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RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 9.0] Trouble in Deep Waters

"Iz do need make sure you can be recharged even from a random power outlets about the ship." Sheela moved to his side. "Iz can show yooz around as there isn't much to be done till after launch."
Eternity after relaying the message to Katae replied. "I have informed the Taisa. You may proceed to her cabin."

Captain's Suite
Katae was once more pleased with her choice of an XO. One who knew how to speak her mind without crossing into insubordination, and one who did not need constant attention. After Misaki reported about the Sickbays she spoke.

"To be honest, I do not believe that combat units are going to be brought back into service for the foreseeable future. This Bjorn is a private company's creation, and as an AI has enlisted. The reason I accepted is, the very fact that it is not any type of Star Army technology. If my hypothesis is correct, he could be valuable to us later in the mission.

But to prove my hypothesis and that of SAINT, we need to find one of the missing ships, or at least an attack site. And if we do, I am willing to bet a month's salary that we will not find many bodies.

It is believed that whoever these people most like take the crews with them. If this were a military operation that would imply that they want information. But if this is some sort of rouge group. What are they doing with the people? Keeping prisoners on a ship is always a tricky situation. You have to divert some of your crew to monitoring them and ensuring they don't cause trouble. Some of the missing ships had sizable crews. Most of the people that are missing are not military, they are not highly placed in the companies that work. But most of them are trained with a range of technical skills.

So we figure they must have some sort of base of operation. And a supply of technicians and such could be valuable, especially if they want to re-purpose the ships they have or make use of the cargoes. We find this base of theirs we can't go in guns blazing. At least not until we can determine that there are no civilians. That is when Bjorn will be most handy I believe. Walking down a corridor if he comes upon some of the rogues, they will presume he is something that was gotten from one of the many ship's they captured. Meanwhile following behind him in Mindy's our team will be camouflaged and once Bjorn can relay the number of targets. We take them down as quick and quiet as possible. "
Cabin 7

The promotion had surprised Eiven a little. For what time he had been on the ship, there was only the one time where he had been truly challenged while the rest of the time was spent mostly doing what he was told. That did not mean the old man had a problem with his commission - it just came quicker than expected.

The doctor looked into the mirror for a moment feeling the badge between his fingers as he went over what had brought him there in the first place. It had been a long road, and the memories brought a bittersweet smile to his face. He looked down at the new rank he had made and the smile became a little more genuine.

"It's only a start, old boy," he chuckled to himself, "Don't hurt yourself too much celebrating."

The officer then sighed. Recalling what time he had, Eiven worked on getting the badge in place - replacing the old one that would soon need a new home. He would then give it one more look before putting the jacket back on again and heading off to the Medical Lab.
Bjorn looked at Sheela and nodded as he opened up his chest and pulled out a wire "This is my charging wire, so please be careful with it, it should be able to be put it all types of power supplies." He prepares himself for what was coming, he know that he wouldn't be able to do anything properly because of the charging it messes up his mind, his eyes close for what was happening.
Sheela studied the male end of the plug prongs and brought up the standard female power outlets. "Ok you can put it back, now." She took measurements of the hiss's plug and noted it. "Okay yooz can put that away now." Handing the cord back to Bjorn. He was crew and she would do her best to see he was given a fair chance to prove himself and it was nice to have new friends. "

Within a few minutes she had designed an adjustable adapter for his recharger cord. "Charging messes with yooz soft..Iz mean mind?" She had noticed his choice of words. Or was it a 6th sense that techs have. She looked up at him in a manner that made her look like she could read his mechanical mind. But then she still held his recharger cord in her paws.
Bjorn offered to take the cord off Sheela "Can I have my cord back please?" he felt weird asking as he never had to ask for his cord back "You did say you were going to take me around the ship I would really like the cord back before we do." He sighed and watched what Sheela did to help him "Thank you Sheela, it is good that we have something just in case I need it" he takes the cord off her and pus it back as he was feeling too weird and he shut up his chest.

He then looked at her "well lets go around the ship then Sheela" he started to walk out of engineering and looked back at her "Are you going to come with me?"
Sheela let him have his cord back, tapped in some commands and then scampered after Bjorn to show him around. "Iz love the central passage way. Itz free fall and no gravity." She started at the level they was on, showing all of the neat things that the ship had.
Kata'nova did an almost one hundred and eighty degree about face and walked down the hallway in a brisk walk; she let out a tiny yawn, hidden by her hand, before she arrived at teh Taisa's cabin. The girl waited in front of it for a moment, and then knocked three times on it, given how long it had last been since she had talked with the Taisa, she'd completely forgotten the procedure to introduce herself or even what to do.

Saki sat on a bench and was busy cleaning her katana. She was thinking about upcoming mission and wondered what will they run into next time. She liked the last mission, since meeting the new race was pretty interesting. And they had those cute little fluffy animals. Saki would really like to have one as a pet, but that was impossible at the moment. The neko sighed and looked at the swords blade, checking its edge.

"Say," Saki said to Yoshiro to break up the silence. "You think it is the roach-people who are taking all those ships and its crews? If they are, you think they ate the crew? Shit that would be terrible."

"Well if they are responsible hopefully we can talk to them and see why they did it. If they don't want to talk and they attack us well..." Yoshiro said to Saki and lifted his SLAG. "I am ready to let my gun do some diplomacy. I am ready either way and I am going to protect our people no matter what. Honestly I just hope that it doesn't come to a fight but if it does, like I said I am ready to fight. I will do my best to protect all of our people."

Yoshiro checked his weapons, making sure that the sights were aligned and ammo was loaded. He hoped that he wouldn't have to use his weapons but if he had to he was going to make sure that they worked properly the first time he pulled the trigger and everytime after that.

Sheela came scampering into the Armoury to see Saki and Yoshiro already there, doing maintenance. She smiled at them. "Squeeeeee!" Giving them a wave, "Is there anything Iz need to assist with?" Looking at the both of them.

Bjorn walked into the Armoury behind Sheela and made a note who was there as he salutes them "Hello crewmates, I offer my assistance for your tasks as well." He looked around the room "I am sure that my body can help with any heavy lifting you require" he sighed and decided to have an attempt at humour he removed his hand from it's socket "I could always give you a hand." His eyes thinned a bit revealing that he didn't really want to do that but he thought that the others may of gotton a kick from it while he reattached his had and winced "Always hurts more attaching things than taking them off."

Saki was about to reply to Sheela, that no help was really needed, but then she noticed that Bjorn was there as well. The neko give the android a suspicious frown. Than he took his arm off and Saki just went blank, staring at the robot. She blinked few times, but did not reply.

"Uhhh..." the neko finally made a sound. "Well... we are good. Me and Yoshiro just prepared our armours." She updated the newly arrived crewmembers. She then looked Bjorn.

"You probably already know from the ships computer, but let me introduce myself." Saki said, she stood up and gave the man a slight bow. "I am Arai Saki Joto-hei. I generally lead the infantry out on the away missions and am also the ship's armourer."
Transit: Decks 2 - 3

Having finished up attaching his new badge and setting things away; Eiven exited his cabin and made his way through the Lounge to the vertical passage way. He pulled up some of the Rixxor information to go over as he went when a picture made him snort in amusement. The thing almost looked like the bugs some of his friends used to make fight each other way back when.

Approaching the hatch, he held his hand out to catch the frame. This helped him pay more attention to the ledge that was coming up and reminded the doctor of where he was going. Before, casually jumping off a 'cliff' was a bit of a fight against the old primitive preservation programming. But now, after a whole year doing it, the Shoi stepped off without a beat and floated down a deck before stepping back onto something solid again.

He still raised his eyebrows with a smirk and a pause, as if waiting for his balance to fail; but he did not wait long. Barely a second after reacting the realization came and he continued down the passage way - passing the Rec Area, and moving on toward the Med Lab. The old man was getting used to this, and was even starting to enjoy it. It was almost as if... this was home.
Hallway - Captain's Suite

Eternity spoke from the speakers to Kata'nova. "Since she is expecting you, and you are not reporting. Walk in and explain why you requested to speak to her."

Captain's Suite

"Sorry for the intrustion Taisa. Kata'nova is at the door. Shall I let her in?" came Eternity's voice.

"Misaki, I want you to familiarize yourself with this Bjorn's specifications. Work up a tactical analysis. I don't expect us to have to fight with him. But we should probably have a good idea of what he can do, and more to the point. What its limitations and weaknesses are.

Also, while you are at it. Work on the same with our Liaison. Now that Kata'nova is staying with us. We need to figure out how to use her talents as well." She said to her XO, and sent a mental command for Eternity to open the door.


Outside of the Aeon the other vessels were lifting off the deck and making their way out into free space. Hisa made her way around the Engineering room checking the systems and returned to her station. She activated the intercom. "Engineering to Bridge. All systems are green. We are clear to leave the dock upon your command."

Seeing that the others were beginning to interact with Bjorn, She took her leave. Bjorn was on good paws. Nodding to Yoshiro as she made her way through the ship on her rounds that now the ship was in its final stages before lift-off.

Sheela sighed softly that she had time for a bit of reflection. She sighed softly as she had a habit of falling back into her usual mode of being a higher rank, instead of being on the bottom of the hierarchy. She wandered a bit aimlessly and ended back in the engineering next to Hisa. "Iz do apologize in forgetting mez place in the hierarchy of this Unit of SAoY. It's hard going from Flight Commander to peon rank."

She flops in her seat at her console, looking over the gauges and dials. Seeing everything looking good and well centered within ship's operating specs.

"Mez board looks good." Sheela spoke softly. "Other stations are all good, Hisa-Hei." She looks at Hisa again, "Should Iz go and apologize to the Captain?"
Kata'nova gave a curt bow after the door had opened and entered the room; she glanced about for a moment before her eyes locked onto that of the captain. "Thank you Taisa," she said and then straightened up her posture. "There is something I need to talk to you about, it is in regards to my position onboard this ship but also a document that was told to present to you. " It was quite obvious that Kata'nova was more than a little nervous, although the source of her nervousness wasn't immideiently clear - she was a natural soldier after all and that meant always being around people.
"Understood." Misaki replied. She bowed as Kata'nova entered, just a bit as was appropriate given she knew a crewmember was coming in, and then hearing what she said it made her curiosity pique, and she saw her stiff posture and in passing, clasped her shoulder and squeezed it as she expected any warrior might when telling her to take heart without signaling it verbally. At that, she exited, hoping Katae would tell her what it was about sooner rather than later. The XO headed towards the bridge after that, making more links with the MEGAMI as she headed that direction.


Once aboard the bridge, the XO had a partial report complete, and was running the simulations on their new AI test through tactical scenarios of all sorts based on the specifications they were provided, checked against what the Aeon had scanned of him. She wanted most of the report finished by the time she saw the commander again, if at all possible, and the new addition to the crew did present a few tactical capabilities that could prove useful to them on the upcoming mission.

Eiven entered the Med Lab, slowing down to read a section that worried him a little. Human size and as bad as the fighting bugs from his childhood was not a happy thought, and he began wondering if there was enough room. He closed the door as he looked around and sighed at how cramped he was visualizing the compartment.

That was when he noticed a FARS drone on one of the beds - his drone - and looking rather comfortable as well. "So this is where you've been hiding," the old man grumbled at the machine, the icon only stretching and yawning in response. "How long have you been here?"

Bjorn broke out of his train of thought "I am sorry Saki, I was thinking" he looked over the crew still in the armoury "Well as you can see I do not require armours." He looked around and then back to the people "I just wanted to see the crew and see what the information I was given doesn't say" he walked closer to Saki and offered them a handshake.
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