Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 8.2] Bringing the Daur home.

Mess Hall

Rin smiled and walked over "Hello... I am sorry S-Sheela, right? I was helping our guest with something to get her home so I wasn't there to help Prep, you are Sheela or am I apologising to a random person" he looks at them "I am sorry for intruding I wanted to apologise to my crew mate as we will be working a lot together."
Mess hall

Sheela nodded at Rin's first question, "Yes Iz Sheela," confirming that she was the person, in this case Mousian. "Yooz mean Kata'nova? It's understandable as wez have to do stuff that is beyond our control." Waving her hand to motion for Rin to have a seat at the table also. "This is Yoshiro." Giving a head tilt towards him.

"Given the contents of the message I got, I am fairly certain that they aren't the bad ones," remarked Kata'nova - as she swiped her hand throw the air and caused a holographic image to appear above her glove, it showed a Daur that was presently speaking; although nothing could be heard. "Its a face to face," she put two fingers up close to one another, just in case the translation software failed to work.

"They want us to meet on the fifth planet from the star, although... they seem," her voice trailed off for a moment as she replayed the message. "They seem nervous..."
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Mess Hall
"That's me. Yoshiro, the great." Yoshiro said with a grin that said his boast was playful. "Like Sheela said, we all have stuff to do that is beyond our control. No need to worry about that." He thought that Rin seemed a bit nervous but it could have been its imagination. "So what do you do aboard the Aeon?" He asked to break the ice, as it were.

Face to face sounded all well and good to Eiven as well, though the significance did not slip from him. Yamatai has had many first contact experiences; but each one ended up changing something. Kata's mention of nervousness caught more of his attention, however.

"Young lady, I am nervous," the doctor offered, turning to her with a smile, "Though I believe it would be pertinent to ask how nervous they are. There is quite the difference between your first jump from a drop ship and the imminent collapse of a building above you."

"Very well. Relay our intentions to meet them, reinforce we are a diplomatic mission." Misaki replied after listening to Eiven. "My plan at the moment, is to accept the invitation, and scan for signs of a problem the entire way there." She wanted to see if he had any input, as much of an exercise, as to help him think critically of many outcomes during a mission, which was most likely based on their actions.

"Inform the squadron of our progress." The XO ordered, "I want continual scans prioritized to threats the entire way there."
Mess Hall

Sheela perked up suddenly. Ears opened up and swiveled a few times as her whiskers twitched. "Wez gonna move again," Finishing up her meal in a rapid manner and hopping up to go dispose of her tray of dishes properly. "Seez yooz around, Yoshiro." Giving him a nod and scampering off.

"Grab a bite to eat and catch up wth mez," Sheela looked at Rin as she was putting her tray of dishes in the proper slot to be taken care of. Then she was out of the room in a scamper, off on some errand or two that needed her attention.

Eiven turned back to the XO, his smile dimming some, but not out of disagreement. "Go forward with eyes wide open," he nodded, "I don't see anything that would recommend against going as I would expect some nervousness. That said, dealing with a highly nervous person can be difficult and keep them on a hair trigger.

"In those situations," the doctor continued, "I've found it best to be attentive, yet calm. Being on edge one's self tends to add to add to a cycle of escalation - especially with those particularly sensitive to the signs of tension. So the less bristling and unpredictability we can offer to them, the better.

"That said, this relies on these people being the ones we want to leave Kata'nova with - as far as we know. If they're not however, this will be a problem one way or another - no matter how careful we are. But that also means open eyes will do us more favours than doing nothing.

At least, I would fold at this point in the game. Our hand isn't bad and there are too many unturned cards."

Josea sent a tight beam communication to the Aeon, "Neshaten are wanting to meet on the fifth planet. Kata'nova is confident that these are not the rebel forces she warned us about. Tanoshimi out."

He then sent the astrometic data on the location of the fifth planet so that Freya could begin her calculations. Meanwhile the Tanoshimi sensors were providing more data on the new object. Self-contained power, propulsion were definitely present. No indication of high energy systems such as weapons.

Kata'nova let out a sigh of relief, as she leaned back a bit and foled her arms over her chest. "I wonder if an Ehe'sii'ne will be assigned.. mmm... nah, there hasn't been any reason to activate that division yet..." Kata'nova muttered under her breath, low enough for anyone near her to hear. "I best get ready, there are... procedures.. that I must follow before meeting face to face after so long, and I have to brush up on them again."

The kit gave a bow and then turned and left, as she walked - she wondered how her sister was doing, Ra'chel; it'd been so long since she'd last seen her, the last being just before she left on her mission. "I wonder what my Tin'shaa is doing right now.. did she get into the school I recommended, and if so, how is she..." Kata'nova stopped just a few feet outside of the bridge, and fell up against the wall, placing a hand just in front of her. "I hope she is doing great.. I.. really hope so..." she wiped a tear from her eyes, shook her head, and then began to make her way to her cabin.

Josea started reviewing the information on the planet that they could pickup at this time. "Ma'am, planet five is habitable as far as atmospheric content, and gravity. However, thermoscopic scans indicate that the planet is essentially covered in ice. Arctic gear is strongly advised for any personnel stepping outside of the ship onto the surface. Hopefully, this meeting they want is going to take place in some sort of structure. " he reported.
Sheela moved through the ship, rechecking her work. Coming up on Kata'nova. She nodded to the Duar Kit as she passed by. Pausing brieftly taking a good look at the Kata'nova's outfit. "Nice outfit. Do yooz think Iz could get one just like that in mez size?" Blocking Kata'nova way.

Eiven smirked at the climate information. "It's too bad we didn't pack a toboggan," he quipped, "Nothing like making friends on a snow hill."
"All right, make for the planet and enter us into the most viable tactical orbit. Eiven, please assign someone to ensure our arctic kit is in order." Misaki commanded, "If we do not have to brave the elements there all the better." She was hoping the ship had enough gear ready, if not they would have to deal with it as they came. Looking to Freyja, the chusa nodded once. "Whenever you are ready."
Kata'nova stopped, hearing Sheela speak about her clothing; the Kit looked at it for a moment. "Don't see why not," she said with a smile and placed both hands behind her head as she thought. "Its actually a bit of a common outfit for my people, although mines slightly different - had to since your Yamataians don't seem to use the same stuff that my people use, so I couldn't get the colours right," she once more looked at her outfit and then lifted up her sleeve for a moment to check something, nodded; and then lowered it. "I can see about getting you one when we arrive at my people's home."
"Squee! Thanks. Iz am Mousian that just serves in the Yamatai Military." Sheela spoke softly, stepping off to the side to allow Kata'nova to proceed. "Wez get yooz home."

Sheela saw Kata'nva check something under her sleeve. "Nice gadget. Iz used have one of them wrist computers. Iz am surprised theyz let yooz keep it."
Katae opened a communication channel across the channel they had been using. "Aeon-Actual to Tanoshimi-Actual. Given the delicate circumstances we are dealing with. I am going to keep the Aeon and the squadron in full stealth until deemed prudent. Going to transfer two crew members to the Tanoshimi. This will be a precision teleportation via Power Armor. Will contact when ready, ensure that the cargo hold is clear of personnel prior to transfer."
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Sitting at her post on the bridge, Freyja had been both working out a flight path that would allow them to reach their destination, while staying a good clip away from anything too big and or scary looking out there. It wouldn't be a straight on path, but it would look as if she was trying to be obvious at her path. At the same time she was also still working the ships sensors and keeping an eye out for anything that would fall under aggressiveness towards the ship. She kept having to hand bits off to the Ship's Ai and working closely with it.

Just as she finished the flight path and all of the calculations needed to keep them alive, The XO gave her the go ahead to move out. She was reaching forward to the engine throttle when the comms opened up with Katae's message to the ship. Telling that there was going to be a precision teleportation to the ship. She froze fingers right above the throttle controls. "Holding Positions for teleport Ma'am," She spoke up awaiting for the new command to move out.
Yoshiro stood up after speaking with Rin and headed down to the armor bay. He headed to armor to make final checks just in case his armor was needed. He opened his armor to calibrate his tageting system and made sure that his weapons were loaded. He sat next to his armor and wondered what Sachi was doing.

After a few moments he decided to see if there was anything else that he could do so he sent a message to the chusa.

"Is there anything that you wish me to do?" he sent amd signed it with his name and rank.

Hearing the communication from the Captain, Eiven nodded to himself. "I'll gather a few people and check the cargo bay," he offered to the XO, pausing a moment to catch an acknowledgement before heading out.