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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 5, Part 1: Amaya's Gate

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Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Asher shook his head for a moment, seeing the condition Ichigo was in touched on what small amount of humanity the Malifarian possessed in terms of life and death. Death was fine, it was pretty much the end of whatever troubles one had, especially if that person had a soul-back up. Though, suffering was not Asher's thing. He'd easily end Ichigo's suffering and let her come back through a soul-transfer if it weren't for the fact that the Hemo Tank would do her much better. After all, Asher wasn't totally inhumane, just monstrously low on moral fiber.

After his short pause, the soldier, with one hand helping, lifted Ichigo into the machine, in high hopes that she would be much better for it. When finished, he wiped his hand of blood on his chest.

"Alright Amumu, I'm gonna' go back t'work." said Asher, thumbing to the exit of the Med-Bay. Before leaving, he sent another request to the commanding officer. "Sazuka-Shosa, requestin' direction on wass' t' be done on what remains of Eve. Cause, y'know, I wouldn't mind keepin' a few trophies if tha' Taisa'll allow." thought Asher, his mind on Eve's Kama's, or perhaps, her skull.
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Fred said:
"Eve had disconnected locations which were designed to revive the previous NH-17T version of herself after one year would pass without a new ST backup being recorded," Kotori's eyes opened to look back at Yukari, the volumetric window's weak ambient light catching in her amber irises. "She had three such sites whom she each visited separately every 4 months."
Yukari sat down to the glow of Kotori's eyes. Slowly, bracing her weight with her hands on her pilot's chair's arms. She stared at nothing, eyes locked in place from the realization.

Mere months would pass, and it would begin all over again.

She was glad she had sealed up the emotions from victory, had let the pressure of command crush them from her. They were gone now; all they had done was kill Eve's most powerful form. A form Eve could attain again. With time.

The Shosa blinked; she heard Asher's request through her headset. "Please stand-by, Taisa." Command. She had to be a commander, a leader, the stalwart presence. No time for pity or anger or sorrow or spite. The mission was not yet done. Matters still needed tending. The wounded, the Gate.


Yukari was glad Asher's red irises were framed with tan Malifarian skin, as she looked at his battle-worn face. He was paler than he should be. "The skeleton likely will require study, Hei-san. This time, your trophy is your life. Please take care of it." Her eyes went in the direction of his arm, then she disappeared from his vision.

"So sorry, Taisa," Yukari said. "Melisson still occupies the vicinity. Your orders?"
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Kyou nodded, mostly to herself. It was more or less the response she'd expected to get, regardless of the circumstances the Taisa was in. Turning back to the others, she shook her head at Azumi and the others. "The Taisa says she's fine. Let's get everyone out of the room regardless. The low oxygen levels can't be helpful for healing."
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate


"First things first," Kotori answered. "I'll be sending you the coordinates of the three sites; this is nothing I alone should know. Once you have them, I want you to go in Hoshi's medlab and have a ST backup done... this needs to be preserved."

Kotori sent the data to Yukari. All three were on Yamatai itself: the first location lay deeply within the glaciers of Norfrost, the second in the deepest reaches of the Sea of Melami, and the third nested in the mountain range that crested over the largely unsettled landmass to the southwest which lay beyond the Caitel sea.

"Yukari, this is just a set back. No one beyond Eve knew of these, not even her companions Meni and Mani. Once we take care of these loose ends..." The amber-eyed neko's voice trailed off. "This will all be behind us. Now, go get that backup."
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

As Ichigo was deposited into the hemosynthetic restoration chamber Ayumu nodded with satisfaction. A little pressure was put to keep the two halves of her face together before the chamber flooded. Vital signs were showing stability and the engineer would pull through. Then again she had survived getting over half of her body removed before so this would be only a minor setback. Without scars even!

"Just a second there Westwood. You still have a seriously broken arm. While there are more seriously wounded along with a revival order for Claymere-Taii, you should not be wandering around without letting me look at that. For all you know your suit's healing factor may be disabled there." Ayumu interrupted him. With a firm but gentle pull, she did not want to cause him anymore undue pain, the nurse brought Asher's attentions back to his arm. She then initiated a quick scan to verify whether or not his suit was functioning properly to repair the damage.


As Miko moved over to Tom she quickly bowed to Masako apologetically. "I'm sorry ma'am, I wish I could do more for you." she said quickly before moving over to take over monitoring Tom. Meanwhile Azumi looked around to try and locate Kotori.

"Uhm, just where IS the Taisa? Did she need medical attention or not?" she then asked, unaware of the conversation going on between the Taisa and her XO.
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Yukari's first thought was uncertainty. Why did she need the locations? Hoshi or Miharu were better repositories than her. To have them all on Yamatai, too ... Eve was slipping past all of Yamatai's security efforts in order to keep up her updates. How was that possible?

Kotori's reassurance drew out a small, firm nod from Yukari. Questions for another time. "At once, Taisa. ... "

Yukari matched the coordinates to a map of Yamatai in her head. The Norfrost location was 58 kilometers eastsouth of Frozen Maiden; far enough from the port servicing the town and on the eastern side of the island. Tourists were known to visit the western side to see the sun rise.

The second location was several hundred kilometers east of Malifar, but to the north, where the Sea of Melami fishermen did not go.

The last was in the middle the Caitel mountain range, hundreds of kilometers from Caitel. The mountains were largely untouched; hiking and climbing were better in the ranges of the western prefectures.

It came to her in a flash. "Taisa — Kotori." Her tone was accusatory. "We are to jettison the Soul Savior Pod before we combat Melisson. I must back up the coordinates because your body cannot suffer Soul Transfer."

Her expression softened. Fatalism crept into her words, but understanding, too. "We must outlive ourselves, if Eve is to truly die. Yes?"

* * *

Hoshi answered for the Shosa: "The Taisa and Shosa are discussing the next plan of action, Miko-san. The Taisa said she requires no medical attention."
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate


Ayumu's scan of Asher was a redundant precaution: the left arm of Asher's Daisy armor was visibly broken, bent and twisted in an unnatural angle.

Pulling the arm out of the armor was going to be a challenge - the thought of dismantling the armor around the arm might have been attractive were it not due to other constraints like manpower and limited time.

Fortunately, the break itself was relatively simple one slightly off-center of the humerus. If Ayumu could set the bone, splint the arm and inject HS nanomachines in the vicinity to have the bones repaired, and somehow manage to keep the Malifarian still while his arm mended... it might be functional (if somewhat tender) by the time they revived Claymere-Taii.


Yukari could just barely make out the faint smile that came to Kotori's lips.

"You understand," the Taisa returned softly. "I hardly wish to die and I plan to fight to the last, with us preferably being the last ones standing... but yes, I have to arrange for you to outlive me, just in case."
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Asher groaned in annoyance and then in a twinge of pain as Ayumu grabbed his arm, preventing him from escaping the Med-Bay. He didn't necessarily like the med-bay all that much, what with the smells, the unnecessarily bright lights, and the nurses always wanting to poke or prod him with things instead of the other way around.

Though the main reason was one of the more leading professionals that spent a good deal of time within the disgustingly sanitized place. She seemed to dislike males of his type, judging by how she seemed to deal with the lesser ranked blonde guy that used to work in engineering. Asher didn't know why, but he felt somewhat uneasy around sciency types like her anyway, despite all the other abrading factors. Huh... went the words in Asher's mind, What wass' her name? Mokoko? Eh...

To get his mind off the lesser enjoyable thoughts, he stared directly at Ayumu's chest. With a few seconds of breast staring, which was especially enjoyable with Ayumu's C-cups, he was successfully able to retain a more Westwood state-of-mind. With that, he started looking around the room, shiny and sharp things catching his eye here and there. Until, he found himself looking at the ST-back up machine.

"Say, Amumu." said Asher, his eyes full of a curiosity as he stared at the back-up machine. "Y'think they'll let me get a back-up?"
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Fred said:
"You understand," the Taisa returned softly. "I hardly wish to die and I plan to fight to the last, with us preferably being the last ones standing... but yes, I have to arrange for you to outlive me, just in case."
Yukari wanted to curse at Kotori for suggesting the possibility. Had they not survived insurmountable odds as it was? They were blessed, perhaps even chosen instruments of Chiharu herself. They could not die. Not now.

The pressure of command tempered the impulse. Kotori was right. The Taisa's smile suggested she rested no better with the notion than Yukari did.

"As ordered, Taisa." She bowed low, rose and closed the communication window. "Hoshi, watch the bridge while I am away, please. I will not be long."

Yukari left the bridge to the Medical Bay.
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

"That would not be up to me to determine Westwood-san. However I would find it a shame to lose someone as 'durable' as you." Ayumu replied playfully. She had not been offended by him checking her out and it was something many nurses encountered. Something about nurses and their patients. "But I would definitely like to see you pull through." she said encouragingly. After all the boost to morale and welfare aided the healing process.

Her scan of his arm simply confirmed for her that the Armor was not working to heal him. Had it been operating then she would not have had to worry. "Let me take care of this revival order and then we'll get to work on your arm."

As Ayumu prepped the restoration chamber she noticed something regarding Nyton's revival profile. "Excuse me, Shosa, there is a note regarding Claymere-Taii's revival and a piece of cybernetics. Would that bit be available or should I revive him without it?"


With Kotori not requesting medical assistance Azumi returned to Tom's side. Withdrawing a collapsible stretcher from the medical bag the two medics began to prepare Tom for transport. "If everyone's injuries are not serious then please begin making your way to the medical center. We will treat you there according to the severity of your wounds."
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Asher chuckled at Ayumu's gesture, feeling somewhat more at ease about his future. Even so, he wanted to get out of the med-bay. He looked at his limp, disfigured arm and then back at Ayumu. The pain had subsided into somewhat of a background noise, a subtle ringing that ached all the time, and hurt painfully with every movement. He wanted to growl and punch something repeatedly to sooth the constant pain or perhaps yell loud obscenities. Still, Asher was a man, and a foolish one.

"It ain't that bad, iss' it?" remarked Asher, looking at his arm. "I mean, I seen people walk around wit' worse."
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

From his prone position, Tom looked around, rolling his head from side to side. He had fallen near Kotori's Akuma. The sight of Eve's Kama, the Zesuaium blade stuck in the armor of the mecha, caused Tom to wince reflexively. Had he not ducked, he would have likely been impaled on the Akuma like some macabre insect.

His head shifted to the other side. The room was thinning out. The Black Knights were leaving. Most of them under their own power.

However, Nyton's Phalanx sat still, unmoving. He let the death of his commanding officer sink in for a moment, his vision shifting again back to where Kotori sat. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.

It was not his place.

His jaw clacked shut, Tom grimacing in pain as the medics moved him to the stretcher. As they turned his body, he saw the half-melted body of Eve, crumpled against the floor.

The monster was dead.

Tom felt nothing. Maybe it was better that way.
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Nyton said:
As Ayumu prepped the restoration chamber she noticed something regarding Nyton's revival profile. "Excuse me, Shosa, there is a note regarding Claymere-Taii's revival and a piece of cybernetics. Would that bit be available or should I revive him without it?"
Instead of immediately responding, Yukari entered the Medical Bay and spoke to Ayumu.

"The Taii's implant is still inside his head," she said. "Hoshi can guide you through the proper installation process."

The Shosa looked to the Soul Transfer machine, then back to Ayumu. "Excuse me."

Yukari saw Miyoko in the Medical Bay and approached her, face hardened. "Saito-Juni," she said. "I have been ordered to undergo a soul back-up." Her tone betrayed her. " ... Could you do this for me?"
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Ayumu bowed her head to Yukari as she entered and allowed her to continue on. That didn't really answer my question. Ayumu thought to herself but decided against asking any further. Instead she opened up a comm to Azumi.

"Excuse me but if you have not yet departed the combat zone do you think you could retrieve for me Claymere-Taii's head? There seems to be a piece of cybernetic hardware inside it that needs to be installed during his revival process. His file notes that it was implanted during his body's restoration."

Azumi almost dropped Tom's stretcher. "You want me to what-!? Ah ah..." The nurse appeared flustered at the request. "I think it will have to wait, I have my hands full bringing Freeman-Juni back to the medlab."

"Oh, well then go ahead and finish bringing him back first then. We can retrieve it shortly after." Ayumu replied.

Returning to Asher the nurse shook her head. "Well you are one of my more resilient patients. It wouldn't do to let you go on without any sort of treatment though." she said to him while preparing a hemosynth infusion. "Here, let me administer this so that you can get a bit of a start on the healing process. Ideally you should be getting a sling but I think a splint and reset should do." she said. The nurse took hold of Asher's arm and gently, but still somewhat painfully, worked quickly to reset the bones in his arm. After they were set she tied a straight piece of metal to the arm so that it would hold in place before finally injecting the hemosynth into an exposed section.

"There you go. You should be better in a few hours although if you managed to remove the Armor and set down to rest you would be better in less than one." she said.

At that moment Azumi and Miko arrived to deliver Tom. They immediately moved to an open hemosynthetic chamber and began prepping it. "It should be safe to remove the Armor so let's get him out of it quickly!" she declared before they got to work. While not as messy as Ichigo's insertion, it was still a bit of a chore. The painkillers were still at work and with Tom unconscious he was dead weight to the two nurses. "His Armor did a lot of the work to keep him from bleeding out but he's going to need some time before he can be fully restored."

At that moment the harried blonde nurse turned to the blue haired one and let out a hard breath. "Now what is this business about bringing back somebody's head?"

Ayumu could only shrug. "It is as it reads according to his file. There is a memory recording device implanted to his brain. Apparently Hinoto-san killed him earlier and used a knife to remove it. After she did that the device was placed into the chamber and his body reassembled around it."

Glancing at the same file data Azumi sighed again. "Alright then. Let me grab some surgical tools."
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Asher growled as Ayumu worked away at his arm. He also felt a little dizzied as she healed him, and he had to clench his jaws together tightly to prevent himself from yelping when she set the bone. All the healing processes were particularly painful, and strangely, more painful than when his arm broke. When she finished, the Hei's vision cleared up as he settled in a much less painful state than he was before he walked in. The Malifarian looked at his arm, and felt a little better upon seeing a less-than-disfigured limb.

"Thanks, Amumu, I feel like I can fight wit' two hands again." appreciated Asher, despite the fact that he indeed could not fight with both hands at the moment.

"Now what is this business about bringing back somebody's head?"

This caught Asher's attention, despite not exactly knowing who's head it was, it was cause for interest. Upon listening further, it seemed that they needed to recover some kind device from inside Nyton's skull. The idea was rather intriguing, instead of playing a part in someones end, one was playing a part in someone's start.

"Hey, if y'don't wanna' do it, I could do it. I ain't got nothin' against rippin' somethin' outta' some dead body. I'm pretty sure we'd get him back fasta' if y' let me just cave his skull in. I'll just break what pieces are connected to tha' bone, n'BAM we gotta' new Clayboss! You'll just need t'remove tha' small bloody parts." as strange as it sounded, probably not all that strange coming from Asher but, it seemed he was enthusiastic to participate in desecrating what was his old commander.
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Despite his earlier suggestion, Kai surveyed the remains of the battlefield, and spotted a bit of smoldering wreckage by the public baths. Intrigued, the Yamataian made to investigate, and soon found bits of Meni and her armor lying around, as well as her custom saber-rifle. The Blonde cocked his head for a moment, then grabbed the rifle, and the bit with the longest spike he could find- He had an idea for his armor later, and whoever had killed Meni might want the rifle. If not, he would take it for himself. In a slight bit of pain from mild burns, mostly on his hands, the Yamataian dragged the spoils along with him towards the part of the ship that appeared to be most easily accessible- hopefully it would have air in it.
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Azumi listened to Asher as her eyes grew wide and her face screwed into a look of disbelief. Ayumu chuckled a bit and let it go. "I think it would be easier if you two just went and retrieved the body. Could you please assist Azumi by bringing back Claymere-Taii's body along with Nimura-san? I have a report here saying that she is still unconscious in the wardroom."
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Asher nodded his head in recognition of the more reasonable plan and nodded to Azumi. He hopped off the table and walked up to the woman.

"Alright, Azu! You ready to grab some dead bodies?" said Asher cheerily, happy to be free of medical treatment. "Lead tha' way, I got a free hand for anything you need." The Malifarian winked at the girl, "Anythin'."
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Kai began awkwardly dragging the saber-rifle out of the changing room and soon found out there were inlying complications to that idea.

The first was that it was heavy - over 75 pounds - and very cumbersome for him - It was hard to just use one hand to tug it while holding on to the surviving spiked pauldron... with both items having extremely sharp edges. Having to gingerly handle it thanks to his burns didn't help.

Still he tugged at it, noisily tearing a long gash in the floor until the gash became deep enough to solidly embed the weapon: monomolecular edge or not, the wider portions of the weapon had dug in enough so that Kai's strength was insufficient with one-hand.

Which left him with the choice to either grab it with both hands and yank it hard, risking an accident... or leave with the pauldron and get another power armored ally to handle it.

Maybe Nimura? She seemed to be stirring.
Re: Mission 5: Amaya's Gate

Masako finally arrived at the medical facility after being passed by Azumi and Miko carrying the gravely injured Tom. She could only grimace mentally over the number Eve had done to her body, but could do very little to speed up her process. All she could really do is try not to express how much pain she was in.

Stepping inside the medical center and out of the entryway, the young Warrant Officer leaned her body against and uncluttered section of bulkhead before locking her armor's joints. That way, she could relax her body without having to worry about the suit falling down.
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