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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Containment Cell

Mistao was blushing at this point, turning a brilliant purple color. He was telling her, at least from her perspective, his first love. "So she kept stitching you up? Did she give you punch card, every tenth bullet was free?" She tried to hide her embarrassment with a joke, taking a page straight out of Bors own book.
Containment Cell

"Heh, I wish she charged me full price. I don't even wanna say how much i blew on medical expenses, not to mention other things."

Shaking his head he took another drag before continuing, "Unfortunately though all good things must come to a end. I'll save you a bit of tears, seeing as I'm apparently hitting a few heartstrings with the way your looking, and say that I pissed off the wrong people and had to leave town quick. I payed her a last visit of course though, had to have one last thing fixed on me before I jumped ship. And well here I am."
Containment Cell

"What no..." her blush got brighter. "You just tell such a good story... So as you said 'here you are now' and where is here? Still think we are in some sort of prison?" Misato hoped he was getting better. This was easy, next was having to go and apologize yet again to Mitsuko. "Then again hiding here from my problems isn't such a bad plan. You can tell them i tried to assault you and you locked me in here."
Cantina Cell

"Well I wouldn't call this a luxury hotel less its a jail themed one, in which case they did a damn good job."

He said in his usual sarcastic tone. The fresh air in his lungs was helping clear out the hallucinogens exponentially better and the mention of Mitsuko helped bring his memory back a bit, much like an amnesia patient having his memory slowly returning to him bit by bit.

"Still stuck up on her eh? Just go and get it over with, usually gets stuff done for me. Plus unless you come out with some bruises I don't think whoever put us in here would believe that you assaulted me. "
Catina Cell

"You don't think i could take you?" Misato Suzume laughed, "but no she scares me... I worry that I might push her away with what I have to do, with my job. She is terrified with me going off ship. And I held my NSP in her face today... I don't know what to about it." She sighed, "Maybe I should just give up and go after some one more like me." She didn't realized that the only person aboard the ship that was like her was Bors. If she did the blue neko would have light up like a purple yulefest light.
Catina Cell

"I don't recall anyone else on board with a tail, or blue for that matter."

Bors said jokingly as he tucked his E-cig back in his pocket.

"I mean push comes to shove you can always go find one of the new people to hit on, they don't know ya too well yet."
Catina Cell

"Your an ass..." Misato grinned a bit as she thought about it, "I think that they are far too young for me." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah well What do i say... Derr I love you Mimi, derr." She was using the self deprecation to hide her fear that Mitsuko would till her just to screw off.
Catina Cell

"Your only like what Three? Four? I wouldn't say that's too big of an age gap for ya." Bors chuckled to himself a bit at the young, well compared to him at least, idea of being old.

"I mean hell I'm like thirty years older than you so, its a bit more of a strech for me, haha they'd start calling me a cradle robber."

Bors let the resulting laughter die down a bit before, before he spoke back up. "I mean if it helps just be honest with her, but not to honest know what I mean? Say the drugs were messin with your system or something but do tell her your sorry and what not."
Catina Cell

"Yeah that explains a lot, you crotchety old coot." She had switched into Nepleslian for the statement before dropping back into common, "She hates me, i talked her into joining us on the planet, told her it was going to be safe... then what I was the one that put her in the most danger. Not that I put her in danger I was the danger to her."

She Growled and slammed her head back against the door. "I just can't do right here. Maybe i should walk off the ship and disappear. Might be better for you all."
Catalina Cell

"What and leave me to deal with the new guys by myself? Plus I need someone to watch my back, I mean i trust a lot of the crew just not nessisairly in a firefight."

Bors shifted his position so he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Plus it really wouldn't solve anything would it? And I don't think she hates ya to much, a little miffed ya, but not hate. It should all buff out soon."
Catalina Cell

"For the past few days I have screwed up with her non-stop. One thing after another. What do you think is going to happen..." She started fiddling with the knife in her lap. "Here you believe me that we are on the Euch? And no body is after you?" She tossed the butterfly blade back to him.

"If you are feeling up to par then I think they announced lunch... I guess I better go talk to Mitsuko. Or just go to bed. it sounds a better option." she didn't move though sitting there in front of the door. the self piety was washing over her. Maybe she just needed to blow something up.

"You think The Shosho is going to let us get to the bottom of all of this with the planet?"

Mixed emotions tugged at Sienna's mind. If what Natsumi was telling her was true, that meant that the white-haired Neko had not only absorbed a savage beating from her, but had willingly put her own life at risk to help her. Although she didn't let herself show it, now she was feeling baffled as well as guilty. She was nobody to anyone aboard this ship. Why were any of them concerned with her well-being in the first place, and more, why would any one of them jeopardize their own for her? It made no sense.

She looked back up at the ceiling, still trying to will away the pounding headache that stubbornly refused to yield, not answering Natsumi for a moment. She knew herself well enough to know that she wouldn't have become so violent on someone unless they had it coming. She just wished she could more clearly remember what had actually happened instead of trying to piece it together from others' testimonies. Then maybe she wouldn't feel bad about it.

"Well, we both wound up tied to an operating table," she replied with a strained grimace, no longer able to mask the pain from the headache in her voice. "So I'd say try something else next time."
Containment Sail

"Lunch is always good." Bors said catching the blade and sliding it back into his boot, before standing up and heading over towards the cell door," I wonder whats on the menu, I kinda hope its not seafood not really in the mood."

Bors pulled on the door but it had closed and locked itself again, rolling his eyes and letting out a sigh he quickly withdrew the knife and jammed it back into the keyhole. Like before, after a few moments the door locking mechanism popped open, and Bors held the door open for Misato

"After you princess." He said giving an overly gracious bow, storing his knife back into his boot in the process.
Condiment Cell

With a a death glare Misato stood up and stepped out of the cell , as she passed him she gave him a playful punch to the stomach. "I guess it's time to face the music." She sighed, then turned to boars. Gripping him tightly she gave him a hug pushing her face into his shoulder. After a moments she released him and glared at him, "You ever tell anyone..."
Containment Cell

"You are one mixed bag of emotions." Bors said rubbing the spot where Misato just hit him, "But don't worry I wont tell anyone, I'll just keep this conversation safe until I need something from you."

Bors snickered as he made his way towards the wardroom, thinking to himself that there were a lot of new people here he'd hadn't seen before, that or the hallucinogens were still messing with his brain.
After Bors left Misato made her way back to the Cargo Bay looking for Mitsuko. She knew Bors was right and she needed to talk to her roommate. Though she still didn't know what to say.

Cargo Bay

After entering the cargo bay she looked around for Mistuko. It wasn't hard to find her. She was still hanging about the bay for some reason. "Hey Mitsuko... Um can we talk?" She motioned over to the Sleeper Module, so that they might have a bit of privacy when they talked. That was if Mimi-chan wanted to even give her the time of day.
Kale was surprised at the emotion he could feel from Chieko. He sent back the mental equivalent of a hug, though he didn't know wherther it was to comfort himself, her or both.

The lunch announcement came through the intercom but stayed where he was. He hadn't been decontminated yet. Not that he wanted to go anywhere until Chieko was released anyway. It occured to Kale that Chieko had been the first to introduce herself and welcome him to the crew.

"Thanks Chi. Hope you don't mind me sticking around until you get out of here."
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko's inventorying of the items Hanko had brought on board was interrupted for a moment by Misato. She found yet another NSP that didn't belong to her in her hands. "Suzume-chan, what are....where you...?" She trailed off as her roommate just wandered off, again. Sighing, she excused herself to Victory, stepping aside to place the latest weapon with Riko's.

Some time later, Victory and Murakami had finished identifying and stowing the items. She bowed to the other Neko, thanking her, apologizing again for not being there when the items were acquired in the first place. As she moved to collect the stray weapons, Misato appeared again. Mitsuko began to frown, but it relaxed just slightly as it seemed her roommate was about to apologize.

She followed her roommate to the cramped little modular room wedged in one corner of the Cargo Bay. "Will you take this back already, Suzume-chan?" She handed the NSP to her, grip-first. "Just don't shoot at anyone you know, please. I still need to return this one to Bors-Hei. he feeling better?"

Sune looked around, "Well, Takeda-Heisho, the timing of your arrival is fortuitous. Just in time for lunch. It will also provide an opportunity for you to catch up on the events taken place on this world.

But just as a preliminary, it is my opinion that the Essai are not to be trusted at present, they attempted to corrupt our ship's systems by a virus. Their atmosphere in the market place is laced with hallucinogenic drugs dispensed by nanomachines. We need to conduct further investigations but also ensuring proper safety procedures are used."
Medical Lab

Having not been connected or able to hear the lunch call, Chieko still figured that it must at least be approaching. The feeling she got from Kale's last transmission though, surprised her again. It was warm, and her smile returned, though it became more of a kind one as she returned it back to the technician.

"I don't," came the academic's reply, with the sense of relieved anxiety on the edge, "You should work on using your abilities to decontaminate though, and don't wait for me if they call for lunch. I'll either be here when you get back, or I will meet you there if I can."

Suddenly, there was a slight feeling of leg pain that got transmitted before the female Minkan broke contact and started to flex and jerk. Even her legs started to move a little as she user her hands to pull them up to her chest and held onto just near where her fractures were. Chieko's eyes squeezed tightly as her face contorted in pain before looking at Kale and transmitting again.

"Can you bring Satonaka-Hei back here," came her pained plea, "I need something for this pain NOW!"
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