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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 20] Strangers (Essai Dreamworld)

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Mitsuko nodded at her roommate's comment, glancing over at the smirking Sienna. She almost frowned, but Misato's grin perked her right up. She smiled in return before turning to her food. The Neko took a few bites as the newest arrival introduced herself. Murakami wasn't expecting a closer examination.

Letting out a surprised gasp as Junko glared at her, she dropped the food in her hand back onto her plate. "Y-yes ma'am." Mitsuko squeaked out a reply, nodding instead of bowing, since she was seated. She leaned against Misato for support, eyes wide behind her glasses. She was too worried about being singled out or interrupted again to try eating right now.

"It is a pleasure to met you... But I have All ready discussed it with The itto Hei." Misato glared at the Brown haired Itto Heisho. There was just something about the high ranking enlisted, that upset her. She really couldn't put her finger on it. "As for me I'm Itto Hei Misato Suzume. This is Itto Hei Murakami Mitsuko, and Itto Hei Riko Bors." She motioned to the two beside her before she went back to eating her burgers and inari.

Junko actually gave the logistics specialist - Murakami Mitsuko, she thought to herself, putting the face to the name - a small smile.

“Don’t call me ma’am,” she said, parroting the old saw, “I work for a living. But really, Murakami-Hei, nobody expects you to like every member of the crew and you’re free to comment on it on your own time. However, in a report to an officer in public is neither the time nor the place to express such feelings.”

Junko turned toward Misato.

“Thank you, Misato-Hei. One can never go wrong with a friend who gives good counsel.” She could sense the infantry soldier’s palpable dislike of her. Frankly, the neko didn’t seem to be doing much to hide it. But, assuming that it was merely the reaction of a protective friend, Junko let it slide. She could hardly fault such feelings and so returned to eating her sushi.

"I see you're already making friends, good for you." Bors snarkly said too Junko, "And with one of the few infantry people 'ere, good job."

Bors quickly finished the rest of his burger and picked up his glass.

"I'm Bors by the way, if you couldn't tell from Misato's intro here. I would say more, but I have a few things to take care of before we go back and do a bit more venturing out in the town. Gotta make sure I don't trip out and shoot someone again like our new friend here, you just got here and I would hate to have you spend your first night in the Med Bay."

Finishing off the rest of his water he stood up and grabbed his tray, before making his way towards the door.

"Speaking of which I'll let you guys get back to your conversation. I've learned my lesson about jumping in when two ladies are talking."

Med Bay

Making his way to the med bay, Bors went to hunt down one of the doctors to get himself a once over. Spotting them arguing across the bay he made his way over to say hello.

"You guy's 'avin a bit of fun here eh?" he said to the two, "Hate to interrupt but would one of you be so kind to make sure I don't have any that atmosphere in my system? If you had some magic pill or shot to help with the hallucinating that would be great..."

Mitsuko relaxed just a bit, after the smile. She let the others speak, but one comment actually made her scowl. "She is not a member of the crew." She glanced up as Bors made himself scarce after his oddly threatening comments, watching him exit before turning back to her meal. She just sighed.

Misato snickered at Bors's comment. then she looked back at the new comer. "You know..." She picked up the unused fork from next to her plate. "One should really learn how to play nice with others. there went my other good friend... Not looking good for you." She clicked her tongue then went back to eating.

After a few bites She turned to her, what she hoped was her new girlfriend. "Mimi-chan, I know she isn't a crew member, but at least she is some what polite..."

Sienna continued her little grin, turning it to Natsumi as she glanced up from her food momentarily at her, though it weakened considerably. "Yeah, well," she answered casually, swallowing another bite of her burger. "Like I told you before, if I didn't wanna be bothered, I'd take my meals someplace less public."

They sat eating in silence for a few moments until Natsumi spoke up. She nodded with a slight shrug in reply as she set down her half-eaten burger and tore into the vegetables. "Much better since the doc gave me that painkiller," she said. "Be a while before I'm bouncing on my toes again, but I'll be fine." She hesitated another beat, finally looking back across the table at the white-haired Neko's face. It did appear to be healing rather rapidly, but the telltale signs of their scuffle were still quite obvious. Sienna lowered her voice and her tone softened. "What about you?" she asked.

Junko blanched and then stared agape as the Itto Hei walked out of wardroom. Did… did I hear him right? she thought, still in shock. She had been in combat, in deadly danger, even had her legs ripped off, but she had never had a fellow shipmate - a lower ranking shipmate, no less - threaten to assault her, to shoot her.

She was newly returned to the ship after a long absence; she knew it wouldn’t be a seamless return. None of the junior enlisted knew her from before; that was fine. But had they not listened to her introduce herself? Had her chevrons disappeared off her arm? Wasn’t this the Star Army of Yamatai? For Empress’s sake, wasn’t this the Eucharis!?

Shock had turned into anger as the full scope of the insult to her honor and dignity set in. Teeth grinding and eyes flashing, Junko erupted to her feet. Too furious to reply to Misato herself, or charge off after Bors for that matter, she whirled and bowed toward where the Shosho and the XO were sitting.

“Ma’am. Sir,” she said in a clipped tone. “A word, please.”

As the conversation unfolded around her, Hanako had grown increasingly irritated and by now her lips were pressed together tightly. "Of course," she replied to Junko. "Would you like to speak in private? Or perhaps right here, because it should be no secret that I support my NCOs, empowering them to choose punishments or to suggest removal of disruptive personnel from the crew." The admiral pushed her plate aside.

Just as she finished her question to Natsumi, one of the soldiers jumping smartly out of her seat on the edge of her field of vision caught Sienna's attention, and she turned her head to look, her fork still in her hand. A brunette, yet another one she didn't recognize, but she was visibly angry, and barely holding it in check. Even Hanako looked like she was on the verge of exploding. She hadn't been listening to the preceding conversation, but she had overheard some rather sarcastic tones, and Bors had just walked out.

She couldn't help but grin again, subtly but derisively shaking her head. Here we go again, she thought, and glanced toward Natsumi. She wondered how long it would be before the guns started coming out again this time. Putting her fork down and taking a long drink of water, she kicked her feet up and stretched out in her booth, settling in to watch the fireworks.

No, I'm not a member of this crew, she thought in silent agreement with Mitsuko as she smugly folded her hands on her abdomen. Thank God for that.

Sune had returned Hanako's hand squeeze while thinking about what extra steps they could take on the next foray. As an added measure he considered the idea of a small ampule of an antidote that each could carry in case their team mates succumb again.

He listened to the exchange between Misato, Bors, and Junko. Both of them were totally disrespectful of her and her rank.

He wanted to order Misato and Bors to report to the bridge and give them a piece of his mind, but for the present deferred to Hanako.

He waited to see what Junko wanted to do.

Junko was torn for a moment. The Shosho had told her the newest crew members were totally green and witnessing all of this for themselves might make a useful object lesson. On the other hand, Junko had always held with the “praise in public, reprimand in private” philosophy. Of course, she still wasn’t sure if this was going to merely be a reprimand - however stern - or something more serious.

“Ma’am,” she let out finally. “I have no objection to continuing here, so long as it offers no legal impediment should it be necessary to bring formal charges. With your permission, I’ll have Riko-Hei report back here immediately.”

Junko was confident, now, in the justice of her response and her ability to handle it on her own. But the public vote of confidence had been appreciated, very much so, and she was rather glad to have some heavy officer firepower at the ready.
The sudden movement as the new officer had jumped up had startled Kale somewhat since he hadn't been paying attention to the conversations around him The looks that the Officers were shooting some of the other crew made him somewhat apprehensive.

Wonder what caused this latest conflict.

Having gotten through a decent portion of his food the young technician didn't really know whether to stay or to leave before the shouting started. Heck it would probably be a bad idea anyways since the command crew might think it a snub.

He saw Sienna in the same corner of the mess hall as she had been during the mornings meal. He had yet to apologise to the girl and her white haired compatriot, but that could be taken care of after lunch was finished.

Moment of gawking over Kale went back to his food.
Medical Lab

Still under the sedatives, Chieko continued to float in her tube - the glob she had brought up earlier eaten up by the machines in the hemosynth. It was a comforting, dreamless sleep that made all seem right with the world around her as she remained ignorant of the situation brewing a few decks above her. Soon, however, the scientist would wake and the pain from earlier was now gone.

What a relief, the academic thought to herself before looking around the distorted shapes outside her tube to see if she recognized anyone. Chieko attempted to link into the lab's audio again and sent a message through it for the medics present.

"Thanks, I'm doing a lot better. Did anything happen while I was out?"

The hemosynth then started to drain from the tube, the level dropping steadily until the Minkan's face was uncovered, causing her to start coughing up any of the fluid that got into her lungs. It got past her torso and her feet started to touch the ground; but they felt numb, and she continued to lower until she was on her knees. Once the fluid had left, Chieko tried to stand, only to find that her shins were still a little numb, while her ankles and toes would not respond.

"Looks like the rest is up to me," she coughed in her own voice, having cut off her link to the Medical Lab's audio, "Does anyone have a towel or robe I can borrow? This is getting chilly fast."

Mitsuko grumbled something under her breath as Misato said that about Sienna. She tried to just concentrate on finishing her plate, but things got more complicated. Junko was angry, Hanako seemed upset too. Now they were talking about calling Bors back for disciplining. Her food was forgotten as she sought out her roommate's hand, giving it a firm squeeze.

She glanced at Misato as she sent her a message. What's going on? What's going to happen to Bors-Hei?

Sune stood up and walked over to the entrance. He picked up the intercom handset and dialed ship wide.

Once the channel was open he announced.

"Attention all Day shift personnel! Report to the wardroom immediately for Debriefing! No one was given permission to leave the wardroom."

He hung up the handset and then walked back to his place at the table.
Med lab

"And just let her be attacked by someone who wasn't even on the cre...." Izokia couldn't let her self finish the sentence for fear of actually incurring what ever rage was hidden within Ayumi. "Will speak to the Shosho and receive the necessary punishment." She didn't exactly feel that punishment was needed for what she did but to her that seemed like what Ayumi would have done and that meant it was the right thing to do.
Med Bay

Bors watched as the two medics bickered amongst themselves, not paying him any attention. Good thing I'm not bleeding to death. he thought to himself crossing his arms. As he was about to speak up and say something again he overheard the intercom calling everyone, mostly him by the tone and the reference for leaving, and shook his head letting out a small sigh.

"You two might want to get up there as well, don't want you to miss the show after all, might be fireworks and a cake maybe even a pony."

Shaking his head a second time, wondering if they even heard him, Bors turned and quickly headed back to the wardroom.


Once inside Bors took his usual seat, which was still somewhat warm from when he left only a few minutes ago. Looking around he noticed the Officers seemed angry at something, as well as the new Ittô Heisho who also seemed pleased about something.

"I steped on some toes didn't I?" Bors said quietly to Misato, "Lets just hope guns don't start flying again, already had to shoot you today really don't feel like shooting another crew member."

Ayumi turned to reply to Bors, her mouth half open as Izokia began to retort once again. Her brows raised slightly again. Sure, her own feelings toward their guest were not as cautious as some may wish, Ayumi actually rather like Sienna. As confusing as the human was, she liked how she was headstrong and stubborn, two qualities which Ayumi felt she lacked.

At the prospect of missing a patient because Izokia had felt it more important to try and one up her, a frown appeared on Ayumi's face. The medic rose and bowed apologetically in Bors' direction, "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience." She stated, as his form retreated from the medbay.

As Chieko was released from the tube, having decided it was done it's job, Ayumi threw a slightly quirked eyebrow look at Izokia. She felt perturbed by the other medic's behaviour. Surely she wouldn't be defending herself is she didn't feel bad, if she didn't feel bad she would have shot the two of them, brought them back, and then left them for lunch. Yet here she was defending her actions.

The Neko pulled a towel out of one of the cupboards, holding it in her arms as she turned back to Izokia, "Sienna-san is a guest of the ship. It is our job, as medics, to protect the ships crew, as well as any guests." She stated sternly, walking past her and offering the towel to Chieko.

Her expression was solemn, she did not like discussing this with Izokia, and did not like having the other Neko snapping at her when she had maintained a even composure. Rather than dwelling on this, however, Ayumi offered a shy smile to Chieko.

"Koizumi-hei, how are you feeling? Do you need any help?" She asked, holding out the towel and dearly hoping that Izokia would take that as her que to stop talking about the situation.

Sitting there, Misato continued working at her food, she knew she may have crossed a line, but was sure that Bors may was screwed the pooch. When he sat back down next to her she leaned over, "Yeah I think you did. We might be in for it now though."
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