Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Yome Ismâopate Mission 3.0 – Avenging the betrayed (Pilajo yleg’te )

Murr exhaled softly and began to place her Stako in stand-by mode for maintenance. She carefully opened up her Stako and climbed out. She looked over the damage and eyes involuntary widen at the exposed joint mechanism and slagged armor around the edges where it was torn from the Stako.

She breath deeply of the heavy scented air of a living planet. She knew now why these Poku risked everything to pre-settle here before authorization was given. The dream of living without Dome or steel walls that could mean death if ruptured. Waking to the sounds of nature, instead of a carefully controlled environment of the proper insects that were beneficial to growing food for the populace.

These were the common folks wanting a larger slice of land for themselves without having advancing through their family structure. Now that she had another taste of another living planet. She was having doubts about rousting the innocent wanting to leave a legacy for their descendants. Their only crime was joining a band of Outlaws for a piece of a better life.

Murr glared at the prisoners, ignoring their barbs, taunts and insidious comments on how beautiful the place was. Even the offer to let her choose what she wanted for herself. All she had to do was provide them the means to escape.

She angrily turned back to her Stako and began to clean out the joint mechanism from the splatter of molten metal that fused to the gears and hydraulics lines. Even doing field repairs on some of the lines that had burst open by salvaging parts from the captured Battle-Bears and Stakos.

Murr was thankful she was mute, for she would've torn into them with a tongue lashing that would've made her Mother proud, Along with the most Senior of the Enlisted of the language she would've used. She thought them and suddenly the comic speech balloon appeared above her head, slowly rotating in a holographic display of scrolling text.
Keyul kept an eye on their prisoners and worked to remove the armor sections that Murr would need to return her unit to full defense capacity. He brought pieces over to her. "The armor segments are standard to the model. So these should fit just fine. Although I have to wonder how these people got their hands on these. This means that they have someone supplying them with restricted tech. That's a criminal offense, but one that will be pursued by a different agency. I want to know who ordered the attack on the Âmuso Ibâka. Those deaths are criminal in a manner that does not happen often." He said.
La'tâ began to wander about, scanning for a container or something similar that they could use. She tried to keep herself close to the group to assist with the captives if any help was needed. It took a bit of time, but eventually she came across something suitable to keep the rebels in, and it was suitable to be carried, though by a battle bear rather than her Goa'ismâ, but it was still manageable while empty so she began to walk back carefully with the crate.

Hearing the conversation over the secure line she spoke up. "We an ask a few questions ourselves before we turn them over."
Keyul turned to watch La'tâ as she brought a container for them to put the prisoners. He also kept one of his video pickups trained on them. Recording everything they said. "We can ask them La'tâ. But how likely are they to answer our questions. Or even if they do answer them, do so truthfully. We are in no position to make a deal with these people. At least not when it comes to criminal charges. For all we know these folks may have been told we were coming here to kill them all. Which at least we have proven false." He replied.

The prisoners stayed close to each other, but it was clear that they were watching everything. Their body language showed that these were frightened individuals, and they did not have the demeanor of people who were trained to fight.

"La'tâ, I don't think these people are Dahoi. Before we put them into containment, check them medically. " He requested.
Murr smiled her thanks for the assist. She removed the damaged armor from her Stako and to allow the new pieces of armor to fit properly. She worked hard and fast, paying attention to what she was doing than keeping a watch on the prisoners. She knew and trusted that her teammates would keep her safe as they knew she would do the same for them if needed.

She got the last of the armor fitted and attached the best way she knew how. It took some time to figure it out how the pieces fitted and the order they were to be mounted in. It was obvious by the way she puffed up once the last piece of armor was attached properly, she was proud of her handiwork. It paid off when she helped with Armor techs in keeping her Stako in fine shape. But the new armor definitely clashed with the Stako's current camouflage scheme. Where theirs were more woodland patterned, hers was more subdued in the darker colors that blended well for the diverse terrain and environment she had to operate in.

Murr gave careful thought on the question Keyul brought forth. She could make an educated guess that would bring up more question on her sanity and tampered mind. She chose to stick with the more common answer. She texted :: Black-market through blackmail. ::

She climbed back into her Stako after putting away her tools for the repair and powered it up as it closed about her. She ran a few test maneuvers and softly exhaled as there was no hang up or malfunction to her Stako. She made note of the field repairs into her running log to give over to the Techs that worked on her assigned Stako.

She sent over team tactical by text. :: I am ready for guard duty. La'ta can begin her examines of the prisoners. :: Murr lowered one of her heavy weapons at the prisoners, but it was placed on stand-by. The threat was there that if they stepped out of line or disobeyed an order. They would pay the price in a lethal way. She hoped they were docile now that the battle was over for them.
After returning with the crate to carry them, at Keyul's request La'tâ stepped out of her Stako with a medical kit in hand. She wanted to take a weapon as well, but she would have to put it down to treat them and that was more dangerous than going in unarmed. She made her way over to them calmly and composed, but there was a somewhat obvious hint of anger in her motions, she did not approve of their actions and it showed. "Are any of you injured? I am a wapoin'a and can treat you."
The prisoners looked at La'tâ with skepticism clearly on their faces. One of the obvious injured stepped forward. "Why would you want to treat us? Our leaders told us you folks are here to kill us all. Because we disobeyed the Tonai. But you did not kill us when we attacked you. I suspect that someone is lying and they are are taviibu kâtoli. And I am afraid I think it may be our leaders."

Keyul turned to Murr, "See about recovering a Jodau Fiqorka from one of the battle bears. The memory core should contain information that can explain where these came from. Be quick about it though. I am picking up two fast moving objects. They must be Meqpâ'a Gulvisa. The Yome didn't deploy any so they must belong to their leaders."

"La'tâ, get the prisoners into one of the houses quickly. We have two in bounds and I do not want them killed by their own people and have them claim we did it later." He called out to the healer. He turned his Stako in the direction of the inbounds and set the shield charging to full power.
Murr weapon was secured when it wasn't being held. She moved to one of the downed Battle Bears and ripped the casing cover off to access Jadau Fiqorka. Using one finger of her Stako to reach into the handle and carefully removed the unit. Once it was secured in her Stako grasp. She now had to find a place to carry it and leave her hands free.

Stako scanners were pinging of the inbound airborne threat. She secured it in Stako carry-all. Then she sought cover and concealment where she could fire upon the inbound Meqpa'a Gulvisa if they did show the proper colors and signal.
La'tâ looked more than a little frustrated at the words of the injured. "Are you not part of the clan? How can you know nothing of Gely?!" Before she could finish however Keyul spoke and ordered them into a house so the Tula complied and ushered the injured into a nearby house that look solid and made way for a basement. "We came here to bring you in for trial so that you can receive judgement. There is no Gely in killing clansman of our own decision."
The prisoners moved quickly following La'tâ's orders. Having heard about fighers approaching had given them even more incentive to get to safety. Once in the basement a Qakla turned to La'tâ. "Trial? You plan to arrest everyone here in this settlement? There are over ten thousand of us here on this world. We were brought here with the promise of a new life. As others had been given to go to other worlds."

Keyul did a quick check on the situation, he was glad that La'tâ had taken their charges to safety without incident. He spared a moment to check the status of Murr's unit. Her smaller Stako could make use of easy cover and concealment. He needed something a bit larger.

The tactical system was tracking the two inbound. They were marked as hostile as they were not broadcasting the appropriate code that would mark them as from the Yome. ETA was 1 Tui'sa, at the speed they were closing they would only be in range for perhaps two volleys. One as they approached and depending on their vectors, he and Murr might get a second shot as they flew away. He moved quickly over to one of the disabled Battlebears. He knelt down and with some effort rolled it onto its side. Keyul then using it as a barricade he positioned himself to fire.

When the craft were visible and had a lock they opened fire with their Akko Rotysa. Keyul returned fire with his Rotygo Akko Stako using his neural link to the Stako to assist him with targeting. He ignored the trail of deadly projectiles approaching as he fired.
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Murr waited patiently, knowing she had just one chance of hitting a fast mover. She led the craft she was aiming for and let out a good sustained burst. Then she moved quickly to her secondary choice of cover. She could feel the impacts against her armor as rounds grazed her armor. Once clear of the incoming fire, she spun around and fired a second burst of rounds emptying out her magazine of her heavy weapon. She did a quick change over to a full magazine of ammo as she beat feet to concealment and cover again for the next pass.
La'tâ paused when she heard the reply of the injured. " not know what is going on do you?" She let out a sigh and finished patching up their injuries if there was nothing too severe. "We are here for those that attacked the Yome Nuiga and killed her crew. You are assisting the likely suspects, so we will be taking you for questioning as well. We do not intend to take this whole settlement at once."
She was shaping into a valued member of the Yome crew. He watched the two fighters as they flew away. Both of them were trailing smoke and appeared to have sustained damage to their propulsion systems. The made no attempt to circle back.

Keyul noted Murr's actions and smiled. "Looks like we wounded them enough for them to have to return from where they came." He felt a burning in his hip. "Qopo." he said to himself. He reached down to his hip and his hand came back bloody.

"La'tâ, Murr I've been hit. Not sure of how bad but I am bleeding. Most likely shrapnel from the fighters penetrated the cockpit." He sent across the radio.
Murr watched the fighters continue on their way trailing smoke from successful hits between the both of them. Just as she was about give herself a silent 'atta girl' when Keyul announcement that he was injured.

She texted Keyul, :: Go inside with La'ta, before you remove your armor. Will stand guard and alert the Yome Ismaopate. ::

With that done, her next transmission was to the Yome Ismaopate via text :: Subdued enemy power armors. Captured operators of them. Village semi-pacified. Two airborne fighters. Returned fire and sent them packing. Keyul injured, yet mobile. Team Medic will check and confirm. On Stand-by for further instructions. Sar Whisk ::

She looked around for their fourth member of the team. But he had disappeared. Unsure of what to expect or where he went. She hoped he was doing okay, where ever he disappeared to. She remained in her place of concealment incase this was a ploy to cause them to let down her guard.
La'tâ moved to the door of the building and stuck her head out to check the situation before speaking over the comm system. "I can patch you up Keyul, if it's not too bad you can get right back in. But are we in the clear? If they have the resources they might send wave after wave for us." She pulled her head back in and looked at the wounded, she did not want to leave her back to them for too long just in case.

"It seems like the situation is becoming a bit troublesome. Do you know any blind spots in your group's surveillance, or something we can use to get out of here?" She spoke to the injured, keeping her voice low and calm, trying not to sound demanding.
:: Outside ::

While Murr kept alert for the return of the Aircrafts, she scouted out another spot of concealment as she moved to the now abandoned Battle Bears and Scout Armor the enemy had once controlled and now under Poku Army control. She looked at them and they were shot up beyond repair. She did a quick check over them to see if she could snag another of the info boxes like the one she gotten before the aerial attack. But she didn't count on it. She propped them up in a manner that it would provide cover and camouflage if they counter-attacked.
Keyul put his Stako in ready mode and disconnected his neural link. He twisted as much as he could to reach the control to release the hatch. Once he heard the unit cycling he removed his restraining straps. As he swiveled around to get out, he could see the shard of metal that had struck him. There was at lest one hand's worth of metal protruding.

He read Murr's call to the ship. But more importantly it was the reply that had his attention.

"Away Team One. The Niko Yârme are being sent to your position to provide additional fire power if need and to secure the area while you tend to your injuries." Came the voice of his brother the Ta'a.

"La'tâ, the shrapnel hit me just above the left hip. Its bleeding freely, but it does not appear to be arterial in nature." he sent of the team's comm.
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:: Outside ::

Murr just sat there in midst the pile of destroyed emeny battle armored bears and a scout. She heard the reply from the Yome Ismaopate. She was thankful that she had programmed in the safety protocols for the Niko Yarme's. She suppressed the urge to 'protest' against such a move by the Ta'a. Yet she felt the warm fuzzies at being trusted again by the Ta'a and what he knew of her condition to place Poku Outsiders with a battle-tested team.

She knew of the Racial snobbish attitude against those who were handicapped, yet allowed to live. Then on top of that was the ingrained deep mistrust of anything not true Poku. She did her mental exercises to keep them demons at bay. Yet thankful for what ever support the Yome could provide. They needed numbers to keep control of the situation and provide a strong united front to keep these outlaw non-combatants pacified. Even the four, they captured in the Battle Bears and Scout.

With one gone inactive and another wounded. She felt the weight of being in position to take command. But her handicap definitely prevented that. She worked hard to overcome that to get this far. She accessed the situation while keeping alert.
Keyul waved to Murr. He signed to her :Stay sharp. I have a feeling that the folks in this settlement have something in store for us.: He then had nothing else to do but monitor his units sensors until the healer arrive.

The prisoners looked at La'tâ. "The only surveillance here is Poku'vonai. There is a To'a in each block of houses who are to report what they see in the event of hostilities. However, they have no sensors. They depend on visual systems."
La'tâ had gotten gotten good news, bad news, and thigns inbetween with the messages from the ship and Keyul, as well as what the prisoners said, but most importantly it all meant they had time to patch up Keyul. She arrived quickly in front of his Stako as he was getting out and assisted him, making sure he was careful in his movements. She knew it was a slight blow to pride to help, but her priority was his physical condition, not his pride. Once she had him down she carried him into the house, any ambush would be a problem. "Murr keep watch of the area, but don't do anything too risky."

The Tula laid her squad leader down on the floor to alleviate any pressure on the wound and then gave Keyl some pain medication. She then took some sanitary spray and used it on her paws before putting sanitary gloves on and then carefully pull the shrapnel out, making sure not to damage anything more than it already was. Her expression was rather calm in this, in fact it didn't look like she was focused at all, to most it would be concerning, but she had enough practice for such injuries that it did not bother her.

She began to speak, but she didn't not avert her eyes form her work, it was obvious she was addressing the prisoners. "Will you help us in bringing this to an end? You see the person who lead you has lied and is without honor. This settlement might have gone against the wishes of the Tanoi, but you are still clansman, if you act with honor, you shall be repaid with honor." After removing the shrapnel she did a check to make sure of severity and began to patch him up.