and history.
Jet had been passively monitoring the situation from his "office," and sighed. The marines were well-behaved, as least as well as they could be which made his job a lot easier, but when a elysian diplomat was scheduled to come on board he stood up and stretched. It was time for him to go meet this person to at least provide a measure of security while they were there. So in a few moments he was waiting for them in the hallways outside the docking bay of the Alliance, there wasn't much room in the bay itself with all the people changing places.
Ally's voice would come on over the ship's PA system, announcing that the Elysian ship had docked and that everyone going down to the surface should start boarding.
"You heard the lady, get on." Fian ordered via loudspeakers.

As the marines shuffled past him to the shuttle. The Vel Steyr stayed where he was opposite the Elysian to make sure nothing untoward happens to her in-passing. When all the marines were in, he still stayed where he was. There was a diplomatic envoy still unaccounted for. He leaned on the wall with his armor and pointed the monoeyes down the corridoor, wondering when will they arrive.
Soreta was somewhat slow in arriving at the shuttle; however, she arrived quite soon after Fian, blades at her sides serving more of a ceremonial purpose than anything practical. She looked to the marines, then to the female Elysian who seemed to be in charge of things.

"My name is Soreta, and I think you're here for me," she said, again in Seraphim.
Gran's face became slightly more serious as he continued with Rico. "You do understand we are to be on our best behavior too, right? Respect will only be returned to those who give it." He smiled again, and turned to follow where he had seen someone go, someone who he expected was Soreta. He tucked the computer pad into his back pocket as he mentally replayed the song he was listening to earlier. He made his steps slow, trying to relax before the big mission, and hoping Rico would walk with him.
Monoeyes zipped left, right, up, down, and all around on Kokuten's WATER2. He absorbed every detail of the transport and all of it's lovely paintings. His mind raced, he was excited, and he ,now with this sample of Elysian architecture, couldn't wait to see the Homeworld. The Nepleslian had wished he was able to bring some sort of photo camera to capture the scenes. Still, he would be sure to give detail of what he would see in his next writting to his parents and brother.

My brother...

Oh, his brother would only scoff at these scenes, calling them unstrategic, distracting, and plain useless. Hatu was always about functionality, how things worked, not how great they look. The two Chiaki brothers were always at eachother's necks, being complete opposites. Hatu was brash, loud, judgemental, violent, distrustful of others, and had an emphasis on the inward sense of self, meaning, he didn't really care what/who it looked like. Kokuten was careful, quiet, forgiving, peaceful, a tad gullible, and had a sense of emphasis on both outward and inward senses of self.

The idea of Hatu being here instead of him, unnerved Kokuten with the fact that his brother might just start a war with his low tolerance for assery.
"I don't give a flippin' shit baby," Rico said with a venomous smirk as they quickly followed Soreta to the airlocks. Rico looked down at this uniform, adjusting anything out of place before looking back up. "When they deserve respect, I'll respect 'em. Until then, they can bite my Nepleslian ass."

Upon reaching the Elysian shuttle and stepping inside, Rico's smile faded as he looked at the innards of the vessel. It was extravagent...white walls, glossy floors, paintings, and smack in the middle of the shuttle, a sickly thin plebian Elysian. The more Rico looked around, the more he was reminded of the many reasons behind his distaste for this race. He kept his comments to himself, however, and stood to Soreta's right as she greeted the Elysian woman.
Well, thats all of them.

Satisfied, the Vel Steyr stepped into the shuttle. He did not speak or motion to Rico or anybody else in the envoy or his team, he intended to carry out the mission in full professionalisim now that everything now is firmly within his control.
"Crew scheduled for departure on the Elysian shuttle has been loaded and is ready to depart," Ally reported to Captain Miller.

"Confirmed. Please clear the shuttle for departure. Let's hope this meeting is a beneficial one." The Captain let out a long sigh. "The sooner we can leave, the better."

Ally quickly sent an approval to the pilot of the Elysian shuttle, along with a message bidding the shuttle a safe trip home.