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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Fourteen: Uekiya pt. II

Fabrication bay

Apparently what they were trying to do failed. The AI came over the comms and told everyone to clean up and report to the Power armor bay. Odo wasnt sure if that meant him or not, but the order was everyone, and orders are orders. He had stayed out of the way, so only the apron had some blood splatter. He pulled it off and threw it in the discard chute. He was the first one out, not really having done much.

Power Armor Bay

He made it to the power armor bay, and there were already a few people in there. He had the basic training that all enlisted get for power armor, but since he was a engineer he did not have much advanced training or experience. Still wary about being the new guy on the crew he stood in the back, if he wasnt supposed to be there, he was sure he would be told or contacted and redirected.

Its possible they were all being called to assemble for a meeting or something. He tried to be as unnoticeable as possible in his technician red shirt.

He didn't know how they did it, he didn't know why it worked, it was a hell of a hail Mary pass; but it did work. Mark was stable and looking about. Ragnar stifled a sigh and laugh of anxiety, no need for everyone else to see his gut feeling had been just that. With trained precision he went about disconnecting the life support and letting Mark's body take over natural functions. Once that was done he kept leads on his body and head to maintain a read on the man's bio and neuro functions. Placing the clawed hand in a soft restraint, he finally turned to Mark. "Alright buddy, you're gonna be under observation for a while. In case of another seizure we'll keep that thing tied down. Taking the restraint off is simple enough if you need to get up and walk a bit, but do us all a favor and until you get a clear bill let's make sure we don't have to dodge the death claw of doom incase you reinvent dancing again." He told his patient calmly, patting him on the shoulder.

Turning to his two unexpected aids, turning the music off and tossing the expendable equipment into a disposal container, he cleared his throat for a moment. Making sure he had their attention he jumped while thrusting his hands down, flexing and showing off as much pride and muscle as possible; "WHOOOO! Now that's how we do in crisis response! You two are a treat. We get out of some of this madness and we're gonna have a drink. Do us a favor and scrounge up some proper stuff; blindness inducing and stomach destroying goodness. Probably wanna see the quartermaster or an engineer about it. Their kind tend to run a side shop for things you may have problems explaining." He added with a wink and nod towards the door.

While he fully intended to induct someone, anyone, into his old habits from his planet bound days; he wanted an opportunity to see the prisoner before Sacre was done with what she was up to. Turning to the folks guarding the guest, Ragnar approached with the practiced gait that said "I've totally got a reason to be here."

"Hey lads, I want to get a proper one over on the prisoner for the record before more handsy people make that more difficult. We gonna let me do my job or am I seriously gonna have to jump through all the hoops? I imagine command and brass is busy with a thousand other things, be a pal?" Ragnar said without breaking pace, first aid kit in tow.

Alastair was quick to his feet to greet the captain. He handed her a data pad with all the notes he had been taken. There were at least 50 or more reports covering everything about the ship from top to bottom. There was not a single thing he had not reviewed during his time on the bridge.

"Captain, I shall do even better next time I am on the bridge. Though I may recommend having our weapons op find a better sleeping place." His hand retracted from a salute as he headed towards the exit of the bridge.

He very much liked his time on the bridge and wondered if a day would come when he too was tasked with being in charge of his own ship. He could not hold back a smile as this thought covered his being. Next stop, power bay to again suit up. Though he figured it would not hurt to take a round about way and poke his nose in a few other places on the way.
YSS Kaiyo-II
Med Bay

If Wyatt had any sense of an ego then it would have been damaged from this continued lack of a response but instead he simply let the gauntlets finish tightening themselves before he made his leave, giving the personnel who could actually apply their skill sets to the situation a curt nod before he exited through the door.


Once the door hissed shut behind him Wyatt moved to the side and took a moment to rub his eyelids - it wasn't really any sort of loss that he hadn't been able to get anything out of the prisoner, sure it would have been nice but no, he was rubbing his amber eyes and furrowing his brow at how he had performed thus far.

It wasn't like he had done anything bad no it was quite the opposite, the lack of him doing anything beneficial besides being a glorified transport system that got to him - he had been told to bring heavy fire power and so the marksman grabbed a big gun and loaded it up with thermite rounds, then they were told to bring people back alive and it was too late for a weapon to be exchanged.

Wyatt wouldn't let himself be caught off guard like that again, in addition he hoped the rather primitive method he used to secure the MEGAMI hadn't lead to it's premature demise - but now he had an idea, one that needed him to go back to his bunk and grab that gun he had been given only a short while ago. So the copper haired minkan lifted his feet from the floor and floated down to the ship's port side, where his room was.

Cabin 8

Wyatt kept his feet of of the ground as he reached underneath his mattress and grabbed the NSP, he doubted it would ever get to a situation where he didn't have any other self-defence options nearby anyway so the minkan next moved over to one of the storage trunks he had sitting in the room. he pushed past the helmet and the scatter gun amongst other things until he found the half used roll of molecure tape he kept around - the new person had the right idea and Wyatt had just gotten too used to the shallow pockets of a mindy suit instead of what he started off with when he first signed up.

Power Armour Bay

Wyatt floated through the power armour bay's doors and smoothly transitioned into a walk as he neared the armour rack, keeping mostly to himself as he approached his own suit. A quick interface with the helmet and the tacky additions he had plastered into the suit earlier faded away - it wasn't really something he'd do anyway. The civilian NSP was strapped to the chest with a singular strip of molecure tape before the tape itself was stowed in his buttpack.

The crate of thermite rounds near his feet was dragged closer as he began refilling his magazines, tapping them against the frame before he mounted each one where it was meant to go - it was enough ammunition to keep the marksman happy anyway.
Fabulistic Bay

Kaori let out an annoyed sigh as the attempts to revitalize the digital brain of the MEGAMI unit sat, further dead in the water. The short Neko looked up at the overhead speakers as new orders were relayed. It was a failure, but the time to move on had come and passed. She peeled off her gloves, throwing them into the nearest disposal bin. She swung off her lab coat, which was covered in enough splotches of hemosynthetic fluid to question what its original color was, and left it on the table for later quarantine.

Anastasia had retired to the other side of the bay during the procedure. While she wasn't an easily disgusted person, there wasn't much reason to stick around and find out how far she could go. She piddled about in a brief moment of confusion about where to go, with the order to action breaking her train of thought. She picked herself up, and headed for the bridge, shaking off the lingering thoughts of being ejected in power armor once more.

Power Armor Bay

Kaori floated into the bay at an admirable pace, forgoing the traditional grounded movement for haste. Her work uniform were stained a light red in parts where the blood has seeped through her lab coat. The call to the bay took a higher priority than standard cleaning procedures. She gauged the room telepathically, moving towards her armor. "What's the situation?"
Franken Bay

Seinosuke let out a mildly annoyed sigh as he lay down his device, pretty much covered in the expired specimen's fluids. "Ah well. What a waste of time." He huffed, raising the back of a bloodied hand to wipe his visor and flip it up. Stepping aside, leaving the remains there, he stripped down to his work uniform. Alas, his own labcoat wasn't looking like it could recover, so he chucked that into the biohazard chute as well as the visor, gloves and overalls.

The scientist would be the last one out, pacing in no rush through the corridors to the power armor bay, having no idea exactly why they were suddenly arming up. His cuffs were tinged crimson much like Kaori's, though it seemed like his shoes had also succumbed to a crusty, congealed scarlet layer as he stepped to the Mindy marked as his. Laying a hand against its hull lovingly as he leaned against the affixed armor, Seino idly slipped his MAW rifle from its holster, cradling it in his arms absently. "Let's await orders, everyone. Hoshi-chusa might have assembled us here because she's uncovered some intel. That or we'll be rolling out at the drop of a hat so keep your ears peeled."
YSS Kaiyo II

William nodded to Eden's subtle command and followed Pumkin and her escort over to the shuttle bay. He watched as they boarded their shuttle without a word and took off into the black, back to their starship.

He starred off for a few moments, thinking about the conversation she and Eden had discussed. He then shook his head softly. Eden would be done with her upgrade soon and he needed to get a move on.

He made an about face and strode from the hanger and moved to the Power Armor Bay.

PA Bay

The Nepleslian quietly walked into the bay and moved to his black Air 2. He linked his mindware to the machine and began running a diagnostic on the suit. While it ran, he turned and watched the others as they spoke to one another.
YSS Kaiyō II

Asuka relayed several more ships incoming to Hoshi, "We have many unknowns further out coming up on subspace mass detections!"

Hoshi spoke to Eden telepathically quickly and precisely while also speaking to those on the bridge.

"Make sure you don't take any detours on your way to the power armor bay," Hoshi said to Alastair. "Combat imminent. Condition One."

Boss relayed to the crew that combat was nearby by channeling the readiness condition throughout the ship. "Readiness condition one."

"Engineering," Hoshi said as Ana walked onto the bridge. "Make sure all systems are online and operational. I want to be able to let Gravity-hei do whatever this wonderful ship is capable of. We will have a good number of systems online so that we can be spotted, I want to be the bright bulb the moths of this universe are attracted to. That way, the power armor team can go undetected. Deio-heisho, be prepared to get a lock on a flagship, I want us going after Eve and nobody else. If they don't have Eve with them, we'll give chase."

She went on, turning to Nerai, "I would like safety and systems to be tasked with waking Iemochi-heisho up and bringing her to my cabin."

Fabrication Bay

Muyomi felt a little lonely in the fabrication bay, ordered to stand guard. She drummed her finger against her thigh and spoke as she looked away from the body.

"Boss, play Kaiyō's ship song." The MEGAMI did so and Muyomi began singing, "Kaiyō Kaiyō you are a shining star... Kaiyō Kaiyō bringing us oh so far..."

Medical Bay

"Thank you," Eden said to Sacre, not taking the uniform but letting volumetrics perform the task for her. "I feel ready." She looked to those hovering around the captive IYS captain as the readiness condition was stated through comms by the MEGAMI. "We need to find our duty stations. I want someone guarding the IYS captain..." She looked to two Nekovalkyrja that had been asked to get liquor by Odo. "Ittô Heisho, Santô Hei, please watch over the brig. Everyone else, we're going to the power armor bay."

Power Armor Bay

Eden stepped into the bay with her new body and began speaking immediately, over any other conversations.

"We're going to ambush our enemies. The YSS Kaiyō II, the ship itself, will be the bait and we will be the hooks. We are in an asteroid field currently and are going to let the scouts and gunships come into it. They won't be able to pick up our power armors if we stay still and keep many systems offline while shielded within the edge of the asteroid field. The Kaiyō will track their transmissions and get us a lock on what I hope they bring to the table, their flagship, as it hovers on the edge or enters the asteroid field. We will then greet the flagship as we did with the IYS Uvularia. We'll use our superior tactics and knowledge of their layout to gain an advantage. The idea is that we will be going after a high-profile target; which is Eve, herself. She will be on their flagship if it comes. If it does not come and she is on board, we will teleport back to the Kaiyō II and will pray to Himiko for another chance at this. You will be under my command and mine alone, save Taiyou-chusa. We will have extra help from our universe. NH-40, in bodies like mine, will be doing the same as us, laying in wait and then pouncing on the big game or retracting their forces if it's not the prey we're looking for. Boarding procedure will be atypical and those plans will be divulged to you when it is confirmed the flagship has come to us. I have updated your Mindy with specific locations to hide within the asteroid field's edge. Any questions, now, about what happens prior to the boarding?"
"More structure, more tactics, briefings directly about the mission schedule- In a ground war everything's different-" Coconut described to Reina, but she was cut off when someone else entered the Power armor bay and then the conversation. "Ah, we were just talking about the differences between the Kaiyo and the Fifth Fleet," the brown Neko said, eyeing the blonde with some curiosity. And then everyone began filing in. Apparently they were getting ready to do something, and so she stood, and readied her armor's helmet for use, but did not don the article yet.

And then the XO appeared, but, she was different. Blue crystalline or bony structures protruded from her arms and legs, and her form was a little different than before, though Coconut could exactly place it. Regardless, she stood and listened, memorizing the plan and the information that she was being told. 'An old bait and switch, eh, sort of a modified ambush. sounds like fun' the Neko thought to herself, mentally preparing for this new tactic.
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YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Odo stood to the back and watched as people filed in to the bay. Everybody grew silent as the first officer walked in to the bay----in a new body. Odo took a double take, that was new. Some interesting things must have happened since he was in the fabrication bay. She explained what was going on, apparently they were going after a high value target, or at least seeing if the incoming ship had the high value target.

He took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself, he was going to volunteer to join the combat team. He had no experience in combat, and now was as good a time to get some. He had his training, but training was nothing compared to the real thing, or at least that what his instructors had told him. Hopefully he wouldn't royally mess up.

It would be cool to see a ship from another universe he thought. Hell, maybe my evil counterpart is on the other ship He suppressed a giggle with that thought. He leaned back into the wall, he couldnt go get into his power armor until they were dismissed.

Broken from his stride by the first officer, who seemed to have been in the medical bay, ordering everyone but his future drinking companions to the power armor bay. Always with space...maybe she didn’t catch that bit about the booze; Ragnar hoped before flashing a grin and thumbs up to the two.


Ragnar had listened intently to the briefing. Part of him was reminded of that feral hero of an officer at his last post and he beamed with pride and stood at crisp attention. Another part of him took in all the faces of the ships crew, no...after that little procedure and the last little boarding run they were his crew mates too. He hoped against hope that this flagship wasn’t there and they could all return safe and sound.

When the briefing was finished he put on his mindy, quicker than the first time. He took a moment to scribble an old family tune onto the helmet before saying, “This feels all wrong.” to no one in particular as he came to terms with the much heavier armements than he felt a medic should have. Important part was the pack he loaded down with slapseals and sealed injectors. Zero-g space medic...Bjorn would die laughing; Ragnar bitterly thought.

Saya was always amazed coming aboard new ships. New people, new adventures, new conflicts, new medical bays... but that seemed busy. The poor medic would have to busy herseld, to many cokks in her kitchen for her liking and not having any real idea of what was going on she figured it would be for the best to wait till the excitement in both her own step and those in the bay itself died down before she went barging in. Besides, there were other things to do!

Like cleaning. The poor bubblegum haired medic made her way about the ship, exploring for the most part but cleaning as she went as well. A bit here and there of imaginary dust and debris would lead her down halls and into tunnels, spinning her around until she had found herself down in the power armor bay.

Walking up to the others yet hanging back a bit by the red shirted Odo, hands behind her back. She was about to turn and ask him what his name was, but her mouth was caught open as she spotted the new woman walk in, covered in bony protrusions and spines, it was... different. Something inside of her itched to study and understand what she was, what was going on, but she kept her comments to herself and finally got around to shutting her mouth.

Instead she stood there and listened, wondering which armor was hers. Her years at the hospital had afforded her a chance to learn field medicine when she had downtime, something she had lacked aboard her last assignment that would hopefully make her useful past the medbay. She had even taken on more powerarmor courses to increase her viability in the field, yet still knew she wouldn't be a front line fighter. When questions were asked for, Saya raised a hand.

"It seems the tactics call for hit and run style combat, what is the procedure for injuries? Removal from the battle or treat in site?" She asked, already mentally making up a list for what she might need to bring along.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Alastair decided to listen to the captain for a change and go straight to the power armor bay. He would make a point to talk with Mark another time after this mission was complete. He had every goal to be the first to Eve and make her his. Not in a romantic your mine kind of way, but in a we own your ass now and you best start talking.

He could not help but smile as he walked into the armor bay. His armor was rearmed and ready to go. He walked around it for a moment checking all the systems. He ran his hand down the arm of it thinking how this battle would go down. The goal was to capture the head person. There was nothing more important than this. This was a conflicted feeling as he was use to looking after the crew so much. Yet knowing the danger knew he had to succeed with the capture if they were to nip this war in the bud.

He pushed himself up and into the armor. It wrapped around him and the HUD lit up all around him. He pulled the coordinate information from the ship to get an idea of the outside layout. If they were to do an ambush then it would make complete sense to know everything about the asteroid field.

Armor detached from the rack and hit the floor with a thud. Alastair had it reach for the chain he had been using the past few missions. He walked over to where a large hook was holding up an empty net. He unhooked the net and took down the hook. It took just a few moments but within a hurry he had attached the hook to the chain. Since they would not be able to use any systems to move around while in wait he had to think of another way. This is where the hook would come into play to allow him to move without using any of the mindy's power systems.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Saya bowed at the waist a bit beforeshe moved to her suit. Her hands seemed to shake unexpectedly for a moment before she opened the suit that seemingly was highlighted for her. Taking a steadying breath, she quickly found herself in the rather comfortable tightness of the suit as it molded to her body and began to power up. She kept as many systems shut down as she could to minimize distractions and listened to the others while she pulled up her info for her ambush spot as well as scavenging around for a type 31-C medical kit to attach to one of her hardpoints.

Ragnar gave the shoulder mounted scalar machine gun a few twists and turns with his HUD and inspected the scalar smg to make sure everything was operationally functional, eyeballing the bayonet for a moment while unsure how he felt about the damage the thing could do. Satisfied, he turned towards the XO, "Question, ma'am. With so many of us of varying specializations; will this be a mad dash like last op or are we going to be split into teams? If so, what's the rosters?" He wanted to know to make sure he knew who we was going to specifically keep an eye on.
YSS Kaiyo-ii
Power Armour Bay

Wyatt continued to fiddle around with his power armour as he listened to the orders, deciding to pack up most of what he had strapped to his armour earlier in favour of something simpler - hence why a gauss bow was now resting against his suit's right thigh, a shield projector oh the right shoulder and a fusion generator on the back amongst other things. It was only once he suited up and detached from the rack that Wyatt's amber eyes finally chanced a glance at Eden's new form, he blinked twice and moved on as the suit began displaying green across the board.

The Minkan tested the bow's string and was satisfied as he let all the others do the talking for him, if nobody asked his questions then he would pipe up but for now the marksman was satisfied with what was being said. The bow was now sitting on his shoulder, using the drawstring to keep it in place.
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YSS Kaiyo II
Power armor Bay

Eden allowed them the freedom to suit up as long as they paid attention to the rest of the briefing. As some people filed out to get into thier armor, Odo followed them. He headed to the armor he was assigned, and got in. He was able to do it, but probably not as fast or practiced as some of the others here. He hoped it wasnt noticeable.

He ran through the diagnostics as he was taught in the academy. Checked every system till the status showed all green in his visor. He then ran a check on his forearm weapon, everything there showed green. If there was one thing he was good at, at least, it was maintaining his equipment in perfect order. He loaded some engineering tools into the butt pack, just in case he needed them if he boarded the enemy vessel. It was better to be prepared.

Once all checks were complete, he found a stool next to his bay and sat down on it, taking some deep breaths to calm down. He felt the tingling in his stomach as the nerves and anxiousness started. Once they were out, adrenaline would probably take over, but right now he was nervous.