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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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YSS Kaiyo II

The anomaly in the reactors' functionality became known to Nerai'tha soon enough, popping up on her console with a few yellowy flashes. Alerted by the fact, Nerai went about gaining more information about the problem, checking on the more detailed statistics of the reactors themselves. This would include temperatures, levels of various kinds of radiation or interfering waves, leaks, and other kinds of anomalies, just to be safe. This also involved inquiring with the engineering staff, currently en-route to the enineering room to investigate. Nerai could check a lot of things from here, but not everything. The proverbial 'boots on the ground' would be vital to fixing this issue, or at least stop it from getting bigger.

"Engineering staff, MEGAMI has detected anomalies in the Main reactor and Backup reactor's configurations, please investigate and report."

So the worries of the crew at the briefing were justified, right. While nerai had looked after several different ships and classes so far, this particular type of anomaly was new to her, so Nerai made sure to take in as much info as she could. With a deep breath she got to tapping away at the panel, checking, sorting, re-checking and monitoring as many subsystems as she could.


Komorebi surface
Picket line


All the while Abart kept his ground, having taken cover behind the volumetric barricade near one of the tankettes. His LASR, gauss, and missiles did a good enough job at disrupting and dispatching targets here and there, and he felt that his shots were getting more accurate lately, dishing out much more reliable damage overall. Not to mention he had ammo for days.....well not days, but still plenty on him. Nevertheless, the big separa with the big guns had become a pretty big target, and was taking a serious barrage of enemy fire. His ellipsoid shield did a decent job of blocking some stray shots as he peeked out over the barriers, but due to the need to aim, the CFS shielding around his head had dropped a fair bit. Wouldn't be the first time this happened.....

Peeking out the side of the barrier (which wasn't doing too great either by the way), the covers on his shoulder mount missiles opened up to prepare for another 5-shot salvo, going right into the general area behind the forward L'kor position to stall the newcomers. The little crosshairs flickered into small red triangles on his intended targets, one, two, three, four..... when suddenly the little enthousiastic chibi from Eden's mind appeared in his HUD, dartling from side-to side, sinalling their next flanking maneuver. Being as he was, the Separa'shan's highly motion-sensitive eyes locked onto the swiftly skipping sprite, unable to look away, like a reflex.

These two seconds of distraction were enough to let the snakeman's guard down, making him ever so vulnerable to whatever foe would set their sights on Abart'huse.....
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YSS Kaiyo

"Medical personnel, report to power armor bay. Suit up if that's required for your body."

Care had expected that, with conflict, she would come into use. But the extent and the specifics, as always, were a mystery. There was no forward group declaring who would be coming in with what- She was the medical unit. One of them, at least. Before things had gotten 'exciting' she had geared up in preparation. Her outfit wasn't of particular note- It was standard of her position, though gloves remained off, tucked into a pocket. Under normal circumstances anyone else would be wearing them- But her specific design called for otherwise.

A pistol tucked into a holster at her waist, and standard supplies for field work on her person, she exited the Medical Bay on cue, making her way through the ship. Others stepped through the ship- Each going to their own places to do their own jobs. It was almost a sobering thought, she was a part of a larger system. A single gear in a much larger device, all working together to make one flowing force. As she walked she raised a hand, allowing it to deconstruct to reveal the design within. Syringe, scissors, flashlight. Giving each tool a quick stretch as she tested their motion, they vanished once more within her hand. Making a fist and rolling it in its joint, she seemed satisfied with how it worked.

Stepping into the Power Armor bay, Care glanced around. For the moment- She lacked Power Armor, she hadn't requisitioned one. For the moment, she'd have to rely on her own durability. Hopefully it held up.
YSS Kaiyo II

Misaki bit her lip slightly, "Denied, Hanna-Hei. We need every armor we have out in play." She felt her heart sink slowly once she heard herself speak. She was making the decision for her child to be nearly forced to fight. Her arm grew restless and begged to move. Saki let it by slowly rotating it around, though her finger movements were the only signal of her uneasiness. He looked at Kikyo's HUD display and sent a message through their telepathic connection.

"Sweetie, I need you to be brave. I know their is a fighter in you somewhere, you have that bit of me in you."

Kikyo seemed to hesitate for a moment, replying to her mother with a flat 'Hai' as she gunned her thrusters to follow her sister. She began reciting to herself a pep talk, one that seemed to be effective as she suddenly seemed to feel empowered by the chant. As soon as she appeared of Meissa's left wing, she gave a quick nod before speaking up over the comms,

"Where to now?"
YSS Kaiyo II - Power Armor Bay Exterior

"Back in the fight, then." Meissa told her little sister. "Let's really earn you that promotion now."

"This is Nashira, permission to launch with Kikyo before the rest of the resupply group?" she asked.
Picket Line

Sora's gauss cannons that were only just now coming in to join at opposing the enemy worked wonders on two targets to Eden's left. Her LASR brought down targets as she held it in her hands and that weapon struck just a few more opponents as she moved its blast radius just a bit to the left. It was the combined effort of both weapons brought down several L'Kor, five in all, as they had been trying to get at them. Sadly, she was now struck twice on each her right arm and left leg.

Abart's five shot salvo directly hit a grouping of L'Kor and the three of the grouping he struck were downed. An aether blast hit his power armored helmet, but it would take more than that to down his shields as well as get through the zesuaium.

William was able to down two enemy armors before he was struck on the shoulder by a missile and then on the leg, clipped. His armor's shields had been downed a bit, but there was no other damage.

Ume exhibited the skills befit of someone her rank and her catch and release method of sword play was suiting her just fine. She killed one L'Kor by slicing her weapon through them, then a group of five salvos were launched and three more were hit fatally. The other two were dealt bad blows, but they had skimmed the L'Kor and only an arm and a leg were hit, but their shields were down.

The back lines of the L'Kor had been addressed by Matsuvo as he bore down with aether rifle blasts and slashes of his saber. He was quite the sight, though, as he teleported away from Eden and Sora and towards a grouping of L'Kor. The power armor he had teleported into absolutely fell apart. Bot now, L'Kor began to race towards him, thrusting directly up to him and beginning to engage him in melee combat, seemingly all at once. There were only about seven power armored L'Kor in the back lines, but Mat was one of the only ones back there.

Hanna would see that she was enteing the fray at just the right time. The enemy lines coming from the South-West were thinning, but they still came in slowly in groups of five or sometimes ten. Gauss and grenades reloaded, she was the best candidate for taking out the L'Kor.

Janna's missiles dropped five L'Kor and her LASR ended up being the reason two more were downed. Her fragmentation grenade landed and ripped up some armors, dropping their shields by large amounts. She was struck five times on her chest, though, and the condition dropped from light green to yellow, then an armor piercing round nearly went through the armor, but did not and her color stayed yellow on her chest piece.

Then, one of the tankettes was struck by an incoming missile barrage. The ground around Anastasia's tankette exploded with the shots as they buried into the ground. The 35 mm machine gun was taken out by the successive blasts.

Eden looked to Kikyō's and Meissa's HUD displays as the two sisters realized the turrets were being shot at. Eden drew her breath in sharply and wondered if she had done that, made Meissa a field commander, because she was now in charge of Kikyō. In would make sense, the fewer people vying for power during a combat situation, the better. But this was the same Meissa she didn't trust an hour ago. She shook her head and redirected her fire to the forward line as she thrusted up, twirling in the air.

"Someone get on Shinomori-hei!" Eden said over comms. "Madsen-hei, begin pushing the line upwards with me! And Meissa, get those L'Kor that just shot at the turrets. They can't do much damage from what I've seen of their weapons, but I don't want to take a chance! You're a field commander, meant to lead whoever comes with you. Get them dead. That doesn't mean everyone go with them, either. I need a lot of you on this picket line. We have too many on the ship as it is. Remember, team, we're thrusting up to gain an advantage of height and to get away from the tankette's line of fire. Thrust up soon, I already have." Eden's voice was calm and secure. "Next order of business will be sending out a team to pick off anyone in the forest. That's after we completely rid ourselves of those coming in."


Chlorate would find the electricity was not stopping throughout the forest. In fact, it seemed to be coming closer to the drone. Soon, the electricity acted like a scalar grenade and shorted out the drone, doing no harm to Chlorate as an entity, but the shell she was utilizing was now compromised. It pinged slowly and steadily got lower as the drone fell to the ground. The drone had barely but definitely dipped into the water a few inches.

Landing Zone

Meissa and Kikyō would be able to notice the turrets beginning to be aimed at and shot by some L'Kor that were not rushing the picket line. This group of power armored L'Kor were hanging back in the South-West corner, though the rest of the L'Kor were coming from the South-East.

YSS Kaiyō II

"Systems and safety, tell me about the turret-damage," Hoshi said as her SPINE told her something was off with them. She could have used her digital mind to access the information completely, but trusted Nerai's expertise in giving her the most tactfully useful knowledge about the damage the ship was taking.

"Iemochi-hei, what can you give me to get them off our back?" Hoshi asked, blue and white hair flying as her pink mouth opened to ask the question of Arbitrated.

Power Armor Bay

Boss turned to the Automata and asked, "Do you require my assistance?"

Care had something to do, that was for sure, as she saw Madoka limp and falter as she tried to step and Muyomi's voice came out over comms.

"You're getting held, I don't care what you say anymore." Muyomi picked Madoka up at that point and jogged into the power armor bay.


It seemed the Separa'Shan was alone and she could get to the task of figuring out the problem.

Boss informed her, "There seems to be a systematic error in the way the dual generators are acting."
Komorebi - En Route to Pickett Line

"Got it, Eden." Meissa told her, while swerving to dodge and give herself more time to counter the enemy. "Mat, come to me to pick up your new gun."

"Kikyo, you heard mother. Clean up those L'Kor." Meissa instructed, allowing her drones to split off, and instructed them to move to help her flank the enemy L'Kor while she began to shoot with her Saber-Rifle, the plasma gun on the ground.
Flight of the Adorable
(En Route to Pickett Line)

Kikyo gripped her SMG's handle and pistol grip before exhaling quietly. Kikyo moved in the opposite flanking move of her sister, and leveled the Aether weapon towards one of the L'Kor. She felt the uneasiness rising inside of her, but she did something she wasn't expecting to do. She swallowed it. She could see her sister just within her field of view and felt safe. She felt her finger coil around her trigger as she set the weapon to fire in bursts.

With a slight click, and the 'pew' of the submachine gun's retort. The soldier fired her weapon, quickly changing to aim at another target without looking to even see if she had hit.
Landing Zone

With the Kaiyo touching down for their much-needed resupply, Mochi bounded up to the PA Bay with the others (minus one) in tow, boots clanging on the corrugated floor. Tossing down the now-useless flamer, Seinosuke swept up one of the several SMGs around the striplighted room as replacement. Hastily reloading his twin gauss cannons and grabbing as much ammunition he could feasibly get to the Line for the others, the Elysian half-jogged back towards Eden and her entourage. Passing Meissa and Kikyo as they left, silver cargo containers hefted, he quipped "Go get 'em."

Reaching their ground commander just as she issued her orders, he kneeled to offload the haul his team had ultimately been sent for and spread them across the line, Sein took the moment as a breather. Legs burning from having ran best he could so heavily burdened, the man processed the situation. No point hanging around waiting for someone less experienced to lead another excursion while he was around. "Ma'am, I'm good for splitting off into another team, with your permission. Anyone who fancies driving these bastards back for good with me!" he exclaimed, wired from all the action that had unfolded.

Rising up once more he snatched his new weapon from where it lay beside the last container. Judging it best those remaining decide individually if they wish to leave the hold to assist the push, Mochi began advancing to the trees without any further comment, hopefully not alone in this new assignment.
Picket Line

"I want to see a small team of Arinori Sora, Madsen Janna-hei, Shinomori Mat-hei, and Peio Muyomi-hei when she's free —which should be soon. Assemble under Iemochi-juni. And go quickly, it looks like he's left already!" Eden called out over open comms. She then turned to focus on flying up to a mid-air dying L'Kor. She looked around for fracture points in the armor of the L'Kor body and found one, stabilized the body, then pounded her knee spikes into the L'Kor's fractured points in their power armor.

"Jôtô Hei Hatoyama Ume, Madsen Hanna-hei, you're with me. We'll hold down the now-fort with William, Abart, and the rest of you! Meissa and Kikyo, continue taking down those that are shooting at the turrets in the South-West!" Eden said, again giving a direct and concise order, but she wanted to clarify. "We will hold air superiority and form a diamond around the perimeter. I want Kaiyō II to get off the ground as soon as possible! And I want everyone on the away team off of the Kaiyō II, is that understood, away team?"
Picket Line

From her position in the air, Ume could see how things developed across the battlefield. She noticed Shinomori-Hei's situation as well. It only took a moment to decide that it would be more beneficial to prioritize his safety than to finish of the two injured L'Kor.

So the plum Neko kicked her thrusters into high gear and flew low, quickly covering the distance before doing a half flip and slamming her feet into the shield of a L’kor to send him flying way and open a hole for Matsuno. She gracefully flipped back from the impact against the shield and landed on her feet a burst of aether rounds projected from her SMG as she tried to force more L'Kor back.

"Need some help?" She spoke with a light hearted tone that Mat could almost hear her smile.

Mat grinned as he advanced through the new opening to stand behind Ume, back to back. “Thanks for the help Ume, I've got your back.”

At that he began to attempt to beat the L’kor away with Aether saber swipes and blasts from the stolen L’kor Aether rifle.

Soon the stolen weaponry began to run out of power, and when it began to dry fire Mat tossed it at the face of one of his enemies, hooked his foot under the rifle of another fallen enemy and flipped it up into the air where he grabbed it and continued to fire.

Ume smiled at Mat's response and with her back covered she was able to focus on those in front of her. "Let's get back into the air, no use being down here."

At those words, Ume's photonic shield expanded into several stakes about a foot thick to use as a wall to delay the L'Kor on her side as she started to float up into the air.

Mat, on the other hand, activated his thrusters without attempting to delay the L’kor, instead hacking at them till he was out of their reach, at which point he began to fire the rifle at them.

With them both free now and new orders from Eden, Ume flew over the L'Kor, firing down on them as she passed and made her way over to Eden.

"Just shoot till they don't get back up?"

Eden raised her gun and shot at a lone L'Kor that had gotten past the wall of trees and was zooming towards the damaged tankette. She shot him twice on the helmet and then blasted his wing, the frail thing it was succumbed to a barrage of a dozen shots and fell before Eden shot three more times into their temple.

She watched them go down before saying, "Hai, Jôtô Hei Hatoyama. That's about it."

Ume audibly chuckled and then began t fire down on the L'Kor, picking out a few and pinned them down with constant fire, once she had them pinned she fired several shots from her shoulder canon to try and finish some off.
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Picket Line

"Affirmative Teien-Shosa!", Hanna replied as she burned her turbo aether plasma engines, pushing more speed from them in an effort to reach the picket line as soon as possible. On account of her speed and her weapon's range, it did not take long for her to reach them. As she flew down towards the picket line, Hanna threw two flashbang grenades: one aimed at a group of five L'Kor, and another aimed at a group of ten. Before the two grenades had activated and touched the ground, Hanna's SMG vibrated in her armored hands as she fired a lethal barrage of aetheric fire at a few of stunned targets that she had marked red in her HUD.

Her digital mind went through precise and rapid calculations, guiding the aim of her SMG while simultaneously accounting for Hanna's flight speed and trajectory. Once she had flown over her targets, Hanna arced around and resumed her attack run on the L'Kor...


As her HUD flashed yellow, Janna reflexively dove into cover behind the shrubs. Although the advanced aetheric weaponry that the L'Kor were utilizing would easily penetrate the foliage, Janna hoped that the shrubs would help to distort her true location from the enemy.

Upon hearing her new orders, Janna activated her energy cloak shield projector and flew up from the shrubs and towards the cover of the forest, flying towards Iemochi-Juni's position...
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Chlorate made several error beeps as she slowly plummeted to the ground. Once her descent ended, touching down into the dirt, mud, and water, she attempted to start back up, finding her propulsion non-operational. "Error. Error. Error." She called out, now seeming distressed. "Engine systems... Offline. Vertical Take Off systems... Offline. Maneuvering thrusters... offline. Multiple major malfunctions detected. Drone in critical condition. I can no longer move. Walter, I need your assistance... My drone has been compromised from the anomaly..." Chlorate felt that feeling from before again, that feeling she felt when she was escaping from her original planet. But what was it... fear? and why was she feeling it? She was an AI, how could she feel a feeling like this? As such, she ignored it, dismissing it as some kind of glitch.
YSS Kaiyo II
Electric Boogaloo Bridge

"H-hai!" Damn! The drivers are useless down here... This is why I prefer space! Regardless of her concerns, Arb-Arb did her best to start blasting away against the L'kor armors, the rapid crashing of the quad-cannons being intermixed by potent roars as the turbo-aether batteries came to life. Without their primary source of power, this onslaught wouldn't last for long-hopefully, it was enough to keep the L'kor away long enough for the technicians to restart the generators; no doubt Anastasia had let them know about the process.


"Okay! Repositioning now!" Sora quickly floated upwards even as she got hit, defenses flashing brightly as she casually returned fire in her strafe-like movement towards the Phoenix-like Elysian. She was on his right and slightly behind him when she landed again.

A somewhat playful message was sent via telepathy to Arbles, Don't worry, I'm here to protect your husband.
Picket Line

Anastasia looked up in shock as several warning indicators lit up across the volumetric projection in front of her, a digital claxon alerting her of the rapidly approaching projectiles. "Look alive!" the Elysian yelled, slamming the dual control sticks as far forwards as they could go.

The Tankette didn't even have time to lurch forwards before the missile barrage impacted. Anastasia was slung against the side of the cockpit as the missiles slammed into the vehicle, each more hard hitting than the last. Earth spewed around the Tankette as some missed, before Anastasia could finally flap back into her seat, breathing sharply.

The volumetric display shorted for a moment, before updating and reappearing. The Tankettes armor was quite heavily damaged, and the machine gun was now inoperable, if still existent. The missile pods remained. Anastasia coughed, reaching up at an awkward angle to punch the tank back into movement. Treads flinging dirt for a few seconds, the Tankette crawled out of the mound of earth and fire it was sitting in.

"Heavily damaged, machine guns compromised." Anastasia reported, still gasping for air. She looked at the volumetrics, gathering evidence to figure out where the missiles were fired from.

Once calculated, she breathed in and prepared a salvo of revenge, firing a few missiles into the distant L'Kor, avoiding catching any of the away team members in the crossfire.
Mat, now free from enemy interference, rocketed toward the landing site where he was to join Mochi, setting down and running next to the scientist.

"So what's our objective?"
Picket Line

As William finished cutting down the first two L'kor, he had attempted to move on to a third target when the missiles struck him. The missile blows caused him to stagger back several steps. "Damn it!" He cursed, checking his systems for damage. When he was satisfied there was no real damage besides the shields getting drained he looked for the one that just shot him.

As Eden gave her orders, William nodded and returned to the fight. "Confirmed. Continuing engagement." He replied, flying back into the fray with just as much ferocity as he had started with. He flew forward once more, attempting to get in close and use the L'kor soldiers as meat shields as he cut them down.

Hopefully the L'kor would not fire on their own comrades...

Walter leapt in shock as the electricity utilized its homing attack to paralyze the drone briefly, and for a couple of seconds he felt lost.

Although hearing the distressed drone's request for help, the Minkan pulled himself together real quick! It looked like the drone and the aerospace engineer are in the clear, for now, anyways.

"This can still be worse; you aren't... Well, 'dead', right? Just currently in a bad spot." Walter said, as he attempted to point out the positives. "Alright, I need to... Need to ..." Walter turns to the Kaiyo II, looked at his sabre-rifle, and then right back at the drone. "I need to make a call."

The Minkan instructed his AI to establish a wireless connection to the bridge of the Kaiyo II; he spoke to the bridge via radio communications. "Chusa Hoshi, our drone friend has been paralyzed by some variation of EMP attack, and is rendered immobile. I hate to be a bother, but what should I do?" Walter asked, as he tried to keep his plea for assistance short and to the point, considering that the Plumaria vessel is already dealing with its own set of issues.

He hoped that nothing bad is happening on-board... Really, really hoped.
Cailey blinked as her predatory eyes scanned the room, finding it empty. Like a disappointed teenager she hunched over and sighed, slowly slithering her way over to the dual generators.

"Hum hum, systematic? Hum," she mutters to herself before searching for the problem delicately. With few to talk to on a casual basis, she often discussed matters with herself, filling the silent room with a two-sided conversation between one person. "Hardware? No, no, software, it's a systematic error, probably - but why would the Star Army overlook a software error? No, it's most definitely hardware, yes."
Power Armor Bay
"Do you require my assistance?" The Boss spoke clearly, but Care gave a brief shake of the head as her eyes went to the approaching patient- Who had just been picked up by someone else. Her eyes adjusted, quickly glancing over Madoka. A Nekovaljyrja- Synthetic organic. Important- But not as important as finding the injuries and the extent. She quickly stepped over to the approaching Muyomi. Her eyes quickly switched from location to location on the organic synth's body, her eyes making clicking noises that were shadowed by the noise of, well, everything else in the room.

"Let's get her somewhere clear so I can get a look at her. We might need to relocate her to the Med-bay immediately if her wounds are dire enough." Care spoke quickly, motioning the duo away from the moving parts of people and the entrance. If not interrupted- She would quickly began to search Madoka for injury, taking note of their location and severity. Some clothing removal possibly required- Given location of wounds. Nothing invasive or otherwise indecent.
Picket Line

Sacre affirmed her orders and headed towards the fray, letting her suit's fire control take care of her NSBs as well as her Cannons, and using her own rifle to shoot at the L'kor as they approached. She took up a central location just behind the front line. Her attention was mostly on her HUD that let her keep track of where everyone was in the battle and how they were doing. So far, they had been lucky, their only serious injury was already on the ship. It seemed too easy so far, a part of her wondered where the second bat was.
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