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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Fourteen: Uekiya pt. II

YSS Kaiyo II
Power armor Bay

Wyatt had been listening intently to the crew's briefing when he noticed a rather anxious looking individual sitting in the peripheral vision of the marksman's cyclopean gaze, the man's hud notified him of the man's name, rank and other information. What kind of a person would he be if he accepted Alastair's words of advice but didn't extend that hand to others. A mental message was sent over to the sitting figure of Odo which read "No need to be nervous, stick with us and you'll be fine - chuck a spare round in your teeth if they keep on chattering, should make them stop post-haste."

The minkan almost smiled behind his helmet as his attention went back to the pre-op plan, remembering hearing that line back in his Rikugun days.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power armor Bay

Sacre joined the rest of the crew in the powered armor bay and slid back into her mindy. She hoped that if they were going after a flagship, they had a better plan then last time. She looked over the loadout of the medics and nodded to herself. "If their shields are up, we won't be able to board. How do we plan to deal with the shields?" Sacre asked, flipping the Xiphos around in her hand to warm herself up.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power armor Bay

Odo received a message from a member of the crew nearby. He used his visor to find the sender and it identified it for him. He looked at the man and sent a reply. "Thanks for the advice. Its my first time out....ill try not to be too horrible." He was smirking while he sent it, and then realized that the man would not be able to see his face. He hoped the man understood it as the good nature self-deprecating joke it was supposed to be.

Anastasia nodded as she crossed the bay towards her seat, acknowledging Hoshis orders. She let out a little chuckle, one that had started sweet but seemed to quickly wilt. "I'm not sure if you want that much power." She was still quietly shaking things out of her mind. Though she tried her best not to show it, the phrase 'bright bulb the moths of this universe are attracted to' was digging under her skin just a bit. The last thing she wanted was to become a literal bright bulb, twice was enough.

She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind, returning to the task at hand. She still had a job to do. She checked over the resting systems, bringing any inactive systems up to her ready. Realtor and engines were good, coolant good, sensors ready. The elysian looked up at the captain and pilot, scratching her neck. "Just, say the command."

Power Armor Bay

Kaori, now entirely clad in armor, stepped off the rack as the voice of their First Officer broke through the conversations at hand. The little scientist had to give the morphed officer a double take, her hand twitching briefly above her SiZi before recognition came through. It was clear they had missed something while trying to extract information from the IYS MEGAMI.

The mission information was clear. Mildly concerning, but clear. The scientists questions rested somewhere else, though. She approached wit, and spoke quietly to the First Officer. "What happened to your body, Shosa?" Though her face was concealed behind the silvery dome of the Mindy armor, Kaoris voice carried a tone of worry... and a notable edge of distrust.
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YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

A solid plan from Eden. The asteroid field was dangerous and they could utilize asteroid collisions to their advantage while combatting the enemy, throwing asteroids at the enemy to collapse their barrier.

Kyoi had arrived, a bit after Eden sort of...ditched her, in a sense. She was simply standing toward the back, observing. And now the new NH-40 stood before them.

Data states this unit looks quite a bit like the Nightmare-class Mishhuvurthyar. Capabilities unknown; however, it at least appears to be more refined. Mission is the primary, however.

“Supply request, Eden.” Kyoi stated, again in her somewhat flat monotone. “Small rocket boosters. We may be able to improvise asteroids as kinetic weapons to bring down the enemy shields as well as protect us from point defense.”

A clever solution. Also, every asteroid field was hellish for any pilot. Dodging those stupid space rocks sucked enough already without them out to purposefully kill you.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Mochi idly set his MAW to one side, slipping into his PA a little slower than he did back in the day, when every other evening it seemed something was exploding.

His HUD flashed up as the suit closed, turning the Juni retrieved the odd rifle and slung it once more. Of course, once upon a time he'd have been more than happy to lead a squadron. Nowadays, not that he'd told anyone, he was a little weary of all the responsibility. Especially since the Elysian Senate had saddled him with more.

It was then Eden caught his jade eye. What the? Seinosuke stared incredulously, there was no doubt. Their leader has been genetically spliced. What with, he had no idea and that was saying something having worked on the Neo-Caelisolian for the better part of a year. From where he stood, it wasn't a physically elegant mixture given all the spikes likely to catch on fabric but required much skill nonetheless.

"Eden-shosa, I didn't know you were getting into gene modding. I'd be honoured to compare notes with you sometime." Mochi offered somewhat loudly, as if to dispel the others' question regarding her appearance or at least give her a hook to elaborate herself.
YSS Kaiyō II

"Gravity-heisho," Hoshi said, "are you at the ready?"

Deio Asuka said, "The ships are coming up better on scans. One moment..."

"Boss, be sure the power armor team is unloaded soon," Hoshi commanded.

Fabrication Bay

Muyomi finished the Kaiyō's ship song and stared flatly at the floor.

"Boss, play it again..."

Power Armor Bay

Boss, the MEGAMI, said to those in the power armor bay, "Please don your power armor fully and completely, now."

Eden spoke quickly while checking the loadouts on power armors, "Santô Hei Ragnar Halfdan asked if we will have rosters. We will not have teams, but will be in separate locations as to not show energy spikes. Teaming up is not advisable at any time before boarding. I will be sole commander of the mission. Belmont-shoi will be acting commander in the instance of my demise."

She went on, "Kiseki-hei, you have the right idea. But, instead of rocket powered asteroids, we have Able-hei in a Mamushi," Eden looked to the Douryo android and said, "I want you to be idle until the flagship is spotted and then give it all you've got." Her eyes went to everyone else, speaking frankly, "If Able fails, we will rely on those with aether weaponry to concentrate firepower on a single point. It will require teamwork, something I know we are capable of."

The first officer noticed the questions and comments about her appearance, "Yes, I have a new body. If anyone else would like a new body to ST into, they'll have to do so on Yamatai. For safety reasons, the ST tubes are offline and I've had the MEGAMI, Boss, quarantine the ST systems. All deaths from here on out will result in the loss of your ability to transfer into a new body aboard the YSS Kaiyō II." She looked at Orion Jones with soft eyes, who had died in this universe once before, "Say your goodbyes to loved ones now. I know the pain of being apart after dying here."

Eden's icicle-like protrusions flexed outwards and then flattened against her body as she made her way into a Mindy she had not worn before, one that had not yet molded to her taller and frame.

"Boss, check that everyone is suited," Eden commented to the MEGAMI before pulling her helmet on.

"Everyone is suited and ready to find their positions within the asteroid field. All HUD are marked with coordinates."

"Able-hei," Eden said, "get ready to do your best out there, we're counting on you to take down shields. Everyone else," Eden pointed to the open bay doors, which were protected from the vacuum of space and debris by force-field containment. "Load out!"

The bay door had been open, field allowed for them to pass, and the XO gave her orders. There wasn't a doubt in Ragnar's mind at that point. Apart from a few crewmates comments as to her appearance she reminded him exactly of the officer that had given the ultimate sacrifice for Ragnar and his old unit. Galvanized by the leadership, he charged halfway down the bay and took off. It didn't take long to get to his designated coordinates and power down everything but the essentials. It was at that point, in the silent moments, that he remembered his astrophobia. However, even with the nerve wracking sound of his own breathing becoming nearly deafening, he recalled the XO's comments on ST being down.

"That's why you're out here with them, big guy." Ragnar muttered to himself as he floated near a large hunk of rock, "Everyone comes home or those bastards pay tenfold." A familiar excitement began creeping over him and anticipating increased his heartrate to almost mimic a wardrum he could feel pounding just under his skin.
YSS Kaiyo II

Gravity looked back at Hoshi and flashed her a customary, predatory grin. She would take all challengers... and rip them to pieces.

"Say the word and I'll go to work." She said with a nod. Though, deep down, she felt a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach.

This was seeming less like a battle and more and more like a valiant last stand.

Of course, she didn't dare start thinking with that mentality. All pilots had a very confident mindset drilled into them from the beginning. You didn't go into a fight thinking you were going to lose.


I love you, Sacre.
We're all going home. I'll make sure of it.

Once that quick message was away, she began drumming her fingers on the throttle lever, waiting for the calm to break.
YSS Kaiyo II
Armor Bay

No loved ones. No attachments, to anyone. Or maybe there was someone? Hmm...unrecognizable entity. Making personal note: investigate this further. Emotions, an odd thing. Irrational, but may point to a different reason. Sadness that there were none she'd consider having an intimate relationship with? Or loneliness? No...

How odd. This concern is useless in the current situation, however. Trust in every perfect movement while in combat. And yet, she hoped she could live, to figure out something strange about herself that had been going on. The strange mental conflict.

No, she needed to live. She wasn't living for someone else; she was living for herself...and likewise? Likewise.

...Irrational thoughts. The fox took a breath, jumped into her power armor, and suited up. Seconds later she was at the designated location.
Kaiyo II - Bridge

Spending most of the time running her routine checks and simulations, Nerai was pleasantly surprised by the chusa's request... "Certainly, Chusa. Right away."

Excusing herself from her station, the systemsnake smoothly slid over to the weapons console with the sleepy cherrybird behind it. With some gentle shoulder patsshe teied waking the smol Elysian. "Wakey wakey hun, the bridge isnt the right place to sleeep~"

With their aparrent age difference, it almost looked like a mother/daugjter interaction..... except one was a snake and the other a bird... still, Nerai carried that unmistakeable motherly tone of voice in her. "Lets get you somewhere more comfy, 'kay~?"

Sacre coiled up next to the asteroid. There were some brief signals as everyone slid into place. She noted the location of each one. She felt a slight dread as the wait approached. She was comfortable with waiting, that was how she had gotten her best meals. If she died, there was always no backup. No, it was the worry for the others that knawed at her. A worry she couldn't express. She sensed that not everyone was coming home from this one. She knew that the team of medics would work hard to prevent it. However, there were weapons that didn't leave a body behind to fix.

Gravity's message poped up on her HUD. Sacre hurried to write a response as the timer ticked down to radio silence. I love you too. then the silence descended before Sacre could hit send. She was alone in space on a rock. As her small astroid rotated, she fell into the dark side. She felt fear in her gut, part of it was that she wasn't able to tell Gravity she loved her one last time. Anouther part of it was that with the exception of Nerai, she was the only Separa'Shan in this whole universe. That whoever the Sacre was in this universe, that she was long dead. Sacre could sense the void although she couldn't name it.

This brought her thoughts back to her homeworld of Essia which she had not seen in a decade. Being with Gravity had been changing her. She needed to return and speak to her family once more. To mend that part of her life. The parting words she had spoken with them had not been the kindest. She wondered if they thought she was dead. She wondered if her mother would want her to join in the family buisness. If her brother had finally seen through the illusion that Nagashun cast on everyone from her homeworld. If her father would try to tell her what to do again. She closed her eyes and tried to get a handle on the torrent of emotions that were suddenly coursing through her. The force pulling her towards home.

AND YOU WILL RETURN. Sacre's eyes snapped open, she had felt the voice before. The voice of Nagashun. It wasn't something you heard or felt, it just was. Sacre tried to play back the memory of what had been said, what had been communicated to her in that moment. She felt a sensation like that of a childless aunt looking after nephew or niece who had wandered into her front yard. Yet it was gone as soon as it had came and Sacre was wondering if she had just imagined the whole thing.

"Great, I'm going to return home to be the crazy single aunt. Ugh." Sacre said to herself as she slumped against the rock to continue waiting.

Anastasia leaned back in her seat, sighing as the new wave of orders came in. The elysian leaned forwards again, sending a quick verbal message before the radio silence came into effect. In truth, she was scared. She felt there wasn't much reason to be, she had prepared for this trip, but in the end the feeling was crawling up her spine. ST technology may be down, but it wouldn't end here. She felt like she needed something for herself, but also for her lover.

"Love you, Orion.
Death can't do us part, give them hell."

She held back a string of tears as she finished the recording, finding herself filled with a mixed slush of confidence and fear. The best she could do was keep her eyes on the prize, to the future.

She would survive.

Power Armor Bay

Kaori's masked expression thinned as her brows furrowed lightly. She let out a solid "Hrrrm." in response to Edens thin explanation. She was still quite skeptical of this sudden change, but it wasn't in her place to argue it. Instead, she followed in formation with the rest of the forming battalion. Unlike many others in the crew, she hadn't found herself attached to anyone in particular. As of now, she hadn't seen a use for it. In the worst, death was only a temporary setback for her. It could be a day, a week, or a month, but in the end she was crafted for a purpose. She didn't cry when a tool broke, she just fabricated a new one.

Filling into formation with the others, she responded to the officer with a firm "Hai!".
Space outside Kaiyo II

Alastair walked over to the exit of the ship and leaped into the unknown. He did not feel the need to say good bye to anyone. What was the point of saying something that would never come to be. Alastair was confident the crew would come out of this safe and sound. He had not a single doubt in his mind this would be true. The one reason it would be different this time around was because Alastair was here. The enemy best watch themselves, fate has just walked onto the field.

His thrusters burst for a moment then his entire system disengaged. He drifted towards the asteroid that was marked on his HUD. He drifted quickly towards it. His feet made contact first as he rolled. He rolled his body and dug his hands into the ground to halt himself. He finally came to a stop and took a seat. His weapon laid across his lap and he looked out to the stars. He cleared his thoughts wondering what the future might bring. While he was confident all would make it back, he also expected some would not. Either way they best hope he is the one not to live for once he gets his hands on Eve all bets are off what will follow next.
Kaiyo II Armor Bay.

Saya did herself one better, gathering a butt pack, she attached it to one of her hard points, a pair of Type 31-c medic packs inside before gathering uo just a standard Aether rifle. As she heard the call to go outside and take up positions, Saya seemingly charged towards the doors as if full of confidence. Thats why it was odd she stopped.

This was her first combat op. The realization caused her to stutter just at the doors. Sure she had training, and had even done a bit extra while she had been planetside, but Saya realized this was her first real time against an enemy trying to kill her. The poor medic's heart rate spiked for a few moments, her breathing heavier now as her mind raced a mile a minute. Hands clenching and relaxing, Saya fought her own body screaming at her that something was going to go wrong and stepped out into he endless black void...

Outside The Kaiyo II

Saya took position up at where her suit had placed the marker. Her hands shook a little as she set her suit to idle. She had no real friends she kept in touch with anymore, those from the Asamoya either dead or scattered to the wind with little interest in talking with her seemigly. It could said to be the same for the Sakishima and she certainly had no loved ones to message... the thought depressed her more then she liked as she idly went about clutching and relaxing her hands again. She hated this wait, it left her with the terrible thoughts of how she would need to be useful today...

The rest of the briefing was pretty depressing, if they died, there was no coming back in this universe. that made Odo just a tiny bit more nervous. Then the order was given to head out. As everyone filed out, Odo followed suit, he hesitated for a moment at the bay doors, steeling himself for the jump, and then jumped out.

He had forgotten the weird sensation that happens when you go from gravity to non-gravity. It took him a minute to reorient himself, now that there was no up or done. In that time some of the other crew had pulled away and headed for their positions. He used his visor to find his position in the asteroid field, and headed for there.

When he arrived he looked around, pinpointing where the other crew were all hiding, keeping a eye out for the one who gave him some advice earlier. Worst comes to worst, he knew he would at least have someone to head to if everything goes bad. After getting in place, he hunkered down and waited for everything to kick off.
When ordered to get ready to head out, Coconut promptly applied her helmet to her forehead- and of course the rest of the head, because it covered the whole thing. Once it was locked, she gave her loadout a final check, replacing some of the rounds spent earlier, and then got ready to head out- Once everyone began to disembark, she followed suit, finding the point marked in her HUD as to where she needed to be, and finding a suitable asteroid to hide behind. She dodged, ducked, dipped, dived, and dodged through the asteroids and associated debris before making a gentle landing on the relative backside of the best looking piece of real estate she could find in the vicinity of her assigned spot.

"Allrighty. It's time to be very very quiet, and hunt some bad guys.." she said to herself, being careful not to send that to anyone- the communications chatter could potentially give her location away. With her LATR at the ready, the brown themed Neko scanned the area for any enemies they might have to deal with immediately.
YSS Kaiyo-ii
Power Armour Bay

Wyatt hadn't died before, not once during his service and he'd grown kind of close the slab of meat they ST'd him into but just like any other piece of gear he'd used it was ultimately expendable if the need arose. Death was assured, hopefully just the death of the enemy combatants but despite all the confidence he had in his fellow crew members - he knew the chance that a lot of them would wake up with a missing portion of their memory was a very real possibility.

Despite his feelings for the crew as a whole, he hadn't exactly been the most emotionally available nor the easiest person to approach so he doubted his death would be any more impactful than if you heard on the news that two ships crashed mid-ftl, it was a loss of life sure but you didn't really know the victims so felt distanced to the event.

He'd just have to try harder then in the hope that one day he'd finally shed that shell of his, one of the signs this shell was cracking was the fact he gave Odo a thumbs up before preparing to leave the ship. Hell the fact he went out of his way to offer some form of advice was a big step from the man almost starting a fight within moments of meeting the ship's sassy snake.

The marksman shot towards the bay's door in a suit-assisted sprint that transitioned into a rocket-powered jump as he left the ship.


Wyatt powered down any systems he could without causing any detrimental effects to his health and used a minkan's genetic inertial capabilities along with the built-up momentum of the suit to position himself behind the assigned hunk of space rock. His descent had slowed enough to make his landing rather quiet as metal limbs came into contact with the surface, Wyatt grabbed on to a small crevice with one hand and used the other to take the bow off of his shoulder.

It was an odd feeling, being so used to the familiar of hearing a Mindy hum away but the only thing right now was the rasp of his breath as it bounced around his unpowered suit - he sat and waited for the higher ups to order them to fling themselves at the enemy ship.

So just the usual then.
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As Eden finished her orders, he nodded his conformation. The diagnostic completed and he stripped off his clothing and placed it in his locker. He then stepped into the massive armor and it closed around him. Wires snaked up his body and plugged into the ports on his neck. He was used to the sensation of the armor sinking with his mindware. In a matter of moments the armor powered up and became a second skin.

He stepped forward and moved towards the open bay doors. He swallowed hard to combat the rising bubble of fear in his throat as he stepped into the black.

He rocketed away from the ship and up towards the asteroid he needed to hid behind. As he made his way into position, he pressed his back against the massive rock and activated his Mass Mesher Device. The device masked his armor from enemy sensors.

All there was left to do was to wait. He closed his eyes as the radio silence set in. He tried to mediate while he waited for the battle to begin.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Walter can't be any more frank, he was pretty disappointed with the IYS MEGAMI operation. He felt he should have known that the brain was just too damaged to work with or something among those lines. Maybe he was wrapped up in the stupid Kaiyo fever that some of these guys are practically snuggling in? Walter wouldn't know the answer to that, but he would know that he'd like to pound in some faces, break some bones, and chop power armor into oblivion.

He maintained the same loadout, save for giving a pair of his Star Servantines twin Nodachi aether blades, whom are the biggest swords available, and his good old should mounted Type 30 grenade launcher, loaded with a large belt that had a mix of concussion and incindiary grenades. He kept all four pairs of his Stars, his Nodal Fabricator, his NSBs, and his Toolkit.

The quiet technician was ready to forgoe being relatively nonviolent once again. Screw this universe, he thought to himself as he leapt out into space, I'd genuinely prefer anywhere but here right now.