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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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Picket Line

William smirked as the L'Kor went down. His cannons continuing to pump out salvo after salvo. He then noticed as Hanna retreated back after fighting in melee.

"Hanna-san, good job. But watch your form!" He warned, dropping down to one knee and scanning the area for any new threats.
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Picket Line

Mat flew above the group of enemies that had been surrounding Hanna and began to pick them off from above. Precise beams of plasma lanced out at the L'kor armor and swept through their ranks. As he closed with them he began to skim the ground, appearing as if skating just above it, circling the armors and landing shot after shot with his gauss cannon upon the group from the outside of their clump.

After he had dealt some damage that way, Mat closed the distance and attempted to sweep the legs out from under one L'kor, snap their neck and use them as a 'human' shield as he fired point blank into the enemy armors with his plasma rifle and gauss cannon.

After he had dealt with those enemies he took a flying leap back over to the picket fence and landed down on one knee, using his open right hand to brace himself for the landing.
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Komorebi - Picket Line

Jeez, Eden was being...really annoying this mission. Although she phrased a lot of it like commands, which wasn't very good for, well, the fast paced combat they dealt with.

"Sorry, Eden." Meissa told her directly. "Guess I got too comfortable handing out orders by myself."

"Will do." Meissa told Eden, for the order to send Kikyo back. "Kikyo, come with me. I cover your back, you cover mine."

Meissa held on the detonator of her bombs. Instead, she swooped in to club the kneeling L'Kor on the head with a few swift blows, deployed a few more explosives, and without even checking the status picked the L'Kor up and flew off, detonating the explosives.

"That's it, explosives are empty!" Meissa shouted.
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Picket Line

As William spoke to her, Hanna resighted her gauss cannon towards the lone L'Kor that had made through the picket line. She fired 2 rounds of the cannon at the L'Kor before diving into a prone position and reloading her weapon.

"Copy that, sensei. I'll make my strikes count.", replied Hanna as she finished putting another 18-round magazine into her weapon.

Without moving from her prone position, Hanna resighted her gauss cannon and fired off a few more 50mm shells towards the lone L'Kor.
Komorebi - Picket Line

Mochi nearly facepalmed as the two people on the ground who most vitally needed to work like cogs snapped and barked at each other like two angry mothers. He may have once been third officer but now Mochi was fifth and he held his tongue - it was no longer his place to comment on such things.

In frustrated silence for a good minute, the humble scientist did what he could to the L'Kor lines, thinning out the herd.

They would be surrounded by a force that vastly outnumbered their own and crushed if the enemy commander was worth their salt. If they retreated to the cabin they would just be surrounded even faster. Retreat - not to the cabin - was the correct course of action in his opinion, the longer they stayed here the longer the enemy had to position. If they retreated, their technology could outpace the enemy and the Kaiyo could decimate them with cannons. However, it seems the enemy lacked any sort of thinking above the tactical level to execute such a plan, for now they seems to Mochi to be simply brute-forcing the Away Team. For now.

Eden's order snapped his theorising mind back to action, the scientist realising that like the others he was almost out of gauss.

"Meissa." The green-panel continued, taking note of who had likely expended the most ammo of the group. "Mat, Hanna." Finally, glancing across to where their least experienced member stood, the Juni added "Kikyo. You're all with me - we need ammo if we're going to last more than a few minutes."

With that, the Elysian pinged the Kaiyo using his dorsal module, "This is Iemochi-juni, requesting unit resupply. En route to you, Kaiyo." Breaking into a jog, the mech-armored Mochi made his way to the small ping on his HUD.
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Spot of Inferior Hiding

The L'Kor straggler leaned his shoulder against the embankment, listening to the sounds coming from the cabin. His body shook briefly as he noticed the enemy units repositioning. He started backing away from the embankment ss suddenly two Mindy units were marching right towards his position.

The L'Kor tried to run, this wasn't his war. However, Meissa was soon on top of the man. He fought back quite a bit as he was backed up. Landing quite a good blow on Meissa's jawline. The first club from Meissa knocked the L'Kor's head to the side, the already loose faceplate being knocked clean off, dangling by some wires.

Orange feathers quickly fell from the mask as the L'Kor backed up, pressed against a tree as he attempted to activate his forearm weapon on the armor he was wearing, unable to retreat. It was in vain, as he glanced up to see the Mindy's fist coming straight at his face. The next second, everything was black.

The L'Kor was knocked unconscious, forced between the large tree and Meissa's fist. The L'Kor's body recoiled, hitting the tree before falling forwards onto the ground, limp.
YSS Kaiyo II
Bridge Bunny Den

"Thank you, Commander." The smol tightened her lips as Eden snapped at Meissa. What is going on between those two... Didn't Eden get the information of our time to see what Meissa had done? As she thought, her fingers idly dancing around the console as the grey-paneled female habitually reloaded the mass drivers and also cooled the energy-based defense cannons, Arbles could feel her husband getting worried and concerned...


Sora stood up slightly taller as she took a look around the area. "Good job on clearing parts of the forest, Iemochi-Hei! That's given us some good breathing room! Eden-Shosa, I can escort the resupply ing away team members if you would like; my energy reserves are nearly full again."

The interesting thing about this loadout was that, aside from the rifle slung across her shoulder, Arinori had effectively no ammunition-based devices. As long as she could recharge her energy reserves through the in-built reactor, she could fight for quite a long time.

Seinosuke felt a little, private, telepathic message arrive from his wife, safe aboard the starship above him. Are you okay? You seem worried, Seino...
Yoshida shivered as she realized how close she came to becoming a pretty light in the sky. Eden saved her! Wait... She wouldn't have been under fire in the first place if Eden didn't... Yoshida gritted her teeth as she curned her capacitor charge to power up her CFS sheilding. Not pulling back against a numerically superior foe? Not allowing for those with advantageous positions to remain as is and continue firing? As is they were lucky the L'kor seemed to be just as... devistatingly stubborn. Maybe that wasn't the right word. Oblivious didn't fit either, Eden had a good eye for what was happening...

Whatever the case, she stayed silent, and tightened her grip on her grenade launcher. That was the way to go with these things, right? Stubbornly quiet and stew? She respected command... But that was certainly being tested. This was hardly fun for the young neko- feeling like her trust, while not quite betrayed, had been... diminished. "... Understood ma'am." She said as she quickly fell in with the rest of the group, and readied herself, searching for movement in the trees. "Wish the Kaiyo could let us know where the bulk of their forces were..."
Behind the Front

The engineer tilts his head to one side, crunched a few numbers in his head, and then admitted defeat with a shrug. "I am a fresh recruit on my first mission; I cannot say with confidence that I know how long this will go on.", Walter answered, as he idled with the drone.

"However, I will guess that we will be fighting for a while longer, spitting Aether at our enemy until the trees wither from the blood soaking these grounds. No one here is willing to surrender, and at the same time I have a feeling that this team is not performing at its peak." The engineer sighed, and shook his head, his mood fouled by his own monologue. "Of course, ship maintenance is my specialty. Not beating the living daylights out of a faceless foe." Walter closed off that discussion with a chuckle; he didn't feel invested in the current discussion.

However, the engineer was interested in this mechanical bystander by his side. I suppose I could ask it a few questions, generate some more small talk. It will be just to pass the time. Walter thought to himself. "So, do you happen to have a designation, a name, or must I give you a derogatory nickname like 'Sparkles' ?" He asked, smirking under the Mindy's rather bland helmet.
Picket Fence

After she heard Eden's reply, Ume readied her SMG for more combat. She eyed around the battle field and tried to grasp how everything was going and she did not like the pattern that had developed. It was obvious that the command line was a bit muddled, and the image of victory between the troops and their commander was different. Ume knew this, but if she made a move to try and fix things it could just get worse. So instead she decided to execute her orders as quickly and smoothly as possible to make room for helping others.

With that thought in mind, Ume drew her sword in her left hand and looked on to the soon to arrive opposition. She looked off balanced with an SMG on the right and a sword on the left, but with her sword having had time to recharge, she intended on a rather spectacular display.

"Shosa, is our objective to hold this position, or to wipe out the enemy?" The plum Neko spoke these words over open comms with hopes that hearing the Shosa's victory conditions would motivate and unite everyone.
Behind the Front

The drone seemed to take Walter's nickname idea seriously, stating "That will not be necessary. I am named Chlorate, but this drone appears to be referred to as an: F.A.Four.A. Nickname: Grunt. Analysis shows missing components, including lack of weaponry and no navigational data." Indeed, the holes and attachments where the weapons once were remained, but nothing seemed to be in them. Aside from these and some missing components, however, it seemed the drone could at least fly.
Behind the Front

Walter dropped the smirk, not having felt a bit amused from that. "I probably should not expect much from a artificial intelligence I just met..." , thought the casual engineer. Not all A.I.s have a the program power for establishing a full-fledged personality for itself, after all.

"Chloride... That is a peculiarly cool name.", complimented Walter. "My name is Walter Hyde; I am one of the crew members who were recently recruited. I am classified as a engineer and technician, however it was mandatory for me to join the infantry." While Walter played it off with his casual, positive demeanor, truth be told he wasn't a particular fan of combat. So one could imagine that he wasn't upset when he barely saw any action.
Behind the Front

Chlorate corrected him in a neutral tone, stating "I believe you have made an error. My name is Chlorate, not Chloride." She paused, thinking. "You were recently recruited? What is the army's name- I heard 'Star Army of Yamatai' earlier... and... What do you do as a technician in the infantry?" She thought about this as she wondered what was happening back at the cabin- And now that she thought about it, she wanted to know more about the people who she managed to find on the planet.
Picket Line

The target spotted by Hanna was taken down in no time at all and its body fell against the ground in front of it with an odd, almost splat-like sound. It was near dead-quiet, but they could be able to hear the incoming sound of thrusters firing towards them.

Eden shook her head to Sora. "Iie, no. You're staying with me. There are still more ou—" As she was saying this, a great many targets swarmed up over the partial barricade that had been formed and Eden turned and pinpointed targets for those staying in the line that they had formed. They were coming from the same location that the others had been coming from so far. It looked like the Kaiyō's newest landing zone would be protected by those that were staying in the fight and the tankettes.

Eden called out, "We're holding a line, those that are not going to the ship!" To Yoshida, she said, "Call up to mission ops to have them find out for us!" She hoped that Yoshida got the message about finding out where the enemy were from the YSS Kaiyō II. To Ume and all others, she said, "Our mission is to oppose them totally and completely. We hold our position until it is time to wipe out the enemy. Then, we mop the floor with them."

Already she had begun to take out the shots she hadn't designated for others with her gauss cannon. She stood in a square stance, facing the enemy as they rushed towards her. Intermittently but more than not, her successive strikes dropped one, then another. Finally she had decimated three armors and she switched to focusing on how her team mates were doing for a millisecond, assessing many seconds' worth of footage in very little time at all. Then, her attention went back to the fighting at hand.

YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi replied to Iemochi, "Santô Juni, heard loud and clear." She then nodded to Faye, "Provide assistance to those to be arriving in the power armor bay."

The blue and white haired Neko then turned to the auburn-haired Elysian and said. "Rain down fire power on their parade without hitting friendlies or any chance of doing so, Iemochi-hei. Kiseki-hei!" She turned. "Get us positioned so the power armor bay touches down to the ground!"

Sitting back in her chair, she looked to Misaki, whose troubles were written plainly on her face. She thought for a moment about asking the Teien to go with the missions operator. Then she thought better of it and put her chin in her hand. She spoke on a telepathic channel directly to Eden.

"Get your team back on your side!" Hoshi's telepathic voice was warm and even inviting.

Picket Line

The words from Hoshi chilled Eden's spine. She had assessed the level of fighting and had formed a plan in an instantaneous second.

Eden yelled, "Thrust towards them and wipe them out with melee attacks! When they begin to move back, we teleport behind them and go in for the kills!" They would be landing just in between the tankettes and where the line of fallen trees began. "Hold your fire, tankettes!" Eden called out as she prepped herself. Then to everyone, she said, "The L'Kor tend to form large, thin walls of troops where all of them can shoot at once. If we get behind them, we'll have an even stronger advantage. Soon... Now!"
Konorebi Defense Force (KDF)

"Hai! Assuming position!" Sora stepped right back to where she just was, her defensive systems flashing brilliantly as she stood tall, gatling cannon blasting away at the enemy, the weilder sweeping her aim from one side to the other, dealing moderate amounts of damage to every unfortunate heathen in front of her as they approached. She began to charge forward while firing, before bashing the first L'kor in respective range with her spinning gatling, aether being thrown into the air wildly.

YSS Kaiyo II
On Hoshi's command, Arbles wordlessly opened fire upon the advancing forces, each direct hit from a cannon effectively deleting entire heavily-armored bodies. However, at ranges like this against targets such as these, the cannons were not going to take care of every target unlike the last time.
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YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

"Whew, gonna be in for a rough landing then." Kyoi commented.

She swung the ship so the lethal weapons array always pointed down at the enemy below, so the weapon operator had the best shot possible. The ship swung in an arc, landing with its belly on the ground.

"Clear!" she shouted.

Komorebi - Landing Zone

Meissa watched as the ship sailed through the air, making the perfect arc and raining death below.

"Come on, Kikyo. Let's get this resupply down." Meissa told her little sister, as the PA bay opened up.
Picket Line

Before turning to follow Iemochi, Hanna sighted her gauss cannon and picked off a few designated targets, using two full magazines of ammunition to do so. Activating her thrusters, Hanna flew out of the picket line, throwing a flashbang towards the massed enemies before expending the remainder of her magazine on another target.

Once her magazine emptied, Hanna reloaded and flew towards the landing zone.

Landing Zone

As Hanna landed next to Meissa, she looked towards the Kaiyō II as it fired it's payload at the advancing L'Kor assault group. Once her AIES had identifed Kikyo within the group, she sent a direct transmission to Teien Misaki-Chui on the bridge.

"Requesting permission to leave Teien Kikyo-Hei on the Kaiyō. Soldier is mentally untrained for combat, Teien-Chui."
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Behind the Front

"Yes, right... Of course, Chlorate. My mind is on other things." Walter blushed out of embarrassment, and his tone implied that he felt guilty for the misstep.The Minkan glanced at the mighty Kaiyo II swinging around, bringing justice and hell upon the enemy, much like the great space-faring leviathans of great classical fantasies. He carried on, filling more information into the drone.

"The Star Army of Yamatai is one of the more powerful armies in the known galaxy, actually. We, as soldiers for the nation of Yamatai, are to expand the empire, protect out allies, defeat our enemies, and make progress in science for the good our people." Walter figured he'd begin with a bit of propaganda; it's much easier to start with the simple things in life.

After that, he elaborated his own job. "Well, engineers and technicians on the field", he said as he avoided the term 'combat engineer', "are primarily here just to fix weapons, vehicles, and power armor. Unfortunately for me, everyone else is so good at doing their job that they aren't leaving me with anything to fix."

Right on cue, Mat's bright beam of light pierces the sky, and Walter hears the sound of roaring light and a lot of screams. After which, it cuts right back to background gunfire.

"... As you can see, my crew is doing quite well without my help. Victory should be secured at this rate." Walter spoke confidently, although truth be told he did feel a twinge of neglect. "However I will still do what I must on the field, in preparation for the worst case scenario."

Jax jutted an arm in front of Leeta, preventing her from taking another step into the ring of mushrooms.
"Be careful where you walk! For all we know, these could have just released toxic spores when you stepped on it!" He pulled Leeta a few feet away from the circle and watched the mushrooms for... Something. He didn't really know what. After a few minutes, he knelt down beside them and studied them. Red and white spotted mushrooms. As a rule of thumb, Jax knew that bright colors meant danger. However, one couldn't tell exactly what kind of danger just by looking at it. If it was toxic when touched, he knew Leeta would be fine because of her protective boots. She didn't eat it, so she was good there as well. Putting a fresh pair of gloves on, Jax plucked a mushroom out of the ground and placed it into a specimen bag. It was small, at least a third of the size of the other rock-like fungi.
He heard shots firing in the distance. The fight had clearly escalated near the cabin- he hadn't been able to hear the gunfire until now.
"Let's go further out, shall we? We may be of Star Army qualifications, but we don't need to face a fight we're not prepared for." He told Leeta.
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