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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Jerking back to full attention as Chieko's shout came through his mental link Kale winced slightly. The mental connection had shunted over a muted amount of the pain before it broke the first time. Pain that his friend was experiencing. He glanced at the tank for a second before turning to the medic on the other side of the room.

"Medic! We need help over here!" Kale shouted. His mind was working overdrive but he had no idea how to use one of the medical tubes. It would be disasterous for him to try and so he didn't dare.

Goddamnit I'm useless in these situations he thought. Forcing a couple of deep breaths he linked back to Chieko trying to project as much of a calming influence as he could in an attempt to dampen the pain. Hell he didn't even know if it would work not knowing the specifics of the neural transmitter. However it was worth a try.

"Its alright the doctors on her way. Hold on just a little longer." he thought to her.
Med Lab

Izokia sprinted over to Kale and Chieko. "Whats wrong Kale?" She saw Chieko spasms through the tube. Her mind quickly went back into work mode as she quickly had sedatives sent into the tube in order to suppress Chieko during the healing process. She turned back toward the male "What did you see happen?"

Ayumi stood as she was called, though she was pleased to see that Izokia had come to the rescue quite quickly. She offered the slightest smile in the other medic's direction, before connecting to Chieko. "Has your spine begun to repair?" She asked remotely, her tone slightly concerned, but not panicking. She folded her hands briskly on her lap and looked between the man who was sitting with Chieko and Izokia.

"I believe that her spine is starting to repair, and she is beginning to feel the pain in her legs. Once her spine has repaired itself the tube will surely start to work on her legs, but at the moment her spine is the most important." Ayumi explained calmly, her voice soft and tone neutral.

With the slightest of bows she turned completely to Kale, "Santo-hei, lunch has been called and for your own health I would ask that you attend it. Having the nutrients will help both your physical and mental state, and will surely help the toxins move out of your system more quickly." She nodded at him.

Quietly she glanced at Izokia, wanting to tell her the same thing. She also needed to speak to the captain about what had happened with Natsumi and Sienna... Yet Ayumi did not want to be left alone in the medbay lest there was another issue which needed to be taken care of. The past few hours had made her leery of being alone.
Sleeper Module

"Yes Bors is doing a lot better i went in and sat with him in the containment cell. Good thing too, he had a butterfly knife on him, and was working on breaking out. after talking to him i got him to work through was was real and what wasn't... He also gave me some advice." Misato took the pistol and put it back into her holster. trying not to look at it.

"Look I'm sorry for what I did, I'm sorry for the whole day, I talked you into coming along. I shouldn't have. Then I pointed my weapon in your face." She sighed and looked at the ground before her. The guilt tore at her guts. "I'm sorry." Her voice was weak.

She sat there for a moment trying to gather courage to say what she needed to say next. Misato Suzume rather have gone toe to toe with a ripper or two instead of continuing. "Look I'm in a very problematic spot here. One hand I have to do my job, which is to put myself at the sharp end of things. Combat, I'm a solder, it is what I do." She looked down at her hands, they fitted most SA guns perfectly, by design.

"But I also am torn i can't do my job." She sighed, "I... I love you... dearly, and you keep telling me to stay out of it..." She slowly looked up to try to try to see what Mitsuko's reaction was.
Medical Lab

The pain had the scientist feeling dizzy as her stomach turned and twisted. Outside, from what she could hear, were some noises; but again, no definition to them so all she could do was hope that Kale had pulled one of the medics over. The academic then opened her eyes and searched for a face that ought to be familiar, however the pain continued to keep her from focusing well enough to manage any recognition.

Chieko's face continued to twist in pain as she held her legs up, attempting not to move around too much. Then she coughed up something that looked grayish into the fluid surrounding her as Izokia started the sedative, any sane thought further and further from sight. Soon the Minkan settled down, her consciousness waning and her grip on her legs loosened until she relaxed out of her foetal position.

Back to the floating blackness she went as the pain finally faded away again. A small smile slowly appeared on Chieko's face as the last her last semi-conscious action, coming away into bliss.
Med Lab

Izokia was wound too tight after the events of earlier today. When Ayumi mentioned lunch she could barely believe the day only was half over. She was downright envious of Ayumi to be that calm after so much chaos from the day. She just stepped in and made everything so perfect like she was just organizing another cabinet. She looked back at Natsumi and Sienna more evidence of her own "professionalism". Izokia resolved that once everyone was stable she would speak to Ayumi.

Izokia put her hand against the back of her neck feeling for her tattoo. She was failing at everything she originally set out accomplish. This was her second chance and there was no way Izokia would let herself get swept up by her own emotions.
Medical Bay

Before Natsumi had the chance to respond to Sienna's question, Kale's loud and sudden shout shattered the calm, and the room was suddenly buzzing with activity and alarm once again. The Nepleslian woman opened her eyes and looked around, befuddled, at the medics suddenly acting as if they had just received a giant jolt of electricity. Between the pounding headache and the chaos around her she had no clear inkling of what was going on, but it didn't sound good.

Looking up from her reclined position on the bed, she noticed that one of the goo-filled tubes along the wall had a body inside of it: Chieko's. And from the convulsions she was wracked with, things looked dire for her. Ayumi and Izokia were in a working frenzy around her, and Kale looked like he had simply frozen in place.

As callous as it was, Sienna was secretly glad for the distraction. Things were getting too complicated in here, her withdrawal symptoms notwithstanding. It occurred to her that this would be a prime opportunity to excuse herself from the treatment room and slip away while the doctors' attention was elsewhere, but as soon as she sat up, it felt like someone took a jackhammer to the inside of her skull and cranked it up to full power. Wincing, she simply laid herself gingerly back down on the bed, gritting her teeth and squeezing her eyes shut the whole, slow way. The pain was starting to make her eyes water a bit, and wrenching them shut squeezed a single tear down the side of her temple. She quickly wiped it away before anyone saw it.

With a long sigh, she resigned herself to treatment and looked up to idly watch the medics try to stabilize Chieko from whatever malady had befallen her. All the while, however, her mind was really just on her own situation. She hoped that the detox didn't take too much longer; she was already sick of being stuck in here like a helpless lab rat. She needed to get away from the rest of them and have time to think.
Cargo Bay - Sleeper Module

Mitsuko still held the extra NSP in her left hand, but at least Misato had taken one of the weapons back. She sighed as her roommate stumbled through the apology. "It's okay, Suzume-chan. I just wish you didn't always...rush into things." She shook her head. "I suppose the situation aggravated that, but..."

She trailed off as Misato became quiet. The problem was familiar, but the confession made her blush. "U-uhm..." Mitsuko had heard this before, she realized, but the situation had made it difficult for that to sink in. "Suzume-chan...I..." She wasn't sure how to respond. After a moment, she reached out with her free hand, squeezing at Misato's.

"Y-you're my best friend, a-and I don't want to see you get hurt. Being a soldier doesn't mean rushing blindly into danger. A-and if you get hurt, that hurts me, too." She sniffed, eyes getting all watery behind her glasses. "You should concentrate on keeping yourself safe...and me, and everyone on the Eucharis." The NSP she'd been holding clattered to the ground. "Dying in the line of duty shouldn't be your first response to everything!" Mitsuko threw herself forward, sniffling against the taller Neko's shoulder as she squeezed her arms tightly around Misato.
Sleeper Module

Misato held the little mousy neko tight to her. She wasn't sure what Mitsuko meant by 'friend.' She felt Mimi crying into her shoulder, so she moved on a impulse. Gently putting her hand under Mitsuko's chin and raising it up she tipped her head forward and planted a kiss on her lips. A shock ran through her body, like the stun blast did, but this was nice not painful.
Medical Bay

Natsumi was about to reply when the commotion with Chieko cropped up. She kept quiet, not wanting to increase the volume level of her conversation with Sienna over it. She also felt guilty for the state Chieko was in since it was most likely her fault she was in the condition she was in now.

The white haired Neko closed her eyes as she lay back on her bed. She wondered if Sienna felt anything similar? She didn't show it, but Natsumi knew inside she had to have some kind of emotion inside other than what she projected to the universe.

As things quieted down, Natsumi glanced at Sienna, who was trying to sit up, though not looking like she was doing well as she went back down. "Hey doc, I think Sienna could use something to take the edge off while she's finishing her decontamination" she said.

Ayumi perked up slightly as she, or Izokia, was called to by the snowy haired Neko on the examination table. Her distaste at being referred to as "Doc" instead of her name did not show on her face. Instead she stepped over to the examination table and looked over Sienna with a mild look on her face.

"I apologise for not thinking of it earlier." She stated with a slight nod to Natsumi. She stepped over to the cupboards again, once more retrieving an injector as well as the pain killers she would need. Not wasting any more time she returned to Sienna, "Of course waking from being stunned would be painful." The Neko added, injecting Sienna with the pain killers and then placing the injector on the counter next to the other to be cleaned.

Having in no way missed the way Izokia had reached for her neck, something Ayumi had noticed she did when nervous or upset, the medic silently wondered if her crewmate was alright after the stress she'd been through during the day. Ayumi did not regret staying behind in the medbay when Sienna had run off, but she was aware that Izokia must have gone through quite an ordeal to disable two different crew members.

Quietly she leaned against the counter, looking over the medbay with trepidation. She did not want the events of the day to ever be repeated. Silently she made a vow to make sure that she was always on top of things in the medical lab, and that she was able to handle any emergency. She glanced over at the tube that Chieko was inside. Having not received a reply from the healing Minkan, Ayumi had assumed that the engineer had probably fallen asleep, a state which the medic preferred her to be in.

"Sienna-san, Itto Hei, you may feel free to leave the medical lab and take lunch whenever you feel up to it." Ayumi stated softly, now watching the two on the examination tables, "Sienna-san if you wish me to take a closer look at those hands of yours later, I will be quite willing." She added, with the slightest of nods.
Cargo Bay - Sleeper Module

Mitsuko sniffed, tears leaking down her cheeks as Misato lifted her chin away from her shoulder. She didn't have time to say anything, as her roommate suddenly kissed her. The Neko's eyes widened behind her glasses, blush deepening. She squeezed Misato tighter, confused for a moment by all the conflicting emotions.

Then, she relaxed, eyes closing as she stood on her toes, leaning into the kiss happily.
Sleeper Module

After a few moments Misato broke the kiss smilling down at her roommate. Gently she wiped the tears from her eyes. "I have to do my job, I have to defend you and everyone else. There are new kids that are infantry... they are going to look up to me to keep them safe too. But remember, I will always get back to you. One way or another. Hell I would go through planets to do it."

She smiled softly and hoped Miimi-chan understood.

"It was a lot easier when you tough i was some kind of crook. Wasn't it?"

Bors made his way out of the medical bay and up towards the wardroom, wondering where in the hell everyone was at. Once in side he went straight to the food line, cursing himself for being right on the choice of fish, before making himself a burger and sat down in his usual spot after grabbing a glass of water to quench his thirst. As he sat there chewing on the meat patty sandwiched between two sesame seed buns with a slice of cheese and a pickle or two, he enjoyed the relitive quiet that rarely occurred in the wardroom. In the back of his mind Bors realized that this silence would soon end and a situation worse than what just happened to the crew would probably come knocking at their door.
Cargo Bay - Sleeper Module

Mitsuko was still blushing, panting a little after the kiss. She blinked her eyes open after Misato wiped at them, the tears no longer trickling out. " careful. Please." Then, she started giggling as her roommate teased her. "It made sense at the time!"

She hid her embarrassed expression in Misato's shoulder again, needing a few moments to recover from everything. Eventually she relaxed her grip, reaching down to scoop up the NSP again. She kept herself pressed against the other Neko's side. "W-we should return this to Bors-Hei. A-and everyone's probably at lunch, wondering where we are!"
Sleeper Module

"Let them come up with there our ideas." Misato replayed with a sly grin on her face. She knew it was going to make Mitsuko blush even harder, but the bushing make her look even cuter.

"here let me take that," She pointed to Bors's gun, "I'll make sure it gets to him. And I doubt you want to be carrying it." She smiled again trying to reassure her.
Medical Bay

Sienna wanted to protest when Natsumi asked a doctor to attend to her, displeased with herself for not having done well enough in concealing her discomfort. Between the way Chieko was convulsing and Natsumi's battered face, she didn't particularly feel that her headache and unpleasant tingles were a very pressing issue. She had gotten to the point where even thinking too loudly made her head pound even harder, anyway, so arguing simply wasn't worth it.

Ayumi apparently wasn't as occupied as she had appeared to be, though. In seconds the medic was back at her side, and Sienna felt a bit of pressure and a pinch on her exposed upper arm. With astonishing swiftness she felt her head clear and the pins and needles subside. She opened her eyes wide and lifted her head a little, blinking a couple of times to reassure herself that the pain wasn't coming back. Damn, she thought. That was fast.

Her hands still ached a bit and she felt tired and drained, but other than that, she felt fine. Now that her headache and body aches had been muted by whatever Ayumi had given her, she finally noticed that the buzzing, floaty sensation from before was gone as well. She still couldn't clearly remember anything that had happened since leaving the ship that morning, but at least she was feeling more like herself again.

"Thanks," she muttered, sitting up on her elbows cautiously, looking herself over. As she did so, the machinery that she was hooked up to seemed to know what she was attempting, and without any input from an operator, automatically withdrew the tubes and sensors it had attached to her without her even feeling a thing.

She glanced over at Natsumi again, noting that the Neko's face already looked better than it had a few minutes ago. She couldn't say the same for Chieko when she looked, however. What had happened to her that was so catastrophic that they'd had to put her in one of those tubes, she wondered?

When Ayumi told her she was free to leave, she slowly sat the rest of the way up, rubbing her face and brushing her hair to the side. She started to realize it was a little chilly in the medbay without her coat -- where was her jacket anyway? -- and tugged at her shirt tail to cover the skin at her waist that had apparently been exposed the whole time. She clenched her fingers open and shut, wincing slightly at the bruises on her fists as she swung her legs off the edge of the bed and sat there for a moment, still working her hands. "Yeah, okay," she replied to Ayumi. "I'm fine for now, though. Some grub sounds good first."

"We should get some food while it is fresh," Shosho Hanako told the others, before exiting the bridge and leading the way up the stark and white zero-G passage and into the reds and wood paneling of the cozy wardroom.


Their teal-haired ship captain briefly stopped just inside the hatchway to curtsey to those present and then went for the buffet, picking up a cheeseburger and a few pieces of sushi and then visited the drinks station, pouring herself a tall glass of chocolate milk. Hanako set her tray down at the end of the table on the balcony side and started with the sushi. After finishing in, she stopped to ask, "is anyone else worried about being able to leave this planet?"

The medic's reasoning was sound. That didn't mean Kale had to like it but then again she was only doing her job. Something he couldn't fault her for. Thankfully his mind had become progressively clearer in the last half hour or so since he regained consciousness.

He hated leaving the med-bay before Chieko was recovered since he thought of her as his responsibility. However he acquiesced and headed down to the wardroom for lunch.


Kale grabbed something quick but filling. Namely some dusk trout and rice balls with a little steamed vegetables on the side. He grabbed an empty chair at random and sat down to eat.
Medical Bay

Natsumi sat up and finally took inventory of herself. Her uniform was a disaster after having flown through the ships access tunnels. She sighed. "Yeah, food sounds good" She agreed with Sienna. "First I think I need to change into a fresh uniform" she added then got up. "Meet you there"

With that she took off, floating out of the medical bay. She was tired and walking just didn't seem like something she wanted to do right now. Before going to her cabin she went back into the access tunnel and retrieved Sienna's jacket from where she had wiggled out of it. After that she went to her cabin and changed into a fresh uniform then put both her old uniform and Sienna's jacked in the laundry to be cleaned and repaired before going to the wardroom to get something to eat.
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