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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Containment Cell

"I was doubting her safety as soon as I left." Bors said looking over at the blue neko "It was more of who I knew, and who she knew though me that that worries me. Lotta shady characters."

He then rolled over on his side so he was looking directly at her, "You seem awfully curious about my past here, your not profiling me are you?"

Hanako gave Junko a smile and gave her a small bow in return. "Welcome aboard. Right now you are the highest ranking NCO on the ship and the only NCO on day shift. So you are not only directly over the two day shift technicians, Deziarra Lansky-三等兵 and Miyako Akane-三等兵, but also the rest of the enlisted crew. Right now we are in a situation where we have a lot of new talent. They are so green they do not even have their first green stripe on their sleeves. I want you to change that and help get them in gear. I have already told the officers that I am on the hunt for recommendations for promotions."

"As far as the current situation," the Shosho continued, "this is a transient artificial planet that is a large computer that wants to increase its capabilities by using the randomness found in dreams. Over time it has a accumulated a large number of species living on its surface. This presents us a unique opportunity to gather information on the species and their technology. It is unclear how long it will be before the planet moves again. So far we have met an ambassador of a species called the Essai and we visited a nearby market. Several crew members were affected by a nanomachine-laced fog that made them more likely to have vivid dreams. This brings us to the situation in the medical lab."

Hanako turned to Deziarra. "Report."

Junko nodded as the Shosho spoke. She remembered only too well how Hanako and her old XO, Hamada Shizu, had helped nurture her own early career. For that matter, her procession through the ranks had felt meteoric. But some time in grade had left her more comfortable with the rank and her experiences away from the Eucharis had given her more confidence in the attendant non-technical responsibilities. Fort Minori, in particular, was not always home to the Star Army’s best and brightest; she was confident anyone qualified enough to receive a posting to the Eucharis would be capable of shaping up in short order.

“Understood, ma’am. I am certain we can provide you many suitable candidates in short order. And” - she frowned, thinking of Hanako’s last comments - “get things squared away before any more… unpleasantness.”

She turned toward the new arrival, evidently one of the self-same subordinates Hanako had just mentioned.

“Takeda Junko-Itto Heisho,” she said in reply to the greeting, returning the bow with a nod and shaking the proffered hand. “Please, proceed.”

Lime sliced the sushi rolls and set them on out on the cooling trays on the buffet, making mostly spicy tuna rolls along with some of the other fine fish from Hanako's World that has been down in the cargo bay. Next she made the toppings for the burgers and then began making them. After a while, they were ready and she added them to the lunch buffet as well. For dessert, she had apple pies in the ovens. Since there was plenty of fish and rice left, she also began making a fish and rice dinner meal in advance.

The cook grabbed the phone and dialed the shipwide intercom. "Attention crew: Lunch is served."
Sune made his way to the bridge. He was surprised to see yet another new face. No, not a new face, but a returning crew members.

He listened to Hanako as she spoke but did not interrupt. He walked to the Mission ops station and synced his communicator over to the terminal. He started transferring the video and sensor data that he gathered. It was not as much as he had hoped, but give that their exploration was curtailed he would make do with what he had.

"Welcome back Takeda-Heisho. Nice to have a familiar face aboard with so many new ones." he said to her.

He started uploading some notes about their experience.

Notes for Future Explorations.
Ensure that all personnel carry the following:
* First Aid Kit
* Filter mask

Ayumi placed one hand along the side of Natsumi's nose, bracing it so that she could set it to the right shape. She used her other hand to gently push the fractured appendage back into place. The dull crack sound causing her to wrinkle her nose slightly. She ran her index finger gently down the side of her nose, just trying to make sure everything was in the right shape.

This crew confused her to no end. Other than Sienna, someone who was not Yamatai, these people seemed strangely incapable of introducing themselves to her. She nodded briefly to the women on the examination tables before glancing over at the closed door of the containment cell, and then retreating to her rolling doctor's chair to examine the information which was being collected about the drug contamination.

While not wishing for friendships and any sort of kinship, she did not like knowing her crewmates only by their ranks. Silently she chastised herself for her silliness. She accessed Charisma wirelessly, going over the data collected with her eyes shut.

Although hungry, Deziarra knew this report was far more important than being on time for lunch.

"Most of the crew is in the Medbay going through decontamination," she explained. "A record of their brain scans, including mine, are in the computer. The symptoms of the drugs in the atmosphere include paranoia, hallucinations, and reduced inhibitions. Some of the crew ran about the ship while under the influence of these drugs and caused a number of incidents. The most serious of these occurred when Izokia stunned Sienna and Natsumi and restrained them until they could be decontaminated. Natsumi questions whether force was truly necessary, but they can explain what actually happened better than I can."

She stood at attention and waited for either further questions or to be dismissed.

"I appreciate your report," Hanako thanked Lansky. "Have they all recovered yet? I would like to have a discussion over lunch with the crew."

"Not completely," Deziarra said sadly. "The most critical injury was Chieko's. She had damage to her spine and lower body. Natsumi had her face mauled. Despite her rapid healing, she is still suffering from bruises and swelling The others should be more or less healed up with only minor injuries remaining."

Sienna shook her head and blinked a long blink. "Not very much," she admitted, much to her chagrin. She could scarcely believe that she had been seriously considering having the Eucharis leave her in this place, even if she wasn't sure how much of that decision had been the drugs in the air. At least now the floaty, buzzing sensation was starting to subside with the work the medical machinery was doing on her, but she found she somewhat preferred it to the increasingly debilitating headache she had. Probably some kind of withdrawal, she thought, rubbing her forehead and closing her eyes.

Izokia's statement made her open them again in puzzlement. She looked questioningly at the doctor, then over at Natsumi. "Say what, now?" she asked. Surely she'd heard that wrong. "You... jumped in front of her shot?" she continued, focusing on Natsumi.
Contianment Cell

"Profiling you? no, wouldn't know how. You know me better then that. I'm a grunt, I would say born and bred, but... you know." She smirked with a little chuckle.

"As for asking, I'm trying to get you to work through what you know is real and what isn't. And well you know ninety percent of my past... I was created just before i joined the Euch... then like less then a day or two later you joined. So yeah I'm curious about your past, I have fought along side you for a long time."
Medical Bay

Natsumi nodded. "Yeah, I did" she replied. "In the state you were in, you were in, you were saying something about how everyone we were after you for something, I thought it would make things worse if someone shot you" she said and shrugged. "Guess it did not work to well in the end"
Medical Lab

Chieko paused her breath for a moment at Kale's admission; she had one as well, though whether it would help him or not was questionable. The scientist resumed breathing while mulling over the additional honesty until there was only one answer. She slowly opened her eyes again, focused on the technician, and projected her thoughts again.

"I can understand not feeling optimistic," the academic replied, "However I was thinking of shooting them once too. Quickly stun them, then bring them back to get looked at - get all of us looked at. But you just ran in and grabbed one of them anyway and took off; you were there to show me a better way."

Her thoughts still had the apprehension on the edge; however the majority contained a kind, content appreciation. "Thank-you, Kale," the next thought came with more warmth.

With a small, he nodded toward Ayumi before thinking a bit on what to do next, although that quickly changed.

"Are we cleared to go?" he asked the medics in the room, having heard the call for lunch.
Containment Cell

"Fair enough." Bors said rolling onto his back so he could stair at the ceiling.

"Any thing you wanna know in particular? I mean I can just run my jaw all day about all the random crap i got into back in the day, though I don't think you'd enjoy that too much." Bors said with a grin "I don't like to talk about work when I'm trying to relax, plus I think you've heard half a dozen war stories or so before."

The atmospheric drugs were fading from his system, though not at any rate comparable to the neko sitting accross from him.He was also starting to recognize the material and build of wherever he was, it surely wasn't Nepleslian.
Cantainment Cell

"Well tell me about your folks. They still about?" Misato was quite curious about people's families. She never had parents, she never would. "or you can tell me about this Doc. She seemed to mean a lot to you, The way you acted when you mistaken me for her."
Containment Cell

"My folks eh? Lived with 'em till I was 'bout ten. Then well.." He sighed, "they caught a bit of bad luck. Needless to say they aren't around anymore."

Bors scooted his knees up and propped his right leg over his left, and began tapping his free foot to an imaginary beat.

"Doc on the other hand, well where to start with her..." The Nepleslian took a moment to think, fishing out his trusty Ecig companion and popping it in his mouth before he continued.

"I knew her growing up, she was the smart one outa us kids, made fun of her for it growing up. Damn braniac was too smart for her own good if you know what I mean. Anyway though, people grow up as we all do, she became a Doctor and the rest of us went our own ways, me a bit sooner actually after the 'rents kicked the bucket. Still tried to stay in touch when i could. Anyway, few years go by and I learn about her little doc's office she got for herself though a few buds of mine, so I decided to go pay her a visit for old times sake."

Bors paused a moment before turning to look at Misato.

"I'm not boring you am I? Want me to just gloss over the stupid details and get to the good parts?"
Misato was beside herself when he told her that his folks died. She felt a hurt deep inside, it was strange that she would feel something for people she never met.

"No you're not boring me." She tried to hide the sadness she just felt. "Tell me what you want. if you want to hop around then go ahead. But I'm enjoying the story anyways." She smiled and stretched out in the cell watching him smoke his fake smoke.

Junko frowned as the young Neko spoke. She was partially alarmed at the report itself; a number of questions and concerns leapt to mind. And of course that there was actual blue-on-blue weapons discharge, aboard the ship no less. She was also peeved by the Santo Hei’s informal bearing. If soldiers chose to be casual and informal on their own time, that was their business - though Junko wasn’t entirely sure if she held with that concept herself. But to use given names, especially of higher ranked soldiers, without any trace of rank or honorifics of any sort in an official report to the Captain?

Junko resolved to have a talk with the Hei later. As the Shosho had said the new crewmembers were indeed green, so she wouldn’t be harsh, just firm.

All such thoughts dissipated though as Sune entered the bridge and greeted her. She actually grinned in response. Even before she was the Shosho, Hanako was the Taisa, and Junko fairly boggled at the concept of treating her as anything less than the demigod the CO of a ship essentially was, however excited Junko might be to see her again. But Sune had once been beside her, a brand new soldier freshly joining the Eucharis’s ship’s company. Even if he had climbed the ranks to now stand as XO of the ship, some part of her could still feel some sense of ease with him.

“Thank you, sir. It is a pleasure to be back aboard.”
Containment Cell

"Alright then," He said blowing out a puff of smoke, swearing a bit to himself about how he'd kill for a real one.

"Welp, after chattin' with her a few times with her about stupid crap that people talk about when they haven't seen each other for a bit. You know where you been, how ya doing, what are ya doing yada yada yada that bullshit. Any way I figure out that she is in need of, well some materials that I happen to come across often with my job at the time, for some products that shes working. So long story short we get a bit of a business deal going, quite profitable for me and great for her."

Bors paused for a moment to take another drag of his fake cigarette.

"Well along with that, I guess I kinda started getting a think for her. I was always getting an excuse to go see her, well I usually had a reason actually." Bors chuckled a bit, " Was getting shot at every other day, so i took a few and well she was the best doc in town."
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