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RP: NSS Alliance MISSION 2, PART 1: Dinner with the Enemy

As the Elysians spoke, Soreta stood, the first thing in their view. What little they could see of her face said, 'We want peace, but we're not putting up with your shit.'

In fluent Elysian, she said, "My name is Soreta. My purpose is to negotiate a treaty between Nepleslia and Elysia. We recognize your escort and will follow them to your home. I, too, pray that this meeting will be fruitful."

May the Writers forgive me for what I am about to do...
Fian looked at the assembling marines, although the Alliance had exited Hyperspace at the very outskirts of the Elysian system, he would have prefered if everyone was ready to sorte before then. God knows what would happen when we are in enemy terrirory, worse, the enemy home like what the tunnels and the Alliance was in the previous simulation. Terrirorial advantage means you play by their rules.

And this means part of my plan has been rendered obsolete. The Vel Steyr resisted the urge to facepalm.Should not have planned that far unless I was absolutely certain of the variables.

But whatever it is, something has to be done to the marines already here. He pulled up his roster and begun to assign them to their groups. He hates breaking up the established Alpha-Beta-Delta groups but everybody has their preferred Power Armor and it was Power Armor that determined the speciality of the Marine.

"All right, I dont know what the Elysians are going to pull, but I am going to tell you what we are going to pull." Fian cleared his throat, getting the attention of the marines. "If shit happens, the first people that are going to get hurt is the diplomatic envoy. And because the safety of the envoy is our top pirority, I am going to give you permission to annhilate any possible threats when the time comes."

"I'm not going to kid you, we are at a severe disadvantage here and most of us might to make it out alive. But if I catch any of you shooting unnessesary targets or pulling the trigger before any angel does, I'm going to make you wish you didnt make it."

"Now, thanks to our dear Senator Laureal of the Elysian senate, the rules has changed. Some parts of the plan is no longer valid but I am going to control every aspect of this mission when the time comes so the plan is not that important." Fian called up large holographic screen next to him to display what he was about to determine next: Group arrangements.

"The selected WATER2s, Golems, and FIRE1s will be part of Gamma team. If anything happens, we will be the first to 'clear the air' at the diplomatic talks." The names on the list included John Hawkins, Benji Storm and Kokuten Chiaki. "I will be personally leading this group."

"The next team of the following Phalanxes, Warhawks, Kariyus and AIR2s will be playing support and back up." Fian announced, a second list appearing. Many of those members of Epsilon team. "P3C Adrian is in charge."

"The last group, comprising of everybody else, will remain in the vicinity of the NSS Alliance, Sargeant Dick Pickett leading." Some groans were heard amongst the marines. "Ultimately both the envoy and us will be retreating from this sector onboard this ship. I trust you would be able to take care of it."

"And there you go." Fian said, wrapping up his speech. "The groups are Gamma, Epsilon and Charlie respectively. Charlie may exit right now to perfor escort duties, the rest of the marines will remain here until further notice. Godspeed, soldiers."

At that, group Charlie begain to launch out from the tubes. But Fian still had something more to say. "Ally." He said, switiching to a private channel. "Digitally lock every marine's weapons unless they are out of communications or a signal is given by me or any of their respective group leaders. Inform the group leaders, and send me the names of anyone who fires prematurely after the mission." Fian waited for Ally to respond. Cant afford to screw up here, just cant... Just cant.
Captain Miller stood beside his chair and spoke a reply as well, in Nepleslian, because, well, he didn't know Elysian.

"I am Captain Jack Miller of the NSS Alliance. We have been charged with escorting Miss Soreta here, whom, I assume, has just introduced herself. We request your permission to continue in that regard. If it makes you comfortable, we will gladly permit a 'diplomatic' escort of yours to guide us to the proper drop point."

Miller's face was all business, but it bore the firm-yet-fair expression of a battle-tested leader.
The senator allowed them both to speak before responding in a slow, measured fashion, first speaking in the strangely beautiful language that was Seraphim to Soreta,

"It is good that you speak the civilized language, Diplomat Soreta. Your accent is better than most foreigners."

He then spoke to both of them in English, although during the transfer it was apparent he found the language distasteful and inelegant,

"We recognise you Captain Miller, as well as your purpose. It is important that we speak of the transfer. We wish to pick up your diplomat while you are in orbit on one of our shuttles. You will forgive us, but we know your ship's destructive power and we do not wish it to be within our atmosphere."

The Alliance would noticed the approaching object multiply as two Concordia Scout Ships were joined by three decloaking ones. They silently and gracefully flew into and escort formation.
Matthew kept silent at his console as he listened to the conversation between the Elysians, Soreta, and Captain Miller. He had stopped his plans of sprucing up the Alliance's computer defenses for the moment to monitor communications going several different ways along with sensors. He couldn't help but sweat a bit at the whole situation.

He had joined the military to serve the new Nepleslian Star Empire and understood the necessary applications of diplomacy, but he was a soldier and a technical specialist. All this was a bit un-nerving to the Cadet as he sat on the Bridge doing his job.

In many cases, the Marine's had the better job considering they were in the bowels of the Alliance while Matt sat there, possibly visible to the Elysians he knew his father and uncle probably hated and feared.

His face hiding his worries with an expressionless facade, Cadet Lionheart turned back to his console and the many windows on it. Sensors could detect all the ships in the area, the Elysians outnumbering them fairly well (which was to be expected). Communications between the armor teams could be seen by the ship's communications window and only gave Matt more work to do. The third window on his console was that of coding he had been writing while waiting for the Elysians to greet them. Saving it to a text file first, the young Cadet stored it in a personal file for the moment so that he could concentrate on his duties.
"Very well then. We will remain stationed here for receipt of your shuttle. Boarding the shuttle will be Soreta and a small security detail. Please reserve space for 3 or 4 persons total."

A window near Miller's console, from Cadet Lionheart, alerted the captain to the fact of the enemy ships surrounding them. A display of power was to be expected this close to hostile territory, but being outnumbered like this made the captain's stomach uneasy.

"Is there anything else you request to make this transfer a smooth one?"
Gran thoughtfuly paced, wondering when his instructions would come. He had been slightly nervous about the whole mission since Rico had invited him along, but he was much too excited to think about the stress. He walked slowly in long circles around the deck, crossing the mess hall, the medbay, even the rec room.

He had his eyes on his computer pad as he walked the halls, he didn't worry about running into anyone since practically all the other marines were in the Power Armor bay. He had what little information he could dig up on Elysian customs and structure displayed on the pad, and he slowly scrolled through the text, trying to absorb as much of it as possible. He paced and read, waiting for his call to escort Soreta.
A smile slid smoothly on to the senators face,

"Perhaps. My nation wishes to extend its welcome to you and your crew, to enjoy what hospitality Elysia can offer. You are, after all, our guests and we treat our guests well - God demands we do nothing less. If you wish we shall transport you and as much of your crew down to the surface of our holy planet, to show that there is no animosity between our peoples. If you do not wish to take up this offer?" Laurael paused for a moment, "Then I am sure the Elysian people will not take it to be a deliberate stub on your behalf aimed to disrupt the negotiations."
"Thank you, I will consult with my crew briefly before contacting you once more. Please standby."

The communication was placed on hold, blacking out the channel as Miller looked to his bridge crew.

"Well, do any of you want to go? Personally, I'm not setting foot of this ship. I can't afford to leave the crew on this ship at the mercy of the Elysians. The only other option is if the entire crew went planetside, and that's NOT going to be an option."

He cleared his throat.

"Seems that they're trying to present a front of power, especially with those escorts approaching. I'm thinking of sending some of our own armors planetside to keep up appearances. Lieutenant, contact the Vel Steyr in charge of the marine sortie and give him this option."
Wazu nodded and opened up a link to Vel Steyr, "Plans have changed. We have been given the option to send additional marines down to the surface along with the diplomatic party. Ask around if any of them want to go planeside. I want at least half the marines on board the Alliance and still suited up in case something happens.â€
Ask? You gotta be kidding.

"Gamma team, it appears we would be going planetside now, together with the diplomatic envoy. Be sure to be on your best behaviour." Fian turned off the commlink and exhaled. Well, guess I dont need to worry about getting there on time after all.
Rico had been leaning against the wall of the Bridge corridor for the last few minutes, waiting patiently for any signs of movement from the large bulkhead door protecting the bridge. Rico knew Soreta would be inside, handling the greetings between the NSS Alliance and the Elysians, and Rico took it upon himself to simply wait for the diplomat to leave the bridge and begin the escort there. The silence of the empty ship hallways did not do much to alleviate the tension as he waited.

After more waiting, Wazu's voice addressed Rico from the speaker system above his head. Rico listened as Wazu explained the situation, heaving a sigh of relief when it was revealed that he might be receiving additional marine support. Rico decided to hold his communication with Fian until he knew what marines were getting assigned to him and continued leaning against the side of the corridor, arms crossed, forced smile spread precariously across his face.
Istvan blinked "Thanks Ally." he said, getting up carefully "Tell me, is there a pot of cloqual ready? Nahh, never mind, I'll pick some up..." He left the medbay, forgetting to dress. After about five seconds he returned to medbay blushing heavily, and takes the clothing and dresses "whups..."

After a quick swing by cafeteria to pick up a pot of Cloqual, and chug it, Istvan quickly reports to Fian. "Sir, P3C Istvan reporting ready for duty!"
Fian thought for a while. He originally wanted Istvan to lead Epslion. Besides, just moments before this he saw Istvan totally incapacitated and on the medibay bed. Like what Adrian said, that Istvan's actions is his responsibility, it was only appropriate that the medic watches over him.

"Grab a power armor and report to Adrian. Epslion Team." Fian said over his loudspeakers to Istvan, pointing an armored finger towards the Medic. I'll upload the mission data to you as soon as you get in.

The Vel Steyr then uploaded a namelist of the marines going planetside (The whole Gamma team including Fian, Kokuten, Benji and John) to Ally so that she may forward it to the appropriate parties. After that he closed his eyes and waited...
As the Gamma names were listed, the Private Crosby found his name on it. "I guess we get to see some angels close up," the tough soldier quietly grunted to himself. Mike's beady little eyes looked around as he walked into the bay wear wearing his armor, a WATER. His stony facial expression was locked in his typical frown. Puttting on his helmet, he hooked up to the tactical network and checked his weapons to make sure everything was in order. Next, he introduced himself to his new squadmates. "M. Crosby, signing on. Here's hoping we don't die of boredom down there."
Istvan noded 'Yes sir." He says, picking out a water two, then reporting to Adrian. "P3C Istvan Michealovitch Yuttreberg reporting in." he said, sharp and quick. The cloqual was just starting to hit his blood, and while it was no where near as potent as big K it certainly made him feel better, sharper, and more alert. "Thank the gods for cloqual... helps me feel human again." he muttered under his breath, then he blinked at the com light, and turns off the transmitter
Adrian cocked his eyebrow at Istvan.
"Glad to see you're a bit better. By the way, you might want to swap out that armor for one of these," Adrian pointed at his Warhawk's head.
"The WATER is nice and all, but when we're flying point-nine, you'll be pretty sore when you're two AU behind us."

(OOC: D-d-double post! Fixings please!)
Going planetside? YES.

Kokuten would've loved to have been on the planetside team in the first place. He wanted to see the if the rumors about the 'beautiful' Elysian world was true. The fact that he was getting to see it on peaceful terms filled him with joy. If only the other Marines could just see that big stupid grin on his face.

Though, he began to focus on the matter at hand, these Elysians were just plain strict on outward appearence, at least according to what he had heard. They would probably consider him a barbarian of some sort compared to themselves. He hated be looked down on, and that may cause problems between the Elysians and himself.
Istvan scowled, reactivating the transmitter "your squad moves fast. Not my area of expertise. I would rather have a small squadron of waters to serve as support to yours." He said "However if you order me into a fast mover I will obey..." Istvan seemed unhappy with the prospect of abandoning his water "Perhaps throw some FIREs into the group too... that would allow us maximum support ability!" Istvan sighed "I am not a stunt man-pilot."
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