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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 7] - Siege on Sector 72

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Robert hurried onto the ship and got his PA out of his locker. He quickly got into it and jumped into the jeep behind Arin "I'm ready to go." he grinned as he put his helmet on and checked his Fatboy. "Hope I don't break a leg again. That'd be just embaressing."
Engine was already running and Zeta let sound of it be hear loud. Off-road sounden fabulous to her. "Okay folks. Hold tigh, this is going to be one hell of ride. Fell free to use that Gauss." She shouted to others. "Oh and Rob. If you break anything you buy me a dinner!" She finished and laughed out loud. "Hold on to your lunches!"

With car full she stepped on it and rode to destination point. It was beautiful to drive again. Even if she drove to battle. Vehicle equipped with Gauss Rifle should be enough to take care of any Rippers they will meet. If there won't be too much of them. Zeta rode fast. She knew how to drive and wasn't afraid to step on it. She had lead foot and enjoyed the speed. Even if it weren't that far. "So what's the Plan boss?" She shouted to Luca.
Robert grinned at Zeta's remark. "Is that a threat or a promise, Zeta?" he asked over the roar of the engine. He grabbed the rifle and braced it on a rail.
"I haven'T decided yet!" Yelled Zeta over the soudn of engine. It was good to drive again. "Right now I would focus to not become dinner, than think about going for one," she added.
Robert laughed outloud over the sound of the roaring engine. "I can't argue with that logic." he swept the buildings looking for anything thar wanted to launch a first strike.
Arin was laughing away from the camaraderie and the heat of the moment. Her hair was being tousled around from Zeta's driving, she would be too if she wasn't securely strapped in. There was this nagging problem that the Representative wont be able to use the Handheld Gauss Rifle she just mounted to the Jeep from her position especially if the vehicle was still in motion, Robert in the rear was better placed to use it. Also, if she couldn't do that, how else was she going to hurt the Squids, with her non-lethal ESG? Impossible.

Oh nevermind, with this crazy crew, the impossible becomes the possible!
Panther slowly roused from his slumber, the smell of the room was that of old blood and disinfectant. Remembering his injuries he checked his leg and arm by moving the limbs a little and noticed they were just fine, apparently the bullets removed while he had taken his cat nap.

Hmm seems I'm left behind, he thought as he looked around and could only smell faint traces of the humans. Finding his hoody jacket nearby and putting it on, he then wondered what he should do and decided to head to the bridge.

When he did arrive on the bridge, he activated a screen that was broadcasting live feed of the unfolding invasion. He noticed a vehicle was heading right toward the alien army, not hard to miss Luca and his crew.

The Kohanian then shut it off and headed to his room, he had to tend a few things before he was going to watch the unfolding battle. For one, he needed a good drink before watching the awesome battle that would unfold assuming they don't jam the news feed by then.
Seiren was left with two decisions as the others rolled out: Figure out how to drive in the next five minutes or walk all the way. The former was foolhardy and reckless, and the latter made him an easy target - being in armor and all. Exactly twenty seconds of debate later, he had decided upon driving; after all, figuring it out from a manual can't be that hard, right? The Yamataian hopped into the second jeep's driver while downloading the first manual he could find into his head.

"Now it's time to see the difference between knowledge-" He began, shifting gears. "-And wisdom!"

Five seconds later, he had backed into a wall at low speed, damaging the rear bumper.
"Oh just sit in the damn passenger seat," Vincent grunted. He had been flash-trained to drive most vehicles that had been produced in his time, and over the last few years he'd learned to drive many more. Luckily, the GP-ORV was included in his repertoire. He hauled Seiren out of the driver's seat and plopped him on the ground with one massive arm, then pulled himself behind the wheel.

After the suspension settled itself down and Vincent was settled, the ID-Sol mercenary wrapped one hand around the stick-shift and moved the vehicle into drive, then gently eased away from the wall before putting it back in neutral. "Any last members of the crew wanting to wreck some Mishhu faces," the merc shouted, "might want to hop aboard sharpish."
Enzo caught sight of Zeta and her squad entering the area by motor and flashed the navigation lights on the shuttle. He opened a channel and spoke into the handset, hoping to raise her by radio.

"If it isn't my good friend, Zeta." he said, lowering the shuttle closer to the vehicle, "I'm glads to sees ya, wonderin' when some Phoenix people besides myself woulds show. I haven't spotted any chiggers yet, and the posse below seems calm. Do yous gots any news from the Big Boid?"


Within one of the nearby buildings, Rosh Funaka was giving orders to a trio of men. They were all setting up on motorcycles with plasma weapons. He carefully inspected each machine and its rider to ensure efficiency. When he was done, he gathered them up and spake thusly: "Now, remember, keep Luca Pavone alive at all costs. Gentlemen, I do not need to remind you that he has promised me reimbursement on my property if he and his crew survive this endeavor."

"Rosh, we don't care about your shit." One of the men chimed in, a groan forming beneath his voice, "We just want the bounties."

Rosh sighed and rubbed his forehead before going on. "Don't be foolish. Of course we're going to get proper payment for our work. There are bounties out on both Mister Pavone and our former colleague Mister Bortelli. We can take Bortelli to the Reds after dropping Pavone off at Nepleslia Prime."

His compatriot sneered at the idea, "That's impossible, how do you expect to get Pavone in custody with that crew of his hanging around?!"

"Haven't you heard, my friend?" Rosh quiped coyly, "This is a warzone."
Zeta got a little surpries when her communicator got alive. Enzo was the caller. Zeta just smirked and saw a shuttle in her mirrot, flying low behind them. "Big Bird is okay now. Pavone senior and few other are looking after it. We are moving to intercept enemy to keep it off the BB. Air support woul be usefol, but I think captain will tell you where you will be most useful." She answered to Enzo.
"Alright, I'll be honest," Luca said as he rubbed his hands together, then pressing his index fingers together - whilst keeping his balance in the back tray of the truck, "This looks tougher than usual," He seemed a little solemn, but then piped up, "However, the station is counting on us to quell this inside invasion. They've done all they can to deal with the threat, and we need to do our bit."

"The Mishhu forces appear to be strongest in the area you're headed towards," Echelon chimed in, "Chances are survival are calculated to be slim."
"That's just the way I like it," He gibed as he pumped the slide on his shotgun, and a self-assured grin came across his face, "Now, ladies, gents,"

His game face was on, and he sent his next message to everyone by any means of communication possible - to everyone, crew, militia, and beyond.
"It's showtime."

"That's the signal!" John said as he put his foot to the floor and made his Shuttle lurch forward with a jolt, then become airborne, "Alright, Uriel, the interface should be easy enough to navigate. Just point and click."


The team's two jeeps were able to scramble to the opening that was indicated by Echelon as being the safest entry point. The crew was greeted by the eerie sights of charred corpses, rubble and fire.
Luca jumped out immediately with his shotgun in hand and took a look for any targets, hugging the building to the Jeep's left, and peeking through the ruined interior area and towards the Nook.

The first thing he saw Jet Bull who had a visible parasite, and appeared to be starting to develop some sort of tentacles. It attempted to raise its arm to fire a pistol, but Luca already had his shotgun ready and he blew its head off. He'd then notice the guy behind him, further away, who hadn't mutated. He was packing an Assault Rifle.

A few shots of hot lead came in Luca's direction, and he was able to avoid most of it, only taking a couple of hits. That's when he noticed the guy in FRONT of him, who had a shotgun - and fired.
"Ngh!" Luca groaned as the armour was able to absorb most of the hit, and this was softened by the range. He returned in kind, but the long distance worked both ways, scratching the still-standing soldier.

John, who was just above in the ISC Phoenix, noticed four targets, who were unloading small arms in his general direction. His computer would then notify him of an incoming missile from the middle of the Square was sailing towards him. He made deftly avoided the missile by making a calculated swerve to the right.

"Nice try!" John bellowed from his vessel as the computer scanned the area for more incoming enemies, as small fire pelted the vessel.
"Enzo, see that Ripper that just tried to fire a missile at me?" He radioed over to him, "See if you and I can team up on it, or something, maybe support the others."

And with that, the battle was underway.
Robert saw Luca take a few hits as he brought the gauss rifle to bear on the nearest enemy. "I gotch'er back, Boss" he yelled as he squeezed off a shot. The recoil still surprised him and Robert almost fell back. He resettled himself and then started swinging the rifle towards the next nearest enemy. "Arin, can you see how bad that last shot hit him?" he asked.
Seiren bailed as soon as Vincent got to the battlefield, finding the nearest corner to hide behind. Unfortunately for him, that was the same corner that the parasited Jet Bull was hiding around. Thankfully he saw Luca firing at that corner and decided to ambush the Bull, leaning outwards from his spot and firing two shots from his Mancannon straight at the thing.
Vincent stopped the jeep in a sheltered location after Seiren bailed. The merc ended up with the GP-ORV stashed around the corner from the battle, stopped out of the line of fire. Sure that the vehicle was safe, Vincent hopped out. The GP-ORV's shock absorption system groaned in gratification, having been relieved of its elephantine cargo. The hulking ID-Sol hauled his Finagle's Revenge from the stash in the back of the GP and posted up near the barrier where Seiren had taken cover.

The mercenary hefted the Freespacer anti-everything gun to his right shoulder and aimed for the first Ripper he could spot, then shot twice.
The rapports of gunfire could barely be heard from inside the closed cabin of Enzo's stolen shuttle. John's transmission came in loud and clear over the rusted radio console to the right of the controls. Enzo calmly lit a cigarette as the shuttle hovered daintily above the ripper which had just fired upon the Phoenix. Within the second drag, the ripper hand turned to the rusted out Deix floating above it, locking on for another missle launch. Enzo clipped the radio's hand piece to his lapel and keyed the mic.

"John," he began, blowing a puff of smoke which hung lazily in the shuttle's cabin, "I'm makins myself the bait for this guy. When he fires at me I'm offs likes a shot. With his back toined, light 'em see?"

As if on cue, the collision indicator in his cockpit lit up and Enzo kicked the shuttle forward to the best of his growing ability. The shuttle wavered in its path, but this only helped to confuse the missile trailing it. As he flew over the battleground, Enzo took potshots at any enemies he could spot below, the mining laser cutting into the ground and any targets it could hit.

When he reached a nominal gain over the missile, Enzo yanked the controls to a sharp left, causing the shuttle to swing out and around until it was facing the encroaching missile. Enzo kept a blank face aside from a slight tic as he accelerated towards the missile in a game of shuttle-chicken. When he was just about to collide with the projectile, Enzo pulled back hard on the controls, pulling the shuttle almost straight up and over the missile... and straight towards the ceiling!

"Shit... Didn't counts on dat." he muttered while his cigarette twitched on the edge of his lips. Still holding a straight face, Enzo cut the engines. The shuttle fell straight back wards for a few feet before he managed to get the engines back up right in the nick of time, taking only minor damage from a Jet Bull skull scraping the bottom of the hull while being crushed by it. The shuttle hovered just above the ground surrounded by enemies. Enzo struggled with the controls to get the sluggish shuttle moving again after the last stunt. He finally frowned when he realized that it wasn't going anywhere fast for at least more seconds.


Rosh heard the gunshots ringing out from outside his preparation zone. He motioned for the men to mount their bikes as he donned a helmet and facemask. The roar of engines filled the empty building as he and his three men started their machines. He spoke to them once more, using a radio built-into the helmet.

"Remember, we're here to help Pavone for now. If you see Bortelli and there's no one else around to see you; I want you to bind him and bring him here. If Mister Pavone becomes injured in combat, offer him triage, take him here, and capture him once you've removed his weapons for 'refit'. And whatever you do; be polite about it! We're just working here, no personal business."

"But boss..." his headset crackled, "Aren't you in this for personal business?"

Rosh turned to his left and fired a shot from his Type 29 into the ground in front of the man's feet before raising the pistol to point at his face.

"I hope that answers your question satisfactorily, Kroger, and if you have any more, a direct hit will suffice to answer that one. Let's head out, ETA 84 seconds to combat zone."
Zeta slowed down and stopped so Luca could come out. She and her assault crew were in relative cover she could see movement in front of them. Luce exchanged fire with few of Jet Bulls - then whole car shivered when Rob fired the Gauss rifle.

What it did with its intended target was pretty nasty, and Zeta was already in love with that gun. The target from Luca fell on ground instantly as gauss round came through him, punching a hole where a whole fist would fit.

"Bloody hell!" shouted Zeta and laughed. She then finally took a look where she could be useful. She then turned back to Robert. "Okay Rob! I am going to move forward and you side-view at the square. I will stop just before we get behind that bus stop. You will kill as many of those bastards as you can!"

"When it gets too hot, or when you see a Ripper aiming for you yell at me and I will get us behind the bus stop immediately!"
she explained what came to her mind. She then turned to Arin. "Arin you hold tight!"
Robert gave Zeta a thumbs up and swiveled the rifle at the nearest Ripper armor. He squeezed off a shot at the armor and caught the recoil squarely and didn't even fumble as the next round loaded and he aimed in on the armor for a follow up shot. "I love my job!" he yelled out nobody in particular.
"Okay here we go. Arin hold tight a kill anything that moves and isn't us!" Zeta shouted before stepping on the gas and her car rapidly accelerated. She rode only for about twenty meter forward before hitting the brakes.

She stopped. Car was turn slightly to the left so Robert can shoot on two enemies in the street by the bus-stop. She also saw two enemies in fron of the car by the wall on the right and one in bus-stop itself. Plenty fo targets to kill.

Zeta took her fatboy and leaned out of her "window" and fired a long burst at Merc in bus-stop. It was ugly man with bald had and an ugly tentacle instead of one hand. Her fire was effective, but it didn't brought that bastard down. She still let her foot on the gas pedal ready to drive out of harms way and behind the bus-stop.
Robert swivled the rifle towards the neko standing next to the bus stop. Ugly little thing had a pair of tentacles growing out of her left side. He braced himself for the recoil as he shot of a round at her.
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