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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Fifteen: Harae

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Planet Surface
Bathhouse Interior
Floor 1

"Well, looks like we're getting out of the ship anyway." Klaus said, after receiving orders to reinforce the planetside team. He followed Oaklen's lead and synched his teletransportation with his. It really should be more spectacular than this. Just a bright flash, the passing of a moment and a distance of thousands of kilometers becomes insignificant. Beats the hell out of walking, was a favourite expression of his old man when describing it.

As Klaus listened to Belmont-chui's orders to secure one of the locals, he approached the structure. It looked like an... onsen? Peculiar. As he and Oaklen entered he turned to Mark and said "So I guess that means we're interrogating the locals. You wanna be the bad cop and I'll be the good cop?"

Smirking Klaus turned his head to gaze upon at the locals and choked. The people in the bathhouse were winged humanoids, but they were...naked?! And Belmont-chui as well?! Color burst in his face, making him thankful for the Mindy's helmet. He didn't know how but he knew that somehow this was his playboying, wannabe casanova grandfather's fault.

"So this is my first mission in the glorious Star Army of Yamatai. A public bathhouse filled with naked people in the middle of nowhere. My grandfather's laughing at me right now." the Minkan mumbled under his breath. He sighed and stowed himself. Embarrassment later, duty now. "Let's just hurry this along, please?" he pleaded.
Bathhouse Interior

Ragnar didn’t like what came next, it was necessary even in the situations he’s been in before being shipped planet side, but he did hate it because it could South faster than an FTL jump. “Someone back me up on the first floor, securing patients and suspects.” He spoke into the team comms line.

Entering the room with his medical scanner raised and smg brought to bare, however now keenly aware to keep his finger away from the trigger; close enough to use in an instant but far enough away to avoid a panic shot. Never wanted to see that kind of hot mess again he recalled an incident with a brand new, very scared medic. “Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention!” He bellowed in a deep, gravelly voice through the helmet; seeping with authority. “We are operating under orders from the Star Army and have come across a potential contagion. We require all of you to gather in that corner over there and await assessment. For your safety and ours please comply; any attempts to break containment or interfere will be met with all necessary responses.” He punctuated the last sentence with a leveling of his weapon, choosing to keep the shoulder mounted scalar tucked down and away. Let em know you’re serious but don’t spook em...they may not even be involved Ragnar reminded himself.
"Yeah yeah yeah, we've done weirder shit then this. Come on and let's get things going. Yeah I'll be bad cop.", Mark replied with a slight chuckle, sensing the man's nervousness. He then strolled to the nearest person as Ragnar ordered people to gather for tests. With that he chose a woman just off to the side, "Alright, you go first, just start you know..with her name, see if she remembers where she's from, how she got here, and if she even knows where here is. I'll hop in if she starts being difficult for whatever reason."

Mark stayed back a couple paces to be back and off to the right behind Ragnar as they approached. He switched his volumetrics on to just show his head, but he was still wearing his helmet, the system had just made it seem invisible. Having a face to interact with gave better results during social interactions, and hopefully would make the pair more approachable. Or at least Mark anyway, Klaus might not even decide to do the same, he had no way to know until Klaus did, or didn't.
Planet Surface
Bathhouse Interior
Floor 2

As Saya entered the room, Elenor gave the medic a nod, after lowering her rifle from being ready to fire. She may have been a bit on edge at the moment. "Saya-Hei, we could use a check over the corpse we found. Need to get an ID and possibly what happened to them." Elenor said whilst pointing to the corpse on the bed, her body language suggesting she was glancing at Alastair, hoping she wasn't stepping out of line with that.
Planet Surface
Bathhouse Interior
Floor 2

Alastair could not help but smile as the vitals update from the crew came in. He was happy to see the crew was not completely immune to the finer things in life. Though he did hope no one would decide to do anything crazy and try the locals. Was a time and place for that kind of action.

Alastair looked to Saya to answer her question. "I don't know, how about you tell me using the information given to you." A moment later an image of Alastair's suit showed up on Saya's hud. Any and all information related to the crew was at her beck and call.

"Elenor, wonderful idea." As he spoke he took a few steps back away from the body. "I will just hang out over by the door and keep watch. Our team downstairs is about to do something." His smile curled into a grin. He hoped this time around they would get some answers.

As he moved towards the door he thought it had been awhile since he had heard from the captain. "Alastair reporting in Hoshi. Still working to get answers down on the planet. Found a body that appears to be in a Star Army of Yamatai uniform. Any update about the YSS Akagi ship?" This was a private message sent to Hoshi directly
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Planetside Bathhouse
Second Floor

Saya blinked a little as she looked over the room, more concerned just then for her teammates than the occupants of the room. Though eventually her gaze did fall on the occupant of the bed. The medic blinked a little for a second before her mind caught up and quickly the Mindy moved to the bedside. Her medical scanner was out and she did her best to run a quick scan as she called back up to Sacre.

"Ma'am, we have deceased down here. None of our crew, but one is in a star army uniform. Looks Elysian in nature, running medical scans to determine cause of death now."

Saya sent a video feed to Sacre quickly before she placed the medical scanner against any exposed skin that she could find in an attempt to put probes into the body to scan anything internally. Mostly she was interested in the condition of the brain. It could be a connection between those on the ship.
Bathhouse Interior

"Okay." Klaus said. He watched as the medic, Ragnar his HUD supplied him, ordered the people to gather in a corner. Though not the approach Klaus would've preferred, it served its purpose well enough. Following Oaklen's lead he used his volumetrics to show his face. Unfortunately, that also exposed his noticeable blush at the situation.

Approaching the woman Oaklen-hei had pointed out, he put his most amicable tone and focused on the woman's eyes, lest his own eyes wander. "Hello. I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience this interruption must be on your, ehm... activities. Please be assured my colleagues and I only have your welfare in mind. With that out of the way, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Klaus Kurogane. Could you please tell me your name, where you are from and what is it you do here?"
YSS Akagi

As Odo moved toward the generator to start tearing it down, he got a message back from boss. He sent a short message back. Understood. I dont know the answer to that, but I wish we were making more progress here.

He pulled out some tools and went to work on the primary generator, screwing out the first panel, detaching the initial wires, and doing a maintenance strip down. Each panel came off and was layed down next to the generator in a methodical manor. He was making sure to strip it like they taught at the academy, so no parts were lost and nothing was broken. He wondered if they would find more dust inside the machine.
Bathhouse Exterior

"Lighting things up like Christmas is the Nepleslian way and certain SAINT agents." Mikael said in response to the Chui's orders. Mikael up to this point kept himself out of the way and just casually observed from the outside. Was he being honest about the SAINT part, only people much higher in rank thank himself would know.
Bathhouse Interior

The scans came in on the deceased Elysian. She had died of starvation and her form had been slightly preserved.

Klaus was greeted by a wide eyed and puzzled smile before a brunette woman who was slick with oil and held in her hand a hooked, metal, shining strigil.

"I am bathing," she told him as she took slow steps to the Raltian, "but if you want to know, I am Agatha. Are you here to bathe, Klaus?" She finished her query with a sly smile up and down his form before her bright lavender-hued eyes that shone as they observed his blush more fully.

YSS Kaiyō II

While many of the bathers followed directions given by Star Army officers on the planet that the bridge's viewscreens now showed scans and imagery of, Hoshi's eyes looked distant until they settled on a picture of the planet. It was ashy and grey, save for its almost neon purple patches within it, where the lightning storms were concentrated.

"The temperamental nature of this planet and the deaths on the YSS Akagi," Hoshi said as her eyes strayed from the view screens to look at those around her on the bridge, "I don't just mean the temperamental nature of the lightning storms, but how they do not have an affect. Hoshi looked to a viewscreen once more, of Alastair's HUD. "Belmont-chui, have we gotten a scan of the people down there? The bathers? What are the results?" She looked away from the viewscreen and stood to stand beside Chlorate and looked again distant. "Oh, and Chui? I want to know if she has any personal effects left in that room. Kaiyō actual out."
Bathhouse Interior

"Welp, seems our young friend here was not getting enough to eat. Also shown to be female. One of you go check out the wardrobe, I will check around the bed." He shared with those around him. "Right Hoshi, will check to see if I find anything. So far the people here have not been hostile to us. Some of the crew are working on getting some scans though. Will keep you posted." He closed the comm and walked over to look around the body for anything that might be a personal effect. As he moved closer he paused for a moment to get updated from the crew. "Team, you found out anything from the locals? I am sure someone can sweet talk them into talking," He again closed the comm and started his search around the body, bed and nightstand.
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Bathhouse Interior

"Nice to meet you, Agatha. " said Klaus looking at the strange brunette and keeping an eye on the strigil. It wasn't exactly a deadly weapon, but it could still damage someone if used adequately. As he heard her following words, his blush doubled. "Well, I eh... wouldn't exactly mind but there's no need for that, I already showered before." It would be nice but I have my duty.

Focusing on her he asked "Could you tell where you came from, Agatha? Where do you all of live? Surely you can't all live here." he gestured to bathhouse and it's occupants.
Bathhouse Interior

Agatha's ankle then her shin apparently lifted her foot off the ground. Her whole leg soon raised and the white-winged woman sat her foot against a nearby inlay in a wall. Her berry-purple eyes settled on Klaus after she had gained more balance. A flicker of a smile shone on and then off of her face as her eyes passed down to look at her inner thigh, which had a superfluous amount of watered amber oil on it. She began a quick motion of moving the slow-moving liquid off of her femur area with the strigil that she held while speaking.

"Would you leave me to bathing while I am nude and being home while I am clothed, please? Or would you rather have me lay naked both my body and address to you, a man to whom I can not say is doing the same to me!"

Floor 2

Alastair found a large leather-bound journal inside the nightstand.
Mark froze his volumetrics for the moment before slipping a reply to Klaus over a private direct line, "Klaus, I don't like where this is going. She's starting to sound a little hostile. Continue, but I have my weapon ready if she tries anything."

Mark had slung his rifle to not be threatening in appear, or well any more so given his power armored form. His armored hand idly rested on the hilt to his plasma katana, his enhanced reflexes tense and ready to react if she attacked. "Ma'am, please stay calm, we are on duty. We as soldiers have to remain vigil while on the job, so please remain calm Agatha.", Mark commented after unfreezing his volumetrics.
YSS Akagi

"Of course," Kikios replied, getting to work and helping Odo to dismantle the generator, pausing to ask Sacre "Should we take apart the entire generator?"

YSS Kaiyo II

Chlorate started sniffing, attempting to use her olfactory sensors to identify what the smell was. Her yellow eyes panned around the bridge seemingly absent-mindedly, searching for anything that might look like a leak.
Bathhouse Interior

"Wait, what?" Klaus asked, leaning his head to the side like a confused puppy. Realization struck, and his already healthy blush decided to return stronger than ever. "No, nononono that's not what I meant!" the Raltian babbled, making wild gestures with his arms. He closed his eyes, breathed deeply and looked at Agatha with a slightly less potent blush. In the middle of this, Mark sent Klaus his message.

Klaus listened to his suggestion, and made a slight nod in his direction, thankful to have someone watching his back.

"I'm sorry if I insulted you, but I need to ask these questions. A member of the Star Army of Yamatai was found dead in this building. One of my comrades. I have to question you all about this. It's my duty." Klaus gazed hardened, attempting to pierce through the soul of this woman, "Please, I need to know the truth. What do you know about this dead soldier?"
Bathhouse Interior

Alastair was just about to open the book when his Klaus indicated started to go off that he was blushing again. What the heck is that boy doing down there. He thought to himself as he listened and then looked over the recorded feed. He could not help but laugh at the fact the girl thought Klaus was trying to pick her up for a date. This was just priceless.

"At least buy the lady a drink before trying to go home with her." He sent over comms directly to Klaus with a laugh.
Bathhouse Interior
Floor 1

When Klaus had finished her questioning, Agatha settled her foot back on the ground instead of raised up on the inlet and set the strigil down in the same place the sole of her foot had once been. She took a step with both feet and put a hand up to her mouth as her head turned to look at a nearby and more elderly woman than herself, to whom she spoke quickly and fervently.

"A death? In the bathhouse?" Agatha's words held the same striking tone of concern that her facial expression displayed.

The woman Agatha had been speaking to raised her greyish eyes up to the women, then Klaus and Mark. The rest of her face held a look of confusion as she shook her head. Then, she spoke.

"Not to my knowledge, no. You said a 'soldier'?" the older woman asked the pair of Star Army personnel.

Floor 2

The leather journal held a name within the first few pages, written in the same clean cursive and black ink that the rest of the journal's pages were filled with. The author's name was Harpy Ornis and the first few sentences and pages outlined a problem between hearth and home that was forcing an overly dramatic narrator with the author's own name from her childhood and into the unknown.

YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi's eyes widened as she saw the leak had appeared within the bridge, immediately over Chlorate's face. It dripped quickly as if aiming for the tip of the AI's nose. Hoshi's eyes softened as she looked past the drip to a volumetric screen covering what Alastair was looking at.

Hoshi stood as she asked, "Boss, what meter is being used in this journal," she hesitated, then added, "if any?"

Boss replied over comms, "The epic meter is being employed, otherwise known as the dactylic hexameter."

Hoshi's blue brows creased towards one another and she went on, "Belmont-chui, did you catch that? If you flip through the whole book, Boss may be able to scan and read it for us."
Bathhouse Interior

"Yes, ma'am." Klaus addressed the older woman. "Female. Elysian, with white feathers. Appears to have died from starvation. Have you ever seen someone like that here?" he inquired.

After hearing Belmont-chui's message, Klaus exhaled in irritation and sent a message to Belmont-chui.

"Sir, it's not like that and you know it!"
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