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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 3] New Faces

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Hanako had planned a nice dinner; there were boneless buffalo chicken wings as appetizers and enormous coconut shrimp resting atop buttery, cheesy grits as a main course, with a side of asparagus heads. Dessert was delicious cheesecake served with fresh berries.

Most of the crew was able to attend. It was a celebration for them, after all. The gold-eyed Taisa helped serve the dishes, and then when things were set, took her seat at the head of the table and smiled. "Excellent work on charting UX-21," she praised. "We will probably be continuing with exploration, although there is a significant chance we might be caught up in the political mess caused by the UOC. Tomorrow we will continue minor upgrades and inspections, as well as go through some training exercises. For tonight, however, we may relax."
Re: [Mission 3]

Misaki smiled from her place at the table, bowing slightly, "It was an interesting expedition. Everyone did their part, and I can hope we're not brought into that maelstrom so soon. It feels like we just got here." The Shosa had sent her reply in to command, and was already working on some parts of her report.

Of course, there was the matter of the report to the test division she was part of, and that was the most simple for her to complete. The Eucharis' XO was wearing her type 30 uniform, having worn her skirt the day before. "This all looks really good, Hanako Taisa. I don't think I've had those before, though." She noted the wings.
Re: [Mission 3]

Santo Hei Valen Sasorix sat quietly at the table. He was waiting to speak with Hanako about joining the crew of this ship, but it seemed that this dinner would have to come first. Either that or she would speak to him during the dinner. Either way, the new Yamataian wanted to make a good impression on her. He was still getting used to this new body a bit as well as speaking the Yamataian language. His accent was still fairly noticeable, too.
Re: [Mission 3]

"Thank you," Hanako said to Misaki. She'd come up with the menu. "I believe I have yet to introduce you to Sasorix-Hei. He came aboard while you were manning the bridge."

Taisa Hanako started on the chicken. While she ate, she drew up a holographic list of future goals.


* Starship Familiarization Tour for Sasorix
* Remove Plutonium Radioisotope Thermal Generators
* Install new power generators (fusion?)
* Sensor Inspection and Continued Improvement
* Anti-Neutron Cannons instead of Positron?
* Damage Control & Firefighting Training (volumetric simulation)
Re: [Mission 3]

Misaki nodded at their guest, and began to eat the chicken carefully. After about a minute she wouldn't stop smiling, and helped herself to another bit when she started to get the hang of it.

"Mnn, we should put a few of our variables to Charisma. Just to see if there's a tactical exploitation we'd be creating when trying to take out another." The soldier nodded, though she was a little distracted on the good food. "Since we're here...maybe Mister Sasorix wants to introduce himself? Give us the whole speech?"
Re: [Mission 3]

Valen bowed slightly towards Misaki in greeting, but since he was seated, it was more of a nod. He wasn't too sure on sampling the food when the XO put him on the spot. "Well, I... uh..." he gulped self-consciously, "My name is Santo Hei Valen Sasorix..." He flushed slightly as he felt eyes... female eyes... watching him.
Re: [Mission 3]

"...and?" Misaki prompted, not sure what his problem was. "I'm sure you remember something about yourself." She encouraged him between small bites, trading a glance with Blueberry among some of the other sprites present.
Re: [Mission 3]

If he was standing, Valen would be shifting his feet nervously. "Well, I was born on a freighter in Nepleslia and joined the Nepleslian military for a while. I didn't seem to fit in there, so I decided to give Yamatai a try. So far, it has seemed alright." He nodded, hoping that it all made sense to them. He wasn't much of a speaker, and his accent probably chopped up some of his words a bit.
Re: [Mission 3]

"Really? What's it like there? I've never been around one of them except for at Pisces." Accent aside, she was aware of his file but it wouldn't tell her the sorts of things she wanted to know about Nepleslia.

Valen might not have enjoyed it, but Misaki wanted to learn what she could, and thought maybe he would have an easier time talking about that.
Re: [Mission 3]

Valen thought for a moment before replying, "Nepleslia itself is okay. Kind of... chaotic at times, but still an interesting place to grow up. There are a lot more men then women though, so my older sister had a hard time, I think." He was then reminded that he hadn't talked to Hitori in so long... A low sigh came from his lips as he wondered how she was doing.
Re: [Mission 3]

"What about their military? Our reports make certain..suggestions but you were there. Tell us." Misaki was sure she wasn't the only Nekovalkryja with pressing questions. She stopped to listen, wondering what drew him to fight for their country over his own. She wanted to appreciate his dedication so she knew how he would fit into the crew best, and it made for good dinner conversation. At least, to the lifetime soldier.
Re: [Mission 3]

While her first officer and the new technician conversed, Hanako finished her bowl of chicken and moved on to the shrimp. A second window popped up in front of her, showing a biography file for Murasaki Aoiko, who Hanako was working on getting for the ship. Aoiko was one of the best intelligence officers in the Star Army.
Re: [Mission 3]

Valen coughed nervously as he replied, "Well, I've only been in the marine detachments and freighter supply, but most of the Nepleslians that I've interacted with are rough, crude, and quite unruly, especially while drunk. I personally couldn't handle them socially." He grimaced as several painful memories arose from his past.
Re: [Mission 3]

"Nekovalkryja can get like that..of course we can clean our systems. Thank you for having a few words on it, Sasorix-hei. You should eat before things get cold." Misaki was already getting to the shrimp herself, as were most of the others.

"I wonder if they ever had to fight the war, if there would be many left." The XO looked to Hanako, assuming she might know the answer.

Tactically speaking she believed it wouldn't have lasted long but didn't want to underestimate the nation they had an armistice with. That had the potential to end very bloody. But the intelligence reports had been clear about it.

As she ate, it suddenly dawned upon her that she had forgotten to give Hanako the little gift she'd bought at Pisces. She'd have to get to it when they weren't all eating together.
Re: [Mission 3]

"Speaking of an armistice," Hanako said, "There's an ongoing operation to increase the size of the sensor nets around the Military Sector. Eucharis is going to be picking up sensor probes tonight at Gemini, then heading North to deploy them outside the gate area. After that, we will be exploring some of the UX Series Star Systems that line the path back to central Yamatai. We shouldn't have to load the probes onto the towing system but if that's something you might have to do in the future, you should watch. After we finished, the only task on the schedule is the starship familiarization tour for Sasorix."
Re: [Mission 3]

Valen nodded silently, not really sure who exactly the person he had been talking to was. The new Yamataian had forgotten that he could've telepathically request the info from the computer. However, his thoughts were now on the food before him. He tasted the shrimp, which tasted alright to him. A smirk formed on his lips as the food slowly began to disappear.
Re: [Mission 3]

Kurusu Shosa started on the side dish, considering their path back with her internal map of the sector. "It will be the most efficient way to go, has no one done anything beyond long range scans?" It seemed strange that a base could be set up but no squadrons sent to find out what resources the systems lining the space lane to central Yamatai contained. There had been a lot of upset in recent history, which is what she attributed that to.

"It will give me time to write, too." The XO noted with a smile, the idea of creating a proper manual for her profession felt daunting, but also very exciting.
Re: [Mission 3]

"We are the first," Hanako said. "Honestly, I am hoping the star systems are somewhat unremarkable. When there are first contact situations involved, they tend to take up a lot of time that I would rather spend elsewhere. Luckily, the new Empress intends to let the central government take over handling first contact."
Re: [Mission 3]

"I'd at least like to find some new habitable planets." Misaki replied between bites, "And maybe something interesting that's naturally occurring. Speaking of which, I wonder how that guard is doing I escorted around. Did they send the ambassador back to Azorea, Hanako Taisa?" She was happy to be moving towards something other than survey missions, the XO had enjoyed the break from war but wasn't yet used to assignments like the ones they had been on. She could always review data for scientific finds if she got bored any day.
Re: [Mission 3]

The Taisa nodded. "If you would like, I can volunteer us for some humanitarian or combat missions..."

Suddenly, Hanako turned red, with an unhappy look on her face. "I have just received word that my former first officer, now commander of the YSS Asamoya, has defected to the United Outer Colonies," she told the others. Her disapproval was obvious. "If any of you are considering defecting to the UOC, let me know so I can shoot you."

As the soldiers finished their dinner, the Blackberry signaled from the bridge that the ship was arriving at Gemini Star Fortress to load up on sensor drones.
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