Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Thirteen: Miyabi

Alastair looked at the list and then back at Hoshi. It would seem he was going to be a bridge bunny this mission. He figured this was part of his training as he had already led two successful ground missions in another world. He thought back on those missions and the improvements he could work on to better serve the crew.

It felt good being back in his home universe. By his return his inbox was filled with letters from the different family members asking how things had been. Though he found it odd that Miko had not messaged him even once. Maybe he is too busy saving the world. Then again he had been gone long enough that maybe he was busy playing Dad. Either way he figured he would meet up with him soon enough.

"Looking forward to being of service on the bridge of the ship. Anyone need something feel free to ask before or during the mission. I will do my part to support our success." He said in a firm yet soft voice.
Gemini Star Fortress

An odd-looking woman was standing in the Fuji-class's hangar, looking just a touch tired. Some of the crew recognized her rather easily - this was Arbitrated Iemochi, clad in a uniform no doubt custom-made to fit over her pregnancy-swollen belly. She was holding her husband's hand warmly, their height difference still hilariously, adorably apparent. She didn't say much so far, but after her datapad buzzed gently with Hoshi's message, the little one probed; "Chusa, is there a particular position you would like me in for this operation? I may be a bit, ah... 'Out of it'."

It's been what... Three or four months now? Something like that? Maybe even five...

On the relative other side of the group was Arete Surinus - a certain soldier who had joined the Army via their established base in Ayenee. While there she was something called a Sage - some sort of pseudorace that had control over matter or energy - she seems to have left that behind when she joined the Kaiyo II's crew on their return trip to Yamatai proper. She seemed rather comfortable despite that, though a bit more clumsy - she tripped over her own feet somewhat often still, for reasons unapparent.

She poked Walter gently, saying, "You be careful out there, mkay?" A laugh gently flew from her lips after that little speech.
YSS Kaiyō II

So, Care would be working under Eden this mission, and she wasn't entirely sure how she felt about it. Though the two had previously had a heartfelt connection on a night where they wandered from sleep, little had truly followed it. A solitary moment, one that didn't repeat, and one she felt quite poorly about. Why didn't she follow it up, why didn't she pursue anything that was born of it? She knew the answer, as humiliating as it was, as much as she wished to support Eden, she was too selfish to admit her own faults any further. It was a burning rock in her gut that felt as if it slowly sank deeper, ever slowly burning through all it touched as it melted towards her core. She had made a mistake that night, she should have simply been there for Eden rather than pushed her problems as well, perhaps then she wouldn't have pretended that such a night didn't exist.

But time could heal such a fault, couldn't it? It's not as if either of them were running short on time, being under Yamatai basically guaranteed the option of immortality, assuming one believed that their soul transfer technology truly worked as intended. She tried to ignore thinking about it as much as possible, though she was 'backed up' she intended to never have to use it, after all she did not age, and maintenance could keep her running indefinitely.

She moved to group up with those she was selected with, six others, seven including her. Did she know them all that well? Absolutely not, at best she knew Eden and Mark beyond names. Again, another fault, too many of those, far too many. Months and she had neglected to know more than a handful of people further than name, she had no one to blame so the only direction she could put forth the toxic blame was on herself. She could rectify it, of course, she just needed time. She had so much of it, why did it feel like it kept slipping through her fingers?

"Alright everyone!" Her cheery voice projected no negative emotion, the normal buzz of he artificial drone staying throughout her words. She would beckon and call over those who were in the group. "Is everyone prepared and ready? Let's make sure we're ready to act upon orders at a moments notice." The words felt unnatural but they didn't sound it, they sounded as legitimate as everything else she said. Get them ready, like a mechanism ready to launch, only waiting for a single spring. She couldn't falter, not here. What was she trying to prove? And who was she trying to prove it to?

She wanted to prove she could do the work. She didn't care about promotions, she couldn't care less about her rank, none of that mattered, all that mattered was she proved it to herself, out of pure spite for her own self image.
Gemini Star Fortress
YSS Kaiyō II

"I want you to learn from this scientist you will be working under. He is able to combine leadership with his doctorate in bio-engineering very well," Eden said slowly and under her breath to Sacre when she approached herself and the captain. "He's an excellent mentor but will also have a shadow, our new scientist. So be prepared to work on your own as well as have William and Leeta work under you if necessitated. You have an aptitu—" she was cut off by seeing her team get rounded up by Care. "You're going to do great," Eden said and touched Sacre on the shoulders with both hands. "I'm going to go suit up, but if I were you, I would search for Mochi, er... Seinosuke-juni."
Gemini Star Fortress
YSS Kaiyo II

"Wha?" Walter's mood falters, his eyes going wider when Arete poked him. The Minkan looked away from the captain, his attention all on the four foot tall angel, Arete. Red blushes goes great with orange eyes, who knew?

"Y-yare yare... Come on Arete, I'll be fine! It's not like I was absolutely terrible on my first two missions." Walter nudged back at Arete as he chuckled. "Okay, I promise I won't use so many grenades like last mission."

The Minkan began walking backwards as the crowd dispersed, towards the general direction of the PA Bay, his happy face still towards the angel. "And you better watch your step, Arete! Keep tripping like that and you might need stilts!"

The angel is one of the few people on the Kaiyo II who could always make him feel better about being who he is, rather than what he was forced to be. He wondered just what she felt around him, though?

The happy Hyde waved at Arete, and he made his to his station with a smile on his face.
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Sacre scanned the room for the rest of her team. She did not know Dokusei Kaori personally. She guessed that Kaori was one of the new Nekos who she didn't know by sight yet. However, she knew the rest of them. Aoi was a Neko who had been on the ship longer then Sacre had. William was a close friend. While she had not interacted with the Elysian much during the short time they had been on the Kaiyo together, she knew him well enough to recognize him once she knew who she was looking for.

She found him easily enough, as she stood head and shoulders above the rest of the crowd. As she approached she noticed the short form of his wife standing next to him. Sacre guessed that there was a possibility that she would need to help deliver the child. She made a mental note to look up how Elysians gave birth. "I'm Sacre, it looks like we will be working together." She said to introduce herself.
Gemini Star Fortress
YSS Kaiyo II

Riku smiled as his name was called, happy to be placed on Teien Eden-shosa's ground team. He wasn't sure how anyone could stand sitting on a ship rather than being boots on the ground. Everyone has their preference of job though. His eyes scanned the crowd around him, trying to see if he could recognize anyone from his team besides Teien Eden, but he was still learning names and faces.

The Minkan followed some of the crew out of the briefing room, making his way to the Power armor Bay to don his power armor and prepare for the mission.
Gemeni Star Fortress
YSS Kaiyo II

Gravity didn't speak to anyone as she dragged herself to the bridge. Focus. Focus! It was game time! Gotta focus! Gotta be on point! Can't make a mistake! Mistakes equal death for both her and the souls she'd been charged with shepherding through the void.

Gravity readjusted her hat and slumped into her chair. The routine was soothing in a way, dulled the emptiness, as her fingers deftly went through the pre-flight checks she'd done thousands of times before. Here she was, back from another universe and nearly a year old since coming out of the birthing tube. She'd done so much in so short a time- Explored ruins, survived ship battles, traveled universes, tamed dragons, been eaten by a slime monster, and even tasted her first taste of love for another living creature. She knew she could beat this depressing feeling. It never seemed to go away, but she would do what she always did- punch, claw and kick until she'd beat it into submission.

She thought back to the silver-tipped spear in her room, purchased in a secluded mountain village of beastmasters, all of them being paired with a dragon. That place had been like heaven on Ayenee. She would be damned if she was never going back there!
Gemini Star Fortress
YSS Kaiyō II

William nodded when he was given his assignment. He stood and looked back towards Sacre as she spoke to Eden. When she returned, he nodded to Sacre. "See you on the flight line." He said softly to the other members of his team, giving Sacre a quick smile before turned and walked out the room.

As he entered the PA bay, he mentally opened his black and red Air 2 lancer while he stripped out of his clothes. He placed them in the adjacent locker and stepped into the armor, letting the suit close around him. He waited a fraction of a second before several cords snaked their way over his body and plugged into the ports on his temple and on the base of his neck. The HUD flashed to life in his augmented eye just before displayed on the main view screen. He flexed his fingers slowly testing the neural connection before disconnecting from the locks holding his armor in place.

William stepped forward and checked to make sure his swords were in their sheathes. "This is William, ready." He said over his squad comm.
Power Armor Bay

Hanna felt a familiar adrenaline rush wash away her anxiety when the black-haired XO called the briefing and let everyone go to their stations. The cyan-haired Neko walked through the crowd to report to the second-in-command for her designated team, Traumapatcher-Heisho. The Shosa seemed to be otherwise occupied for now, so Hanna decided that she would wait until she was suited up to report to her.

Hanna scanned the crowd until she spotted the distinctively robotic form of her CO. She was a vaguely familiar face from the last time she was stationed on the Kaiyō, but Hanna did not truly know the woman. Regardless, this was the first Freespacer that she had seen in a Star Army uniform. In truth, Hanna did not know what to think of her, but she was certainly a unique presence. If anything, she seemed to be getting along well, if her rank and somewhat cheery tone of voice were of any indication.

“Affirmative, Traumapatcher-Heisho.” Hanna responded, her voice taking on its lowest natural pitch as she spoke. “Ready to move on your command.”

When the Freespacer dismissed the group, Hanna floated quickly towards the power armor bay. With no time to stow her bags in her room, the green-eyed Neko mounted and tied them to the framework of her power armor rack. With her old armor having been quite thoroughly destroyed during her last death, the Mindy mounted on the framework was a newly created one, specifically scanned for her physical proportions.

With an efficiency and silence that contrasted with the frantic activity within the power armor bay, Hanna stripped out of her bodysuit and began to lock her weapons onto the hardpoints of her armor. Two scalar pulse grenades and two wakizashis went onto her waist hardpoints, followed by an extra capacitor on her left shoulder hardpoint, a weapon storage mount on her dorsal and right shoulder hardpoints, and a set of countermeasure pods on her legs. In a complete state of undress, Hanna floated into the hemosynthetic interior of the Mindy, which was initially cold to the touch, but gradually warmed up as her skin made contact with the soft and fleshy material. When her limbs were comfortably inside of the armor, the chest and shoulder plates closed over her body and Hanna lowered the helmet onto her head. Finally, when her form was completely sealed within the suit, the restraints released her limbs from the framework.

As she initialized her SPINE connection, Hanna locked an Aether/Scalar SMG and a plasma revolver onto her weapon storage hardpoints, before picking up her primary weapon: a Light Armor Tactical Rifle.

Now, all there was to do was wait.
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Power Armor Bay

Perfect. A very good group to get knowing, four of them having been through what must have been quite the fantasy adventure in the parallel universe. And not so perfect, as Kyoi knew there were some system glitches as two "Arete Sunrius" and two "Walter Hyde" under the same entry appeared. Which was promptly sorted by a very deranged-looking IT Neko with a liter-sized coffee thermos. That was a fun sight in the SAINT training base.

It was also a perfect group to get back in on the action, as Mitsuko and Orion were both the long-time veterans of the Kaiyo, having...accumulated many ranks on her. Although the pilot seat was not one to obtain ranks in, was it. So she mused as she equipped her loadout, balanced after many mental calculations and statistics -- like she needed them ever -- and got ready. She tested the weight of the tactical rifle she held in her hands. Out of armor this would have been quite the burden, even for her enhanced body, but in a suit of armor, it was a very comfortable weight, with quite a nice zoom and an even better targeting system. She wasn't too sure on how good of a shot she was personally, but at least she could be a more aggressive sniper if need came.

She decided to test around the armor itself, turning her arm a few times and giving it a few steps around. "SPINE link holding. What's the newest game plan we run here?" she asked her squad. "Anything new, or just 'scout it and if there's anyone that shows up as red we hit them' as always?"

That seemed to be the statistical -- okay, she really needed to stop overthinking everything. This was a scouting mission so far, not some crazy infiltration mission that required months of planning and then a perfect 'stars have aligned' moment to execute. Stop. Kyoi, calm. Stop. Don't make the mistake Akiko did here. She overthought everything. You will not screw up the face of SAINT for this ship a third time over.

And stop that thought too. Be yourself. It's fine. Everything is fine. You don't need to calculate everything, you just need to get it done.
Mark gave a nod he knew his commander and captain couldn't see but sent off a short neural message before heading to the armor bay himself.

[Hai Shosa. I'm ready to get back to work.]

Mark made his way over to his docked armor, noticing a Neko who looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where. No mind, now was the time to gear up. Setting the coat aside to reveal his inhuman arm as he removed his duty jacket and shirt, he began attaching his load out in a quick and efficient manner. Putting a mini missile pod on his left shoulder, a 20mm Gauss autocannon on the right. Next was a drone launcher on the back, and both legs. The he dropped the rest of his clothes and slid in. The interior of the armor where he would be unseen under armor plates brought comfort. Synching his Geist, he triggered the armor to close and seal with a hiss. He unlocked the armor from the rig and did a couple warm up movements. Getting his synch checks out of the way, he attached his custom plasma katana to his left hip and four frags to his right, and a butt pack.

"Ah, feels good again to be in my own extra layer of skin.", He said softly to himself.

His old armor had be heavily damaged in the incident on the dimensional jump home. It now looked as new as the day he first donned it. Quickly he slipped the eyepatch off and stowed it in his butt pack, then put on his helmet, his HUDs overlapping. The rest of the readouts popped into place green as final booting completed. He picked up his LATR rifle, switched it between modes, checked the action, and finally checked that the magazine was seated properly. Everything was mission green.

"Nito-Hei Oaklen, combat ready and awaiting orders. I'm green for mission start Shosa.", Mark notified over the squad channel. Now he waited for his next order.
Mitsuko remained standing near Eden and Hoshi as the teams were assigned and people began scrambling about. The faint smile had faded away, replaced with a stern expression, mouth a thin line. She had several problems with the ship's current selection of crew members, but that could wait until they were in private. Thankfully the Shosa already wanted to speak with her, so they could discuss her issues soon enough. Not that she really expected either of the commanders to change their minds.

Kiseki-Hei, Strong-Hei, Hyde-Hei, Jones-Hei, Belmont-Hei
  • Ensure all personal belongings have been properly stowed in your assigned cabins.
  • Report to the Power Armor Bay and perform all standard pre-sortie tests and maintenance of your assigned armor.
  • Non-standard armor or accessories will not be allowed without an Officer's approval.
  • Be prepared to deploy within five (5) minutes of arrival at the destination.
  • You may engage in personal activities within the Power Armor Bay once your preparations have been completed.
Furthermore, Kiseki-Hei, please ensure one Kuma and one Raccoon shuttle are each prepped for deployment.
Provide any suggestions on preferred method of transport when I arrive in the Power Armor Bay.
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YSS Kaiyo II
Powerarmor Bay

Riku Tanaka entered the power armor bay, stepping up to the lockers and stripping. He replaced his uniform with a skin-tight bodysuit, neatly folding his uniform and placing it into the locker. He laid the belt on top and all his other items such as datajockey.

In a black skin-tight bodysuit, Riku attaches his 50mm Gausse Cannon onto his right shoulder, the missile pod on his left, barrier shield module in the dorsal hard point, and then his forearm weapons. Once everything was attached he floated into the suit using his Minkan “powers”, slightly adjusting until he got a semi-comfortable fit. All the necessary systems were connected, and soon his suit sealed. His HUD lit up, showing the bay in front of him. He had never liked the power armor, but usually found himself tolerating the armor after a few minutes of wear. His systems calibrated, simulations running to ensure all programs would work properly. Once the system was done, he opened his com link to his team. “Santo-Hei Riku Tanaka reporting ready to rock and roll.” He said, grabbing his hand-held weapon from the rack.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Having gathered the group she was with and directing them to the Power Armor Bay in a quick fashion, she joined them in suiting up in the supplied gear. Naturally Care chose a MINDY, though its attachments were fairly streamlined, lacking the heavy firepower of others and instead simply holding a weapon, the Ke-W1-1A Light Armor Tactical Rifle. While the built in weapons on the MINDY were strong on their own, after the last mission and the unfortunate circumstances she found herself in, she decided that it was better to have some form of weapon with her, given the circumstances. However she decided against having it built into the MINDY, purely so it would take up less space, and thus be harder to hit, she still fully intended to avoid direct lines of fire in exchange for being support.

She quickly donned the suit and calibrated herself to function well with it, allowing her processes to deaden her facial expressions and give a slight more focus to the motion of the suit. With the suit she was connected to the others in a way she typically wasn't. She had debated on also installing a Ke-M2-D3000 Forearm Ellipsoid Shield into her suit, but had decided against seeking one out, as the information she had gave no indication that the device collapsed in any way, meaning when it wasn't being used to block damage, it would simply be taking up space. While she often felt the need to give small adjustments to her MINDY, perhaps give it a bit more personalization (within guidelines of course), she had just lost her last one (more accurately it had been ripped asunder while she wore it), and decided it would be better to wait until the conclusion of this mission.

"This is Nitô Heisho Care to Team Teien Eden-shosa, form up as a group once more when you are suited, if we still have time look over each other and make sure that everyone is properly prepared. Be ready for further directives from Eden." Care was hardly an authority figure in any sense, simply having some degree of it by being a NCO. She felt like she might be stepping out of line, but then again, no one else was taking a lead yet.
Gemini Star Fortress
YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi stepped away from the crowd, putting a hand on Iemochi's shoulder before she made her way into the ship, saying, "I want all findings on my desk at 0800 hours tomorrow in the form of a detailed report. Samples and collections are to be bagged and there, as well." In a low voice, she said, "I don't want anything getting into the hands of anyone but me or this fleet's Shôshô. That is a direct order." She looked up at him to register his understanding.

Eden started to hear her team check in on comms and broadcast telepathically, "Find suitable team names amongst yourselves. The theme is: sea monsters." To Mitsuko, she said telepathically while putting her golden eyes on the logistics Nekovalkryja's own shaded ones, "You weren't privvy to any discussions about a farming colonist that was rescued by the 1XF Shôshô, were you, Juni?" Her question was pointed and, yet, too vague to answer if Mitsuko knew nothing.
Mark formed up with the rest of the squad as ordered.

"So,....I know most of everyone, though I noticed some new faces. I guess I'll have to make time to get to know them. I'm ready when you are guys, how about Kraken for our team name?", He said still trying to fight his slight anxiety, but wanting be social.
Gemini Star Fortress
Iemochi Seinosuke squeezed his wife's hand excitedly as they came across the ship they had left all that time ago for Elysia. She was a sight to behold, the prospects of who and what awaited them exhilarating. Their time away had put a lot of things in perspective but the message they were sent was nothing they could refuse and, if Mochi was honest, he'd been waiting for something exciting to come along.

His cheek was still covered with a very slim bandage from the rather eventful night at the Iemochi household not too long ago, a thought that passed through his mind as the emerald-eyed man gazed at Arbles. Ironically, this ship was the place he had most felt safe in his entire life. It was good to be back.

Very aware of her adorable condition, like the dutiful husband he was, Seino leaned down a little and pecked Arbs on the cheek. "Come on, let's get you settled." The raven-winged Elysian grinned pleasantly, carefully helping the smol up the ramp into the gleaming hull of the Kaiyo II.

YSS Kaiyo
More than a little pre-occupied with the sights and sensation of being back at the place he had met the light of his life, Mochi nearly missed the conversation happening further into the armor bay, only snapping back to things at Hoshi's touch. He almost jumped, having processed only what he needed, he listened carefully to the blue woman's request. It reminded him of his SOFT days, where Eden often asked things such as this.

"Hai." He smiled, resisting the urge to wink and instead placed a hand on her back in a friendly manner. "It's good to be back, Hoshi." With that, he gently rubbed the back of Arbl's hand, "I've got to run, honey. If you need anything just shout, okay?" The fire-winged Juni bent down a little, offering a tight and compassionate hug before disappearing off into the center of the Power Armor Bay.

Power Armor Bay
"Kaori, Ven Sanssinia, William and Leeta." He spoke up all of a sudden, crossing his arms loosely, triple blue-striped cuffs flapping as he glanced about for his own Mindy. It'd be a interesting sight after so long - "You're with me. I suggest Team Hydra, suggestions are welcome. Let's get suited and booted, get the ammo check and deployment order ready." A silly grin crossed his face, he'd missed this so much.
Power Armor Bay

Sacre slid into her Mindy. "Ven is my middle name. If you want to call me by my last name, Sassinia will do." She said coolly over a private link to Iemochi. "Perhaps Team Tiamat? Sea Goddess of Creation and Chaos. With this team we will create chaos without any help from the enemy." Sacre suggested with a slightly acerbic tone as she checked through her weapons and equipment.