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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Fourteen: Uekiya pt. II

Sensor Dome

Odo saw that the sensors were all clear, and he assumed that he was no longer needed. By the looks of it the danger had passed. He decided to head back to engineering. He took off, heading down the route that would take him to lower engineering, going by the back of the ship.

Fabrication Bay

Arriving on the lower engineering deck, as he was about to go in, heard a lot of people talking from the nearby Fabrication bay. Letting his curiosity get the better of him, he changed course and headed there. As the door opened, a mangled Neko corpse was revealed, and Odo almost wished he hadn’t come by. He swallowed hard, suppressing the urge to be sick. He was an engineer, he dealt with mechanical devices, not biological things.

Wait, why did they bring this to the Fabrication bay he thought. He moved a little further into the room, attempting to get a better idea of what was going on, still feeling a little queasy, but his face was showing puzzlement. Wouldn’t this be something that should be done in the Med Bay?
YSS Kaiyō II

Having dealt with the current emergencies that decided to jump up, Alastair put his focus to the fabrication bay. He had not been a part of the team that brought back the MAGAMI from the enemy ship so was curious. After listening in to the people talk in the bay he almost felt bad for the AI. A little while ago the AI was together but now nothing more than a busted machine. He thought to himself how the MEGAMI of the Kaiyo might be feeling about this. He had not really given this much thought before given how well she takes to listen to orders.

He tapped his chin for a few moments before calling up MEGAMI. He spoke with her telepathically as to not tip off the crew. "Boss, once this mission is over how about the two of us have a dinner date, be my treat for being such an awesome crew member." A smile crossed his face that he could not hide. He felt good taking the initiative to take care of a crew member, even if this one happen to be an entire ship.
Hall outside of Showers

The thundering bootsteps slowed as he approached the scene where he'd find the patient, Ragnar had realized he grabbed the emergency kit but not much else. First to go, last to know, always ready; he thought the old response team motto sarcastically. Before barging in, he bellowed at any passing crew member regardless of their rank or position. "I need a stretcher or board! Get it now and don't come back without someone to help lift!" his usual grumbling, gravelly voice now akin to a warhorn.

Forcing his way through and into the showers he finally laid eyes on his patient. Not breaking momentum, sliding towards the figure on his knees and being thankful for the knee padding of the work uniform, it took less than a moment to open the kit and sit it next to himself. "Seizure..." Ragnar noted the obvious before glancing over the files Sacre had sent him. "Well, this is gonna suck a lot more for you than me bud. Let's get the basics started." Ragnar almost whispered the Mark, a strange soothing tone to the gravelly voice had taken over.

Tugging on an ankle, helped by the slippery floor, Ragnar pulled mark out of the water. Attaching leads while making sure to avoid most of the thrashing and rather nasty looking claws scraping at the wall. Once the leads were attached he fired up the medical scanner and sent out a telepathic communique to medical; "Requesting permission to administer a dose of Nolern to treat for seizure. About to investigate implant site for possible malfunction. medical scanner is attached and I'm moving the patient as soon as gurney arrives." The tone didn't break that time from that soothing gravel.

Waiting for confirmation of his drug order, Ragnar went back to ensuring breathing was adequate, pulses were still there, and blood pressure wasn't too ridiculous. He also decided to shove a clumped up towel into the murder claw that was spasming and placing an oral airway just to be sure the guy didn't swallow his tongue or bite it off. Almost lost a finger to that, but it hadn't been the first time. "Don't worry bud, I've seen worse than this a dozen times over." He added trying to reassure Mark. Sometimes, more often than people assumed, seizing patients were very much aware and alert, just confused and unhappy.
YSS Kaiyo II

Arbitrated Iemochi yawned as she settled into her semi-comfy bridge seat and closed her eyes. Being laughably smol, not a neko, built softer than a child's blanket, and also intensely pregnant made her... Effectively useless at interrogations. Her general lack of actual technical know-how meant she wouldn't be very good at dissecting and/or resurrecting an alien neko. So she sat at the bridge, helping keep an eye out for the ship, but also mayyybe resting.

...Why did pregnancy take so much energy...

Fabrication Bay

A rather, erm... well-fed woman with wings, who looked a lot like an Elysian, stuck to the side of the room, allowing those with actual tasks to do to have space. She... was mostly here to sorta glean a bit of information outta the conversations. Or maybe do basic technicians shizzle if it was called for. She still wasn't officially qualified, but she still knew a deeecent amount of stuff about the ship. And like, fixing stuff. And stuff.

...Yeah she was kiiinda useless right now... Which was probably fine, it meant that she could be called on to do like, other stuff if needed.
YSS Kaiyō II

Boss answered Alastair as her olive-sknned form was seen on some of the volumetric screens, "No, thank you." She vanished and data reports about the ship and the asteroid field they were in filled the screens.

Med Bay

The captain of the IYS ship slowly came to and a scowl set on her face before she spoke.

"I suppose you've captured me. There isn't a thing in any universe I will be telling you."

"Honjô, you'll die in our care if you keep that attitude," Eden said.

"The Empire is coming for you and your precious sector," the captain said. "Whether or not I'm alive."

"So you refuse to submit to us?" Eden asked.

"I refuse, completely and totally," the Taii said.

"Sanssinia-heisho?" Eden said, looking to the Separa'Shan.

Fabrication Bay

The once-alive MEGAMI made no motion and no data had been recovered as nobody had really done anything. Some simple schematics and data had come from Hoshi and Boss, but the ship couldn't contact the Kikyō Sector and, thus, couldn't gather any information that the MEGAMI didn't have on-hand. Hoshi was a little perturbed Iemochi didn't have a cache of knowledge on the subject since he studied in a pairing of astro/xenobiology and bio-engineering.


Pumpkin remained floating on her tendrils.

"Soon, no doubt, we will have company. And that company will include the woman of this universe that controls the strings of all the puppets. She is the woman you seek: Eve. I know that she will be on the IYS Empire and will be heavily guarded. That is why I," she put a hand to her chest, "Have made a small but substantial army to combat her personal one."

"Why have you done so?" Hoshi asked, fingers drumming on a table. "I believe you are, or were, a part of the Daughters of Eve, why have you changed alliances?"

"I am as much allied to Yui," Pumpkin corrected herself, "your Yui, as I am to anyone."

"Where is this universe's Yui?" Hoshi asked quickly.

"I don't know. I'm not like the omnipotent All... Who, sadly, it seems have been annihilated by this universe's Yamatai."

Hoshi's face grew concerned. "This army of yours, are they made up of..." Hoshi pointed to one of the two guards.

"Yes," Pumpkin said, "my NH-40."

Hoshi scoffed at the name then spoke.

"And you prefer to help us to protect the Kikyo Sector... to protect Yui?"

"In a way," Pumpkin said. "The True Nekovalkyrja Empire would like to see the Kikyo Sector become like this universe, whereas I don't see the ends justifying the means." A shadow had crossed her face and she said. "The Yamatai of this universe will chew you up and spit you out if you don't conquer them, now. "

"How do you propose," Hoshi said, again drumming her fingers on the table, "that should be accomplished. Why do you need us, couldn't you have done this on your own, with your supposed army?"

"You have Eden..." Pumpkin said with a look of satisfaction, finally able to get to her point. "We can't do it without her leading us both."
Fabrication Bay

Mochi felt a light shiver up his spine, as if someone was thinking about him as the room began to gradually fill with onlookers. A rumbling vibration came from the Elysian's inside labcoat pocket, Sein reaching in and plucking it free. Schematics, excellent. Now they could set to work.

It was clear from what he was seeing that while there was a huge amount of mechanical aspects to the Neko, there was enough for him to work off. "Take a look at this, Peio, Anastasia." Mochi nodded, laying the simple pad onto the table, what declassified plans they could get their hands on lighting up on its screen.

While it was true there had been a few classes on Nekos during his education, most of it had fallen by the wayside given that it was mostly within the realm of medicine and not genesis, modification or identification. However, as he looked on they quickly flooded back.

"Alright, this is going to sound ridiculous but I propose we sever the head at the base.. Here." Mochi ran his fingernail just at the base of the neck, where the collarbones met. "If we set up a bypass for the Neko's vital organs I can start with mental reconstruction." The Juni continued, turning the MEGAMI's head to one side so that its veins popped out. "Given how standardised Nekos are I expect if you two work on the bypasses then the veins, arteries and connections should easily interface with whatever you come up with. Though if you have your own ideas please do pipe up." The Juni smiled pleasantly, which was fairly odd and hinted he'd performed more gruesome operations than even this.

The scientist then returned the deceased's head into the neutral position. It may sound like mad science but severing the head would give prime access to the vital connections protected within the neck. After all, the mind did not need the spine to function - as long as they got it back online he could get to work on cracking the safe. Neural connections he could do - Hanako knows he'd practiced enough in his lab.

Whatever tools necessary were likely on the rack Mochi had gestured to for Peio, likely a simple lazer cutter would do the job sufficiently. It was up to her whether she wanted to simply retrieve them or do it herself as she was closest. Seinosuke himself didn't care whether the onlookers stayed or went, though he hoped they would be quiet if they withstood the spectacle.
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YSS Kaiyō II
Fabrication Bay

Anastasia looked down at the pad as Seinosuke detailed a plan. She understood the goal, but found herself quickly being lost as soon as biology took up the bulk of the conversation. The most bioscientific thing she had done was ask for her wings to be desensitized. She returned a shrug. "I uh... bypass?" She sniffed, looking at the corpse as the air filled with the scent of hemosynthetic fluid and something oddly sweet.

"He wants to emulate the heart." A quiet voice rang out from behind, but it was enough to get the jump on Anastasia. Kaori continued as she walked around to the other side of the table, clad properly from the neck down in a white lab coat and gloves. "Or stimulate, but given the... unnecessary trauma, it may be too far gone for that. Regulating oxygenated blood to the brain should be enough in theory to bring it into a borderline comatose state." The green-panel Nekovalkyrja looked up at the technicians "From there, data retrieval may be possible."

Anastasia blinked. "...Alright, we're bringing the dead back to life." It wasn't exactly in her job description. "What do you need?"

Kaori looked down at the careful incision, thinking briefly. "A first aid kit, a water pump... and a mop." She turned her gaze to look at Seinosuke as she set a spare pair of gloves on the makeshift operating table. "Yes?"
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Coconut, back in the Power Armor bay, simply remained in her armor for a few minutes. The rest of the crew had rushed about, going to their own different duties, but Coconut's only job was currently Infantry. She had been used to long, protracted battles that spanned hours or even days, spending long periods of time away from support and rest, but here? the battle was already over, and the dilute Calico Neko was almost at a loss. She pondered getting out of her armor, but decided against it, remaining in the power armor bay. If they were going to have a battle again soon, she wanted to be ready. And so, she sat near the rack for her armor, doing more research on available supplies and accessories, and thinking about how she could more effectively engage in the next combat.
YSS Kaiyo II

"Ooh! Snacks!" Gravity chirped and reached below her console to pull up a jar of salsa and bag of tortilla chips. She'd never noticed this little enclave of tastiness! It seemed to contain a wide selection of drinks, munchies, and other assorted goodies.

At least one of the people aboard was having a good time. That last battle had felt a little lackluster, but hopefully there would be more to come.

She was really trying to feel... something... for the person being held below. But she couldn't. Fuck these people. Fuck their ships. Fuck their lives in general. She hoped Sacre was giving them hell down there.

Right now, she just wanted chips. She dug in, making adorable little "nom" sounds with each bite. After eating her fill, she placed the snacks away and continued watching the sensors for incoming ships.
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William listened to the exchange between Hoshi and Pumpkin very intently, his eyes bouncing back and forth between the women as they spoke. It was quite a lot to wrap one's head around. Then he perked up at the mention of Eden. His face was showed no emotion, but behind his mask he worried for his aunty. What exactly did pumpkin have in mind? What did the upcoming battle have instore for them all?

He silently began thinking, using his mindware to pull up whatever necessary information he needed. After a moment he took a deep breath. He needed to calm himself down. In his mind he quietly began to meditate as he stood stone still. Clearing his mind of any unnecessary thoughts and fears.

No matter what happened, he vowed that he would protect everyone and would do whatever Eden needed of him.
YSS Kaiyo-ii
Med Bay

As he sat there, perched against the wall, Wyatt listened to the conversation - the sheer show of patriotism the enemy had on display made a small smirk escape the marksman's mouth as he remembered a conversation he had with Walter not too long ago, something about people talking big but having nothing to back it up with.

It was a while ago, the specifics escaped him.

Wyatt's right leg left the floor and found a new home pressed against the wall he was resting on, a hand snaked down to the boot and reached under the lip - only surfacing once the hand had wrapped around the cold metal of a handle. Bored was not quite the right word but by nature he felt the need to constantly be doing something, whether that something was contributing or not he just hated being idle without a good reason.

Hence why there was a knife now being spun around the Minkan's right trigger finger as he waited for the people who could contribute or at least were qualified to do their thing. He was just there incase anything got too out of hand. Right now he was along for the ride, an outside observer of sorts.
YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair looked over what data he had on the sensors to show the type of asteroid field they were about to fly near. His gut was telling him that this one ship was only the beginning so must be prepared. He sent over a private message to Arb to check the gravity and tractor beams.

He looked back to the monitor to hear part of the talk taking place in the med bay. Clearly they were not getting anywhere fast with this captive. He was concerned in an attempt to win this battle the crew of the Kaiyo may turn down a path that is just as evil as the people they are fighting. He knew that sometimes it was better to die fighting the right way than to allow ones self to fall and just be another tyrant. He hoped that this would not come to this. He really liked his officers but if they did go down this path, would he be obligated to stop them...

He let those thoughts drift from his mind and would deal with what was happening in the now.
YSS Kaiyo II
Medical Bay

After picking himself off the floor of the armor bay and racking his armor, Mikael immediately took himself to the medical bay as ordered. He just remained in the corner with his arms crossed as he listened to Eden make her attempt to intimidate the captured captain. He just cocked his head as the expected conclusion of it came to be.

Considering the situation, he wasn't surprised. A loyal soldier would not crack that easily without knowing what made them tick. In time and with enough background information on her, he likely could make her more receptive. Though he had a feeling he did not have that.
A small smile lit up Seino's face as Kaori entered the room, his 'shroom-haired prodigy catching onto the situation immediately. He nodded in assent to the list she provided to Ana, messy golden locks jostling a little. "That sounds about right. Things are going to get very dirty very quickly, it's not going to be a operation for the squeamish." Mochi patted himself down a few times, random items clacking against each other in unseen pockets. Finding what he wanted, the Juni retrieved a permanent marker.

Jade eyes closed to slits as he scanned the neck of the wrecked Neko, taking a second before leaning in and placing a thin dotted line. It seemed to be a fraction higher than his previous estimate, about three quarters down the neck - "If we cut here, straight and not ragged, there will be less peripheral flesh to get in the way of bypass tubes. The blood needs to be oxygenated, ideally using the lungs, but can be done just by exposing the flow to air in a pinch. A membrane being added to the tube would be ideal, if we have time, though it isn't necessary."

Around the operating table were a number of nearly identical drawers, Mochi sliding his own open, snapping on his own set of plastic gloves. A shielded visor was also present, which he shuffled gently overhead so it rested upon his ears. "Everyone, suit up if you're participating. What you need should be in the drawers. Boss, if you could release the tools for general use while myself or Ana is in here that would be superb." It seemed it was go time, the doctor looking between Peio and Kaori - "If one of you two illustrious ladies want to make the first cut, be my guest." Mochi smiled sweetly, seeming to have a strange amount of confidence in their ability to complete the procedure.
YSS Kaiyo II
Fab Bay

Walter Hyde's eight gauntlets have went and grabbed everything that Kaori had listed, feasibly speaking it doesn't take much to recall information like that. Walter, through thought alone, had also sent his disembodied tools to grab the general equipment himself, setting them all on a wheeled tray right beside the damned Elysian's operation table. Then, with a resounding slam, he set a laser cutter right in front of the two girls.

His expression was... fairly neutral, but his voice was laced with a subtle amount of comradery as he equipped the gloves and visor from a drawer. "I appreciate the opportunity."

"Everything you need? Right there." He pointed to the tray with all the tools the technicians and scientists would possibly need. "Just be careful with the body, you're operating on sensitive technology."

The IYS Minkan eyed at the psuedo-Elysian with orange eyes that simmered like a star, before calming down as he took out his laptop from his Blacksmith Toolkit, and setting it to the side of the MEGAMI's head, using his gauntlets to do... Well, everything, as his actual hands are folded behind his back in attention. Walter needed to be cool around the officer; while Alastair did say that being the 'cool guy' didn't suit him, the technician still defaulted to it in order to appear professional.

Even if his inner awkward nerd is kind of showing through the cracks of his stoic facade. Even then.
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YSS Kaiyo II
Fabrication Bay

Able listened to the talk around the room, keeping focused on Mochi's plan as he explained in detail what he wanted to do. For someone on the outside looking in, it seemed preposterous. Decapitating an already mangled body in order to make a connection to the brain, in hopes of retrieving data? Able was within his right mind to step forward and call him mad to his face... Still, nobody had really offered any other ideas as to what should've been done.

Pushing pride to the side, he finally stepped from his little isolated space against the wall to join the others around the body, removing his shades so he could look at the body better, which already was being dotted across the neck by Mochi. He looked around as Walter's gauntlets went to retrieve everything they needed from around the room, Able's stoic gaze landing on the man who made this plan. "I will help in any way that I can." He told him simply, hands behind his back in a professional manner. "Cutting and attaching things shouldn't be too difficult for someone of my, or his expertise." He added, giving a respectful nod to Walter.

In all actuality, he wasn't sure how much respect was deserved. He was very much tuned into the comms channel when the man affectionately threatened to... Ahem... 'Lodge his boot in his ass.' Still, it could be forgiven, he supposed. Battles were tense, emotions were untamed. All in all, he was just glad they had made it out of that operation alive. Still, it was far from over, and something told him the hardest was yet to come.
YSS Kaiyo

So much for helping Alastair keep watch. Arbs had dozed off to sleep in her chair, somewhat covering herself with pink, smooth wings like a strange blanket. Her body gently pulsed up and down with her breathing. It wasn't something that she should really be blamed for - the amount of energy she goes through every day compared to her actual size and mass was actually rather surprising, given how much of it gets split off just to keep her and the twins alive, let alone growing them.

Unfortunately, this was an inconvenient time for her to be asleep anyways.

Fab(rication)ulous Bay

Arete - the not-really-an-elysian - took a couple of cautious steps towards the door when Mochi talked about things getting, erm... "messy". She didn't like "messy". And.. .She was also kiiinda not serving a purpose right now.

"Megami-chan?" She stumbled over the suffix - honorifics were something she was always being challenged with, and generally dropped them in private conversations. "I'm not officially a technician yet, but I do believe that I could help Kikios-Hei with any of her duties if they need to be done right now. May you please ask Hoshi-Chusa if that is alright?" Her telepathic request sent, the blonde girl walked upward towards the crew cabins.
YSS Kaiyo II

Chlorate beeped worriedly, standing there and looking down at the floor which had her metal feet placed on it. Alastair's explanation was reassuring, but it wasn't fully reassuring. After all, help was on the way but help was still needed in the first place- Why was he in trouble? Could the help even... help Mark?

Fabrication Bay
Kiki squinted at the MEGAMI and raised an eyebrow. There certainly wasn't any machinery yet. "So... what am I supposed to do here?" the cockatoo asked, confused, glancing at Arete. "This seems like it's more of a... medic's job..."
YSS Kaiyo II
Fabrication Bay

"Everyone, suit up if you're participating. What you need should be in the drawers." The man who was clearly in charge said. Someone else commented about how it seemed like a medics job. I agree with her, he thought.

Odo swallowed hard and pushed his queasy feeling away. He had signed up for this job. He was here, in a alternate universe, and it was time for him to start making a contribuition. He walked forward and spoke up.

"Im just an engineer, but if you guys need another set of hands, just let me know how I can help."

He grabbed a set of gloves, a splash visor, and a apron because, as the man said, it looked like things would get messy. He moved up towards the table and got in a position to be available to help.
YSS Kaiyō II

Ragnar wasn’t getting enough feedback; hell, even the ship wasn’t responding to his earlier request. He recalled the impromptu trial by fire his currently favorite snake lady put him through and decided to make a decision.

Knowing that moving Mark wasn’t an option until the gurney showed up he instead relied on the manual pulse he’d been taking on the human arm and and medical scanner reads he got from the leads attached. Reaching into the drug bag and saying a soft prayer for the best, Ragnar administered the minimum safe dose. Gotta stop that jumping around first, he thought as the autoinjector hissed.

If there were going to be disciplinary actions he was well past that point. Gripping Mark by the shoulder and waist he tilted the man and inspected the implant site. Never dealt much with implants, maybe they’re close enough to cybernetics; Ragnar hoped while looking for burns, sparks, or wiffed the air for a smell of ozone and burning.
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