Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Fourteen: Uekiya pt. II

Asteroid Field

As she saw the Kaiyo II drift away from the group, the poor medic began to have second thoughts. What was she doing out here? She wasn't a pilot, she hated violence and bloodshed, she hated combat, she hated all of this! Why was it so dark and empty out here?! It just felt wrong and strange and so wide open and big. For her entire life she had been in the halls of ships or hospitals. She could even feel that overwhelming sense of something just being to big when she stepped out into the open air planet side.

But this....

This was oppresive...

Suddenly the soft groans and moans that echoed down the white halls of the hospitals of Yamatai didn't seem so bad, welcoming almost as the girl fought to keep her rising panic down.

Saya's biggest mistake though was peering around the asteroid. Much like the Mamushi's pilot had stared in horror at the ship, so did Saya. This wasn't something a fighter pilot and a handful of arms could take down, this was something they needed a strike pool for! Her heart rate began to soar as she started to hyperventilate in space, the nod from her fellow medic completely missed. Armored hands dug deeply into the asteroid before her, praying the rock would help to anchor her own fear, and for the first time in her life, she was glad for a catheter...

Then it happened, the attack started and the Mumashi roared to life and took off. She wanted to call out, tried to even, but luckily the fear had shut her throat and caused her to falter. She wanted to tell him to turn around, she wanted to shout out that they should abandon this mission, but nothing came out, just a moan of fear into the stale smell of her helmet.
Outer Space

Coconut remained in place, her breathing almost nonexistant, keeping herself steady and trying not to move, with her suit just barely functional- on purpose, to prevent the Aether signatures from being picked up. Instead, it ran on backup power, just enough to keep her alive and run a few essentials. Despite her state of near stasis, the mottled brown-haired Neko took a sharp breath when the enemy flagship arrived. She'd seen bigger, yes, Hell, the Fifth fleet's flagship was larger by more than double- But she had never faced it, or anything of remotely even the size of the Yuumi as a foe. The largest enemy she had fought against was a Mishhuvurthyar Mecha, and that took a whole fireteam coordinating every move to take down without losses, but five people versus a Mecha was much better odds than this.

"Well, looks like I'm getting what I paid for," Coconut told herself, no communications being sent with the only recipient of the thought being herself. She readied her LATR for battle, ishing she had brought something bigger but figuring that it would work quite nicely once they had boarded an enemy ship- If they managed to live that long, anyway.
YSS Kaiyo II

...And then, she would scoop up that space dust and shoot it...! Again...!

Okay, time to stop her grandstanding and get to work. Checking to make sure Chlorate was in her chair, she reached for the throttle.

"...Show time." she whispered, exhaling a shaky breath. Then, a silent prayer to her crew. "Stay alive, all of you. You're my family, and I love you like family."

She gunned the throttle. The Kaiyo shot above the asteroid belt and in full view of the scouts. Taking aim, she readied the main gun and locked on to the lead scout ship.

"GOOD MORNING, LADIES AND GENTS! WHO'S READY FOR SOME EXERCISE?!" the azure neko cackled and squeezed the trigger. She then ducked the ship back down, like a submarine.

That was it, she'd done it. She'd dropped the match that would set off this powder keg. No turning back now.

The name of the game was simple: Move fast, use the asteroids as cover, and take pot shots at the smaller vessels surrounding the main target.

"Chlobot! Get ready for fighters and enemy armor! I'll handle the big fish!" She commanded urgently to her adorable little weapons operator.
YSS Kaiyō II

"Multiple signatures doing what we've just done, Chusa!" Deio-hei reported. "Stealth Plumeria from our universe are identifying as friendlies and shooting on enemy IYS ships!"

"Good..." Hoshi leaned back in her chair and ensured her connection to SPINE was active while the communications came in.

"You're ready for this, Able-hei," she comm'd in directly to the 'droid. "You have friendly Plumeria, identifiable on your HUD now, at your back. Return to the asteroid field for cover when capable of doing so."

Asteroid Field's Edge

Pumpkin's small but useful force of black Plumeria shimmered with their own aether powered systems and, once out of their own hiding, their pinkish main weapon arrays began barraging the Yuumi-class-like ship as well as surrounding escorts as they adjusted to fire on the Fuji, predominantly. Able's Mamushi would take a scathing hit from anti-mecha point defense despite his intentions to fly-by too close to the battleship to be hit, but it was nothing that the fighter's shields couldn't handle, despite being down to 70% of their maximum.

Eden said nothing, not willing to open the gates of comms chatter, but saw the shields of the IYS Empire had gone down. She set up the destinations on everyone's HUDS for teleportation directly on the hull above the battleship's bridge and allowed the instructions to read out on their HUD:

Teleport to destination marked on your HUD and begin cutting into the hull as a team, in one concentrated place. If you do not have weaponry capable of hull cutting, provide defensive support outside of PD range, staying on the hull of the battleship.

She blinked out of existence near her asteroid and was soon at the coordinated destination on the ship and waited for those with the appropriate weaponry to arrive.
Sacre activated her teleporter soon as she received Eden's message. She appeared next to her and considered the question for a moment. She quickly marked out places for everyone to he with a count down so that they could all start cutting at once.

"If you have a breaching weapon, stand at the marked locations. We will begin cutting when the timer hits Zero." Sacre informed everyone. "At that point, a percentage countdown will begin. When it hits Zero, we are through. For maximum effect, those who are not cutting should be ready to take point the instant it hits zero." Sacre gave her orders clearly to execute on Eden's instructions.
The cacophonous roars of combat had started so suddenly, it had all been somewhat calm and quiet if you could forget the fact the low rumbles were enemy ships in a hostile dimension - but all that had been stripped away and replaced with the retorts of ship-mounted weapons. Wyatt received the orders on his hud and fired up his suit, the air immediately tasted cleaner as the scrubbers kicked in and did their job.

The Minkan activated his teleportation module and blinked out of existence behind the asteroid, reappearing on the top of the ship where they had been ordered to begin cutting if they had the means. He took a moment to hear out sacre's plan and nodded, taking up position to watch the team's back while they did their thing. "Solid copy, Alder-hei providing overwatch" he informed the others, nocking an aether-tipped arrow and watching the team's collective back for any opfors that might harass them.
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Asteroid Field

Yare yare daze. Walter was definitely glad he brought swords this time around, and two of the biggest aether-assisted blades at that. That will definitely double his ability to cut through the hull. He glanced at his Nodachi-weilding pair of Servantines, and gently took both blades into his own hands. With a silent command, all his Stars firmly clasped on his limbs, and he initiated a teleport from behind an asteroid to the flagship.

He warped in at one of the designated spots highlighted by the officer. "Understood. Hyde-hei standing by!" His Stars disengaged, and a pair whipped out those two Nodachi blades, ready to use them at anyone's command. At least Sacre or Eden, of course. Maybe Alastair... Maybe.
YSS Kaiyo
Captain's Suite

Arbles had practically flopped down onto the bed, curling up on her side a bit before falling asleep again, not even bothering to get under the blankets. Her red hair flowed out from behind her, trailing off the side of the furniture like a waterfall. She breathed gently in her rest; clearly she just wasn't good at keeping up with a lot of excitement as she was. One magenta wing had curved forward, covering much of the mother's tiny body like a blanket. Nerai could easily imagine what it would look like if Mochi was here, sleeping with her.


Arete tensed up when she saw the incoming flotilla. Needless to say, it made her very nervous. The way spaceships moved silently - she learned in her physics class at home that sound needs something to travel through, which is why things aren't heard in vacuums - didn't really help, either; That was just... eerie. Even more so when the ships are looking for someone. Hunting for someone. That's probably why movies added sound effects.

Eden's instructions flashed on the angel's screen, and she nodded. Finally, something to do other than sit around!, she thought to herself as her teleporter charged, the hum reverberating through her suit. With a slight flash, she was on the battleship's hull - and kneeling down on it. Her shoulder-mounted cannons gleamed menacingly 'upwards' as the super-foreigner scanned the relative horizon for any incoming armors. If they wanted to get close, they'd need to make it through a special hell she could whip up.

...If only she still had her control over gravity. Throwing piles of asteroids around sounded like a fun idea.

Odo keyed in the coordinates to his teleporter, and in a instant was a them. He moved to one of the spots marked for cutting, and reached into his butt pack and pulled out a T-F1 “Dragonsbreath” from among his stored engineering tools. It would hopefully cut through this hull.

"Goda-Hei, ready." He said as he primed the weapon and stood by his mark,
Asteroid Field

Saya let out a clipped scream of fear into her quiet helmet as she realized everything was starting. As the others began to move as directed and teleported where they needed to be, Saya unfortunately was frozen in place.

"Move! They need our help!"

"I can't do this!"

"If you don't hurry we are going to get in trouble!"

"I can't do this!"

"We will never get back on a ship if you get us kicked off! It'll be hospitals forever!"

"I can't do this!"


The last shout seemingly kicked her out of her funk, forcing her to move albeit a little late. She winked out of existence, reappaering on the hull of the ship with her aether saber rifle alight and before anyone could say anything to her, the blade was plunged into the hull and cutting. Inside the suit her eyes werr shut tight after getting one peek to see where she was cutting and her suit seemed to heavy a bit with her heave breathing.
Asteroid Field / Space

Once the fleet of friendly ships emerged to attract fire, Kaori pressed away from the rock she was stationed by. On Edens command, she was gone in a blink. Appearing with the others above the Yuumi's monstrous hull, she kicked off the surface to position herself a safe distance away from the breaching squad. While she did have aether blades equipped, but they were only large enough to puncture power armor, not hulls. Instead, she took up a defensive position nearby Eden, raising her SMG to track any incoming fighters.

YSS Kaiyo II

Anastasia kept tabs of the now-online systems and communications that were part of their sleight of hand, monitoring them for damage and keeping them from drawing too much power away from weapons and shields. She looked up at Hoshi and Gravity. "All systems are go."

Suddenly, everything happened. Coconut barely had time to try to think of what they might do in this situation, when suddenly the situation changed entirely. Bright lights began exchanging from one side of the space around her to the other, with all sorts of battle happening suddenly, silently, all around. She stayed put, taking it all in, when suddenly, she received a message- and as soon as the message processed, she powered up her suit, charged the teleporter, and pushed off from the asteroid, before popping out of existence and then reappearing at her designated spot, floating just above the hell of the enemy flagship. Lacking anything to cut through the hull, the Neko gave the cutting team a bit of distance and raised her rifle, ready to fire on anything that came within her sphere of influence. It was game time. Her usual jokes, quips, and remarks were nowhere to be found, and she was now on high alert, zoned in completely to the unfolding battle.
YSS Kaiyo II

Chlorate was still in the Safety and Systems seat, having not been told to move back to the weapons operator seat yet. "Affirmative-" Chlorate said, then realizing she'd said that word too much even though she was most used to saying affirmative or negative in response to a request or a question. There wasn't a lot she could replace it with. She was about to interject that she did not see any large fish here, but then she realized that Gravity was talking about ships. She identified the enemy fighters flocking from the- That ship?! THAT's what they were fighting?! That was not at all what she was expecting- here the gynoid thought they might be attacking another Fuji class, but this was a giant battleship! But how- nevermind that! Gravity said she would handle the big ships, and considering that was the biggest ship here was that battleship, it was likely she would handle that too! All the robot had to do was destroy the fighters and the power armor... While she didn't see any of their power armor yet, she did see the fighters, and in an instant locked on and fired upon them with extreme precision.

The giant ship that approached was absolutely, purely, nothing short of intimidating for Kiki. A look that was a combination of awe and horror came across the calamaritoo's face- It was such an impressive marvel of a ship, and yet it was facing them. Then the instructions came in. Teleport directly onto the big deadly battleship. But could she do that? Would that battleship be able to simply wipe them out as soon as its crew knew they were on the hull? She had to fight against her own very smart if I might add brain telling her that she was going to die if she did this. She resisted the urge to keep herself from teleporting and with a blink of an eye she was at the hull of the menacing Yuumi. There was no going back now, oh she definitely just went beyond the point of no return, either she was going to complete the mission or she would die. Hopefully, if she did die, no one would mistake her for some kind of mishhu in power armor because of her dorsal attachment. The mindy-clad-parrot looked up and saw the locations Sacre had designated. Kikios readied her Aether Beam Saber Rifle as she headed to one of the marked locations and waited for Sacre's timer to hit 0 so she could start cutting open the hull.

The message was clear, the drumming of his own heart beat kept his discomfort and fears in check, that feint sensory illusion of the smell of smoke and weapons discharge brought him back to an old battle field mentally. Ragnar teleported without question and moved close to the team.

He knew he couldn’t cut with his equipment but wanted to be close. On the one hand he’d be able to bug in almost immediately and just like the last op; you’re a better shield up close than drifting away. He kept a sharp eye on the readings of the other team members while swaying the smg back and forth, the shoulder mounted scalar was already set to sweep and track.

Everyone was on edge, sure, but a few stuck out here and there. It’s not all bandages and meds, he reminded himself. Keeping a sharp eye on the surroundings and his head on a swivel; Ragnar adopted a spread leg power pose to make himself as broad as possible to cover as many as he could on the cutting team. He reached back with his free hand and placed it on another medic’s shoulder, Saya.

“It’s all gonna be ok, little buddy. I’ve got eyes on ya.” He sent the message telepathically. A warm and out of place wave of calm as well with it. A trick that sometimes worked back at crisis response. He figured she could use the reminder and the barrage of fire had surely given away the ambush in case anyone did catch the message.

The tugging sensation of a teleport came over Kyoi as the Mindy blinked forwards in space, onto the enemy hull. Now, came the part where she chose which job she did.

Breach, of course! If the group got in faster, they could disable key systems faster. The Yuumi was one hell of a threat, and it needed to die yesterday.

Hasty. Again. The team must be defended well because if an overwhelming force attacks the group, no breaching is happening. The group must be protected. But the ship is cover as well. But there is no data on what's waiting on the interior, so it will not be instantaneous cover. Argh, get something done.

Wait, there is a solution...a very odd one at that.

"Walter. Take my saber-rifle. Use it with your hand drones and automate breaching." Kyoi stated, detaching the rifle for the engineer to take. "I will be defending."

She drew her sniper rifle, and took point near the breach point.
Asteroid Field / Space

William's eyes opened as the the exhaust from the IYS ships illuminated the asteroids. He remained absolutely still as explosions erupted all around the IYS vessels. Finally when he received Eden's command, he fired his thrusters and launched himself down towards the target vessel.

He zipped through enemy fire slipping in between blasts if energy as he accelerated to the rendezvous. His armor looked almost graceful as it danced through the field.

He landed down on the ship hard and drew his lance. The fusion lance began glowing quickly at both ends. "Make way." He said as he moved to the hull. He stabbed his lance down into the vessel and began to drag it towards where the others were cutting to form an entry point. He grunted with effort as his armor forced the lance inch by inch into the enemy ship.
Outer Space
Reinforcements... Thank whatever deity may have existed in this hypothetical scenario. They had reinforcements. As soon as Able was given this information, he had already been hit by one of the defending turrets, clipping his wing and taking his shields down quite a bit. The hit was enough to shake Able in his seat, his fighter circling out of control for a bit before the Douryo managed to take back control and fly full-throttle towards the denser patches of the asteroid field for cover, near some of the friendly ships.

As he slowed down amidst the cover of the asteroids, he couldn't help but realize what had just transpired. He momentarily worried for his own safety... This little bluff in programming would need to be sorted out in the near future. Perhaps an engineer aboard the ship could crack into that head of his and rearrange some stuff. His human side was gaining a little too much influence. "Able-Hei, awaiting orders, Chusa. My ship has taken a minor hit and shield status is now at 70%, but I am well." He said over comms, voice noticeably shaky. "Our away team is vulnerable in their current position for enemy infantry and fighters. Do sensors indicate either such threat?" He asked idly, looking from his cockpit towards where the power armors were beginning to teleport in and start breaking into the hull of the ship.
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Space/Flagship Hull

Although Walter did silently oblige Kyoi's plan by taking her weapon, he was hiding this certain cluelessness that formed. Aren't they supposed to wait for the timer-

Then he picked up that William is not adhering to the countdown as that Nepleslian started digging into the hull of the immense starship! At this point, Walter suspected that William just gave away the surprise factor they had, so what does the technician do now? He released his NSBs, and using them in conjunction with three of his Stars holding Aether blades, began cutting out holes at the breach point swiftly.

"Yare yare daze," Walter mumbled. "Follow the count down, she said... Yeah like we ever needed to time a damn ambush, anyway."
Space/Flagship Hull

In a blink of an eye Alastair flashed into existence on the hull next to the rest of the crew. He wasted no time to thrust the beam saber deep into the hull of the ship. His drones detected from his back and started to circle his Mindy cutting a slightly bigger hole into the hull. The drones make sure not to clip into other crew who were also trying to hack into the ship.

He looked out over the crew who had already arrived. "Time to rock and roll, we got ourselves a date with a royal pain in the ass." He said with a smirk as his sword flared. He was pouring high levels of energy into his weapon to cut even harder.
Space/Flagship Hull

The plan seemed solid thus far. Distraction and cut into the hull of the ship. But he couldn't help but think the rather large amount of energy needed to teleport was not detected by the ships sensors. But he had to maintain radio silence, she he was the most silent there was. So silent, most of the away team likely forgot he was even there.

So while he maintained that status, he looked around providing possible covering fire if his hunch was correct or not