Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: NSS Alliance MISSION 2, PART 1: Dinner with the Enemy

Ally smiled to the marines that had just boarded the shuttle then moved out of the airlock as Wazu entered and limped into the shuttle.

"Good luck, and come back safely,â€
John's FIRE shook slightly as the shuttle separated from the Alliance. He wasn't to fond of being on what would be considered enemy territory, but at least he was coming prepared.
Going down down down..
Kokuten's excitement began to soar as the ship jolted. In three minutes he would be able to see what was the Elysian homeworld. His grin was almost to ear to ear, he couldn't wait. The medic began to remind himself he was on a mission.

Hold your posture, don't make an ass out of yourself...
Gran sighed to himself at Rico's remark, for a second he felt like he might be babysitting Rico, making sure he didn't say anything too rash. But only for a second, he trusted Rico more than that and he knew Rico wouldn't start anything global. He quickly followed Rico onto the ship and stood on the other side of who he expected was Soreta. He tried to make eye-contact with their host and gave a slight bow, respectfuly.

As he kept silent and let his eyes wonder about the inside of the ship, he was less surprised than most of the marines, he had already see picutes and files describing similar things when he was studying up for the mission. Sure it was beautiful and pleased the eyes, and Gran liked it, but he could only guess how much extra time and money was spent on it's production and upkeep, and what else the time, and especially the money, could have been spent on.

He leaned slightly as the shuttle jerked and smiled, wondering how the city itself would look.
The shuttle traveled, making little noise until almost two minutes into the trip. At that point a soft sound accompanied the white floor dissolving into a projection of what was below the shuttle. Clouds broke way to show a white marble cathedral against a backdrop of similarly constructed buildings. The shuttle came to an abrupt halt above what looked like a stained glass window which pulled itself apart to expose a landing pad that the shuttle descended down to as it landed amongst large spires adorned with Elysians in various states of undress frozen in intricate dances.

The door of the shuttle then opened with a soft hum, pulling away from the hull of the ship and exposing the large flat roof of the structure they had landed on. Outside was a small group of individuals, one of which stepped forward to address the marines, "Will the guests not with the immediate diplomatic group please come with me into the visitor center?â€
The Vel Steyr's monoeyes scanned the area. Some survelliance but mostly all clear. Something deep inside him told him that the Elysians are quite honest in the negotiations. Well, thats what he hoped so anyway. There are more than enough enemies of Nepleslia in existence. Since he's on Elysian soil and this is a diplomatic mission, the marines should play along.

With a slight nod to Soreta, he turned to the Elysian. "I am Fian Vel Steyr, Private Second Class. I am responsible for these marines." He then paused for a while. "We'll follow."

Switching over to team-channel he said. "All right, single file. Keep your eyes peeled." He then moved his white AIR2 stepped off the shuttle to follow the Elysian. Well, as long as they are alert, they wont do anything stupid.
Shit shit shit shit DONE!
Adrian quickly grabbed his fly with his heavily armored hand and zipped up, praying he didn't catch anything... important in the rush.
The marine stumbled backwards, grabbed the armor plate that should have been protecting his groin, and quickly began trying to fit it back into place as he ran out of the restroom, drawing rather confused looks from crew who thought that a heavily armed and armored marine did not have the right to relieve his bladder.
Just as he snapped the metal groin-piece back on his armor, he rounded the corner to the PA bay. Adrian stood, breathing slightly heavily, weathering the stares of 50 or so Marines. One started a bit of a giggle.
"Wha'... The Fuck'... A' YA DAMN SLACKAS LAUGHIN' A'?!"
The marines shut the hell up. Most of them hadn't known Adrian long enough to know, but it took a shit load to make the man break down his word structure.
Adrian quickly got back in the front of the line, silently cursing.
A moment later, a small pop-up appeared on his HUD.
Adrian stared at the message for a moment. The stream of curses that left his mouth after this was quite possibly the most profane, creative mixture of abject rage and hatred to ever be accidently broadcast over a wide-band Star Army channel.
Istvan listened to Adrian's curses, apparently impassively. When he noticed Adrian beginning to repeat himself he finally spoke up. "Very good" he says "But can you say it in Russian?" He then starts into a stream of aggressive constants and harsh letters... If anyone here aside from him actually KNEW Russian though they would find that instead of the slew in insults and cusses it sounded like, it was actually just Istvan reciting a cook-book.... Though the very fact that he had memorized several pages of a cook-book was impressive; he had probably done something like this before. He finished with "And that slew of cusses for taking away my K."
Checking the medical supply logs on a small data pad for the hundredth time, Soldier 3rd Class Fay Saelus shuffled into the PA bay just in time to hear Adrian's outburst at the marines. He looked up momentarily to scan the area with his emerald green cybernetic eyes. Fay's platinum blonde hair, at shoulder length and in a ponytail, was tucked in between his back and body armor so that it wouldn't bother him. After his moment of hesitance, Fay strode over to a nearby bulkhead to await further orders. Fay was obviously having trouble moving around in full body armor. His mechanical kneecap clanged lightly against the armor that was practically fused to his leg. This was his first assignment, so Fay was extremely nervous. He wanted to make a good first impression. Fay had arrived aboard the NSS Alliance just before she had left on her voyage to the Elysian homeworld. Meeting Elysians for the first time was probably making Fay even more nervous than anything else. Fay began to read over the medical supply logs again to try to keep himself busy.
A young woman walked into the power armor bay and called out two names, "P THREE C Adrian and P THREE C Saelus.â€
Adrian gritted his teeth and sighed, staring at the woman in front of him through his Warhawk's visor.
"Hmm... Alright, but it's gotta be fuckin' quick. Shit goes down I need to be on the ground in a real hurry."
Adrian gave a glance to Fay.
"Oi. I'm P3C Adrian Decane. I'm the medical officer."
Adrian leaned his Disruptor rifle up against his shoulder and walked to the door.
"Let's go. We seriously need to hurry. First stop is the medbay..."
Fay nodded sharply and replied, "Yes, sir. My designation is P3C Fay Saelus, marine medic." He tried to salute, but instead almost struck his head with his own SIAR. Luckily, he managed stop himself with the rifle inches from his head. Fay blinked and then hurried over to follow Adrian out the door. Several crewmembers stopped to stare at the two marines, one in a Warhawk and the other in a Phalanx, as they walked towards the medbay.
Because of the proximity to Elysia virtually every crewmember that had not gone down to the surface was busy either arming themselves with weapons out of the armory, heading to the bridge, or running some sort of equipment check. Most of the rooms were empty at the time, and the corridors were quickly clearing out aside from the occasional power armored marine.
within the shuttle Benji found a spot in which to carefuly lean against a bulkhead[wall] and go over the list of his music he'd made sure to load from the files off of the NSS Alliance before they left on the shuttle. He picked out a bit of heavy metal and played them on the internal speakers. He made sure they weren't playing alound. Without making it obvious he turned off his monoeyes for the timebeing and studied the female Elysian with his own eyes.

oddly, he found her to be not quite as pretty or anywhere close to what he'd might have liked to think the angels looked like. He'd taken a breif glance over some random information of Elysians and so far he thought they were just over-rated for him. Of course he much more perfered a girl in overalls with greas smudged skin than an elysian... so far.
Kokuten was bunched up with excitedment, he was right at the front of the line of Marines advancing out of the shuttle. He did his best to keep his back straight and his body from shooting out of the armor from excitement. When he left the shuttle, Kokuten kept his face foreward, but his moneye's zoomed all over the place. He took in every detail of the architecture. Though his mind kept repeating 3 different words to keep him set straight.

Stay... Focused... Stay... Professional...
Rico watched silently from his standing position next to Soreta as the armored marines slowly filed out of the lavish vessel. The presence of the other marines was a small relief, but now that they were gone he was beginning to appreciate them a little bit more. Rico breathed a quiet sigh, shifting his weight to his other foot and re-crossing his arms as he continued to wait.
John filed out with the other marines, careful not to trip up the works. His monoeyes were carefully going over the area, keeping a vigilant lookout for anything out of the ordinary. Hopefully we're safe for right now, they probably won't try anything, it'd be a horrible time for an ambush though.
The area that the Marines were disembarking into was a large, flat courtyard area on top of a structure overlooking a series of gothic style structures in the surrounding area. At each corner of this area was an ornate spire, reaching upward and adorned with various spikes, stained glass and figures of stone. Each had an entry way which led into an elevator that their Elysian guide was attempting to lead them towards, calmly crossing the marble roof of the building they had landed on and entering the closest lift.
Fian twitched as he came to realize something. He isnt part of the diplomatic envoy, he isnt an anthropologist, a tourist or a guest. He isnt here to enjoy himself, he isnt here to be awestruck by these Elysians. He is a soldier, a trained and heavily armed marine, a person responsible for the lives of all the men under him.

Much as he wants everything here to pass uneventfully, to pass quickly, to untense himself in the grace of the Elysian art on display. The Vel Steyr had a serious job to do. "Check em out." He said over the commlink.

Two WATER2s flanking him entered the lifts first, as per standard procedure demonstrated earlier on the shuttle. After five seconds of scanning they returned a thumbs up sign. As leader of the group, P2C Fian Vel Steyr entered the lift next and stood by the Elysian. Waitng for everyone else to board.