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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 23.1] A Distant Threat (YE 37)

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Power Armor Bay

Aikiko exploded forward with her display. Though it was a simple confrontation with a subordinate, the impact of armored bodies colliding still drew the attention of everyone involved, as well as the lone spectator.

Akane tried to carefully convince Sam to start armoring up. It hadn't worked. His words about using her and Taharial to warm his Mindy from the inside. The young Neko was convinced. If given a chance, the Butcher would cleave Sam into little bits and not feel a moment of remorse for doing so.
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Mitsuko had secured Candon off to the side, leaving plenty of room for the others to move through the shuttle. She nodded to Howard and Stark as they passed, glancing aside at the machine gun she'd mounted earlier to ensure it was still secure. Satisfied, she returned to the wounded soldier she was caring for. Holding his head steady and monitoring his vitals as the shuttle head back to the Eucharis. Hopefully their medic was prepared for his arrival. She couldn't help but dart her eyes over at their alien prisoner as the trip continued, wondering what it and Suites had gotten up to to leave them both in such bad shape.
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Natsumi raced the shuttle back to tue Eucharis as quickly, but as safely as possible. Within just a short few minutes the sleek heavy gunship was in view, growing larger in the shuttle's viewport.

"Shuttle on approach" Natsumi announced over the comm channel as she piloted the small craft into the Eucharis' hangar, settling it down gently on the smooth deck of the large bay.

Once down, she set the shuttle to standby and slipped out of the pilot's seat, moving aft and opening the main hatch. She hoped the medic was on hand.
P.A. Bay

Aikiko aware of the silence that had befallen the Power Armor bay after her run in with Sam. She stood her ground regardless of the outcome. It was time for her assert herself to nip a growing problem in the bud. Seeing that she was getting no response from Sam, nor his chosen Mindy. She cleared her viser and it showed her scowling at her chosen target. "Just what I thought. All fluff no substance. Not even worth the time!"

She spin her Mindy around, returning the looks she was receiving. "Anyone else wanna piece of me?" Addressing all that were present, feeling the adrenaline fading from her system from the initial rush of aggressive action against another.

Aikiko moved back over to he Fabricator and pulled the new Manipulator arms pack from the receiving tray and carried it to her Mindy's slot.

Looking at Akane, "Have you figured out your chosen set of weapons? Or you need help, Santo-Hei?" Pausing near Akane.
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Shuttle/Shuttle bay

With a flirtatious wink at Nat's, tony raced off with her rifle to go and get changed. She was sweaty and gross. She wanted to stow her rifle back in it's case and hid under her bunk, then a long shower. She had enough of the gross bugs and their disguising habits. Worse then the mixed mass bunk rooms in basic. She moved the rear of the shuttle bay and slid into her Cargo Sleeper Module. She walked in finding the room to herself and smiled. She had the largest bunk room of the whole crew, and it was totally hers. "And they thought they were giving me the crappier accommodations..." she snickered to no one.
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Jax had been silent for most of the trip back to the shuttle. Within the power armor, he'd had time to reflect on the past twenty four hours. One his first day of his first combat deployment, he'd been in an epic space-battle, been shot at, shot back at those people, killed a few of them, captured a man-squid, acquired a new piece of alien technology, met the Captain Hanako, got scolded by her, and accidentally slammed his tail in a door on his way to the Eucharis.

He could not make that up...

His stomach audibly rumbled.'

Oh, yeah, and he still hadn't eaten! There had to be at least one Nekoburger out in this far corner of Yamataian space, right?

The shuttle jolted a little when it hit the ground, bringing Jax back to reality.

'Thank the lord!' Jax groaned inwardly. These armor suits were kind of cramped for someone of his... Nepleslian proportions.

Shut up! He was not fat!

Shuttle Bay

Jax scrambled out of the shuttle as soon as the doors opened. He needed out of this tin can. He glanced around to make sure he wasn't needed anywhere else

PA Bay

Jax slipped into the bay as quietly as you could in a suit of armor. He wanted nothing to do with the squabble that was occurring. Another thing he learned about Yamataian culture in his short time here: when a neko is mad, you run. You run so far.

He placed the explosives back where he'd found them, same with his weapons. He set Candon's SMG on a rack with the others, hoping the officer would find it later. As for the alien pistol? He'd take it to his room and stash it for later study. Jax then walked the armor to one of the undamaged racks. He'd need to handle the others later. Maybe once they got the Eucharis to a repair station, he'd see what he could do. Now, the moment he'd been waiting for. The power armor opened up, and he nearly fell to the hard, metal floor. Jax felt his ears and tail perk up from their constricted positions. They felt so wonderfully sore!

With a few swivels and flicks, he felt the soreness in his ears ebb away. He did the same with his tail, all the while subconsciously purring.

Wait. Purring?!

Jax looked to the other Yamataians in the bay with him, a horror-stricken look about his features. He prayed they hadn't heard him.

You see, when Jax laid out the specifications for the Minkan body, he was still a little shaky with his Yamataian. Apparently, the consultant thought that Jax had wanted a few extra feline traits along with his augmented appendages. Namely, the ability to vocalize like one. It was unbelievably adorable to some, but unbelievably creepy to others, so he tried to repress it as best he could. Sometimes, however, it slipped out when he wasn't paying attention. So far, he could only purr, but the technicians had confirmed that more would make themselves visible over time, as he gradually adjusted to the body.

He stood, facing them awkwardly. Whether or not they noticed, he began to scoot towards the door, heading back to wardroom.

If anything, they would have a great story to tell their pals later.

"Hey, so I was in the PA bay when this cat-man stumbled in and just started purring!"

His ears pinned flat at the thought.

P.A. Bay

When the doors opened to the Power Armor bay. Aikiko reflexively looked to see if it was the ship's goon squad coming to arrest her for slamming Samuel onto the deck. But seeing it was Jax. Relief flooded her. It was the cat-man, she had seen around the ship.

She gave him a nod and carried on as if nothing had happened. She had to do a double take when her Mindy picked up a purring sound emanating from him. She leaned her head against the metal frame and shook her head. ~~Whot a crew!~~
Shuttle Floor
The cold metal floor felt nice on his burnt back. Candon had always hated being planetside. Although nothing would bring him any real relief until they broke through the atmosphere and docked with Eucharis just having Mitsuko near him was a comfort. He wasn't sure why, she had no medical expertise and didn't perform in a combat role but yet she still made him feel safe in his crippled state. Regardless of whether the feeling was drug induced or not he appreciated it.

By the time they landed Candon was almost completely numb and barely conscious. Taharial was able to move him from the floor to the Med bay with no resistance.
Power Armor Bay

Just as Akane was about to answer Aikiko's question, a pair of newcomers stepped inside. The young Neko offered them a polite smile as she continued to calibrate her armor. When Aikiko had a moment free, Akane would answer then.

Her hope had been to work with the others so she could perform her duties well. With her recent mental spells, Akane wanted to make sure that she acted her best and got into the strongest state with the rest of the crew.

Only when he heard the doors shut securely behind him did Jax calm down. That was certainly embarrassing...

After quickly stashing the pistol in his duffel, Jax once more donned his green coveralls, rolled up the sleeves to his elbows, and trudged for engineering.


"Honey! I'm home!" Jax called out as he strolled into the space. And it was true, this was "home". Most would call the dark, cramped, hot, and loud space inhospitable, but at least here, among the machinery, Jax knew he was in his element. Here, he was away from the bugs and fighting, in his little hovel where he was king...

Well, more like prince. Cherry outranked him, or... had. He hadn't seen her since the battle, and had no clue if she were still alive.

Cherry was in engineering still working on getting things back to normal. She had an eyepatch and copious burn cream all over one side of her face like she it been hit by a pie. "Nice to see you didn't die. I'm clearing the exploded remains of the fusion reactor and bringing them into the fabrication bay to be recycled," she explained. Most of the major damage left unaddressed is in the starboard wing, but will will need to be at a proper repair facility to really do much for it."

Rixxikor Village
"Did the Kuvexians ever say anything negative about the Star Army of Yamatai to your people? Or desire that you take up those weapons against us?"
"Yeah," Tixx responded to Umeshu after a long pause. "Actually, yeah. They said you wouldn't even know what hit you when they come here to smash you."
P.A. Bay

Aikiko straightened up and looked at Akane, sensing that Akane wanted to say something. "Spit it out. I can hear you speak. even with all the distractions going on." She backed her Mindy into its slot and began the process of removing it.
Power Armor Bay

"Yes, ma'am," Akane said. "I was hoping to coordinate weapons package selection with Sam." She looked toward the lecherous man, still rendered silent from Aikiko's discipline. Looking back to her superior, she asked, "Do you have an recommendations for what I should use?"
Power Armor Bay

Aikiko looked thoughtful, thinking over the loadouts that would be excellent for Akane to use. " Ke-M2-W2913 Aether/Scalar Submachine Gun, Gernades, at least 5 for starters." Speaking as she left her Mindy and moved to the racks that held the various accessories to the Mindy's, "Ke-M2-D3000 Forearm Ellipsoid Shield, for defense." Began going through the various equipment on hand.
Rixxikor Village

Tixx's simple, direct response to the question caused the purple-skinned Neko's cordial demeanor to waver as her deeper Nekovalkyrja programming began hissing inside and Neko ears suddenly became erect and alert at the sound of the unabashed threat to the Empire's well being. It took a conscious effort not to reach for her NSP holstered at her side. "Honto ni...?" escaped Umeshu's lips as she slipped back into Yamataigo for a moment in self-reflection at this turn of events, and then she quickly resumed back into the Trade she was using to communicate to the bug men, her more welcoming smile and sage green eyes returning slowly. "Well, I'm glad that despite such... hostility... our two peoples were able to come to an understanding today. We shall leave you in peace, then, and return to our space ships to observe."

Hashimoto-shoi bowed her head respectfully as she took a step back towards the power armored Rikugun behind her. "And if you do see the Kuvexians again, please tell them that we will have a... suitable welcome... in store for them." The manner in which this escaped her lips, while sounding like honey, contained a thinly veiled darker tone. For these invaders, there would most be definitely be a variety of hospitality delivered from an aether shock array cannon instead of a BBQ grill. Next time the YSS Eucharis would strike them first, and show them the might of the SAoY.

Now weary of these negotiations and the smell of the village getting to her nostrils even through the filters of the AMES suit, Umeshu opened her communicator and sent the beacon out to the Telemachus V that the Operation Cookout detachment was ready for airlift back to base.
Power Armor Bay

With Aikiko's suggestions, Akane started pulling supplies to coordinate with her armor. As she checked the ammunition count for the machine gun, she glanced at the grenades. One at a time, she drew a few of the grenades, securing each in place so she would have a more practical load out.

The ellipsoid shield was different. Akane hadn't expected to need such a defensive implement. It was a necessity, something designed to keep her alive. No more, no less.
Power Armor Bay

Aikiko nodded as Akane followed her advice. "That is the basic load out till you get more experience to switch up your load out. Be warned that each mission, though may look the same, are quite different. Be flexible in your load out. and don't hesitate if you want to change out for a different configuration of equipment more suited to your style of combat."

Aikiko didn't suger coat anything, but spoke the truth from her perspective and experience. "Myself, my load out is quite different than most as I tend towards dealing with high explosives."
Power Armor Bay

"Explosives?" Akane looked at the magazine on her submachine gun. "If the mission calls for it, that's fine." She lifted her weapon a little. "For me, this fits wonderfully."

The notion of canvases and brushes faded from her thoughts. Akane smirked as she realized there was more art to be made, using bullets as applicators and enemy blood as paint. If she wanted to dabble with collage, she could try to litter the locale with bodies and destroyed hull sections.
Shuttle Bay

Mitsuko sighed in relief as their resident medic appeared to take Candon off of her hands. It was the second time in as many encounters with the Rixxikor that she'd had to tend to someone that ended up rushed off to Medical. Hopefully there wouldn't be any more emergencies. Or any more Rixxikor to worry about. She didn't want to see them again for a long time.

Leaving the shuttle, she glanced back at their prisoner to ensure he was still unconscious, moving into the PA Bay, where she had seen Howard headed. There were two somewhat unoccupied Neko, still armored up, thankfully. "Akiashiro-Hei, Miyako-Hei, there is an alien prisoner on board the shuttle. Please escort him to Medical and secure him inside of a containment unit. You have permission to wear your armor inside the ship for the trip there and back. You may return to your duties afterwards if Chasan-Hei does not require any further assistance with the prisoner." She would check on the alien one last time before handing off the task to the two, moving into the ship to shed that AMES and freshen up a bit.
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Power Armor Bay

Aikiko nodded to Mitsuko and motioned Akane to follow her. She headed over to the shuttle bay to get the Alien Prisoner. She moved to the designated shuttle and looked inside to see the alien prisoner, just laying there.

She moved the Alien to a position where she could easily pick the Alien up. She carried the alien, letting Akane be security as she transported the Alien to be confined in one of the containment units under the care of Taharial.
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