Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 9.0] Trouble in Deep Waters

Armoury - Bridge

Bjorn thanked Sheela before she departed then saluted the others around "I shall leave you in peace now, sorry to be rude and barge in." He left the Armoury and headed to the Bridge as he guessed he would be needed for this mission, once there he waited for the conversations to quieten down then spoke up with a salute "Excuse me Taisa Ise, But I thought you may of had need of me up here" the plaque was on his right side and he stood there in salute still. He waited to be told that he could stop "As there isn't anything to do but mingle at the moment and we are on mission so that is out of the question."

Katae looked at Bjorn, "We have need of you, but not up here. Head down to the shuttle bay." She replied, then turned to Misaki, "XO, I concur the primary objective is the survivors. Have our Infantry prepare to deploy, teleportation modules will get them there quicker than we can. They can evaluate and stabilize the pod's attitude. When we arrive we will use the graviton projector to bring it aboard. Once we have it safely on board we will follow.

Once we are on site our infantry can then catch a ride on the Vigilant or fly along with it. Assign Freyja as pilot, and Sakura to provide medical skill if needed. Their orders are to survey the wreckage site, and determine if there is a chance of more survivors in seal portions of the wreckage."

Eiven had just managed to lock an injector into a pocket when the message came in. "Lankinen here," he replied, "Pretty well set up down here - just let me know where to meet 'em."

He then looked over at his drone and raised eyebrows, "That was quick. Better check on the gurneys - make sure we have enough. I'll see whom we have available to pull."

Misaki sent a scramble alert out once Katae finished relaying her orders. She contacted everyone with the duty assignments at the same time, as it was most efficient for a team that size. She updated Eiven with the plan as well, just so he would be ready when they came in hot with possible casualties. In addition to the duty assignment, she added on the teleportation modules to the infantry loadouts, and then left the rest up to the soliders heading out.

"Team is readying to deploy now." The Chusa announced after all the orders were distributed.
Everywhere and anywhere YSS Aeon

When the announcement came of the arrival and deployment orders. Sheela scooted herself to where the Infantry was waiting at to assist in any way she could. Whether it was helping to attach new hardware or munition loading or on the spot fix the glitch. She kept an ear on her communicator incase she was needed elsewhere on the Aeon.

Kata'nova was a quiet one, so quiet that perhaps no one had noticed her on the bridge, watching, observing, and mentally taking notes of everything she saw - she may be a liason for her people, but she still had a duty to her people and one of which was learning about these people and how they operated, so that in the future they could better understand them. "What will you have me do Captain? I can fly support if need-be, or support the effort through recon, but I will do whatever it is you need me to do," she spoke respectfully toward the Captain, her posture was one more toward her people but it was still a sign of respect that Katae had earned.

Katae turned to Kata'nova, now that she had made her presence known. "XO, why don't you and Kata'nova head down to the hold. It probably wouldn't be a bad thing to have someone from Engineering on hand. After all we do not know how damaged the escape pod is."


Sakura and Sachi walked into the Medical center. "Looks like its a good thing we are here. A damaged escape pod is going to mean injuries; hopefully nothing worse than that. The two of them proceeded to break out two of the grav gurneys and checked them. They each took a PMS-1 and a medical kit. "Ready when you are Doctor." Sakura said to Eiven.
The Infantry members of the Aeon after checking their equipment moved to the cargo hold. At the command of their Squad leader they stepped through the atmospheric shield into the space beyond. Less than a minute later, they vanished in a series of teal balls heading to the damaged Escape pod.

When the emerged the pod appeared to still be operational, but the exterior was pitted with scoring. Several of the maneuvering thrusters were damaged or missing. A look through one of the windows. Connecting to the data port on the pod showed that there were eight persons onboard. The soldiers used their power armor thrusters to stop the tumble and align the pod to make retrieval safer.

While the pod was moving in a small cloud of debris, there was nothing present that posed a serious threat.

"Away team to Aeon. Escape Pod is still operational. eight souls on board. Area is secure." radioed the leader.
:: Aeon ::

Sheela moved through the ship on one of her many errands. She listened in on the conversations floating about the ship. Ears perking up on hearing about the escape pod. She rushed through the ship and grabbed her kit of tools that would be needed to extract the crew from the escape pod, if needed.
::Outside the Aeon::

Yoshiro was out with the rest of the infantry helping with the escape pod. When he saw the scoring, he got a bit angry but bit back down on his emotions. He was reay to move with the squad to get the pod back to the Aeon but he kept scanning in case the enemy was trying to ambush them.

"Affirmative. Good hunting." Misaki bade her commander, and motioned to Kata'nova. The officer bowed lightly, higher than she might normally as they were on alert, and she could have just not bothered, and moved to the rear of the bridge with Kata, soon to arrive at the landing bay. "Do keep alert, not that I should have to tell you. We do not know what is in all the pods.

Cargo Hold

Once in the hold, Misaki double checked the blast shutter status on the ship and then looked to her companion, "There should be some tools in that compartment." She wasn't sure how well she could read their language yet, so she motioned to Kata'nova where some of the basic tools for the cargo area were kept, and the rest she assumed would be in engineering, which she could be a runner for if need be, that and she could stop at the power armor bay to replace a suit for a power armor, but she was still confident they could maintain control of the bay even if it was some boarding trick.

Katae nodded to Misaki as she made her way to the hold. She took her seat and brought the Aeon enough to grapple the pod with one of the graviton projectors. "Vigilant, cleared for departure. Bjorn, report to the shuttle. Infantry members, once the Vigilant is clear board grab onto the exterior of the shuttle and they will take you the wreckage. "
:: Cargo Hold ::

Sheela showed up wearing AIMES space suit, with the helmet attached to her belt. She was pulling her engineering cart with tools and cutters if needed. She entered from another door and secured her cart against the wall out of the way.

She waved to Misaki and Kata'nova, letting them know she was on the job and awaiting the escape pod to help with the extraction of the passengers. She had her service pistol with her along with a back up in her tool cart.
Bridge to Shuttle

Bjorn didn't need to be asked again as he quickly made his way to th shuttle that was waiting for him "I hope this plan works or I may be down a nice new body." He made hi way onto the shuttle when he reached the room and started to change his outer personality to be that of a service AI as he realised that is what was needed for his mission "Ma'am I will be fully ready when I reach there to act like a default AI, uploading my view to the MEGAMI." As he said this the MEGAMI display on the bridge buzzed to life as it showed the interior of the shuttle "it is coming through okay Ma'am or should I make it go somewhere else?"

Kata'nova glanced over her shoulder at the compartment that Misaki had pointed out. "Alrighty!" she said happily and changed her posture, she knew their language well enough now to get by - granted - the more 'difficult' portions of the language would still take her some of their months to fully grasp. She had, however, elected to speak their language whilst aboard their ship - mainly as a curtesy since these creatures still didn't fully know her people's language either.

"Wonder what is in that pod..." she muttered to herself, one hand rubbing her chin thoughtfully while the other was down near where her sidearm was, now to just wait and see what they'd meet!
The pod moved carefully towards the Aeon's Cargo Hold. Usaga worked the Graviton projectors deftly to bring it precisely where she wanted it. A faint whisper of air escaping could be heard as the pod passed through the atmospheric shielding. Once in side she adjusted the gravity in the area beneath the pod to go from zero G to .2 G's. Once it touched down she restored full gravity.

"Sheela, give the hatch a few raps to see if you get a response. Everyone else. Keep your weapons at the ready. No one is going to try seizing the Aeon if they are in that pod." Usaga called out.

Meanwhile the Vigilant was completing its launch check list. Shina turned her head towards the passenger compartment. "Everyone best be strapped in we're launching."
Cargo Hold: Aeon

Sheela scampered up with a big wrench in her paw/hands. She approached and looked over the hatch to see how it opened and then stood off to the side opposite of the hinges. She banged on the hull plating of the hatch a few good whacks.

>Bang!< >Bang!<

"knock knock!" She spoke softly, knowing full well those inside couldn't hear her. Even they did, they probably whont respond unless it was to open the hatch.
Cargo Hold

A moment after Sheela banged on the hatch. There was a reply in the form banging from within. Then the indicators on the control panel lit up and the hatch started to cycle. A groaning sound suddenly filled the Cargo hold and the hatch stopped moving. It was raised about 2 inches from its closed position and whisps of smoke came from the where the motor was located.
Cargo Hold

Sheela smiled at the response, then frowned when the hatch froze with it's motors smoking. "Squeeee." She scampered off to the Tool Cart and looked through the cabinets and shelves to find a manually operated hydraulic jack. She scurried back and wedged the jack into the widest part of the gap and began to force the hatch open. "Patience ... this is gonna take more time to get yooz out folks!"

Once the jack was fully extended, Sheela scampered back to get another hydraulic jack and a block of material to extend the range of the second jack. She returned and placed in the block of material and the second jack.

She opened the hatch in that manner till either the hatch resumed operations or the gap was wide enough for the occupants to squeeze through to leave the Escape pod.
Misaki kept her distance from the pod, all while keeping her hand on her sidearm. The XO attempted to see if there were any readings from internal sensors on the pod, all while she called out, "This is the YSS Aeon, identify yourselves. If you have wounded state the nature of those injuries so our medical team can prepare." She thought two inches would be more than enough to be heard, and wasn't going to take chances that a pirate or some other hostile force would try to board them in this manner. If they did, she wanted them to know they were on a military vessel that was ready for them, if they were survivors, she wanted them to know that they were as safe as they could be for now, not waiting for oxygen to run out in the middle of space.

"Bridge, XO. Standby on the pod, the latch appears to be stuck. Sheela is working on it." She checked in.