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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 8.2C] Charlie Team / Blueprints

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"Tell them the truth. None of our attackers have been Elysian Security. And they are not taking an aggressive stance." Sune said to Kumiko. Erroring on the side of caution Sune made sure that he had a grip on the SMG.
Kumiko nodded, and looked back. Maybe a partial truth would be better? Or just not tell them everything. She looked the leader in the face and answered his question. "We were escorting these researchers to their assigned evacuation ship. They're considered high-value, so we were told to escort them ourselves, rather then let them go on their own."
One of the security personnel looked at a datapad then back at Kumiko. "You better get a move on then. The ships for the priority personnel are looking to launch as soon as possible. It looking really bad out there and we do not know how long the defense fleet will be able to protect us. Don't forget to get to your evacuation point as well. May the Creator watch over you." He said with a wave of his hand.

The security personnel turned and started directing other personnel on foot to the best routes available.
Ramiro tensed up when the group was stopped. He waited cautiously while things were worked out. Even when the security gave them the okay to leave he still kept a tight grip on his weapon. He kept a close eye on them, but continued to scan his surroundings too.
Junko let her breath out with a gasp as the Elysian guards waved them on; she hadn’t realized that she had been holding in her breath until the moment of danger passed, nor had she consciously clamped down on her NSP with a vice-like grip. Peering around warily at their surroundings, she favored her engineering colleague with an approving glance. Endoh’s greater combat experience was obvious – she doubted she would have been able to address the Elysians at all, let alone with sufficient coherence to pass by them unharmed. “Nicely handled, Endoh-Hei,” she said in a small voice.
Kumiko rolled her shoulders, releasing some tension. "Honestly, I think that was luck. They're just so occupied with the attack that they didn't feel it was necessary to check my story." As she started the cart back up again, turning in the direction the communicator indicated, she shrugged. Stay ready though, the next group we encounter may not be as friendly." Or as humanoid, She added to herself.
“Quite,” replied Junko. Steadying herself internally, she relaxed her grip on her handgun while keeping alert, ready to bring it to bear at the slightest sign of danger. She might be rubbish at fighting itself, but keeping alert and a little paranoid was well within her bailiwick. Having the NMX present was making her itch to get back aboard the Eucharis, back where she actually felt useful and important. With a little effort of will she drove the thought away; reminiscence, however brief, was hardly advisable in combat.
Charlie team riding in their acquired cart proceeded without incident for several levels. Sune was grateful for the respite, but still kept a mental track of their progress. They had traveled twenty-seven levels to retrieve the designers, so they had that far to get them to safety. As they progressed closer to their destination, the station shook with additional explosions or impacts.

They had just made it past ten levels. As the cart was ascending to the next level an explosion tore through the lower deck. The ramp the cart was ascending was twisted and torn apart from the wall. The sound of tortured metal filled the air as the ramp buckled and broke. The cart was flung upwards onto the next level tumbling in the air. Several of the designers were tossed out of the cart to land on the floor above.

“Jump clear of the cart,” Sune yelled to the team. Sune then made to jump clear of the spinning cart before it hit the deck. However he moved only slightly when he found himself yanked with the cart. Either his wings or sling to the SMG he was not sure which had become snagged on the vehicle. The cart hit the deck and tumbled and Sune found himself tossed along with it. White hot pain filled his leg as he felt his left femur snap. He cried out in pain when the cart mercifully came to stop against the wall.
Kumiko thrust herself away from the cart as it fell, reasoning that the wall would be less dangerous. She it the wall hard, knocking her breath out, and probably bruising up her left shoulder. She doubled over on the ground, trying to get her breath.
Ramiro dove from the cart and flung himself onto the ground. He painfully got up and then quickly darted his eyes around to make sure the crew was okay. He heard Sune before he saw him, and rushed over to help. Ramiro knelt down beside him and placed his SMG next to him so it wouldn't get in the way. He looked down helplessly at Sune and said, "Uhm, Shit, I'm sorry sir, I'm not quite sure what to do about this. I'm pretty sure you're the only medic out of the group of us."
Elysians scrambled about the port sides as ships were launched; either to intercept the incoming Mishhuvurthyar fleet, or evacuating civilians and others. Nika gave the port officials the 'list of personals' the ship would be ‘evacuating’, who had not arrived with their ‘escorts’. With the confusion going about, giving them abit of the truth would not compromise the mission much as the possibility that this space station might not survive the attack.

Tapping into the station’s network became a breeze now as several blasts onto the station by the enemy fleet causing some of the security system to be knocked out, enabling the neko to access to the command center. From the transmissions between the station and the defense fleet, the battle wasn’t going so well.

“All Teams. The Elysian are being pushed back badly. From the looks of it, we have about at least an hour or so before the Mishhuvurthyars break through…”

It was then several panic transmissions from within the station caused Nika’s eyes to widen,

“Mishhuvurthyar infiltrators have been spotted within the station, all Teams, be on alert!”
Sune grimaced as he shifted his upper body position. He looked around to survey the team; he saw Kumiko moving, he saw one of the designers lying on the floor. He was obviously killed by the crash there was no sign of breathing or other movement. His chest had been crushed when the cart tumbled over him.

“That is okay Ramiro. First check the status of the other designers and our teammates. Then I will talk you folks through splitting the leg. That is about all we can hope to achieve here. You will need to disassemble two of the disguise wings, the artificial bones will be needed to provide support. Also cut one of the Elysian robes into several long strips about 3 inches wide. And then some sections 6 by 6.”

Using his knife Sune slit open his pant leg and began examining his injured leg, there was no sign of internal bleeding, from what he could tell it was a clean break. It would have been beneficial to have his PMS-1 available, but the trusty little unit was so much scrap parts lying on the floor. While waiting for the others to accomplish the task of assessment of casualties, he checked his other equipment. The Elysian SMG was so much twisted metal; Sune could see that the strap from it had gotten tangled in his disguise wing. Well that explains why I could not jump free. His NSP appeared operational and the NSP-27 that he acquired from the people in the design office seemed to be undamaged. What I would give for a local pain killer, he thought.
Junko floated gently to the ground next to Sune, eyes wide and hyperventilating but otherwise uninjured. She had always avoided using the abilities of her neko body, but her instinctual fear reaction to the explosion had unconsciously triggered her inertial control. Gathering herself, she looked around to regain her bearing; she was glad at first to see that everyone was more-or-less okay, but stopped short when her gaze passed the dead Elysian. In the past several hours she had seen more people die than she ever had before – in fact, she had never seen anyone die before. The carnage caught up to her for a moment and she dropped to her knees, shaking violently. Junko wasn't exactly scared of death; no Yamataian with an ST back-up was, but all the same she wasn't a particularly brave individual.

You stupid little girl. Stand up! she thought venomously, even as her body continued to tremble uncontrollably. Self-loathing and -hatred had worked to motivate her before, and slowly it worked again. Wiping tears she hadn't realized she had cried from her cheeks, she stood, though still holding herself away from the others. She pointedly avoided looking around again as she pulled out her communicator. “I-I'm putting in a new route search.” Her voice strengthened some as the task at hand focused her thoughts. “Without the cart the old one is likely not the most efficient, especially if we have to assist you with m-moving, Jalen-Heisho.”
Ramiro nodded to Sune before getting up and rushing over to one of the designers. The designer seemed to be okay, just a little beaten up. Ramiro was about to go check on a second when he heard Nika's voice come through his headset. He pressed it against his ear as to get a clearer sounds amidst that bangs, booms, and alarms. After the transmissions he cursed loudly. "We need to get moving now, there isn't much time!" He rushed over to where Junko was to check on the second designer. He didn't even need ti check a pulse to know that he was dead. Ramiro slowly stood up before sighing and saying, "Well...shit happens I guess." He knelt down next to the dead man again and pulled out his knife. He cut off the strips the Sune needed, making sure to cut off strips without blood and then rushed over to help the third designer up. Ramiro made his way back over to Sune and knelt down, setting the cloth strips next to him. "Alright, so what do we need for this?"
Kumiko sat back up, and got to her knees. She made her way over to Sune, and took her wings off. She began to take them apart, motioning for Ramiro to do the same. "We need to break them down into rods, so we can brace his leg. That way he can put some of his weight on it."
Sune smiled at Kumiko. "Exactly, basic first aid for broken bones. Immobilize them with a splint. Once we splint the leg I can use what gravity manipulation we Yamataians possess to keep my weight of the leg, but I will need to lean on someone to move."

After hearing Junko report about finding an alternative route Sune ask "Takeda-Heisho, are the copies of the starship blueprints intact? It is bad enough that we lost one of the designers, we need to make sure that we do not lose the data."
Kumiko finished what she was doing, and pushed a hand through her hair, brushing it back out of the way. She had the now bare wing spars laid out in front of her, with the other materials off to the side. "If I may make a suggestion? If she feels up to it, Takeda-Heisho should support her. That would leave her one hand free to operate her communicator with, meaning she could both support you and direct us. That way, we have two people operating at full capacity to cover everyone else."
Ramiro listened to the ideas being shot around before adding his impute. "Endoh-Hei's idea sounds most efficient, however I propose we deal with the problem in front of us first and deal with the other problems as they arise. As there are NMX on board the station saving time will save lives." He started disassembling his wings as indicated by Kumiko, although he stumbled with it as he wasn't a very good engineer. Once finished he placed the rods in front of him and said, "So how do we splint the leg?"
"Fold the larger strips of fabric in half. Place them against my leg here and here." He said pointing to the locations. "Then place the rods on either side of the leg against the pad. Use one of the long thin strips to secure the rod in place repeat two more times at these locations." Pointing to the other places the splint was to be secured. "That should immobilize the upper leg sufficient for us to resume our mission. Once back at the Eucharis I can have Miyazawa-Hei or one of the Automated units set it."
Ramiro followed Sune's instructions carefully. When he was on his last knot he pulled it tight and stood up. "Lets hope that will hold." He leaned forward and offered a hand as help for Sune to get up. As Ramiro waited for Sune to grab hold, he called over to Junko, "Takeda-Heisho, could you please round up the designers, we need to get moving."
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