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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 22] Echoes of the Past

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"Yes Ma'am No Substitutions.... As for the volunteer, that would be Hei Aikiko." Tony smiled and then lined up to grab grub. Once she got her food she walked over to where Victory was, "Ma'am, I was told to talk to you about getting a bottle of whiskey? It'll be like a bit of home in a bottle for me." she asked politely.

she stood there waiting for a response, and noticed Natsume sitting off by herself. Tony figured that was partially her fault, so she figured she would share the bottle with the white haired daemon.
Med Bay

Tsuguka just cracked her neck and thought about that strange crystalline limb they had brought back for a moment. Looking at the opaque panels of the stasis chambers, she didn't even want to think about what other horrors they were cooped up in here with.

"You didn't get one of those in your standard recruitment package?... Erm, Joto Hei Murakami is the logistics officer. She would know." The neko just stared blankly for a second, before remembering that Dirjon was Nepleslian. He probably didn't have digital brain functionality... "...Guess I should contact her, then, huh."

A combination of dealing with Stark in the past, and the fact she had never seen Dirjon fly or send a mental message, simply stopped the idea that he was using a Minkan body from ever occurring to her. Still, at least being helpful seemed to have visibly improved Tsuguka's mood a little bit again. Reaching across the vessel with her mind's eye, digital tendrils merrily deployed a rather verbose and strangely polite message into the logistic officer's inbox.

Subject: Spare Uniforms
To: Joto Hei Murakami Mitsuko
From: Nito Hei Tsuguka Toyoe
Greetings comrade. Hope this message finds you well.

Some new uniform components are required for our injured brethren Santo Hei Dirjon. If it is not too much trouble, can you inform me of where I might apprehend as such?

OOC: @Reynolds
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Wardroom, Cargo Bay

Victory nodded. "There are some in the Nepleslian rations we have. I will open one up and bring it to you." She got up and left, heading down to the cargo bay where she went the the shipping container full of emergency food supplies. She unlocked and swung open the doors on the end switched on the battery-powered lighting system and went inside, where there were rows of shelves on each side and crates in the middle. Victory grabbed a crowbar and cracked open a wooden crate with the words "WAR RATIONS" stenciled on the side under a black star. Grabbing the first ration pack she saw, she carefully tore it open, finding a vacuum-sealed cheeseburger, a questionable-looking shriveled carrot, a cigar, and a can of SPEED energy/anti-sleep drink. Also inside was a can of motor oil, various accessories, and the small glass bottle she was looking for. She pocketed the bottle and stuffed everything else back in, sealed the container, and tossed the ration pack in the garbage on the way back to the wardroom. In just a moment, she returned to Tony and placed the whiskey bottle on the table in front of her.

Mitsuko, who had settled down with her food a bit earlier, perked up when she heard her name spoken by the captain. She glanced around before twisting from her seat to look at Hanako, who was speaking to the foreign soldier that had temporarily joined them. Neither of the two approached or addressed her after that, so she eventually returned to her food. Before she could begin working her way through her meal again, there was another interruption involving her name, this time in written form. Her eyes flickered behind her glasses as if she were reading it right in front of her, frowning quietly as she considered the message. It was from one of the new crew members, the red one she'd taken shopping, back before her disposition had soured. The Neko tried to be inoffensive with her response, composing and editing it while she silently ate.

Subject: Re:Spare Uniforms
To: Nito Hei Tsuguka Toyoe
From: Joto Hei Murakami Mitsuko

Ulvson-Hei should have been issued several uniforms.  If any
have been damaged, they will be repaired during standard laundry
procedures.  New uniforms can also be fabricated if the original
ones have been completely lost.

If non-official garments are required for temporary reasons related
to his injuries, there are many such items available in the ship's
Cargo Bay.  Upon receipt of an official request, pending the Shosho's
approval, I would be willing to assist with the selection and requisition
of any necessary clothing or related materials we have on hand.
Aikiko sped read the message from Kale’s sister. She smiled with a soft chuckle as she read about the incident. Bypassing the more personal stuff that he probably didn’t want to be read by an outsider, matters between family.

Aikiko paused in her eating, debating how much to tell him. Keeping her tone low enough not interrupt others, “No. I’ve had several different posting in the past. Some not so savory and others…” Giving a thoughtful paused, “…Wish they hadn’t ended. But the fates of the universe had other ideas.”

She looked wistful with the distant gaze that Veterans seamed to acquire during their tenure of service. She took another bite of her food to give herself time to think. “It’s something one learns as they progress with being part of a unit. Take the Reifujin,” nodding in the direction of Hanako, “probably gets tired of all the military customs and curtsies being rendered all the time. Taking up valuable time when business needs to be taken care of. But then never served on a ship that has kin to the Empress before.”
Medical Bay

"Upon receipt of an official request, pending the Shosho's approval, she would be willing to assist." Tsuguka read the selected lines out loud, eyes scrolling along the floor as if watching a parade of invisible ants. It ended with a shrug. "...It would certainly be more efficient if there were specific medical garments for this type of thing. But are you sure you didn't get extra clothes along with your standard kit, Dirjon-Hei? It would be a bit of a strange mistake if you did not."

She took a moment to look down at her own uniform, uncomfortably reminded of the powdery black-red residue of freeze-dried space gore that once stained it. Restless, her eyes darted back to the doorway again. The red neko could not tolerate feeling so useless, concerning something so simple. Two seconds later, and she was suddenly gone, walking sternly out of the doorway.

A few seconds after that, and the door closed behind her again,Ulvson's duffel bag from the power armor bay in hand. The look on her face was so stern, it was as if she'd just broken international law. "Please don't tell Santo Hei Akiashiro-Sama I left the room." A glance containing a strange emotion carried the words, as if both happy to be have been of service, but also ashamed of her deceit at the same time. "The terms of our friendship contract are currently precarious. But your readiness level is important to me as well. I will write a formal letter of apology to the Shosho in due time."
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Taharial smiled at everyone then gets up and bows "I will be going back down to the Med Bay, check on everything". She turned to leave and gulped taken what Hanako said as permission to do what she wanted with the body "oh Kale... i am sorry for this but as medical rules, I will have to give you n exam as you are back on the ship" she felt weird since she was a lower rank than Kale but smiled "hopefully you will be as fit as you were before leaving" with that she left the room.

Med Bay

"Hey you two, I have told her it" Taharial looked at the two and smiled seeing the bag but ignoring it realising Tsuguka would do what she wants no matter what "so Tsuguka how was your little walk?" she winked "I wont tell anyone that you have, plus you can walk around just don't do too much work" she grinned at them "at least the butcher has been useful here" she laughed lightly.
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Medical Bay

"I did say that resting makes me feel useless. The power armor bay is only next door." Tsuguka made a small but heartfelt bow of apology, before ponderously moving towards the aft of the room. She took a moment to gaze at the gurgling pinkish liquid within one of the three person-sized hemosynth tubes. "...and I also didn't mean to make you uncomfortable before. I wasn't offended. Sorry for the misunderstanding."

"Should... I be using one of these to regrow my arm more quickly?..." It didn't exactly sounds like a pleasant procedure, but her thoughts were that of utility, not personal enjoyment. It was just natural for her to regard her body as a piece of equipment. One that needed to be ready, should that derelict craft they were lingering above turn out to be not so derelict after all.
YSS Eucharis, Med Bay

"Thank you, ma'am," Dirjon said as he pulled the bag onto his lap and unzipped it, removing black plastic box.

"Taharial, when can these casts come off?"
Med Bay

Taharial looked at the two "Tsuguka, it will help you but i think you need the rest, you may think that body is just a tool but no one else does! you should treat yourself with a little more respect and instead of thinking your a brain in a piece if equipment start believing that that is you", she looked over at dirjon "it should be a few hours from what I know well from when we put it on...... so.." she thinks "in a bit sweetie".

Taharial looked down "sorry for that outburst Tsuguka, its just I am sure that if you change how you see your own body you will realise why we are all worried for you, but if you really want to you can get in one, just avoid the Nightmare Type, I don't know if it is still alive", she looked around "now to start my baby" she giggled "the Nightmare Neko" she turned to Tsuguka "if you would like I could use someone to test it out when it is down, just for notes, then I will give her a new brain, then maybe make you a Nightmare Neko body if you want".
Medical Bay

Tsuguka gazed at the containment cells with a cold, calculating look. Ironically, it was her lack of self identity that made it easy for her to consider working with the nightmare type in the first place. The only question was what utility it had. From the data on file, it seemed like it could certainly wield power armor weapons, albeit with internal power only.

"Well, if the Shosho has signed off on it, then... I will help you with your experiments, Santo Hei Taharial." She said blankly, with a formal little bow. Glancing at the depressingly slow regeneration pattern of her own arm made one good tactical implication obvious, at least. "It's going to need a few equipment considerations, like how we fit it in an environment suit, before it can be truly useful..."

A small, curt smile, arcing one hand inwards to her chin as she thought of the strange possibilities. "Then again, I would have never have believed you could fit those wings in one, looking at you now."
Med Bay

Taharial smiled at Tsuguka "that is true, it was a tight fit, but if it is armour not skin and that, it should be fine" she giggled "but I love how you look now, but it is up to you darling" she giggled more and looked around, she had always found Nekos awesome and more to her taste than anything else, but the only thing she didn't like about Tsuguka was that she thought that her body was more of a tool than anything.

Taharial smiled "I can see you are having a bad time with the slowness of your healing, get in one and I will bring you back out when your fully repaired" she looked at her sweetly hoping that Tsuguka would surprise her and change her ways at some point but could tell that was a dream.

Kale smiled slightly.

"Thankfully I've not had that problem yet. My first tour of duty was on the Eucharis, first billet outside academy walls so to speak. I was here for four months before a logistics shuffle had me shipping out to Tami for another three months. Thats where my sister's posted so that was mostly fine, but it wasn't home. It took a beauraucratic age, but during that third month I mannaged to talk my way back here."

"Its strange you know. Almost everyone I new here has either moved on to isolated posts in that black maw we call space or joined up with the soyokaze. I'm stuck wondering if this really is the same place I knew back then."

He sighed, feeling a little nostalgic.

"Ah well whats done is done. Hope to be staying here a little longer this time."

Kale glanced up as the medic requested he report to medical bay as soon as possible. He acknoledged the comment replying.

"I'll drop by after dinner if your patient schedule isn't too packed."
Medical Bay

"~I love how you look now.~" The Elysian said, effortlessly. Not exactly words Tsuguka had heard often. All of her sisters at the academy were created as soldier material, and most of her life since then had involved either standing on guard duty or shooting things. The look on her angular face became strained, as if trying to figure out if Taharial was just being patronizing. The winged girl seemed genuine enough, but Toyoe simply couldn't read such manic emotions well enough to decide.

More than anything, the red neko suddenly just realized how tired she was. With all of the stimulants and nanomachines pumping through her veins, it was easy enough to forget that she hadn't rested a wink since that whole away team disaster. Nekovalkyrja might be advanced bioroids, but they still needed sleep.

"With your permission, Santo Hei, I would like to retire to my bunk for now." Tsuguka bowed again whilst speaking, since technically Taharial did still have medical authority over the matter. "Unfortunately, I don't think me being in the tube is going to do any of us much good if we are attacked. I think it's best to dispense with all of the fancy plans for once, and simply rest for a while."

Her head remained downwards whilst she awaited the response, hair braids dangling forwards like somewhat girly nooses.
YSS Eucharis, Med Bay

While the two T's were talking Dirjon had pulled on his shorts and was standing, partially levitating. He opened the box and removed a metal disk that began lighting up and floating. His EM-J5-1 stopped eye level in front of Dirjon and spoke its preprogrammed salutation, "Greetings, Ulvson-Hei. How may I be of assistance?"

"Pull up all schematics of the Ke-M6-1A," he said as he pulled the shirt over his head, "We've got some work to do." He collected his items back into the duffle bag and zipped it closed. He paused for a moment and opened it back up, looking inside. "Hey, did you see a shovel by my bag while you were in the Armor Bay?"

Aikiko rolled her eyes at the mention of 'beauraucratic age'. "Lucky our forces were small, so assignments came faster to keep the fleet ships fully manned that were combat ready and heading out. Didn't have much time on a ship and didn't really intergrate fully with the crews as when a ship came in for repairs, crew was quickly assigned to ships that were getting ready to headed back out into the fray till the end. Then it was everybody for themselves to survive. Ships became enities unto themselves. Finding ways to keep the ship stocked and repaired for the next encuonter."

She listened to Tarahial speak to Kale and his responce. She finished her plate of food and moved to get desert.

"True that." Kale stated as he poked through the remaining fish on his plate.

Truthfully being a techie had meant that he had been somewhat isolated from the whole getting maimed and scarred thing. Well... that an a comparable lack of shiptime service. Still, that sort of experiance took time to gain. His face turned pensive for a second. What he was turning over in his mind was a very pertinant question. How much are mental-backups you. Looking at it logically the you that was killed would cease to exist. in essence you were creating a doppelganger, not bringing the dead back to life. Was there a true way to cheat death then? It bore further investigation. Either way, Kale didn't like those odds. Finishing his platter, he sat back and began to think.
Med Bay

Taharial walks over to Tsuguka and lift her head "you are an idiot sometimes, all I have wanted you to do is rest, so go to your cabin and rest, you have my full support on that Tsuguka", she turned back to Dirjon "okay I think we can take the cast off now if you want, the bone should be okay and that means you can leave as well if you want, or do you want to stay and talk?" she raised an eyebrow at the guy and sighs "because I have an examination to give to the returnie".
YSS Eucharis, Med Bay

Dirjon went back to sitting on the table. "Alright, doc. I'm going to need these off to work. I'd love to stay and talk but they'll need me in the Armor Bay. Rain check?"
Medical Bay -> Cabin Five

Tsuguka just shrugged after hearing Taharial's words, slowly exiting the bow. The Elysian was right, of course, but nobody said being a prisoner to formality was easy. "I will do so at once."

"I didn't see a shovel. Hope you didn't leave it on the Yui-class we salvaged from, or anything..." The woman gave Dirjon a quick glance. "Oh, and there was a new technician in the wardroom, by the way. Nito Hei Namach, I think his name was... Please ask his assistance if you're doing anything too arduous."

Another quick, rigid show of courtesy, and then she was off.

The others probably couldn't tell, but she was immensely happy to be away from all of the syringes and scalpels. Too many bad notions about being dissected and disassembled. Sure, she seen her body as a machine herself, but there was a difference. The muddled element of intimacy involved just made her feel confused and horrible.

Her room mate Hisoka wasn't around. Probably getting something to eat. Thankfully the red neko had the foresight to buy loose fitting single-piece pajamas, so her gnarled arm could just go inside. Had to take the mattress out of her bunk to make sure her arm healed straight, but the quilt alone still felt luxurious to her aching back. Like sinking down into a black hole, she just let all the stress and strain fade away.

Everyone lived. Was the sole consideration, prepping her alarm device for seven hours into the future, before sinking back into the sheets. That's useful enough. That's efficient enough.
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