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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 3.0] Pickets and Surveys

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"Alright. We just got word from the Aeon, and the Taisa has commanded that we proceed with the mission. Once we secure the Genus, we will have another objective before attempting to leave -- the Aeon is under assault by a Graviton Beam being projected from the surface. It will be our next target.

The presence of hostiles is all but certain. If we're cautious and quick we'll take them out before they know what hit them."

Arkase ran one last quick-diagnostic.

"I'll take point. Let's move!"

With that, he set off into the brush.
Kasumi moved from the vantage point she had just arrived at back to the shuttle. She gathered her medical equipment and fell in behind Arkase. She pulled out her Science scanner attached the Chemical Scanner module and began testing the atmosphere. After a moment, "Scan shows no hazardous chemicals or substances in the atmosphere, Oshiro-Heisho. she reported before returning to the shuttle.

Josea pulled out his Science sensor and attached the Life Form Scanner module. He started a sweep for any Yamataians.

"Heisho, There are no Yamataian life signs within a 1,000 meters radius. Continuing scan as we advance."


"O'Kutsuu-Hei, if you have recovered sufficiently. Please do a visual inspection of the propulsion systems. I would hate for us to launch and have them fail because of something we could have fixed." Kim called from the cockpit.
Asine fell into like, following up behind Arkase as they headed out. He still didn't exactly like the situation, but it was probably better to be moving then sitting around at the shuttle anyway. At least it gave him something to do, rather then just sit around.
The closer the away team got to the Genus, the more obvious it became that something bad had happened. Delicate equipment was left partially setup and exposed to the elements. Tools were strewn about as if the people using them dropped them and left, or worse were taken.

The doors to the vehicle bay and cargo hold of the Tansaku-class starship were closed. Scorch marks could be seen from a distance, but they were still too far away to determine the cause.

Josea's scanner started making an audible beeping, and he looked at the readings. "Oshiro-Heisho, I'm getting a reading. One Yamataian lifeform aboard the Genus. No other life signs besides ours." He called out.
Kyoka followed as best she could through the underbrush, but it was clear that forested environments were not her preferred choice for traveling. All in due time, she caught up with her other squad mates in view of the Genus, breathing somewhat heavily. Once she recovered, however, she asked, "What do you think happened here?"
Trowa followed the squad through the brush towards the Genus. The area was a mess. The Taisa would have a fit. Trowa thought as he looked at the overturned equipment. He knelt down and picked up a wrench and examined it. He frond and took another look around. Something about the whole setup was bugging him. Something was out of place, but the Nepleslian pilot couldn't but his finger on it. He was about to mention it to Arkase when Josea suddenly exclaimed that he had a reading. Trowa waited to see if the scanner picked up anything else.
Asi moved up a bit, keeping his eyes open. He swung his SMG with him as he turned to look around, feeling as though something were off. There was no way there should only be one person, not from a ship that size, and if the crew had moved on, they wouldn't have left a lone member behind either. Either way, it made no sense. "Oshiro-Heisho, something feels off about this."
"Hai, Jôtô Hei." Kame said to Trowa, as she returned the sniper rifle to her back. Hearing the Kim-san, she went around to the back of the shuttle. The Engineer immediately skimmed the engines seeing a couple of scrapes and dents here and there. Inspecting further, she found that the fusable links had done their job and protected the more vital components, except for a control module that was obviously fried. She immediately reported the news to others as she got out her wielder and other repair supplies.
"Ah." Was all Arkase provided, continuing to press forward toward the Genus.

"Asine-Hei, kindly take Trowa-Hei around the other side of the Genus. Stay concealed, if possible."

He didn't want to point out to the second -Hei that he had ordered him to stay by the shuttle. It wasn't the place, and it definitely wasn't the time in front of the rest of the Away Team.
One thing that the Away team would notice was that some of the equipment and containers that were strewn about had holes in them. In some cases the contents of the container had come out through the holes.
Asine nodded, motioning his new 'buddy' to follow him as he started to make his way around the ship, keeping his gun at the ready. He paused, just before going out of sight, and knelt down to look at one of the objects with holes in them, trying to discern what it was caused by.
The edges of the hole were uneven. There appeared to be some sort of scoring marking the surface. Like something had been scraping at the surface.

There was also no sign of the missing material lying on the ground.
Kyoka stuck near to Arkase, watching for any activity as he surveyed the area.
Looks like it could've been a firefight.
She thought to herself, not mentioning those thoughts to her squad leader. After all, he certainly should have come to that conclusion by now.
Asine frowned, puzzling the oddity over in his head. Any form of energy weapon would have left a clean cut, but a solid munitions round probably wouldn't leave a hole that jagged. It has to be energy of some form though, because there's no material left over from the penetration... He stood back up, motioning Trowa to follow him, and started out again. "Oshiro-Heisho, be on the lookout for some kind of energy weapons. It looks like something was shooting the place up, but it doesn't look like it's a weapon I recognize.
"Just stay alert. Josea-Hei, what can you tell us?"

Arkase approached the Genus proper, now. He was tense. Itchy. He was ready for anything to jump out.
"Commencing emissions scan sir." Josea replied switching out the sensor module on his scanner. He made a series of adjustments.

"Sir, the Genus is operating on her fusion reactors.... Sir, the beacon we received is not coming from the Genus. I'm getting a transmission from a point 15 meters off her starboard beam.

With your permission I believe I can manually cycle the airlock since the ship has power." the SSS liaison offered.
Trowa followed Asine around the side of the ship and inspected the holes in the side. Something wasn't right about this. No energy weapon would have left jagged holes like this. Projectile was far more likely. But there would be bits left over. Either someone came and cleaned up the mess prior to their arrival, or something else caused the damage. Trowa remembered the tools lying around on the ground. "Wait a minute Asine-Hei." Trowa said as he knelt down closer. "Do these holes go all the way through the side into the ship?"
Choosing to ignore Trowa's outburst, Arkase immediately went toward the airlock.

"Josea-Hei, do it. I want you third in line to go in -- I want Asine-hei and Trowa-Hei to stay out here and make sure nothing follows in. If something happens and you can't handle it, get into the Genus so we can regroup."

He stopped just short of the entrance to the Genus, waiting on the scientist to hurry up. The longer they stayed around the wreck, the more Arkase felt as if something bad was going to happen. And the Aeon.

If the Aeon was under attack, there would be no support coming after them. They had to finish things up here and high-tail it to the next objective and take out that Graviton Beam. He hadn't lost the Nadare during the largest engagement yet that he knew of in the Second Mishhu War, and he'd be damned if he'd be responsible for the loss of a Gunship on some backwater at the ass-end of the Kikyo Sector.
Josea ignored the rank reference from Arkase, attributing it to the soldier being used to dealing with soldiers.

He approached the airlock and entered his authorization code. After a minute his actions were rewarded with a panel opening. Josea reached into the open panel and rotated the large knob. As he did there was an audible hiss and the door to the airlock retracted and then slide out of the way.

"Airlock open Heisho." he called out as he stepped in and examined the inner controls. He attached a cable to his communicator and to the panel. Josea then used his communicator as a keyboard to access the ship systems. Internal atmosphere is good, minimum ship functions. But no indication of damage. he noted.

"The life form is on Deck three Heisho, in the Medbay...." he was about to ask if Arkase wanted him to open the inner door when he heard a vehicle approaching.


From the east of the ship, out of the brush a white Type 30 LUT emerged. In it were four people. Two standing in the back with what appeared to be Styrling Tactical Assault Rifles in their hands.
Arkase heard the vehicle too. It couldn't be any friendly he knew of and so...

"Everyone! Get up into the Genus!" He shouted to the nearby members of the Away Team.

Arkase then moved to try and get a visual on the LUT. Once accomplished, he fired a warning shot high above the vehicle.
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