Silic hunched forward towards his windscreen as Kayo got on the first truck with Atsui and Ellisif, “Two rookies? Is the chief fix'in to die?” he whispered to himself in shock.
When he finally spoke to the others his voice was dead serious, expression deadpan under his helmet. “Should the worst happen in front, who's second in command?” He waited until the other truck was a respectable distance away before following at what he deemed a safe distance, if such a thing could be applied to an object he figured may as well be packed with high explosive.
When he finally spoke to the others his voice was dead serious, expression deadpan under his helmet. “Should the worst happen in front, who's second in command?” He waited until the other truck was a respectable distance away before following at what he deemed a safe distance, if such a thing could be applied to an object he figured may as well be packed with high explosive.