Re: [Mission 8.1] Universe at War - Rescue At Veritas
"Fish. I knew SOMETHING would go awry like this......Here, I'm here, Jalen-Heisho.......Fish, this is why I brought my medical kit......Ummm, Yarani-Hei......Blood......I'll be there in a moment with some disinfectant........Hrmm....." grumbled Konoka in a steady drone, her face a mask of stony calm. Pulling out her kit, she grabbed out any supplies she thought might be even remotely useful. "Umm....Jalen-Heisho....You used to be a medic......How severe do you think that is? You know yourself....Where's the injury? Ah....Y'think replacement blood'll cover that.....Mmm, maybe not.....How are you feeling?"
Some people said time was money. Their jobs might prove that true. But to a medic like Konoka, time was blood. Her friend's blood, which she needed to staunch the flow of. Ah...right. While trying to configure a diagnosis, she did her best to stop the bleeding. She'd been worried something like this would happen. And she'd been right. She remembered once having a conversation with Sune about the difference between worry and concern. She realized she was, in fact, concerned for Sune right now.
She'd worried about someone getting hurt as much because she cared as that she was simply a worrywart. She was concerned because Sune was her friend, and her caring was not a general warm blanket of worrisome thoughts, but was directed at someone specific. She'd been worried when she was THINKING about this happening. Now it WAS happening, and she was calm, and sure, she'd do her job as a good medic would do for any patient, but yes, she was concerned. The bleeding should be slowing by now, if her work was working. Now for the diagnosis. She muttered to herself, "What to I need.....Need a diagnosis....My kit....What do I need...."
Well, for one, you need to hurry the fish up, Miyazawa! she told herself. Time wasn't money. It was LIFE.