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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 5, Part 2: The Fight For The Lost

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@black Knights:

Snow-white ears flattened back in dismay.

One against eight. Eight targets to defend. A M6 Daisy power armor was roughly analogous to a body armored Mishhu armed with ranged weaponry.

No matter how Hinoto looked at it, the odds were dismally bad, and yet Nimura was charging at the enemy. Nimura's armor was already pitted and blackened from her previous fight against Nyton, and her ammunition had been completely expended. All she had was a plasma rifle and her forearm pulse cannons... and yet, she charged.

A plasma bolts grazed across outstretched tentacles, Nimura prioritizing defending her team rather than getting kills. She had the attention of all the Mishhu Elites.

Railgun fire raked after the sprite, and Nimura skimmed, skidded around the attacks in an almost skate-like fashion along floor, wall and ceiling. A few shots connected, depleting her barrier, but Nimura rolled with those impacts, going into a rolling somersault to evade whipping tentacles just like a soap bubble would defiantly avoid the grasp of a child's greedy fingers.

Bouncing high to evade a trio of mishhu that tried to box her in, she afterwards pounced hard over one of them, armor-shod feet cracking against the body-armored shell before she lept away, firing a plasma shot into the shattered protection to roast after the chitinous shell beneath.

Another Mishhu moved to intercept her landing, but Nimura batted away the tentacles outstretched in not-so-loving embrace with a smack of her shield before rewarding her would-be captor with a squeeze of her rifle's trigger while it was pointed straight at its eyes. The beast screeched from its undermaw as roiling plasma roasted its eyes and Nimura dashed under its wriggling tentacles, landing the first deathblow on one of her opponents by blasting up through the open maw.

The Mishhu exploded into shattered chitinous shell and roasting entrails.

One against seven. Nimura's barrier was gone. A haze of heat wafted around her plasma rifle. Spellbound, Hinoto could only watch.

  • @Yukari:
    • Yamatai's sun shone through fluffly clouds that glided lazily across a blue, blue sky. Seagulls called after each other as they winged over the black sands of the beach, and cresting waves lapped against that same beach, foaming, frotting and then retreating back to leave the black sand moist and sparkly under the sun.

      Yukari was back to her cabin, enjoying the vista that was in large part why she had taken this particular cabin for her own, and yet her purpose there was different. Yukari had come to take stock of her belongings. Tom and she were due to get married soon - invitations had already been sent and Yukari was looking forward to choose her wedding dress on the next weekend.

      Tom had already made big plans about finding places for the Miharu's sprites to stay and had bought an inn with the intention of using it as a boarding house. While Yukari's cabin was hers, they had conferred together and decided that they would live there.

      Their earnings and the rewards for defeating Eve allowed them comfortable living and allowed Yukari to take a well-deserved break from active duty in the Star Army. The couple had decided to pursue investing into Yukari's fledgling company - Suzuka Light Industries - and develop new vehicle projects for a living. The thinktank of more than half-a-dozen technician sprites spawned from an experimental vessel granted them quite the workforce.

      Yukari wandered her cabin, taking stock of a piling up inventory of things to move, pondering the best way to sell off her property with this the nagging pressure of wanting to keep it and pay for its maintenance even if she used it seldom - rich families could afford summer homes, homes close to the beach? Perhaps after the wedding she could yet convince her snowman to pry himself away from his inn to windsail with her over the waves?

      A discreet knock interrupted her musings. Yukari padded over to the door and opened it to reveal a kimono-garbed nekovalkyrja with waist-long black hair and amber eyes.

      "Komban wa, Yukari," the visitor smiled slightly. "I told you I'd be back one day."

      Her friend Kotori. The only one not to answer to the wedding invitations sent... and despite Tom's disappointed rants about the Ketsurui princess' aloofness, Yukari knew precisely why Kotori was not coming.

    • Nyton was home.

      Not on Nepleslia. A home he had, through great toil and labor, earned for himself. His service for the Empire - his contribution in defeating Eve - had handsomely rewarded him.

      A property on Yamatai had not been his first plan... but he had tried to return to Nepleslia and his full-flesh Yamataian body had made things a little awkward; not awkward enough for bad family reunions, but awkward enough not to make any visits a prolonged stay. Renewed service on a ship other than Miharu was unappealing for the time being, that too wouldn't be the same.

      So, the idea had been that until he figured out his next move, he would take the time to relax. He had not, however, counted on having a child, and there she sat on his lap as he wanted news media commenting on the dissolving of the United Outer Colony.

      The nekovalkyrja youngling was half-grown, pale skinned like her mother but she shared Nyton's gray hair and blue eyes. She craned her neck around to look at him, the look she gave him sober curiosity.

      "Father," she said, her voice childlike but her tone that of precocious intelligence. "Why are they moving the survivors out of their homes?"

      Another woman's voice answered for him. "The UOC is very spread out. The Star Army can't thin itself out that much to defend them so it's better to get all those people out of harm's way." Nyton's nekovalkyrja lover, perched herself by her hands atop the backing of the couch and looked fondly down at her mate and child.

      "Really?" The youngling's gray eyebrows furrowed together. "I thought the Star Army was supposed to be super strong. That's what they say in the commercials. Weren't you in the Star Army too?"

    • The butterflies in Tom's stomach felt as if they had been issued power armor.

      The Raltean man swallowed hard and for the uptenth time checked himself again in the mirror, adjusting his collar of some imaginary imperfection that had his father roar in laughter and give his son a good-natured clap in the back.

      Today was the day. Today, Tom and Yukari were getting married. They had gone through the crucible of the Amaya's Gate and come out the stronger, finally able to settle down and leave the grisly wars behind them. They'd prepared long to make this wedding the best ever, in true Raltean fashion.

      Inwardly, he had entertained some fears that Yukari and Kotori still had a thing together that went beyond platonic friendship. There was something about the way that Yukari had reacted by Kotori's lack of answer to the wedding invitation that had been disquieting and she had been evasive on the subject. If Kotori did not come, then that would reinforce the fact that there were probably still feelings between the two.

      But that wouldn't matter anymore. He did not like Kotori all that much. He wasn't that sorry she wasn't coming so much as he had been irked she had the temerity to refuse a wedding invitation. More importantly, Yukari loved him and once they were married, she'd be only his, for good.

    • Missiles rocketed in the skies, Buildings exploded from orbital bombardments. Armor-shod feet clamored against the ground as Star Army power armors thundered across the streets and catwalks of the Lorath capital, engaging those Fyunnen war-amazons in combat.

      Giant humanoid mechas waded the streets, bringing in their deadly firepower only to be countered by Yamataian Tasha and Akuma. The Lorath defenders had put up a significant resistance against the orbital siege after the defense fleet had been obliterated, but finally their ground forces were flagging under the onslaught.

      This was the pivotal battle... and here Asher was, at the forefront of those whom were charging into the palace to claim the heads of the two Lorath royals. The Lorath, not understanding their place in the universe, had flipped the bird to Yui once too many times and the Taisho had sent an invasion fleet lead by Rufus Sydney after the demented bird-people.

      Asher - the hero of Amaya's Gate - had been handpicked to be part of the ground war... and so he lead the charge, his Dragoon plasma torch burning on one arm and the other holding the zesuaium forked blade he had permanently borrowed from Meni.

      With it, he hacked through the arrogant winged turkeys that charged him screaming "Death to the offworlders!" She drenched Shikamaru in red as he countered with "Fo' Yui's tits!". It was great.

    • Loud snoring eventually woke Kyou. Kyou's eyes opened and suddenly it felt like her blood crystalized as her mind became awake enough to make a startling revelation.

      The day before, she and Asher had gotten together. She was on leave from the Chrysanthemum while the gunship she was assigned to was undergoing its yearly refit and she had taken the opportunity to meet up with some old friends. She had gotten hold of Asher and both had spent their evening drinking and reminiscing on their time aboard Miharu (brief for her, disjointed for him - but major life changing events still happened there).

      She had gotten tipsy - only slightly - and Asher had been his usual nonconforming self though he had somehow appeared much more reasonable, well behaved and charming that evening.

      Okay, maybe not just slightly tipsy.

      The problem was now how she had just now woken up, totally naked, partially under bedcovers with an equally naked Asher snoring next to her.

      Worse, she could vaguely remember they had done it - just not enough to recall if she had actually enjoyed it... meaning she was stuck with little to no gain in a potentially very embarrassing situation.

      Meanwhile, Asher was snoring, sleeping the sleep of the just. Or the sleep of the morally unhinged. She had yet to decide if that deserved being choked to death with a pillow or not.

    • Kai waited impatiently on the sidewalk, shifting his feet idly. He stood at the end of a flight of stairs leading down from a monorail transport station downtown of Kyoto, idly waiting for his date to meet him. It was their first time going out, and Kai had laboriously planned for the occasion: he wanted to make sure she had a good time - that she could finally be happy.

      Finally, she was there, chirping a "Sorry I'm late!" Then, Yuzuki smiled and gave him a shy pose. "How do I look?"

      White tank top that showed a bit of her midriff, orange vest and shorts with running shoes accompanied by a small handbag rounded out the nekovalkyrja's outfit. She looked girlish and tomboyish at the same time, with a flagrant disregard for the current fashion trends that would've been cute had she not stuck to sprite technician colors for her clothing.

    • Important, more experienced engineers were staring at her, waiting on her to speak.

      Yuzuki stood before some of the best engineering minds of Ketsurui Fleet Yards, with several gifted engineers having come from a long way to come listen to her input on how to revive the Himiko project, how to overhaul it and make Miharu and Asamoya's successor.

      She had pushed for it, gotten Princess Kotori to get the Ketsurui Zaibatsu financial shares that would give their pet project the backing to be credible. Yuzuki and her sister sprites had worked long in their freetime at Tom's boarding house, but seeing Tom was retired, it was up to Yuzuki to sell to the engineering board the idea of reviving the light cruiser "Himiko" project and give them a pitch which would convince them it was worthy of development and mass production despite the Plumeria, Eikan and Tansaku-classes already being in use.
The war-amazon Asher had just gutted with the tip of his aether blades fell to the ground, trying to scoop the insides spilling from her. The Lorath looked up at him just in time to see the flat of his boot splatter her skull into the regal floor. The blood made a magnificent spray, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. Another one was coming. Angered. Enraged. Screaming for blood. Declarations of revenge filling the air like the booming flak outside. The Malifarian chuckled.

Shikamaru's blood-spattered thrusters came to life as he met the next amazon half-way, breaking through her shoulder like a goring bull. He snatched at wing, getting a hold and bringing her up into the air. The gravimetric drive sent him into a spin to throw the defender into floor, landing her next to who she was trying to avenge, with one of the wings still clenched in his gauntlet.

The Amazon wailed in pain as her world turned upside down. She tried to contemplate how this could be happening. There wasn't much time for that, as Asher cut his engines, and dropped a few yards in the air onto the back of her head. He created a gruesome blast of blood and gray matter around where here head used to be. It was much like this throughout the halls he had torn through to get a few more feet ahead of the main force. The scene behind him looked like a gruesome murder flick. Bodies of brave War-Amazons littered the ways up and down, their blood painting pictures of death into the walls and floor.

Though, those pictures meant nothing to him. He looked ahead for more opponents, more takers. Here was a barbaric Yamataian with a taste for battle and blood. The Lorath wanted this war! Here it was! Here he was! If anyone had been left and waited, he would've bellowed, 'Who else wanted a piece a'Asher fucking Westwood!?'

No... No. That wasn't his name anymore. Asher Orkin Westwood disappeared into the Northern Expanse too long ago, and that name had gone with him. His name was no longer Asher. It was Rolf. A name so fitting for a prestigious dog of war like himself.

"Bleh! Eastwood-Heisho!" cringed a Daisy closing left up the hallway, the Neko inside looked up at him, and then down at his fresh kill. "Is that entirely necessary? You have a gun on your arm."

"Eh?" asked Rolf, the lower part of most of his armor covered in dirt-caked and freshly painted gore. He smelled like death. "Naw naw..." he waved his hand, showing the beastly trophy of a wing he had collected. "Can't just pick'em off like that. If y'wanna' show someone who's boss, you fight'm on their terms."

"What? That doesn't make any sense. What about our objective?" asked the Neko.

"Whatchu' talkin' 'bout? Last I checked, I'm gettin' there fasta' than you guys." said Rolf with a chuckle, shaking some of the blood off his hands as Shikamaru blended off into stealth as best it could. The Neko seemed to follow suit, blending her Daisy into visual stealth as well.

"We're supposed to work as a team!" said the Neko adamantly.

"I'm n'unassigned unit, I work inda'pendently. I wass' picked 'cause they knew I was bat-shit enough t'tear right through. My orders are t'make sure the advance goes as smoothly as possible. I been killin' everything I've seen s'far. N'I think I'm almost to tha' palace chamber. I go a few more steps, n'this war is already over." said Rolf as he took a walking pace down the remainder of the long hall, stepping towards two wide spanning doors.

"If you were this close all along, then why didn't you attempt an assassination? Or capture? Even reconnaissance would've been helpful if you hadn't took so much time to kill every one of these fanatics." said the Daisy pilot so spitefully. Rolf was quiet to that, taking slower and slower steps. "Why are you walking? Are you seeing something I'm not?"

"Naw... juss' takin' m'time." said Rolf, taking a look towards one of the windows to see a familiar Akuma design, fighting off against the mechs of the LSDF remnant. Hell still rained from the sky, and screams still rose from the streets as the sound of war carried on.

"People are dying out there! Our people!" growled the Neko, her anger lidding on her lips.

"Ain't like we're gunna' lose."

"But people are dying!"

"Tch, just give it a day or so, they'll be walkin' around again."

"You... How can you say that?"

"'Cause I don' give a fuck."

"Wh-What!? Why!? What sort of person can say that!?" yelled the Neko, obviously distressed by this kind of person. The building shook, as a bombardment took place only 50 meters away, causing a bit of dust to plume from some sections of the hall, and some of the glass to crack in windows.

"Iss' hard t'give a damn 'bout a buncha' otha' faceless bitches, y'know?" were his responding words, something that seemed to tear at the Neko. "I'm fightin' f'me, f'my own goals. One my a'my goals is t'get as many kills outta this war as possible. I'm doin' what I was told, now I'm juss' workin' my own ends."

"N-... You... You're a soulless savage!" shrieked the Neko, stepping ahead of him. He tracked her movements, following the steps, carefully placed past any marking areas.

"Where'r you goin'?" asked Rolf, seeing the woman taking initiative.

"If you're not going to finish this, I will." she turned to face him, staring at the Heisho, she seemed to be choking on that resolve she had been showing. "B-... Because I am not a faceless bitch! I am Santo-Hei Watanabe Aoi! I am of the YSS Hiroshi! I have many friends, and I have a... a partner! Her name is Itto-Hei Fujiwara Ewa! She carries our youngling within her belly and she fights out there in those hellish streets right now! I will not risk another second that could end her life meaninglessly in a war that could've ended an hour ago!" She turned and began to charge up the hallway, hellbent on ending it where Rolf had dragged his feet for more meat. Rolf himself felt a little twinge pull at his heart. As the Akuma outside exploded into a massive, hellish blaze, signifying a notch for the LSDF, he considered it, and made up his mind.

"Awright." said Rolf, shooting on ahead, his gravimetric drive flying him over the floor to match pace with Aoi. She looked over to him, a little surprised.

"You're going to finish it? What changed your mind?" she smiled lightly behidn her helmet as the set down outside the door.

"Imaginin' two sexy bitches naked, sweaty, and wrestlin' eachotha' in a pit loosens me up a bit. Iss' Ewa mean in tha' sack?" asked Asher. Aoi's face fell, half because of her disappoint, half because the entrance to the hall way on the other end took a mini-missile in the roof, shaking both of them.

"You... You are terrible, Eastwood-Heisho."

"Yeah. I get that a lot."
"Good morning. I am Miharu Yuzuki-Juni, and I am deeply honored that you have come to hear me speak, today. The Himiko project is very dear to me; as many of you know already, I was born aboard the Miharu, and so to appear before you gentlemen is incredibly humbling, for me. No words suffice. Without the Himiko project, I would not exist, and therefore it is my sincerest hope that you give what I am about to tell you the utmost consideration, for it is very dear to my heart."

Yuzuki relaxed her grip on the podium. First hurdle down.

She was in full dress uniform, clean to the point of being immaculate, the medals from her term on the Miharu faintly clicking together over her left breast. There weren't many. And since then, she had not served aboard a starship. But here she was, standing here in front of all these important people. Just her, framed by a giant, holographic schematic which took up nearly the whole of the audiance hall's ceiling space. So many hours had been put into this schematic, it may as well have been a work of art - the prime creation which Yuzuki had been born to complete, was there and finalized, ready to be speculated upon and picked apart and argued over. But, it was perfect. It would work, not just in theory but also in practice. Two prototype ships had flown, but this third was going to succeed where the other two had failed. This one was going to change the way that Yamatai fought wars. The Plumeria, the star child of the Ketsurui Fleet Yards, had nothing on the newly redesigned Himiko-class.

As the seconds passed, and Yuzuki looked over the faces assembled, she realized suddenly that they weren't going to see it in the numbers and the curves. She had to make them see it. She had to sell her family's idea. Her mother's idea.

Her idea.

Yuzuki's mouth opened, and she went into autopilot. The truth of the matter was that Yuzuki was not a good speaker, and could not deal professionally with real people in anything more than a brief manner, and even then only in short intervals. Then, she retreated to her solitude. This trait inside of her had been magnified a dozen times, since she had come to Yamatai. Eventually she had stopped leaving the cabin, and become a sort of recluse, dedicating herself to this one overwhelmingly important project. It had worried her friends.

Yuzuki had rehearsed the speech in front of a mirror, digitially recorded her motions and expressions, committed the entire speech, every little twitch and quirk of expression, to her memory straight up until the point she would require feedback to continue. Even though she was speaking and acting entirely along a predetermined path, she was terrified on the inside.

Yuzuki knew her material, and some of the flaws in the Asamoya and the Miharu power grid systems were glaringly obvious, but there were a few that weren't; the combined field system was going to be modified. Faster-than-light travel, and sub-light travel, would come to utilize the same drive system, as opposed to a series of interconnected, but otherwise seperate systems, which greatly reduced the circuit resistance, and therefore the power requirement. She showed them that, too, and was more than a little pleased at the expressions of surprise. It wasn't a new concept, she had gathered in her short adventure into the scientific world outside of the Miharu, but the theory behind it was staggeringly simple.

If you could 'grease' space...

The power draw on the whole ship was drastically reduced. The weapons that had, originally, been conceptualized as part of the ship could be added. She even proposed an alternating shield system which would make the next prototype nearly invincible. The whole talk had been rehearsed, over and over, in front of the sprites that... that remained after...

"What are you going to call it?" someone asked. Yuzuki looked up from the podium to the person who had asked, blinking several times.

"The alternating shield array?" ventured Yuzuki, not precisely sure what was being asked.

"No, the ship itself. You have put so much work into this, it seems to be almost entirely your creation, and I can not think of anyone more suitable to name it."

Yuzuki faultered. It was something she had never thought about.

Amaya's Gate.

"Amaya's Gate," Yuzuki said just as quickly, almost as soon as the words were in her mind. "I think the next Himiko-class should be the YSS Amaya's Gate."

There was silence. Yuzuki could tell from the looks that were being exchanged that there were now a dozen telepathatic conversations underway in full flank, but more important to her was the face that she saw in the crowd, gray eyes fixed upon her with an intensity that was almost intimate. Those intense grey eyes had carried her through so much, in the past few months; for almost a year she had avoided them out of superstitious fear, unable to understand the person behind them. Now, that person was the only one who seemed to share anything with her.

Yuzuki smiled at her.

Thank you, Nimura.
There was a moment when Yukari thought she would never again see Kotori.

It was a mistake, seeing her that night. More than two years ago. Three years since her elevation to princess. Four years since Amaya's Gate. A moment of ... weakness? It wasn't.

She was not weak. She was Nekovalkyrja.

Her cat-like ears lanced outward to fine points. Short, thick brown fur backed them, fur that matched the color of her hair. She was surprised, of course, but it was more than that.

She was angry. At herself.

"Kot — " She caught herself. Did Kotori have guards watching? Could she act so familiar? She took no chances, dipping into a bow. "Ketsurui-hime-sama."

"It's only me," Kotori said. "I came alone."

Yukari came up from her bow and looked at her one-time friend. One-time Commander. One-time lover.

It was just once. Once!

"Can I come in?" Kotori asked.

The taller Neko was still for several seconds. Then moved.

"Thank you," Kotori quietly said, stepping in.

Yukari could smell the silk of the kimono as Kotori walked by, and she saw the Ketsurui's emblem on the back, red of course. Kotori was smiling as she looked out the sliding glass window onto the shining Ash Bay waters; Yukari could tell by how her ears moved.

"It's different when the sun is out," Kotori said to the glass as Yukari closed the door behind her. "Everything shimmers and sparkles at you. It's not how I remember it."

Yukari felt underdressed. She was in blue beach shorts, a button-up white blouse and a white bandanna holding her hair back. Hair she had in pigtails, toward the back of her head, just how she had worn it before donning armor four years ago. No uniform. No weapon. Just her.

Kotori looked half over her shoulder at the things in the cabin. "The couch hasn't changed. You never replaced that ... does Tom know that?"

The remark drew blood. Yukari looked anywhere but at Kotori.

"One more secret," Kotori said, looking out over the bay. "You keep a lot of them."

"What do you want," Yukari snapped at the princess' back.

"Two years today, isn't it? Two years. That was my last time, too. Was it yours?"

Yukari flushed. Her eyes drilled holes in the kitchen bar counter.

"I didn't think it was possible for you to go two hours without some kind of it," Kotori said, helping herself to a seat at the two-person table. "You must be very edgy."

"What I am is not your concern," Yukari said, trying to dull said edginess as she stayed on the other side of the bar counter. "What is it that brings you here? I believed I would never see you again."

Kotori smiled, folded her hands together and placed them on the plain, smooth, faded yellow plastic table top. Her sleeves stopped at the table's edge, showing Kotori's porcelain skin from her wrists to mid-forearm. Svelte, doll-like arms. "Just a few months to the wedding?"

"Your invite has the correct date."

Kotori kept smiling, looking at Yukari. "Any talk of younglings yet?"

The Neko's eyes hardened on the bar counter. Her hand crumpled into a fist, muscles in her arm taunt. Her head was swimming.

"Oh," Kotori replied. "That's strange. Why?"

"You know why," Yukari said, eyes watering up. "You know!"

Kotori's lips curled into a little grin. "Poor Yukari, just trying to be a loving mate, but now a cold fish. Yum yum." She chuckled behind closed lips.

"GO!" Yukari shouted, cheeks staining with tears, fist pounding the counter. "GO! LEAVE ME!"

"Like you did me two years ago? Seven years ago?" Kotori icily replied.

Yukari pounded the counter again, voice breaking, legs weakening. "PLEASE BE GONE!"

"I have what I wanted anyway," Kotori said, standing up. She sidestepped the table, then pushed in her chair. "You gave it up so easily, too," she added as she adjusted her kimono.

Yukari was on her knees. One hand hanging onto the counter top, the other hiding her sobs from the princess. Her jaw was clenched tight, her eyes screwed shut.

"Should mail the invitation back with, 'Your wife is a cheating comfort Neko?' " Kotori said, not even looking down at her. "It would be a lie, but he would believe it, wouldn't he. All the guilt on your face. I could tell him we made love two years ago, the kind of love he hasn't had in that long I bet, and he would believe me."

"NO!" Yukari screamed, both hands covering her face as she curled into a ball against the bar. "P-pl-pl-pleasePLEASE!"

"Then do it," Kotori snarled. "Play for me. Right now."

"No!" the Neko cried, turning to the bar. "Please, Koto-san! — "

Kotori so quickly snatched Yukari's wrist, the Neko did not realize it until her wrist was being painfully twisted.

"AAAAAAHH!" The pain filled her hand. "PLEASE!" she screamed in Yamataian, over and over, pleading with Kotori to let her wrist go.

"No," Kotori said, twisting a little more. "Two years I've wanted to do this." Her molten amber eyes laughing at Yukari. "Two years since you put the last nail in my coffin. Two years since I've been able to see the world outside the palace walls! Two years since you ABANDONED ME!"

A little more twist. Yukari couldn't feel her fingers. She was doubled over on her knees, hand held up behind her. Tears and saliva left her face as she begged. "PLEEEEAASEEAHHHHHHHH!"

"NO!" Kotori shouted back, putting a foot on Yukari's back, pulling on the arm. "Two years since you left me to die locked up in the palace. You KNEW my mind was beyond repair! YOU KNEW I WOULD GO MAD!"

CRACK went Yukari's wrist. Her teeth and jaw were doing the same, heaping more hurt without putting her body into shock.

"They'll find me soon," Kotori said, eyes wide. "But not before you know that you did this to me. You let that NH-23 body of mine die, you helped me live this miserable existence knowing my mind would turn into cheese, that my OS would fragment and crash! You figured out the secrets, and you wouldn't TELL ME!"

Kotori just kept twisting. Bones scraped against each other. Yukari hit her head into the thin-carpeted floor, but the pain would not stop. She could not focus long enough to shut off the sensory data collectors in that arm.


Kotori let the arm go and kicked the Neko hard in the side of the gut. It sent Yukari into the glass door, but Yukari's body absorbed most of the impact. The glass didn't crack.

"You said you loved me," Kotori said, pulling a knife from her kimono, pushing the easy chair not quite in her way into the couch against the far wall. "You said you wanted to comfort me. You had the chance and didn't." She knelt down next to Yukari, held her by the pigtails, and put the knife to her neck.


Yukari had taken the brief seconds to shut down her arm, which limply hung at her side. One eye was winced closed, but the other refused to look at Kotori. Her lips stuck together from the bodily fluids from her face, and her jaw bone definitely was fractured.

"I could have comforted you ... but I could not heal you. It broke my heart. I told them to be mindful of your state, but they would not listen. The recordings were the last gift I was allowed to grant you. I played for hours on end, for days. I wanted you to be at peace! You suffered so much damage after Melisson. And it was my fault. I let your only hope at life die, Koto-san."

"So now you live as broken as me." Kotori paused. "Not married. No younglings. No sex. No music. Nothing. Your penance for leaving my mind to slowly rot like last week's garbage, even though you chose him over me and he's still there for you. They're ALL there for you."

Yukari looked up at Kotori. She saw her wide, wild eyes, and saw how their amber had become cloudy. She saw how Kotori's muscles were overtaxed from being in a constant state of about to attack. She noticed the veins from the exposed wrist were visibly shuttling old hemosynthetic material away from the muscles and pumping new material in. How the simulated blood vessels were starting to pop, unable to handle the strain, dotting her skin red. How her bones It was magnificent in a tragic way. The maximum capacity of the obsolete NH-29 body. The same four-year-old body that, absent the special touch of a Soul Transfer machine, had become her friend's solitary prison cell.

"You don't deserve them."

She sent a prayer up to Chiharu-sama as she saw Kotori's muscles react. At least her friend made the cut clean and quick, slashing Yukari's neck open. But the cut wasn't deep enough to let her bleed out in a few seconds. Yukari's body estimated that the fatal lack of oxygen and copious flow of spilling hemosynthetic material would kill her in perhaps 90 seconds.

It hurt enough to put her into shock, which she embraced as her body warmed itself with its own blood.

Her body was dropped to the floor, but her eyes registered Kotori standing above her. Her grin was a spiderweb of teeth between twitching lips.

Then, Kotori was down in a flash of white-blue light and tinkling glass. Yukari frowned in her head. What happened? Another couple of flashes crossed over her eyes. There ... there were Samurai in her house. And police! One of the Samurai shouted and pointed at her, and she realized she couldn't hear anything. An armored police officer came to her aid and put something over her neck, something flesh-colored, and tied it tight. It wasn't too uncomfortable ... but there it was.

Kotori was picked up the by the Samurai. By her mother, Kôsuka. Who looked so sad. She did not cry, but she looked so sad. Was Kotori dead? No, they would not kill her. She was sure of that.

She was sure she was not dead, either. Ninety seconds had passed, and she still was alive, if in bad shape. But the police were preparing a stretcher. Everything would be fine.

Except Kotori.
"Of course the Star Army remains strong." Nyton responded to his daughter's inquiry. "However the lessons of strength also teach that it should not be squandered when not necessary. Think of it as a sort of reorganization." he began to explain taking her tiny hand into his own and spreading her fingers wide. "We could spread thin and hold onto certain worlds. But by doing that we risk losing lives because it takes longer to move resources where needed. The soldiers will also have to work harder just to defend these people." he said, touching the tips of her fingers while moving in and out of reach of them.

"But if you draw everyone closer together," Nyton then continued and he started to gently close her fingers together into a fist, "then not only is it easier to defend but you also have the strength to go on the offensive as well." The man then brought his own hand over the girl's and encompassed it within his own fist. "Then one day when the Empire is ready, much like how you will be when you grow up," Nyton's enclosed fist reached out and took hold of the 'distant' finger tips of his other hand, "those distant places will no longer be so far away and you can hold them with more strength and assurance than before."

The youngling Nekovalkyrja looked at her father and thought for a moment before nodding, a slight smile growing across her face. "I see. But what about the people who have to leave their homes though? Isn't that hard for them too?"

Nyton smiled with pride at his daughter's deeper insight. "Odessa, you are always thinking beyond just the matter at hand and one step ahead. Just like your mother." he said with a chuckle before reaching up with one arm to bring his lover's head down closer to his own. "It is what made me fall in love with you, Hinoto." he said before kissing her cheek.

The white hair of the former ship avatar fell over into a welcome cascade as she reached over and returned the kiss to his cheek, a third one landing on Nyton's lips before she pulled away. Odessa had begun to fuss a bit over being smothered by her amorous parents.

"Mother, Father, please, I'm right here." Odessa protested, pouting a little. Nyton laughed a bit and ran one hand over the top of her little head. The gray hair was tied up into a long braid that fell over the young girls' shoulder. Short gray fur covered the cat ears which poked out from under her hair. She wore an indigo one piece dress with a 2-button placket, ribbed collar, and pleated skirt. Her feet had simple house slippers that were gray to match her hair.

"She's so serious all the time. That she gets from you." Hinoto teased Nyton, running her hand gently down the side of his head before resting it on his shoulder. One of the tassels from her dress draped over him and rested on his chest.

"No I think she gets all of it from you. That is the only explanation for why she is so perfect." Nyton said, flatteringly. Hinoto cocked her head with a knowing smile but nodded regardless. The remark had earned him a few points. Nyton just smiled slyly as he stood up. Odessa shifted herself slightly to allow her father to better carry her with one arm.

"Well I say we should not tarry here watching the news all day. Lets get moving if we are to enjoy the day. You never know when my duty is going to call me up." Nyton announced to his family.

"Oh, we're going on that picnic!?" Odessa remarked.

"Of course we are, did you think I forgot?" Nyton said with a chuckle. Odessa looked at him and smiled. "You are always so busy, father. I feared this was but a brief rest."

"I know I am busy but it is for you and your mother and all my comrades that I work so hard." he replied, walking over to the door and putting Odessa down. The youngling set down her slippers and put on a pair of sandals while Nyton put on his own shoes.

Despite living on Yamatai now, he still endeavored to wear a more Nepleslian ensemble when off duty, just a lot nicer now. He wore khaki jeans, a black long sleeved polo shirt, and a sharp blue blazer over the shirt. Hinoto followed up, bringing the picnic basket with her from the kitchen. "Your father even helped me to make the meal this time. He finally decided to learn to make something other than breakfast." she remarked before putting her own sandals on.

"You did say I would have to learn to cook if we were going to live together. I guess pancakes just were not up to your liking." Nyton sighed jokingly.

"Not EVERY day, no." she teased back.

The Claymere family departed their home and stepped out to the sidewalk. The house they quartered was comfortably located in a special district reserved for distinguished servants of the royal family. These were the homes of body guards, dignitaries, special attendants, and even diplomatic envoys. It was conveniently attached to the palace so it shared a good measure of security while not being overly protective and stifling. Ketsurui samurai still patrolled but not as frequently. Mostly it would be the local security forces nearby.

The three walked together hand in hand, Odessa between Nyton and Hinoto. Occasionally she would pull her feet up and hang, then float a little before returning her feet to the ground. After walking for a bit they arrived at a local recreational park filled with trees and a nearby lake. They picked out a spot beneath a tree and set down a blanket.

The notion of a picnic was not one that Nyton had enjoyed frequently, even back on Nepleslia. There were few places one would enjoy such an endeavor unless they enjoyed sitting in junk piles. The three then set down and began distributing the meal among themselves and began to eat a collection of sandwiches and combinations of meat and vegetables wrapped in tortillas. They ate, happily enjoying the food and each others' company before Odessa decided to run around for a bit. Nyton leaned back against the tree while Hinoto settled in and rested herself against him, both watching their daughter playing.

"She is growing up so fast." Nyton remarked, watching the occasionally unsteady steps gradually grow more sure.

"I know. Next thing you know she will be leaving home, joining the Star Army, and we won't even see her at all." Hinoto said with a hint of sadness.

"You know, we could have another." Nyton hinted. "If you miss the whole child rearing experience so much."

"Odessa is certainly old enough for a younger sibling. Are you going to stick around long enough to help in this proposal of yours?" his mate sighed while leaning her head up to look at him.

Nyton smiled, an eager look on his face as he studied Hinoto's form. He lost himself in her beauty for a second before his eyes traced down to the little trinket hanging on a necklace, tucked just between her breasts. He reached over, intent only on studying the object, and brought it up slightly. It was a little caduceus. The same one he had given her years before.

"You still have this? I had almost forgotten." Nyton said, recalling the time.

"Of course I do. Maybe I did not wear it very often during our missions aboard Miharu but that did not mean I lost it." Hinoto said, smiling at him.

"Yes, those had been some trying times. It certainly is not the same anymore with Yukari and Tom gone. But we always knew they were meant to leave the military." he said, reminiscently.

"Hm. And Masako is off teaching cadets at Fort Ready. What about Nimura, is she the new head of engineering now?" she asked.

"She took over after Yuzuki departed to work at a ship design plant. I hear she is doing rather well for herself now. Kai mentioned she was getting married to someone, I don't recall who though. He seemed a little upset."

"Well he did have that crush on her for a while."

"That's right, he did." he replied, letting go of the necklace and letting it fall down.

It had been a simple gift, just something he had picked up as a souvenir from Nepleslia that time he returned after the Meng Po encounter. It felt as though he were forgetting something though. Something important but out of reach. The importance of this thought diminished immediately when Hinoto turned and kissed Nyton on the lips. He let go of the necklace and wrapped his arms around her, loving everything about her.

The Yamataian body, while causing friction on Nepleslia, not only gave him abilities but had helped him find peace. His bloodlust was under control now, no longer driving him subliminally to kill. But it was not just his body but looking into Hinoto's eyes and finding her heart reaching out towards his. In this place Nyton had found peace. With his family Nyton had found his center.

The moment was interrupted but not ruined when Odessa came floating back. "Look father! Look mother! I can float backwards now!" she exclaimed, excited at the event. The couple looked over and beamed happily, proud in their daughter's accomplishment.

"Very good, Odessa. You are not the only one who has been practicing." Nyton said as he pulled his harmonica out from his pocket. Hinoto shifted over to allow him some freedom to move. "Remember that song I taught you? I finally got a lot better at playing it. Would you mind singing along?"

"Of course father!" Odessa said, smiling at being included in this activity.

Nyton brought the harmonica to his lips and began to play an old tune that he had heard somewhere but could never recall from where. The lyrics and tune though was firmly planted in his mind and it stirred an odd nostalgia in his bones. Now finally playing it with his daughter singing in tune he could feel his bones hum with joy.

Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton,
Old times there are not forgotten,
Look away, look away, look away Dixie Land.

In Dixie Land, where I was born in,
early on one frosty mornin',
Look away, look away, look away Dixie Land.

I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray! Hooray!
In Dixie Land I'll take my stand
to live and die in Dixie.
Away, away, away down south in Dixie.
Away, away, away down south in Dixie.

Nyton let the last note hang in the air for a few seconds after Odessa sang the final note before putting the harmonica down. Hinoto smiled at both of them before clapping. "Bravo Odessa. Very good. And your father too."

The youngling looked at them both and curtsied slightly although looking down she hid a bit of embarrassment that had flushed onto her face. "There is another song that I would like to sing, father. Would you like to hear it?"

"Of course, by all means." Nyton said, readying himself to listen this time. He could see her face blushing a bit. So wise for being so young and yet still full of the child's eagerness to seek approval from her parents.

Odessa cleared her throat a bit and began to sing. It was a song in Yamataian and had a haunting melody to it. It could not have been easy to learn for her though and Nyton found himself drawn into the song. As he listened he almost failed to notice a beeping sound. The sound alerted him to something he had been dreading. There was a call on his communicator.

With a bit of remorse, Nyton reached over and activated it. "Claymere speaking."

"Claymere, the princess sends her apologies for interrupting your time with your family but a matter has arisen and she needs to see you. Come as you are so long as it is decent."

"Right, I understand. I will be right there." he answered, not appreciating the humor in the operator's voice.

"Father, must you go?" Odessa asked, slightly pouting as she did.

"I am afraid so." Nyton apologized, patting her head before standing up. "But it may not be a call to duty right away so there is still hope for tonight, okay?"

Odessa looked down but then put on a stoic look and nodded in understanding. "I understand father."

"That's my girl." Nyton said, a line he had heard his grandfather say to his mother before. It felt odd but it was true what was said regarding parents and children: the child eventually begins to sound just like their own parents once they have children of their own. "I will call back as soon as I know what is going on."

"Very well Nyton. Do not be too long." Hinoto replied, hoping to hear he would not be departing. But having been in the Miharu as long as she had she knew better.

With one more look to his family Nyton ran off to one of the palace shuttles. The service helped those with business inside get around a little faster. It was necessary given the size of the place. Nyton arrived at the gates and was cleared by the Samurai before being escorted in. Regardless of his identity and knowledge of the route, he still felt the familiar shadows following him as he moved swiftly towards his old friend's quarters section.

The doors opened and revealed a nekovalkyrja standing in the center directing the traffic of several aides. She wore a specialized formal Star Army uniform worn by those in the palace for official duties. Her skin was very pale and it contrasted against the long dark black hair. Her eyes shined with an amber that shimmered in the light. When she saw her guest she then directed her attention to him and waved off the attendants around her.

"Nyton, you made it. I hope I didn't interrupt anything, uhm, intimate." Kotori stated, feigning a bit of embarrassment.

"No, your highness, we were just in the middle of a picnic." he replied with a chuckle as he bowed deeply.

Kotori waved off the Samurai and bid for Nyton to follow her. "That is a relief. How are Hinoto and Odessa doing?"

"Quite well, thank you. I trust your youngling is well too?" Nyton asked while he followed the princess.

"That she is. Kodachi is doing well under my mother's tutelage. Even though she is not intended to be a Samurai I think the discipline is doing good for her." Kotori replied with a smile. "But I can go into more detail on that another time." she said, indicating it was time to get to business.

"So I take it a certain someone has begun to talk." Nyton then asked, alluding to the matter at hand. Kotori nodded. They entered her office where she tended to official matters. Personnel filed about, handling matters and issues. At each notice of her presence they all bowed to her before returning to work. They were already versed in the matters of balancing protocol and efficiency so there was no need for a signal from Kotori.

Working for Kotori required much ambition. After defeating Eve the princess had earned much clout in the royal court. Already she was jockeying to put herself in a more prominent position. Unlike others who had risen and crumbled for lack of foundation, she had been driven to build one steadily of faithful and devoted servants. Members of different houses and walks that would not desert her in a time of calamity. For these would be the ones who saw past the storm and towards the high minded goal she set before them. That was beginning to culminate in the many operations she was now overseeing.

Once they entered Kotori's personal office and closed the doors behind them it was quiet. A small file with a report and some images was on her desk but they were coded and unreadable until Nyton picked them up. The biometric signal checked his access and he was cleared to view the material. Immediately a picture of a nekovalkyrja appeared.

"This is the file on Kikyo and her interrogation?" Nyton verified.

"Yes. It seems that she got tired of holding out on us. I suppose floating around as a head in a jar got a little uncomfortable." Kotori said.

"I told you it would work." Nyton said with a bit of smugness.

"Yes and I told you we should not be so drastic from the beginning." Kotori countered.

"So what is her condition now?"

"We allowed her to grow back a torso. I still don't trust her with any limbs though." Kotori said, flipping her hair back.

As Nyton scanned the report his eyes then caught attention to something. It almost made him drop the file. "No way. There is a connection?" he blurted out, earning him a knowing nod from Kotori while she played with her hair a little.

"So what that NH hybrid told us was true. And this really can lead us to him?" Nyton stated. He was excited by this and it was audible in his voice.

"It is only a lead but it is the best one we have. With a little luck we might even find a trail that can direct us to our target."

"That is great news! I may be celebrating a little prematurely but we have not had anything in a while. When is the mission to start?" Nyton asked.

"I already ordered the Miharu squadron to get ready. We depart tomorrow morning." Kotori said.

Nyton smiled a bit as he scanned over the file again. Not only had Kikyo confirmed their previous intel, she gave them a precious lead. A lead to finally locating Shinichiro Nobumoto. Nyton had as much personal reason for finding him as he did professional.

"Your highness, if we catch him then just maybe we can finally find a way to help you escape your Signaler body. As despicable as he is this man may hold the key to your freedom." Nyton said with a smile.

Kotori was hesitant to be optimistic but there was a little hint of hope that had been creeping into her amber eyes. It was the way they shined which told him. "Lets not get too far ahead of ourselves. First things first. I have had to delegate a lot of my duties regarding the UOC movement in order to pursue this but with the Madame Taisho's permission I am able to go on this trip. You however, still have a family to be with. So I suggest you hurry back and get ready."

"Of course, your highness!" Nyton said, eagerly. He would get at least one more evening with his daughter and a night with his mate. He departed as quickly as he could without seeming too rude. As soon as he was outside of the palace he caught the next shuttle back to his quarters district and hurried inside.

"Oh, father has returned!" Odessa said, cheerfully. She walked up to him and smiled, excited to see that he had not been taken away from them so abruptly. Hinoto also appeared, just as happy but apprehensive about hearing of a new mission which was likely what had occurred. "Nyton, how is Kotori doing? Did she have any news?"

"She is fine. Busy as usual. It looks like tomorrow we will be shipping out." Nyton announced. Both Hinoto and Odessa appeared saddened by the news. "Already? But father you just got back."

"I know Odessa, I know. But we have something that needs to be done. You know I am honor bound to serve the princess." Nyton explained. The youngling nodded her head in understanding.

"Yes father. I just wish I could spend more time with you and mother." she replied, sadly.

"Then stop moping about what is going to happen tomorrow and lets enjoy the time we do have today, alright?" he said, smiling at her in an attempt to cheer her up. He then patted her on the head and pulled her close to him into a hug.

"I love you, father."

"I love you too, Odessa."

The afternoon dissolved into the evening. As the time passed by they spent that time together until dinner rolled around. All three worked together to make dinner this time, doing their best to make a meal enjoyed by all. After they cleaned up the kitchen they bathed and readied for bed.

"I am not sleepy father." Odessa protested, despite rubbing her eyes.

"That is not what it looks like to me." Hinoto said while she finished toweling off Odessa's hair. The young neko wore a night gown that was blue like her eyes. Her hair was loose and hung down to the middle of her back.

"I do not want to go to bed. If I do, father will be gone the next morning." she pouted and yawned at the same time. Nyton smiled at his daughter and crouched down.

"I know you are sad to know that I am leaving but for as long as your are still awake I will be with you. Is that okay?"

"Really? Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" she asked, a hint of pleading in her voice.

"Of course." he said, and then picked her up into his arms once Hinoto had finished toweling her hair. He wore a pair of black shorts and tank top which were comfortable enough to sleep in while being functional enough to not restrict him if he had to answer something urgent. Hinoto wore a sleepshirt that cut off just above her knees and was a relaxed fit to sleep in.

"We will both stay with you Odessa." Hinoto said and they took her together to her room. The girl's room contained furnishing typically found in a child's room. There was a small desk, a bookshelf, a clothes bureau, and a bed with several stuffed animals residing atop it. The comforter was white and it matched the color of the synthetic wood furnishing. Nyton sat down on a chair next to her bed while Hinoto sat on the bed. Odessa meanwhile held onto Nyton, not letting go of the man.

"Will you tell me a story father?" Odessa asked, prolonging the evening as much as a child possibly could.

"I suppose I can. Hmm, which story should I tell you....?" Nyton said, fishing for a lead on what kind she wanted to hear.

"Tell me about Nepleslia and great grandfather and how you *yawn* met mother." Odessa said, snuggling into his chest to get more comfortable.

Nyton scratched his head. "That would make for a very long story. Are you sure you can stay awake long enough to hear it?"

Odessa did not reply but simply nodded her head while still keeping it planted firmly in his chest. Nyton shrugged and began to tell his tale. He started many years ago when he was still just a young man beginning in the Star Army. He was forced to take a few liberal jumps of time and minor edits to work in his arrival on Miharu. Just as he was about to begin to introduce Hinoto he noticed a very even breathing. Hinoto motioned for him to look at Odessa while smiling.

The girl had fallen asleep. Her parents immediately got to work putting her into her bed carefully so as not to wake her up. Carefully and as quietly as they knew how, they tucked Odessa in and floated out the room, closing the door behind them as they left.

A collective sigh between the two was then released. "The poor girl. She is really going to miss you." Hinoto began after they were safe enough away to not be heard.

"I know." Nyton sighed with a nod. "I miss her too when I am gone. You two are so precious to me that it hurts the more I depart. I wonder how grandfather managed to do it."

"I miss you too and I wish I could go with you Nyton but who would watch Odessa? And if something happened to both of us then what?" Hinoto said, a helpless longing to be beside her lover but not wanting to leave their dear child alone.

"I try not to think about that. Well, we should be okay. This mission shouldn't take more than a few months I imagine." Nyton said.

"To her, a few months may as well be years." Hinoto said with a bit of hinting underneath. "To her and to me." she added before walking up and wrapping her arms around him. "I miss you a lot Nyton. Sometimes I wish I could just be that Avatar again, staying near you, supporting you; protecting you."

Nyton could see the emotion in her eyes and held her tightly. They held each other longingly before breaking apart into a kiss that lead them both to their own bedroom. They continued kissing each other as though each one would be the last. As they were swimming deeply in each others affection they tried to make each kiss last as though the time put into each one would satisfy future needs when they were apart.

Hinoto finally collapsed onto the bed and drew Nyton to her where they continued their passion before making love. Each one attempted to slake their thirst for each other, eagerly melting for each other with every movement.

Finally when they had each been satisfied they held each other, dressed back into their night clothes. The need to be alert for their child had made sleeping naked impractical. But it was a trade they made gladly for the sake of their daughter.

They were both teetering on the edges of sleep when something did not seem right. Nyton felt it first. An odd inkling that there was something pressing his instincts.

Wake up.

Nyton's eyes flashed open just in time to see the attacker. He rolled over, grabbing hold of Hinoto to roll them both out of bed. Hinoto was immediately alert and saw what caused her mate so much alarm.

"Get Odessa while I keep this guy busy!" Nyton telepathically messaged to Hinoto while he brought up his hands. They revealed two precautions that he kept beneath his pillow and had snatched just a split second before he rolled out.

One was a pistol. The other was a small cylinder. With the press of a button on the cylinder a specialized pre-programmed nodal weapon materialized into the shape of a spear. Armed, the man then sized up his would be attacker.

It was a man from the shape, clad all in black like some sort of ninja. The face was covered but the eyes were slightly visible. There were no hints to the attacker's identity but his intentions were easy enough to decipher. In his hands were two daggers.

"I don't know who you are or what you want but you made a BIG mistake endangering my family like this." Nyton said, his voice with more than just a subtle note of rage. Not giving the assassin a chance to respond he lashed out with the spear, keeping the man away before firing off two shots from the pistol. The man avoided the thrust and the bullets, throwing the two daggers at Nyton.

Nyton shifted to avoid the first dagger and parried the second one with the pistol. He swung the spear around, activating a control feature on it to shorten and allow him to fight in an enclosed area.

Hinoto meanwhile managed to get around the two combatants to rush to Odessa's room. Seeing this Nyton pressed his attack while the man was unarmed. Or so it seemed. The man reached around his back and pulled out a katana blade to parry the spear. Nyton tried to bring the pistol to bear but the man elbowed it and prevented a clean shot.

Nyton tried to roll the pistol about and get another bearing while sliding the spear on the katana's blade for better leverage. The man then kicked out with his foot and hit Nyton on his leg which threw off his balance a bit. To further discourage Nyton the man then had spikes emerge from his elbows and knees. Forced to go more defensive but too close to get away, Nyton felt the spikes bite into his flesh. The spikes managed to dig into his right thigh and left forearm.

Pain shot through Nyton but he silenced it quickly at a command from his mind. Another perk of having merged so well with the Yamataian body. The man brought the katana about and then reached behind his back with his other hand to reveal a second katana. Nyton blinked and wondered where the weapons were coming from.

More nodal generation weapons? Nyton pondered. He fired with his pistol again, only to miss and have one bullet deflected by the katana.

"Nyton!" shouted Hinoto. Nyton dropped down before a hail of gunfire was fired from behind the masked man. Some of the bullets were deflected and dodged. Nyton unloaded his pistol at the man at the same time. Now being attacked from both sides the man could only deflect a few more before succumbing to the hail of gunfire. The man was bounced back and forth before falling to the floor.

" Father! Mother! Are you two alright?" Odessa asked her parents.

"We're fine Odessa. Just fine. Hinoto, did you check the rest of the house and secure it?" Nyton asked.

"Yes, sorry it took so long." Hinoto replied. Nyton shook his head. He was proud of Hinoto's skills and foresight. As he got up and began limping over the man suddenly began to stir.

Wake up.

Nyton grew furious as the man began to stand up. With bare knuckled fury, Nyton reached over and began to beat the masked man with his fists and everything else. He was enraged that the man had attacked him in his home, endangered his family, and ruined a very good evening before departing for a mission. With every fist he channeled that rage before grabbing the head of his opponent. With a quick twist, Nyton snapped the neck with finality.

Panting from a little exhaustion after putting forth so much effort, Nyton stood up and began to stagger over to his family. They watched him in awe at the explosion of fury that he had displayed.

Wake up!

"Nyton..... I didn't....want... to do it this way.... but ....you're leaving me no choice."

Nyton turned around. It wasn't possible. This man could not be speaking. He was dead. Twice. Now he was talking with a familiar voice. It was Nyton's voice.

"I was hoping to end this by forcing a reality shock by killing you but it looks like you have a lot more magnification than I thought." the masked man said. "This is going to hurt even more." he said while removing his mask. Nyton was shocked to hear not only his voice but see his own face emerging from the man. His family looked puzzled and confused.

"Who ARE you?" Nyton demanded to know.

The second Nyton let out a breath and pointed at the first one. "I am you. Technically. Literally. You know the memory recorder in your mind? It has all your thoughts, dreams, desires, memories, personality traits, everything that makes you YOU."

The black clad Nyton then waved his arm in the air and caused a window to appear. The window showed a scene that caused Nyton to be puzzled. In it he saw a scene he did not recognize. It looked like a Daisy Armor fighting several Mishhu elites. But the perspective was odd because it looked like it was looking from the ground up.

"I had a very hard time reaching you. When you were trapped in memories, that was easier because I have easy access to memories. I know all your memories since I keep them stored in backup. This is a dream. And a damn good one at that too. But because you are in a state that operates more on a present tense rather than the past I had to break in and disrupt it more drastically. The only way to shock you out of this would be to kill you." the second Nyton explained.

The first Nyton shook his head. "No, I don't know what you are talking about. You.... you can't be who you say you are. That is just insane! I mean.... this can't not be real. I have... I have memories! I have feelings! I touch things and.... this family... no NO!" he shouted, looking over at Hinoto and Odessa while turning away from the other Nyton.



Hinoto stood there, protectively over Odessa, still aiming the pistol towards the second Nyton. Her eyes spoke of unsureness and misunderstanding. Odessa's eyes spoke of confusion and fear.

Nyton began to take sharp breaths and held his hands to the sides of his head. "No, to say this is all a dream...." he said before turning around to face his other self, "that would mean this never happened? That Odessa doesn't even-"

There was a pause as Nyton choked on tears that threatened to emerge.

"That Odessa doesn't exist? M-my child....?" Nyton stammered.

The second Nyton shook his head sadly. "No, she doesn't. Your whole life here doesn't. I know how you feel about them. I know because I AM you. I have been recording this entire dream. You won't forget it when you wake up. Not a bit of it. But you can't stay here." he said, waving his arm again. The scene changed a bit and the angle shifted to the site of a melted Mindy.

"There. See that Mindy? The real Hinoto sent it there. She did it to help everyone. She is still fighting out there despite her endangered position. Right now she is limited but knowing her I'm sure she could figure something out. Meanwhile your real you is on the floor limp. So are the others. We're ALL in danger and unless you wake up from this we're going to die. Everyone. You, Kotori, Hinoto, the rest of the team, the crew."

Nyton shook his head. "No no no NO! NO! This can't be. I mean... I have memories. Dreams don't give you that. I remember.... we came back after beating Eve. The ship was a mess. Hinoto and I grew close. We married even. I can still remember the ceremony! Everyone was there! The day Odessa was born! No, there can't be any discrepancies in that. You don't just make something like that up!"

"Everyone was at the ceremony you say? What about Mara? What about Ichigo? How did the ship get so wrecked? What about Miharu's MEGAMI? Are you SURE you remember EVERYTHING?"

"Father? What is that man saying?" Odessa asked.

Holding a hand up Nyton's knees trembled before he charged at the other Nyton. He began to punch him in the face but this time there was no resistance.

"There is NO," punch, "WAY," punch, "THAT," punch, "ODESSA," punch, "IS NOT," punch, "REAL!!"

The second Nyton fell down as the first one let him drop. Panting with exhaustion the first one collapsed to his knees.

"I'm sorry Nyton. I'm so sorry. Believe me I am as much as I can be. I know how much you love them and this really is a beautiful dream but we can't stay here. I can only access your senses and get the input I'm showing you but I can't control your body. Not without you. But I know this is a dream and I know what you would do if you knew this was a dream. Our grandfather taught us never to shy away from reality no matter how painful it is. Pops even taught us that. But consider this-"

The first Nyton looked at the other Nyton uncertainly.

"Consider this. If this is real and I kill you, you can be brought back with your memory recorder and very little loss of time. However, if this is a dream and you and everyone else is in danger then you HAVE to go back. Locke's Socks, Nyton."

The reminder of the recently understood concept made Nyton a little less apprehensive at the whole notion of dying. However if this really was a dream then he knew he would regret waking up.

"Dammit all. I was actually happy here. I mean, Hinoto, this Hinoto and I.... we really had something so special... I felt something so deep. There were so many good times and bad times and experiences that made me feel so.... complete." Nyton stammered, taking a verbal tally of what he feared losing. The fear completely brought tears to his eyes.

"And Odessa.... she's so smart. She has so much potential. I never knew how it felt to be a parent. Maybe this is not reality but I look at her and I think..... how insignificant I would be without her. Maybe I'm tired of fighting. Maybe I just want to stop fighting and raise a family. Start creating life rather than ending it." he said, the sobs coming out more furiously now.

Nyton's tears reached deep inside into his heart from a pool he did not even know was there. Hinoto and Odessa looked at him with confusion.

"Father, why are you crying? What is all this talk?"

Nyton forced himself to control his emotions and stood up. The tears were still flowing but he forced himself not to weep any more. "It is alright Odessa. Everything is going to be alright. Hinoto, just stay there. I know what to do."

The first Nyton walked over to the other Nyton and grasped his shoulders. "Locke's Socks, Nyton." he said.

The Nyton in black nodded and reached behind his back. He then pulled out a shotgun and buried the muzzle into the other Nyton's belly. "Locke's Socks. I will never let us forget this."

"Neither will I. We will not forget." the first Nyton replied.

With that they both knew what had to be done. The trigger was pulled. The resulting blast threw Nyton back in a hail of blood and gore. There were screams from his family as he landed on the floor in front of them.



Nyton felt pain but it was dull now. Reaching up he took hold of both Hinoto and Odessa. He was twitching uncontrollably now, death slowly creeping in as he felt his body slip away.

"It will be alright, Hinoto, Odessa. I love you. I love you both very much. You both made me .... very.... happy.... li-ke nothing I ev-r f...lt...or knew...." he said, smiling and crying as he savored their touch while they were in his arms one more time before he slipped away and grew limp.

As Yuzuki burst onto the scene, she surprised Kai, dressed as brightly as she was. While Kai understood that Yuzuki probably chose the color for its familiarity, the entire feel of her outfit was a bit different than the Yuzuki Kai had known before. She was acting a little differently than normal too, but then her old shyness showed through as she asked him how she looked.
Kai blinked a few times. "Stunning." was all he could say, and it was truthful enough. "You look really good." he added, Opening his arms for a Hug that Yuzuki was more than obliging to give.
"Don't lie. I look horrible. I wasn't made to be pretty." Yuzuki countered, but she wasn't able to continue as Kai squeezed her a little bit harder.
"You're the one that's lying to yourself, Yuzuki" the tall blonde said, laughing, and Pulling the smaller Nekovalkyrja along with him.

"Where are you taking me again?" Yuzuki inquired.
"You'll see." Kai responded, simply, leading the duo though the streets and over to a rather large building. Before Yuzuki could look up and read what it was, however, she had been taken into the lobby and then Kai stopped. "Allright. Here we are."
"And that would be?" the neko asked
"Oh, right. This is the natural history museum. Hey, don't laugh! It's not funny! I'm serious!" Kai's face reddened as Yuzuki broke out into laughter. Apparently she found Kai's choice of venue for a date to be extremely funny. "Sorry, sorry, It's just that with how excited you were I had thought we were going to do something fun." She was stopped short, however, but the deadpan expression on the taller Yamataian's face. "Oh."
"This place IS fun, that's what I'm saying." Kai defended himself, shaking it off and pointing in towards the first set of exhibits. "It's got everything from modern ecology to ancient creatures and even the early history of civilization in the Kikyo sector. It even has an entire wing dedicated to ancient technology, which is thought to be important to what we call 'nature' on these planets, most of which was likely imported from another galaxy!" He explained, hoping to sway the neko towards his point of view.
"Okay, but I could learn all this through the databanks and information networks." Yuzuki observed, apparently not getting the point.
"Yes, but you can't Experience it there. Here we have the actual physical evidence of it all, things we can see and touch and smell, and in some cases even taste."
"But it's still a museum." Yuzuki offered, taking her turn at acting deadpan.
"Whatever. You'll enjoy it, trust me."
"Fine fine, I'll come in, but we're leaving as soon as I'm bored."


It was several hours later and Kai was ravenously hungry. Yuzuki had, indeed, found the museum to her liking, and was now in the process of begging Kai to let them stay for just a while longer as she read up on some of the native species of Tami. While Kai appreciated Yuzuki's enthusiasm, especially in his 'homeworld', he really needed to eat something. Dinner was part of the date, right? Kai had made sure that he didn't eat beforehand, so that he would be ready for when mealtime came, but now it was backfiring on him.

"We'll come back after dinner, I swear." Kai consoled Yuzuki, as she pulled against him, trying to read one last tidbit of information about a rather fascinating rock formation that had been found hundreds of miles from the nearest deposit of similar rocks, and the studies that had gone on trying to figure out what kind of forces had moved it to its location- forces that Yuzuki had previously thought only high technology had been capable of.

Somehow, Kai had managed to convince Yuzuki out of the museum ten minutes later, and they were once again walking down the sidewalk, towards the slightly fancy restaurant Kai had picked out. THe Yamataian's lack of spending meant that a splurge on a fancier than normal place was easily affordable. Kai just hoped Yuzuki would like it. After all, that's who the night was about- As much as Kai wanted to have a good time, he wanted Yuzuki to have an even better one. Kai wanted to give Yuzuki those experiences she'd felt like she'd missed out on, to show her that she was just as capable of living this kind of life, to show Yuzuki that she was indeed just as human as he was, despite the fact that she was born out of a large tube and made to fix a spaceship.

Kai wanted Yuzuki to find a new home. A new peace. And maybe, just maybe, it would be found with him by her side. He could only hope.
"If you adjust that collar any more, Tommy, you're going to choke yourself!"

Albert Freeman, Tom's father, roared in laughter as his good-natured slap threatened to jostle his son's shoulder out of its socket.

"Dammit, Dad, you're not helping!"

Tom glared daggers at his father through the reflection on the mirror, pinching at microscopic bits of dust on his kimono. It felt unnatural to him, wearing such finely-tailored fabric. He had wanted to wear something simpler for the wedding, but Yukari insisted on traditional Yamataian kimono. And since she had agreed to hold the wedding in Ralt, he was required to acquiesce to her fashion demands.

"Anyway," Tom said with a huff, as he patted imaginary dirt from the front of his kimono, "Are the arrangements for the guests in order? Is everything set up?"

"Yeah, yeah. You asked a hundred times already. Food, drinks, beds. Nothing's changed. We're good to go."

Tom's father had chosen to wear a suit and snuck a peek at himself over his son's shoulder. He was nearly as large as an ID-SOL, so, despite the best efforts of the local tailor, the muscular Yamataian was in constant danger of busting a seam. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a thin comb, which he used to brush his bushy golden mustache straight and comb over the large bald spot with strands of stringy hair.

"I'm surprised you're not taking a shot of liquid courage," he said. "Hell, I was trashed when I walked down the aisle."

"And Mom didn't kill you?"

"Hah! She probably knew the whiskey was what kept me standin' there!"

With a sigh and a roll of his gray eyes, Tom turned around and briskly walked to a nearby table, where a bottle of cologne rested.

"Yeah, but you didn't have the crew of a world-famous starship watching you," Tom said as he picked up the bottle. "I feel like I need to vomit."

A snort escaped the older Freeman.

"Really now, Tommy. You were on Miharu for years. Just think about it this way: how many times, in total, did everyone on that ship other than your wife see your cock and balls?"

The cologne clattered on the table.

"DAD! What the hell!?!"

"See," Albert said with a shrug of his shoulders. "You don't got anything to hide."

The man walked over to his son and patted him on the back, gently this time.

"What I'm trying to say is that you did good. You all did real good, Tommy. That was the only way you guys could have made it back."


Tom felt a slight squeeze on his shoulder, then saw the shadow of the man heading towards the door out of the corner of his eye. But his vision was fixed on the small bottle of cologne lying on its side.

"I'll see you on the aisle."

The door closed.

Tom's hands balled into fists, his knuckles whitening under the pressure.

Things could never be the same. We knew it after the first mission, but we soldiered on. We continued to dig into our service... each secret another shovel of dirt burying us.

We came back heroes for our empire, but the strain of the service was too much. Or maybe the sudden celebrity is what did it.

Heroes? What's a goddamn hero, anyway? Someone who kills a bunch of enemies in the name of a corrupt empire? Someone who stops one misguiding megalomaniac for the sake of the status quo? Or perhaps a hero acts in accordance with the 'greater good' despite personal feelings?

You knew SAINT wouldn't have us just waltz out there and spill the beans. Of course they wouldn't touch you... you were too valuable a figure. A strong leader who overcame impossible odds... a perfect successor.

But the rest of us? You knew you couldn't protect us from them. They were ruthless, completely ruthless. They rounded up the sprites and enlisted 'to prevent misinformation and ensure national security.' You knew perfectly well what that meant, didn't you?

Hah... you even watched over the modification of their ST data. Your contact with Melisson made it so easy to twist and bend memories in a way that wouldn't raise suspicion. Just a little omission of fact here and there and everyone would be safe, right? A little whitewashing for the empire wouldn't hurt, right?

But you felt guilty, didn't you? You convinced SAINT to spare the officers. Said it would be better for public relations to have us watch over the others and fill in the gaps where needed.

I've lied so much... to everyone... the weight is so heavy. I... I don't want to see them anymore.

Nyton seems to take it fairly well. It's just another bit of stone in his heart. Masako looks afraid all the time. I guess they told her that there'd be no coming back a third time?

And Yukari... somehow she still believes in you. She tells me in the way she acts when I mention your name, even if she can't say anything. It's pathetic.

Tom looked up and into the mirror. His eyes were hard and empty.

I won't let you take her from me, Kotori. I will protect her. You built your throne with the blood of your 'family.' I hope you choke on it. I hope the shame haunts you forever.

He could hear the music start up, a beautiful festive melody suiting the warm spring day outside.

A wicked smile spread on Tom's lips.

Yukari is MINE.
Kyou sat up, yawning a bit, then let her head fall back down onto her pillow, deciding that whatever came next, it would be after she'd woken up a bit more cleanly. She turned onto her side, propping her head up on a hand, and looked at Asher, just studying his face. The look on her face indicated he still had it coming, but she couldn't help but feel like he might've not earned it for once in his life. She reached out a hand, coming to a decision, and flicked his nose, and not overly gently either. On pure whim, as Asher snorted, waking up a bit at the rough treatment of his nose, Kyou quickly put her head back down on the pillow, closing her eyes to feign sleep.

Asher glanced at her, appeared to decide that she was, in fact, still asleep, and looked around, puzzled as to what else could have tweaked his nose, interrupting whatever dream he might have been having. As he looked away again, Kyou opened her eyes, and reached up, bopping him on the back of the head, none too gently this time either. As Asher ducked his head, quickly turning to see what had hit him this time, Kyou sat up, pulling the covers up to retain what little modesty she might have left, since her memory was giving her no hints.

“What in hell are you doing still in my bed, loser?” Kyou decided that was a decent enough question, given that (to her memory at least) they weren't a couple, and he didn't seem like the kind of guy who would stick around if they weren't.

“Tha' hell y'mean, your bed? N'here I thought we'd finally settled things.” Asher looked down at her, a hurt expression on his face.

Kyou paused, unsure if he was joking with her or not, and not sure how to take it if he wasn't.”What do you mean, 'settled things'? One night doesn't mean anything special, from what I know.”

The look on Asher's face changed from one of hurt to one of offense, as though she'd just greatly insulted him. “So what, tha' otha' two months didn' mean anything, I s'pose? If thass' how it's gonna be, maybe you're right. Iss' just your bed after all.”

Kyou blinked, not sure what was going on here. “...Other two... months? What are you... what're you talking about? I wasn't that drunk last night.” She looked down at the sheet in front of her. “...Was I?”

It didn't look like Asher was listening much to her at this point though, since he already had pants on and was headed out the door. She struggled across the bed, trying to disentangle herself from the sheets (Just what HAD they been doing last night for them to get that messed up?), and lifted a hand towards his back. “Asher! Wait, Asher, what's going on? What are you talking about? I don't remember...” And then she blacked out, the last thing she remembered being the floor, rushing up towards her face from the side of the bed.
@black Knights:

Metal screamed as railgun projectiles struck against Nimura's shield. She deflected one flurry of attacks to then dodge another, and dash through a curtain a grasping tentacles.

A plunge to the ceiling, a rolling somersault over it to the jet away angling a shot at the Mishhu's back she had targeted before and - bang! She claimed another Elite kill, reducing her opponents' numbers to six.

Then she saw Melisson the interpreter phase back into reality, looking whole and unscathed - since the shots Tom had scored on her, the alien woman had enjoyed the luxury of regenerating herself. Now, she paced out of the ghostly realm that had been her hiding place to stand over Nyton's fallen form.

Melisson's lips curled in distaste. In answer to her approach Arethusa gathered what spare nodal material it had to bristle threateningly. The redhead moved to bend down anyways, extending one hand toward Nyton's helmet...

"No!" Nimura could see the threat through the team's shared network, but the battle had carried her down the corridor and she had no attack angle on the Interpreter.

Her six opponents expected her rush, though, and two placed themselves in her way, spreading a wide net of powerful tentacles in her way. In a mix cry of fear and rage, Nimura pointed her overheating plasma rifle at them and fired, squeezing the trigger as quickly as she could rather than waiting for the customary 1-second minimum cooldown cycle.

Before such a blistering rain of plasma discharges, the two blocking Mishhu Elites were left burnt to a crisp... but they had still left time for the others to overtake Nimura. Two railgun shots staggered Nimura as they pared away armor and flesh from her left thigh before lengths of tentacles coiled around her.

Nimura's first defense was to roll around and point the plasma rifle at the first offender, but the next trigger pull caused the red-hot weapon's taxed power capacitor to explode in the face of she and her opponent, roasting a third of its tentacles at the same time as it destroyed her right hand and half incinerated through her forearm.

The nekovalkyrja sprite's world pulsed with red, molten pain - pain she was now far less prepared to cope with than her previous expressionless self. In her brief period of shock where she just reeled away, the other three other Mishhus caught her and made to yank her three more-or-less intact limbs taut.

One of her Mishhu captors spared extra tentacles to wrap them around her elliptoid shield and forced it off her forearm. Another swung two bladed implements, one that plunged into her left flank and then sawed through armor and ribs at it was wrenched up and the other spearing into her right armpit and then cruelly twisting into the wounds in an effort to pry her ruined right arm off the shoulder. The third stuck to its railguns and risked a few shots point-blank, a rising spray of shots shattering armor over her lower abdomen, chest and helmet - the latter hits blasting a good half of the front cover open with the stray debris gouging raw rounds that made that side of her face a sorry blood-wet sight.

There were few tricks a lone nekovalkyrja soldier could pull off in the grasp of three Mishhu Elites and seeing she was losing the right arm anyways - including her barrier generator - she used a stunt Kai had pulled in the past and sent her barrier into an overload that sent a blistering shock into the tentacles holding her. With a desperate surge of strength, Nimura brute forced her way out from the half-cooked appendages - losing the rest of her right arm in the process - to make an unsteady landing on the nearby wall where she used her remaining gauntleted hand to pull off her nonfunctional helmet.

Fortunately, her concerns about Nyton's safety had meanwhile resolved themselves. Melisson had made an attempt to pull out the cybernetic memory chip out of Nyton's hand via phasing - Arethusa meanwhile ineffectually flailing through her ghostly form - but the interpreter had been unable to grasp her prize while M8's barrier field remained active. Perplexed, she had pulled away, muttering: "...that's new."

Half-dead, with her blood flowing down her armor in rivulets, things were looking pretty dismal for Nimura with the lack of shield, barrier and only a pulse cannon to defend herself from four singed but very angry Mishhu Elites.

  • @Yukari:
    • Yukari had gone back to the time when she was at the helm of a Sojourner transport, a time she often did not enjoy recalling.

      This time in particular was one of the many monotonous stretches of time when she had been at her post, monitoring over the ship's navigation while the rest of her crew busied themselves with more interesting past times.

      This was actually one of the more enjoyable periods on that ship, as despite the monotony it was time she spent alone with her own thoughts, the quiet electronics of the bridge and the stars. She only had to suffer with the occasional check-in visits from whichever crewmember lost a game of cards. Aside from that, she and the freighter were running on their own.

      Her moment of golden solitude was interrupted with the opening of the bridge door. She heard the footsteps ring ever closer to her own station. "Heya girl. How's it rocking in here?"

      Yukari tried not to give him a glower sideways. That one's obnoxiousness, his mop of blond hair, his clean uniform with the unfamiliar "T. Freeman" nametag and youthful enthusiasm marked him as one of the newer Star Army recruits whom had not had the time to become jaded by boring logistical duty.

    • Tom was cooking up a stir in his kitchen, and he delighted both in the aromas he coaxed out from the frying pans and the sounds of his wakening household.

      He and his wife were the owners of an inn he had turned into a boarding house where he had most of the surviving Miharu sprite settle in. Most of the sprites' rooms were on the second floor and he could hear the thump of their footsteps overhead as they navigated down the wooden stairs to get into the dining room.

      It was a scene of communal fellowship as he treasured, with an unspoken sense of family as the sprites - his adopted nekovalkyrja daughters - chimed in greetings to him while chatting with each other and taking up chores such as setting up the table or coming to assist him in preparing food, serving drinks or simply cleaning up after him (though he sometimes needed to watch for ambitious fingers whom made impromptu grabs for food that was meant to be shared - he was getting good at whipping a wooden spoon around to prevent that).

      The food was eventually ready and placed on the table for all to dig in after he had recited the Raltean blessing. By his right was his smiling Yukari, holding her daughter.

      As golden and idyllic as the scene seemed, something felt fundamentally wrong with it, and the sense of wrongness was centered on Yukari: Yukari's pointed brown-furred ears and her few-weeks old youngling daughter - elements that indicated that Yukari had accepted being a nekovalkyrja rather than embracing humanity by being Yamataian and bearing him a real baby.

    • The Alliance's Davis-class Flagship, ASS Vanderhuge, emerged from Hyperspace right in the nick of time, as a horde of Star Army vessels were poised to engage half-a-dozen massive crystalline vessels that hybridized the graceful shape of a swan with the deadly prongs of a trident's head.

      Nyton rested in his imposing, high-backed command seat as he looked down in satisfaction over the activity on the bridge of his command. Like a well-oiled machine, his experienced crew turned to report to him.

      "Admiral Claymere, Varin battleships closing in on Eikan Minato-Chujo and Ketsurui Hanako-Shosho's battlegroups. 12 light seconds and closing," his Phodian science officer announced, his pig-like snout wrinkling. "They will reach optimum weapon range in 95 seconds."

      "Still no response to our hails?" Nyton's executive officer, an Elysian male, asked the yamataian communication's officer.

      She shook her head no, her furred ears drooping in dismay. "No answer from the Varins yet. Minato-Chujo's group reports it is standing by. The Ketsurui group was - well, Ketsurui-Shosho was very curt, Sir."

      "That woman..." The XO clenched his fists. Nyton's security detail, two Fyunnen Lorath warriors, ruffled their black wings in shared sentiments to the Elysian.

      "AETHER SHOCK ARRAYS CHARGED AND STANDING BY," his Mishhuvurthyar tactical officer added.

      "Let's just hope we don't need them," Nyton's XO turned to him and coolly said: "I can appreciate the zeal of the Star Army in defending a newly annexed system, but that ruby world they terraformed might have been seen by the Varins as one of their own, especially more true if Ketsurui-Shosho claimed a system for the Yamataian Empire that was actually within the territorial boundaries of the Varins. The Alliance cannot afford one of its members turning our first contact with the Varins into an incident."

      The Elysian man lifted his chin. "Your orders, Admiral?"

    • It was very much past nightfall. The door to Asher's home quietly unlocked and then silently opened, with the Malifarian teenager stealthily slinking in to then softly close the door behind him.

      As soon as the door made a muted click, another click from the other end of the corridor lit it, sending him blinking back in alarm. The light revealed his worn, blood-speckled attire and bruise-swollen face.

      His mother glowered from the other end of the corridor. He had gotten into another fight, again, despite promising he would try to keep out of trouble, and now his harpy of a mother was going to tear into him for it.

    • Kai and Yuzuki had parted ways after the date, with a promise to call each other soon. Kai sat in a mostly empty car of a monorail, musing on the events of the day and waiting to reach his station.

      Something interrupted his musing. The air suddenly roared with silence, muted colors flared abnormally vividly, and his reality became disjointed as part of the train's car seemed to tear and twist around a new presence.

      She - he intuitively knew it was a she - had stepped out from nowhere, her form that of half-imagined feminine contours and windtossed hair - the body felt colorless, the hair felt like it swallowed all colors, and the eyes burned like embers.

      Kai wasn't sure on what he was standing anymore, but it felt like the very substance of his universe was shaking. The apparition extended one ephemeral hand to him and said: "These dreams are a prison. If you wish to be freed, take my hand."

    • Kyou was laying flat on the floor of the room she had shared with Asher... until her rude awakening, his petulant departure and her lost of consciousness. Only, before she realized it, she had become awake again - something felt very very wrong.

      In a hideous tempest of elemental-like power, parts of her bedchamber had unraveled itself around the whipping black hair of a fiery-eyed being that was now intruding in it, her body more like how she undistinctly pictured people in her mind rather than how she saw them in reality.

      The being extended something Kyou identified like an hand, though existence itself seemed to die wherever she moved, wherever she touched. "Kyoufuu," the thing spoke, its speech words of fire in her mind. "New memories, and the chance to retain them, are beyond this world of conjured dreams and nightmares. Take my hand, and I shall set you free."

    • Yuzuki was in a bar with several of her sprite sisters, celebrating the success of their project being accepted by Ketsurui Zaibatsu's board of engineers. Her glass had been tilted up in mid-chug when the world suddenly tore apart.

      An nearly amorphous ghost that barely held humanoid form stood before her eyes, the sweep of her wild hair sweeping what lay behind her into nonexistence and her burning eyes feeling like the speared right through her soul.

      The thing beckoned, one hand extending out - a threat, or perhaps an offer. "Do not dream of safer times and grand achievements. Take my hand if you wish to struggle and earn them instead."
Kai perked up. Somewhere in his mind, the form was familiar. he thought about it for a moment, and then shook his head, laughing. "I should have known something was wrong." The dream had been too odd, and the Yamataian had felt a bit more comfortable than he had ever really known life to be.

He looked around at his dissolving surroundings, and felt his universe shuddering around him. Standing fully straight, he stepped forward, one foot over the other, out into nothingness, and outstretching his hand. "Take me back, I'd rather the hard way."
Gallant said:
Yuzuki made as if to stand up in shock, but found that she could not; her limbs were leaden, weighted down heavily by some unseen force.

The bar around her was gone, replaced by a field of color that merged and warped white and then blue and gold, sweeping everything into what seemed like a vortex behind the ephemeral woman - or was it a man? - Yuzuki could not tell immediately. Ozuno had been deeply spiritual, and talked about the departed sometimes. She had said once that every being had a spirit component comprised of every memory, and every experience that the body had undergone, which made each person unique. It was complicated, and Yuzuki did not understand it, but she did understand that spirits like Chiharu were supposed to still exist, watching over the soldiers who came afterwards. Maybe everybody carried a little piece of Chiharu's spirit along, after all, the knowledge had to come from somewhere when Nekovalkyrja were created.

But this was not Chiharu; Yuzuki knew her face well, as all Nekovalkyrja knew their goddess. This was someone different. Desperately, Yuzuki willed her arm up away from her side, grasping for the hand that would free her, the hand that had given her life.

That... voice...

She recognized it.

I know you, Yuzuki screamed inside her head. I know you!
Fred said:

Yukari had gone back to the time when she was at the helm of a Sojourner transport, a time she often did not enjoy recalling.

This time in particular was one of the many monotonous stretches of time when she had been at her post, monitoring over the ship's navigation while the rest of her crew busied themselves with more interesting past times.

This was actually one of the more enjoyable periods on that ship, as despite the monotony it was time she spent alone with her own thoughts, the quiet electronics of the bridge and the stars. She only had to suffer with the occasional check-in visits from whichever crewmember lost a game of cards. Aside from that, she and the freighter were running on their own.

Her moment of golden solitude was interrupted with the opening of the bridge door. She heard the footsteps ring ever closer to her own station. "Heya girl. How's it rocking in here?"

Yukari tried not to give him a glower sideways. That one's obnoxiousness, his mop of blond hair, his clean uniform with the unfamiliar "T. Freeman" nametag and youthful enthusiasm marked him as one of the newer Star Army recruits whom had not had the time to become jaded by boring logistical duty.
"It is not," the red-haired Neko replied in Yamataian, eyes leaping from display to display on her control deck, reaching for a volumetric button, then a solid switch. The upper port control thruster needed constant checking; she shut it off instead. They were coasting at 0.7 c, taking the safe and silent way to reach a station about two lightminutes outside of Valaad's third and most outer planet.

"Oh," Freeman replied, running a hand through his hair. He paused, then took a seat behind her at the weapons operator's console. "Not busy right now?" He put his arms on his knees and leaned on them.

"I am busy," she said, scanning a dull red display above her control deck. As usual, the forward deflector blinked without occasional tuning, which Yukari was glad wasn't required at that moment. Each time, it took 25 minutes to gently extend the port and starboard deflectors to cover the bow, then remotely shut down the forward deflector, scrub the controlling computer of flawed equations that led it to tell the deflector to blink, then restart the forward deflector.

"Oh," Freeman replied, as if his mind was elsewhere. She wondered if it was. She sniffed the air — a faint scent of Nepleslian beer clung to it, but that permeated the bridge with or without someone other than her on it.

"So, we haven't talked before," he said. "I'm Tom. What's your name?"

"Suzuka," she said, reaching up to bat another switch. It killed the reserve fuel feed to the lower starboard engine; the main line was operating again, thanks to some bored engineer's assistance. She closed the message floating above her control deck.

"Oh," Freeman replied. Yukari frowned at the bridge's viewport window. It was glare- and reflection-free, but she had the feeling Freeman was doing what the captain often did when he checked in on her. She did her best to ignore it.

"Is this your first assignment?" he asked. His tone gave it away. Yes. Now she knew he was doing what the captain did.

"Yes," she said, not turning to face him. If he wanted to look, she would not stop him. She could not stop him anyway, not without recriminations.

"Oh," Freeman replied. "Um ... "

"I am sure Kobayashima is off-duty at this time," she said, tone flat, verbs gender-neutral, pace methodical. "She is in the pit, Deck 4. I can call for an escort, if that would please you."

"Oh! Uhh, no, that's OK," he said, and Yukari could feel his eyes dart for the floor. She smiled a little.

"You are sure? Kobayashima is very comfortable."

"I don't need to see her," he snapped, mostly at the floor. "I don't like the blue-haired ones. ... They creep me out."

" 'Creep you out.' " Yukari turned on the Yamataian. She hesitated for just a split second when she saw how young he was, but his comment pressed her. "You understand that hair color has no bearing on the personality of a Nekovalkyrja? It is randomly assigned. I do not have red hair because of my personality, but because that was the color assigned to me."

"Yeah, I can tell," he said to her.

"You can tell? What does that mean? I just said it is randomly assigned. You cannot possibly 'tell.' "

"Red hair is about fire! About passion! You're like a robot." The Yamataian leaned back into the weapons operator's chair.

"I am not a robot," Yukari said, remaining in her chair. She skipped the comments about red hair, unable to reply to what she didn't understand. "I am a NH-17R Nekovalkryja V, a sentient gynoid weapon created to serve the Empire. That is not a robot."

"Might as well be," he replied, running a hand through his hair, which did nothing but push it from his face for 0.6 seconds. "Listen to yourself. Your Yamataian is perfect. Your hair's like a shell. You sit here for nine hours every day flying this bucket, then you spend the other nine hours ... wait, what do you do for the other nine hours? I don't see you in the pit."

" ... " Yukari's skin turned an unpleasant red. "That is not your concern."

"C'mon!" Tom said, slumping a bit in the chair with a grin on his face. "What do you do? You have nine hours. You don't sleep, right?"

Yukari's lips scrunched to one side of her face. Before she could answer, though, Tom laughed, pointing at her. The Neko's expression shifted to one of dismay, then anger. She stamped her foot. "At what are you laughing? What? What is it!"

Tom slapped his knee, his other hand holding his stomach. "T-the look on your face! I haven't seen anything like that since this one time I was on stage!"

For the next three minutes, Yukari was captive to Tom as he launched a story about playing the lead part of a play while in the Ice Theatre Troupe. It was in his early days with the troupe, just 16. He played opposite a 17-year-old girl he "had the hots for," a pretty blond with a strong body and healthy cheeks. They were at an important part of the story, the audience of Malifarian police enthralled. The young protagonist was about to kiss the fair princess-in-disguise, who he had just saved from robbers. They had practiced the kiss during rehearsal, but not all the way. Now, here it was, this big moment, and! And! ...

She scrunched her lips away, just as Yukari had! Luckily it was away from the audience, so he had had to think so fast! He ended up putting his hands on either side of her cheeks and kissing the corner of her lip. The audience seemed to buy it, thankfully. After the show, he'd approached the girl and asked what happened.

" 'I just didn't feel right kissing a 16-year-old,' she said! 'I mean, I have standards.' Later she got pregnant, so I guess I dodged a bullet there, but at the time, that really hurt. I mean, 16? Her standard was age? So shallow, huh."

Yukari looked at Tom, a little confused. "Why is that ... topical?" She did not quite know how to translate the word into Yamataian, at least in the colloquial way he used it.

"Shallow? Think of it like this: Would you want someone just for how, say, they look?"

"I would not want anyone, at all. I like to be alone."

"Sure," he said, waving his hand. "But hypothetically. If you did, you'd want them for more than just how they look, right?"

Yukari recalled reading, in her Nepleslian history books, many more times when a very important point of cultural significance turned on how someone looked rather than some other attribute. Entire wars began with shots fired over a beautiful woman.

"I do not know," she said. "I am a Nekovalkyrja; we are not given much information on how to emotionally interact with others. Physical attributes dominate how we evaluate potential partners."

Tom slouched in his seat, fingers weaving into his hair and grabbing some of it. "Don't they teach you anything about love?"

"No," she replied. "We are encouraged to read about it, but I did not. I focused on piloting."

"You're kidding me," Tom said. "They have to teach you something, don't they? I've seen Neko get cuddly before. I've seen them share rooms at the inn in Ralt!"

"If it was indeed love between Nekovalkyrja you saw, it was because they learned it outside of PNUgen," she matter-of-factly said. "I have read of some Ketsurui-manufactured gynoids who were at times more human than Nekovalkyrja, such as Ketsurui Chiharu-Taisho. However, they have had many experiences I have not."

"What experiences have you had?"

"Few," she said, keeping her mind away from its darkest corner. "None had a emotional component."

"You're telling me," Tom started, leaning forward again and putting his hand on his knee, "that you've never once felt attracted to someone outside of sex."

"No," she said, finally looking down. "I have never felt attracted to anyone, in or out of anything. I was not made for that."

"Not even one of your Nekovalkyrja, um, sisters?"

"No," she firmly said. "They do not look at me that way, either."

"But the captain does!" He had his finger thrust upward in the air. "He looks at you like — "

"I am a doll," she said, eyes back on him, narrowed, with her skin flushing from the tips of her red-furred ears to her nail-less fingers. "He looks at me as a toy. A piece of comfortable furniture. Other members of the crew do the same. You were, minutes ago."

"H-hey! I was looking, sure, but I wasn't thinking of you like that!"

"Is that so," Yukari said. "Your eyes did not linger on my lower back? They did not, 'bore' into my body? I do not believe you."

Tom stood, chest puffed up. "That's not who I am!" he said, defiant.

"That is all any of you seem to be," she said, turning around on her chair and going back to her displays. The forward deflector at some point had chosen to begin blinking, so she began the process to fix it. "Regardless, my opinion is irrelevant. If you are so curious, many times the nine hours I am off duty are spent in my own quarters, where I am visited by whichever crew member is bored of Kobayashima, Mizuru, Itsukatsu or Yumigawa."

Tom must have stood there for a moment, as Yukari heard no footsteps stomping toward her or off the bridge.

" ... Do they always hit you?"

Yukari paused, then turned to face him. "Please excuse me?"

"You stopped talking, then your shoulders hunched up. Like you were waiting for it." He didn't approach her. "I saw it in Ralt."

She hadn't realized. Her eyes left her control deck and fell in her stretchsuited lap. "Not always," she calmly said. She measured her tone. "It is nothing."

"It's not," Tom said. "You Neko heal fast, so no bruises. You can't hurt us, can't even fight us off. Makes you pretty susceptible, doesn't it?"

"It is nothing," she repeated.

"You ... do you get hit here, even? On the bridge? Doesn't anyone defend you?"

"I am Nekovalkyrja," she said, throwing her gaze into the field of stars beyond her control deck. "I live to defend you and your kind. It is why we were created."

"Bullshit!" Tom shouted. "You're still alive! You have feelings, I've seen it from Megumi! You have souls!" Yukari heard something swish in the air; she knew it was his fist. This time, she noticed her shoulders and relaxed them.

But when she thought about what he said, she focused on something else. "You know Yumigawa's given name."

"Yeah, I know her name," he said.

"No, you do not understand." She turned in her seat again. "Her given name. ... No one uses it. Our given names are not important. We use them among each other. But you used it."

"I like Megumi," he said defensively. "She likes theatre. Old Noh plays."

" ... " Yukari turned around again, but she smiled, bending over to the com mic on her deck. She pressed a button next to it. "Yumigawa, you are requested on the bow side of the pit. Yumigawa to the bow side of the pit."

Tom put a hand into his hair again. "What are you doing?"

"Giving you time with Megumi," she said, without turning. "The pit will be empty for an hour."

"Now wait a minute," Tom said, anger saturating his words. "I'm not going to just forget this. I'm going to talk to the captain. What he's doing is wrong."

Yukari hung her head a bit, then looked over her shoulder at him, a smile curling her lips. "I am fine," she said. "Please, go see Megumi. Give her good experience."

Tom's fists balled.

"Please," Yukari pleaded. "I will talk to her, later. I want her to be happy when I do."

The Yamataian man closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath. He let it out in a huff. "Next time someone hits you, you tell me, got it? You come to Megumi or me. I'm serious. I want to know. Got it?"

Yukari nodded, still smiling. "Please. Go. Megumi will be happy to see you. She will make you feel better." She paused, then smiled wider. "Ask her about Luna Bianca. She will like that."

Tom swiped some hair from his eyes. Another minute passed with Tom trying to get Yukari to fully and firmly commit to tell him when she was hit. He did not get very far before turning away and leaving Yukari, mumbling a thanks as he did.

For the first time, Yukari noticed his eyes, a dark grey mixed with bits of silver. She went back to looking at the stars, picturing how those eyes looked at black-haired, yellow-eyed Megumi. She sighed. "Perhaps that is love," she said outloud. "Perhaps."
Asher's vision was hazy, blurred by a punch directly to the eye. He could feel a few bones that had fractured in his leg and chest as he walked and breathed. Once again, he had bitten off more than he could chew, and got his ass kicked again. He had gone off to go beat up Takahata, but ended up having to deal with his dock-worker buddies. He had beaten Takahata senseless, and had thrown Mugen into the water. There were about six other people he didn't know that were also still lying out-cold on those docks. Still, they had beaten the hell out of him, and he had to sleep off the pain on a nice, cool parking lot before some Neko police officer ran him off for loitering.

There was pride to be had, though. It felt good being able to stick up to those odds and come up with the ability to think. Would've been nice to be able to see and think clearly, but that's what you pay for to be a badass. This was one of the reasons why no one messed with Hishuraga High's Number One Delinquent. Except the Number Two Delinquent, Takahata, who thought he was Number One.

Honestly, it wasn't about who was the best delinquent. Mostly it was because Takahata said that he could beat Asher seven times over, and send him home to his momma, crying. So Asher met Takahata out by the docks during his part-time shift around eight, and sent him home to his momma unconscious.

It was hard being the toughest teen in Malifar.

"Asher Orkin Westwood." said his mother, Iceni Westwood, as he failed to sneak in through the front door.

Yep, very hard.

"Oh. Hey... Ma'... You're up... N'... N'you been waitin' on me?" said Asher, a little weak at the sight of his mother's stony blue eyes. she was sitting in her favorite chair, and had taken the time to turn it towards the door to prepare for his entrance.

"Damn right I've been waiting on you. Do you know who I got a call from at midnight!?" growled Iceni.

"Uh... Principal Tengetsu?" asked Asher meekly, staring at the floor, as his bruises began to throb in his idleness.

"Chou Takahata. She said you went to the docks earlier today and beat up her son, Yoshi!" Iceni through her hands out, gesturing to the phone when it was relevant, and then to Asher when it wasn't. Asher only chuckled, he always found Takahata's given name so funny. "Asher, Chou may be thankful for you setting her son straight, but I am extremely disappointed in you!"

"C'mon, ma'! Takahata's tha' scum a'tha' earth! He such an angsty bitch, too! I was doin' everyone a favor by kickin' his ass." said Asher proudly, crossing his bruised arms.

"That doesn't excuse you from that, or getting home so late!"

"I was sleepin'!"


"In tha' parkin' lot!"


"Yeah, I was feelin' pretty dizzy, so I slept it off in a parkin' lot."

"Oh Asher, you're hopeless." Iceni putting her face in her palm. She pushed herself up out of her chair.

"What! Whaddya expect from me, ma'? I was fighting six people at once!" said Asher holding up his hands. His mother cleared the distance between then with a few frustrated steps and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Don't you take that tone with me, Asher." growled his Mother staring him down into a quickly deepening hole. The boy shrank a little bit. It was comical, really, a burly young man like him being afraid of a small, petite woman like her. "You, young man. Are grounded. For the next month you are not allowed any T.V. or Video Games. You're going to be coming straight home after school for this next week, no visiting friends, or getting into any fights."

"B-but! Ma'! That ain't fair!" whined Asher, hugging his bruises a little bit. "At least give me a little T.V."

"No. You had me worried sick!" she said, her voice weakening as tears began to form at the edge of her eyes. "I didn't know what to think when Chou called me. She said it happened about four hours ago, and you hadn't come home yet." Her thin, weak arms wrapped around the strong son, pulling him close. "I was so scared, so worried. I thought I was going to die!"

Asher held himself at silence there as his mother decided to hug him. Her embrace was gentle, it didn't hurt his bumps when she brushed them. He felt her lips on his forehead and a few tears landing on his face. Honestly, his mother had little resolve.

"I'm sorry, Ma'..." said Asher, returning the hug in earnest.

"Well." sniffed Iceni, as she drew back, looking him up and down. "Sorry's not going to patch up those bruises and cuts." She smiled sweetly, "How about we do that now?"

"Sure, as long as y'don't make me bathe with ya' like y'used t'do."

"Oh, Asher, you're much too big and handsome for that."

"Yeah--... What?"
The Alliance's Davis-class Flagship, ASS Vanderhuge, emerged from Hyperspace right in the nick of time, as a horde of Star Army vessels were poised to engage half-a-dozen massive crystalline vessels that hybridized the graceful shape of a swan with the deadly prongs of a trident's head.

Nyton rested in his imposing, high-backed command seat as he looked down in satisfaction over the activity on the bridge of his command. Like a well-oiled machine, his experienced crew turned to report to him.

"Admiral Claymere, Varin battleships closing in on Eikan Minato-Chujo and Ketsurui Hanako-Shosho's battlegroups. 12 light seconds and closing," his Phodian science officer announced, his pig-like snout wrinkling. "They will reach optimum weapon range in 95 seconds."

"Still no response to our hails?" Nyton's executive officer, an Elysian male, asked the yamataian communication's officer.

She shook her head no, her furred ears drooping in dismay. "No answer from the Varins yet. Minato-Chujo's group reports it is standing by. The Ketsurui group was - well, Ketsurui-Shosho was very curt, Sir."

"That woman..." The XO clenched his fists. Nyton's security detail, two Fyunnen Lorath warriors, ruffled their black wings in shared sentiments to the Elysian.

"AETHER SHOCK ARRAYS CHARGED AND STANDING BY," his Mishhuvurthyar tactical officer added.

"Let's just hope we don't need them," Nyton's XO turned to him and said: "I can appreciate the zeal of the Star Army in defending a newly annexed system, but that ruby world they terraformed might have been seen by the Varins as one of their own, especially more true if Ketsurui-Shosho claimed a system for the Yamataian Empire that was actually within the territorial boundaries of the Varins. The Alliance cannot afford one of its members our first contact with the Varins into an incident."

The Elysian man lifted his chin. "Your orders, Admiral?"

Nyton's single eye narrowed at the data screen as his mind raced over the situation. The shooting had not yet commenced but he had a feeling that all of this was meant to draw his attention. While the man thought he sent a quiet resonation message to the ship's Avatar. "Grandfather, is Hanako's force aware of any sort of feint? Are they purely here to dispute their current claim or is something else amiss?"

"I don' ge' anythin' from their systems as far as intel goes, boy. I be checkin' their order logs and slicin' their MEGAMI but they seem all preoccupied 'bout this scuffle. I be keepin' checkin' them out tho, so dinnae worry about them slidin' somethin' past me."

Nyton gave a nod, imperceptible even to the trained eyes of his crew who knew him well. Some things he kept even from his beloved crew. "Steady on our approach. Raise shields and advance but do not lock onto any of the ships. Mr. Holdren, conduct wide range scans of the space around us. I have a feeling something more than just a planet is at stake behind this scuffle."

The Phodian science officer, Holdren, immediately got work, a quick 'Roger that!' said as he acknowledged the order.

The ship acknowledged the shields being raised and slowly advanced towards a position to interpose between the two groups. This would not be the first time the crew found itself with the guns of all sides being pointed at them….

It is Alliance Era Year 47. This was the new time system which took the place of the YE count after YE 82. While the Yamataian Empire continued to be a powerful force across multiple galaxies, the Grand Star Alliance had expanded to unrealized proportions. The GSA absorbed every culture and free planet across several galaxies until it had grown sizeable enough to finally absorb the Yamatai Empire. It was a tenuous position however, with one side bristling at the chance to overtake the other. There had been much warfare that accompanied this expansion along with alliances and new found friendships. Through it all, Nyton had been there, be it out front or in the shadows, working feverishly towards a goal that no one had fathomed. As a result of all his work he had risen to the position of Admiral of the GSA. It was not like the other fleet admirals though because he did not usually work with a fleet. Rather it was his means to traverse the universe with impunity while working to preserve the prosperity of the Alliance.

Throughout the roughly 119 long years of Nyton’s life, this goal had taken a toll on him. His body had been become a full conversion cyborg. His natural face, preserved from the age of forty, although slightly wrinkled, was half gone. The left side was made up of mechanical plating and a large glowing red eye. His gray hair, which was still natural, was tied back behind him in a long ponytail . His body was larger, a bulky seven feet in height now. He looked like a living power armor, with a mechanical left arm that was slightly oversized while the right hand had been converted into a nodal weapon which he kept shaped like a regular hand. His body occasionally made a grinding noise which was rumored to be what now passed for a heart beating within his chest.

Fortunately for Nyton though, he had managed to also accumulate the most diverse crew with strengths ranging from all across the galaxies. One such ally was his own grandfather, having gone beyond the limits of a physical body. Thomas had long ago become a AvaNet avatar and took over as the ship’s main computer AI. There were numerous others such as Mishhu, Yamataians, Elysians, Phodians, even Freed Nekovalkyrja. Currently, almost every Nekovalkyrja in the Yamatai Empire had reverted to a life of slavery again; for the sake of the Empire’s survival. It had been a move Nyton had not been agreeable to.

“The Yamataian groups are hailing us now. Ketsurui-Shosho is expressing an irate desire to speak directly to you, Admiral.” The yamataian comm officer alerted him, with a hint of smugness.

Now the devil wishes to speak.” The XO remarked, crossing his arms.

“Shall I put her on the screen for you, Admiral?” the comm officer inquired.

“No, not yet, Yoshino.” Nyton replied. “Alanah, to the bridge if you will.” he said aloud. At the words of the now fully cybernetic man, a cloak covered wispy form rose up from the floor. It set the two Fyunnen on edge as they were somewhat taken by surprise at the arrival. The wisp that had phased up from the floor was of humanoid shape, wrapped in a dark brown cloak that covered all features. Barely the feet could be seen and the hood hid all signs of the face. A feminine voice however, could be heard as it solidified and balanced itself atop the platform that held Nyton’s seat.

“Y’drich, Claymere.” Said the voice from the hood. “I take it they refused to communicate?”

“Afraid so, Alanah. Just like we thought.” Nyton replied, amused at the startling his security had shown.

“Admiral, are you sure-?” asked the XO.

“We do what we can now. We are too close to let a petty planet dispute interrupt the cycle, Gilgamesh. Yoshino, open a channel to the Varin.” Nyton replied. He then glanced over at Alanah as though signaling her to proceed. The cloaked figure nodded it’s head slightly.

“Channel open.” Yoshino informed.

“Aldrah Varin, enkoh nah shih ophroden.” Alanah then said. Almost immediately the main view screen lit up. The scene was unlike any normal ship’s bridge. Rather it looked more like a crystalline cave with a few large crystal formations. Some floated about while others remained still. These ‘living’ formations resembled a variety of shapes, from spheres with sharp outcroppings to tree like masses. Some had no real identifiable shape at all. The shape in the center of the screen, a twinkling mass of crystal, reformed itself to take on a vaguely humanoid shape.

“Vakh will listen to us. Shall I ask him to stand down, Y’drich?” Alanah asked.

“Yes. Please ask them if they will agree to a peaceful meeting aboard my ship with Ketsurui so that we can negotiate a more peaceful solution to this matter.” Nyton said. Alanah nodded and looked back towards the screen. This time the conversation was not so much verbal as it was musical. The sounds created were more akin to the tones of a wind chime rather than spoken.

“It is done. Vakh will meet in ten standard time units.” Alanah informed Nyton. The Varin battleships maintained formation but their weapons noticeably stood down.

“Excellent. Yoshino, put Ketsurui through for me.” Nyton then said. At that moment the screen then changed to a standard Yamataian bridge. The commander, Hanako Ketsurui wore a scowl on her face. The Nekovalkyrja was now the oldest of her race since the passing of Yui thirty years ago. Hanako’s blue hair poured down from two sides of her face like a cascade of water. One side fell over her right eye while the other fell behind her back. The standard uniform had changed little over the decades. She did not wear the skirt style but instead a full paneled combat variation, complete with sword sheathed by her side.

“How dare you deign to meddle in our affairs, lap dog. Are you looking to indict the Alliance in a full scale war with the Empire?” Hanako spat.

“Of course not, you old royal hag. I am actually here on an accord for peace. It would not do for the Alliance’s good member to needlessly go into a conflict with a new race. To circumvent this I have requested the Varin to join us aboard my ship to mediate a settlement. I would be very pleased if you would join us.” Nyton stated, calmly.

Hanako looked at Nyton and narrowed her eyes at him. “How did you communicate with them so quickly?”

“I have my ways.” Nyton glibly informed.

“Very well. It would not do to waste strength when it can be avoided.” Hanako conceded before looking off screen. “Tell Minato’s group to stand by. I’m going over. If I had known Kotori’s former dog would be such a thorn I would have had him eliminated decades ago.” The screen went black.

Gilgamesh grit his teeth with displeasure at Hanako’s words. “The nerve of that woman….”

“That went better than I expected.” Nyton remarked. Standing up, he lLooked at the Mishhu on tactical. “Power down the weapons but keep our defenses on standby, Pete.”

ROGER THAT!” replied Pete as he saluted with one tentacle.

“Mr. Holdren, did you find anything?” Nyton asked, turning his attention again to the science officer. The Phodian shook his head.

“Negative, Admiral. I have conducted long range, shot wave, full wave, and deep depth penetration scans. It doesn’t look like there is anything out there or hiding among the nearby celestial bodies.” Holdren replied.

“Continue scanning. I have a bad feeling about this.” Nyton stated.

“Will yah be needin’ us, Clayboss?” the Fyunnen Lorath asked in unison. They both had spikey short brown hair and were incredibly muscled as well as buxom. A crazed look seemed to dwell in their eyes, familiar to Nyton. The two female warriors were heavily armed and looked ready to commit violence any second. Nyton actually pondered this for a second.

“Very well. Meni and Mani Westwood, stand by in the conference room. I will go meet our guests at the landing bay to escort them. Gilgamesh, you have the bridge. “ Nyton informed as he began to walk out, his heavy footsteps hitting sharply against the floor. He was quickly followed by Alanah who was floating beside him.

“Do you require me as well, Y’drich?” asked the wisp.

“Of course I will. The Varin will listen to you.” He replied.

“Then why do you seem troubled, Y’drich?” she inquired, concern in her voice.

“Because I precisely require you for this. I get nervous when I have to keep you exposed for too long.” Nyton said, the grinding sound in his chest becoming audible. He stepped into a lift and the doors closed. “If I didn’t need to deflect attention from this sector I would have just let the old girl slug it out with the Varin.”

“You speak troublesome things, Y’drich.” she said.

“Only because we are so close to completing the project. How are the others? Are they still nervous?” Nyton said, checking the progress for the lift.

“A little. I fear I can only sooth them so much, especially Ayama.” Alanah said, slightly dismayed.

“Do not be so hard on yourself, Alanah. You are still rather young for your kind.” He replied as the lift arrived at their destination. The doors opened and revealed the shuttle bay. The reception shuttle bay was large but only because it shared hangar space with the many fighter craft aboard Nyton’s flagship. Alanah faded away to be invisible and hovered nearby. There were ready crews scurrying about all over the bay as they prepped and rechecked the various fighter ships and equipment. Nyton approached a less crowded section to meet the shuttle craft of his guests. The Varin ship did not resemble a craft so much as a sleek spear of large crystal that appeared to guide itself into the landing bay. This drew more than a few stares from the various workers as they watched. The spear had several outcroppings of crystal and a few detached themselves, landing on the floor before growing to become humanoid shapes.

The Varin spoke again in that musical wind chime voice. Nyton heard Alanah respond in kind. The Varin figures, five in all, made a humanoid gesture of nodding it’s ‘head’ and waited. The next shuttle to arrive was Hanako’s which landed nearby. Hanako stepped out accompanied by four Samurai. Two of the Samurai Nyton assumed would be SAINT officers.

”Th’ two on th’ left, boy.” came Thomas’s voice, quietly resonating to him. Nyton smiled in the knowledge, hiding it by offering polite courtesy to Hanako.

“Ketsurui-Shosho, I am honored to have your presence aboard my ship. Welcome to the Vanderhuge. If you will follow me, we shall attempt to speed things along so that we do not take up too much of you or our other esteemed guest’s time.” Nyton said, with much pleasantry.

Hanako fixed a hard stare at Nyton. “Admiral Claymere. In the interest of peaceful relations with the newly encountered Varin, I am willing to hear out options under your fair judgement.”

“But of course. Now if you will all follow me.” Nyton said and he began to lead the party to the conference room designated for their meeting. When the party arrived the Westwood twins were already there, looking as hostile as ever. A large glass topped table which had seen many a conference was in the center. A large viewscreen created a window to space. The Varin moved to one side of the table and stood there. There was no apparent ‘need’ for them to sit down. Hanako sat in her chair while the four Samurai remained standing. Nyton took his chair and folded his hands.

“Very well then. Shall we proceed?” Nyton announced as he looked at the two parties. Before anything could be said Hanako spoke up.

“Hold up, Admiral. I need to know something. How is it you were able to speak to the Varin to make them agree to speak?” Hanako demanded. Her demeanor aimed suspicion towards him. Nyton resisted the urge to roll his eyes when he heard the wind chime sound again. He then felt an invisible hand on his shoulder.

”They want to know why I remain hidden, Y’drich.” Alanah telepathically messaged to him.

“Fine then. It just so happens we have someone who is quite fluent in the language of the Varin, Ketsurui-Shosho." Nyton said, and with a wave of his arm, Alanah became visible next to him. The Samurai reached for their swords and looked ready while Hanako's hands formed tight fists.

"That does not explain why they would listen to her. We have translators which would allow us to communicate. What is she to them? Who is she?" Hanako demanded. The Varin were the only ones not showing any sign of movement. They may as well have been statues. At this inquiry however Nyton raised his remaining eyebrow and twiddled his thumbs.

"Is that really so important, Shosho? After all, we are here to bring a peaceful resolution to an unnecessary skirmish between two newly acquainted species. Does it matter by what means this is accomplished so long as it is fairly brought about?" Nyton said with a hint of whimsy to his voice. Hanako was not about to buy it. Before anything further could be said an alarm went off. Before any of the attendants could react a window opened up.

“Admiral! Enemy detected on our long range! They were using the crystalline flow to hide their signal!” Holdren reported. The ship began to shudder from impact.


Nyton stood up and opened a viewscreen to the bridge. “Gilgamesh, report! What’s going on?”

“Holdren detected several enemy signatures. We were able to raise our shields in time to react.” Gilgamesh stated.

Hanako shot up from her seat. “What of my ships!?”

"Only half of Eikan-Chujo's group managed to raise their shields up in time. Several ships are destroyed or crippled. Ketsurui-Shosho's group lost a third. The Varin ships have been left alone." Gilgamesh reported.

"I believe we will have to conclude this later. Gilgamesh, I am on my way. It may be a little too dangerous to recall yourselves to your ships so feel free to remain aboard." Nyton said as he began to rush to the bridge.

When Nyton arrived he was followed by Alanah, Hanako, and one of the Varin. Gilgamesh attempted to quickly appraise him of the situation. "Sir, we have four signatures."

"Is it-?"

"It's the Umbral."

"I knew I had a bad feeling about this." Nyton stated aloud. The ships had begun to scramble and take evasive actions. The enemy was firing but not too heavily past the initial salvo. Most of the fire seemed to be concentrated on the other ships as well. Four ships seemed to appear from no where. They were massive and of familiar origin.

"Boy, I jus' finish'd tracin' back a few leads. Seems th' ordeh t' colonize th' planet came from one a' th' local group fleets. When I trace th' lines there be no record of th' ordeh within th' fleet. It be a plant!" Thomas informed Nyton. At that moment a transmission appeared on screen without being bidden. On the screen was a familiar sight to Nyton. She was a young Yamataian with long red hair, wearing a flimsy white dress a mouth full of snarling shark teeth.

"Claymere, I have come for what is mine!" announced Melisson, her voice ringed with fury. Her ship was obviously the leader of this pack. That she was able to convince three other Umbral hinted at the importance of the task at hand.

"Melisson." Nyton stated flatly. There was no use in hiding what she was looking for. Not at this range anyways. He had risked much but now the the jig, as they say, was up. Before he could say anything though another voice cut in front of his own.

"You will do nothing of the sort!" shouted Alanah.

Melisson's eyebrow raised as she observed this interloper. Studying her for a second Melisson quickly realized who it was.

"Claymere, return my daughter to me this instant!" demanded the Interpreter. Alanah shook her head.

"I was not taken, mother. I went of my own accord!" Alanah protested. Melisson was not amused.

"This is not your decision to make. You were not ready ready nor was your Vaaker Talkaup is not at full maturity nor is your form." Melisson stated.

Alanah removed the cloak from her head, revealing a face similair to Melisson's with red hair that hung just below her shoulders. The same shark teeth were visible when she opened her mouth in response. "I do not care for the laws of our kind or you, Mother. I wish to pursue my own Vaaker Talkaup. With THIS man." she shouted back before floating over to Nyton and putting her arms around his head. "He is my Y'drich!"

Melisson appeared enraged and unamused. "Alanah, do you have any idea of how simple and limited this man is... and you call him your Y'drich? Your beloved?!"

"This is my Vaaker Talkaup. I have chosen it." she reponded.

Melisson decided she had heard enough. "I forbid this. Very well, Claymere, you and your ship are to be terminated."


"Mr. Holdren, prepare the Gate." Nyton said.

"Roger that!" Holdren replied. As the Phodian began to make adjustments the ship endured a quick salvo from several guns. The shields held but there was a heavy drain as no power was being diverted to restore them. "Gate out in 5-"

"Everyone hold on!" Nyton announced. "You too, Ketsurui. Looks like you get to come along for the ride."

Hanako looked at him. "Wait, what?!"

More impacts were felt.


"-1, Gate initiated!" Holdren announced.

At the word of the Phodian science officer the world seemed to stretch. A rather painful sensation came upon most members of the crew as the effects of instant Gate travel were endured. After what seemed like an excruciatingly long two seconds, the ship appeared elsewhere in space.

Nyton, despite his cybernetic conversion, still shook his head as though he had suffered a massive head trauma. "Is everyone... alright?"

There were sounds of retching as a couple crew members suffered severe nausea. Holdren appeared unfazed as he continued to check over data files. "Still needs more adjustments. This jump gave me some more data though. Still not enough."

"We'll have to wait on that for later, Mr. Holdren." Gilgamesh said while he coughed a little, feeling dizzy as his wings flapped uncertainly. Pete was a quivering lump of tentacles and appeared to be completely unconscious. Alanah had been unaffected and moved over to Nyton.

"Y'drich! Are you well?" she asked.

"I am fine. Mr. Holdren, where did we end up?" Nyton asked.

"Well you'll be happy to know that we arrived at precisely where we wanted to be. This is the Shadrach system, exactly at the point where the orbit of the Balthazar satellite will cross." Holdren explained. Nyton grinned a bit while still shaking off the jump gate's effects.

"Good good. Get the Suzuka fighters ready and prepare the shuttles." Nyton ordered, followed by several weak 'Roger that's.' "Alanah, I need you to prepare the others and please convey to our Varin guest that I require he take a shuttle as well."

Alanah smiled at Nyton, again her shark teeth in full display, and nodded. "Yes Y'drich." she said before she began to speak in the wind chim melody to the Varin that had joined them. Whatever she said it appeared to be working because it followed her off of the bridge. At this point Hanako stopped clutching her stomach and looked around.

"Claymere, what just happened? What are you doing?" she asked.

"Only something that I have been working towards my entire life, Shosho." Nyton announced. The screens began to show activity and several fighter ships began to launch. Some conducted security around the system while others scouted for any hostiles. Before them was a solar system that consisted of seven planets and a star in the center. The orbits of the planets was strangely sluggish. It was almost as though they did not move yet they remained in orbit.

"Decades ago I found this dead system. There was nothing of value here and for some reason the planets did not orbit the sun. They just hung there as though they were tethered. After much research my crew determined that these planets were part of something. Years later we would discover that in order to orbit they required specific elements to do so. However it was not until years later still that these elements were not material but energy. After more research it was determined they had to be specific kinds of energy but not the kind that we use to power things with but rather living energy. Suffice to say, it requires seven life forces. Seven specific life forces of beings that exist within not just this universe but seven different universes. In total, forty nine. Seven from each of the seven universes." Nyton announced. Hanako listened but did not appear to believe him until something clicked.

"Wait, that Transuniversal Teleportation Device that was lost ten years ago.... was that... was that your doing!?" Hanako demanded.

"Yes and no. I had help." Nyton said, flatly.

"Aye, my help. Ye fergit th' TTD were from back in th' day of th' AvaNet. Was child's play f'r me t' locate one f'r us t' pilfer and control." Thomas said, openly and out loud.

"But why would you want to find seven different universes? For what purpose?" Hanako asked.

"To find that which is beyond and free myself of this reality." Nyton declared, completely serious now. As he spoke, fourteen shuttles departed along with fighter escort. Each pair of shuttles headed to a different planet. After several minutes more of the crew was revived and Pete was finally back at his station. Yoshino meanwhile continued to monitor communications from the shuttles.

"Shuttle crews are reporting safe landing. They are massing by the Avestan ruins now and preparing for the seven vessels to perform the ceremony." Yoshino reported.

"Good. Mr. Holdren, monitor all planets and prepare to put Operation Odessa into motion." Nyton ordered.

"Roger that!" Holdren replied as he busied himself further with more operations.

"What are you expecting to occur, Admiral?" Hanako asked bluntly.

"The way we have this theorized, the seven life forces from each universe will enter a sanctum. Once each sanctum registers the signature the planet will begin to orbit the central star. Once these planets begin their orbit the energy produced by the motion caused by the contact with the different elements will activate the Gondofrr. Once the Gondofrr is online it will open the gate to what is beyond all universes into another reality. Supposedly all the worlds will come with us. Or we could all die in a massive galactic implosion." Nyton stated.

"Admiral! We have initial stages of contact! Planet 1 is showing signs of activation!" Holdren reported. Admiral and crew alike grew excited as the planet farthest out from the center began to move in orbit around the star. "At this rate we should have synchronization in twenty minutes!"

Nyton gave a nod of satisfaction but looked over to Pete. "Pete, keep the weapons and shields ready. I do not believe we can afford to be careless."

"ROGER THAT." replied the Mishhu. Slowly, two more planets began to move. Then a fourth. Fifth. Six planets began moving. The last one had yet to move when Yoshino reported a communication from the final world.

"Admiral, its Alanah. She wishes to speak to you." Yoshino said.

"Put her on." Nyton said.

The screen showed Alanah, apart from the others, looking at everyone with a concerned look. "Y'drich, I did not wish to delay this moment but I needed to tell you something."

"What is it, Alanah?" Nyton asked.

"I just wanted to tell you that.... I am glad I chose to come with you on this journey. As short as it was. And that no matter what happens you will always be my Y'drich. This Odessa that you named this operation after must be someone you hold very dear to your heart. I only wish you had allowed me to see...."

Nyton shook his head. "It is nothing like that. You could say she is special to me but not in the way you were concerned for. In fact there really is no reason to worry for she never existed. The name is simply a reminder of what must be done." he stated. At that moment Melisson appeared along with the other three Umbral warships.

"Farewell then, Y'drich! If there is anything beyond this reality then I hope to be able to share it." Alanah said before cutting transmission.

"INCOMING FIRE!" Pete announced as several missiles were launched at them. The fighter groups moved about to counter them along with anti-projectile defenses.

"We just need to hold for a few more minutes!" Nyton announced. "Move the ship within the sphere of the orbits! Fighters, defensive formations!"

As the ships began to maneuver, fire from all four Umbral vessels was narrowly avoided or absorbed by the shields. The final planet began to orbit and with this final orbit all appeared to accelerate.

"Incredible! The energy readings I am finding are unlike any I have ever seen before, Admiral!" Holdren reported. "The levels are already so high and continue to climb rapidly!" he said with a hint of mad joy.

As the planets orbited and energy crackled between them, light began to appear between the orbiting paths. The light did not seem to be emanated from anything between the paths but from nowhere at all. The energy flux was causing the ship to rattle from the force and it was felt by all vessels present. "This is it!" Nyton shouted.

Melisson again appeared on the view screen. "Claymere! What are you doing!?" she demanded to know.

"Melisson, did you ever explore this system? I'm wondering how it was you missed this one with all your exploration." Nyton said, with a bit of a sneer. At that moment, a holographic form of Thomas appeared before Nyton. The AvaNet avatar then pulled up a window.

"Nyton, we need to hurry. Maybe this shock will do it." Thomas said, his voice no longer the same. On the window Nyton could see a battle occurring in what seemed to be the farthest regions of existence. On it a black haired Nekovalkyrja was struggling against overwhelming odds. She had lost her arm and was bleeding profusely. Along with that image was another one, more disturbing. It was of Melisson, although she appeared to be standing very close and was reaching out for something.

"The charade is over, Melisson. I'm going to make you wish you took me up on my offer when you had the chance." Nyton laughed as the vibrations became more intense. The Thomas hologram then morphed and it was no longer Thomas but a younger more human looking Nyton. "I told you I wouldn't forget." the cybernetic Nyton said to the human looking one. They both nodded and looked out to the screen.

"No, now lets make her pay. Initiate Operation Odessa! GO!"

The planets continued to orbit faster until the white light swirled around and began to encompass the entire solar system. It grew brighter and brighter until everything was bathed in the light. The objects within began to cease to exist. Even space itself ceased to exist. Reality was ceasing to exist. The white light solidified until a tunnel could be seen. Where it went no one aboard knew. Nyton could only hope it was where he was trying to go. All he knew was that he would never give up until he was free. He would never stop until he woke up. And he would never forget all that he had seen in these lives.
Kyou struggled up to her feet, her mind foggy and her thoughts fuzzy. She was having trouble focusing on... whatever the hell that was in front of her, and she wasn't quite sure what was going on. Her memories of what had happened earlier with Asher were... intact, more or less, but she forced herself away from them for the moment, fearing that whatever this was coming towards her would take everything she had to deal with, assuming she could win at all.

Her neck twinged with pain, but she forced her hands to remain at her side and relaxed, looking as composed as she could. That shattered when the apparition spoke. Not only did it know her name when she'd never seen it before, but it was claiming this world was naught but dream. She wasn't quite sure what to think, and she froze, midway stepping back from the being, her mouth hanging open.

Her mind was racing, trying to shake itself loose of the fog that was still clouding her mind. What in hell was going on here? Why was it so hard to... to think about anything along those lines?

She settled back down, shaking her head, and looked back up at the apparition. "Who... Why are you doing this? Even if you're right, why help me?" She shook her head, still thinking. "No... wait. Don't answer." I doubt she can do anything to me if it's not a dream, and if it is... then maybe her help is exactly what I need. She reached forward, hesitantly at first, then with more confidence, taking a firm grip of the being's hand.
With a glass of orange juice in hand, Tom reclined against the firm support of his wooden chair. On the long, rectangular table, a milky-white wood he had chopped down and constructed himself, lay a feast: eggs, bacon, fish, butter scones, pancakes with maple syrup, fresh fruit and an assortment of juices and water in pitchers.

A fresh bouquet of flowers rested in a slender white porcelain vase on the center of the table. It was a lavish expense for Tom; most of the flowers in that bouquet didn't grow in Ralt and had to be imported monthly. Yukari had suggested using a holographic projection, but Tom insisted on the real thing, a playful reference to his wife's earlier wedding demands.

Besides, the red and blue ribbons, flecked with spots of gold, that were tied around the neck of the vase couldn't be replicated. He wouldn't allow it.

Sprites bustled around the table, making conversation of all sorts. Some came and went, in and out for however long they wanted. Tom didn't keep track; it was important that they got out and experienced the world. His doors would always be open.

Others spent most of their time in the inn and developed their experiences within the icy hamlet of Ralt. It was fascinating for the engineer to observe the way they lived civilian life. They had known only war for so long that their behavior outside of its boundaries seemed strikingly adolescent, even after a year away from it all.

Sanri and Kuni's seats were nearly on top of each other, and the two sprites, despite their attempts at secrecy, were playing a clumsy game of footsies under the table. The way Kuni was blushing made Tom chuckle. Sanri's boldness was getting to her sister.

Such was the way of young love.

Ozuno, who Tom considered a mini-Nimura, sat quietly between the bickering Eiko and Kichi, who were getting into a heated debate over the validity of some bit of design work. The stoic technician ate her food as the vebal cannon fire lobbed over her head. Tom sensed the building annoyance in the sprite, but her dignity prevented her from getting involved. So she just steamed quietly.

Then there was the silent Nimura. Always cold, always professional. Tom conceded that that was just how she interacted with the world, and he gave up trying to change that in her. Instead, whenever he had the chance he observed her actions and, over time, learned how intensely she expressed herself without saying a single word. For Nimura, her actions were her words, and it took Tom a long time to realize how much respect she gave him by accepting his offer of hospitality.

After an obligatory time at the table so as not to seem rude, Nimura took her plate from the table and excused herself.

On a stool near the inn's bar sat Rin, alone. She had her lavender hair and red jump suit on, kept clean as if she had never left service on the Miharu. Her shyness was only amplified since the end of their final mission, and she was the only one who still dressed like she was in the military. She hardly spoke any more these days, her face always bearing a hermetic dullness, yellow eyes dulled but not lifeless.
Having narrowly survived being brutally sawed in half, Rin's mind must have still been recovering from the shock. It was all Tom could do to help her recover, taking her to Ralt, away from the over stimulation of military life.

Tom had tried to get her out of her shell, but something in her had broken. She withdrew from the advances of anyone else but he, Nimura and Yuzuki, and with Yuzuki out on a business trip to promote the new Miharu design, and Tom busy with running a household, much of Rin's time was spent alone, staring off into the distance.

Occasionally, she would look up at the memorial portrait of Ichigo and mumble something. Tom couldn't make out what she was saying, but he noticed Nimura take a seat on the stool next to the damaged sprite. It was not long after Nimura started eating that Rin picked up her fork and turned her attention to her own plate.

Tom's eyes locked on the portrait. It was a color picture, framed in wood and surrounded by a wreath of flowers, of the former Heisho smiling brightly in grease-stained overalls, as she held a wrench up to her head in a playful salute. Her eyes seemed to shine with such life, an innocence bordering on naivety dancing within them.

Tom had taken the picture after their mission with the Meng Po, when everyone was busy working on repairs. It had been a spontaneous moment by the then-enlisted Tom, a time when his own grey orbs held that same innocent joy and wonder at the endless possibilities space held for the fledgling crew.

But now she was gone, and so were Mara and Hinoto.
Tom blinked and slouched further in his chair, sighing. Perhaps it's better that way.


Tom blinked and turned his head to face his wife. Her emerald eyes glistened with happiness.

"Did you hear that?"

Tom shook his head. He kept his yellow hair in a tightly-bound ponytail these days, and the knot of hair brushed gently against his back.

"No, what is it?"

"Mana-chan wants to know what is on your mind," she said.

Tom lazily rolled his head to face the two, and offered a similar grin.
"Just tired, is all. It's difficult cooking for a family of 7 or 9 or 15."

"I am certain they appreciate your hard work, even if some of them no longer voice it."

Slowly, Tom sat up and stretched his legs, then his arms. His chest puffed up before he let out a long yawn.

"I must be spoiling them," he said. "But it's something to do. Chiharu knows I have all the free time in the world here."

"Uncle Tom's cooking is the BEST!" The voice was from the chibi-sized bundle in Yukari's arms. Although just a little over a month old, she possessed the same facilities that all Neko had as soon as they emerged from the womb. The small thing squirmed in Yukari's arms, turning away from her mother's breast to face him. "He could cook food that even those slimy Mishu would like!"

Little Mana-chan. Always full of energy, bouncy and inquisitive as all younglings were. Tom took a moment to once again absorb her appearance. Adorable short black hair that formed a bowl on her head, bangs just above the eyes and shoulder length down the sides and back of the neck. Porcelain skin without a single blemish. And amber eyes that seemed to probe whenever he looked into them.


"Mana-chan, do not call your father Uncle Tom. Daddy or Papa is correct."

Tom's grin closed into a thin, tight smile.

"No, Tom's fine. Call me Tom."

Yukari looked at him for a long silent moment.

"Daddy is so silly, isn't he?" She finally said with a smile, bending down to rest her chin near Mana chan's head while tickling her ribs.

"Yup! Hehee!" Mana-chan squealed.

When Tom pulled his attention away from the two he noticed Nimura staring at him. Shortly later, she swiftly left the inn, taking Rin with her firmly by the shoulder.


It was night and the house was silent. Everyone was asleep or out for the night, and only the sounds of rustling leaves and nocturnal wildlife disturbed the otherwise serene environment. Yukari was sound asleep in their bed, curled into a fetal position with Mana in her arms. Her snowman, however, was hunched over at the small desk in the corner, writing into the pages of a leather bound journal with a quill pen, the flickering of a candle by his side the only illumination in the room.

Today marks the 399th day after the event, and the 32nd after the spawn arrived. I fear for the worst. In all ways things are starting to spiral out of control. The original plan is faltering... I don't know why. Maybe I'm getting too tired... too sloppy. Or maybe it's something beyond my control. Something is going to happen... I feel like I'm on Bowhordia again. Someone wake me up from this nightmare.

His entry complete, Tom gently closed the journal and slid it back into its secret compartment in the desk. He wet his fingers and crushed the candle's flames between them.

As he stood and turned to go back to bed, he stopped just at the edge. Little Mana had shuffled, smacking her lips with a puff of air.

Tom felt every contortion of the scowl on his face as he looked down at the youngling.


Time passed, spring was coming to Ralt, and with it, the thawing of the snow and the lengthening of days. Most of the sprites had taken it upon themselves to leave the town and head out into the world. Tom asked for postcards.

Only Rin stayed behind, taking advantage of the newfound privacy to stow herself away in one of the guest rooms.

Yukari was out shopping for spring clothing with Mana.

Tom was sweeping the floor with a straw broom. The floor was already spotless, but it was something to kill the time. He needed something repetitive. Repetitive things always seemed to keep his mind at ease.
Suddenly, the door opened and in stepped a Yamataian clad in a white, full-body coat and boots. But beneath it, Tom saw the telltale signs: skin tight black fabric covering the body.

"Freeman. It's good to see you."

Tom immediately knew who it was.

"Claymere... or should I say Ketsurui-Sama."

The man waved his white glove.

"No need for the formality," Nyton said. "I may be Yamataian now but I don't waste time on titles when I can help it."

Tom continued sweeping.

"It isn't every day I get visited by both Empress's chosen one and head of SAINT," Tom said dryly as he kept his attention to his task at hand. "I suppose you're not here for my famous bacon and eggs, are you?"

Nyton chuckled as he closed the inn's door behind him and locked it.
"Always one to speak your mind, Freeman. I always liked that about you."

"I figured I earned that luxury with you after the number of times I saved your ass," Tom shot back. "Too bad it still got you killed twice."

Nyton slowly removed his gloves and rested them on a nearby table before moving to unzip his coat. "You're still bitchy about what went down over a year ago? Get with the times, Freeman."

Tom's movements with the broom became more hurried. Scrape. Scrape. Scrape.

"I wasn't in charge when the order was issued, Freeman. Hell, I felt the same way you do now back then. But it had to be done. National security."

"So that's what you're calling it these days? How quaint."

"Heh." Nyton took his jacket off, revealing the full-body SAINT jumpsuit underneath. Bits of snow fell from his coat as he shook the particles to the floor. "You wouldn't be playing along if you didn't believe in it."

"Do I have a choice?" Scrape Scrape Scrape Scrape.

"Hmm... I guess not, considering the rules laid out for us," Nyton mused, taking his classic thinking pose after hanging the coat on a nearby hanger. "Our freedom for our cooperation. Given the circumstances, I think Kotori negotiated well... but she probably could have used the leverage of the mission to get a few more bargaining chips, don't you think?"

The sweeping stopped. Tom glared at his former friend.

"What do you want from me, Claymere? Get on with it!"

"So much for reminiscing, I suppose," Nyton said aloud before reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a small black dongle. He placed it on the table closest to Tom. "Seems one of out 'dreamers' is trying to wake up."

"How do you know that?"

"Come on Freeman," Nyton said sharply, but with a smirk and a glint in his ice-blue eyes. "Did you think I would leave the bleeding-heart humanitarian to do such dirty work without support? I always have eyes on the ground, but especially with a top-level mission like this one. My friends have told me a lot about our little black-haired killer."


"Seems she's been doing some extracurriculars on her own. When Kotori modified the ST data, she was sifting through a lot of information. Whole lives had to be reprogrammed in a matter of hours to keep the timeline in order. Naturally, having never seen such supernatural forces before, we rushed to assume everything worked flawlessly. I guess even powerful psionics make mistakes too, eh?"

Tom ignored the question.

"And this involves me how?"

The SAINT leader pointed to the dongle in front of him.

"What you have there in front of you is a miniature scalar weapon," Nyton said. "Upon pressing that button, it will emit a concentrated burst strong enough to permanently damage electronics, even on the scale of a black-box protected Nekovalkyrja OS. All we need you to do is get close to Nimura and press the button. Try to aim for the head."
Tom's mouth opened, aghast.

"Don't worry, Freeman. The weapon isn't designed to kill. But, for your sake, I'd suggest doing it to her while she's retiring for the night. I know you can fight, but you're no match for Nimura hand-to-hand."

"W-what? No. NO!" Tom's mouth still hung open, the Yamataian unable to fully process the horrible weight of the request. "Do it yourself!"

"You're the only one who can get close to her without raising suspicion, Freeman. If we send an agent in, she'll know something is wrong, or at least her OS will. Remember, they don't have to sleep."

Tom shook his head. His horror was quickly turning into anger which flushed his cheeks red.

"I won't do it. I've been playing your games for too long, Claymere. Lying every day, spying on my friends so that you can go comb Kotori's hair and be petted like a good dog who fetched a big stick! Go F-"

Tom's ramblings were interrupted by Nyton's fist smashing into the table hard enough to rattle the dishes at the bar. The next words that came out of Nyton weren't heated, but instead spit out with an icy coldness that matched his eyes.

"You don't have a choice, Tom," Nyton said. "Or would you prefer I ruin this happy little life you built for you and all your friends?"

The threat cut deeply, drawing a flinch from Tom.

"But I prefer not to look at it that way. Take it as the Empire needing you, Tom. And when the Empire calls, it's time to man up. You've done it countless times already. Once more isn't going to kill you. What's it going to be?"

Sweat formed on Tom's brow, and he could feel his blood pressure steadily rising. Everything slowed down around him, sound died out until the only thing he could hear was the loud thumping of his heart. His vision tunneled on the small weapon resting on the table. His throat became dry. Then, finally after what seemed like minutes, he answered.

"I'll do it. Just don't hurt anyone else, ok?"

"... I'll see what I can do."


A week passed. The first flowers of the spring were blossoming amongst the last remnants of snow. The wind was still crisp, but the lengthening days meant more exposure to the sun and its warming heat. Tom took the opportunity to go for a walk with Yukari and Mana. The two adults, however, soon found themselves far behind the hyperactive youngling.

His wife was wearing a white blouse with ribbons of gold in it. Her brown hair waved freely in the air. The fur on her soft ears hardly moved, however. Mana was almost at the height of a 7 year old and growing faster by the day. The rate at which she matured was alarming as well. And with each passing 'year' of this accelerated growth, she looked more and more like what Tom hated most.

It was getting unbearable.

"It is a nice day is it not?"

A simple question with a simple answer.

"Yeah, I guess it's ok."

The reaction caused Yukari to raise an eyebrow.

"Just ok?"

"Is there something wrong with that?"

Tom had spoken too sharply. Yukari turned to face him, a look of concern on her face.

"Are you unwell? I will call Mana and can return home."

"No no... I," a long sigh. "Look, let's just enjoy the walk, ok?"

They walked in silence for minutes. Tom's mind quickly unraveled into circular mental discussions of how he would erase Nimura's mind.

"Do I make you unhappy?"

Yukari had stopped walking, folding her arms into her body. She looked so small as she looked at the ground.

"I know I do not live up to what a good wife is. We have not laid together since our wedding night. It is not your fault. I am unfit to be married to a man such as you."

"Yukari, stop. Obviously you went through a lot on the Miharu, and these things take time to heal," Tom said while walking slowly back towards Yukari. "Give it time and-."

"Dame!" Yukari pulled back from Tom's touch, shivering. "I am not fit! I am unwell! I could not save Kotori and now I cannot even be a loving wife!"

Tom let out an exasperated sigh, his arms falling downwards, palms up at his sides.

"This isn't about Kotori, Yukari! It's about us! You can't change what happened at Amaya's Gate! You-"


The blow left a red mark on Tom's face.

"Do not tell me what I already know!" Yukari yelled, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. "I failed! I am Nekovalkyrja and I failed at protecting my Taisa and my crew!"

Nekovalkyrja. The word struck a deeply hidden nerve in Tom, and the Raltean couldn't find the self-control to temper his words. The words came out like a machinegun as Tom rubbed his raw cheek.

"Is this what it's all about, Yukari? Some kind of penance for failing one part of a mission over one and a half years ago?! A mission that was otherwise a total success?! What's wrong with you!? Isn't it enough we made it out alive?! You and me!? Isn't that what we promised?! To live on so that we could have a normal life after the war was over?!"

As Yukari stared at him, sobbing and broken, Tom continued railing at her.

"What happened to that, Yukari?! I upheld my side of the bargain! I went through hell for you! I married you and you married me, not Kotori! I married you so that we could have a normal life, not whatever this bullshit is!?"

That got a reaction from Yukari, who pounded her fists into his chest, hard.

"Mana is NOT bullshit! She is our daughter!"

Tom grabbed at Yukari's arms while she pounded at him, but Yukari was already strong and even more so while enraged. Tom could feel the bruises forming, but continued to let his anger get the best of him.

"She is YOUR daughter. Not mine! YOURS! LOOK AT HER! She's a CLONE. A clone of KOTORI. Your way of making it up to a woman who doesn't even CARE!"

"USO! LIAR! YOU LIAR!" Yukari yelled back. "Kotori will come back! And she will see Mana and be happy! She will forgive me!"

The push sent Yukari tumbling to the ground. As she picked herself up, she heard the icy words come from Tom.

"I've heard enough. Get away from me."

Tom could hear Mana crying as he turned to walk away. Perhaps she had heard them fighting, seen him throw his wife to the ground.
It didn't matter. He was tired of it. Tired of everything.


That night, Tom wrote another entry in his journal. The room was empty... Yukari had not come back to the inn. The sprites had sensed something heavy in the air and left the Raltean alone, and for good reason. He seemed consumed with a feverish energy that they had never before seen in him. This energy Tom poured into his writing.

I do not know what choices destiny gave me or what foul things I did to earn this private hell that is my life. I was a man of INTEGRITY. Certainly, I had made mistakes before and I had been tempted. But no matter what I went through, I knew that I did things that honored that sense of who I am and what I fought for.

Kotori, you told me after my return to Bowhordia that the blinding light of my snow had been tempered with darkness. You said this made me a stronger person and I believed you. But you didn't tell me where it would eventually lead. You misled me.

The campaign of lies... you spearheaded for the sake of the empire, for the sake of protecting their interests. There wasn't any guilt, like I thought at first. You coerced us into it! You knew of the power at stake and you played into the hands of SAINT so that you could rise to the top!

But you made a fatal mistake, Kotori. You thought that you could take more and more from me, break me little by little until I was just another lapdog.


You knew I could live with lying. That I would tarnish my integrity to promote a lie so that my friends could live peacefully.

You knew I would carry out any dirty work in your name because you could always threaten Yukari's safety.

But you didn't plan for Mana, did you? There was no way you could know Yukari would go to that length to prove herself worthy of your forgiveness.

You couldn't have known she would be the hammer that would destroy our marriage.

Ha! It's so funny. That which I hate so much, that little mini-bitch version of you that I wanted to throttle with my own hands, she was the key.

How ironic that she will be the downfall of the Ketsurui! How I wish I were able to see it!

But alas, I know now what I must do, and that requires a sacrifice.

But for a man who lost everything he cared about in life to you, Kotori, I have to thank you for the thing you will give me back in death:


See you in hell,

-Tom Freeman


Tom never noticed Nimura standing by the door, watching him as he wrote. It was only when he closed the book and stretched in his chair that he saw the silent sprite in the corner of his eye.

"Ah, Nimura, thanks for coming. I hadn't even called you yet!"

"Tom, what's going on?" The question was more accusatory than questioning.

Tom slid his journal under the crook of his arm and walked over to Nimura. The sprite stared him down while he did it.

"Oh this? It's just something I keep handy. Some bad poetry. It comes with being trained in theater, but, whew, it's not my strong point."

"They are listening in on us. Play along."

"Do you usually write at night?" Nimura furrowed her eyebrows in suspicion.

"All your answers are in this book. Take it and get out of here. Spread the word far and wide. I wish I could explain but I do not have the time. You must trust me."

"Yeah, I tend to get inspiration under the stars and moon. Many famous poets wrote their best stuff at night, you know!" Tom let out a small laugh. "Candles are totally awesome too! Where were you?"

Nimura leaned against the frame, slowly relaxing her stance.

"Taking Rin out for a walk. She shows signs of recovery, but she keeps talking about Ichigo and Miharu as if they're still there..."

I'm going to hand you the book. Read the passage and pretend to be moved. When you guard is down I will strike at you with a weapon, right hand. I need you to strike me, twist my arm towards my head and crush my hand. Then run."

"Now that you mention it, I do have some passages about Ichigo," Tom said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Perhaps you could read them to her... I don't think she likes me as much as you."

He reached under his arm and handed the book to her.

"Page 45 and 67 have two of the poems I wrote about her. Take a look."

On cue, the sprite took the book and opened to page 45. She began to read, her eyes furrowing. Tom while she was doing this, Tom reached into his pocket and grabbed the dongle. His muscles tensed in preparation.

My love, I hope to see you again. In a world that's neither beautiful nor ugly. Just free.

"3 seconds."



@black Knights:

Four wounded Mishhu Elites, one wounded Nimura. One pulse cannon did little to help even the odds. The plasma rifle had done decently against them, but thier body armor was made to cope with the amount of abuse Nimura's pulse cannon could deliver.

Bits of metal had embedded themselves on her forehead and right cheekbone, and the flow of blood had blinded her right eye and gone down to slide across her jaw. Fat, ruby red drops were shaked off as Nimura briskly yanked herself left and right and out of harm's way as much as possible.

As she did that, she laboriously breathed: a ragged wet sound that was forced to be repeated on and on as her opponent would allow her no solace, no rest. That last knifing hit from behind had punctured her right lung and without resting, her condition would only deteriorate.

The thought of borrowing a weapon from one of the fallen had occurred to her, but she was unable to do so. With her helmet's heads-up-display out of commission, she no longer had the benefit of her power armor's 360 degree vision. Her single remaining eye needed to be focused on her enemies: multiple railguns were already laying down suppressive fire on her in order to mow her down.

All it would take for them to win would be a head hit. Or, a hit someplace decisive on her power armor - her Daisy armor was now much more stringy hemosynthetic insert ligaments with cracked bits of its armored shell hanging on than an actual alloyed-armor sheathed suit.

As Nimura fought, displayed impressive acrobatics and did her utmost to prolong a fight she could no longer win, Melisson stood close to Nyton's fallen form, pondering on his power armor. She had meant to filch his memory chip out via phasing (much like Kotori had done to expel mishhu bugs out of Miyoko's body) but Nyton's armor had erected a field which made her unable to change phasing states when within its boundaries.

That was new technology, technology she had been unaware the Yamataians possessed. Shipwide interphasic pulses was an old counter by now, but actual phasing interdiction was wholly new - especially on the diminutive scale of a power armor.

The interpreter had no time to rock on her heels with the revelation, as she felt minds that ought to have been deeply under her sway stir. She whirled around to see the closes of them, Kai, twitch as he snapped out of the mind vistas she had trapped them into. A bit further, the same went with Kyou, and further away Yuzuki.

"Impossible!" the alien woman screeched, her snarl boasting a mouth full of pointy teeth. With a mental command, she summoned three of the Elites fighting Nimura and had each of them go after one of the recovering soldiers.

  • @Yukari:
    • Yukari was sent back to the Ichiro-haunted Iori, at that fateful moment she had entered an office to soon after headshot a person she had since then never been able to forget.

      Only, this time, something was subtly different. Everything in this scene felt startingly real and every bit as sinister as her past nightmares had been, but she was empowered with insight, rather than being Ichiro's disturbed 'Valkyrie' puppet. In this place, that time, she could choose to act differently if she wanted to.

    • Cherry blossom petals drifted in Yamatai's spring air and the shone shone merrily in the blue sky.

      The Star Army four-wheeler came to a stop before the gates of the Samurai House. This was to be Nyton's scond visit at Kotori's side since back when he and his princess had visited the place just shy of Miharu's subsequent attack on Bowhordia.

      Now, they were back. Eve was defeated, her plans torn to shreds, and Kotori had mustered the courage to go and visit her mother - though 'confrontation' might have been a better word for it. After the way Kôsuka had left them last time, Kotori was visiting more by obligation than because she really wanted to.

      The wary Nyton exited the car first. Clad his in Rosenthal-bought bodyguard clothes, he cast an alert look around - the vigilance all the more important due to his Yamataian body's lack of cybernetics - and then walked to the other side of the vehicle to open the door for Kotori.

      The adopted Ketsurui princess emerged from the car, smoothing the folds of her pale colored kimono before smiling her thanks to him - she was more than a little grateful for him delaying his return to Nepleslia to help her confront her mother again. Something seemed to spark her attention and then, smiling in amusement, she reached out for Nyton's shoulder.

      Gently, she plucked an errant cherry blossom petal from his otherwise impeccable attire.

      Then all of a sudden, blood sprayed in Nyton's face, the sensation accompanied with the late recollection of having heard the subsonic shriek of a railgun weapon. Well trained reflexes had him crouch for cover, making a grab at Kotori to drag her to relative safety with him...

      ...only to realize that the only thing remaining of Kotori's head was her lower jaw. The rest had turned up redecorating the pavement with gore.

      It was over. She was dead. He never even had a chance to appropriately defend her - the assassin had no doubt gone by in a stealthed power armor and used a sniping weapon (probably the LASR Mk. II) to take her out. He might even be next; unless the assassin had decided to not take chances and flee while it was ahead either through teleportation or thermoptic stealth.

      But, would Kikyô really chance leaving him alive?

    • Asher was in his element, which was a barroom brawl. His Star Army trainee uniform torn here and there, his knuckles tender from the punches he had thrown, his lower lip split and bleeding - he was still thoroughly enjoying himself.

      He ducked under the left hook of a burly nordic-looking yamataian of another trainee class and replied with a return hook into the guys ribs that made him give out an amusing 'gack!' and stagger back. Asher meant to follow up, but he had to duck under nekovalkyrja acrobatics.

      How had still started? Students of one class had mouthed off, students of the other class had reciprocated, Asher had weighted his opinion in, a nekovalkyrja had been fiery tempered enough to take exception and the young lady had obliged him by starting the brawl.

      Something odd happened during the commotion. Asher turned, prepared to feel glum as he expected an instructor had come in to break up the fight and thus spoil his fun, but he instead found himself in something like the eye of the storm, his surroundings fading in his attention and his focus being on the entity that had burst into his vicinity.

      Ephemeral, made of barely imagined contours that seemed pale and yet colorless, the 'person's abstract naked form was contrasted by a nimbus of flowing dark hair so dark that the seemed to carve out bits of his reality. Fiery amber eyes regarded him and the creature asked: "Are you really content just reliving things you've relished doing in the past? Would you not rather move on, and deal with an opponent like Melisson?" She offered her hand, fingers splayed wide. "Don't take my hand if you want to miss all the fun."

    • The countdown ended abruptly with a banshee's keening wail.

      It was so out of place, so out of context of the things Tom's mind had been weighting on that it left him a helpless spectator as the walls of the room dissolved with psychic rage, a ghostly thing of half-remembered shape and form pouncing into his vicinity.

      There was no clear image of the person, because remembered imagination and memory unaided by digital means did not convey such details. Expression, highlights, contrasts and vague motion were easier things to grasp... and that was how Kotori appeared to him.

      But this was no Kotori drawn up from figments of his recollection. This Kotori was self-aware, not part of his thoughts so much as brutally intruding on them, and like a Fury she launched herself at him, nailless hands clutching his shoulders like bony claws and her snarling mouth seeming to be all flashing fangs.

      He crashed into the wall, but instead ended up backpedaling away from the wedding altar, unsteadily tripping back into assembled lines of guest. The thing - Kotori - was in an angry crouch where he had begun his uncontrolled stumble.

      "I have worked too hard, been too tolerant, too accommodating, too conciliatory to allow you to become twisted like that!" Kotori furiously yelled at him.

      Tom righted himself, while feeling oddly not like himself, and the ghostly nekovalkyrja made another rush for him tackling him through throngs of people, grasping him and then heaving him through the walls of the thought-up building to burst into a place of bright blue and yielding white ground.

      Tom opened his mouth in a passionate yell as well, but all he managed was a loud howl through a long, cheekless mouth that was too filled with sharp teeth. Down on all fours, he was a grey timber wolf made of the same wispy stuff Kotori was, fangs bared with fillets of saliva dangling in between the parted teeth.

      Hackles raised, a feral growl sounded and the wolf pounced over at Kotori, teeth snapping at her arm which she brought away. Kotori shirked away by pouncing forward past the wolf and like jousting warriors, their feet sliced through the snow some distance before each turned to face the other.

      It dawned on Tom that during the debacle, he had become self-aware, and his thoughts much more that of a separate spectator and less tied to the wolf, which represented him, but as he was in that place. Dimly, he had become aware of his body - his real body ensconced in power armor - laying down in Melisson's inner sanctum. He was not functional, still trapped in the struggle being waged in his mind, but Tom was remembering who he really was.

      Kotori crouched, facing the wolf, and angrily denied it: "I don't deserve that hate!"
The ghostly sensation was something foreign. Pain was recognizable, it was real, and it really hurt. The yellow eyed apparition that stood before him was not recognizable, thus could not be real, correct? Of course! It was just his mind playing tricks on him. Obviously, he had been hit so hard, that his brain hallucinated a bangable little Taisa in his brain. Betta' snap outta it fo' Shizume busts m'lip again. thought the violent Westwood, turning back to face his opponent.

Wait... How did he know that this spectre was a bangable Taisa? Sure, the female voice in a Yamataian setting could translate the bangable, but the Taisa? No, Asher wasn't a psionic, he couldn't just read someones mind and go, Oh, red lace. Sexy. No, that sort of insightful power into the opposite sex's privacy wouldn't go unnoticed.

Then what was happening? The bar fight was certainly real enough, his face still hurt. But... This amber-eyed spectre, with her proffered hand, the more he thought about it, the more real she seemed. The more real she seemed the higher the veil of Melisson's dream was lifted.

Melisson..., that name rang heavy in his mind. He didn't know who that was did he? He thought so. Though, every time he said the word in his head, a picture arose in his mind. It consisted of a naked, pointy-eared, red-haired girl bent over a table, with a dirty white dress stuffed in her mouth. It was a nice picture, to Asher at least.

Now, he could tell who that was. It was who he was sent to kill, despite how tempting the picture in his mind was. He was actually on her capital ship, the Shivelsavorsooveroth. Asher was sure about the capital ship part, not so much the name.

The spectre in front of him... it was Kotori. Suddenly, the picture in his mind switched over to Kotori, naked and bent over a table, with Melisson's dirty white dress stuffed in her mouth. He was beginning to realize a pattern here.

With his awareness of the true reality restored came the memories of his previous dreams. There was the memory of him making up with his mother, after whipping the piss out of Takahata. Then there was the illusionary vision of his future, bathed in the blood of lorath. An amazing vision, considering it was the first time he had even seen a lorath. Then...

A pain in his heart seized up his whole body as the last words of his father rang so freshly and clearly off his mind. The fear, the burning dread, and the utter sadness consumed him. It was like reliving your worse moment and then having it replayed again. Luckily, despite not being physically present, he was able to control himself. Despite that, his hand was a little shaky as he grasped the hand of the spectre.

"Livin' in tha' past is f'moany dipfucks. Livin' in a dream is f'ignorant lil' shits who can't accept tha' truth. Give me my target, Koto-boss, I'm ready t'finish this." said Asher, as the resolve of the fiery Power Armor pilot returned to him.
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Yukari was sent back to the Ichiro-haunted Iori, at that fateful moment she had entered an office to soon after headshot a person she had since then never been able to forget.

Only, this time, something was subtly different. Everything in this scene felt startingly real and every bit as sinister as her past nightmares had been, but she was empowered with insight, rather than being Ichiro's disturbed 'Valkyrie' puppet. In this place, that time, she could choose to act differently if she wanted to.
Yukari froze.

Her arm was outstretched. In her hand, her Type 28B pistol, hammer cocked, safety off. Condition Zero. Her eyes traced back along her arm. She was wearing an old uniform, with a 5th XF patch near her shoulder. Her eyes went back down to the front sight and beyond.

Ushiba Matsu stood there, facing her. Not making a move. Hands down at her sides, fingers spread out and away from her thighs. She had red panels, also 5th XF. She was security detail. Carried a Type 28 SMG.

Corro Adlich was near, or so she thought. He had been there, on the Iori. Had he not? She was not sure.

She felt her finger reach for the trigger, but she stopped it. She was on the Iori. She was facing Ushiba Matsu. A Nekovalkyrja, as she was before, trying to do her job. Her expression was apprehensive, but she did not appear afraid.

"Shoi Kohosei!" someone said behind her. Corro, she imagined. "What are you doing?"

Her finger reached for the trigger, and she not only stopped it this time. She extended it, safely resting the tip on the trigger guard. There was no voice inside of her head telling her what to do, or numbing her thoughts to the point she became untethered from her mind. Instead, it was a presence wrapped around her head like a blanket. It was comforting. Soothing.

Disarming. Yukari took a long, deep breath, then let it out as she lowered her gun. Another long, deep breath. She holstered it.

Matsu relaxed. So did Yukari, even as the warmth around her head got warmer.

"Adlich," Yukari said, looking over her shoulder. "Your NSP, please." Yukari turned her head just enough to glance at Matsu, then nodded. The Neko appeared confused more than anything else.

Corro placed the old Type 28 NSP in Yukari's gun hand and backed away. "What are you going to do?" he asked.

"Whatever's going down on this station," Matsu said, "shooting me won't help."

"That is correct," Yukari said, setting the weapon to stun. "Adlich. What is my rank?"

"S-Shoi Kohosei! Ma'am!"

Yukari nodded, turning to face the tall Nepleslian man, who tensed as she raised the pistol at him. She squeezed the trigger, putting a stun bolt into his chest. He stumbled back and fell to the ground.

"It was Seitô," she said, and looked at Ayano, who blinked at her, and Ryuuza, who tensed up and was ready to draw down on Yukari.

Yukari was going to weigh her options when Ayano's face went blank and her hand went for her own NSP. Yukari twisted from the waist and put a stun blast into Ayano's upper chest, sending her to the floor. The heat around Yukari's head was starting to become unbearable, as if it was going to start singeing her hair, but Ryuuza's charging her put that concern off.

Yukari's Yamataian body was not fast enough to avoid being clobbered by Ryuuza. With a single swing of his arm, he batted Yukari in the arm and out of his way. She hit the floor and the NSP clattered away. The Tharaxian turned on Matsu, who tried to draw her SMG from a bad angle. It stuck in the holster just long enough that she took one of his fists into her jaw, making her head twist just ahead of the rest of her body, which collapsed against a desk.

No! Ryuuza was turning and drawing his pistol. Yukari felt the heat squeezing her head, hair burning against her neck. It was hard to keep her eyes open to see, but she just reacted. She dove behind another desk, landing hard on her chest but avoiding the first shot. The second burst a chunk of her cover to blackened wood. Twisting onto her side, she drew her pistol with both hands and thrust it in front of her.

Feet! She pointed and fired two rounds. The first went through Ryuuza's toes in his right boot; the next put a hole in his leg just above his ankle. He screamed in a language Yukari did not understand — then went silent, sprawled on the bloodied floor.

Yukari kept him flagged. "Matsu-Hei!" she shouted.

"Yes, Seitô," the Neko replied. "I apologize for using telepathy, but my jaw is broken."

"That is fine!" she shouted back, narrowing her eyes. She wavered as she got to her feet, holding her pistol with one hand while using her other to grasp what was left of the desk, steadying herself. When she was sure she could stand on her own feet, she sucked and spewed air through her teeth. The heat had vanished.

Ryuuza had no other injuries besides those in his foot, which profusely bled on the blue carpet. Matsu must have stunned him, she thought. She looked at the Neko, who was holding her jaw in place with one hand. She had her weapon trained on Ryuuza, too, but he wasn't moving.

Yukari asked Matsu for her knife while she took off her uniform top. "Cover the other two," Yukari said, cutting off the sleeves of the top. While Matsu covered them, the Yamataian made a tourniquet from one of the sleeves, tying it as tightly as she could above the Thaxarian's top wound. She reached up his body and unzipped the uniform jacket, bunching up a part of it and pressing it against the wounds. She also angled his foot up.

The blood flow started to stem. He would not bleed out, she decided, and got up, grabbing her now-bloodied uniform top and the other sleeve. She realized it was not long enough. She went back to Ryuuza and found a sleeve from his jacket that was not yet bloody. She cut it off with Matsu's knife, then tied the two sleeves together.

"Lower your hand and hold still," Yukari said, taking the sleeves and tying those around Matsu's head, knotting on top. It looked very makeshift and not at all durable, but it would work, and did not mess up Matsu's dull black hair. She gave the Neko her knife back, then shrugged her top on and zipped it up. Her arms were exposed, but at least everyone was patched.

She went back and found Corro's NSP, and she took Ryuuza's. She removed Ayano's belt and gun, donning them for herself. Ayano carried a Type 28A2, which felt much more sure in Yukari's hand than the human-gripped 28. Matsu took that one, while Yukari kept Ryuuza's in her off hand.

Switching it to stun, she put another bolt each in Corro and Ayano.

" ... " She drew Ayano's 28A2 in her gun hand. "If we are blessed, others on this station have not suffered the same madness as these three."

Matsu nodded, shouldering her SMG. "Where to, Seitô?"

"We leave the Iori," she said. "I believe ... believe ... "

"Believe what, Seitô?"

Yukari looked at Ayano. "I believe we will be fortunate enough to succeed." But we should not be, she thought. Something is incorrect. Inaccurate.

She shook her head back and forth, then looked past the office and down the corridor. "Let us go."
Yuzuki's eyes flashed open and her armor's neurally interfaced HUD sprung back to life.

For a few moments, the suddeness of consciousness assailed the disoriented sprite's senses, harassing the already frayed nerves like nails across a chalkboard. Her heart was throbbing hard within her chest, but her next breath she had regained control of it, and with control she gained feeling and awareness. She could move. In the surge of adrenaline that followed, Yuzuki's mind finally registered the cacophony of colors being transmitted from her eyes, and Yuzuki began to understand what she was seeing. Rin's dissected form lay cast off beside her, still in a coma, stable and blissfully removed from pain - though, it registered with Yuzuki that the greviously wounded sprite did not have very much longer to live. It was to Rin that Yuzuki's hand now lay towards, outstretched, reaching plaintively for a face and a hand that she could no longer see.


Yuzuki closed her fist over her APR, forcing her suit and body to bend to her newly restored will. At a glance, she took in the condition of the other suits in her group, noting that Nimura was nearly fallen, and that the life signs of the others were dim, as if they were asleep. A few of them were stirring, their heart rates growing steadier and stabalizing as hers had. Through her armor's skin-vision she could see them moving a little bit, but Yuzuki could not see Nimura; Nimura was on down the hallway.

Yuzuki could see Melisson, a red-haired demon wearing the guise of a human being, stooping over the bodies of her comrades with a hateful snarl. If there were really spirits in the world, this one deserved to have all of its information burnt and scattered to the interstellar winds, never to be spoken of or heard from again.

All of Yuzuki's admiration, all of her wonder at being restored by the Captain for whom she had reached so desperately out for in her dreams in that moment turned to bloodlust and hatred for this vile thing before her, and the sprite nearly lost to the rage that had been building inside of her for what seemed like a lifetime now. The Yuzuki that had crawled, all unknowing, into the maintenance tunnels barely a half a year before, that had looked so wide eyed and repulsed at her first view of death was a stranger to the new person created by the burning desire for killing. The person who took her place had only one thought and a singular purpose; the death of the terrible being in front of her. She stopped caring whether she lived or died in the process.

But even as she gathered herself to strike, the angered sprite could see the black and red readings of another armor in more desperate need, and the shroud of anger was interrupted. Torn between attacking the hated thing in front of her, or rushing to assist her dying comrade, Yuzuki attempted to piece together what little she knew about combat with what bits she had seen of the fight that had led to her incapacitation and the staggered transmissions that she could receive from the embattled Nimura's armor. From what Yuzuki could tell, whatever she decided, there wasn't much time, or hope.

If she attempted to save Nimura...

Kai could defend himself with an expertise far superior to Yuzuki's; so could the others who were waking up. Any doubt as to her eventual choice disappeared when Yuzuki's HUD pinged, and shortly after she saw the contacts breaking off, heading closer from where they had been engaging Nimura down the corridor. Probably to deal with the people who were just waking up. There could be no other reason; Nimura was still alive. Gaining her feet in a sudden burst of determination, Yuzuki went airborn and charged. Switching to her 50mm, which she hadn't fired once over the course of the entire mission, Yuzuki painted her three oncoming targets. The Mishhuvurthyar were in her way.

Yuzuki was piloting a fully armed and armored Daisy armor that had barely even been scratched by the journey here. Now, she was facing enemies that had been worn out by her sister Nimura - and she was going to punch through them, or at least slip by them without being too terribly mauled. Even as a novice, she felt her chances were pretty good.

Activating her armor's stealth and beginning a wild, erratic pattern of ups, downs, and sideways' born of nothing more than fevered desperation, Yuzuki opened fire. She was going to get past these armors, and destroy the fourth, if she had to shoulder past them physically and run roughshod over their stupid corpses.

The one attacking Nimura was going to die; Yuzuki was going to kill it. The three armors in front of her were going to die; she didn't know how, but it would happen. Then, somehow, Melisson was going to suffer for what she was doing.

Die. Die. Die!
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