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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 5.5] - Stormin' the Castle

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Seeing that his skipper had obtained an HHG and Styrling Handcannon, Vincent saw fit to reposess his Lorath Hand Cannon from Luca before picking up a GP-12A and a Shot 12 to add to his armament. He then assumed his place next to Arin again.

"You know," the ID-Sol grumbled, "Now's the point where I regret not accepting Cain's hospitality for supplying a hot meal." To end the statement, the sound of a car's transmission grinding (or is it Vincent's stomach?) rumbled through the air.
"There ya go Vincent. You should be more trusting, get free meals when offered, live life, and all that good stuff." Robert said while absentmindly tracing one of his favorite scars that ran across his neck.
Luca wasn't exactly listening as he continued the next bit of the song.

"The vagrant, came back...
"Saw what was done, and filled with rage...
"Met the man pain, and challenged him!"
The beat picked up.
"To a fight, in front of town...
"They stood toe to toe, and it went down!
"The vagrant came, victorious...
"Now hailed, as a hero!"
Pause, "Hero..." Luca's voice ran down as he spared the next couple of verses.

Eventually, their search led them to a Vampire Class. Big, had Reds emblems on it and weapons. It was very close to stock model too, and it was modified to carry troops long distances on further inspection, and the 4 Ge-T1 Shuttles were missing. The BW-6b Main Battle Tank was nowhere to be found either.
John looked at it, and found that it was open, almost invitingly so.

"Jackpot!" Luca stopped the song for a moment as he had several moments to explore the Vampire-Class, getting familiar with the layout.

When he got to the Bridge, he noticed something on the pilot's chair. A scruffy note.

Note from Danny said:
Hi, Luca, was it? Remember me? Well, I gotta thank you for setting me on the straight and narrow. By the time you find this, Ames and I will have left on a different ship. Maybe I'll find an office job or something simpler. Guard duty sucks.

BTW: Password to turn it on is jld357kzr

Signed, Danny H. Lewis.
Luca smiled to himself, thinking about how he can use his influence to set characters like Danny to good causes. The thought passed quickly as John came in.

"Yeah, Luca, I have the feeling that we should fly this thing outta here." He sounded a bit flustered, "However, I'm not sure how to fly it though, starships aren't my speciality!"
"Listen to me," Luca said, "It's just a very big shuttle, with massive weapons."
John nodded.
"Get Vincent to help you," Luca said as he sat down at the Captain's chair, putting his legs up, "Arin," He said over the ship communication, "What's the ID number of this thing so they don't shoot at us when we return to Nepleslia?"
Vincent, however was already taking a seat in one of the bridge's command chairs. The hard-wired training coming back to him from his Red Army days, the merc's meaty fingers danced quickly across a holographic keypad. Diagnostics flashed across the screen in front of him; and Vincent's cybernetic irises flashed several various colors before returning to blue. He scratched his head, selecting some tidbits of the ship's design information before isolating her ID codes and calling them up on-screen.

"Right here, captain." Vincent said, without looking away from the screen. "Umm... BZ5019. Arin, cross-check that for me please?" He swivelled in his seat, stood, and looked towards John, whose face was still smartly wrapped in bandages and (of course) sunglasses. "You need help getting stuff worked out on this thing? I got some limited BSOT in the Green Army, so just ask if you need something."

Acronyms said:
BSOT= Basic Starship Operations Training
Robert looked around as he boarded the ship, "Nice ride, I'mma ganna hit the sack. Saving worlds ain't as easy as it looks in the movies." And with that he wandered around till he found the sleep area on the right side of the ship.
Luca leaned back on his chair, steadily and got the intercom.
"Okay, I just want a quick headcheck, see if we left anyone behind."
"Yeah," Mel could be heard in the med bay, looking through the supply cabinets. They were stocked adequately.
"Present," Sebastian was relaxing in the sparsely furnished lounge.
"I've got your twelve," John was figuring out the controls on the bridge.
"And I've your six, captain," Hitori could be heard in Luca's shadow.
"Yeah, yeah," Mitch could be heard walking through the cargo bay, possibly contemplating how much he would need to drink to forget this mission, "By the way, I found a pair of Super Demon power armours..."

"Great, let's burn whatever we've got in this thing 'till we see lines!" Luca echoed a former crewmember from the YSS Goban, Jason Travkai, "Vincent, John, get this thing in the air and back home. I'll send a communication to Nepleslia," Luca commanded as he tried to look at the communications console, input the number for both SAINT and the IPG for a three way call.

"Luca! By damn, ve thought you'd died," Nostrovia's surprised face came up on screen, "I have a confession."
"Luca - we managed to shoot down the missiles heading towards Yamatai." Another female face appeared on screen, a SAINT correspondent was talking in a more calm manner. She was an obvious Neko, in black-plated uniform, black hair and blue eyes, "How did you do it?"
"Huh?" Nostrovia was angered at the voice of a Yamataian, realising that Luca had called them both. Her face broke into anger, "Who is that?!"

"Ladies, ladies, calm down, all's well. I did saved you both with a lot of help from my crew," Luca told the IPG and SAINT correspondents, "Now, I'm on my way home from N-357 on a stolen Reds' Vampire Class, serial number was..." He turned away for a moment to look at Vincent, "What was it again?"
"BZ5019, skipper." He responded as he tapped commands in.
"Thanks, Vince."

"Ladies?" The SAINT correspondent seemed flattered, wryly smiling and sighing to herself, "So you saved billions of lives on my side and from the other side, and my congratulations for that," "However, that doesn't mean you can tell us to like each other because of that."
"You're damn right, bitch!" Nostrovia retorted angrily.

"Hey, hey! Clam down you two, we're not out of this yet!" Luca told them both to calm down, a bit sterner in voice, "Now, let's negotiate rewards for my deeds.
"One, when I go by Nepleslia, I get to keep this ship, registration and all, and get a paint job.
"Two, either of you can drop the bounty Cain put on me.
"Three, when I go by Yamatai, my crew and I are going to need hospital services.
"Four, I'd like a debrief from you both, like what happened on Delsauria. Is that clear?"
The engines were beginning to start as the ship begun to close up and pressure seal. A loud whirr could be heard.

"The paint job can be arranged and licenses can be made for you when you touch down..." Nostrovia replied, containing her anger.
"And we'll have a medic crew on standby when you land." The SAINT lady responded.
"By the way, what's your name, Ms. SAINT?" Luca asked coyly.
"Just call me Iza."
"Thanks girls. I'm on my way now, play nicely~!" He closed the line.

John took up the intercom, "Okay guys, strap yourselves in. This will get bumpy."

The ship begun a steady flight out of the hangar, and into the atmosphere, with relative grace. John and Vincent were keeping the controls steady with all they could, keeping it together as it exited the atmosphere and came into the orbit of the little planet.

Luca couldn't help but wonder what'd become of the fortress in a few years time. Probably a testament to what a little elbow grease, a stream of lead, a few friends, provocation and a family vengeance could do.
After all, all Cain did was push everyone too far, that's all.

"Setting course for Nepleslia... trying to calculate flight path by hand... hmmh..." John was trying to navigate through the system with some help from Vincent, "Ah here we go. Direct to Nepleslia."
He punched the numbers in for an FTL Flight there, with a brief stop in a space halfway to adjust course and avoid the nebula.
No one would hear from Arin though, she was already showered, changed, and fast asleep. A strategically placed rag in the engine room was a her stopgap measure to a potential problem, it can wait till morning.
Robert's snores were loud enough to be heard from outside the sleep area, as he slept off all the energy he'd used during the operation. Adrenaline doesn't last forever after all.
The silence of space had been it's only embrace for months now. No data as to how it ended up drifting and too much time had passed for the unit to remain active without risking system failures due to lack of maintenance. The only information left on the temporary data cache was the sos transmission that was broadcast 6 months ago and the signal still carried.

The ships sensors if active would likely now be picking up a large cloud of debris. A cloud of debris heading straight toward the ship.

At an extremely high velocity.
"Huh? We've got something in our way, a cloud of rubbish with something giving off a signal in it," John looked at the radar and did some math. That cloud of debris was going at about 1500 miles an hour, tops, "And it's coming really fast!"
John stopped the engines and put on the brakes, giving everyone on board a shake.

"Stop 'em!" Luca commanded from his seat as a picture of the radar came up on screen, "Or slow them, somehow! What does this ship have anyway?!"
Luca looked at the debris coming towards the ship, looking at the one bit in there with a power signature, A pod? Some salvage? He pondered, Seems convenient...

Vincent's side of the bridges' control panels had the Graviton Beam projectors, and they could be used to slow down, but not completely stop the incoming rubbish.
"John, I need you to put the engines on full reverse burn, keep us moving away from that thing. I'm gonna fire the Gravitron Beams to stop this thing, and I'm gonna need you to keep on that burn no matter how hot things get, alright?" Vincent said, already arming the Gravitron Beam and targeting the debris hurtling at Luca's new ship.
There was a thump behind the pilot's chair wall. "Hey! What was that!?" Robert walked into the room holding his head. "What's going on?"
The Graviton beams were stopping most of the rubbish, but a few stray bits of rubbish scraped past the ship, giving everyone a slight knock. By slight, everyone was rocked about a few paces, possibly even knocked over if they weren't aware of what was going on. The ship was still in good nick, thanks to the shielding.

Once what was captured was safely contained, one particular piece of debris came up on the screens of the bridge, as was giving off an electronic signature. A sign of life. It appeared to be human-shaped, and had a layer of ice on it.

"Holy crap," John observed, "It's a drone, a robot, escape pod or something!"
"Let's try and bring..." Luca suggested, but stopped mid sentence, wondering how, "...hmm. I wonder if the beams Vincent used to stop it can bring it into the cargo bay?"
"Yeah, via the shuttle entrance? Worth a shot," John nodded, prodding Vincent as he searched for the command to open the shuttle bays, "Now where is that button...?"
Robert groaned as he climbed off the floor for the second time in as many minutes. "Are we in some kind of asteriod field?" he asked as he grabbed onto the back of Luca's chair for support.
"That's a no, Robert." Vincent said, opening the shuttle door for John. "We've got a massive chunk of space debris that's been hurtling towards us for a while; a few chunks of it hit us. No major damage."
"You can help me guide the space debris in with the Graviton beam." Vincent said. "Head down to the shuttle-bay and keep an eye out, tell me when I'm guiding it in straight on." He scratched his head, swivelling the seat to face Robert. "There should be an intercom down in the shuttle bay that has a direct link to the bridge; use that to help me."
Robert snapped to attention and gave a sharp salute. "Aye, Aye Cap'n." Then he made a very poor about-face and walked out towards the shuttle-bay. After looking around for a moment he finally noticed the intercom. "K'ay Vincent, I'm in the shuttle bay and waiting on you. Anything I should know about this piece of debris.
Arin was in the middle of this reeaallllyy frustrating dream where she found something scrapped with all the valuable parts undamaged and visible, but there was no way to remove them. Her dream self was tugging and tugging and when the part finally came lose, she fell over and woke up lying on the floor. Feeling very sore over the dream, the new bruises and the shakes and sounds the ship was making that prevented her from returning to bed, she started dressing back into her dirty Representative uniform.
"Well, it's frozen and pod-shaped, so don't lick it or you'll get your tongue stuck- and we're not talking 'Funky City lamp-post in winter' stuck, we're talking full-on 'liplocking with braces' stuck." Vincent adjusted his aim and centered the targeting reticle on top of the human-shaped energy source, readying his Graviton cannons.

"Alright," the merc said as he focused intently on the monitor, "I'm gonna bring it in."
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