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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 9.1] Tip Of The Spear (Battle of Sbuhfaba)

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Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Takeyu smiled and got himself some food, he wasn't much of an egg person but he knew that they were good for the body. He also picked out some bacon and bread to go with it.

He made himself a bacon and egg sandwich along with some milk and a waffle. Though he was tempted to get some fruit salad as well, he knew he would taking far to much.

Taking a seat at the table, he started on his breakfast and listened in to see if anything needed his attention.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Ramiro noted the Taii's comment on bowing aboard the ship, making sure to remember it. Although its not like it matters much any more. He carefully thought about how to answer the question posed to him and finally, having come up with answer, looked Hamada in the eye and said, "Not trouble," Ramiro paused for a second, "Transfer." He quickly found Hanako, but after noticing that there was someone else talking to her, he decided to grab some breakfast first. Ramiro went over and filled his plate with food and sat down only a few tables from the Taisa so that way he could quickly swoop in when the new girl was finished.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Mentally taking down Shizu's comment, Nika excused herself and headed to the wardroom.

"Looks like almost everyone have arrived..." She looked around, noticing a new crew member was talking to Hanako. With the time ticking close to the roll call, the neko went to get some breakfast and settled down.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

"Good morning, Santo Hei," Hanako nodded to Iella. "Welcome aboard. Help yourself to breakfast wait you wait for our interview. I should be able to get to you before the briefing."

The Taisa pulled up her inbox while she ate, where she found Ramiro's request for orders...
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Kumiko seated herself, and started eating. Pausing during her meal, she looked over at Sune. "So, Jalen-Heisho, do you know how the repairs went? I haven't had a chance to check myself, or ask anyone who would know before now."
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

"Thank you Hanako-Taisa." She smiled and went back to the tabled where she was sitting and started to eat again. She looked around at all the new faces and smiled slightly. These people just might become her family.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Sune smiled at Kumiko, and put down his juice. "Actually Endoh-Hei I have not heard anything regarding the status of the repair effort. But I would presume that since we have new orders, that the Eucharis must be ready for service. It had been my intention to go to the bridge after eating breakfast and run a series of diagnostics on the Science Station and ship sensors, but obviously that will have to wait until after the Captain's Call."
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Kumiko shrugged, and took another bite, washing it down with a sip of juice before speaking again. "That's fine. I figured if anyone other then Hanako-Taisa knew, it would be you. I guess I'll just have to wait until after as well. I'll be using my consoles down in engineering, but I suspect we'll be doing more or less the exact same things at first."
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Takeyu listened to the small exchange between Sune and Kumiko. He wanted to learn as much about his new family as possible, and he knew one of those ways was to access any available information on the crew. Granted, he knew some of the information was restricted and he probably wouldn't get anywhere near as close to what he desired.

Though, in the end, all he wanted to know was if he could better accomondate them with his skill set. As he took a sip from his milk and set the glass down, he glanced off to his right at the new girl. He only knew her name, but he felt something else about her other than her being naturally nervous. Always the thing when joining the military, glad I worked in the outer rim area and am used to danger, he thought with a smile and took some of the bacon into his mouth.

He continued to observe them all, his mind keeping track of everything that was being said. His mind soon drifted away from that though, instead of keeping track of what the crew were doing, his mind wondered onto the point of the events of his past.

Takeyu had to wonder; where was his younger sibling right now. He felt it in his heart that she had survived, but what he didn't know was whether she had survived and made it to a friendly colony, or if the pirates had taken her and made her a slave. The idea of which burned him with anger which he had to quickly hide behind a fake smile. One of these days I'll find her, could be weeks, months, perhaps even years. There's also that possibility that she is dead, but I can't think that, he sighed at the thought and just went back to eating. He had a lot on his mind, other than trying to memorize crew names and ranks, he also had his past he had to contend with.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Ramiro finished his breakfast and disposed of his plate and silverware in the proper places. He took a deep breath and then sighed. well, here goes nothing. He quickly made his way over to Hanako's table and bowed. "Ketsurui-Taisa, may I have a moment of your time please, its urgent."
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

The Taii continued her round.

Room after room, she walked through.

The first room was empty. Although it wasn't a power customarily used by the First Officer, or even the Captain, Shizu had access to the personal quarters of everyone aboard save the Captain. The MEGAMI just opened the doors before her.

Sure she could have just asked the computer whether or not people were awake, but partly, Hamada wished to see how the crew lived. People were interesting. Therefore, the way people kept their rooms was interesting.

She never actually went in, though - just took a look, verified nobody was sprawled out across their rack, sleeping soundly. Nobody actually was.

Shizu made her appearance in the wardroom shortly after her round, made her way through the line, and then sat beside Hanako with a couple of hard boiled eggs and a small plate of buttery, syrupy waffles, although she didn't speak. It would have interrupted Ramiro.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Sune had finished the last of his breakfast. He sipped his juice while observing the crew. It gave him a chance to see how they bounced back from last evenings festivities. The Taisa seemed a bit off her game. He was uncertain if it was the after effects of too much alcohol or all that she had been through on the last couple of missions and no real extended down time. It was understandable he figured.

He could not help but notice Ramiro approaching the Taisa. I wonder what Ramiro is up to? Surely he could wait for the Taisa to brief us on the mission. he thought.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Hanako finished her small meal quickly and the proceeded with the business at hand. "Ramiro, come with me. We can speak privately in the laundry room upstairs," Hanako told the starship operator. "Shizu, would you see to it that everyone has an assigned ship battlestation, ground mission team, and crew cabin, to inlcude Santo Hei Remi? You may start her interview as well, if you wish. I can catch up with you after speaking with Ramiro over his...pressing matter."
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Takeyu's ears twitched a few times upon hearing the Taisa speak. Hmm... something up? he thought to himself as he rubbed his chin. He tried not to think about it much though, as he continued to eat his breakfast.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Ramiro followed the Taisa into the laundry room and once they were inside he turned to her and began. "I assume by the way you were talking to the Shizu that you already know what I wanted to talk about. It doesn't surprise me much, nothing ever gets past you." He smiled to her and then continued. "Since Fort Ready is starting up another class I have requested to command that I be transferred to the academy as the head instructor. I would have talked to you about this matter first, but you seem to be a difficult person to get in touch with as of late and, to be honest, I was starting to get a little impatient; its a flaw of mine. Sorry for not consulting you first." Ramiro relaxed a bit as he finished his mini speech and braced himself for whatever Hanako had to say to him, whether it be good or bad.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Skipping into breakfast with much of her usual incurable cheer, our dependable medic Konoka was lost in thought, for yet another time in the past few days. With a curious wobble to her step, she became aware of the toll her recent actions of late had on her usual (hyper) energy level. Ever the optimist, after a brief nap and hearing orders, she had rushed toward here in hopes of a nutritious breakfast, and the excitement of a new mission. For Konoka at least, it was always good to have a task ahead. The mere thought that her help was required for something drove her to find stores of energy within her.

Breaking into a hyper-ish leap, she realized, blinking, that the old green-haired Taii was back. Chuckling silently, she realized that despite her growth as a member of the Star Army, she really could still be a ditz about the most ridiculous things. She had a feeling of sorts about the 'task' ahead, and, coming to a quick halt-and falling over-grew impatient for a briefing. Konoka's 'worrywart' habit was coming back full force at the lack of handy info.

"I's OK!" said konoka, popping up bouncishly, and quickly retrieved what she believed covered her daily servings of nutrients and a cup of milk, taking an empty end seat in a corner and sipping, scanning the room curiously. Her eyes passed over her 'friends', sending her to more worry, and landed on an empty seat.

Where was Ramiro......?

Then, she thought she remembered something about a new crew member........Smirking, she picked up a slice of bacon and began to plan a 'Welcome to the Ship' ambush.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

"Hai, Taisa-san," replied the First Officer, nodding amiably. She then carefully cut off another bit of waffle, and made sure it had a proportional amount of syrup using the little puddle that had formed beneath the waffles in general.

She ate the waffle bit. Chewed. Looked up.

The Wardroom would never really be full - even with only one mess, the Eucharis was still large enough that there would be elbow room. Aside from the Captain, Shizu was sitting alone.

And that needed fixed.

"Page Santo Hei Remi," she thought, patching in to the ship's MEGAMI. "I would like to have breakfast, with her. As follows;"

Santo Hei Remi; lay to the Wardroom.

Shizu started cutting off another bit of waffle.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Sune sat wondering when the Taisa was going to start her briefing. Then she and Valencia-Heisho got up and walked out of the wardroom. Curiousier and curiousier, what is going on? Is Valencia-Heisho being disciplined? he wondered. Then was brought out of his thoughts by another Konoka 'graceful' entrance. She bounced up and continued on her way. "Hello Konoka-Hei, nice entrance." he said with a wink.

Interesting how she only seems to have the problem with tripping when she is in a non-critical state. Perhaps she will eventually outgrow it, but somehow I think not. he mused.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Takeyu blinked a number of times at Konoka's entrance, it wasn't something he had expected to see from a member of the Star Army. "Interesting way to make an entrance," he muttered with a smile and watched her closely.

As he finished up his breakfast, he discarded the trash and then went back to the seat he had been using. With a few thought on his mind he removed a small container from his pocket and rmeoved the disk inside and looked it over. The light from the overheads shined off the smooth surface of the disk, giving off a multicolored rainbow on his face.

He stared at it and wondered what to do with it, the thoughts that came to him were obvious though. Once he had some more time off, he'd find an isolated terminal or computer and look the code over.

His eyes were lost in thought. He knew if he could reconstruct the sensor suite, it might prove useful to the Star Army, but he was also aware that it would take him months, perhaps even a year, before he could even come close to testing it out or putting it into practice.

If I could get this to work better, the Star Army might have a means of detecting Mish ships are much further ranges than they have now, or perhaps detect ships within anomalies that normally can't be detected in. I just wish I had the full code though, lacking at least half of it will be a real pain in the rear end to reconstruct he sighed at his own thoughts and replaced the disk back into it's small holder, and then, back into his pocket.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Half a waffle shoved into her face, Konoka noticed she was being spoken to. "He'woo." she said, sputtering and swallowing disgracefully in a slightly coherent babble. "Heh." "'Morning, Jalen-Heisho!" said Konoka brightly, scooting closer, picking up some now-empty dishes to dispose of. "Valencia-Heisho is your friend, I guess, right? Have you any idea what's up with him and the Taisa this morning? Whatever is going on is putting off our briefing. Guess it's important, huh? I hope no bad news ...Hrrumph. I'm worried, I guess....." Konoka stared concernedly into a near-empty cup of milk, fidgeting.

"However, as usual, I'm worried about everyone." said Konoka with a half-smile than shook her head of the lingering negativity, saying bubblishly, "O-o-ooh, whatever is happening, it'll just happen, right? Whate fate wills'll come. I just can't wait for whatever new task is ahead! After all, some great thing to see or do or be useful at could be right 'round the corner. Speaking of......" said Konoka witha hint of a glint in her eye, "I heard we might have new crew.....Have you seen anyone I may've missed? There's one now......!" she beamed, bouncing up to a start a 'welcome brigade barrage'.

"Want to help, Sune-Heisho?"
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