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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Chieko's recovery Cell

Kale sighed leaning on the wall next to the tube.

"Probably about as well as can be coped. I think I've probably ruined one or two possible friendships and caused a heck of a lot more harm then good so far. I guess I'll have to see how it goes. I'll be lucky if the shosho doesn't bounce me right back to Fort Minor I think. Well. If Sienna doesn't eviscerate me first. Not that I don't deserve it after all thats happened."

The young minkan let out a rueful chuckle.

"As long as your ok. That's good enough for me."

"Don't call me Shelton-san," Sienna replied to Ayumi, between bursts of chortling, the grin still on her face. "'Sienna' is just fine."

She shook her head again against the pounding headache and went to wipe her eyes before re-realizing that her wrists were bound, which sobered her a bit more quickly. So she'd been drugged. No wonder she couldn't remember what she'd been doing. And no wonder she'd been curious enough to want to go outside in this weird place unprotected; undoubtedly her inhibitions had been lowered.

She was still plenty unhappy about waking up tied to an examination table, and even more angry about being shot, but at least now she felt more confident that these Yamataians actually were looking out for her well-being at least on some level. Given the recklessness, gullibility, and sheer stupidity they exhibited with marching out onto an artificial alien world without any form of protection whatsoever simply in the name of diplomacy made it hard for her to believe that they'd have the foresight to tie one of their own Nekovalkyrja down to the bed next to her just to play a con.

Ayumi came back, asking if she was in control of herself again. "Yeah, I'm good," she said, wincing a little as the tingling sensation flared up suddenly again. "If y'all can say the same thing about your trigger fingers."

She chuckled one last time before looking over at Natsumi's battered face. Her grin faded slowly as the weight of what she'd done started to press on her, and fragmented pieces of memory started to trickle in. She remembered the sensation of bouncing off of the ground and rocketing through the air, vaguely. She remembered a cramped, almost claustrophobic sensation. But the most relevant thing she rememebered was somehow knowing that she had been the one that broke Natsumi's face so badly.

What had set her off? Why had she gone crazy like that? What did Natsumi do that made her snap and start to pummel her into a bruised and bloody pulp?

"You... okay over there?" she asked hesitantly.
Medical Lab

Chieko was surprised at the light bump she heard on the tube - had Kale actually leaned on it? She was glad to hear that everyone was okay, only smirking a little when the technician disparaged himself. Then his most recent comment came up, causing the scientist to open her eyes again and try to see where he was.

It took a moment for her to pick out the right shapes, but one was undoubtedly familiar from last night. The academic focused on the back of Kale's head, closed her channel to the speakers, and opened a telepathic link to him.

"I hope you don't mind, but I don't need the others hearing me like this," Chieko began again, a mix of fear and apprehension at the edge of her thoughts, "Thanks for worrying about me. I appreciate it - a lot.

"Please don't be too hard on yourself."

The young Minkan then closed her eyes and tried to relax again.
Medical Bay

Natsumi glanced t Sienna through her unswolen eye and nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine soon" she said. Now that the pain was gone she was feeling a lot better and knew in a few hours most of her face would be back to normal via her built in self healing.

"Hey, don't worry about it, I know you were not in your right mind" she said quietly to Sienna and offered her the best smile she could manage in her state.

"I did not shoot you," Ayumi repeated stubbornly as she undid the Nepleslian's bonds. "Sienna...-san." Unable to completely remove honorifics from anyone's name, she still ended up tagging the formality onto the end. She nodded down at the less injured off the two patients and then looked up at Takeyu.

For a moment she frowned slightly, unsure why the Taii had not been listening when Deziarra and Natsumi both had been explaining the situation, the look quickly left her face and was replaced with neutrality once again. She bowed, "My apologies Taii." She had been doing so much apologising today she wondered if she should start requesting compensation of them all.

"I have no first hand experience, other than what I have seen here." She explained, her tone even, though apologetic, "There appears to be some sort of drug on the surface which is affecting people, and I am guessing may have caused your strange dream state before. A group from the surface, I can only assume they have split into multiple groups from what I heard, returned upon discovering how they were being affected by the drug. Koizumi-hei was injured, and brought back here for treatment as well as this Itto Hei, the Santo Hei from before, Sienna-san and the Santo Hei who is currently sitting with Koizumi-hei." She paused glancing back at Natsumi and remembering she had not properly introduced herself yet, deciding to do so once she was done explaining.

This of course was where Ayumi was starting to become just as confused as all else not involved, so she had to gather her thoughts for a moment, "Sienna-san, under the influence of the drugs, became violent and fled from the medical lab, she was followed by both Santo Hei and Itto Hei mentioned. Orshira-Hei went after them, and at some point all other than Orshira-Hei and the female Santo Hei were disabled. Sienna-san and Itto Hei by some form of stun gun. They were brought back here, and while the male Santo Hei remained behind Sienna-san and Itto Hei were held down under assumption that something had caused the need for them to be disabled."

Now her gaze cast to the ground for a moment, for she did feel badly for holding down her crewmate and the ship's guest. Surely this explanation was a hard one to follow, Ayumi only knew three names of those involved.

"The Itto Hei in the containment cell is one who was brought in later. Now... Having run the proper tests on you, Nayacesen-Taii, I have no qualms with releasing you, as we are currently working on a cure, however I must warn against leaving the ship." She had not wanted to release him before, having no clue what was going on, but since they were working on some sort of solution it seemed acceptable to release him now. She bowed again, "I must apologise for the inconvenience we have placed on you."

Quietly she turned to Natsumi, "I must also apologise for my rudeness towards you, Itto Hei, as up until now I have not introduced myself properly. I am Satonaka Ayumi, Santo Hei." She glanced over at Izokia, before deciding her next action, "And with your permission I will set your nose, and allow your body to start healing you."

Sienna opened her mouth to correct Ayumi again, but stopped, waited a second, and just sighed with a smirk, letting the matter go. If she was that insistent on tacking some kind of title onto her name, at least she'd prefer it was her first name. "Yeah, well," she replied nonchalantly, but with a barely detectable edge in her voice, "whoever it was, it still happened. I know what being tazed feels like."

Her wrists and ankles now free, she flexed her aching hands the best she could and brought them up to have a look at them. They didn't look too bad for the pain she felt in them, although her knuckles were bruised up a fair bit. It didn't feel like any of the bones were broken, but it would take a bit of time to use her hands again without discomfort and her left thumb was almost certainly jammed.

She glanced over at Natsumi again. At least she didn't look as bad as her.

Rubbing her forehead in a vain attempt to ward off the headache, she listened as Ayumi explained what had happened. Her brow knitting a little bit more with each sentence, she tried to piece together in her memory what the doctor said, but she could only recall broken fragments, and her sense of chronological order was scrambled. She was, however, able to remember getting extremely violent with Natsumi, though it was only blurry images and sensations without any real detail. It further perplexed her that the doctor said they'd had to stun Natsumi as well. Why? She at least somewhat understood why they'd tied her up as well, but why had they shot her too?

Frowning, she glanced over at Natsumi again, and the sight of her broken face sparked a growing sense of guilt deep within her. It had been a long time since she'd felt guilty about anything. "So," she asked quizzically as Ayumi moved in to work on repairing the damage, "then why'd they shoot you, too?"
Containment Cell

If there was a worse location to wake up after being knocked out, Bors didn't know where it was. With his mind still reeling from the drugs on the planet he thought that he was in a Jail cell back on Nepleslia.

So they finally caught me eh? he thought to himself as he shifted himself up to a sitting position and glanced out of his cell towards the operating tables, Looks like they got everything set up, pry gonna try to torture some info outa me or are you gonna get yourself outa this one Bors.

As he put his head down into his hands he let out a long sigh as he began to think, running his fingers through his short hair in an attempt to massage an idea out. Suddenly his eyes caught a glimpse of something metallic sitting on the edge of his boot, pulling it out he found the butterfly knife he had stashed there earlier.

"Oh hello.."

He said to himself as he quickly and quietly flicked the blade opened and hid it in the palm of his hand, a grim smile crossing his face. He had just what he needed for an escape plan, all he had to do now was wait for just the right moment.
Kale was a little surprised when Chieko switched to a telepathic channel. Even more so at her words. He was a little taken aback that she would show him a side of herself she didn't seem to want public. He was slightly confused at her intonation as well. She seemed fearful of something not that he could even begin to figure out what.

Kale mentally sighed.

"I'm a cynic. I always try to plan for the worst." he sent back. "Still though with my little trigger happy gun spree there. I don't really know how to be an optimist about it. I mean I almost shot Sienna and Natsumi for Empires sake!"

He took a couple of deep, calming breaths.

"Sorry for snapping. I'll try to see the brighter side of things Chieko."
With a sigh and a shrugged Misato surrendered and didn't even wait for an answer before she trudged up the loading ramp. as she approached Mitsuko she drew her NSP and handed it to the black haired neko. "Here.. I won't be needing it for a bit." She wanted to say more but the guilt she felt over holding that pistol on her roommate hurt too much.

With a frown she telepathically asked where Bors was. Charisma answered and lead her to the containment cell where he waited. She asked the Ship's AI to give her a bit of time before letting her out. 'maybe the time served will help clean my guilt.'

Once the door slid opened Misato stepped in with Bors, the door slammed shut behind her.
Medical Bay

Natsumi did her best to stay still as Ayumi worked on her face. "Yes, go ahead she said to the medic, then turned her eye to Sienna. "I think they believed I was still heavily under the influence of the drugs still like you were, though I was not" she explained. "I already got a half dose of decontamination before chasing after you" she shrugged. "But also, Izokia can't aim to well, her shots for you grazed me twice"

With that Natsumi shrugged and closed her eyes, "How much do you remember?" she asked.
Medical Bay

Izokia was incredibly distracted by the data that was coming in those effected by the drugs but her head perked up when Sienna asked her question. "I didn't want to shoot her but she got in the way to save you. I offer my deepest apologies to both of you again.

Deziarra entered the bridge and saluted. Hanako was with an older NH-29 Series Nekovalkyrja who she did not recognize. This person had rank and was clearly known by the Shosho.

"How do you do?" she asked bowing and extending her hand in greeting. "Santo Hei Deziarra Lansky at your service."

She turned her attention back to Hanako.

"Shosho, I have a report on the medical status of the crew," she said handing over the report.
Containment Cell

Bors turned and was surprised when he saw Misato enter the cell.

"What are you doing here..." He asked her with a quizzical tone in his voice. "Must of gotten you for association huh?"

As far as he knew he was back in a cell somewhere on Nepleslia waiting for his sentence in jail, and now his crew mate from the Eucharis was stuck in here with him.

"Don't worry I have a plan to bust us out."

Getting up from his spot on the bed he walked over to the door, jamming his blade into the the door lock he started to jimmying it around.

"OK as soon as I crack this door open, grab someone you can use as a shield. If I had a spare knife i'd lend you one."

Within a few moments there was a slight pop as the door became unlocked. Holding it closed with his free hand so as not to alert the guards he perceived outside he looked over his shoulder towards Misato.

"Just go for the first person with a gun you see, the faster we get one the faster we can shoot our way out of here."
Containment Cell

"Ummm Bors... Bors, Ummm No?" Misato watched his antics and wondered how he still had a knife. "We are not... Oh... You are a pain in the tail." her tail flicked as if to punctuate the sentence. She reached in front of him and placed a hand on his chest pushing him back from the door gently but firmly. "I think you an I need to have a chat... Better now... then ummm... when we are on the run."

She pushed him back so he fell back onto the bed, she crouched down before him putting her hands on his, "Look buddy we are well..." She really didn't know how to continue to tell him what was going on with out causing him to lose it more, like she did.
Containment Cell

Bors flopped back onto the bed, his butterfly knife still clutched firmly in his hand.

"We are well.. what?" He said his eyes darting for the door slowly creaking open, "If this is a confession of sorts it can wait, we should get going before the guards know what hit them."

Grabbing her hand he stood up and started walking towards the door, dragging her along as if she were a little kid being forced to go to the dentist.
With a sigh Misato twisted his arm around behind, all the while pushing him against the wall pinning his knife hand. "I swear you have gotten more dense..." Her mouth a few inches from his ear. "We are aboard the Euch. You are heavily drugged. Where do you think you are... Neplesia? Then why am I here? Bors... I have fought along side you for what two years now... Trust me. Please."
Containment Cell

"I'd trust you more if you weren't jabbing my own knife in my back."

Bors chided back in his normal sarcastic tone, before the knife clattered to the floor behind him. He saw the blue neko out of the corner out of his eye and listen to what she had to say.

"Alright I'll listen for now, you don't have to be that rough. But if it turns out to be that I'm right you'll be the first to go for lying to me."
Containment Cell

Releasing him and standing between him and the door, Misato shrugged, "You already shot me today." She pointed to the point on her leg where the scorch mark was still displayed. "So I think i have earned the right to to be a bit rough." She sighed, "hell at the time I thought this was all some sort of NMX scam. Maybe a computer program to slowly steal information out of me."

With a sigh she bent down and pick up the knife. "i'll give you back your toys when you get a bit clear headed..." She put her palm up to her forehead, "hell you know i pointed my NSP on full blast at Mimi-chan? I don't know what to do about that one... I keep striking out there." She slid down the door until she was sitting there leaning up against it. "So who was this Doc? you called me by that name back in the alley."
Containment Cell

Bors laid back down on the bed and put his hands behind his head not quite sure of what to make of the situation in all honesty. A small voice in the back of his head told him to believe her, but the rest of his brain said no. Well shes not trying to kill me at the moment, so I guess I can entertain her for a bit.

"Doc? oh she's a.... well.. hm.. she's a friend.. from back home.."

He said staring up at the ceiling, his dream from before coming back into his memory.

"She was... well is I don't think she's dead yet... very close to me, one of the few people I could truly trust while I was there."
Containment Cell

"I see... a lover." Misato wanted to know more but wasn't going to push it. She hoped talking to him and keep his attention until he worked the drugs out of his system. "What do you mean alive. Was she in the military? Or was she sick?" It was only after the words left her mouth did she realize out assholeic they were. "You don't have to answer that I'm sorry." She let her head fall back against the door and stared at the ceiling.
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