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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Kale looked on with some interest from among the Eucharis away team as the catlike creatures descended from their own ship. There were only rumors of the Hidden Sun clan. Not many knew much about them. Well... nobody he knew anyway. He wondered if there would be much interaction between the crew of the Eucharis and the Defense Fleet Officers. If so it might be prudent to learn of their culture. After all its always good to broaden you horizons, right?

Shock was the first emotion when the native emerged from the surrounding fog. He had seen and heard of some strange things but this took the biscuit. He noticed that none of the others seemed surprised about the aliens appearance.

'Hmmm, this must be the greeting they give to all visitors upon arrival then.' thinking for a bit Kale's mind suddenly ground to a sharp halt. 'Wait a second. The Hidden Sun Clan have not announced their origins yet. How in the nine hells do these alien beings know of them. They have never been sighted before. For them to know of their origins they would have had to hack into the Eucharis databanks or perhaps even into the Hidden Sun Clan ships computer. Well damn. This might be one hell of an interstellar incident.'

Making a mental note on his datapad to discuss this with some of the others later. He didn't know whether to bring it up with the commanding officers after all it wouldn't be the first time his slight paranoia had gotten him into trouble over wild accusations. If more evidence came to light he would discuss it with the Chusa He'd know how to deal with it. He was way out of his depth, and quite frankly it scared him. Kale's eyes flickered to Sienna, Chieko and Deziarra.

"You three want to move out? It might just be me but this atmosphere is starting to feel a little uncomfortable."

'I just hope something good comes out of this mess.'
Landing Area

Hanako mimicked Master Sepop Qoety's polite gesture and then turned to look up at the towering stick figure cyclops. "What is the Essai Web?" she asked their host.

Bzzzzz.... "The Essai are my people. The web is a vast empire spanning many star systems. We are the...administrators of the Dream World and brokers of a galactic economy. We are often misunderstood by those who lack the intelligence we possess. In time you will come to appreciate the benefits of serving our interests."

A tingle ran up the back of Hanako's neck. "I see," she nodded. "Well, then...we would like to participate if you can supply me with knowledge of how to make and the sell power cells they use as currency here."

Brzzitburrvurr... "I am transmitting that data to your ship now, and also a way to sell power in bulk with a direct connection to the Dream World." The spindly alien tapped its wrist computer and pointed it at the Eucharis before wandering off into the fog.
Cabin 3

Izokia was beginning to get more forceful with Takeyu, pressing more of her weight onto him. Never once did she think this would be her job aboard the Eucharis but she continued diligently. "Taii, wake up! You're needed. Snap out of it. It's only a dream. WAKE UP!" With that she pressed her full body weight on the sleeping Taii.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko relaxed a bit, as the creatures were identified as allies. That was a relief. Of course, she tensed up again as the far more alien alien reappeared, letting out a squeak of surprise at the horrible noises. She avoided staring at it, looking elsewhere, distracted as Misato managed to grab her hand and drag her out onto the planet.

At least the greeter alien had wandered off again by the time she stumbled onto the odd walkway. Murakami squeezed her roommate's hand tight, keeping an eye on Bors as their group neared the others.
Cargo Bay

Bors gave a silent nod as he followed the rest of the party, shooting the new comers a glance of respect and warning as he passed them.

"We didn't get to far yesterday, turned back shortly after we reached the town so I'm not too sure what to expect." He said catching up to Misato. "Though nothing seemed to hostile toward us so I guess that's a plus."

Sune had moved with Hanako but remained a pace or so behind her. He listened carefully to the words of the alien. He did not like the superiority with which is spoke, and the phrasing of serving our interests was also not sitting well. However he chose to hold his tongue until the alien was gone.

He moved up close and softly spoke, "I find our 'host' to be somewhat less that gracious. Especially with comments like appreciate the benefits of serving..

It might be prudent to have the crew do a thorough diagnostic on Charisma and her systems."


Sepop listened to the continuing dialog the alien had with the Yamataians. She was uncertain if the creature was making veiled threats or not.

From behind her. Miobo spoke in a low voice in their language. "Tia Ta'a kavoi vonai'bu ta'te voqma âtoma tia. Obekâ'a ti Poku. Ti vymanorjo pa vonai'bu Obekâ'a."

She turned her, "Hold your tongue Miobo." she said nostrils flaring.

Miobo stepped back dropped to one knee and tilted his head exposing more of his neck. "Apologies Ta'a. I spoke out of turn. I submit."

Sepop stepped forward and held her dewclaw against his throat. "I accept. You will spend your sleep shift in the temple, so that you may contemplate the foolishness of your actions."

She turned back around, then tapped her communicator. "Sar-Lowadam, ensure the brain is fully guarded from external influence."

My Ta'a speaks words that anger my heart. I serve the Clan. I traveled not to be alien servant.
Cabin 3

Izokia's weight did little to wake Takeyu up, all it really did was cause the Taii to shift positions for a moment and mutter a few extra words... including 'Misato'.
Cabin 3

Izokia was normally very concerned about how the other crew members saw her but at this point she was beyond caring about that what kind of medic would she be if she couldn't wake up one sleeping engineer.

Izokia sat on top of the sleeping engineer considering her options. While she was thinking she sent a message to Ayumi.

Ayumi I need you in cabin 3 with a bucket of ice water haste would be ideal... Sorry to intrude.

Izokia began to slap Takeyu not with any real force at first but as she went on she noticed his face begin to get slightly red. All she could really do was pray that he wouldn't be to mad about some lowly medic attacking him.
Dreamworld Surface

"I agree. Its demeanor is even more unsettling than its appearance," Hanako commented, deliberately keeping from paying too much attention to want appeared to be some internal conflict amongst the Hidden Sun exploration team. "We should get moving." She gave Sepop a polite bow and then headed towards the city.

As she walked by the ship again, she noted, "We have one more logistics shuttle coming down in just a moment, which should have the last of our new crew members." To Sune, she softly added, "We have a lot of new faces lately but no day shift NCOs. Be on the lookout for potential leaders I can promote."
As they walked Misato lead the group towards the town, trying to get away from the new folks that showed up. She knew they were bugging Mitsuko a bit. "Well i guess we better head into town, see what we can do, or find out."

Now that they were a bit away from the ship and the rest of the crew including the officers she spoke quietly but loud enough for her little team could hear, "I don't trust these people, You guys heard how the bulk of the crew had nightmares... I think these folks are trying to steal them..." She frowned realizing how stupid it all sounded out loud, "I know.. It sound like I should have a tin foil hat on, but still they market dreams, and we all had vivid nightmares... I suck at math but that adds up even to me."

"I will keep an eye on the various members and see if any show promise." Sune replied. He wondered at what was going on with Sepop. It was apparent that she was disciplining someone. Though he was uncertain what offense the other had made. Just another thing for us to learn about them.


Sepop watched the Yamataian's walk on towards what appeared to be a settlement. So much for going with us. Miobo's actions have made this harder. Best if I approach them alone.

She turned to the Lore Keeper, "Sar Wovoy, you will lead the second team of yourself and Miobo. I am going to follow the Yamataian Officers and see what I can learn. Have Sejti come and catch up to me."

She started moving at a quick walk, which was a good way for her to burn off her frustration with her subordinate.

She was closing slowly after the two officers, and was considering what she would say when she caught up to them. She then realized she had the perfect reason to approach them. Sepop still did not know their names.

Mitsuko let her roommate lead her off by the hand, glancing back at the strange aliens as they argued. She was glad to leave them behind, as Misato hurried their group on. "I hope that's the last strange thing we run into today..." She sighed.

Suzume's worries made her frown. "I didn't have any..." She trailed off. After everything that had happened the previous day, not having a bad dream was actually fairly odd. "Um, it does seem weird, but...what could we do about it? The best thing to do is try to stay safe until the captain loses interest, or realizes there's a problem, and lets us leave."

"Their interests, hmm?" Chieko thought to herself before she saw some disciplinary action take place among the allied crew, "Today was already shaping up to be interesting. Looks like things will be even more so with them around."

The scientist then gave a bow as the officers passed her on the way back by the Eucharis. She would need to figure out whom to take to the city with while taking into account whom may need her around.

The academic noticed that the two infantry members were already hauling off a rather scared cargo specialist; but they otherwise seemed fine together. Thinking about how Sune spoke on various occasions, she also felt that leaving the officers with the striped felinoid alone may be a smarter action as well. This left the civilian and the operator whom she had not gotten to know yet - that decided things.

"Sienna, Itto-Hei," Chieko called with bows to each, "Care to come with me? I'll want to grab a med kit first, just in case if you'll be ok waiting."

Sienna didn't know what to make of everything around her. The felinoid alien baring its teeth and claws made her coil up in anticipation of an attack, but when it explained its body language, it only confounded her further as an odd display of trustworthiness. Perhaps it was only because she had her own preexisting conception of what such posturing meant, but it baffled her nonetheless.

The abomination buzzing like a swarm of insects out of the fog caught her entirely off guard. She'd never before encountered such a creature, and its mention of serving "their" interests raised alarms all over her mind. She didn't like how it addressed them as inferior creatures, almost like fodder, nor how vague it was with its answers or about what it wanted. She knew what that kind of demeanor meant.

That, of course, and the fact that it was monstrously ugly to look at and listen to.

She nodded to Chieko, but warily watched the monstrosity disappear back into the fog, feeling the only slight reassurance of the weight of the knife in her boot against her foot. "Yeah, sure," she replied curtly, offering nothing more. There was a lot about this world that just felt... wrong... to her, but she had no clear concept of what.

Ayumi stood as she heard the message from Izokia. Odd that she was not only still on the ship, but also that she needed such a strange thing from the medbay. Though she didn't question it, she simply pulled some ice from a freezer, filled the bucket. Thinking, just before she left, she picked up one of the medical scanners and put it in her pocket, unsure if she would need it, but wanting to be prepared. With haste, she exited the medbay and went on her way to cabin 3.

Cabin 3

As Ayumi arrived to cabin three she was welcomed with the strangest sight she'd ever seen. Holding the rim of the bucket and breathing slightly quickened from her hurry to reach the cabin, she tilted her head as she tried to figure out the situation. "Izokia-hei," She began, "I have brought what you what you asked for." She shot a questioning look at the apparently unconscious form in the bed.

"Is he breathing?" She asked, setting the bucket on the floor beside the bed, hoping to halt the apparent assault which the other medic was placing on their male crewmate. "Have you done a vital scan?"
"It's not just you," Deziarra replied to Kale after a long silence. "The atmosphere makes me feel uncomfortable too. As for whether we get something amazing or something horrible out of this, your guess is as good as mine. We should hope for the best and prepare for the worst."

Although she could easily give such sound words of advice, she was still unsure of herself. It was unwise to mistrust everyone. It was also unwise to go in foolishly. She extended her hand in greeting with some basic trust while mental preparing to defend herself against any possible deceptions headed her way.

"I am Deziarra Lansky," she said.
Kale smiled slightly at his fellow technician. She seemed somewhat introverted. Not that it was a bad thing.

"Pleased to meet you Deziarra, i'm Kale." he listened to the short exchange between Sienna and Chieko. "We'll wait for you Chieko."

Turning back to Deziarra he began

"So, why did you choose to be a technician?"
Logistics Shuttle

For a moment, Akane breathed heavily. She wasn't entirely sure what she would need to do. Telling herself that she only felt insecure because of the unfamiliar nature of things, her breathing eased. All her construction and training was meant to make her into what she was about to become, an active member of the Star Army's operations.

The weight of her sidearm shifted as she moved. The holster had only moved a few centimeters, but it was enough to make her notice. Nothing could be out of place, especially since Akane was taking part in her first assignment. Early impressions meant a great deal and she was still new enough that she would hardly stand out.

As she adjusted her holster once more, Akane straightened her skirt. Touching the fabric, she knew she could have avoided the skirt and been within regulations, but her sense of artistry wouldn't allow it. If she could control something, Akane would always make it more visually appealing. Her mentors told her it was part of her training and development; she simply wanted things to look nice whenever possible.

Looking up, Akane's eyes once more traced close to the top of the shuttle's walls. The giant soldier with her made her feel small, even though she was tall for a Nekovalkyrja. Regardless, she couldn't let herself feel intimidated. She was part of the Infantry, a fighter. Fear had no place inside her.

Instead of being scared, the crimson-haired soldier simply smiled and waited for the shuttle to land. Akane knew she was only minutes away from having to snap into action.
Logistics Shuttle

The giant in question was Yosmet, an ID SOL formerly of the Nep Marines but now a mere soldier of Yamatai; he appeared to be fiddling with his clearly tight uniform which clung to his massive arms like a bodysuit and was dang irritating to boot.

One sigh of exasperation later he had turned to gaze down at his 'shuttlre buddy' as he termed it with a big, clearly jovial smile, of course such a smile was accompanied by words and his sounded like someone was churning gravel, "Its exploring time, eh bud?"
He inquired of her as gargantuan hands now switched to adjusting his holster which held his standard issue sidearm. Such fiddling was not of the nervous kind but of the kind where everythimg was a tad too tight for his liking.
"I am skilled at math and science," Deziarra explained. "A technician needs to be skillful in both these things."

She stopped as she heard another logistics shuttle landing. With the arrival of Yosmet and Akane, she was no longer the newest member of the crew.

"The roster of the YSS Eucharis has had quite a few changes recently," she said. "The Yamatai Star Empire must consider this place to be important to send all of us here."
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