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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 5, Part 2: The Fight For The Lost

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Kai woke up. His immediate view was one of the floor, but his HUD informed him of an approaching Mishhu elite. Like this, he wasn't in a good position to fight, however, he could change that very quickly. Apologizing to his midsection for the maneuver he was about to execute, Kai boosted the gravimetric engines in his legs, making them shoot his legs upward off the ground, and when he was high enough, he twisted his body around and thrusted forward, changing his orientation through the complex motion to face his enemies, plasma rifle already blazing while a couple of mini-missiles burst forth from his leg packs.

The Yamataian hung in the air, keeping focus on the nearest enemy, asking his AIES to find the next one and ready to face it if and when the current target went down.
Cherry blossom petals drifted in Yamatai's spring air and the shone shone merrily in the blue sky.

The Star Army four-wheeler came to a stop before the gates of the Samurai House. This was to be Nyton's scond visit at Kotori's side since back when he and his princess had visited the place just shy of Miharu's subsequent attack on Bowhordia.

Now, they were back. Eve was defeated, her plans torn to shreds, and Kotori had mustered the courage to go and visit her mother - though 'confrontation' might have been a better word for it. After the way Kôsuka had left them last time, Kotori was visiting more by obligation than because she really wanted to.

The wary Nyton exited the car first. Clad his in Rosenthal-bought bodyguard clothes, he cast an alert look around - the vigilance all the more important due to his Yamataian body's lack of cybernetics - and then walked to the other side of the vehicle to open the door for Kotori.

The adopted Ketsurui princess emerged from the car, smoothing the folds of her pale colored kimono before smiling her thanks to him - she was more than a little grateful for him delaying his return to Nepleslia to help her confront her mother again. Something seemed to spark her attention and then, smiling in amusement, she reached out for Nyton's shoulder.

Gently, she plucked an errant cherry blossom petal from his otherwise impeccable attire.

Then all of a sudden, blood sprayed in Nyton's face, the sensation accompanied with the late recollection of having heard the subsonic shriek of a railgun weapon. Well trained reflexes had him crouch for cover, making a grab at Kotori to drag her to relative safety with him...

...only to realize that the only thing remaining of Kotori's head was her lower jaw. The rest had turned up redecorating the pavement with gore.

It was over. She was dead. He never even had a chance to appropriately defend her - the assassin had no doubt gone by in a stealthed power armor and used a sniping weapon (probably the LASR Mk. II) to take her out. He might even be next; unless the assassin had decided to not take chances and flee while it was ahead either through teleportation or thermoptic stealth.

But, would Kikyô really chance leaving him alive?

Nyton shuddered at the horror of the loss. He knew he was likely in danger and his enemy would not let him breath and yet he could not move. His hands trembled as he touched Kotori's jaw where her skull had once been.

How!? I was so sure-! The scans-!! Nyton thought in near panic. He felt his insides churn at so much loss when something blinked in his mind's eye. Why do I feel like I have felt this so recently? In an instant images associated with heart wrenching pain came to the fore.

"Welcome home father!"

"Nyton, we missed you so much."

"Y'drich, I wish to share your journey."

The images were disorienting to the man and at a time when his senses needed to be alert. He argued with himself until realization dawned on him. He then slammed his fist into the door of the car. I'm still in the dream!

Before Nyton could ponder further, his other self materialized in front of him.

"Good thing you realized that sooner this time. Nyton, we have a serious problem." the Memory Nyton said.

The Dreaming Nyton let out a breath. "How much worse can it get?"

Memory Nyton opened up a window and displayed the scene. It was a scene looking from the floor up only this time Melisson was very close and reaching towards him with her hand. Then something stopped her hand and she bore a slightly confused expression.

"She's after me." Memory Nyton informed.

"How can you tell?" Dream Nyton asked.

"I studied the data from Arethusa. What I can understand from my limited viewpoint is that Melisson tried to phase herself through to grab something. I don't know what stopped her exactly but see how she's withdrawn herself. Plus we're the only one that she is paying attention to." Memory Nyton reviewed, assuming their thinking position.

"Hmmm, that does make some sense. Or maybe I'm just the closest one for her to kill." Dream Nyton proposed.

"If she wanted to kill us she could have just run us through or something. No, she's trying to play with something and I think that something is me." Memory Nyton suggested.

"Could she actually consider you a threat?" Dream Nyton queried, also assuming the thinking pose.

"We are the only one with a memory chip." Memory Nyton stated. The scene in the view then changed and Melisson turned away from them, obviously infuriated. Memory Nyton then processed more data and brought up another window. "Kai, Kyou, and Yuzuki are awake! Their suits are registering consciousness!"

"And Melisson is turned around." Dream Nyton hissed through his teeth. At this point the image on the screen slowed down and they resumed existing in dream time.

"If I could take control of your body independently from you then I would draw our ASP and shoot her before she notices." Memory Nyton declared.

"But we've just barely begun to tap into giving you primary motor control functions in the case of my incapacitation." Dream Nyton stated.

"True but remember our cybernetic programs. Our original brain had all the established hard wires for activating the ADN and using your cybernetic left arm in case of psionic attack. When we transferred into the Yamataian brain all the programmed routes were still in place. Even moreso since this brain's digital interface allowed us to better synchronize us together. This body is more machine than our original." Memory Nyton pointed out.

"Then if all the original programming is still intact you can control my left arm even without it being cybernetic. You could use it as though I were sleep walking." Dream Nyton concluded.

"Almost. Melisson has severely usurped our body so it is going to take a lot of physiological stimulus to give us even a few seconds of control." Memory Nyton said.

Memory Nyton looked at Dream Nyton's left arm and vice versa. It was then that an idea sparked between the two of them. "We need adrenaline. Lots of adrenaline." they said in unison.

"There is only one way to get the adrenaline necessary for this kind of attempt." Dream Nyton said.

"And then, even if I can use your left arm it will be like trying to fire an uncalibrated artillery piece with few coordinates and only one shell." Memory Nyton added.

"But she's not far away at all. Plus she's distracted. We have a chance. Arethusa can only operate defensively without me so we have to try to make this shot." Dream Nyton said.

"Alright then, we agree. Locke's Socks, Nyton." Memory Nyton said with a sly grin.

"We are me. Go get to work and stand by." Dream Nyton said while he grinned back.

"I'll be in touch. Good luck." Memory Nyton then said before vanishing.

With the second Nyton gone, the one remaining looked around. No more sniper fire had come since the initial round took Kotori's life. Even though he knew this was a dream it still pained him to see Kotori's dead form.

"......failed me...."

Nyton's breath began to grow shallow as his heart began to beat. He knew that voice. It was faint but familiar. With all the courage he could muster, and even then he still felt like a small child, he looked down over to Kotori. The dead Nekovalkyrja began to twitch.

"..ou failed me...."

With wide eyes the man saw that her head was no longer missing. Her hair was a tangled mass, horrid and wiry instead of the smooth polish it normally was. It was twisting around now at an odd angle. Even more odd because it turned like an owl's head, completely around unnaturally. His heart pounded harder as he saw her face was stretched out with horrible teeth and a scaly tongue that seemed to lash about like a lizard. Her eyes were dark and bleeding a black putrid liquid that appeared gruesome.

"You FAILED ME!!" the Kotori demon hissed. With that shout she then reached out with her hand and clawed at Nyton. He pulled away just in time to avoid another shot from the sniper rifle. Fear was gnawing at him and there was only one thing he could do when faced with this monster.

Nyton ran.

He ran into the nearby woods, avoiding another shot from the sniper. He had no idea whether the nightmare Kotori would follow or could chase him but he did not care. He just ran.

"You faaaaailed meeeeeeeee......!"

The taunting howl was distant but to Nyton it could have been directly behind him. He ran harder. It was then that the woods broke and he found a house. For some reason he felt it was familiar so he ran towards it. Grabbing the door he opened it and threw himself inside. He slammed the door and looked around, afraid the monster had beat him to the house.

"Father is home!"

"Oh Nyton, you're home!"

For a split second there was a joyous relief in Nyton's heart. My family! he thought, rushing over to see them-

A pale shriveled rendition of the dream family. Odessa and Hinoto were bony zombie like beings, their eyes gone and bleeding the same black substance the nightmare Kotori did. Odessa stood up from the floor and shambled over towards him while Hinoto staggered over from the kitchen.

"Father, we missed you...." Odessa said, her voice raspy now, like dry paper.

"You were gone so long, Nyton..." Hinoto declared, her voice also a dry twig.

Nyton shook his head in horror at seeing his dream family in this state. Immediately he began trying to escape, find another door, not the one he came from, that led to Kotori. He needed another avenue-!

"What's the matter father, don't you love me anymore?" asked the nightmare Odessa before she closed in and tried to bite him. Nyton narrowly cleared her and ran for the back door, shoving the nightmare Hinoto out of his way.

"Nyton! Is that anyway to treat your WIFE!?" Hinoto protested as she was forced aside.

Running as though his life depended on it, he passed by several windows. More sniper fire came through, narrowly avoided as he crashed into the back door.

"Aren't we GOOD ENOUGH for you!?" the nightmares cried out as Nyton fell through into another place. It was an empty hallway, dimly lit and familiar. Nyton did not look around but ran farther down the hall into a ruined locker room. The Claymere Arms locker room.

Nyton licked his lips in expectant terror as he looked around for any signs of movement. Cautiously he stepped forward when he realized he was wearing his old combat suit again. When he looked up he could see a familiar person standing in front of the mirror.

"You know Nyton, I used to be very pretty."

"Minerva...." Nyton gasped.

"Oh you remember? Yes I guess you should." Minerva replied as she brought a hand up to her face. She was covered in blood again, fully dressed in her combat suit. Nyton couldn't see her face but he knew something horrible was standing there. "Don't you want to see me? Maybe have another go? I'm aaaaaaall bloody and hot, just for you...."

All Nyton wanted to do was leave but he found it hard to move quickly. It became harder when Minerva turned around and showed her face. She was missing the left side of her face. It had been blown off and a huge gaping hole was in it's place. Her hair seemed to form around to cover it and that same black ichor was flowing out from the wound. Her right eye was normal but it rolled about uncontrollably. Before Nyton could move, the nightmare Minerva charged him and pinned him to the wall.

"I'm bleeding Nyton. There's sooooo much blood. Dont you find me sexy now?" Minerva taunted. "I'm bleeding because I died protecting your father. Where were you when I died Nyton? Banging some nekovalkyrja cadets at basic? Couldn't handle it with an older woman so you decided to find someone younger. Like a few years old? Maybe a few months? Is that it?" she said with a hint of rage. The blood from her many wounds was pouring out onto Nyton's body and he protested.

"Where were you Nyton? I saved your life, you know that? You know that? I saved your wretched little crying ass and you couldn't do the same thing for me. I should have left you to die there Nyton. Just bleeeeed right out and die like the little pig you are." Minerva said.

Nyton shook his head and shoved her off of him. Minerva tripped on the bench behind her and fell giving Nyton the opening to run away. He continued to run, reaching the door and throwing it open to escape.

"Why couldn't you be there for me!? You OWE me Nyton!"

Nyton found himself out on the Nepleslian street full of people bustling about. He was dressed in his old jeans and t-shirt now. The grimy sneakers were uncomfortable as he ran to get away from the monster in the locker room. For all he knew there were more monsters coming for him. Nyton rounded a corner-

"So the prodigal son has returned?"

A strong arm was held out and clothes lined him. Nyton's neck was caught and he fell down, choking in pain. Still coughing Nyton looked up and saw his father Anthony. Sort of.

"Hey kid. What's the matter? Don't recognize your old man you piece of shit." Anthony said. He was covered in needles. Drug needles. From every piercing the pitch black ooze trickled out just as it did from his sunken eyes and the hole in his chest where his heart would be. "Yeah, its me. Remember kid, I'm just as much a part of you. Except you're a part of me I can do without. Little ungrateful shit. You think so much more of your grandfather than you do me. I know you do. I hated you from the day you were born. All you ever were was a distraction to my work. And then you go and fawn over that metal junk heap while MY work puts food on the table and clothes on our backs and BULLETS in the GUNS you love to use!"

Anthony then kicked Nyton in the face before he could stand up. Nyton fell away and rolled about, clutching his face before groggily standing up. Anthony moved in to attack again but Nyton had recovered more than he let on. Nyton then shoulder slammed his father into the building before pulling away and running.

"That's right! You run, you little cat lover! You'll never be a real Nepleslian! You're a cat lover! A fraud Nepleslian cat loveeeeeerrrrrrrrrr!" Anthony shouted.

As Nyton ran there were more reports from the sniper as he narrowly avoided getting hit again. Panic had almost gripped him and so he ran harder until he saw a door. It was a door, any door, just had to get to the door, the door the door the door! Nyton ran through and crashed again inside a room.

His living room. Nyton breathed heavily as he looked around and realized he was home. He was dressed in his clothes for being home. It felt comfortable.

"Ny, you're just in time for dinner. Come to the table, dear." Celine called out to him.

Logic should have warned him but there was none right now. All that had happened left him confused and terrified. Hearing his mother's voice brought peace until he stepped into the dining room.

"We have lots and looooooooots of food to eat Ny. Come to the table." chided Celine. Her face was missing chunks of flesh, peeled away as though by a knife but her eyes poured the same black nightmare he had encountered earlier. Her hands were long gangly talons and she grinned at him.

"Yes soooo much food. Food that I make. I make food and feed you and make food and heal you and feed you and clean after you because that is my life now. No I can't be a warrior now. I have kids to take care of. Little parasites who kept me from my dreams. If not for you and my grandfather I could have been a warrior Ny. I would have been better than you but you would never know that. You can hardly appreciate how much I sacrificed for you. Oh no of course not. You selfish child." ranted Celine, edging towards Nyton.

Nyton stepped back, his breathing picking up again before he tore off at a run down the hall. He reached a door and ran into the room before slamming it behind him.

"Oh, big brother. You're here."

Nyton turned around and saw his brother Nellis sitting at his desk. He was reading a book as usual.

"Or should I say no brother. It's not like you're ever here. I'm all alone just here doing my thing. You said you would teach me stuff. I guess you only cared about yourself and being some big shot strategist or something." Nellis taunted.

Nyton shook his head and tried to push the image out of his head.

Nellis turned around. A huge hole was visible in his forehead and the brains oozed out while the black fluid poured out. The young boy threw a book at Nyton which caught him in the face. Nyton flinched and held his face before Nellis banged his knee with a metal bat.

"That's for not being here, no brother! I hate you! You only think about yourself and your crew like they could take my place. I hate you!" shouted Nellis before hitting Nyton with the bat again. The door then opened and revealed Celine creeping in.

"Ny, play nicely with your brother. Or I will have to punish you....."

Nyton screamed in fear and pain before he shoved away Nellis and ran for the window. He threw himself into the glass and it crashed as he fell through into nothingness.

"You abandoned your family Nyton!" shouted Celine and Nellis.

Nyton crashed into the hard concrete floor of an old building. It was full of holes from gunfire and explosions. He was wearing his old combat suit again. But for all the supposed weapons on it there was no security. Only fear. He breathed harder, his heart pounding in terror.

"What's the matter you little pussy? Didn't I teach you how to have some balls or did you fail THAT lesson too!?"

Nyton began to tremble as he heard a metal pinging noise. It was getting closer as it approached from the shadows. He didn't want to look at this monster. He really didn't want to look at it.

"You're just a frightened little baby. Why did I bother to waste my time TEACHING you everything I knew just to have you pissing in your panties." Thomas declared as he emerged from the shadow. Black fluid was pouring out from every joint in the cybernetic man's body.

"Maybe I'll just correct that mistake now and put you out of your misery instead. Would you like that? Better then being afraid all the time, isn't it?" Thomas said. Nyton began to gasp for air as he stood up and began to run. "Oh running now? Little sissy boy!"

Nyton could not even comprehend the speed of his grandfather. He was too fast. Nyton was grabbed and tossed into a wall. The impact jarred him almost as much as the terror he was gripped by. He thought his heart would burst out of his chest at this rate. "Just gettin' warmed up boy."

Nyton felt his leg grabbed and then got tossed again like a rag doll. He crashed into the wall and fell down to the floor. By a stroke of luck the floor gave way and he fell down further, away from his nightmare grandfather. The impact hurt but his fear made him get up and run.

So he ran. And ran. And ran.

When Nyton stopped he was in an alley. For all he knew the alley was the only thing that existed. Color had practically drained out of the world and melted into light and shadow.

"Nyton, help me!"

It was a child's voice. Familiar. Have to run. Nyton ran.

Searching for the source, Nyton ran harder to find who was calling him. The boy was young and he could recall exactly who it was. Nyton emerged from the alley to see a tattered old man, intoxicated and out of his wits. His old clothes were dirty and he wrestled with a young boy.

"Nyton, don't just stand there! Help me, please!"

The man held a knife. He was trying to stab the boy.

Charlie. Charlie Peterson. Chappy.

Nyton raised his gun and aimed it at the man. The shot was easy. It was close. The man was not skilled just big. Just shoot him. Shoot him. But it wasn't easy. The trigger wouldn't move. Nyton's finger pulled as hard as it could be there was no response. It was like the gun was made of stone. Please, shoot him. Shoot him! Shoot shoot shoot shoot! Just SHOOT already!!

The struggle to shoot went on until finally the man stabbed Chappy through the chest with the knife. Chappy screamed in pain as the blade went into his body and through his heart. The scream was silenced only by the gunshot. The bullet traveled and hit the man square in the face. He fell back dead but Nyton knew it was too late. He rushed to the boy who was still struggling to breath.

"Nyton..... help me.... help me...." Chappy forced out as his breathing shallowed.

"No no, Chappy, I'm sorry I can't do anything. You're the medic. How do I help the medic? What do we do if the medic goes down!?" Nyton said in panic. And then Chappy breathed his last.

Nyton couldn't think clearly. All he knew was that he needed help and he needed it now to save his friend. With all his might he then began to shout. "MEDIC!! PLEASE MEDIC!!!!"

It was all in vain though. Just as before. His childhood friend had died and all the grown up Nyton could think to do was to shout for a medic just as he had done when he was a boy. Nyton stopped shouting and looked down to see Chappy's body, pouring out black fluid.

"You let me die, Nyton. This was all your fault. You let me DIE!" accused Chappy, dead but now alive. The knife in his hand.

Nyton scurried back in fear of his undead friend. Chappy swung the knife around. "You were supposed to watch my back, Nyton. I would fix you up and you kept me safe. But you couldn't do it so I died. I DIED AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"

Nyton shook his head and stood up. He then turned around and ran away, down the alley again as though it would take him to some sort of safety. As he ran he began to hear familiar taunts trickling in as though carried by the wind. That is what he wanted to tell himself but in fact they were in his head.

"You faaaaaaaailed meeeeeee....."


"Terrible child...."

"Ruined my lifffffffffe...."

"Never there for meeeeee......"

"Let me diiiiiiiiiieeeeee....."

Raising his hands to his ears to try and shut them out he failed to notice a red tracer dot lining up on his body. It tracked him until it finally located it's target. A hollow gunshot rang out and Nyton fell to the concrete pavement. The first sensation he noticed was that it was cold. This was followed by the pain in his leg. Sitting up, he took stock of his situation. He had been shot in the right leg.

"Stop running coward."

Nyton's blood froze as he heard it. Footsteps. They were not far. How had he missed it?

"What are you so afraid of? Death? Losing? Failure? Loneliness?"

Nyton was panting as he looked over to the source of the voice. So tired of running but too scared to stop. Now he did not see to have much of a choice.

"Now are you going to look at me?"

Nyton looked at the shadow. It carried a high powered sniper rifle and was dressed in a black suit. It's face was emotionless and chiseled. It's voice was hollow and empty.

It was himself.

"No, not ready... I don't want to... I don't HAVE to!" Nyton protested.

The nightmares he had been running from were all gathered around him now. Each of them bled horribly profuse amounts of dark fluid now. All of them looked at him with so much contempt. The first one that moves is Thomas, gripping Nyton by the right arm and picking him up until he is face to face with the cybernetic man.

"What are you runnin' from, boy?" the nightmare Thomas asked, a spewing of black fluid spilling onto Nyton's arm, sickening him by the touch. Fear rushed into him until it touched a pit that was deep inside him.

"You really want to know?" Nyton replied with all the bitterness that was creeping up from that pit. "I'm tired of trying to be like you! You molded me, trained me, made me into a little version of you. You took my childhood, I couldn't play like a regular kid, it was always train, train, train, train, train! Up in the morning all the time, exercise, discipline, learning stuff, just so I could take the place of all the family members you lost because you were so stubborn. Sometimes I just wanted to sleep in! Sometimes I just wanted to play and go to school like the other kids but you just couldn't let me live my life, could you? Now all I do is try to be just like you because it's all I know how to be!" Nyton shouted and he pulled his left leg up to nightmare Thomas's chest. With a push he forced his arm out of the spectre's grip and landed on the pavement.

No sooner did Nyton land then Anthony rushed up and kicked him in the face. Before he fell to the ground the horror grabbed him by the collar and picked him up. "What are you running from kid?"

Nyton glared daggers at his fake father. "All you ever showed me was how to be a cold hearted jack ass! You never spent time with me unless it was convenient for you. It was always work and business and protecting your precious business! I hated your business and I hate you!" Nyton planted his feet, grabbed Anthony's shirt and head butted him away.

Sharp fiery pain filled Nyton's back as he was scratched by the talons of his nightmare mother. She grinned with cold contempt at him. "What are you running from, Ny?"

Nyton let out a gasp before looking at Celine with anger. "If I'm such an inconvenience to you then why don't you just go away? I'm so tired of feeling guilty for myself. Like it's all my fault that you had to throw away your precious dreams. You chose to listen to grandfather, you chose to marry pops, you chose your life. So stop making me feel GUILTY for it!" he shouted back before kicking Celine in the stomach.

Just then Nellis struck Nyton with his bat, bringing him down to his knees. "What are you running from, big brother?"

Nyton grit his teeth as he looked at his little nightmare brother. "You lucky little brat, you had no idea how jealous you made me. Always safe at home, playing all day, going to school, having friends and sleepovers. You got to be a kid while I was out in the battlefield murdering other kids. You make me sick telling me that you had a tiring day while I was recovering from shrapnel and knife wounds. I don't want to see your smug little face!" he shouted and then grabbed the boy, tossing him away as far as he possibly could.

Minerva flipped Nyton over before landing a hard kick to his crotch. "What are you running from, lover?"

Tears welled in Nyton's eyes as he grimaced through the intense pain in his groin, curling up for a moment before forcing himself to look at her. "Why did you have to die? You think you were the only one who felt abandoned? Betrayed? You died protecting pops but did he appreciate it? The worst part was you didn't even HAVE to push him, the damn sniper missed. If you hadn't moved to him you wouldn't have been hit and you would still be alive. You think I was having fun resisting all those nekos in basic? Besides why didn't you tell me you had gotten pregnant!? I didn't even know if it was MINE!" he growled before stretching out his legs to wrap around Minerva's leg. Twisting his body, he brought the ghastly woman down to the ground. Hopping up onto his feet he then kicked her in the stomach like a soccer ball, rolling her away from him.

A sharp fiery pain struck Nyton in his already wounded leg and he collapsed again. Chappy had stabbed him. "What are you running away from, chum?"

Another growl escaped Nyton as he forced himself back up to his knees. "I'm tired of you haunting me, Chappy. I was just a kid when you died. I never killed anyone before. Didn't you think I was scared too!? I don't want to feel guilty for you anymore. I just want you to go AWAY!" he screamed before grabbing the fist holding the knife and turning it around to drive it back into the original victim. Nyton then picked up the boy and threw him, much like he had thrown his brother earlier.

While Nyton's arm is outstretched it gets grabbed. The brittle looking clawed hands of Odessa took hold of him before she began to bite down on it. After tearing a couple chunks from his arm he falls away. "What are you running away from, father?"

Nyton's heart felt as though it were turning to ice but it was a burning cold. He spat and pushed himself backward with his tired and injured legs. "You're not real. No matter how much I wish it you're not real. But even if you were I wouldn't deserve to have children. I can't! Not after all the killing and the cruelty and the death I've committed. I-I'm just not worthy." he said as tears edged into his eyes. Grabbing Odessa, Nyton pulled her to him and slammed her on the ground before throwing her. "So just get out of my sight!"

Nyton then felt teeth biting down and tearing into his shoulder, this time from the nightmare Hinoto. She chews on him while he tries to get her to let go but her claws are around his chest. "What are you running away from, Nyton?"

Enduring the intense pain of being bitten Nyton gasped and grit his teeth. "Y-you killed me, Hinoto. Did you think I didn't want to make you pay? Didn't you think about how much I wanted to wipe that smug look on your little face after I had revived the first time? You smarmy little bitch, I swore when this mission was over I was going to beat you down. I would prove to you who was better! You thought you were so clever killing me by using the whole fucking ship against me! I wanted to teach you just how uncomfortable a knife to the skull feels!" The man then grabbed Hinoto's head and leaned his body forward, using the leverage to help him flip her over and crash into the pavement. While on the floor he began to stomp on the twitching monster.

"You think I didn't feel betrayed!? I loved you! I wanted nothing more than to come out of this mission alive and be with you! Even if you didn't feel the same I thought there was a chance! I told you what I loved about you! Your strength! Your spirit! Your intelligence! Your passion and emotions! Those reasons were real! They were always there! Melisson didn't have to make anything up, all she did was make me take my eyes off of Kotori long enough for me to realize those feelings were there! And then you fucking killed me and all I could feel was so much hate and anger and you didn't even stop to think about it. You just went on your happy smug little way because you don't care! If that's the way it is then fine! Go to hell!"

With that final demand Nyton then stomped Hinoto's head before kicking her away and into the shadows. Just then he felt his neck in the grip of an invisible force that began choking the life out of him. The power behind it was so strong that he was brought to his knees. Fighting to control himself he then looked over and saw nightmare Kotori, glaring at him through the black filth in her eyes. After holding his breath for what felt like eternity he was released where he collapsed to his hands and knees.

"What are you running from, Nyton?"

Vomit rushed forth from Nyton's mouth, urged on from within his stomach. There was blood mixed in with it along with traces of the black fluid. Coughing and choking on this, the man thought his mind had snapped. His body was so tired even while his heart was pumping faster than ever. "I.... I knew you had issues... I was willing to wait for you to resolve them.... hell I was content to serve you and just be your friend if that was all we could be... but I just wasn't good enough was it? I try to be a good friend who was willing to listen and hear you out without judging..." he gasped before cold bitter rage filled him.

"But it just didn't matter to you! It was always 'Yukari' who you cried out to. 'Oh please Yukari hold me!' 'Oh Yukari I know you're with Tom and but please come back and comfort me!' 'Yukari, play your little instrument for me!' Not me, nooooo never Nyton. Never mind I willingly listened to you, dropped everything to spend time with you, offered everything I had to you, would have gladly laid down my life for you. It was STILL Yukari you reached out to and wanted to be with. You think I didn't feel slighted? Maybe just a little jealous? I knew you two had relations before so I just figured it was a hold over from that time. But you weren't even giving me a chance! No matter what I did it was like you just couldn't catch a clue how I felt for you. I loved you Kotori but I knew you weren't ready for that and I would've waited. But more and more you kept giving me reasons not to even bother!" The angry 'confession' gave Nyton the strength to stand up now.

"So maybe I don't want you anymore. Maybe I should just go latch on to Hinoto if I don't end up killing her. She wasn't some 'second place' runner up prize you know. All the things I loved about her were what I loved about you! But you were just too busy being hung up on how you weren't 'human' and finding comfort in Yukari that you didn't notice." Nyton shouted, staggering closer to the Kotori in front of him who wasn't even moving. He finally staggered close enough to grip Kotori by the shoulders and stare at her inhuman face.

"You think I didn't want you to kiss me that evening? You think I it was easy turning you down when you offered yourself to me? It was all I ever wanted but I didn't want just some night! Some moment! I knew you weren't ready so I told you to follow your heart without feeling compelled beyond that. You sure put up a nice little sincere act then because I thought I had moved you. At least enough to let me in and be your friend! Maybe I should've just taken the sex instead because that's what seems to get your attention even LONG after its over. Maybe that's why you pine for Yukari." Now Nyton was clenching his fingers and digging them into Kotori's shoulders.

"I never judged you, your powers, or the fact you were trapped in a body you considered made you a monster. I would've done everything to make you as close to human as I could. But now-" Nyton sunk his fingers into Kotori's shoulders, "I just don't give a flying FUCK about it! Just go away and stop hurting me dammit! You won't let me in? Fine you can have all the space to chase Yukari with. I won't let you in ANYMORE!"

With that last shout of spite Nyton rushed forward and slammed Kotori into the wall behind her. He slammed her again and again before releasing his grip and turning her around to face the wall. He then shoved her into it again before grabbing her by the neck. Pulling her down he then raised his knee and broke her back over it before throwing her away from him. Falling to his knees he panted and looked at his hands covered in the black liquid. He felt a trickle on his face and reached up only to find more of the fluid. Then he realized what it was and why it felt so poisonous to him.

It was his own hate.

The shadow Nyton walked up to him. "What are you running from?"

Nyton pounded his fists on the pavement in frustration. "I don't want to feel this!"


"Because it's wrong, dammit! I don't want to because then that means I have to admit that I AM just a petty man filled with hatred and guilt and jealousy and spite. I don't want to feel this way! Not even for a second! I know it's just being selfish or unrealistic but I can't help to feel this way sometimes. I should be better than this! I HAVE to be!"

"So you can be more than a human?" the shadow inquired.

"No, so I can be like you! Strong and unmovable and in control of myself!" Nyton gasped.

"That is cold and empty. That is not life and you know it."

"But its better than feeling ashamed for feeling how I do!" Nyton protested.

"Then you throw out the good with the bad. You cut yourself off from the risk, you cut yourself off from the loss and you cut yourself off from the gain."

"I just want this nightmare to end..." Nyton then moaned.

"It will only play itself out in reality unless you accept everything about yourself you deny."

"But then how will I keep myself from doing the things that I feel like doing when I feel these things?" Nyton whined, feeling defeated now.

"You have to figure that one out. Otherwise it will accumulate and you will find yourself just like this."

Nyton looked around and realized the black fluid was pouring out of him from everywhere. His eyes, his ears, even from his mouth unbidden. It was choking him and Nyton fell to the ground gagging from it. As he lay there rolling in the filth he felt more afraid then ever. Nyton thought he was dying when one more thought managed to cross his mind.

Hurry up and shoot her already!
Kyou's eyes snapped open, her mind quickly trying to catch up with reality as it came smashing it's way back down onto her consciousness, bringing with it the knowledge that unless she moved, moved fast, she wasn't going to be feeling her best (or at least as well as she did now) very shortly. That in mind, she rolled away from the incoming Elite, getting herself up off the floor and returning fire as soon as she could, including missiles as soon as she had a clean shot that didn't involve unloading on herself as well.
He had prepared himself for pain, mentally braced himself for the blinding flash that would signal his descent into oblivion.

He was ready for death... not whatever this was.

Reality broke around him, the walls of his inn and everything around him fragmenting and shattering into shards of glass. Twinkling images of reality rained all around him as he crossed his arms in front of his face.


He opened his mouth to scream, but the banshee was upon him faster than anything he had ever known, clawing at him, thrashing him with an incorporeal form that itself was a walking contradiction.

Claws painlessly tore into his flesh as he burst through the wall of the inn. He tried pushing back but there was nothing to hold onto. He grasped at air that was one moment ice cold, then boiling hot. The ether he grasped at was at once thin and empty but also thick as gelatin.

Images flashed before his eyes, always changing before he could really grasp what they were. Sights accompanied with sensations and smells that blinked in and out at the speed of thought.

A hemosynthetic tank opened in front of his mind's eye. Bright red liquid the color of raven's feathers poured from the image, droplets twisting, forming into smooth strands of glossy hair which rushed into him, pushing him back, dousing him in fragrant shampoo which smelled of Sakura petals and raw salmon.

Reality once again shattered behind him, the air pushing him through time itself, memories he once thought as real as life itself. He had gotten... married?

No... yes? He proposed to Yukari in the bathhouse before their mission and she accepted after they defeated Melisson.



"I have worked too hard, been too tolerant, too accommodating, too conciliatory to allow you to become twisted like that!"

Amidst the flashing images, she saw her. A single frame in the film of his mind.

A whisper.


Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again.

Kotori. Kotori. Kotori. Kotori. Kotori.


Tom fell to his knees, clutching at his head, frantically pawing at his face.

She was here?

Even here?



He opened his mouth to scream once more, but this time he felt something dragging its way out of the pit of his core, clawing from the inside to get out. It thrashed so hard that he fell to his knees under the strain, vomiting black icre as he transformed into the wolf.

It felt like he was splitting in two when suddenly...

...he remembered things. Real things. Things that had happened.
He had shot Melisson... then...

His perspective floated upwards and he saw the wolf below him and the horizon above him. In the sky he saw a power armor laying on the floor, a Daisy.

That was Tom Freeman?

But who, then, was the wolf?

"I don't deserve that hate!"

Thoughts escaped from the wolf that had lunged at Kotori. He tried to muzzled the wolf's mouth, but felt the words spill like water though the cracks of his fingers.

"Our little voyeur makes an appearance... What? You didn't like what you saw? The lives you destroyed in your quest for revenge and power?"

The wolf snarled at Kotori.

"The weight of your ambitions... they crush those beneath you, the 'family' you care so much about. HAH! You know NOTHING about family, and you never will. How could you?

The wolf tensed, murderous intent in its eyes.

"... and you think you don't deserve that hate... Don't make me LAUGH!"
@Black Knights:

Asher started with awareness, lying facefirst on the floor within the protective confines of Shikamaru.

Battle was being waged.

Yuzuki made an erratic charge past a Mishhuvurthyar Elite to attempt to reach Nimura, and her 50mm gauss cannon decided matters for her as one of her shot ripsawed into the enemy in her way. It had not been a center hit - the creature survived - but the copious spurt of blood and shell fragments had the thing reeling and unable to perform a riposte.

Kai won a quick upper hand on the mishhu that was also rushing him, pirouetting up before managing to partly blind his incoming Elite with plasma fire - from which point he scored the Coup the Grace and splattered the creature to twitching bits with two offensive mini-missiles.

Kyou for her part backed away from her enemy's charge with a rolling somersault before loosing two homing mini-missiles that shortly exploded the incoming Elite, her shield reflexively coming her to protect her not only from most of the nearby detonation, but also the rain of steaming gore that quickly ensued.

By the time Yuzuki reached the ramp and gained line-of-sight on Nimura's opponent, it looked like Nimura was still holding her own with potshots of her forearm pulse cannons, while still weaving and dodging around railgun shots. The sprite's face was a mask of blood, but also one of unflinching determination.

Melisson, for her part, did not join in the battle. With no one attacking her, she was taking unhurried steps away from Nyton's prone form toward the center upper ramp... and shortly more Mishhu flew up from the port passage - the one opposite to that the black Knights had entered - bringing into sight four more Elites and a better armored Mishhuvurthyar overseer bearing much deadlier bazooka-sized weapons.

Yuzuki and Nimura saw four more mishhu elites round the corner and start heading up the ramp as well.

"If I cannot have the Yamataians processed, then they are to be destroyed," Melisson ordered her minions. "Kill all of them, even the fallen."

The four down Yuzuki's and Nimura's side started moving up towards them. The four other Elites from the port passage spread toward Kai, Kyou, Asher and Tom - opening fire as they did so. The overseer turned one of its deadly weapons toward Nyton and loosed a rocket that impacted with a lurid explosion against Arethusa, tossing the M8 back like a rag doll. Nyton's power armor not only couldn't fight back despite a memory chip's efforts, but its barrier had also just collapsed from the direct hit.

  • @Tom:
    • "You are not my torment!" Kotori yelled, powdery snow cast aside in her wake as she threw herself at the timber wolf.

      The canine rushed at her in turn, and when they met the wolf proved the better as it pounced aside from Kotori's lunge to then close its fangs jaws around her lower leg. Teeth bit, something satisfyingly akin to flesh tore and with a powerful yank he drove her suspine into the snow.

      Growling with hostility left unleashed, the wolf bore down on her before she could fully recover, brilliant fangs parted as it lunged for her throat. Kotori defended herself in the nick of time, her hands catching the jaws and keeping them parted, away from her pale throat.

      She strained, slobbers of saliva dripping down on her. The muscular wolf forced itself further, paws undelicately stamping down on her, shoving her further into the snow.

      Kotori grit her teeth.

      She was a Valkyrja, one of those whom championed to protect the frailties of mankind. she envied everything Tom was, and yet her universe would not allow her the luxury of being like him. She allowed him his denials of that harsh reality, knowing that despite him being a soldier and thus committed to what he reviled, what he felt was important, in order to keep fighting for the things that mattered.

      Her fingers scrabbled for purchase on the saliva-wet jaws, made more difficult by the wrenching and twisting of the wolf as it sought to lunge closer..

      Yukari was not anyone's possession. She was a person, a wonderful person Kotori had once enjoyed being closer to. Being with Tom was a dream fulfilled for Yukari - and Kotori had ambivalently let Yukari go to Tom, even going so far as clumsily helping it along. She loved Yukari enough to let her go, trusted that Tom would make her happy despite the price of her loneliness. Kotori had few friends - and Yukari was amongst those.

      Arms quivered.

      Kotori liked Tom for being able to have Yukari be happy. Whenever she sent Tom into danger, she feared for his welfare, because there was not just the weight of his life on the line, but also that of Yukari's happiness. Kotori was willing to sacrifice herself if it meant Yukari could be happy.

      Fingers clenched, sinking into flesh, braving teeth as they grabbed harder.

      Did Tom ever understand that? How lenient, well-meaning and how self-sacrificing she had been? Did he ever really understand the extent of her goodwill beyond his selfish perceptions and drama queen-like posturing of his own ideals? She was after all not responsible for him joining the Star Army and committing to being a soldier - that had been his choice, all along. She did not have to assume it for him.

      She showed her teeth in a silent snarl. Her hands pulled the jaws widely taut.

      Kotori had a cause to fight for. Not one that could squarely rest on her slender shoulders, but one her crew helped support the burden of. Tom was part of that crew, and for them - for him - she had done everything possible to do what was right, to try and save the things they collectively cared about. she was tremendously grateful for that support.

      With strength drawn from a well of willpower yet untapped into, Kotori pulled the jaw apart, straining them past endurance.

      Kotori wanted to grow. She was young, and there were things she wanted to have. Her ambition was nothing malicious: she had always merely wanted to ensure she had a safe place - a good place! - to live in and then surround herself with a family of her own. What ambition to reach the pinnacle of rulership in the Empire had ever been only to achieve that. She never even wanted to keep it overlong so much as just achieve it to make the difference.

      The wolf understood the danger and tried to shy back, but he no longer could shake her hold.

      Tom had told her he believed in her. She brought them into hell, with the promise that she would get them out of it. So far, Kotori had done everything in her power to uphold that promise.

      "I have-"

      Tendons stretched past tolerance snapped.


      Flesh tore.

      "-done my best!"

      Kotori separated lower jaw from upper jaw in a final effort, violently tearing the wolf apart on his length. She cast aside each furred halves as if they were vulgar ragged fur pelts to reveal what had been within.

      Tom Freeman.

      She stood up, snow crumbling down from her form that defied the reality manufactured by Melisson's whim. With the horizons of that scenery dimmed, she held the man's eyes. They stared into each other with perfect transparency of what had transpired in Tom's mind - both his thoughts and hers.

      "That will have to be enough, because it is all I have to give. You have never gotten less," the Ketsurui Princess, staring down at him with all the splendor of a bird of prey, told him.

    • Kotori rushed out of the end of the grimmy alley, leave Tom behind has the boundaries of his mind faded for Nyton's. She left him to be a witness, having little time now to save Nyton.

      Her presence coaxed Melisson to summon a defense to her endeavor, a counter also conjured from Nyton Claymere's mind - and what better than to simply let the horde of undead monstrosities shamble to life again.

      Kotori raced to confront them, but there was one thing she needed to do first, to insure Nyton's recovery. As she reached him, instead of rushing past, she instead reached down her legs, brandished from them dream-knives... and drove them into him.

      Blades forged from her will cleaved through Dream-Nyton and with a twist, she tore him asunder until he misted away in shreds of echoing agony - leaving only a Memory Nyton staring.

      Because that was the only Nyton that actually mattered. Nyton had never been divided in consciousness between his memory chip and his own self to the point of dual personalities. In the realm Nyton was in, his memory chip could amount to nothing. But that belief, that excuse, and the experience of prior suffering under Melisson's mind had allowed him to compartimentalize a core of himself, a bulwark of what was essential and what was him to defend himself.

      His belief had been so strong it had even fooled Melisson, and that had protected him. Now, with the bait destroyed, he could realize and thus begin his recovery.

      Then Kotori set upon the nightmares, and with an imagined pair of katanas, she hewed into them, a twisting tempest of fury and barely glimpsed steel.

      Nellis, she cut.
      Minerva, she cut.
      Anthony, she cut.
      Celine, she cut.
      Chappy, she cut.
      Odessa, she cut.
      Hinoto, she cut.
      Herself, she cut.

      With fraying fragments of his torments lying at his feet, she turned to face Nyton with her burning eyes, her dark hair floating about her in a nimbus that threatened to swallow this mind-universe they were in.

      Kotori had never taken anymore than Nyton was willing to provide. she had never expected Nyton to go above and beyond as he did, but she had always appreciated it. Nyton too said he believed in her and saw her as an inspiration, and said he trusted her vision of things that needed to be as enough to reward his faith in her. She had through her efforts always endeavored to prove worthy of his regard.

      But she had never required it of him. Save for the restriction of thier circumstances, Nyton could always have parted ways with her if he did not want to be with her. She had never forced him into anything if it was in her power. She felt grief over the loss of his nepleslian body, knowing how much it meant to him, wishing things would've never forced that price upon him.

      As for love, Kotori had fondness for Nyton. It was something she treasured and valued. Her love was platonic, a love which enjoyed the day-to-day time she shared for him - because she still lived by the creed that 'love was not sharing a bed, it was sharing a life'. If her love and regard for him was not enough, then it wasn't - she could not be anything else than what she was.

      That moment of communion and perfect understanding was broken with the emergence of the full-body cyborg forefather of Nyton's Thomas Claymere. The Nepleslian nightmare surged after Kotori and enveloped her in a bear hug he turned deadly as his grinders whirred to life, flensing away soulstuff from Kotori.

      Kotori wailed in pain, a long drawn out cry that ended abruptly as Thomas resisted her wriggling to escape by grabbing on her head and then with the prodigious strength granted by cybernetic implants, drove her into the nearby brick-and-mortar wall, smashing her in repeatedly, inexorably with the power of a merciless piston.

      Again she nearly slipped his grasp, but somewhere along the line she had lost those blades of hers. It was more than apparent she totally lacked the means to defend herself as he enfolded her again, tighter and more securedly now that he had the upper hand... and his grinders whirred to turn her into so much fleshy mulch.

      Kotori endured, pain etched on her face. So this was what had supported Nyton so much, what Melisson had turned and perverted into a chink in Nyton's armor.

      "These illusions..." she moaned.

      She lacked room. She might only be able to move one hand. It would have to be enough.

      "All your delusions..." She managed out...

      ...before she defied the stark existence of Thomas, by having her fingers go beyond him. With might akin to a lit aetheric blade, she plunged her fingers into the full-conversion cyborg's torso. Then-

      "...I WILL CUT APART!" Kotori howled, her hand forcing its way up in a flash, shearing through Thomas' torso and sending the massive personage falling to shredded bits of Nyton's imagination.

    • Yukari had walked out into a realm of pulsing red. The soil, walls, ceiling were fleshy, the air moist like the fetid breath of some great beast. There was the horrid thrums of beating life that made the sinister surroundings of the guts of a mishhuvurthyar vessel pale by comparison.

      What was more awful of the cavernous place was how the walls bubbled with eyes. A multitude of red-irised orbs that moved, lived and had their gaze bore into her - each from a mind - but all united in predatory ill will toward her.


      She could give the collective presence a name. In doing so, she also had a measure of herself past the previous visions she lived. Understanding them, remembering them, remembering who she was.

      Suzuka Yukari, laying down and helpless in the Shlarvasseroth's observation chamber. Shouldering so many pains, and regrets, and trusts.

      Her environment manifested, personified itself into an humanoid form of twisted flesh, its length intersected with all available space into vertical eyelids holding more of the horrid red eyes.

      Melisson, having cast aside the pretense of beauty as she stalked more directly into Yukari's mind. There was only one reason Melisson was more direct: she intended to cast aside finesse and attack Yukari's mind more directly, and destroy it. Destroy her mind before she could be saved, because Kotori was on the cusp of intervening.

      Yukari could feel it. Kotori had intervened and dived into their minds, wrenching the Black Knights one by one from Melisson's grasp. With more memories of her time as a NH-17T test-type unlocked, Yukari could also name what exactly Kotori was doing: Astral Projection.

      Astral Projection was a rare psionic trick. To her knowledge, there were only two recorded instances of it having been done. One with Kenji Ashigari, and another with Ketsurui Chiharu. Both instances performed after the death of the two individuals.

      But Kotori still lived. She was more than a soul that was not lost and retained purpose.

      ...and Melisson was not going to let Kotori save her, like she had done with the others. The colossal combined will of the 103 minds in Melisson's humanoid form began cruelly tugging as the hems of Yukari's soul and started to stretch it wide akin to it being a yielding silken handkerchief.

      She pulled, and pulled, and pulled until the pull began feeling like unendurable soulsickening torture. She pulled, and Yukari began to fray.

      Flimsy guiding spirit Chiharu could not save her. Frail faith in something that had been outshone by her own Taisa held no power, the eyes claimed. Yukari had little self-esteem and self-worth, they claimed. All Yukari could do now was tear at the seams - she was not worth saving.
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War was happening. It was no longer a dream, it was real, it was there, and the bloody, monstrous urge to paint the blood of his enemies on the walls was coursing through Asher's veins. He didn't need to look up to know what the situation was, he could see, hear, and feel it through the AIES. There was an overseer, big, mean, and good target. Over half a dozen hostiles had their weapons trained on them, and hell was already flying over them. And that was just the first second of his awareness.

He turned his head in the direction of the Overseer, his AIES squared up a lock, and he transmitted that back to his squad mates. As he pushed himself up off the ground, his overpowered barrier shrugging off a few hits as he did so, he locked on the four elites focused on the port section and transmitted that to the squad as well.

"Melisson, you better tighten them thighs up..." said Asher's armor aloud, over it's speaker so that everyone could hear. As he got his foot planted on the ground, his arms were reaching back for his Gauss Launcher, loaded full with six 50mm frangible rounds. "... 'cause if I don' kill you first, I'm gunna' go mishhu on y'ass."

The Malifarian was finally standing, and brought his weapon to bear. He took his assisting aim from his AIES and began emptying his Gauss Cannon clip into the Overseer, while his remaining for offensive missiles fired away from his leg pod, coming down on the intruding elites that he had locked onto previously.
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Kai's AIES recieved a sudden lock on the Overseer, and the Yamataian dropped toward the ground, disengaging from his defeated target and heading for that which Asher had designated. However, the Malifaran seemed to have done a good job on it, and Kai made it a Secondary target, his shoulder cannon pivoting slightly to aim at the larger Mishhu while his plasma rifle spat bursts of flaming fury at the Overseer's underlings. Kai, too, unleashed a storm of Mini-Missiles to add to the Conflagration, sending four at Melisson, and six at the mishhu.

"Looks like she brought some more guests to the tea party." Kai quipped, checking his AIES' 360 vision momentarily to make sure there wasn't anyone behind, while his forearm cannons popped to life and began firing at the same targets as his plasma rifle.
Yuzuki reversed her inertial drive, snapping seamlessly to a halt with a good view of the four oncoming elites, and the damaged elite that Nimura was engaging. Yuzuki was cloaked, as it had occurred to her that the elites may have as much difficulty locating her as the team had suffered through before. It was only a fleeting advantage, but it was one that Yuzuki was going to have to utilize while she had it. But how!

The armor behind her hadn't been completely decommissioned, only temporarily stunned; the four Misshuvurthyar before her would very shortly know where she was, especially if she stayed in one spot for too long. The need for haste impressed itself very firmly on the young Heisho, but she didn't dare move while lining up her shots. They would have to be perfect, and she could hardly accomplish that on the fly.

Quick, cover! she sent to Nimura; a mere nanosecond later Yuzuki interfaced with her armor, which interfaced with the Gauss Bazooka, which transmitted detonation co-ordinates to the 50mm Thermite rounds. She made quick calculations and fired two shots in rapid succession; the first was aimed for the rear of the armor engaging Nimura and would explode once it was within a few feet of that target, and hopefully the body of the Mishhuvurthyar would shield Nimura from the explosion; the other was meant to detonate beyond that target, beyond Nimura, in the path of the oncoming Elites. Hopefully, the 130-or-so kilo's worth of 'boom' would provide enough of a distraction that Nimura could stealth, if her armor were still capable of that, or find some other way to take advantage of the situation.

What then? Well, Yuzuki didn't know, but if anyone could gain an advantage in a melee, it would have to be Nimura. Nimura would know what to do.

Even in her terrible state, as long as the Miharu's ace armor pilot was alive, there was that thread of hope.
Doors opened before him. The wolf that had dominated his mind for so long was ripped to shreds, returning, defeated to the center of his being.

He knew. That monster was deep within him. It had always been. No matter how he hid behind walls of integrity, projected a sense of hospitality and love to those around him, deep inside, that wolf would be watching, waiting.

And he accepted that.

Somehow, instinctively, he felt the blackness of its form distill itself into his entire body, a small familiar shiver coursing through his veins. Certainly, if such hate were to be concentrated once again, as Melisson had done, the kinds of things he did in his nightmares, those twisted interpretations of the world, they would consume him and destroy what he loved.

But that blackness gave him perspective too. To bleach over it, as he had tried before, would only cause the hate to fester, hidden in passive-aggressiveness and stubborn, blind idealism.

He was a drama queen. He always had options at his disposal. But he had always chosen to follow Kotori, to follow Yukari, to follow the rest of the Miharu crew.


Because he believed. He had always believed, but he didn't want to accept it, accept that the belief came with a willingness to do things that compromised his pristine 'integrity.'

That wasn't integrity he was protecting. It was blind stubbornness.

He knew. And she knew too. They had both glimpsed into their respective 'souls' and had all their emotions laid bare.

No barriers. No privacy.

Ultimate truth.

Tom felt himself tremble with humility.

It was enough. It had always been enough.

Now he knew, and so did she. Kotori saw through all the pettiness and hate in Tom, saw the man who toiled in the bowels of Miharu, the man who truly loved his crew, his family on the Miharu.

As she turned to whisk him away, he forced himself to his feet, shaking like a newborn foal.

He would follow Kotori, to the ends of time itself, if he had to.


His mental self stood off in an inaccessible corner as Kotori cleaved through Nyton's nightmares. As she locked eyes with the former Nepleslian, so did Tom. What she shared, those thoughts, he felt as well.

And he knew.

Nyton was human. He always had been.

A silent understanding passed between the two, without an exchange of a single word.

With the passing of the Dream Nyton, the decoy, the Memory Nyton began to wipe over his face, shards of himself flaking off and disappearing. Taking a deep breath he then sharply exhaled, causing a small dust storm of his self to form before fading away to nothing. When the cloud had cleared it was just Nyton standing there, wearing what appeared to be the same uniform he was wearing in the real world.

It felt like waking up from a very long dream. A dream Nyton could remember clearly but a dream nonetheless. The whole time he had been trying to rouse the sleeper when he himself had been sleeping. It had been a clever ruse, one he had not counted on occurring. It had kept him safe but it was all he could do against Melisson.

Then Kotori slew the nightmares that had massed against her. They were shades of darkness in the man. Some had been processed and some still fresh. Shameful bits of a man who was more human than he cared to admit sometimes. Then Kotori looked at him with those fiery eyes and he just knew.

Nyton accepted the place in Kotori’s heart and knew it was where he would be. It was fine but he was human and a man and the flashes of jealousy, while brief and hidden, had existed. It was not so much jealousy to be more than just friends but that his place would be overshadowed by others. Nyton had so few friends growing up and none whom had achieved a place in his heart like Kotori. Despite it having been selfishly foolish to think so, even with his mind matured by the years, the man could not prevent the fear of losing Kotori to someone else from surging. Nyton had endured so much loss that just seeing Kotori rely on others made the fears bubble to the surface. Now through her efforts the fears melted away, relief and assurance restoring his fortitude. Nyton believed in Kotori, belief again renewed by seeing her. The knowledge that she was fighting so savagely against Melisson supported that confidence in her will. He could do no less.

There was no need to mourn the loss of Nyton’s body anymore. The matter had been resolved within Nyton upon waking in the current body he was in. The answer had been within reach the whole time but Nyton had not seen it until after his second death. It was the means which allowed his beloved grandfather to continue despite having lost his own body long ago. He was a full conversion cyborg now. It only made sense to him-

Then Thomas interrupted the connection. The monster was as strong and powerful as Nyton remembered him. The scariest part was that he had never seen him at full strength. Of course Melisson would use him to hurt Kotori, he was the most powerful man Nyton knew and wanted to be. He could hear the grinders, Thomas’s most dreaded weapon, rumbling to be used against Kotori. The grinders were so terrifying that Nyton had never seen his grandfather use them. He had only heard the sound and imagined whatever they could be. All he knew was that it could turn a man into a puddle in seconds. And now his visualization was playing out before him.

But Kotori was stronger and she managed to destroy the nightmare Thomas. Nyton looked upon Kotori after having banished the darkness and could feel the presence of Tom as well. He could more than just feel Tom, he now knew Tom; just as much as Tom knew him.

Tom Freeman was a man from a place so different and yet so much the same as Nepleslia. The harsh winter of Ralt was no less deadly than the streets of Nepleslia. Nyton first thought of Tom as a likable if somewhat soft idealistic fool. Then Tom had proven fortitude again and again which puzzled Nyton while earning trust and respect. Nyton saw Ralt and understood that the strength of will had always been there, it was simply projected differently. Had they been able to spend time completely away from the ship Nyton would have been able to allow himself to show Tom that he too had family and dreams of a peaceful existence. It was an existence that Nyton had not thought himself as deserving.

Nyton had known for some time of Kotori’s desire to raise a family and wanted to help her in any way to achieve this dream; he had only been gone from home for a few months when the news that Minerva had been killed visited him. They had been together for several months before his departure for Star Army basic training. The relationship was one of the few secrets he had ever kept from his family. When he learned she had been pregnant at the time of death he forced himself to believe it may not have been his. He was not only protecting himself from mourning for both her and the child but from the thought that it was what he deserved. He had personally killed so many men, women, and children. Kotori was trapped in a body that could not bear children. Nyton believed he was unworthy of ever having any.

Tom was so popular and beloved by all. Nyton accepted that and knew that was Tom’s place. Nyton was a warrior and there was a place for him. Although he knew the hardened edge was necessary it certainly did not make him very likeable to many. Nyton accepted that and knew it was his place. He at least wanted to be Tom’s friend too. Instead Nyton felt that all he did was push the jovial man away.

Already Kotori had expended so much of her life to bring them this far. She never asked for so much and now she was putting everything her short life had into this. Nyton did not feel owed or indebted. He just wanted to do what was right for someone he thought of dearly. Everything that was his was at her disposal.

Nyton looked at Kotori and Tom and they knew him.
How true, Yukari thought as she felt the tear start to open.

It was across her back. From her left hip to her right shoulder, slowly ripping along her skin. It only was that upper layer, but it hurt more than her mind possibly could deal with.

Pain she deserved.

Pain she earned.

She did not cry out under the gaze of the red eyes. They judged her all too well. With their gaze came stark realities. How she had hurt Kotori betrayed her. Hurt Nyton robbed him. Hurt Tom lied and cheated on him.

Kotori rightly had intervened with the others against Melisson. They were good soldiers, capable warriors without such mental damage. They were people who had not harmed others to get to where they were. They had not stomped their feet to be promoted; they had not clumsily tried to justify potential infidelity. They had not wounded a friend so they could climb the ladder of a Neko's common fantasy of being human.

The tear went deeper.

She recalled everything. Even things better locked away in her Yamataian mind. She understood what she was comfort woman, mindless fleshbot. She understood what she had tried to do become the impossible, defy racial limits. She understood why she had failed machines belong on leashes. All of it was so clear now. Clear as a ruby crystal.

She had lost her way. Melisson, understanding all of her, knowing everything, was trying to guide her back to the right path. Would she not fit in so well inside a Mishhu breeding facility? Chained and naked, always ready to serve just as she was meant to do? It was the right ... fit.

The tear reached her spinal cord.

Yukari saw even Miyoko, supposedly cowardly Miyoko, acting brave and true in protecting Kotori. She was not even a Neko anymore, but she knew her place. A defender to the last. Yukari could not even shoot straight.

No faith would save her now. Chiharu? Melisson by far was more powerful. Real. True. No supposed goddess could intervene on her behalf. Besides, this felt right. True. True.

But what of the others?

One hundred and three eyes bared down on Yukari as the tearing stopped.

Others? She meant nothing to her crew, nothing to her family, sniveling, sentimental, selfish wench that she was —

No. The others. All of them.

The eyes blinked. Many looked at each other, and Melisson's eye-filled body turned to face some of those larger irises, confused. Others?

Beyond this ship. Beyond Miharu. The others.

Melisson peered deeper into Yukari's soul. Deeper through the wound, the damage that was done, and down to what was left. She was not finding it just by looking. Melisson had been letting Yukari do the work she started, but with this stall, she went to Yukari's back, grabbed the edges of the wound, and pulled it wide enough to shove her head inside.


Melisson found a shiny, sparkling thing at the center of Yukari's soul, hanging there like a wind chime from a weak cord, the only thing lighting the solid black where they were. It had been tightly wrapped in various colors of fabric — white and blue, gold and red, brown and black, all with supportive strings of green — that none of its light had escaped. However, Melisson's visions cut the green strings and cast away the lengths of fabric, which lay in a pile at the Interpreter's feet.

The light swayed as a low wind rushed along the ground, over the fabric. the wind carried some of the strings away off into the black.

Others, the wind said, icy cold.

Melisson spun in the direction of the wind, all eyes open, glaring murderous red.


The black took on the slightest blue hue as the wind started again, a little faster. The millions of Nekovalkyrja, Geshrin and Nepleslians who inhabit the Rift. Captured by a natural disaster in space, left to float, dead to all who pined for them. What of them?

Melisson saw the light behind her pulse a tiny bit. The space around her got a little more blue.

The unknown number of Imperial citizens, let alone my sisters, who were brutally murdered by your regine, your Vaaker Talkup? Slaughtered for food, reduced to breeding slaves, experimented on until death or simply killed without reason? What of them?

Another pulse. More blue. It was a light royal color, now. The wind swept away the rags as Melisson's eyes radiated red.

The trillions who have died paying for the sins of so few. Nekovalkyrja, Geshrin, Yamataian, Nepleslian, Elysian, Phodian, Jiyuuan, Mishhuvurthyar — so many who are gone. What of them?

The light was flickering brighter, stretching itself, growing like a star as the blue looked like the sky before the dawn. The wind was constant but gusty, swirling around Melisson as she stood. It was getting warmer.

The innocents who live the lives the warriors cannot? The warriors who fight for those who cannot? What of them?

The light was close to touching Melisson, who stepped back, gaze steady, body tense, eyes narrowed.


The wind cut across the landscape, which was in view. Melisson was atop a kind of high stub of land, with grey-green desert grasses beneath her feet that contrasted the worn, rust red rock that occasionally cropped up. She was on the highest point for dozens of kilometers, but even then she was only a good 30 meters high. The light was breaking the horizon in the distance, no longer touching Melisson, but bathing her in early morning sunlight.

The wind stopped as the light rose up. More than half crossed the horizon when the wind started again, far more furious than before, slashing at all in its path.

What of them, Melisson?

Melisson relaxed and stood firm on the terrain.


Sou ka. The winds were hurricane force, and hot with stirred air and hurling rock and dust away from the steppe and behind Melisson. There were no clouds in the sky, but there were thickets of dust, bending and swirling over the land.

The light rose into mid-morning and stopped. So did the wind.

The ground crunched behind Melisson on the rock. She did not turn, but reshaped her body in the other direction to face Yukari, who rose from a kneel.

"They are lost," Yukari said, in her skirt uniform. "Lost not only to themselves, but to all. Except to me."


"Nekovalkyrja. My species protects." The sun was in Yukari's face, but she did not squint against it, giving her eyes a jewel-like sparkle. "I protect those who are lost."

Yukari looked into the sky, and some of Melisson's eyes followed. A few bright stars still were visible in the face of the morning sun's paleness.

"Masako cannot protect them. She must find her way.

Asher cannot protect them. He is a berserker.

Kyoufuu cannot protect them. She has yet to decide.

Yuzuki cannot protect them. She still must prepare.

Kai cannot protect them. He seeks a different route.

Miyoko cannot protect them. She is on another path.

Tom cannot protect them. He must work to replace them.

Nyton cannot protect them. He must protect Kotori.

Kotori cannot protect them. Her aim must be elsewhere.

No one can protect them, but me."


"Truth," Yukari replied, legs and arms moving into a kind of rigid fighting stance. "You saw it with all of your eyes. I hurt those whom I get close to, even hurt those who try to get close to them. I lost my way for so long, I could no longer find it. I ran from what I was because I feared it. No longer."

The wind started to creep back over the steppe. "Thanks to you, I accept what I am. I accept my destiny, for no one else shall do it for me. When the colonists came to Geshrintall, they were lost. My true creators lent their powers to create my sisters and me, so we could protect those souls until they found their way.

"So it shall be. Until they find their way, I will fight for the lost."

The sun went out. Melisson returned to the black, alone, without light to guide her. She sniffed.

* * *

Then blinked. Her head no longer was buried in Yukari's back. The Neko was before her, as Melisson stood surrounded by her red, orb-like eyes. The squishy, slimy field they stood on was level between them.

When Yukari stood, the wound on her back remained, but it was sewn shut with bright green ribbon. Slack ends curled at her left hip and right shoulder. Her hair was in was in two braids behind her back. Her eyes were wet from tears, but they appeared steady as they took in Melisson.

She held a sword. Not the typical Yamataian sword, but the kind seen in the frozen north — double-edged, triangular, meant to pierce and cut like a needlepoint instead of slash and thrust as a katana. Its handguard was angled down, following the blade's angle to its hilt. The guard itself was a copper color and looked like thick, short wings.

"Hm. I was sure that loud-voice approach would scare you back into place," Melisson said without a mouth.

The sword stayed pointed at the ground. "I do not have to fear you," Yukari said. "You might destroy me, but I will not fear you."

"No?" The eyed form stepped closer, a hand reaching out to an obscene length to touch the slimy wall with its huge glowing eyes. "So the things I said are not true? Your words and psionic visuals aside, my words stand up to scrutiny. You are not a warrior woman. You are not Kotori."

"I am Nekovalkyrja," Yukari said, raising her sword with one hand and pointing it at Melisson. "You are not an Interpreter, but a Pretender, sending others to do what you cannot while you prey on minds and exploit them. You do not have power, only your little playworld, where you reign. But we are not there. We are in my mind."

What was most shaped like Melisson's head shook, and she stepped closer, arm still dragging eye-dotted fingertips along the wall. "You are not as strong as you think you are. Your Vaaker Talkup is bolstered with lies and ignorance, no matter how resilient your convictions are."

"Why do I yet live?"

The eyes blinked in unison — Melisson's and the walls. It cut off the red light of the room a few times. "Your crew, they have their delusions. Kotori even has them, but they're not as zealous as you. But you're not Hanako, reckless and unfocused. It's a kind of religion for you.

"But it doesn't make you powerful. You can do a lot of talking." Melisson was just a meter away. Yukari could see all of the lashes on every eye; barely a centimeter of space existed between any given eye, and some where as big as her hand. "But you can't act. You can't accomplish anything."

"I am NEKOVALKYRJA!" Yukari shouted, taking her sword up in both hands. "I AM A GODDESS! And I will save the lost from your demonic gaze!"

With her sword in both hands, the Nekovalkyrja slashed diagonally upward at Melisson's body, with its eyes staring back at her, reflecting her in their unwavering gaze.

I will not yet perish, she thought as the blade almost reached the Pretender's eyed skin. For I now know my way, and will not waver from it.
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Kotori, Nyton and Tom. They were a river of three, their shared thoughts flowing freely, uninhibited, between them. Nyton poured his confessions into the river, the stark honesty of it all drawing out a reply from the Raltean.

Nyton Claymere. You are like a rock of stability in this chaotic universe. I was such a fool to not appreciate your discipline for what it was. Where I should have respected it as a source of tremendous strength in you and for the Miharu, I instead reviled it as a cruel willingness to do anything to accomplish the mission.

I feared that in you, and my nightmares took hold and twisted you into a monster that you never were.

I'm so sorry. It was not my place to judge you. I knew nothing of the circumstances you came from, the pain you had to fight through to get to where you are now. Compared to you, I am a spoiled child.

I never gave you a chance to be my friend. In my arrogance, I considered you beneath me, a blemish on my pompous integrity. If I knew then what I know now, I would have embraced you with open arms. But I will understand if you refuse my friendship. I do not deserve it.

I am not a God; I cannot pass judgment on your life. But, if given the chance, I would gladly stand by your side and defend you as a good man. A man of honor. For you have already done so much for us on Miharu: being a steadfast leader and a true friend.

You will make a wonderful husband and father someday. I believe it with every fiber of my being.

There was a flash of a grin from him.

"And please do not let your guilt consume you...

...it'll turn you into a mopey drama queen. Dammit! We already have one of those on Miharu!
@Black Knights:

Kai and Asher summoned a firestorm. Even though they were outnumbered, the overkill expense of ammunition stopped their newcomers' offensive cold in a very permanent way.

The Mishhu might have been able to shoot down the incoming mini-missiles with their railguns, but the painful stings of exploding shrapnel from Asher's frangible rounds manages to bite at tender spots and ripped at their bodyarmor. Reeling from that and Kai's plasma shots, the missiles were allowed to home in and impact against them, exploding them into so much gore.

The Overseer, only armed with heavy weapons, could but flail its tentacles in denial and futilely try to dart away before the mini-missiles overtook it in sufficient numbers to end the monster's life.

Meanwhile, Yuzuki lobbed her two thermite rounds to rather spectacular effect. Nimura leapt back in time for the first and the explosion immolated the Mishhu she had fighting, sending the Elite flailing away in agony. It was much the same case with the four others incoming Mishhu down the passage, whom were slammed away with flames inexorably creeping across their chitinous hides.

Hinoto wasn't kidding in her weapon recommendations. Fiery attacks seemed to be really effective even if not immediately fatal.

Not everything went their way though...

Nimura had the opportunity to take advantage of her nearest opponent's misfortune but before she could act on it, she quite spontaneously threw up a copious amount of blood. The sprite doubled over, then erupting into a fit of soggy-sounding coughing that forced her to her knees. Crimson globs of blood were hacked out over the hand she brought to her mouth.

Kyou had been unable to assist. As Kai and Asher reacted to the new threat, the mishhu Yuzuki had half-killed - lying inert and forgotten on the floor - surged up and attacked. Railgun shots, combined with the earlier spray at the entry of the overseer-lead reinforcements, depleted her barrier. The Mishhu lost no time in roping tentacled coils around Kyou as she staggered from the attacks and with one lightning-strike from a tentacle-tipped blade, it pierced down her armored collar and struck deep in the nook of flesh behind her left clavicle.

Kyou found herself enjoying the non-enviable experience of having more than a foot of sharp metal vertically embedded within her ribcage. A human's would've instantly been felled, his heart pierced. Kyou was not human, but calling the injury 'really painful' was a sad understatement... and the Mishhu could still twitch and twist the blade around in her chest's innards.

Kai, for his part, found himself beneficiating directly from Melisson's direct attention. The alien woman simply phased through his missile attack, nonchalantly letting them plow explosively into the ramp she had been standing over as she faded away... only to suddenly be right before Kai as she partly faded into visibility again at the end of an impossibly long leap.

A ghostly hand reached out, passed into the middle of his torso and then Melisson landed a few meters behind him on the floor, turning to eye him as the bug-mishhu she had left in his body also became substancial, an unwelcome volume suddenly vying for space inbetween his stomach and his liver. The small creature began thrashing around as its legs frantically scrabbled through his flesh, slowly heading toward his heartbeat.

The pain he had felt when he got his lung injury had been cake in comparison to the debilitating pain he was feeling now and to top it off, the pressure on his stomach was coaxing out what probably would be an explosive retching of bile.

Melisson eyed them with hooded eyes. "You attack me when you have other things to worry about? Fool." As if on cue, four smoky black Mishhuvurthyar rose from the chamber's floor. The Ghost Mishhu emitted sepulchral roars and floated towards them, their insubstancial tentacles reaching out for them.

  • @Yukari:

    • Yukari's brandished blade dulled and was diminished before reaching its target. Yukari staggered, her sword drooped and her shoulder sagged under enormous pressure.

      Do not get ahead of yourself, Melisson's eyes seemed to tell her as they glared at her in unison. A coming into her own, an epiphany, was still not going to be enough to measure up to Melisson. Ruthlessly, the Infection Queen's proxy hammered its wills against Yukari's single one and it was all she could do but clench her eyes shut tight, grit her teeth, grunt in denial and try to last as long as she could.

      The perception of her surroundings wavered under the duress. Desorientation, akin to a dizziness spell - as if her consciousness was melting and dissolving - had her fall backwards... only to be received by two hands that came behind her, stopping her fall. The hands did more than restore her balance, though: they steadied her mind, sharpened her perception of the horrid place Melisson had turned her mind's image into and Yukari's flagging spirits recovered like the willow tree bending back up once the strong gale was past. Yukari was whole.

      Kotori was behind her, her hands set gently over her shoulderblades for support. Since Tom and Nyton were tagging along, both flanking Yukari in the back, Yukari's perception of Kotori was not the hazy imagined dream creature that did not belong in their visions, but the summed collection of the three's perceptions of the nekovalkyrja Taisa. She was still ephemeral and colorless in a ghostly looking way, but her contours and details were now crisp.

      Kotori's apparition glanced at the patchwork collection of ribbons that had sealed the tears Melisson had done on her. She smiled, recognizing the healing for what it was, and then eyed the grotesque image of Melisson's will.

      "What you have wrought with a single perspective in these mindvistas was impressive, Kotori," Melisson said. "But I will bring this resistance to an end. In direct confrontation, there is no way your single mind - even as gifted as you are - can bear up with my legion of collective thoughts."

      Kotori's eyes narrowed. "You are wrong," She gave the eye-creature a glassy sneer from over Yukari's shoulder. "I did not come in late into this game of yours; I came in fashionably late. You see, while you mentally forced yourself on my crew, I focused my efforts on YOU."

      More than two dozen of Melisson's eyes in sight suddenly flared with fiery colors akin to those Tom and Nyton had seen as Kotori's eyes previously when she rescued them. Startled, Melisson twisted in discomfort as she beheld herself in incredulity.

      "No, not me alone. I had the processing power of thirty-seven of your minds, and I am not giving them back!" Kotori nastily told her enemy.

      Kotori should have been dead, but from Amaya she had learned how to repair herself. Kotori should not have been able to compete mentally against Melisson, but from Amaya she had also learned how to dominate others. Melisson herself had taught her how to do so discreetly... and so, she had won over one bit of Melisson after another, successively helped in turn by her newly slaved minds into helping her net others... all until Kotori's insidious mental attack had swept across more than a third of Melisson's consciousness like poison.

      Kotori did not care for Melisson's Vaaker Takeup. As far as she understood it, the desire to live willingly within the confines of moral restraint was as viable an interpretation of Melisson's creed and amply justified the ways her crew meant to live their lives. It was their choice and they were free to enforce it. Kotori certainly was and if she needed to have her Vaaker Takeup be stronger than Melisson's - if that was what it took - then she would be.

      Kotori's differences with Melisson were simple: she did not like Melisson treating her kind as playthings. As long as Melisson cast shadow over them and was willing to abuse them for her own justification, Kotori had ample reason to cut and defend her own existence as well as that of the things she cared for.

      Kotori was also compelled by her love for her lost home. Miharu had sacrificed everything having faith this struggle was worth it. Everything else aside, 'For Miharu!' alone was a fitting battlecry.

      Her chin lifted. She glared at her opponent and snapped: "Now we finish this!"

      The fleshy nightmarish realm's existence cracked and shattered to pieces.

With a start, Tom, Nyton and Yukari fully regained consciousness. They were back inside Melisson's observation chamber, and there was fighting going on, with ghost mishhuvurthyar menacingly swooping toward their allies.

Melisson's face twisted in displeasure, showing an unappealing view of her shark-like teeth as she snarled. Her expression shortly smoothened into a feral grin, though it did not hide her teeth. "Fine then. Let us end this!" She echoed Kotori, her hands curling into claws.
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Asher jerked his head around as he noticed the casualties they were taking. Kai was now filled with something nasty that he could only imagine felt like getting fornicated in the lung from the insides. The man should have known better to clear the room before engaging a threat like that. Still, it did no good to tell him that. Getting fornicated in the lung wasn't the time to hear 'What were you thinking'. Even Asher knew that. What he didn't know, was how to get that thing dead in his chest without killing him.

Still... Kyou. He didn't need to look at it to see what was happening to her. The AIES saw what everyone saw. So in response, he drew his flamethrower and rolled away, his gravimetric shooting him off the ground and zooming around to bathe the Mishhu assaulting in a quick spray of super-heated plasma, before leaning away and making a sharp turn towards the ghost mishhuvurthyar.

The Malifarian kept a mind to keep his distance, and avoid Melisson until the team could rally and attack. In the meantime, he would try to hold the Ghost's attention as he let loose another hellish blast of plasma at it, trying to be mindful of his distance as his gravimetric drive carried him over the floor.
Kotori gave everyone a chance to survive. It was up to them to use it.

Rin was first on Yukari's mind when she suddenly returned to consciousness, but that went away the moment she saw what happened to Kyou. And Kai. And Nimura. Her AIES gave her good images of their statuses.

Losing again. Dying again. Yukari grasped her revolver as she flew to her feet. Once again, there was no time.

But Yukari took a microsecond to consider. Had anything actually changed because of Melisson's intrusions? She was not sure then, but if they lived, she was sure she would have time to consider it.

"Claymere, keep Melisson occupied! Westwood, focus on the Ghosts! Yuzuki, kill the remaining Elites and help Westwood! Freeman, fire support for Westwood and Yuzuki! Nimura, Gunshin, assist Westwood and Yuzuki if you are able!"

Yukari, for her part, flew over to Kai and grabbed him. Hinoto was feeding her data on what to do about him. She got him out of the way and to a corner of the area.

"Nakamura, open your armor chestplate! I must stun you and the bug to save you!"
There was nothing she could do, and the realization came sharp and bitter. The enemies before her were in flames, scattered and helpless against the 50mm explosive incindiary rounds, but there was no way for her to assist Nimura if the damage had already been done.

Rin, and now Nimura...

The scene behind her came into clearer focus. Things had not all gone perfectly. The enemy she had only grazed was still alive, and had engaged someone behind her. There were enemies coming out of the floor. And Melisson had joined the battle directly. Still under cloak, Yuzuki gave one last physical look at the debilitated Nimura before turning to level the Gauss Bazooka at the new Mishhuvurthyar threat. Behind her, Nimura was as safe as Yuzuki could ever hope to make her under the circumstances. Nimura was tough. The others...

Kyou, and Kai...

Then the orders came from Yukari; the remaining Misshuvurthyar elites...

Yuzuki painted her targets, stabalized her firing position on the crest of the ramp, and fired one more thermite round into the midst of the flaming, debilitated Misshuvurthyar to finish the job started by the first round's impact. Then, she swiveled to bring Kyou and her attacker into her weapons' radius, and began to close the distance, opening fire with both of her armor's forearm pulse cannons.

Would it have worked against an armored enemy? Probably not, but Yuzuki had rather high hopes considering the damage she had already inflicted on this one.
Mindscapes were adjusted and Nyton found they were all carried over into a new perspective. The world was now a hideous mesh of nightmarish flesh. But within the proximity of Kotori's presence, now supporting Yukari, it did not seem so menacing.

Nyton saw and knew that Yukari had been resisting Melisson with all she had. The dreams and torments along with the results of her epiphany echoed in his mind as they all felt revealed before each other.

Nyton was jealous of Yukari for no other reason than his insecurity over Kotori. Despite all logic he feared Kotori would discard him and cling to Yukari. He believed he would be overshadowed and felt threatened. Because of this he harbored an undeserved resentment towards Yukari. It never manifested overtly; it was subtle as it was quietly eating at him and driving him to compete with Yukari.

Nyton had completely concealed these feelings from everyone including himself. He thought that by proving himself better than her he would secure his place in Kotori's life. Instead he had become narrow minded and bitter. While he was justifying his envy with performance he blinded himself to who it was he was attacking.

Yukari was a fellow soldier and a more noble soul than Nyton had realized. She had risked her love and sacrificed humanity for the sake of becoming more effective. This effectiveness was not even just a means to an end but done to better protect others. Protect him even! Then in the depths of despair she had thought of those who no longer had any means of living anymore, the ones who had been lost and claimed by this mad dimension. Her ability to think so far outside of her own microcosm humbled and put him to shame. So many shades of gray had made him forget that there was still pure black and white, actual good and evil.

In settling his own inner demons that blinded him there was realization to just how magnificent a warrior Yukari was. The twisted envy now completely turned on itself; the chasm filled itself up and Nyton's respect for her rose higher than the furthest depths the pit had ever been. Nyton would not doubt Yukari anymore.

Then the dream turned as Kotori shifted the balance of power from Melisson to give them a fighting chance. For the Miharu was fitting indeed as the world around them broke apart and they were free-

There was a jolt as Nyton's body, forcibly asleep before, was now made forcibly awake. His heart jumped at the sensation of being awake and alert.

Three more comrades injured! Four enemy targets half dead! Four fresh targets arrived! Melisson! was the brief synopsis Nyton's mind compiled from the split second glance at his AIES data.

"Claymere, keep Melisson occupied! Westwood, focus on the Ghosts! Yuzuki, kill the remaining Elites and help Westwood! Freeman, fire support for Westwood and Yuzuki! Nimura, Gunshin, assist Westwood and Yuzuki if you are able!"

Orders were given and reactions were being made! The blast from the Overseer had stripped Arethusa of her barrier. But since the time of the blast she already had a standing order during his incapacitation. Defend the fort!

As a result, the impressive regenerative abilities of the barrier system had already brought Arethusa back to nearly full capacity. Along with that the reason why Melisson had been thwarted from acquiring his memory recorder was finally known: the phasing interdiction field.

Keep Melisson occupied? With pleasure! Nyton thought while he fired off a quick text to Hinoto.

4 Ghost Mishhu present! We need an interphasic pulse to solidify them!

The tentacle blades were still in Nyton's hands so he tightened his grip and vectored onto his feet quickly. With graceful urgency, he flew over to land at close range with Melisson, intent on engaging her with nodal and Mishhu blades. He remained aware that she could just as easily fade out and turn up elsewhere so Arethusa kept her sensors alert for immediate relocation reaction.

"Your Vaaker Takeup is selfish and short sighted, Mel. All the 'generosity' you show is self-serving and twisted. You claim to have developed beyond us but your desires are no more advanced than that of a mindless animal!"
Kyou gasped, her breath exploding out of her at the pain. Her mind, so recently awakened from it's dreaming state, was hard pressed to keep up with the influx of pain being thrust upon it, and her body reflected that, her knees buckling under the weight of the pain. Her mind was already starting to shuffle back into motion, trying to get back to processing the situation and reacting, but her body wasn't responding just yet, too busy coping with just shy of completely devastating damage.
Tom awoke with a start, quickly getting his bearings and rising to his feet. There really wasn't time to think outside of following instructions.

The whole dreamscape scenario felt like another world. Time to linger on it would come later, when they left this battle victorious.

Fire support... his AIES notified him of the status of enemies and friendlies. It gave him precious moments to calculate.

Tom leveled his Plasma rifle and took aim. The ghost Mishu were by far the most dangerous remaining foes, and he kept a vigilant eye on those beasts. They were moving away from him... he had the element of surprise at his disposal.

He deployed his drones for support. They were not much, but they could help pester them once they phased into view. He set his Plasma Rifle to exceed the 1 second fire limit if needed. Perhaps he would be fast enough to hit 2 of them before they we aware of his presence.

He would peg the damned things as soon as they phased into existence.
As Melisson jumped through Kai, he felt something begin to squirm inside of him. It felt horrible, and he buckled, grasping at his stomach and coughing and gagging. He fell to his knees and began staring wide-eyed around for something to help him. And then Yukari came and dragged him toward the wall, offering to stun him. His mind raced, and then his eyes settled on an object lying on the ground where he had been previously.

In all honesty, the Heisho had forgotten he had been holding it, but now, it felt obvious. One of the simple bladed implements stolen from the Mishhu in an earlier fight. Kai pointed to it, coughing a few times before answering Yukari.

"Take that thing, and stab me with it." another cough, though this one sounded wet through the speakers of his M10 Daisy. "I can still fight with a wound like that... But not this... thing..." the Yamataian wheezed, unlocking his Helmet and quickly folding the front of his armor down.

"HURRY!" He yelled at the Shosa, eyes wide in pain or horror, his face a grimace of the same, blood covering his chin and beginning to dribble down onto his uniform's chest panel.
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