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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 21.1] Return to Ether - Planetside Thread

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Setting his weapon back next to his side, Bors maneuvered the tank so that he could follow up right behind the others making their way in. As soon as he saw them disappear though the whole he just blasted he started to follow behind. As he approached the doors he gunned the engine and smashed though the rest of the large door going into the base laughing a bit as he did. As the tank rumbled behind his crewmates on foot, he tried to remember if there was anything else he could drive though, it always reminded him of those action flicks he saw where the cars and other vehicles would crash though buildings.
Takeyu stood there and stared into the darkness, thinking about whether or not to do what he had originally thought of doing. It is a training mission, he grinned behind his helmet and sent the drone off ahead, it skirted the top of the ceiling so that no one would notice it disappear then he sent the signal for it to project a hologram of a very angry Ripper; this Ripper gave off a noticeable noise as it trudged through the holographic water, slowly making its way toward the group.
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Misato slowly continued forward, now hearing Takeyu and Chieko behind her, she was a bit more confident. The grumble and rumbled of Bors's tank didn't hurt ether.
She smiled when she hear Chieko's reaction to the dead ripper. "Shouldn't be any, I would think they have ether been killed or have evacuated off planet...

No sooner then the words left her lips she saw the movement from the far corner, and the sound. Misato's eyes went wider then they ever had been before. "Down Target Forward..." She barely shuddered as she swung her submachine gun up at the Ripper that was moving directly for her. With a bit of panic she squeezed the trigger and started pouring rounds into the center core of the Ripper. "Fall Back... Fall Back." She grunted out as she started programing her teleportation system. She planned on using the same jump strike that had worked against them before. If not she would just detonate her suit and take the bastard out that way to protect her team.
Chieko looked in the direction of the sounds and screamed as she ducked down behind a frozen, crab-type Mishhuvurthyar. She too began to try firing off LASR blasts in its direction, this time aiming for the vulnerable areas she head seen the samurai go after earlier. The scientist could hear her own heartbeat in her ears between bursts as she breathed hard and loudly in her helmet.
The holographic Ripper didn't seem to be bothered by the incoming fire, it just shrugged it off as it took a few more steps forward before stopping and looking at the Star Army soldiers there; in his helmet, Takeyu was sending commands to the hologram and controlling it manually. The Ripper moved and started to raise what looked like an Aether Rifle as it let loose several shots toward Misato and Chieko.
Akane shook her head, fighting to open her eyes. Moving around, she could tell that she wasn't in the driver's seat anymore. "What happened?" she asked.

Then it hit her. The shockwave of the first tank blast shook her seat. One of the latches must have not been as secure as it should have been. The young Neko felt foolish for having done something so stupid. The others had been relying on her.

With Bors driving, things must have still been under control enough for the mission to continue.

"Bors? I must be blowing it if you're driving and shooting."
Chieko ducked around another frozen body in an attempt to at least make herself difficult to locate again. She then started up her suit's cloak and moved again in an attempt to further mask where she was.
A voice message came in from the ship. It was Hanako. "Away Team, this is Eucharis actual. We request a status update and sitrep, over."
Misato threw her self to the side towards Cheiko knocking her out of the way of the rippers shots. "Damn-it Pull back to the tank... Bors and Miyako can cover us and tear this thing apart with the tank." she growled at the science officer as she took aim again and fired another burst into it's chest.

it was then the message from the Eucharis cam in, "Yes Ma'am... we are currently at the old NMX labs.. under fire from a Ripper. shuttle was sent back to the because of the storm that picked up, but instead it is now in a geo-sync orbit. As soon as there is a break in the storm, She will return to the surface and pick us up." she spoke calmly as if the ripper attacking was planned part of a summer walk.

Killing the Comm link Misato took a split second to look over at Takeyu. he was just standing there. 'Oh hells no... the jerk' she sent out a set of drones herself to scan the whole area, including the Ripper and everything else in the room.
The drones had returned back no other pings in the area, no signs of other enemies.. although it did pick up the obvious energy readings of an active holographic system coming from the Ripper itself. Although Misato's drones would also pick up two more drones from Takeyu's power armor that were on opposite sides of the room and just holding steady as if they were waiting for something.

When Takeyu heard the message from the ship, and Misato's reply, he realized that this little training exercise was over. He had the Ripper start to take several critical hits from the team that caused it to double back briefly, it shook its holographic head momentarily, although Chieko's aiming of vital areas combined with Misato's suppression fire finally did the Ripper in as several hits were scored on its head which caused it to blow apart and fall backwards onto the icy ground.

There it laid for several seconds, smolding; then suddenly the power armor began to shimmer before it fizzled out - to reveal an NSB that seemed to be 'happy' that it was no longer projecting an NMX, as the little drone bobbed up and down and relayed a series of data to Takeyu's systems.
Misato's helmet's eyes slowly moved from the floating disk drone, over to her serperior. they had a target lock and was feeding her information on best locations to hit, even though a large green warning was flashing that he was a friendly. "Thank you for that example Sir..." She spoke with a bit of sickly sweet anger. She shook her head and looked around at the rest of the crew.

"WEll As you all see the rippers can come out of anywhere and are quite dangerious." Once she laughed it off to the rest of the team she opened the Comm back with the Eucharis. "Ma'am scratch the Ripper, you got us while we were running a combat drill and test." She killed the channel again and stood there breathing in her PA.
"What the hell?!" Chieko called out, having been bumped into after cloaking, "I had this under control!"

After a few more shots finally managed to do something she huffed and looked over at the Heisho, not quite impressed. She then noted the Ripper fizzle out and looked to Misato again, only to see where the Neko was looking. The scientist extrapolated the line of sight and noted Takeyu directly in its path.

The young Minkan sighed and shook her head before realizing how badly her hands were vibrating from the adrenaline. She soon worked to calm herself down more, recalling their reason for being there. They needed to be prepared for situations like that.
Bors worried for a bit as the Ripper appeard, bursting out of the top of the tank he leveled his rifle at the thing waiting for it to come into his field of vision. When he noticed the rippers shots wernt doing any damage to stuff he was a bit relaxed.

"Seems like the Taii has them running a drill." Bors chuckled to Akane, "And nah don't worry about it, nothings happening so a catnap or two is fine.. just don't let any brass catch ya though haha."
Takeyu smiled behind his helmet as he listened to what Misato said, he could tell by the tone of her voice that she certainly wasn't pleased with his actions and truth be told he knew he should've told her before hand but there was nothing quite like springing a surprise to test out the reactions of a soldier. "The Heisho is correct," Takeyu said after a moment of silence. "Our enemies won't give us the luxury of just letting them come to us, espically the NMX who seem to enjoy ambushing unsuspecting squads; they could ambush you from the front, or from your sides... top.. or even," the Taii looked over toward where the team was currently standing, if anyone looked down they'd probably notice the frozen remains of a Ripper PA.

Opening up a private channel with Misato, Takeyu said. "My apologies for not touching base with you about my plans, it was never my intent to put you into a difficult position."

Meanwhile on the surface, something was watching the tank....
Chieko sighed one more time, with her comms off, at the additional commentation. She didn't need to look down, the dead silence was enough to have her mind spin in hyperdrive on the possibilities they may have to deal with.

"So," tbe scientist began, breaking her short silence, "now that we are presumably more awake: what now, O brave and intrepid leaders?"
Misato felt that the whole point of this mission was failing and being lost. She sighed and looked over at Takeyu thinking for a moment. She sighed again into her helmet and opened a Channel to the Shuttle.

"Murakami, please bring the shuttle down as soon as you see the first opening. We are going to head back to the ship." She flipped the channel over to the rest of the team, "Get everything ready for the pick up. Once the shuttle lands board and get everything secured for launch." Misato felt like she had failed the teams. She hadn't even gotten a chance to explore the parts of the base that she hadn't reached the first time she was here.

Flicking over to a private channel to Takeyu, She spoke a bit dejectedly, "Sir unless you see otherwise or counter command this I'm calling it a day here, I believe we have down what we set out to do with the training and live firing. But with this storm I feel that I can put the team in to greater danger if we continue and come to a situation that we would need a emergency evac and don't have a way to bring the shuttle in."
Orbiting Ether

Mitsuko opened communications as she was hailed by the team on the ground. She wanted to smile at the thought of everyone returning safely to the Eucharis, but the tone of Misato's voice kept her somber. She was upset with herself, again. Still. She'd been paying close attention to the storm, and Murakami thought there might be a window opening up soon. She began to lower the shuttle out of orbit, reentering the atmosphere and cautiously approaching. If everything went well, it wouldn't be long before that shuttle was parked outside the base, the loading ramp open to admit Misato, the tank and the rest of the away team.
Chieko sighed, half in disappointment, yet half in relief at Misato's words, checking her suit and equipment to make sure she was ready.

"Unless we left anything at the temporary range, we should be good to go, Heisho," the scientist offered, looking around to be sure, "As soon as the shuttle arrives, we could be off this planet in no time."
Ether Surface

Luckily for Mitsuko and the away team, the front of the storm contained moving onward just as rapidly had descended upon them, leaving it ravaging some other part of the iceball while the part the away team had landed in was now significantly lessened in intensity. The winds around them calmed down, leaving them with only a thick and constant snowfall to deal with.
Ether's Surface : Outside Base

Mitsuko was relieved to make it back to the surface largely without incident. The shuttled was safely settled on the surface. Landed. On the ground. The rear door had been opened and the loading ramp was in place. She made sure all of the seats had been folded up and out of the way, the middle of the shuttle cleared to allow for the tank to come aboard. The Neko assisted in guiding Riko, Akane and the tank inside, making sure the rest of the crew were all safely inside before taking off.

Orbiting Ether

Within minutes, they were in the air, safely back in orbit. Murakami hailed the Eucharis again, asking for an update on the ship's training exercise before again requesting permission to return home.
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