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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 3.0] Pickets and Surveys

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From the direction that Eun-Kyung had detected people approaching a lone figure emerged from the brush. She held up a hand to wave towards the armored troops. She continued forward, with a stagger to her step, and after she had come about 20 feet from the brush collapsed.


Trowa and Kyoka had been caught by surprise when the Science vessel up and moved. They were shook out of their surprise by Arkase's call. They streaked after the ship and landed in the open airlock. "Sorry Heisho, got surprised by the ship moving. Won't happen again." Kyoka said sheepishly.
“Cover me,” relayed Eun-Kyung to her teammates as she broke cover once again. Moving forward swiftly, she came to a halt and knelt next to the female.

“Are you wounded?” she asked, her armor's speakers now back at a normal volume. Still, she didn't like being exposed and so, without really waiting for an answer, hoisted the woman up into a fireman's carry and backed away, keeping her rifle up with one hand.

“Shina-Hei, grab a med kit from the Diligent,” she called over comms. Back in her original cover position, she laid the woman on the ground and gave her a once over, trying to spot any visible injuries, while still keeping an eye on her sensors. She really didn't want this to be a decoy and end up blind sided by an attack.
"Hai" Kim called out as she hopped back down to the ground and pulled out one of the medical kits. She set it down next to the woman, while Eun-Kyung checked her out.

The woman lay unresponsive, she had a pulse and was breathing shallow. She also had a number of cuts and abrasions on her face and arms. As Eun-Kyung continued her examination, she felt something rigid under the woman's shirt.
Eun-Kyung pulled the med kit over and looked up, sending a quick, “Thanks,” to Shina. Looking back down at the woman, she concentrated on the superficial damage for the moment, but as none appeared to be immediately life threatening her attention returned to the hard lump. She fished out a PMS from the medical bag, injected the woman, applied the booster patch, and set the control pad nearby to keep an eye on it. With the nanomachines now working their way through the female’s blood, Eun-Kyung knew she would have information on the object soon enough, if it had pierced the skin, but she wanted a look at it herself and so gingerly pulled the woman’s shirt away until she could see.
"Alright. We're going to the medical bay... Kyoka-Hei, take point. Asine-Hei, you have her back. Gustav-San please close the airlock -- you won't be leaving my sight, and I want you to tell me if anything changes on your scans. Trowa-Hei, take rear." Arkase ordered.
"Right away Heisho," Josea said as he closed the hatch to the exterior and secured it. Once he secured the hatch he checked his scanner, "Still only showing one humanoid lifeform in Medical sir."


Looking at the skin of the woman showed a wound in the same shape as the object under it. The wound showed minimal healing, just enough that it was not bleeding.

The medical scanner showed a disturbing picture, first the object in question was metallic, rectangular and was pushing the internal organs assigned. There appeared to be some sort of device next to the object that was emitting an RF signature. The medical scanner bots also detected a number of objects along the upper spinal cord.
“What in the name of…” Eun-Kyung’s voice trailed off as she tried to make sense of watch she was seeing. This… thing, this metallic, artificial thing was plugged into the woman’s spinal cord and transmitting a signal, no less? She still didn’t know what it was or why it was there, but she guessed she wouldn’t like either answer.

Whatever the case, she knew they weren’t equipped to deal with something like this, and certainly not in hostile territory. “Shina-Hei, cycle your P3000’s charge. I might need you to bring this woman up to the Aeon.”

She looked down at the woman again, shaking her head, before gathering up all the data from the medical scanner and sending it in a packet up to orbit.

Aeon, this is the XO. I’m sending up medical data on an unidentified Yamataian woman who stumbled into our perimeter. There is something… foreign inside of her and I don’t have the training or equipment to deal with it. We’re holding position near the Diligent for now, as Oshiro-Heisho appears to have the situation in hand near the Genus, but I’m suggesting we send the woman up for treatment aboard ship. I have Shina-Hei readying to bring her up if you confirm. Please advise.”
Ise-Taisa to Kim-Shoi,
Secure the woman prior to transport, then have Shina-Hei teleport to the Power Armor bay. I will have the Medical Bay prepared to receive a patient.
"Hai, Arkase-heisho!" Kyoka acknowledged, looking up the blueprints to the ship for a moment before setting a course throught the halls. "So. . . to that deck and through a door. . ." She muttered aloud, finalizing her plans. Checking to make sure Asine was following, the Neko began her journey towards the medical center. With any luck, there would be no obstacles in her path.
Trowa had shut down his cybernetics just before the EMP blast went off. His implants had been acting up and though the EMP wasn't supposed to be strong enough to damage them he wasn't about to risk it. After several moments, Trowa rebooted them and much to his relief found that they were working fine.

"Aye, Sir." Trowa acknowledge the order. He raised his rifle and did a quick visual sweep of the area in front of them then turned partly around to watch behind them.
Kame cursed mildly as Kim-san came out while not closing the doors. "What do I have to do to get people to listen?", Kame mumbled not realizing the fact that is was mainly her fault that she wasn't being a team player or explaining things very well.

Focusing at the task at hand she covered her team mates as the approached the wounded women. She then waited until Kim-san went back for a medical kit and gotten it, before letting her guard down even slightly. Rushing back to ship, she pulled the long wire attached to smoke grenade pin as she turned the manual switch override, sealed, and locked the shuttle doors. With the shuttle doors closed, in theory anything that breathed in their would be getting very sick from the tear gas as it spread into the sealed area.

Her eyes re-focused on the other Yamatains that still approached them, slowly. Ever so slowly she moved from rock to rock till she was a few feet away from Kim-san and the others who where discussing the wounded patient.

She spared a quick glance at the the quickly the wounded Yamataian and was disappointed slightly that their was something metallic an grey ooze instead of the beetle she had been expecting. Still she quickly shouted, "Careful Kim-san, for all we know that grey thing could be alive and parasitic!" before she re-focused again on watching the other Yamataian group through her scope.

There was something odd about them, but Kame couldn't place what. Her mind flashed back to an earlier communication the other away team saw. What did the enemy mean by "Have mercy"? she wondered as it really bothered her.
Eun-Kyung gave the woman a brief pat-down, but couldn't immediately detect any weapons or other causes for concern. She stood and beckoned Shina over. “Do a thorough check; if all of your scans are clear and she's secure, bring her up to the Power Armor Bay; the Aeon's expecting you.”

She bent down to gather up the med kit and clear a space for Shina to teleport out. Backing away, she opened up her long range comm again.

Understood. Shina-Hei should be inbound presently.
Tossing the med kit near the now closed shuttle hatch, she returned her attention to the south. She still wasn't sure of their tactical picture and she didn't want to do anything hasty until Shina had time to teleport up to orbit and back. “Sit tight and observe, O'Kutsuu-Hei.”
Kim did another check of the woman, secured her wrists and ankles with zip strips. After finding nothing more to do with the woman, she lifted her up and entered the coordinates to the Armor bay as supplied by Eternity.

"Teleporting in 3... 2... 1... Engage." she called out and vanished in a clap of thunder and light.

It took Kim a moment to get her orientation once she appeared in the bay. "Shina-Hei to Bridge, safely onboard, preparing to convey the patient to the Medical Bay." She laid the woman on the deck and cycled her armor secure her weaponry, she considered the idea of exiting the armor, but that would require her to have to worry about contamination.

"Roger that, cleared to take person to the Medbay. The AMTC units are on standby." Katae replied.

She picked up the woman and entered the passage way to the Medbay. She stepped in and looked around, she put the woman into the ABMU. The unit immediate cycled up an its arms started moving to select the necessary implements.

"Patient is in the ABMU, I am going to head back down...." was all Kim was able to say before an explosion engulfed the medbay.

Klaxons sounded on the gunship as the force of the explosion was felt even on the bridge.

"Bridge to medical, Shina-Hei report.... Kim report." Katae called on the intercom, but only static came back across the intercom.

"Kahen-Juni, explosion in Medbay, last report Shina-Hei was present with a victim from the surface. Sakura-Hei report to medical to assist. Usaga-Heisho check our primary systems status." she sent across the ship speakers.

Dialing the away team frequency,
"Aeon to Away Team. Explosion in our medbay with Shina-Hei and the victim. Logical conclusion is that the woman was booby trapped. We are assessing ship status.
Ise-Taisa Out."
“DAMN IT!” screamed Eun-Kyung in the privacy of her helmet. She was filled with anger and guilt all at the same time. I should have checked her again. I should have scanned her. I should have had Shina... Considering the situation honestly, she knew she'd followed procedure, but that didn't change how she felt, or the reality that she wanted something to shoot.

Aeon, this is the XO. I copy all. Will watch for more improvised explosives. Also, please keep me apprised of Shina-Hei's condition, once it is known. Out.”
Closing the comm link, Eun-Kyung took another moment to snarl in frustration before standing. She activated her left forearm shield projector and started moving south, her pulse rifle setting off stun and on auto. Her sensor systems were on active, too, blasting the area ahead of her with scan energy as she swept for the contacts.

“O'Kutsuu-Hei, on me. I'm declaring all contacts hostile, but do not fire unless fired on. I want a prisoner.” Her voice was clipped and cold; the unspoken implication was that being fired on wouldn't exactly be unwelcome.

The Away team aboard the Tansaku-Class encountered no difficulties moving through the halls. It was somewhat eerie, moving through the passages of a ship designed to handle 72 people with ease. Their footsteps echoing.

They soon found themselves standing outside the door to the GENUS Medbay.

Diligent Crash Site

The three remaining life forms held their position for a bit. When Eun-Kyung got within 50 meters they three life signs split up. One moving to her left, and another to the right. The last life sign was moving the fastest and was moving away from her.
Eun-Kyung broke into a sprint, chasing after the Yamataian directly ahead of her while powering up her plasma engines.

“Chase them down, O'Kutsuu!” she yelled over comms. “Watch for booby traps.”

Considering the situation for a moment, she pursed her lips in frustration and and switched her weapon back to stun. As much as she wanted to simply activate her rifle and watch a saber beam cut down the fleeing Yamataian, she really wanted to find out what had happened on the Aeon.

She charged forward, batting the underbrush aside as she judged the distance between her and her target. Satisfied, she took one more stride and fired her plasma thrusters. The force launched her into the air at speed and in a trajectory that ought, by her reckoning, end with her slamming into the fleeing target's back.
"Now, according to the blueprints, the MBTU and a suppy room should be just inside this entrance." Kyoka told her current companion, looking at the door. Momentarily, she activated her comms unit to say, "This is Tsubei-hei. We have arrived at the medbay entrance with no event. Proceeding with entrance."

Gripping her gun with one hand, she placed her free one on the control panel for the door. "Alright then. One, two, three, let's go!"

She pressed the opening mechanism and braced herself for the worse.
Eun-Kyung's trajectory was perfect, she did in fact impact the fleeing person squarely in the back. The person slammed into the ground and laid prone.


Josea brought up the rear of the group, looking for any sign of the 72 people from the Scientific Studies Service. It bothered him that there was no sign of damage to the hallways, no evidence of gunfire. So where were they? Why did they leave the ship? he thought.

When the door to the Medical bay opened, the room resembled their own medbay but only larger.

Lying on one of the beds was a man with long black hair, and a full beard. There were hints of gray in his beard. He had hazel colored almond shaped eyes. He was wearing an SSS uniform, it was apparent that both his legs ended just above the knee.

"Welcome aboard soldiers, I am Nakano Hikaru the XO of the GENUS. You'll have to forgive me for not standing up." he said sitting up.
Eun-Kyung didn't exactly land cleanly after the hit and took a moment to stagger back to her feet. When she had recovered, she looked down at the Yamataian, wondering if the impact had been enough to knock him - or her; she hadn't checked yet - into unconsciousness. Given that she still didn't know whether the device on the Aeon had been manually triggered or not, she was far from inclined to leave it to chance. She raised her rifle and triggered two stun pulses point-blank into the Yamataian's back.

She secured the now limp body's hands and feet with flexi cuffs and backed off. When there was time, she would come back and scan the body closer for explosives before trying anything else, but for now she merely marked the location on her tactical display and turned about. Her scans reached out, looking for the progress of the other targets. "O'Kutsuu-Hei, what's your status?"
"Sir." Arkase greeted the man neutrally. "Gomennasai. I wish we could have come sooner. May I ask what happened here, Nakano-San? There are quiet a few unfriendly people outside."

Arkase silently nudged Kyoka to the left, trying to signal to her to head that way along the wall.
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