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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 3.0] Pickets and Surveys

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Hearing Arkase's order, Josea activated the emergency control to open the inner doors. He then stood to the side with his hand poised to hit the emergency close on the external door once the away team was safely inside.


Kim had repaired the primary power junctions. A quick test had the internal lighting turn on. "That helps." she said to Kame. She noticed something on the floor near the technician. "O'Kutsuu-Hei, what is that on the floor near you?" she asked.

When she heard Arkase's message she relayed the essential part to the Aeon.

Aeon this is Shina-Hei, main group has arrived at Genus, possible hostiles encountered. Shuttle position still secure.


The people in the LUT did not flinch at Arkase's warning shot. From his vantage point he could see that the vehicle was pulling something behind it. But the dust from the LUT was obscuring the object.
Kame mindly cursed to herself luck as she found herself lacking in shuttle control modules.

Finishing up, she replaced the shuttle control module (4 GHz) with 4 power armor control modules (1 GHz) and bridged them together in series with a coaxial bus adapter. She then attached a wireless communicator the engine control modules and using the reprogramed the control modules to work with the new system. Setting it aside, she quickly double checked the other engines. Since they other engines were in mostly working order, Kame only had to wielded a loose connection her and there. Satisfied with her work, Kame spoke to the others, "Trowa-hei or Kim-hei if one of you could run a test start up of the engines from the cockpit and a recalibration, I think we are good here. Give me a signal when you are ready."

Kime frowned when she could not find her bearded companion.

The engineer took the pad and prepared to monitor the engine pressure, temperature, and magnetic field containment levels to make sure her patch worked. Stand up she, heard Kim-san mention her feet and looked down. "Something at my ... Nanii!!!!!!!????" Kame jumped and tumbled into a firing position as she felt something skuttle by. Realizing her pad was not a gun she quickly switched it out for the mission issued rifle.
Kim engaged the breakers for the propulsion systems. They held which was a good sign. She then activated the system and set the computer to calibration mode.

She looked back in the rear compartment and watched as Kame drew her weapon on what appeared to be large bluish insect. It was sitting near the rear hatch and skittered left and right.
Kyoka reacted to the new orders almost immediately, dashing inside as quickly as possible (Alloting her squad leader entrance first. After all, he was the 'brains' of the team. More so than she was, anyways.).

"Who are they? Or, I mean, who do they belong to?" The Neko asked, soon as she made it in.
Asine started backpedaling to get back around the ship. "Sir, permission to return fire if necessary?" He made sure to keep himself closer to the enemy then Trowa, only so he had a clear shot if necessary.
The LUT turned so that it was now parallel to the Science Vessel. The object behind it started to pulse and glow, and a barrel rotated in the direction of Asine. The end of the barrel started to glow brightly and a second later a crude beam of plasma was ejected from the cannon. It scored a glancing blow on Asine's armor. The cannon started preparing for another discharge.

"Kill us please. Have mercy." came telepathically.
"GET YOUR ASSES INSIDE! MOVE!" Arkase roared at Asine and Trowa.

He then fired multiple short bursts from his SMG, aiming for the wheels of the vehicle. If he could stop it... If he could stop that cannon from hitting his two Hei's... Fighting a heavily armed mobile unit with rifle support wasn't the ideal situation for his team. Once that thing was disabled he could figure out some way to take it out -- but any casualties would likely prove disastrous later, when they were likely to strike a defended location.

That damned LUT can't follow us into the Genus. They have to get inside quickly! He thought, letting loose another burst -- this time at the crew of the LUT.
The tires of the LUT were easy targets, and once destroyed the vehicle came to a stop. The cannon they were towing still appeared functional, and Arkase could see that one of the occupants of the back of the LUT was controlling it.

It fired again at Trowa this time, hitting his armor in the back. The impact knocking him forward.

The driver and the two people who were standing with the assault rifles fired at Arkase, but their weapons were in effective against his power armor. Their SSS uniforms however were no match for the fire power of his weapon.
Asine made his way back around the ship to get out of sight of the enemies, lightly armed or not, firing at the enemies one handed and using the other to push Trowa ahead of him, not wanting to chance either of them getting hit by that cannon again. "Im'Inao-Hei here, Yamamoto-Hei and myself are out of the line of fire, removing ourselves to the airlock now."
Arkase growled a quick acknowledgment at Asine, and unleashed a storm of fire on the cannon and its operator. If he cleared that last one off... Was it possible to capture the vehicle?

"Kyoka-Hei, I need you to come around the opposite side of where Asine- and Trowa-hei are coming in from and try to get a flank on the enemy vehicle. I think we can capture it. Take Asine and Trowa with you when they arrive." He sent.
With the ground targets out of sight, the cannon operator in the back of the LUT trained the weapon towards Arkase. It fired twice, the first pulse missing, and the second one hitting Arkase in the chest. His shield flaring as it absorbed the impact.

The driver of the LUT sped up the vehicle in an attempt to follow the fleeing the soldiers. Pulling the cannon behind them.
Arkase said:
"Kyoka-Hei, I need you to come around the opposite side of where Asine- and Trowa-hei are coming in from and try to get a flank on the enemy vehicle. I think we can capture it. Take Asine and Trowa with you when they arrive."

Kyoka listened intently over the comms for more orders since she entered the Genus and nobody seemed to follow. She was thankful when they came, though, because the others still seemed to be active. The neko acknowledged them over the communicators posthaste, then set to taking a side route to avoid getting seen by the enemy. Once she arrived, she set to waiting for the others until they came.
Arkase stumbled on the top of the Genus, his heart almost stopping from the surprise of the hit. Recovering himself quickly, he took aim once more in an attempt to strike down the driver of the LUT. This time however, he waited for AIES to grab a lock before sending a short burst of aether bolts at the driver.

Task accomplished, he turned to the right -- opposite of where Kyoka would begin her flank from in a few moments with Asine and Trowa -- and ran at an angle to hop off the Genus and onto the ground in front of the LUT. From his new position, he began firing indiscriminately at the vehicle with his Daisy's shield up.
The driver slumped in his seat and the LUT continued to move forward for a few seconds before it veered and struck a boulder protruding from the ground. The jolt was sufficient that it knocked the cannon operator forward in the LUT and knocking his shot wide.
"Kyoka-Hei! Now's the time -- proceed with the flank, with or without the others! Take out the Cannon Operator!" Arkase told the Hei.

He then ran at an angle away from where Kyoka and the others would be coming from. He fired ineffectual shots at the LUT to grab attention, not going for a kill.

Not the best time. Arkase thought.

Right about then, Asine got there, Trowa in tow. "Let's go, Kyoka-san." He would then proceed to lead their little group around the other side of the downed ship, ready to fire as soon as he had a clear shot, at either the crew or the cannon, if he didn't have a shot.
Arkase said:
"Kyoka-Hei! Now's the time -- proceed with the flank, with or without the others! Take out the Cannon Operator!"

Kyoka proceeded to do just that - well, if it hadn't been for the appearance of her teammate.

"Let's go, Kyoka-san." He had said, taking up a position.

Kyoka nodded in acknowledgement, then aimed and prepared to fire when Asine did. Concentrated fire would be best for such an occasion, after all.
Kyoka and Asine were a position thanks to the erratic path the LUT took after the driver was shot to target the cannon, the operator or the LUT itself. The Operator sat back up and grabbed the cannon controls and started swinging it around looking for a viable target.
Trowa had been cursing himself with every Nepleslian word he knew (Which was quite a lot). Something had been nagging at him, some detail that he was missing. He became so engrossed in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed the truck until it was almost right on top of him. When he turned around to get under cover, he had been hit. Not too badly, but somehow it had damaged his neural interface. As a result he had been unable to return fire and had to almost be dragged to cover.

Once out of the line of fire, Trowa did a quick reboot of his cybernetics and got them back online. He was really pissed now. Getting his weapon out and ready he moved beside Asine and said, "Thanks for the help. I'm good now."
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