Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Fourteen: Uekiya pt. II

YSS Kaiyo II
Medical Bay

She assumed that Eden wanted her to play the part of the Bad Cop in this interrogation. It would not be easy. For a moment, Sacre looked at Eden and tried to judge what she wanted, what she needed Sacre to do. Sacre took a breath and dived down deep into her own memories. Into how she had been treated as a slave. They were not happy memories. They were the memories that made her want to run away and curl into a ball from fear. However, she injected her own power and sense of control into it. This was her medbay, her domain. Her fear, her pain, the burning white anger that she felt at the core moved towards the surface.

Sacre's aloof demeanor changed into one of confidence. She smiled with a cold cruelity as she slid into sight of the prisoner. "So I can eat the lassst sssurvivor of the ssship we desstroyed?" Sacre said implying that there wasn't any ST backup of the captive Captain. It was a lie, but a well executed one. If this interrogation went poorly, they could make as many copies as they needed until they got it right. Sacre's forked tongue lanced out, licking the captive's cheek. "Sshe tasstess good. Although, I could do with more sspicess, Kyoi?" Sacre asked, signaling the Neko to begin to put some of the concoctions into the prisoner's body. Sacre for her part was trying to play up the 'monster' aspect of how the IYS prisoner likely saw her.
YSS Kaiyo II
Medical Bay

Well. That's creepy as hell. And Kyoi would have flinched...but decided to instead play the role.

"Command is accepted," Kyoi replied. "Beginning with simple methods."

The 'innocent' fox-like Neko started with something certainly simple, a small bit of saline solution. It would hurt as the needle went in and the salt would cause a little bit of pain, but so far nothing too illegal. Only fear as a tool.
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YSS Kaiyo II
Medical Bay

Mikael starts to wonder if the years he was away something had happened in SAINT IDOC to cause it to completely change. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing, but he maintained a stony demeanor. He walked over to Kyoi and monitored. Then he noticed it was saline, well at least he knew the prisoner would be well hydrated when it was time to start putting her into stress positions. But considering it was a neko, that would require extremes to get them to sweat.

"Hydrating prisoner, good." *He simply stated in a cool and detached manner. "Don't need her passing out on us."
YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi mentally pinged Eden.

Medical Bay

There was no change in the prisoner's demeanor.

Eden spoke, "We are done here." She scowled at the captain and spoke to her, "You will be monitored by our medic and one of our top SAINT operatives will be here if you're ready to speak. Good luck with them. You'll need it." She pointed to the fox-girl, "You're with me."

She stepped out of the containment field of the brig they were containing her in and walked to the doors of the medical bay before turning to look at the two still in the medical bay. She nodded after she had saluted and was soon gone.


There was no sign of the geist implant zone being deteriorated or the source of Mark's seizure. Leeta Aoi and Lauren Strong arrived with a gurney after Mark's violent tremors had ceased. He was showing heavy signs of neural degradation that had caused the seizure as well as two neural impulses when scanned. He was able to be secured easily by the trio.

"Where are we going with him?" Strong asked.

"Med bay!" Aoi replied. "Right?" she said as she looked to Ragnar.

Power Armor Bay

Ittô Heisho Reina Madoka hadn't found much to do in the hustle and bustle and had remained on standby, much like Coconut, in the PA bay. She turned away from her racked armor and asked the ground infantry woman a question.

"What do you think of the crew? Have you gotten to know anyone?"


Boss alerted Alastair as she spoke through comms, "Iemochi-heisho is asleep at the wheel." To Chlorate, she said, "Please buckle into a seat and take over the weapons systems."

Asuka turned around at the sound of munching.

"Hnnnngh, give me some, Grav-chan..."


Boss said to Arete, "There is only a very small security detail in the wardroom. It would be helpful to have more crew there at this time. Another option is being on standby in the power armor bay."

Fabrication Bay

After the appropriate tools were made present, the sea-foam-haired Nekovalkyrja began to work. Muyomi cut into the IYS Neko slowly; it was not the easiest process. Within a minute, she had made all of the necessary cuts with precision.

"Done!" she chirped.
YSS Kaiyō II

Alastair was busy watching the not so much torture taking place when boss contacted him. The heck you mean Iemochi is asleep at the wheel. Alastair stood up and walked over to her station. Sure enough she was passed out snoozing. Oh for the love of god. Got to be joking. He put his hand up to his face and rubbed across it. He did not say a word and just walked back to the chair. He approved for Chlorate to take over for weapons.

Slowly Alastair took a seat back in the chair. He pulled up the information on the asteroid field and happy the ship was doing a good job at dodging. He did a follow up to see medical support had gotten to Mark. He called to the medical team dealing with Mark. "I want a full report when you have more information." He said in a calm voice to them.
YSS Kaiyo-II
Power Armor Bay

Coconut was nearly startled when someone spoke to her. she took half a microsecond to regain herself, and released the helmet from her Power Armor. "Oh, Hi! I didn't notice you over there! So far, this crew is a bit different. Instead of the organized chaos I'm used to with the Fifth fleet this is all kinds of disorganized, at least on the surface. I haven't really met anyone except a snippy Separa'shan that helped give me some directions, but from what I've observed everyone seems pretty nice. Just kind of wish I knew what was going on. I'm used to more strategy and tactics and less of this craziness. But, Hey, they get the job done. I might be able to get used to it soon."

Coconut was somewhat animated as she spoke, showing a vast difference to what had seemed to be a bit of a dour demeanor before. She was still adjusting to a new ship, and new people, so she was trying to take it slow and cautious.
YSS Kaiyo-ii
Med Bay

It wasn't quite what Wyatt had been expecting, those who wore the black panels of SAINT usually had some certain stigma about them - torture was illegal of course but the marksman was waiting for some kind of mind games, not a saline injection and then nothing. Honestly it was a bit of a let down as the minkan ceased his idle knife twirling and carefully deposited it onto a nearby tray.

The man's gun-gauntlets were discarded along with the revolver strapped to his waist as he prepared to enter the prisoner's cell and have a crack at her himself, just a little coaxing talk he had come up with. Wyatt entered the cell and crossed his arms as he looked the captain up and down with those brilliant amber eyes of his.

"You know what is coming, right?" he said with a surprising bit of empathy in his usually indifferent tone - of course it was fabricated in an attempt to gain the captain's trust but what was the worst thing that could happen.

"They'll strap you to a table and take you apart, sifting through your remains until they find what they want and your body is discarded like a hunk of spoiled meat - patriotic meat but ultimately just meat that has been stripped of anything deemed useful and anything that made you you. Your memories will be torn apart and analysed by teams of people as every aspect of your life is scrutinized and replayed time after time until we know everything about you down to the last detail" he said, this time in a more morbid tone before he switched back to the previous one.

Wyatt moved closer until he was only a few steps from the prisoner, "You act as if you are proud to serve under your empire but if you can't even talk them up with confidence then do they really deserve all that confidence you have in them? surely if they are as mighty as you say then there isn't anything we can do to stop them - that is unless you think they're incapable of carrying out whatever plan they have. If I were going down like you then I'd want people to know what I was dying for, and that I was proud until the end." Wyatt finally finished, not quite sure where this little bout of dialogue had come from but hoping it would help coax something, anything out of the captive he was standing in the cell of.

Ragnar hadn't paid the new folks any mind and they moved with a reassuring precision when it came time to flip mark back onto his spine and toss him onto the gurney. Neurological failure without something to blame it on was an aggravating diagnosis at best. "Confirmed, Medbay and on the double!" he barked, leaving the two to push and stir the gurney while Ragnar kept pace along side continuing his efforts and occasionally yelling for people to make a hole.

Ragnar got onto comms using the medical line; "Prepare for incoming patient. Neurological deficit without mechanical cause. Need a full life support unit online and ready to rock; I have a wild idea." he barked, hoping his tone expressed that he wasn't in any mood for more shenanigans with the prisoner from the medics once they arrived. "Consider viability of ST if possible..." he ended on a grim note as he was wracking his brain for what could have caused the issue.

Flipping channels on the comms unit, he followed up with a report to the officer requesting one. It was a pestering thing to have to answer to people while working and pricked him the wrong way. "Patient is being transferred to medbay, we're on top of it. You'll get a more definitive answer when we have one, sir." the angry gravel had returned, as he wasn't speaking to his patient, and hoped it was professional enough to let the top dogs know that he didn't want to be bothered anymore while avoiding another write up. Oh the colorful history of writeups he had, maybe he'd tell Mark about it during the procedure to keep him occupied assuming he was still semi-with them.
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YSS Kaiyō II

Sacre nodded, sliding back a snall amount. She ignored Wyatt's tirade. It might help, but she had other problems to deal with at the moment. She wanted to do something to the captive. She closed the door to the tiny room and spoke to the remaining Star Army personel. "Wyatt, Mikael, you two sstand guard. Notify me if sshe requesstss anything."

She now had to deal with Ragnar and his medical emergancy that was coming in. She was pissed at Mark. She was probably going to have to drive something into his leg, producing a great fountain of delicous blood. She imagined twisting it just to cause that little bit of extra pain, it was a pleasent thought. "Ssoul transsfer is going to be ineffective. We will have to look at other methoodss." She responded to Ragnar.
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YSS Kaiyo II

"I see." Kyoi replied. "An hour should allow the chemicals to set in."

An hour to let saline set in, a completely harmless chemical. Still used in medical purposes water. An hour before the enemy captain's waste systems should be disposing of it. Telepathy to notify Eden. Yes, done.

"Is there an issue?" she asked Eden out of earshot of the prisoner.
YSS Kaiyo II
Fabrication Bay

Able did as was told of him, searching through some drawers for a spare pair of gloves and an apron. Not that he minded the blood and gore, or getting messy with it. Generally, he was unaffected. Machines had no need for hygiene awareness. Wasn't like he could catch diseases. Still, it wasn't a ridiculous order.

As Muyomi cut into the MEGAMI's neck, Able half expected the thing to be full of circuitry and wires. However, like he expected, only blood, veins, arteries, tendons, and other meaty bits. How a machine had taken biological form was beyond his comprehension. Perhaps that's why Mochi was calling the shots, rather than a medical professional. People needed to remember what they were dealing with. And before the battle, this thing wasn't a neko.

"Now... All that is left is to connect to the brain, correct?" He looked up towards Mochi, raising a brow. "Are we even sure neural connection with a decapitated head is at all possible?" He couldn't help but ask. This seemed all pretty grim for something that may not even work.

Ragnar had gotten used to being told the many variations of no. No that equipment wasn't available, no that wouldn't work, no the landing zone wasn't clear, and his favorite; no this is a no smoking zone. Adapt and overcome, he thought to himself. "That's just another obstacle to get over." he responded to Sacre, "Get ready to turn over all parasympathetic life functions to the life supports and possibly restarting the brain; I'm thinking a complex rework on a cardiac failure. Reboot the system." he said telepathically to the medics awaiting the patient.

Turning to Mark he began a tirade while hooking the airway device to supplemental oxygen. "So my first ever write up, don't even know if its on the record, was my tattoos. Got them first day out of basic during medical training since the brand new body they gave me was small, flaccid, and clean as a newborn babe. Training officer had a damn fit..." he carried on, double checking the neurological readouts. Any response was better than none. He was also pretty sure the two helpers were a little put off by the constant shift from barely concealed rage in his voice when addressing anything else to a soothing growl when speaking to Mark.

It's called pallative care, might give a brief class if given the all clear; Ragnar mused while allowing curiosity to take up a small corner of his mind. If the ship had uploaded his personal files during his transfer he'd be able to work with some music when they got to medbay. Show these soft hands how real field medicine is done, Ragnar amused himself with the thought.
YSS Kaiyo II

Mochi nodded to Able as he asked his curious question, getting his circular saw ready to cut off the skullcap to access the interal workings of the Neko's brain. The Juni squeezed its trigger a few times, its cutting edge hissing as it span in the air. "It'll be precarious but it should be possible once we get its lifeblood flowing. To that end.." Seinosuke gestured to those arrayed around, "Kaori, Ana? Would you be able to find the arteries and veins in these cuts for me and set in the bypasses? Once we have blood to the brain everything should light up on my end." Of course, he wasn't going to begin his own butchery just yet, it would vibrate the head too much for the gentle insertion of piping.
Fabrication Bay

Kaori eyed Walter as he brought the requested material in record time. It wasn't who she asked, but they had earned an efficiency point where this Elysian was lacking. "Thank you..."

Her quiet nature masked the fact she hadn't bothered researching the technicians history. After a moment, she came back with an ambiguous result. "Walter-Hei."

Kaori resumed her work, threading the pump and tubing together, carefully sealing the gaps in between. With a vent to let air enter the bloodstream set in place, the scientist turned to focus on the now severed head. With almost machine-like precision, she slowly slid the end of the arteries into the piping.
YSS Kaiyo II
Fab(ulous) Bay

As Walter Hyde initiated his small laptop with a pair of Star Servantines, he nodded to Kaori. He knew he wasn't the one who she asked for, but he'd be damned if he were to be ignored. Though the Minkan could wait until Iemochi would ask him to do something, Walter has this lingering doubt that maybe he's not proven himself to be useful yet. Yeah, otherwise Walter would be getting acknowledged more.

One of the idle Stars rubbed their fingers together was Hyde thought on what he could do next... Well, considering they're bring back the Neko anyway, perhaps Walter could use his 'IYS identification' to interact with the MEGAMI brain in question, maybe nab the files and save everyone time?

It would be against orders, but if it worked, then Walter could justify it was a easier and timelier method. He kept looking for a connection, and hoped that when the brain came alive again, Walter could connect to it.

... He'll let the others know if he actually got it. If he didn't, Walter can keep his trap shut.
YSS Kaiyo II
Fabrication Bay

Kikios winced, watching them apparently separate the head from the MEGAMI. Watching this process, it was difficult to consider the MEGAMI a robot... so far... and she continued wondering why they hadn't asked the medics to do this job instead...

Chlorate with her loud clanking proceeded to the weapons operator station, staring at the smol bird. She beeped and turned to Alastair, confusedly reporting "Error: Ittô Heisho Arbitrated Iemochi appears to be obstructing the seat, I cannot safely buckle in."
YSS Kaiyo II
Fabrication Bay

Odo stared with a sort of disgusted grim fascination. Nothing at the academy even remotely prepared him for this. He noticed that he wasnt the only bothered by this. They were currently taking the head off, and he saw why they said it could be messy. They were going to cut the head off and attempt to connect to it to download whatever was in there.

"Is this a normal day on this ship?" He asked. He guessed things worked differently when they were in the alternate universe.
YSS Kaiyo II

Alastair looked up at Chlorate with a slight grim look on his face. Do I have to give all the ideas today. He thought to himself as he put together some thoughts. "I am sure a smart robot such as yourself can figure out how to move Arb from the seat so you can take her place. Though do try and be gentle with her. Despite putting the entire ship in danger she is pregnant so show a little mercy when moving her." He went back to looking over the reports of the ship. The medical bay was getting more interesting by the minute and was looking forward to some war crimes in the near future.
YSS Kaiyō II

"There is only ever an issue," Eden said to Kyōi, "if you call something one. Otherwise there are only circumstances that have not yet been named. If we had gone further with that questioning, we would have something I would have named an issue. As I see it, now, we are merely in the middle of a circumstance. Go to the armor bay and wait on standby until you are needed."


"I believe you two have some things to discuss. Teien-shosa," Hoshi said as Eden arrived, "You have my full confidence. I believe you will make the right decisions."

She floated quietly out of the wardroom and up the same zero gravity passage that she had nearly gotten slime all over earlier that day.


Boss said, "There is a seat open at safety and systems. I can release weapon controls there, Chlorate-hei."

Asuka stuffed the BBQ chips away under her console and called out, loudly, to the bridge.

"Captain on deck!"

The sensors operator stood and saluted and Hoshi looked around, aghast.

"What kind of bridge are you running?" the little Chusa asked, striding forcefully towards Alastair. "Please, Belmont-shoi. If you would..." She gestured for him to stand. "Full update on the status of the ship."

Armor Bay

Reina nodded, "We do things in an interesting way here. It's not disorganized, at least not to me, but I've been with this namesake of a ship for a good amount of time, now. Tell me, are you like one of the infamous Nekovalkyrja named after fruit? I know the Eucharis has a few! You must have stories to tell!"

Medical Bay

The IYS captive was quiet and closed her bright eyes. Mark was being gently laid up on a medical table, ready to be taken care of.

Fabrication Bay

The MEGAMI body was as ready to be hooked up to whatever devices the various crew were trying to hook her up to as she would ever be.


Pumpkin stayed floating and smiled assuredly, "So, you are what my gardeners want so badly."

"I am wanted by many, but your group is new to my ears. Taiyou-chusa has inundated me with all you have spoken to her about. Is it your army that wants me?" Eden asked as her tall frame entered.

"This universe wants you, too. Do you remember dying—" Pumpkin cut herself off, "No, of course not... Do you remember how when you died, you couldn't be brought back to life in this universe?"

Eden stared blankly, "I remember that I was brought back to life on Yamatai when I died in this universe." She worked to keep her emotions away from her expression.

"While some of your crew were brought back on your Plumeria," Pumpkin tacked on, "the YSS Kaiyō I."

"That did happen," Eden agreed.

"This universe treats you differently than the rest of us, for good reason," Pumpkin said with a sinister smile. "I believe you are able to do things here that will end the reign of Eve. Things that will save Yui, the Kikyō Sector, and all within it. You need to lead my people. I cannot do it, I have no way of communicating to your crew how to trust me, but my people will listen to you."

"And how can I trust you?" Eden asked.

"I am handing you an army on a silver platter in the face of war. You don't need to trust me, you need to trust yourself."

Eden gritted her teeth, "I will fight with this army at my side. If I am stabbed in the back, though, your face will be the one my family and I will seek to destroy. Trust in that."

"I do," Pumpkin said sweetly.