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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Sienna wordlessly nodded to Natsumi and watched her float away, still finding herself unaccustomed to how Nekos could just defy gravity the way they did. For some reason, seeing her do that unearthed a few more details of their fight in her mind's eye. She could abruptly recall bouncing off of hard surfaces, machinery, hydraulic cylinders. She remembered some hazy sensation of flying, but oddly, it seemed like her memory was of doing so both with Natsumi and Kale, which only confused her further. What did Kale have to do with any of this, she wondered?

After Natsumi had gone, she eased herself off of the bed and onto the floor. Her boots felt abnormally heavy, though she suspected that was probably due to the numbing effect of the painkiller Ayumi had given her. Testing her weight on her legs, she gradually got on her feet and started to walk for the door at a slow, steady pace, rubbing her eyes again as she left.


She never bothered to go back to her cabin, as her stomach was growling softly at this point, and she figured with all of the chaos of late no one would care anyway. Just as she went to enter the wardroom, smelling exotic aromas of unfamiliar foods, she caught a glimpse of herself in one of the glossy, semireflective walls, and wrinkled her nose at what she saw.

She looked like absolute hell.

Her hair was dissheveled, and thin red lines crisscrossed her forehead and ears where tiny little cuts and scrapes had scabbed over. Her clothing was even more in disarray that she'd realized, and her eyes were surrounded by dark circles. She stopped just before the doorway to take a second to ruffle her hair and at least make it a uniform mess, and straighten her belt and shirt before she entered.

Clearing her throat quietly, she shuffled into the wardroom where a scant smattering of crew members were absently helping themselves to the buffet or already seated and eating silently. A disquieting silence hung over the room, and the looks on everyone's faces was comparable to those who had just attended the funerary services of an unexpected death, or witnessed a terrible accident. Hanako was seated at the end of the table, looking at each of those gathered questioningly with an expression that suggested she had just asked something of them and was awaiting an answer.

Without a word she went to the buffet and surveyed the spread. It appeared that even the ship's cooks were adversely affected by the strange happenings in this place, because most of what was laid out didn't look like it had even been cooked at all. Picking up a tray and passing by the raw-looking, pale meats, she picked up a burger and carelessly tossed it on without a plate, along with a haphazard pile of vegetables. The weight of the tray was a burden on her battered hands, but the painkillers made it at least bearable.

She then drew a glass of water and slunk into the corner booth, sitting in her usual place with her back to the wall, away from the rest of the group.
Cargo Bay - Sleeper Module

Mitsuko's face was bright red as Misato teased her. "D-don't say that!" She was happy to hand over the NSP, though. Clinging to her roommate, they left the small room, and then the Cargo Bay, heading for the Wardroom. She didn't feel particularly hungry, but it would be good to relax and do something normal.
Med Lab

Izokia looked at Chieko sitting in her tank, she was the only injury still left in the lab and also the only injury she didn't cause in some way. She put her hand on her neck again before she spoke up. "Ayumi, I would like to apologize for my conduct towards you and the other crew members." Part of her just made the comment as a way to get the other medic to start talking.

Mitsuko and Misato walked into the ward room in time for the Shosho's question. Suzume stopped and thought for a moments. "Ma'am I worry that the fact that Bors and I were attacked on surface, It what when he was first stunned. I fear if we are going to want to leave, we will need to get to the bottom of this planet. Metaphorically that is..." She Feared that she would be suiting up before long.

Grabbing two Hamburgers, and a plate of Inari She grabbed a seat next to Bors, making sure that there was a spot for Mitsuko. "Bors You ready to go back to work if we need to?" She said handing him back his NSP.

Natsumi stepped into the wardroom. There were a few people in there and the auroma of food filled the air. She spotted Sienna there already in her usual booth.

The operations neko went to the buffet and grabbed a tray and plate. She loaded it up with a good amount of sushi, which she loved and 2 hamburgers. From the drinks dispenser she took a tall glass of root beer. Then she was off to sit down.

She wanted to talk to Sienna more about what happened earlier and hoped she would be up for it a bit as she walked over to the booth. "May I join you?" she asked. "Also I retrieved your jacket and sent it to be cleaned" she added.

“Yes, sir.” Junko nodded as Sune spoke. “There does seem to be a lot for me to get up to speed on. And lunch too for that matter.”

A trace of her smile still on her face, she bowed slightly but respectfully toward the XO and then turned to follow the Shosho to the wardroom. Ever a light eater, she grabbed only a few pieces of sushi and a glass of water and settled a respectful couple of seats down from Hanako.

Popping a piece of tuna roll into her mouth, Junko glanced around the wardroom as she slowly chewed, curious about her new shipmates. So far the few already assembled seemed largely reserved - understandable after what was apparently a rather taxing mission but still a little disquieting in the face of a question from their CO. She noted as an exception the Infantry Itto Hei also sitting at the main table. Her eyes were also inexorably drawn to the woman sitting in the corner booth.

Junko blinked for a moment, taken aback by the presence of someone so obviously not in the Star Army. Well, the Captain always has her reasons, she considered judiciously and leaned back in her seat, content for the moment to watch.

Ayumi looked up, watching as the medbay emptied and the various patients which had caused so much commotion left. She looked over the beds and counters, knowing she'd have to go about cleaning it all up and arranging it properly as she had it before. She was someone who revelled in order, and floundered in chaos.

Absent mindedly she wrung her hands in front of her as she went over the events of their busy, and only half over, day. She looked up calmly as Izokia spoke to her, her expression neutral. Despite what Izokia wished, Ayumi was silent for a moment. She thought, considering Izokia's words.

"Your conduct towards me was not an issue." Ayumi finally stated evenly, "You will however, need to speak to the Shosho about the incident with Sienna-san and the Itto Hei." With the slightest of nods Ayumi looked up at Izokia, "One should never resort to violence against one's own crew."

The medic fell silent again as she came to the end of her statement, turning back to face the whole of the medical lab. She certainly wasn't one to be telling Izokia what to do. She, after all, was not at all more experienced than Izokia. Without another word Ayumi turned to check the levels on the tube that Chieko was in.
Hearing the call for lunch, Akane reached a stopping point in unloading her gear. It took a few minutes of searching for her to feel confident she was in the right place.

Once she got in line for lunch, she requested sushi. She felt it would be more delicate visually and would provide her with just as much sustenance as a hamburger. As she sat, Akane used chopsticks, only eating, chewing, and swallowing one bite at a time.

Sienna, having already voraciously chomped into her hamburger, glanced sideways up at Natsumi as the Neko asked -- again -- to sit with her. She raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise at her. "Oh, uh," she replied coarsely around a mouthful of half-chewed beef. "Thanks." She swallowed the bite and nodded to the seat across from her. "I'da figured it'd already be a habit by now. Dunno why you keep bothering to ask," she continued without an expression on her face, but the jesting smirk was evident in her voice.

Sune made his way down the wardroom. He looked at the available food, not being especially hungry he opted for some sushi. He took a glass of water and made his way over to the main table. He chose his usual seat which was near where Hanako usually sat. He surveyed the crew, seeing who was present and who was still elsewhere.

"Could it wait a minute? I just got lunch here." Bors said taking a break from his meal, "I mean we just left the damn place, and I don't think it's going anywhere."

Taking another bite of his burger before setting it down, he grabbed his NSP from Misato and gave it a once over inspection. "Plus I really don't feel like having a working lunch, but if the ShoSho wills it, I guess I can make this lunch to go."

"I want to leave as soon as possible...I don't think whatever's in charge here will care about the assault, considering what they've done to us so far." She shook her head. After a moment, she approached Sune. "Chusa...the friendly alien we met might be able to share more information. Also, I think he'd appreciate a ride when we leave..." Mitsuko glanced at Sienna and Natsumi. "...since we're already picking up strays."

She excused herself with a bow, picking out a smaller meal than normal before catching up to Misato. Blushing, she bowed to Riko as well. "S-sorry about...what I had to do, Bors-Hei." She sat down next to her roommate, keeping the Neko between her and Bors as she began picking at her food.
Med Lab

Izokia stopped after she heard Ayumi tell her what she already knew. But it still hurt her to actually hear it. "What would you have done? I mean what should I have done? With an angry civilian attacking the member of the crew I was supposed to protect. How was I expected to sacrifice a fellow Neko to let a Neplisian continue her delusion?" Izokia was beginning to feel angrier and angrier at herself as the questions kept coming to the forefront of her mind. When she finished her speech she couldn't pick her head up to look a her fellow medic

Sienna raised an eyebrow, tearing off another rather unladylike bite of her burger as she glanced out towards the middle of the room, overhearing the comment about picking up "strays." One corner of her mouth pulled up in an amused half-grin as she chewed with her mouth open; she wasn't certain if she was meant to overhear the comment, or if it was meant to be an insult, but she knew exactly who'd said it. The timid-looking Neko with the gigantic spectacles hadn't said so much as a word to her since she'd come aboard, but had given her plenty of wary, sideways looks which she evidently thought she hadn't noticed.

She didn't let on that she'd heard her, however, other than with the nonchalant smirk. She had as much a right as the next person to think whatever she wanted; it didn't bother Sienna in the slightest. If anything, she even respected her a little bit. Mitsuko might even be her kind of person, in any other circumstance, if she wasn't so blasted jumpy and twitchy all the time. At least she seemed smart enough to ask questions when it seemed like they needed asking.

Entirely unfazed, Sienna nonchalantly turned her eyes back to Natsumi as she sat down across from her, and took another chomp from her meal.

Hanako listened to the conversation around her, her big gold eye peering over the top of her chocolate milk glass as she nursed on it. When she set it down she reached over to Sune and gave his hand a squeeze. Despite her small stature, her touch was always warm.

"What does one bring if expecting to be caught in a dream?" she said aloud, before starting on her cheeseburger.
Deziarra got one cheeseburger, some sushi, and a glass of water. She sat quietly and ate slowly as she listened to the others. Quite a lot had happened to them in a small amount of time and although they appeared to be safe for the moment, they could not be sure they were safe even for the moment.

She thought back to some of the dreams she had been told about. Dreams could tell much about a person's inner thoughts, more than their words or actions usually did. Knowledge of such dreams in the wrong hands could be disastrous. As she took another bite of her cheeseburger, she tried to return her attention to the here and now.

Ayumi's eyebrows twitched slightly at Izokia's outburst. She blinked in the other medic's general direction for a moment before she turned away from the readings she had been looking at and wandered past Izokia to sit in the rolling doctor's chair. For a moment she wondered, what would she have done? Certainly not shot anyone, that was certain to her.

Though it became clear what she would have done, because she had done it. She had stayed in the medical lab where she knew what to do when issues arose. Though that would obviously just insight more of Izokia's wrath. The other Neko was clearly upset about the events of the day, though the fact that she was unable to take responsibility for her own actions dismayed Ayumi.

"I would listen to whatever the Itto Hei had said." Ayumi replied finally, her hands folding delicately on her lap. That was the only thing she offered however, not really feeling like furthering the conversation.

Once Mitsuko sat down next to her, Misato leaned over and quietly spoke, "I know you don't like her, but be careful... I don't care for her ether, but don't try to start anything with her." She smiled and looked over at Sienna. "Who knows she might end up of use in the end."

She dug into her food, trying to forget all the negatives parts of the day, 'Though' She thought, 'If it wasn't for all of the negative, maybe I wouldn't have talked to her.' With a smile she looked at Mitsuko, her expression was probably very telling.

Junko was staring at Hanako’s and Sune’s hands. Wide-eyed, directly, obviously. She had tried to keep up with news about the ship and the crew. But the dispatches hadn’t mentioned that. She was happy for her command team - no doubt about it. Still, it was indeed a change and a distracting one at that.

Junko cast about for a moment, trying to find something else to occupy her. Fortunately, she found something directly. She leaned forward, speaking to the table. “I am Takeda Junko, Itto Heisho. It’s a pleasure to cruise with all of you.”

Coming to her point, she pitched her voice lower, so it wouldn’t carry.

“And a word to the wise, Itto Hei,” she said, her words dead level as she stared at the bespectacled logistics specialist. “This is a small ship. Let’s keep things civil.”

Natsumi settled into the booth and set her tray down. "I ask anyways because it's polite" she replied to Sienna. "And in case you ever don't want to be bothered"

She started on her sushi in silence, enjoying the food for a while. "Feeling any better?" she asked eventually, glancing up at her.
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