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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 8.2] Bringing the Daur home.


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In the north east region of the Kiyko Sector, in a system called Ki'kayshea'ne by its inhabitants, a teal sphere formed in the outer region 7 AU from the pair of red dwarfs.

When the sphere faded from view, a Hanto-Class starship was visible. The ISC Tanoshimi floated gently in the void, the onboard systems making the transition to normal space and the sensors started gathering astrometric data.
Tanoshimi : Engineering

Sheela nodded with a smile as the flight to their destination went smoothly. She moved from Engineering and made her rounds. Stopping by where the Power Armors was stored. She moved up to them and ran her level diagnostics on them to double check the operators of the Power Armor in maintaining them. She did a little tweaking here and there on them to improve their performance. Tightening a connection or two specification.

: Cargo/P.A. Bay

"Squeeee." She spoke in approval as she put the Power Armor back where it belonged. "Much better." She looked over the weapons making sure they was functional also and up specs. Nothing like a nasty surprise when a weapon fails due to the lack of attention. By the Great Mice, that wasn't going to happen on her watch!
Yoshiro was just waking up from his nap next to his armor. He had fallen asleep while sitting in the armor bay and woke up when Sheela was checking his armor. "Hello, how is my armor?" He asked Sheela, hoping he didn't frighten her. He stretched and stood up to get the stiffness out of his muscles.
P.A Bay

Hearing Yoshiro speak, Sheela looked over at him. "It's in excellent shape. After next use, yooz might want to get replacements for the air scrubber filters. Theyz getting to be little worn out." She closed up the maintenance panels she had open and securing them. "Iz could have the fabricators make new ones. But it would be downtime for yooz Power Armor while they get replaced. But since yooz are on mission stand by along with the rest of yooz group. I'd advise to hold off till Iz can get replacement made."

Sheela wiped her paw/hands off on the rag after rooting around in Power Armor Suits. "Iz think Iz am gonna recommend in ordering handheld vacuums to get to the dust within these suits." Reaching into a pocket and pulling out an air freshner and attaching it inside the Power Armor where the person was encased at. "Much better. Pleasant scent while being cooped up." Giving Yoshiro a nod and wink as she moved on down the line in adding air freshners to each Power Armor.

When the ship entered normal space Josea checked the communication systems. He had them on receive only, he wanted to confirm that the same frequencies were in use. It was soon apparent that there were more signals present. But that was to be expected given the distance they had been when they located the system.

He also detected a brief signal on subspace. "Message detected from the Squadron. They are currently holding position." He said.

Josea then waited a moment for his analysis to complete. When it did he turned to Misaki, "Chusa, communication systems we are receiving are consistent with those that we detected prior to coming here. There is more EM traffic than we saw before, but that is expected. We were listing to this system from years away. Translation algorithm is confirming the same language being utilized."

He looked over at Kata'nova. "The console is ready to relay your transmission. Kata." he said.

"Awaiting your orders ma'am"

Kata'nova nodded and walked up to the console and took a moment to look it over before she began to relay the transmission. "Uijt jt Tvj'zsfob Lbub'opwb, wfsjgjdbujpo dpef Afub-Pof-Gjwf-Yvmp-Gpvs-Afsp-Pof-Fjhiu. Tfdpoebsz Jefoujgjdbujpo gpmmpxt bt Pof-Uisff-Tfwfo-Gjwf-Afsp-Gpvs-Uxp-Pof-Pof-Bmqib-Ojof-Gpvs-Uisff-Afsp-Fqtjmpo." She spoke in Tinacen as the message was relayed, she choose to only send her identification information just so that someone in the system could indeed verify who she was, she wouldn't send the remainder until after they got a response - and she hoped that response came in the form of something positive.
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With everything cleaned up, and a certain mechanoid sleeping on one of the beds in Medical, Eiven made his way to the bridge after realizing both is objectives were now there. From the console outside the door, the doctor made his request to enter and stood by patiently, hoping he had not taken too long.

Josea watched the display as the Aeon's communication system took Kata'nova's signal and boosted several hundred times. To a strength that would ensure it would be heard when it approached the planet. "Transmission has been sent. ETA for signal to arrive 18.87 minutes. That means 37 minutes or so for reply."

"Thank you." Misaki nodded to Kata, and then she looks to Josea, "Very good. Continue to monitor. Can we detect anything of navigational interest?" She asked, knowing he would alert her of ships, but interested (mostly tactically) in the layout of the space they were in.

The doors to the bridge swung open to allow Eiven in, though she also sent the doctor a message. You do not need permission to enter on this mission, doctor. I know you would not be here for no reason. "We have transmitted the first message. We will not receive a reply for just under forty standard minutes." Deciding she might as well keep the rest of the ship in the loop, Kurusu passed along the message, and set a timer to run at any console in a room with a person in it not being used. It was a diplomatic mission, and an exciting one. It never hurt to have the rest of the ship anticipating along with the nerve center.

Rin nodded at the doctor "Well thank you and I will do listen to you" he ate one of the pills now and smiled then gave a small salute "Thank you again" he made his way to the door and grinned as he could feel the stuff working and he made his way to the bridge to see if he was still needed.


Rin walked into the bridge and smiled at the people then looked at Kata'nova "hey there Kata, do you still need my healp or are you okay?"
P.A. Bay - aka cargo hold

Saki walked into the bay and saw Yoshiro and the mouse soldier rolling around the armours. She frowned and walked closer, she realised that the mousian is a technician and as such, she maintain things, armour as well. But Saki was a the Aeon's armorer, it was her job and at least her own personal PA was her own personal PA and no one should touch it. Saki stopped herself and took few seconds to calm her anger. After all, Sheela could not know that Saki works on her own armour.

"There is no need to fabricate new armours," Saki said as she walked to the two of them. "Both armours are fully operational, I make sure of that after every mission. I am afraid no one told you yet Swifpaw-hei, but I am in training to be Aeon's armourer and I take my job seriously."

Sitting behind the controls of the ship, Freyja sat back into the seat and watched, she really didn't have anything to do until she was given orders for the next jump, or where to head. So she sat there and looked though the navigational scans and looking to see if there would be anything that would cause problems with their coarse.

Josea pulled up the sensor array and ran a basic analysis. "We are currently in a binary system, a twin system of red dwarfs. Astrometrics makes a total of six planetary size objects. One is in a orbit greater than our position. The others are scattered in system." he turned to Misaki. "Might I suggest that Jôtô Hei Freyj, continue the scans to allow me to monitor the EM bad for any signals."
P.A Bay : Aka Cargo Hold:

Sheela looked at Saki when she spoke to herself. She listened as she studied Saki. "Squeeee." Sounding pleased, "At least someone takes a personal interest in their gear! As for fabrication new armor is not needed. But air filters on a lot of theses suits are due for a change out. A lot of soldiers overlook that since it not easily accessed."

Motioning for Saki to follow her as she moved back to Yoshiro's Power Armor. Deftly opened the service panel that gave access to the filters and popped one out. "This should've been replaced several weeks ago! Fortunately it's still serviceable." She replaced it, just as quickly as she had accessed it. "Iz wonder if yooz ever replaced yooz?" Moving down the line of Power armor till she came to Saki's.

"Wonder what dust I'll find in here." Sheela opened the air filter service panel and popped out the air filter. She waved it back and forth using a full sweep of her arm. Watching the dust and grime pop free, leaving a dust trail that settled to the deck at their feet. "Repairing a suit is fine. Checking the weapons is good. Maintaining the suits is even better. Even the little stuff like this needs to be checks and serviced."

Sheela popped the quick-cleaned filter back into place and closed up the panel. She stepped back from the Power Armor. "Yooz filters need to be replaced also." Making a note on how many she needed to get fabricated.

Eiven entered the Bridge and made his way over to a place from which he could observe. Seeing Ren also there seemed a bit odd to him; but he likely had his own things to worry about as well. That something, however, looked to be somewhat preventing the doctor from looking into another matter.

This all worked out well enough anyway, as it gave him more time to take in how a real mission unfolded from the command side. Simulations only gave one so much in terms of preparation, and if Eiven's life had taught him much else, it was that experience always made a difference.

As soon as she heard the suggestion Freyja started working on the EM scans. she really didn't have much more to be doing. So as she worked the data she looked for certain EM signatures. She was hoping to find some vessels of signs of intelligent life. With hope she could help get her friend home.

Unless the XO spoke up and canceled it, Freyja wanted to be ready with the information. She didn't want to be sent back to being a shuttle jockey. She wanted to do something important on the Aeon, more then shuttle flying and spying on the crew she was becoming close to.
Yoshiro sighed and looked at his power armor. "That was my fault. I should have checked it out and had it fixed. "How about we go get some breakfast?"
Sheela looked at Yoshiro with a much softer expression. "That is why Iz am around to catch these things and point them out. Not to show yooz how smart Iz am. But to help yooz guys have a better chance at coming home to learn these things." Also giving Saki a smile. These soldiers took time to look after their gear. "It's part of mez job to check on everything and to make sure things are in excellent condition. Yooz guys make mez job easier."

Then looking back at Yoshiro, "Iz would like that. But it is up yooz boss." Giving Saki a nod.
Saki looked at others, she was about to give a comment that she as a neko does not really need filters in top condition anyway. It did not matter though, she might as well swap them. "You two can go ahead," Saki said to Yoshiro and Sheela. "I am not really hungry."
Sheela gathered up the tools she was using and returned them to the tool cart that was assigned to the area and anybody could use. "Iz ready." Giving Saki a soft smile and a quick curtsy. She scampered from the room at a pace that Yoshiro hopefully could keep up with.
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