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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 21.1] Return to Ether - Planetside Thread

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Takeyu had to smile at Bor's remark about him freezing his butt off, right now he was quite comfortable in his armor.

Despite the blizzard, the areas of the base that the team 'could' see looked like someone had dropped a bunch of ordinance everywhere.. there were holes in the ground, some several meters deep and several meters wide, there were bodies of NMX Neko's that had been frozen over; well preserved in this very cold environment. Damaged equipment lay on their sides with some being turned onto their backs, other equipment was not really damaged but appeared to have been abandoned.

"Wonder what we'll find," remarked the Taii as he stared at the base. When he heard Bor's remark, the Taii glanced down at the tank and pondered whether it would be a good idea to fire off a shell in this environment, while it would certainly open a way for them, it may also alert any other NMX that could've still been alive, a remote possibility but a possibility none the less.
As they approched the door that lead into the base they were heading to, Misato hear Bors make his comment about knocking. "Negative, But keep a look out. Taii would you and Cheiko go and open it up for us"? I'm sure she could get the system to open it up, and your technical advise should be handy. The rest of us will dismount and cover you."

She knocked on the hull of the tank twice with the intent for the rest of the team would come out ready to work. As she slid off the tank and looked around her eyes drifted up to the sky, wondering if Mitsuko in the shuttle got her return message, and if so if she was bring it back down to land.
Chieko popped the back door open and hopped out when ordered. She wondered why Misato felt she'd be the best to open the door - even when she was growing up, there were friends who could pick locks good enough that she never needed to learn. That said, the XO and former Chief Engineer was asked to help the scientist out, so there was some hope - she supposed.

The young Minkan checked to see if anyone was coming out before closing the door and scanning about on her way to the base entrance. She stayed low with her LASR out in front of her, sweeping as she went, trying to keep as best tabs as possible on her surroundings visually as well as in other wavelengths on her suit HUD.

"Recommendations on how I should knock?" the academic sent back.
Orbiting Ether

Mtsuko was still safe and sound inside the shuttle, for now. While the others had headed for the base, she'd been following their progress up above. The shuttle's sensors were working overtime to track them through the storm, as the Neko did her best to keep an eye on them during the short trek. She'd also been monitoring the growing storm, compiling data about its severity and path, trying to predict how long it would last, and if it would remain in this area for long.

She finally sent her response, as the squad arrived. Mitsuko registered her willingness to comply with her orders and land, but communicated that she hadn't left orbit yet. The data she'd gathered about the storm was sent along with the text communication, advising Misato on what they were all up against. With the experience she'd gained so far as a pilot, she was confident she could land, but she couldn't promise the shuttle would make it through in perfect shape. There was a chance it might be too damaged to lift off again if she braved the storm at this moment, but it was ultimately up to the Neko in charge.
Takeyu smiled and slid off the tank, he walked casually over to the thick metallic door that blocked their path. He looked this door up and down, and then from side to side and looked for any method of trying to open it shot of blowing a hole. There was a snow and frost covered console to the left of it that he inspected, but it was of no use, the panel was quite clearly blasted to bits although whether this had been done by the bases former inhabitants or by the planets local Gartagen forces would probably never be answered.

He checked around the doors seams and found there to be thick layers of snow and ice although there were a few small openings that fingers could get into. "Cheiko, lets see if we can brute strength this door open, grab that end over there," he pointed to the part of the door that was furthest from him," grip it tightly because there is ice underneath." He was almost certain this wouldn't work, with the ice crusted in between the door and the wall, they would most likely have to use the troll tank's cannon but it never hurt to try.
"Hai," came Chieko's reply before she made her way quickly to the door. After first looking up and down the crack to ensure it was safe and to find good places to grip, she slipped her fingers into the separations between the two parts of the door. Once the scientist had located the places she wanted to hold onto, she planted her feet then looked up to Takeyu.

"Ready when you are, Taii," she offered.
Takeyu nodded. "Ok, one... two..... three... lift!" he said and put all of his strength, along with that of the Mindy, behind trying to lift the door up.
Chieko counted with Takeyu, engaging her suit as well, in sync with him to help get the door open. She pushed her Mindy as hard as she could, while keeping an eye on joint stresses to ensure she did not burn the mechanics out.
As the two tried to pull the door open, there were sounds of metal groaning from the doors internal mechanism; after a minute, the door had barely moved an inch. "This.. isn't going to work, there's just too much ice built up in the mechanism," Takeyu said as she eased his hands out from the seam they were in and looked back at Misato. "Looks like the good old elbow grease won't do it here," as he said that looked over at Chieko. "Best stand back there," he smiled at her and ran a gloved finger through the ice - creating an X. "Suggestion, use the cannon.. and try not to miss," he grinned.
Standing on top of the tank Misato watched the two try to pry the door open. "Well move... She stomped on the top of the tank "Bors Light it up get us an new doorway..."

She was disappointed that the door had to be blown open, she was hoping to seal it behind them and keep the weather out, but there was little time to debate it, with the storm rolling in.

"Opening a private channel with Both Takeyu and Chieko, "Thank you guys anyways.. I had hopes it could be opened... just stay behind the tank though I would hate for the door to attack you once it is angered by the tank's knocking."
Chieko tried hard, even as a few alarms in her suit began warning of excess strain if taken further. She let go, not too long after Takeyu said to give up and sighed. "The main thing is that we tried anyway, Taii," the scientist smiled, it only getting bigger when the officer had drawn the 'X'.

She started backing away at the man's behest, but when Misato said for them to get behind the tank, she began running so that it could be dealt with sooner rather than later. The academic then began bouncing once behind the hulking machine - looking as if she were trying to keep warm; but really due to excitement at being able to watch it fire.
As she waited for the two to get behind the tank and for Bors to fire, Misato finally came up with what she would like to do with the shuttle and Mitsuko. "Murakami, Go to an geo sync orbit above this very location, keep sensors on us. And as soon as there is a break in the weather make planet fall. WE will need you here for evac and possible access to the gear aboard. Please also keep the sensor feeds of the area open and sent to us down here."

Misato then switched the com to a encrypted secured line that only Mitsuko could receive. "I'm sorry about everything. I'm not suited to this and I'm having to make most of this up as I go." She closed the channel and stood on the turret Captain Morgan style waiting for the cannon to speak and the door to disappear.
Orbiting Ether

Thankfully Mitsuko was already parked directly above the base, so it was easy enough to follow Misato's orders. She monitored the team from up above, continuously relaying what she could learn about the storm and the surrounding area to the squad on the surface. The private message made her worry, although she was glad to see Misato wasn't still too frustrated to think clearly. She sighed to herself, not responding, since the private channel had been closed. She left the other Neko to concentrate on the problem at hand, to focus on the soldiers under her command.
"One new door coming right up." Bors said with a chuckle as he lined the gunnery's sights on the 'X' on the door. "Firing in three.. two.. one.." There was a loud bang as the tank firied, punching a though the door and causing an explosion inside the base.

"I think they know where here.." Bors said checking his rifle in case they Misato wanted him to come in on the team, part of Bors wanted to just drive the tank though but he wasn't sure if it would fit all the way.
"They probably knew we were hear before we even got here," remarked Takeyu as he stepped from around the tank and unshouldered his rifle and peered into the dark void that was once hidden by a door. "Besides, given the state of the base, if anyone 'is' still alive they'd most likely be in the deepest part of the base furthest away from the cold... and potentially even away from deep-penetrating sensors," the Taii spoke without really looking at anyone, his engineering mind taking over for that brief moment as he continued to study the areas beyond for any signs of possible life.
Chieko beamed broadly when the shot went off; however Bors' comment quickly doused her enthusiasm in ice-water. Soon the thoughts of Rippers came back to her mind causing her to check that her LASR was ready. The scientist then began running a scan on the interior; if not to check what was there, but to also assure herself of what was not.

"So what you are saying, Taii, is that we have time before anything nasty comes our way, ne?" the academic pipped up.
"With hopes yes, however," Takeyu started saying and pointed the light of his rifle onto several frozen objects, it was plain to see that these were Crab and Parasite Mishhuvurthyar, frozen solid in the planets icy cold temperatures and not even remotely a threat to anyone or anything. "You should still keep an eye out in case we run into any unwelcomed guests," although this was Misato's mission, Takeyu couldn't help but provide his own input and advice, after all - he 'was' an officer and officers shouldn't just ignore things.

He then looked over at Misato. "What's your call?" he asked her.
"You two cover me." she said point to Takeyu and Cheiko Riko pull the tank in behind out of the weather, but keep an eye out at the space, if I remember right you can make it into the second room but will have to park it there. You know where we were ambushed by those rippers? and I had to use my teleporation systems to get behind them?" She brought her sub-machine gun up and started in looking around making sure all the corners and crannies were covered and clear.

The memories of last time she had been here came rushing in. Riko being hurt, the ambush and later, her own brush with mortality. She froze in her step, lightly shaking. Even the corpses of the Rippers that she had killed were still there learing at her in the dark. The phantom ache from the Aether blade started throbbing in her chest. Even with the scar was gone she was still feeling it.

Swallowing hard she fought the fear that she had back and took another shaky step forward, hoping the Taii hadn't noticed.
But Takeyu had noticed, although he choose not to say anything. If this had been anything other than a training mission, he'd have used one of his drones to create a holographic projection of a Ripper just to see what Misato's response would be but that wasn't who he was; and it wouldn't look good for an officer to do such a thing anyway. He followed in behind her, his rifle scanning the room that they'd been in a long time before, the bodies were still there although there were new bodies now as well.

There were several NMX Nekos that lay in what was once ankle deep water, but was now frozen solid to where all you could see where the Neko's backs. The frozen water was discolored through, a combination of blood and other materials although limbs could be seen beneath the frozen surface - preserved in time until such that the water melted. With a sigh he peered toward the far corridor that would take them deeper into the facility, a drone popped out of his hanger but he had it stay with the group and not send it off ahead.
Chieko was quickly aiming her LASR at every frozen body to make sure in her mind that each one was not going to be moving for a very long time. When the order to follow was given, however, she froze up a little before replying, "Ryokai. Ikimasu!" The scientist then took her place to the rear of Misato and the opposite side to Takeyu.

The academic was quite focused on keeping her panic level down as she continued to verify the living state of each cadaver at LASR point to notice the Heisho's fear. However, when she noticed the Ripper she jumped back quickly; finger almost hitting the trigger when she noticed the hole. The Minkan's next words were a rather indelicate Yamataian phrase that made it over intersuit comms before slightly more intelligent thoughts came to her mind.

"Ok, so how many of those will we be seeing as we go?" she asked the two leaders while trying to steady her voice.
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